Greed in women: why does it appear, how to recognize it, and how to fight it?

To a certain extent, greed is inherent in all people, because this character trait forms an adequate worldview and perception of the world.
However, if we are talking about a woman, then the psychological insatiability of an individual is fraught with serious consequences, both for its carrier and the people around her. In addition, women are considered greedier than men.

What is female greed?

Greed is an insatiable desire for :

  1. profit;
  2. material things and benefits;
  3. benefits (often in favor of the interests of others).

A person in such a state experiences constant dissatisfaction with life and therefore looks for all possible ways to satisfy his needs, shifting life’s emphasis (and complaints!) to family and friends.

Such purposeful activity is constantly reinforced by the desire to have more than what is now, from the hundredth dress in the closet to the diamonds in the jewelry box.


Such a character trait as greed can manifest itself in both men and women. At its core, it represents an uncontrollable desire to become the owner of material wealth. A man or woman shows stinginess, greed, aggression - all these qualities feed greed and allow it to take root.

The tendency to accumulate material wealth prevents an objective assessment of what is happening: for a person, his responses (like hoarding) are natural and do not cause concern.

Over time, greed acquires explanations—justifications—for why excessive accumulation is a good quality. Those around you who do not hold this opinion face strong aggression from a greedy person.


The greed of the fair sex and their insatiable desire for hoarding manifests itself in a variety of spheres of life - from domestic to professional. There are several types of greed.


Material greed is one of the most psychologically complex categories of vice, which in most cases is destructive and irreversible. A money greedy person can be of two types - economical and “spendthrift”, and in both cases the lady does not realize that she is going too far.


  • is constantly dissatisfied with her life partner, in particular, with the level of his salary;
  • always nagging children for extravagance in pocket expenses;
  • carefully plans the family budget;
  • down to the penny, constantly insisting that money should be treated with respect.

Another version of a greedy woman is a spender, the complete opposite of the previous one. Its main message is to buy, buy and buy goods and services again, ideally with someone else’s money. This is again expressed in inflated demands on the spouse, who is obliged to earn like an oligarch.


It consists of an exorbitant accumulation and absorption of information flows , often unnecessary and of no practical use.

Such a woman constantly searches for news reports on the Internet, leafs through newspapers, magazines and buys new books on finance - to such an extent that this leads to irritability and migraines due to the reluctance to share the knowledge she has acquired.


A young lady who has a psychological imbalance is overly interested in various practices aimed at increasing the flow of energy. This can manifest itself through addiction to doping and various kinds of stimulants.

Here, just as in the first case, two manifestations are possible - hoarders and economists . The latter always feel sorry for wasting their energy, even if it is needed to complete important tasks, so such people are often irresponsible or take life’s tasks carelessly.

How it manifests itself in behavior

A woman is significantly different from a man in many aspects. This statement is indisputable. These differences are laid down by nature and evolution; they are expressed in the characteristics of the psyche, thinking and perception of the surrounding world. All character traits are also perceived and manifested in a unique way in the female body. Women's greed is no exception.

Features of the manifestation of female greed are associated with her emotionality.

  1. Nervous breakdowns, hysteria.
  2. Aggression.
  3. Depression.
  4. Focus on material well-being.
  5. Selfish attitude towards others, even close ones (young man, husband, parents, relatives).
  6. Lack of sincere, strong attachments.
  7. Hypocrisy and deceit.
  8. A senseless, harmful desire to accumulate.

Along with greed, selfishness has a negative impact on relationships and family life. Character traits often reinforce each other. The manifestation of female egoism in relationships has typical forms.

  1. All areas of life together are arranged based on the interests of the woman.
  2. The real interests of the man are not taken into account. Through manipulation and intrigue, male interests are replaced by female values.
  3. To achieve the goal of dominance, a woman begins to diligently arrange her life, and then reproach her partner with ingratitude at every opportunity. In this way, a woman forms a feeling of guilt, through which she achieves her goals.
  4. A woman constantly overestimates her demands on her partner.

Differences from male stinginess

According to statistics, stinginess among representatives of the fair sex is most often motivated by fear of poverty, while men simply strive for power. Showing irrepressible greed, guys assert themselves, and women hide behind family values ​​- children, household chores and special marital merits.

A greedy woman is always dissatisfied with life - children and husband, work and rest. She does not thank others and criticizes those around her (both mentally and out loud). Such a lady is like a black hole that can never be satisfied.

Pity and priorities

A greedy woman is very sensitive to finances. She resembles a dragon who hides gold bars in a cave.

Photo: Pixabay

At the same time, she complains that she has a deficit or lack of finances. Firstly, she puts pressure on pity, and secondly, she tries to isolate herself from sources that can take away funds.

Signs and manifestations

A stingy lady can be recognized by the following signs :

  1. A craving for constant complaints about life, lack of finances and the high cost of anything (goods and services).

    This manifests itself through constant hints to others about how hard it is to live and “could use some financial help.”

  2. Constant debts and loans. A woman is so fixated on material goods that her desires do not coincide with her possibilities, so she is forced to make purchases in installments or debt.
  3. The desire to visit and at the same time the reluctance to receive guests at home. It’s a pity for a greedy person to spend money on food even for herself, not to mention others. She will never refuse to relax or have fun at someone else’s expense, and will also gladly confirm payment for purchases with someone else’s card.
  4. Inability to part with old things. Feminine “Plyushkin” keeps her great-grandmother’s clothes and paid electricity bills, which are no longer relevant.
  5. Minimum number of girlfriends and acquaintances. A miser is not ready to waste money, even if it concerns physical and spiritual strength, and not material investments. She is difficult to communicate with and to get up to speed; she does not know how to truly make friends, giving warmth and human support. First of all, because he believes that the mutual exchange of emotions will not bring proper satisfaction.
  6. Stinginess from the point of view of sensuality and emotionality. The miser girl has a hidden nature, slammed inside her spiritual shell with seven locks. She rarely develops close family connections, shows a minimum of sincerity in her interactions with people around her, and is afraid to show her true essence.
  7. Commercialism in choosing a soul mate. Such people do not need true love; it is much more important to find a wealthy life partner in order to love his money, social status, and career success.

From the point of view of human behavior, greed often manifests itself in the form of aggression towards people and the world, a tendency to hysteria and nervous breakdowns, and depressive states. People in this position direct all aspects of life into material channels and often forget about loved ones, show deceit and hypocrisy, and also demonstrate senseless hoarding, which is noticed even by people they barely know.

In terms of family relationships, a stingy woman ignores other people’s needs, reproaches her partner, creating a chronic feeling of guilt, and makes excessive demands on all relatives, regardless of their gender, age or achievements.

When should manifestations not be considered greed?

It is important to understand and distinguish true stinginess from frugality. From time immemorial, women have been considered the custodians of the home - the wealth, prosperity and comfort of the family depend on their efforts.

Therefore, if a representative of the fairer sex carefully plans and takes into account her expenses, but at the same time spends money with pleasure and does not refuse necessary goods and services, she cannot be called a miser.

Yes, a girl who is smart about money is often puzzled by finding reasonable prices and lucrative promotional offers in stores, but this does not turn into the painful state of a shopaholic.

A woman, driven by cold calculation, enjoys life and succeeds professionally, but at the same time treats purchased things with respect, knows how to set new financial goals and achieve them with a sense of self-satisfaction.

Why does a woman become greedy?2

Many men complain: “Yes, she is only interested in money, give me everything, give me everything, little and little!” Dear men, have you ever thought that you yourself are to blame for this situation? So you met a cute girl, looked after her, brought gifts from overseas at any whim. Next comes the wedding, family life, and the young lady is absolutely not ready to bring her share of the income to the family, but you are happy - let her sit at home, hear less gossip, and won’t flirt with others.

So, what is next? You do everything for your beloved, you give everything to the last penny, and she goes shopping every now and then, looking for new things. This is where the female instinct of a predator begins to work, and it’s not her fault at all: if they give you something, take it, they’ll give you more! And now you understand that things have begun to cross all boundaries, you try to cool down your beloved’s passion for shopping, and she responds: “I need it, that’s all!”

Let's consider the second scenario for the development of events, according to which the greed of women begins to appear, slowly but surely. She is young and independent, he earns less, or even does not bring any money into the house. A woman is the economist in the house, and this cannot be changed. She calculates the budget for the month, puts the money on the shelves, and now she doesn’t have an extra penny left for her husband’s beer, and for herself a manicure, please. Resentments begin that the wife is stingy, spends everything on herself, and feels sorry for her beloved husband. There is something to think about.

The third option is that the woman is selfish. She was raised in the family as an only child, or she was the youngest, who always got the best. She is used to the fact that everything belongs to her, and there is no need to share it. In this case, the girl’s parents are to blame, and it is unlikely that she will be re-educated.

But the most common reason for the appearance of greed is lack of attention from a loved one. A woman begins to feel a lack of affection and compliments, and finds them in money, in things that she will not give to anyone and will not share with anyone!


The main prerequisites for the emergence of greed in girls can be called :

  • distorted worldview, a worldview incorrectly formed in childhood for the sake of educational costs (lack of attention, parental love, warmth and kind attitude);
  • incorrect value judgments and lack of knowledge about objects and phenomena;
  • primitive ideas about life and human laws;
  • life difficulties with psychotraumatic consequences, psychological trauma caused by serious life difficulties;
  • established selfishness, when one’s own desires are higher than the interests of society and hidden psychological phobias, a feeling of fear and uncertainty for one’s future, obsessive thoughts about possible (potential) losses;
  • immediate environment and standard of living.

Ways to fight

The method of struggle depends on who or what the greed is shown towards.

With myself

A representative of the fair sex who has entered into an unequal struggle with a negative character trait must, first of all :

  1. Recognize the problem. Telling yourself “Yes, I’m greedy - and this is my big flaw” is already half the success. Until you manage to form a desire within yourself about the need for change, nothing will work out.
  2. Eliminate the causes of the painful condition. Identify the factors that have become your personal provocateurs of greed. If you have difficulties in assessing cognitive behavior, contact a specialist or close people who can see you and, therefore, the reasons for your problems from the outside.
  3. Increase resistance to stress factors. Mental stability is a necessary condition in order to enter into an unequal battle with phobias, worries and fears. If you can resist your own oppression, then it will become easier to fight the compulsive acquisition of material goods.
  4. Develop optimism and positive outlook on life. Learn adequate and healthy self-love, recognize your strengths and real possibilities.
  5. Change moral principles and values. Forget about material things - think about what gives “food for the soul.” Believe me, love and family are much more important than all the perishable things that money can buy.
  6. Engage in self-development, invest in yourself. Read literature that shapes your inner, rather than your outer, world, try to engage in charity or volunteer work - something that does not imply earnings, but gives spiritual generosity.
  7. Eliminate fears and phobias. Don’t think about the poverty from your childhood – those days are long gone.

To a man

If you are the husband of a greedy wife who has decided to change, all you have to do is support her endeavors. Be that reliable shoulder behind which you can hide from life’s storms and storms.

Friends and girlfriends

Those close to the greedy need to remove the negativity in the relationship and try to take the first step towards. Help the woman get rid of social isolation - invite her more often to go on walks and events together , including those related to money (shopping, going to restaurants). Make it so that the miser can treat you or give you a gift.

For children

Talk to your mother more – as sincerely and honestly as possible. If she refuses to increase your expenses, prove to her with facts that the financial investment you require will be directed in the right direction.

If we are talking about the emotional greed of the parent, try to focus as much as possible on the sensuality of the relationship :

  1. hug your mother;
  2. thank you for your kind deeds and attention;
  3. give nice gifts.

Why are women greedy?i

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that a woman is the keeper of the hearth. The word “Keeper” means to protect, accumulate, preserve. In ancient times (and in many families today), the man was the breadwinner, dragging the caught wild boar to his native cave, where he left the carcass for the woman to save.

Of course, many less fortunate hunters, or other women left with babies in their arms without a breadwinner, tried to drag away the prey, and the rightful owner had to defend the property so that her personal husband and offspring would not go hungry. This is how greed crept into the blood of the fair half of humanity, and became an integral part of the character of almost every lady (and those who seem not to be greedy simply hide it well).

Today, of course, there is no need to protect those same wild boars, so why is it that to this day, when there are no problems with provisions, the greed of women does not let go? Let's try to understand this issue.

The consequences of stinginess and are there any benefits?

Moderate greed can become a source of career success and wealth, prosperity and wealth.
Firstly, people in this category maintain excellent resistance to various shocks that could harm their well-being. Ladies, especially those whose greed is driven by fear, practically do not suffer from financial problems and crises :

  • Firstly, for the reason that they probably stocked up on “safety cushions” and have savings.
  • Secondly, miser girls always approach personal resources responsibly.
  • Thirdly, it is these individuals who have highly developed motivation, which plays the most important role in the life of every person.

    But to a greater extent, the psychological consequences, of course, have a negative connotation - and first of all, for the woman herself, who becomes emotionally unbalanced, has tangible social problems and lack of communication, difficulties in building sincere and honest marital and family relationships.

Bad “side effects” are also felt by people around the greedy person, who experience constant pressure, irritation, dissatisfaction and, as a result, resentment. is always unpleasant to communicate with a person fixated on relationships that are subordinated mainly to profit , both just as friends and in a work environment .

Children whose mother is obsessed with hoarding develop incorrect ideas about the world and life in general, because they try to imitate adults in everything. Finally, loved ones turn away from a woman who, hiding behind good intentions, thinks only about herself and the acquisition of additional benefits in life.

Why is greed dangerous?

Greed is not always a bad thing, because if a person maintains adequate judgment, then this character trait can be a good help in achieving goals on the path to success. But most often, unfortunately, female greed entails only negative consequences:

  • For woman. Greed has a very destructive effect on the psyche of its owner and causes difficulties in building sincere and respectful relationships with a loved one. A greedy woman is not able to rejoice in the achievements of others, considering herself a more worthy candidate for receiving certain benefits, which leads to problems when communicating with others.
  • For those around you. A woman who acts out of self-interest is always too demanding of her environment. It is not shameful for her to use even the closest people in her interests. And such a woman cannot be called a good mother. She forms the child’s idea of ​​life, starting from her own beliefs. If a mother suffers from greed, then the child can adopt this trait.


A greedy woman is a bad option for starting a family. Greed will not allow you to create a healthy, positive atmosphere in the home, and family members will not have the opportunity to realize their full potential.

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