An interesting person is... What qualities does he have, how to become an interesting person

Each of us can give our own definition of the term “interesting person.” Some people consider interesting those who are very passionate about something, others - a comprehensively developed personality, and still others - interesting interlocutors and leaders.

And in fact, the concept of “interesting person” includes many definitions, which often differ from each other. But despite this, there are common features. The article will talk about the qualities of an interesting person, how to develop them in yourself, the most interesting and unusual people in the world, and much more.

Interesting person - who is he?

Everyone who dreamed of being noticed was interested in the topic “Interesting People” and the question of how to become such a person. Everyone puts their own personal meaning into this concept, each understands this term in its own way. The most common definitions:

  • An interesting person is, first of all, someone who is interested in something interesting and unusual. As a rule, boring people are not interested in any area of ​​life. An interesting person travels, is interested in the latest in show business, culture, politics, and discoveries in the field of science and technology. He is interested in one area or several at once.
  • An interesting person is a keen person; he definitely has his own hobby. This could be embroidery, collecting cars, collecting. A passionate person is always of interest to others, he devotes all his free time to his favorite activity and lives in harmony with himself, since he has his own calling.
  • An interesting person is a competent, well-read, erudite person. But this is also a person who can present information.
  • An interesting person is a person who never hides his oddities and quirks, and sometimes, on the contrary, flaunts them and is proud of them. It emphasizes its unusualness and thus is of great interest to society.
  • Interesting people always remain themselves under any life circumstances and in any situations. They do not give in to outside influence and always defend their own point of view.

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Qualities of an interesting and unusual person

Each person understands the concept of “interesting person” in his own way. But despite this, there are certain common features:

  • It's nice to talk to an interesting person.
  • He knows how to talk and listen.
  • He is confident in himself and inspires confidence in others.
  • He's an optimist.
  • Leader.
  • Interesting people are original and creative.
  • They have a wide range of interests.
  • They are comprehensively developed individuals, erudite, well-read.
  • They have unique individual characteristics.

Admits his mistakes and knows how to ask for forgiveness

A person understands that everyone makes mistakes from time to time. One learns from mistakes, and he must be able to admit them. In order to remove the speck from your neighbor's eye, you must first get rid of the plank in your own.

Even if the individual holds the position of a big boss. He understands that sometimes he is wrong and speaks about it directly. Such a person is firmly convinced that asking for forgiveness is not weakness, but the lot of strong-willed people. This is sometimes a difficult step. And only the brave and courageous will be able to do it.

If someone expresses a ridiculous idea, then a person who wants to gain the interest of others will criticize that very idea. Not its author at all. He makes comments tactfully, explaining the reasons for his dissatisfaction. Thus, he inspires the trust and interest of others.

The originals are among us

There are a lot of interesting people living in our world. They are extraordinary and unusual, but not all of them are of interest to the public. Nevertheless, there are individual personalities who are famous throughout the world.

Who are they - the most interesting people in the world? These are the originals who live among us, they live in different countries, but when their names are mentioned, people have a feeling of tenderness and a slight smile. Why? For example, Monsieur Michel Lotitto lives in Grenoble. It is unique in that it eats only inedible items: rubber, jewelry, metal, spare parts from televisions, computers, bicycles, and so on. He began to possess this uniqueness from early childhood. Now he makes very good money from his addiction.

[edit] Interesting facts

  • The violent video was immediately torn apart with quotes: “Quickly, whore!!!”, “Why do you want me to come?”, “Get the fuck out of here!”
  • The word “whore” was said 38 times during the entire dialogue.
  • The expression in the eyes of the great IL is similar to that of the Belarusian boy Yura, which hints.
  • Slavik is so violent, most likely, he takes after his father Boris.
  • A violent person can still have a constructive conversation.
  • In one of these conversations, it turned out that in his youth he listened to Joy Division, Sonic Youth, and Johnny Rotten.
  • Many would like to see that same video in HD quality.
  • The expression “cut the door” in combination with cops was seen in the 1966 film “Rainbow Formula”.
  • In the Soviet cartoon “A Scary Story,” the hamster Khoma says to the Suslik, who fearfully carried the door out of his hole: “Put the door back in its original place!”
  • Cherkassky did not stand aside: in the winrar cartoon “Treasure Island” Squire Trelawney naturally saws out a door (second episode, 32nd minute).
  • This personality is very similar to the vocalist of the thrash metal band “Kuvald”, Sergei Lyubavin.
  • During the 2013 election campaign in Nerezinova, IL’s feat was repeated by candidate from SR Levichev. Tweet rejoices, the commander-in-chief of hamsters presents a fashion collection “

    ", Slavik his civil opinion.

  • The creators of Heroes of Might and Magic III cut down a violent death knight named "Clavius". There are characteristic bulging eyes, and even the name is appropriate - almost an anagram of the original "Slavik". You can quickly find them among the heroes of the Necropolis here.
  • Adventure Time Episode 509 features an adapted scene.
    Finn: Lemongrabs, you're free! Lemongrab: They broke the door! The door is broken now! Lemongrab 2: FIX THE DOOR! Jake: Fix the door? What?! What? Fix the door? Fix—what? What's going on here? Fix the door. Finn, what's going on? Fix the door.

Top most interesting people on earth

  • Iranian Nesseri surprises people with his unique and unusual life story. He has lived at the French airport since 1988. His bag was stolen along with his documents, and he had to be at the airport without any means of support. The passengers themselves provided him with financial assistance, and they also found him a good lawyer. After 10 years, all his documents were restored, but he got so used to the airport that he stayed to live there.
  • Chris Sands has had hiccups since birth and does not stop day or night. He tried all the ways, but neither hypnosis, nor yoga, nor magic, nor medicine helped him get rid of this condition.
  • Mr. Ngoc is a 64-year-old Vietnamese man who has not slept for about 45 years. He began to suffer from insomnia in 1973, when a fever raged in his native area. At the same time, he feels good, does housework, the only thing that is difficult for him is to figure out what to do at night.

  • Mr. Yokoi hid from the war for 28 years after it ended. He was drafted into the Japanese army in 1941 and went to war on the island of Guam. When the island was recaptured by the Americans, Mr. Yokoi hid from the enemy, but did it so well that no one found him. From leaflets he learned that the war was over, but he never left his shelter. He was accidentally found in 1972 in the jungle in an underground cave.
  • Mr. Lad, from an Indian state, has devoted his entire life to fighting bureaucracy. He founded the Living Dead organization, and the essence of the problem in his life is that, according to documents, he was buried a long time ago. He tried to take out a loan from a bank, where they told him that they could not issue a loan to a dead man. And there are a huge number of people like him, for example, his organization currently has more than 20 thousand participants.

[edit] Verbatim dialogue

[edit] First part

Original NTV reveals why aliens are not visible

- Everyone is already waiting here... - Fucking quick!!!

- Andryukha, they sent the car here.
It needs to be delivered. - Cop, what the fuck do you want, get the fuck out of here! - Huh? (pause) Dundicha, 19/5, 18... apartment. - Cop, get the fuck out of here! - Yes, yes, yes... Why are you shouting? - What do you want at my house? - Well, I want to see you. - But you don’t see me, or what? - Well, you don’t open anything. - Why should I see you?! - How, well... I need to see you. - Why do you need to see me?!
- I need to see you.
- Why did you cut my door out, are you doing some lawlessness, you bastards?! - Why not, damn it?! And you what do you do? - Why did you cut my door, you whore? - I raised everyone's ears. - Why did you cut my door, you whore? - I did the right thing. - Why did you cut my door, you bastard? - Then you will complain. - Let's make a door, quickly, damn it! - Fine. - DOOR! DID! DAMN! DOOR! DID! DAMN! - I ’ll drink it
. We'll do everything. - DOOR! DID! DAMN! - I’ll put a door on you, okay? - LET'S BET IT, FUCKING FUCK! - Good good. — PUT MY DOOR DAMN FAST!

[edit] Second part

- ...we’ll hand him over to the prosecutor’s office. - Say what you want. — The door has been sealed!

- I'll drink it.
- Let's drink it up! - Necessarily. - Come on, d-d-make a door, damn, why did you... why did you come to me, whore? - I'll drink it. - He made the door for me, whore! - Do not worry. Did you take the pills? - He made the door for me, whore! — Did you take the pills? - He made a door for me, whore! — Did you take the pills? — He made a door for me, damn it!!! - Why don’t you take pills? — He made the door for me, damn it!!!! -...Which were prescribed for you. — He made a door for me, whore!!!!! - I’ll do it, don’t worry. - Let’s do it, why the fuck are you worth it? Let go of my hand, whore! - How is it? - Let go of your hand, whore! - Why are you so violent? - Whoever is violent - you are violent, damn it
[1] — Has the crisis begun? - They blocked my door, whore! — Has the midlife crisis begun? - They blocked my door, damn it! - Yes, I’ll drink it back right now! - Let's drink it, damn it! - Put on your shoes. - Let’s finish it off, it’s said, fuck, why did you come to me, you fucker?!
- Put on your shoes.
- What do you want, whore?! - Put on your shoes. - What do you want at my house, you whore?! - It means necessary. - What do you mean, “well, what the fuck do you need at my house, whore?”
- Because it is necessary.
- What do you want at my house, whore?! - You are an interesting person.
- What?!
- Interesting person. - [in a normal tone] I know. [continues screaming] What do you want at my house, you whore?!
- I need you.
there’s a second cop in the background
. I know.
- Why do you fucking need me?! - You don't come to me. - Why should I come to you, whore?! - You are registered with me. - What kind of accounting? What are you, a fool or something, a fucking cop?!
- I guess I'm a fool.
- Give me a door like you sawed it out, whore! - I’ll put it on now. - What are you sick with? - Nothing. - Why is there saliva on your lips? - Yes, this one... [nods at the policeman]
spits! - What did you take? - I didn’t take anything.

How to become an interesting person

Many people from time to time wonder how to become an interesting person. Everyone, of course, puts their own meaning into this concept, but there are some common signs: charisma, the ability to carry on a conversation, and a sense of humor. How to become an interesting person? Here are the simplest tips:

  • Expand your knowledge. To be an interesting person means to be genuinely interested in something. You can get carried away by trends, ideas, thoughts. You should definitely expand your horizons. Find what's interesting. A passionate person always attracts other people.
  • You should be able to share your knowledge and skills. You can't be interesting without talking to other people. If you have gained new knowledge, you should share it with other people.
  • Always look for the best in yourself. Many people consider themselves ordinary people, but this attitude towards themselves kills an interesting person. Each of us has some kind of talent, we should find it in ourselves, demonstrate it and increase it. You can turn disadvantages into advantages.
  • You should learn to listen to others. An interesting person is, first of all, a good conversationalist, someone who knows how not only to speak, but also to listen.
  • You should love all your oddities and shortcomings, they are part of your personality, they are what make a person stand out from the crowd.
  • You should remain yourself in any situation. Be able to defend your opinion and your position in life, even if they go against the opinion of society.
  • Develop your sense of humor. Be able to present even the most boring information with humor.

Negative character traits

Anyone who wants to become an interesting person must eliminate unpleasant character traits :

  • Talkativeness . It should not be confused with sociability. A sociable person happily carries on a conversation, but at the same time his words are always informative and interesting. A chatterbox, on the other hand, starts a conversation for the sake of conversation, gets into someone else’s dialogue, and the topics he raises are uninteresting or have long been boring to everyone;
  • Boring . A person’s penchant for moralizing and constant nagging only causes irritation;
  • Flattery . You need to praise others only on purpose and when necessary, otherwise the interlocutor will probably feel pretense and a desire to please.

An interesting person is a successful person

An interesting person is determined not only by his behavior, ability to communicate, energy, but also by the results of his activities. If he is successful, he will always be popular and interesting to society.

You need to try to achieve success in your field in order to become an example for other people. Masters and professionals never go unnoticed.

Does not allow himself to raise his authority by humiliating others

Offending someone who is weaker, younger is not a difficult matter, but very disgusting. Without exaggeration, we can say that such an act is the lot of cowards and losers who are no longer capable of anything. All the actions of such people consist only of the ability to strain their vocal cords and bang their fist on the table.

A smart and successful person avoids scandals. Understands that screaming is a sign of weakness and helplessness. An educated person is guided by consciousness instead of animal instincts. Authority is enhanced through the ability to win people over, erudition and other virtues.

We are all unique individuals

Each of us is a unique and interesting person. Here are interesting facts about the person that many of us had no idea about:

  • Only humans are capable of drawing straight lines, among all representatives of the animal world.
  • When a person smiles, 17 muscles work.
  • Children are born without kneecaps; they appear between the ages of 2 and 5 years.
  • The human eye can distinguish about 10 million shades.
  • No person in the world can sneeze with their eyes open.
  • The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
  • Men are 10 times more likely than women to suffer from color blindness.
  • When you sneeze, all functions in the body stop, even the heart stops beating for a moment.
  • Humans are the only representatives of the animal kingdom that can sleep on their backs.
  • Only about 7% of people in the world are left-handed.
  • The human heart creates pressure with which the blood can be raised to the 4th floor.
  • In the morning, a person's height is approximately 8 millimeters greater than in the evening.


  • 1. History
  • 2 Verbatim dialogue 2.1 First part
  • 2.2 Part two
  • 3 Slavik IRL
      3.1 Trip to Slavik April 14, 2011
  • 4 Mind Games
  • 5 Programs about an Interesting Personality
      5.1 Who wants to become violent?
  • 5.2 Conversation with Slavik
  • 5.3 Copy-paste generator
  • 6 Folk art
  • 7 Old Testament version
  • 8 Interesting facts
  • 9 Gallery
  • 10 Video gallery
  • 11 See also
  • 12 Links
  • 13 Notes
  • The most famous people of Russia

    For the 14th time already, Forbes magazine does not ignore Russian famous personalities. The criteria for selection into the ranking of the most famous were annual income, popularity of queries in search engines and appearance in the media.

    Alexander Ovechkin

    For several years in a row he has held the top ranking among Russian celebrities. A talented hockey player who was able to bring the coveted Stanley Cup to Russia in 2022.

    Sergei Shnurov

    The leader of the Leningrad music project, he is known for songs with profanity, and appears in feature films.

    Philip Kirkorov

    An artist and musician, he has dozens of significant prizes and awards. In Russia and Moldova he was awarded the title of People's Artist. Produces young and talented singers. Acting in films.

    Grigory Leps

    Every year he releases new songs that become popular among people of all generations; he is the producer of the Ukrainian singer Alina Grosu, a participant in the song competition “The Voice of Sharip Umkhanov”.

    Ivan Urgant

    Host of his own humorous show “Evening Urgant”. Writes scripts and acts in films.

    Olga Buzova

    The most controversial personality on the Russian stage. At the age of 20 she became popular thanks to the scandalous television show “Dom-2”. In recent years, she has created a singing career, a chain of her own restaurants, a line of youth clothing and cryptocurrency. Ranks first among celebrities with the most followers on Instagram.

    Dima Bilan

    A singer who releases songs that do not leave the first lines of the country's charts. Twice represented Russia at the international Eurovision Song Contest.

    Evgeniy Malkin

    Titled hockey player who is a multiple winner of the Stanley Cup.

    Stas Mikhailov

    The artist attracts thousands of people, receives awards every year, and tours a lot.

    Ksenia Sobchak

    TV presenter, socialite, media personality and politician. She took fourth place in the presidential elections.

    The most famous people in the world

    This rating includes a list of people who became famous in the fields of cinema, fiction, and television. Their faces and names are familiar to every ordinary person.

    Charlie Chaplin

    He became famous thanks to his funny image of a clumsy eccentric in a bowler hat in silent short comedies. Having gradually mastered film production, he wanted not only to act, but also to create films. So in 1914, Chaplin made his first film on his own, and five years later he became the founder of the United Artists studio. Received an Oscar twice. Died in his sleep at the age of 88.

    Walt Disney

    Recent generations of children and adults cannot imagine childhood without the cartoons “Snow White”, “Cinderella”, “Mickey Mouse”. During his life, Disney made more than 111 films and produced another 576 films. He opened the list of famous characters - Oswald the Rabbit in 1927 and then Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck were added one after another. In addition to cinematography, together with his brother Roy Disney, they create children's entertainment complexes of a thematic nature. In their parks you can meet cartoon characters you loved as a child.

    Michael Jordan

    Modern basketball is unthinkable without the main NBA player. Thanks to hard training, Jordan developed a unique playing technique. He ended his basketball career three times and returned to his favorite activity the same number of times;

    Joanne Rowling

    Thanks to her book about the little wizard Harry Potter, she became famous and the highest paid children's writer. Books about Hogwarts and the mighty Vol de Mort sold out at lightning speed and were translated into 70 languages. A series of films were made based on them, which became popular among adults and children. Rowling's financial fortune is now considered to be close to one hundred billion dollars;

    Alfred Hitchcock

    The greatest producer of films in the thriller genre. Films capture the viewer's imagination from the first minute and keep them in suspense until the very end. His works can easily be considered classics of world cinema.

    The author of "Harry Potter" did not invent the name of the young wizard. Next door to her lived the Potter family, with whom she had been friends as a child.

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