Hello, my husband often has angry outbursts. At this moment he hates me and yells obscenities, humiliates me, tells me to go to my place and not anymore...

The manifestation of aggression in a person is a sign of a psychological disorder, a nervous breakdown. This phenomenon usually manifests itself by causing physical or moral damage to others. Someone tries to refer to repeated signs of aggression on fatigue, irritability, or character traits. But in fact, this is a clear sign of an unhealthy nervous system. And here it is important to get qualified help from a specialist in a timely manner.

At the Korsakov Psychiatric Center in Moscow, they accurately determine the causes of aggressive behavior, draw up a detailed treatment plan, and monitor the recovery process.

What predisposes to aggression in everyday life?

There are several factors that can cause a person to become aggressive:

1. Excessive use of substances such as drugs, alcohol (this disrupts the functioning of the nervous system).

2. Psychological traumas of the past (for example, a war experience, an accident, an accident, trauma).

3. Disadvantages of upbringing in childhood (aggression is often the cause of lack of upbringing or its complete absence if the child grew up without parents).

4. Moral pressure on a person (for example, bullying, pressure from family members for one reason or another).

5. Material not well-being.

Taking into account the factors described above, specialists at the clinic select the correct and effective treatment method. Often, the course of recovery begins with isolating the person from irritating factors.

About attacks of aggression and what to do with them

Do not forget that everyone has experienced such a feeling as anger. This is a flash of uncontrollable anger that literally breaks out from within; in such a state, a person is not able to adequately evaluate his actions. Such moments have a negative impact on both those around them and the person himself - therefore, it is necessary to recognize the presence of such a problem in time and choose the appropriate way to get rid of it.

But releasing emotions is a good thing?

Depends on the type of these same emotions. Of course, experiencing outbursts of anger is a natural human reaction to any irritants. Be it an unfair boss, naughty children, annoying fans, and so on. The absolutely correct reaction in this case would be irritation, which reaches extreme anger. However, if we are talking about anger and aggression, then there is nothing useful here. As a rule, at such a moment a person begins to lash out at everyone who is nearby. It is very easy to hurt loved ones under such circumstances. A surge of negativity leads to the fact that a person begins to get used to this kind of release. In the future, this will affect his behavior with others: subconsciously or consciously, he will provoke people into conflict with himself. Naturally, people will gradually begin to turn away from him; who would enjoy being with such a person?

How exactly does this manifest itself?

As you know, attacks of aggression are accompanied not only by strong internal experiences, but also by some external signs. Rapid heartbeat, redness of the skin, enlarged eyes, a swollen nose, heavy “growling” breathing - all this indicates that a person is having a real attack. It's dangerous to be around him, especially if you have anything to do with this outbreak.

Attacks of aggression are sometimes associated with alcohol addiction. A person who is on a drinking binge often behaves very irritably. This aggravating factor of course causes additional difficulties. Treatment should begin by contacting a narcologist, and later, after withdrawal from the binge, you can move on to therapy.

Is it normal for a child to experience bouts of aggression?

Children are an emotionally vulnerable group of people. Everything happens because the process of inhibition is inferior to the process of excitation. First of all, you need to remember this and not worry if a child’s mood changes from one to another in a short period of time. Children are exposed to what happens around them. If you notice that your child is not just angry, but is expressing real anger, then first you need to avoid any stressful situations for him by all means. Don't say offensive things, don't laugh, don't gloat. Then analyze: how did such a reaction on the part of the child begin? Perhaps there is some problem in the family that needs to be solved, or it is lurking at school. Medical advice will help correct the child’s behavior.

Different forms of manifestation for both men and women

When talking about attacks of aggressiveness, it is important to identify female and male aggression. In men, signs of aggressiveness begin to appear in attempts to control everyone and everything. In the early stages they can be touchy, but if they deviate from their opinion, they immediately use their hands, obscene language, and screams.

In women, an emotional outburst is usually accompanied by everyday problems. Psychologists note that powerlessness and the inability to correct the situation are frequent causes of aggressive impulses against others. Sometimes they can be caused by personal problems, sometimes by problems with money, illness, and more.

Causes of rage attacks

There are no people who never get angry and always maintain a balanced state. Anything can get you out of a rut: an unfair boss, traffic jams, bad weather, children's pranks, etc. However, rage and anger are one thing, and uncontrollable sudden attacks of rage and anger are another thing entirely.

Anger and rage usually pass without serious destructive consequences for a person, but if during sudden attacks of rage a person is able to cause pain and suffering to loved ones or those around him, then this already indicates a lack of control over his emotions. In principle, a violent manifestation of anger is considered a normal reaction of the human psyche to an external stimulus. It is much more difficult to deal with uncontrolled manifestations of aggression.

An attack of rage refers to both an emotional and physiological state. It manifests itself in increased heart rate, redness or pallor of the skin. This happens because the body receives a huge amount of energy that needs to be put somewhere.

There is an opinion that holding back negative emotions is harmful. This is not so and scientists have proven it. The release of negative emotions in the form of anger and anger towards the immediate environment is akin to a drug that gives great pleasure to the aggressor. Frequent breakdowns of a person with loved ones make him want to do this all the time. Over time, the person himself no longer notices that he is unconsciously provoking situations in which he falls into an attack. Ordinary people, noticing such a feature, begin to avoid such a person, and he, in turn, finds a society of the same unbalanced people who love outbursts of anger.

Causes of mood swings in women

What causes changes in mood and condition in women?

Women who complain about an unstable emotional state are not always able to answer the question of what exactly caused their shaky mood, excessive emotionality, or, conversely, sudden cold equanimity. Sometimes the cause of mood swings is stress - accumulated tension results in depression and apathy; Situational stress can provoke aggression or another form of violent reaction. Stressful situations are sometimes perceived by women as the primary source of mood problems. But not all women can understand that they are really experiencing stress. They complain about their well-being and condition, while claiming that everything is fine in their lives and it is unknown where these “swings” in mood come from.

Emotional instability is inherent in women with thyroid diseases . Their specificity causes mental instability and often causes lethargy, low concentration, and drowsiness.

Hormonal imbalance in general is the breeding ground for emotional surges. This is why instability is typical for teenage girls, pregnant and lactating women, and menopausal women. Changes in hormonal levels during ovulation and before menstruation also provoke increased emotionality and sensitivity (by the way, physical too. This is why we do not recommend that patients with increased sensitivity undergo cosmetic procedures on the days of ovulation and menstruation). HRT (hormone replacement therapy), chosen incorrectly, also has a negative impact on a woman’s balance.

Taking hormonal oral contraceptives can provoke mood “swings” - at the stage of drug selection or when taking an inappropriate drug for a long time.

Irregular or insufficient sex life can also affect a woman’s mental and emotional state. In addition, infrequent sex is a risk factor for the development of many gynecological diseases.

Everyone knows that bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drug use) “shatter” the psyche, disrupting neural connections, putting unnecessary stress on the nervous system, liver, and heart. The result is anxiety, suspiciousness, panic and other unpleasant manifestations.

Lack of physical activity, lack of sleep, high mental stress - these factors also provoke instability of emotions.



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