Personality orientation - what is it in psychology, its types

Each person has his own views on life, aspirations, ideals, interests, desires and goals, and in psychology the totality of this has a name - personality orientation.

Orientation is formed depending on upbringing and environment, because any person is influenced by society to some extent. Personality orientation is an important characteristic of a person; in psychology it is also replaced by the term “dynamic tendency”, which affects his character and activity.


Each person has his own views on life, his place in the world, on society. The orientation of a person is her priorities and worldview, hobbies and needs, goals and desires. It develops largely due to upbringing and environment, and depends on the level of morality of society. Thus, a child often adopts his parents’ worldview, their fears, interests and priorities. Relatives are undoubtedly influenced by the social environment.

In a religious society, direction is greatly influenced by faith. A devout Christian will see his path in serving God and people; a prudent Chinese is often guided by the saying “if you are not caught, you are not a thief.”

Personal orientation is the path to self-realization and goals.



is a dynamic system of a person’s ideas about himself, which includes a person’s awareness of his qualities (physical, emotional, intellectual), self-esteem, as well as subjective perception of external factors influencing a given personality.

“I-concept” is close to the concept of “self-awareness”, but rather “I-concept” is the result of self-awareness.

“I-concept” arises as a result of a person’s social interaction with his environment. The environment influences the formation of the “I-concept”, however, then the “I-concept” begins to determine the way a person interacts with the social environment.


  1. Finding yourself begins with the first step - with attraction. This is a primitive form, here the need still remains unconscious.
  2. When it becomes conscious, attraction develops into desire. Already at this stage, a person begins to think through methods for its implementation. Directly through desires a person comes to a goal.
  3. If an individual becomes able not only to dream, but also to make certain efforts, desire turns into aspiration. Quite often at this stage the individual has a plan of action.
  4. Against the backdrop of the desire to learn new things, interest is born. It gives meaning to any activity of an individual. You can already judge by interests what a person is like.
  5. When serious work is added to interest, it turns into addiction. A person does not want to leave this type of activity and constantly returns to it, feeling a burning desire to engage in it. He is ready to spend a lot of time on mastering new skills and will strive to achieve impeccable performance.
  6. An ideal is a picture, a perfect image in a person’s head, to which he strives and what he wants to achieve in the chosen direction.
  7. The next step is worldview. These are the laws that a person relies on in life. With their help, he makes plans for the future and chooses a style of behavior in different circumstances. Worldview is a view of the people around you, the world as a whole and your place in it.
  8. According to psychology dictionaries, the highest form of human orientation is conviction.

Volitional personality traits - what is it in psychology, their formation


Important! The highest form of orientation includes all the others.

All these steps of the substructure are strongly interconnected; it is difficult to say where exactly the line between attraction and desire is, when desire turns into interest. Direction begins with an unconscious attraction and develops into a conviction. However, it cannot be said that the components of a personality’s direction are formed once and for all; they do not stand still, change, and develop throughout human life.


This is not even a structural component of a person’s orientation, but an entire cognitive form and a separate motivational state.

So, interest is a person’s emotional orientation towards certain objects. They have a special sustainable significance, as they are associated with his individual needs.

Interests can be spiritual and material, versatile and limited, stable and short-term. How deep and wide they are determines the fullness of a person’s life. After all, it is with interests that his inclinations, passions and desires are connected.

You could even say that they determine a person’s lifestyle. This is easy to prove. Is the person interested in business, career, making big money, different business industries and the secrets of successful entrepreneurship? This means that for him the main thing in life is success and material well-being. And he will do everything to achieve this goal, acting in accordance with his interests.

One more thing. By the breadth, significance and globality of interests, one can determine the orientation of a person. This is studied separately in psychology.

A person who embraces different aspects of life, develops himself in several directions, is interested in many industries, and has an expanded view of this world. He knows a lot, can consider opportunities and problems from several angles at once, and is characterized by high erudition and developed intelligence. Such people are capable of more than others. They even have a stronger desire.

But people with small interests tend to be mediocre, boring and unsuccessful. Why? Because they are not interested in anything other than satisfying natural needs. Food, drink, sleep, Friday night at the bar, home, work, sex, and all over again. There is no intellectual burden in their interests. They don't develop.


  • Guide: indicates the path, where to go, what to strive for, how to develop. The problem is that many motives and needs remain unconscious, but even in this form they can influence a person’s choices and actions;
  • Encouraging: inspires, provokes active activity of the individual. After all, it is very difficult to force a person to do something that he does not want. And the results of such work will be sad;
  • The regulatory function is closely related to prioritization. What is more important in a given situation has greater significance;
  • Meaning-forming: gives value to what a person does.

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Impact on an individual's life

Ways of influence:

  1. Orientation towards interactions. They appear in people who, for the sake of a normal psychological state and effective activity, constantly interact with a group of people. The individual's opinion is suppressed by those around him; he cannot take leadership over others. Such workers are characterized by constant joint activities with someone.
  2. Business. The prevailing motives are those related to obtaining the desired result for the group. People try to take everything into their own hands to control the situation. They communicate with other people and motivate them to be active.
  3. Personal. Personal desires and needs prevail over the opinion of the majority. People care only about themselves and do not pay attention to others. In life together, this will be an active manifestation of selfishness on the part of one of the partners, in work - ignoring workers, achieving personal goals even if they run counter to the work process.


Types of communication in psychology - what they include, its functions

There are 3 main types of focus:

  • to myself;
  • on other people;
  • to the point.

Personal (for yourself)

The individual is occupied only with his personality and the implementation of his own plans. Such people are not afraid of responsibility; they are purposeful and confident in their own abilities. They never ask for help and are reluctant to delegate some of the work to others. They prefer to do everything themselves. Selfish, but very strong, they take responsibility for their mistakes. They tend to make groundless hasty and rash conclusions, they will try to impose their will on everyone around them, they do not like criticism, and they count on rewards. They maintain a spirit of competition, which is why they are aggressive and anxious.

Collectivist (on others)

The main thing for them is communication and mutual understanding. These people do not strive to become leaders and do not like to take responsibility. They work on relationships and are highly dependent on the opinions of others. They are very pleasant to talk to, do not argue and often do not have their own opinions, they try to adapt to others. They are rarely original, they do not know how to resist manipulation and fight for their interests. The most important thing for them is good relationships in the team.

Relationship orientation

Business (for work)

They are sincerely passionate about their work, enjoy learning and strive to learn more about the project, and easily master new skills. They try to find benefits for themselves and the team, set a high common goal, and usually have a stable psyche. They love to lead, teach and help, while being very demanding of themselves and others. They express their thoughts easily and clearly and love to prove their point of view.


In addition to the three main ones, there are several additional types:

  • Emotional. Such people are compassionate, listen well and are always ready to support. They tend to take everything to heart and sincerely worry even about other people's problems. People around them trust them and often consult with them. Many of them are partial to music, literature and other forms of art.
  • Social. They cannot live without active social activities. Thanks to a huge circle of acquaintances, they manage to always keep abreast of events. They will become both good leaders and subordinates.
  • Depressed. These people do not value their own personality highly, but they are satisfied with the world and those around them.
  • Suicidal. This is a personality orientation in psychology when a person does not value himself and does not see anything good in the world around him. You don’t have to go far to find an example; such people are not uncommon today.


Many people try to realize their talents and abilities at work. J. Holland identifies 6 personality types based on the components (interests, values, etc.) of orientation. This scheme can be used to determine the professional orientation of adolescents and divide them into specialized classes.

Career guidance

There are:

  1. Realistic type. This includes people who like to work with specific material objects (equipment, tools). They have well-developed motor skills, dexterity, and spatial imagination. This includes professions such as mechanic, driver, carpenter.
  2. Conventional type. Excellent performers, they easily cope with monotonous work that requires great concentration. They have the patience to watch everything 10 times. Their activities are clearly planned, the need to make decisions or be creative is confusing. Strengths: clarity, composure, responsibility. Professions for people of this type are accountant, economist.
  3. Intellectual. It includes active and creative individuals with well-developed theoretical thinking. They are happy to take on complex tasks and cannot work according to instructions. The craving for mental activity is so great that they choose the profession of mathematician, programmer, etc.
  4. Enterprising. Strong, energetic and very active individuals with the ability to solve problems and promote ideas. Excellent leaders need recognition, the realization of talents, the opportunity to show initiative and ingenuity. Unable to perform routine work. The professions of journalist, director, artist, and manager are suitable for them.
  5. Social type. Such people are characterized by compassion and sensitivity; in solving problems they rely on emotions and feelings. They find themselves in communication, they know how to listen and support, which is how they earn the trust and authority of others. They love to teach, rarely judge and will always try to help. They choose the professions of teacher, doctor, priest.
  6. Artistic type. Emotionally sensitive people have a good imagination and live by sensations and intuition. They do not tolerate limits, they are ready to work intellectually, but not physically. Usually very erudite, they strive to stand out from the crowd. They choose professions: musician, artist, designer, poet or writer.

If a person loves his job, then they speak of high professional orientation. When an individual values ​​salary and other external conditions more, the focus is low.

High professional orientation

Directional forms

A person's ideals, inclinations, goals, interests, impulses, desires, motives, aspirations, sympathies, attachments and positions, aversions and values, tastes and needs - all these are forms of orientation.

Important! In psychology, direction is a set of motivations that characterize an individual and describe his progress towards a goal. This is not only the desire for a result, but also the choice of a path.

The highest form of focus

The highest form is conviction. It is understood as a set of motives (based on worldview and ideals) that dictate a person’s ways of reacting in various situations. It is based solely on conscious needs that form motivation. It is human nature to strive to convey our beliefs to others.

The concepts of belief and knowledge are different from each other. A person may understand what is the right thing to do in a given situation, but do it differently. It's just knowledge. When a person has information and cannot do otherwise, this is a belief.



  1. Motives for preventing failures. The individual takes careful actions and weighs every step. In this case, less significant actions are performed.
  2. Motives for achieving the goal. When solving problems, the maximum amount of resources is used.

Types of connection between motivation and orientation:

  1. Ideological and spiritual. A person has a desire to study the universe. The individual begins to think in the direction of development and preservation of humanity.
  2. Instinctive-physiological. It is manifested by the desire to satisfy bodily needs in order to preserve oneself and one’s species.
  3. Individual and personal. The desire to satisfy one’s own needs, maintain individuality, and self-expression.

Motivated actions often take place against the background of internal contradictions. A person has competing, multidirectional drives. Motivation helps to temporarily suppress them in order to achieve something faster.

How direction determines life

The orientation of the individual in psychology is the aspirations and ideals, interests and worldview of the individual.

Orientation has a great influence on a person’s life:

  1. The main thing for most men will always be their career; for women, relationships and family come first.
  2. Personality orientation greatly influences motivation. The effectiveness and quality of work directly depend on the latter.
  3. Some modern educational psychologists say that direction can correct temperament.
  4. Affects character, psychological states, emotional and cognitive processes.
  5. Provokes the development of abilities and the discovery of talents.
  6. Leaves an imprint on the choice of profession. A job you love is a short path to deep satisfaction and a sense of meaningfulness in life.

Work is a joy

Some large companies take into account the orientation of employees in order to select optimal working conditions and certain motivation. This allows you to increase labor efficiency.

The orientation of a personality is, figuratively speaking, its mirror image. It is formed from birth under the influence of a person’s upbringing and environment. It can change and has a significant impact on the life and destiny of an individual.

Correct goal setting and self-confidence

In order to achieve success, a person needs to decide on his desires and goals. It is also important to come up with a plan to achieve them. To improve your work efficiency, you should present the result of your work and the achievement of your goal.

Also, in order to achieve success, you need to be confident in your abilities. Only a self-confident person can take concrete steps towards achieving a goal. Self-confidence can be developed, because it is also necessary for building relationships with others.

The orientation of the individual is formed from childhood during training and upbringing. Each personality develops in society and is influenced by it, while some later develop independence from the opinions of others. Personality orientation is the motives, desires and goals of a person that influence his activities and behavior. Therefore, the orientation of a person determines how successful he will be and how he will achieve his goals.

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