How to apologize to your friend: looking for the right approach

How to make peace with a friend? Moments of thinking about how you can make peace with a friend happen in everyone’s life, and these thoughts are heavier than the resumption of a male-female relationship. Contrary to numerous jokes and sarcasms about the lack of female friendship, it may represent the most significant relationship for many women.

Men can be, or they can quit, work appears and changes, and the person who goes through all these episodes with you becomes more and more expensive. Often these relationships resemble warmer and stronger ones than family ones, because you can come to your friend drunk at dawn to drag her out onto the roof and complain about how you didn’t get along with someone, without fear of hearing morals and reproaches about your condition. As in any close relationship, in friendly relationships, misunderstandings and friction arise, scandals arise out of nowhere and silent grievances. The task of every mature person is to develop the ability to improve and restore relationships, resolve conflicts, without slipping into the kindergarten style of taking their toys from the sandbox.

How to apologize to a friend

A quarrel between two friends can happen for various reasons. And if a person is really dear, then you need to look for ways to solve the problem.

If you offended her

The first thing you need to do is admit your guilt and tell your friend about it. Yes, you offended her and she is very offended. Therefore, you need to choose the right kind words that will melt your heart. When apologizing, explain that expressing your thoughts was just an opinion, and you did not want to lead to a quarrel with your thoughts. Say that you regret the situation and don’t want to lose it.

Of course, people are different. And if a friend is not one of those who likes to complicate everything, get offended for a long time, and beat herself up, then she will definitely meet you halfway. By the way, in many conflict situations you can check whether the friendship between you is real. Does your friend value you as much as you value her?

If I'm rude

Harsh words can greatly hurt a person. Therefore, with close people you need to control yourself and choose your words during communication. But if this has happened, and you have been rude to your close friend, then you need to act immediately. It is better to immediately admit your guilt and apologize to her.

What can we say:

  • "I'm sorry! I don’t know how I could say that.”
  • “I will not make such a mistake again and will never offend you in this way! Forgive me please".
  • “You and I have been friends for more than one year, you understand that this is not what I meant at all. Don’t be offended, I love you.”
  • “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry that I offended you.”

The tone should be calm and friendly. Show your friend that you are truly afraid of losing her.

If both are to blame

In this case, you don’t need to wait long for an apology from her. Come first and try to peacefully improve your friendship.


  • Talk. Come with a conversation and try to clarify the situation in a peaceful, friendly tone. There should be a heart-to-heart conversation that will help you make peace with your friend.
  • A simple “sorry.” To waste time and not think day and night how to return friendship, you just need to say sorry. It could be: “Forgive me if I offended you. Let's forget this conflict. I don’t want this quarrel to ruin our friendship with you.”
  • Approach with humor. If the quarrel was not serious, then you can quickly establish communication with the help of a joke. For example, you can approach your friend and act out a funny scene in which you and her play the leading role. Let him play along.

As a rule, the first person to take the first step is the person who is more worried about the current situation or the one who treats everything that happened more simply and kindly.

Everything has a time

Yes, it happens that friendship has its time. Sometimes you may meet people who come into your life for a while, for some specific purpose.

For example, you went to study and started a student friendship. But after graduation, your goals and paths may diverge. This also happens. And there are many examples of this. In order to be friends for a long time, you need to know the important rules of friendship that were described above and have love in your heart for this person and common values.

This is the key to a good, long, heartfelt friendship.

Remember about yourself. This is very important in your personal life. If any relationship is destroying you, you need to end it. And if someone doesn’t value you, then this is an excellent reason to think about this person. Just as you feel good with yourself, you should feel good with other people. And with friends first of all.

How to make peace with your best friend

There are many reasons that can lead to a scandal with a close friend. You can build relationships both in a meeting and on social networks.

When corresponding

If it is not possible to meet (perhaps she is far away or does not want to see you), then you can try to make peace with your friend via SMS. At least you can start with correspondence.

Attention! You need to write sincerely, everything that you want to say to her live. You can add positive emoticons to your SMS to convey your emotions.

When writing a message you need to take into account:

  • Start your letter by saying that you sincerely want to settle everything. Don't bring up the topic that led to the argument. The purpose of SMS is simply to fill the void, convey all the emotions, tell her how much you miss her.
  • Use a little humor. Learn to laugh at yourself and the situation. Try to joke around the problem that led to the scandal. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. After all, if you joke a lot, your friend may think that you don’t take the current situation seriously.
  • The end of the letter should hint at a meeting. At the very end you need to write something like this: “Meet me after classes (lectures, work) and talk.” Be sure to add a friendly emoticon.

After sending a message, you need to wait for a response. Even an emoticon sent in response will indicate that she also wants to make peace.

At the meeting

A conversation in person will help you understand what is in each of your thoughts and who thinks what about the current situation. You need to remain calm and be sincere. There is no need to talk about your worries or make accusations. Talk about your feelings and experiences.

How to make peace with a friend when meeting:

  • Invite her to meet in a place that is important to you two. For example, this could be an ordinary bench where you spend a lot of time together, or a cafeteria where you keep secrets. Grab a cup of hot tea and have a heart-to-heart talk.
  • Give a meaningful gift. These could be keychains that symbolize your friendship. Keep one half for yourself, give the other half to her with the words: “Let no quarrels destroy our friendship.”
  • Postcard. Send by mail or place in her mailbox a beautiful card with two friends on it. Write a suitable verse on the spread.

If your friend doesn’t want to go to the meeting and refuses to have a heart-to-heart conversation, then your friendship was not as strong as you thought. There's no point in humiliating yourself.

Your wishes

Once you look at the quarrel from a different angle, it may be enough to make peace. If such a desire does not arise, answer yourself honestly the question: do you personally want this? Understand that female friendships, like relationships with the opposite sex, can simply become obsolete. You don’t need to think that if you sat on the same potty in kindergarten, you will definitely walk hand in hand until old age. The reasons for separation may be different. That's not the point.

If you quarreled with your friend again, analyze your desires. Do you need this relationship, do you want to renew it, what connects you and does your friendship have a future. If the answers to most of these questions are negative, there is no point in reviving something that has already “died.” Talk openly with her and move on with your lives, but without each other.

How to get your girlfriend back after a big fight

In most conflict situations, both are to blame. If the quarrel was serious, then it is better to wait a while for emotions to cool down a little. During this time, you and your friend will think about everything and even have time to miss each other.

After 2-3 days, if she has not taken the first step towards reconciliation, you need to start acting. You can start with an SMS “Hello. I miss". Next you need to offer to meet and talk. When meeting, in order to make peace with a friend, you need to be real and sincere. Take her hands, look her in the eyes and offer to discuss everything. In a quiet voice, without unnecessary emotions, tell us what you think about the quarrel. Explain that you don’t want to lose her, that you want to share all your secrets and experiences only with her.

Try to just talk

The simplest thing you can think of in a situation of disagreement is to say “I’m sorry.” Such a simple word that can melt the ice and begin the process of reconciliation. The main thing is to really consciously come to this “sorry”; the apology should sound sincere. Try to think about the whole situation, analyze why this happened, what you were wrong about, and what your friend was wrong about. Share your emotions and experiences with her, try to explain why certain words were said at the time of the quarrel, perhaps that you just had a bad day and you could not cope with your depressed mood. Your friend will probably understand you, and the conflict will be settled.

What to do if your friend doesn't want to communicate

In this case, when a person close to you does not make contact and completely ignores requests for a meeting, then act like this:

  • Write SMS on social networks. Surely interest will prevail and she will read the message. Talk about your emotions and feelings. Then all that remains is to wait for an answer.
  • Leave everything for a while. Give her time to think and draw the right conclusions. When the storm subsides, you will definitely talk.

A strong quarrel can break a friendship forever. You need to start from the cause of the scandal and act as your heart tells you.

Psychologist's advice

Friendships are rarely equal. Someone always becomes the leader. A strong and strong-willed person always takes the initiative in reconciliation.

Recommendations from a psychologist:

  • If you are a leader in your friendship, then you must be wise, fair and kind. To make peace with your friend, show the maximum of your leadership qualities. Be active, take the first steps. Write a message, invite to a meeting. Of course, if the response is complete ignorance, then you should think about whether you need this friendship.
  • If you have thoughts that you are not to blame for anything, and you don’t need to do anything to reconcile, then think about who you will spend your free time with, who you will trust with all your secrets. Therefore, draw the right conclusions and understand for yourself whether you need to put up with your friend or not.

Learn to forgive and meet halfway. You always need to find compromises, because every person needs a trusting relationship. The main advice that psychologists give is to suppress your selfishness in time and think not only about your feelings.

Sincerity and the ability to admit your mistakes will help reconcile girlfriends after any quarrel. But you need to understand that sometimes it happens that a scandal can become a “cumulative bomb.” In such cases, it is almost impossible to restore friendly relations.

Analyzing the situation

Don’t rush to make peace or ask for forgiveness, first allow your hot head, and the head of your friend, who is no less tense and excited, to calm down and look at what happened from the outside. After all, during your quarrel you most likely became agitated and nervous, and in such a state it is very difficult to think soberly and correctly assess what happened. It is recommended to wait a period of time, which, as a rule, averages two weeks, and calm down. During this time, while you are waiting, you need to look at your quarrel from a third party and from your friend with whom you want to make peace. Think through various options for why things happened this way and what could change the course of events. We recommend that you read

Advice to the guilty

A quarrel with your best friend is not resolved so quickly. Put yourself in the shoes of your offended friend. Having answered the question of how a person would feel after such an act, it is not difficult to make peace.
Apologizing to your girlfriend will help restore trust. You need to ask for forgiveness immediately after a quarrel, then the resentment will not have time to grow.

When contacting, do not mention the cause of the conflict, it is enough to indicate guilt. And in order for a friend to forgive, you need to think about how to atone for her.

How to maintain friendship for many years

There are no ideal people and sooner or later conflicts arise between two friends. Different points of view, emotions, understatement lead to them. But if you follow a few simple recommendations, you can maintain true friendships for life.


  • Realize and admit your guilt in time. This will help quickly resolve the situation. Your friend will understand that you respect and love her.
  • Know how to remain silent. When a conflict situation arises due to a bad mood, you should say that you do not want to talk in such a tone and your conversation will continue after she calms down.
  • Overcome stress without harming those around you. It is important to deal with aggression and anger on your own. When you are in a bad mood and want to quarrel with someone, it is better to listen to your favorite music and come to your senses.
  • Remind yourself of your feelings. Say that you love your friend and respect her opinion, that she is dear to you and is an important person in your life. Such kind words will lie deep in her soul, and when she needs to make peace, she will definitely remember them.
  • Be able to give in. Often girls quarrel when they cannot share a guy or a dress they like. In such cases, you need to talk and find compromises.
  • Learn to apologize. Most often, both sides are to blame in conflicts. The ability to ask for forgiveness and take the first step towards reconciliation strengthens friendship.

The most important thing in friendships is respect. You need to respect not only your feelings, but also the person close to you. If the person is not indifferent and the friendship is real, then you will be able to competently overcome any quarrels and avoid misunderstandings in the future.


No matter how much you quarrel and no matter how much you are to blame, you must remember that at that moment before and after it, when you ask for an apology to your friend, you must be able to maintain self-respect. What does it mean? That’s it, just never, under any circumstances, humiliate yourself, don’t talk badly about yourself, for example, that you are a very bad person and the like. Know how to maintain self-respect and ask for forgiveness; for this, your apology should not contain any humiliating words addressed to you.

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