What character traits can be recognized by a person’s speech?

How to determine the temperament of a new acquaintance if you communicated for no more than a minute? It’s simple - evaluate his manner of conversation by listening to characteristic speech patterns that stand out from the general style. To make it easier for you to understand who you are dealing with, we suggest focusing on the following parameters. Speech can tell a lot about a person's character!

Learn about a person's character: 11 speech patterns that give your interlocutor away

Abundance of diminutive suffixes

If a person prefers to reduce everything in the world to “musi-pusi,” most likely he is stuck at the level of child development. “Irishka”, “sandwich”, “babe”, “candy”, etc. In this way, adults artificially lower their level of maturity in order to arouse sympathy from others and receive concessions. The other side of this habit is conscious flirting with the environment in order to protect your environment.

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Abuse of the pronoun "I"

“And I think so and so,” “I also want this,” “I always do this,” “now I will talk,” and other expressions about oneself that a person inserts inappropriately, trying to come to the fore. What does this mean? About egocentrism and a person’s unconscious belief that he is better, more interesting and more important than others. This trait indicates low self-esteem, which the interlocutor tries to compensate for by pulling the blanket over himself.

Reasons for speaking quickly

In fact, science, including psychology, cannot give an exact answer as to why one person speaks quickly and another speaks slowly. As a rule, the style of chattering develops in choleric people who have an emotional and energetic temperament.

Some speak very fluently, because on a subconscious level they are afraid that others do not have time to listen to them, so they rush to express their thoughts. This problem usually goes back to childhood. The child was given insufficient attention and little listening, which is why he tried to fit his story into as little time as possible. In adulthood, the need to speak quickly disappeared, but the habit has not gone away.

This behavior pattern can also develop if other family members tend to speak quickly. It is generally normal for children to speak a little hastily, since they cannot yet control their speech due to their not fully formed psyche. But if others talk the same way, then in adolescence, speaking quickly will take root in a person’s character.

We can safely say that the manner of speaking hastily is formed under the influence of many factors (temperament, upbringing, inclinations, psychological internal state, etc.). The main thing is to understand that simply “high-speed” speech is not a pathology or mental disorder. A chatterbox sometimes does not notice his shortcoming, since he does it easily and naturally. However, rapid speech may hide disorders of the speech mechanism.

Use of derogatory nicknames

In this category we include not only openly negative nicknames such as “slow-witted”, “weeper” or “old maid”, but also derogatory and affectionate forms of dominance - “darling”, “my little fish”, “darling” - in relation to strangers or subordinates. What does this habit mean? About the hidden desire to control the environment, to impose a game on it according to one’s own rules and to assert oneself at the expense of others. As you can see, not the best qualities...


It is not for nothing that in the Russian language there are so many different definitions applied to this characteristic of speech. Intonations can be “capricious”, “bored”, “hysterical”, “ingratiating”. The maximum amount of information can be obtained by carefully listening to the tone in which the interlocutor speaks to us.

No other characteristic of speech is so revealing! It is intonation that gives us the opportunity to recognize the character of the person with whom we communicate.

In order to understand who we are dealing with, it is enough to choose an exact definition of the tone that our communication partner most often uses.

Capricious intonations are characteristic of people accustomed to comfort and satisfaction of any of their needs; ingratiating ones - unsure of themselves; whiny - irresponsible. An imperative tone is a sign of arrogance and power, an arrogant tone is a sign of narcissism. You can continue this list yourself, based on your own observations.

Conversation intonations

In addition, it is worth considering that the perception of our words by others directly depends on what intonation we use. A harmless phrase uttered arrogantly and disrespectfully can take on an offensive sound and cause conflict. And even the most unthinkable request, expressed in the right tone, will be fulfilled. Therefore, we can avoid misunderstanding, inadequacy and unnecessary tension in relationships if we learn to first monitor the intonations we use, and then consciously select the appropriate tone of speech for the situation.

Attack with counter questions

There are some individuals with whom it is impossible to communicate. You ask a topic, but they take the initiative with a counter question. "What do you think of the weather? - And you?" "Bad mood? - Why do you think so?" “Will you have some candy? “Aren’t you kidding?” Dialogue with them resembles an interrogation, where you are always at gunpoint. This style of conversation is typical of critics and cynics who are not used to trusting people and are afraid of losing control of the situation. Counter-questions help them maintain power and not lose face if they are put in an uncomfortable position.

Human voice timbre

High pitched voice

They are disapprovingly called shrill, and all sorts of shortcomings are attributed to its owners. If we remember teenagers whose voices regularly “grow”, it becomes obvious that this is a sign of poor self-control. Situationally, a voice that breaks into falsetto indicates strong excitement, excitement or fear.

Low timbre of voice

is perceived by people as a symbol of reliability, strength and dignity. In fact, its owners are distinguished by self-confidence. They know their worth, are thorough and not fussy. Typically, a low voice timbre is conducive to confidential communication, but an artificially low one seems insincere.

What is the timbre of the voice?

Fast, as if unfinished speech

If your interlocutor talks incessantly about something, while his thought does not reach the final point, but is overgrown with new ideas and discoveries, you are dealing with an intellectual or an avid debater. Such people love to think on their feet and do not particularly consider the interests of others. Maybe that's why they have so few friends? If at the same time a person speaks very fluently and swallows some of the words, he does not strive to find understanding from those around him, because he is used to being a “black sheep.”

Is speaking quickly a sign of an extraordinary mind?

Some scientists support the theory that fluent speech is the result of accelerated brain function. Indeed, in order to be able to say 2 times as many words, and without errors, the brain must have time to produce them, think them over and “sort them out.”

This theory is confirmed by a television experiment conducted in the early 2000s on the Discovery Channel. The study was conducted on Fran Capo, the fastest-speaking woman on the planet, who set a record of 11 words/second. She was connected to an EEG machine and asked to read a book. EEG readings showed increased activity in a part of the brain called Broca's area. This is where speech processing occurs.

The neuroscientist who read Capo's EEG noted that the woman had a special talent. “She is able to combine the efforts of her nervous system and arrange all the chemical transmitters so that only the part of her brain that is associated with articulate speech and remembering thoughts is turned on,” says the doctor.

Using stationery

Have you ever met people who talk as if they were reading a bureaucratic pamphlet? “I am in a state of extreme exhaustion” instead of simply “tired.” “Committed the act of consuming food” instead of “ate.” “Provided all possible assistance to a friend” instead of “helped a friend.” Not only is such a jumble of words not used in spoken language, it also sounds unnatural. This style is typical of posers who want to give themselves importance. Or narrow-minded individuals who consider such a manner a sign of a highly artistic style. Alas, both are wrong.

Characteristics of speech tempo, types of speed disorders of speech function

Speech tempo is a characteristic property of speech that reflects the speed at which sounds are produced during a conversation. Speech tempo may be disrupted in the form of acceleration or deceleration, as well as stuttering. It depends on the speed of pronunciation of sound units that follow each other, as well as on the number and duration of pauses between words or sentences. The optimal speech rate for a healthy child or adult is 9-14 sound units per second. If a healthy patient increases the speed of speech, the frequency of pronouncing sound units increases to 15-20. At the same time, speech remains intelligible.

Types of changes:

  • Tahilalia.
  • Bradylalia.
  • Stuttering.

Preschoolers have a tendency to accelerate speech, which can be explained by the immaturity of the inhibitory mechanisms of the brain and reduced control over speech. The reason for the increase in the rate of speech may be haste in speech among family members. In this case, the child gets used to speaking quickly. During puberty, the speed of sound reproduction may increase further. In patients with neuroses and other psychiatric diseases, rapid speech often provokes stuttering.

Increasing the speed of sound reproduction in a child inhibits the development of speech function. This leads to incorrect sound pronunciation and decreased intelligibility of words. If help is not provided in time, the patient will speak incorrectly and quickly throughout his life.

The concept of tachylalia, clinical manifestations of pathology, etiology

Tahilalia is an acceleration of speech with a frequency of 20-30 sound units. The disease develops due to changes in the functioning of the extrapyramidal system. According to scientist D. Weiss, accelerated speech provokes stuttering. Tachylalia can be inherited.

M.E. Khvattsev associates the occurrence of rapid speech with pathology of the articulatory apparatus, incorrect speech of relatives, untimely correction of the child’s speech function, and attention deficit. A. Liebmann considered the cause of tachylalia to be a lack of motor skills and auditory perception.

A patient with tachylalia speaks very quickly, making it difficult to concentrate. During a conversation, the child appears to hesitate, repeat what has already been said, swallow sounds, replace syllables, and unclear construction of phrases and sentences. But, if you draw the child’s attention to the incorrectness of speech, all errors disappear. Symptoms may intensify with excitement, while talking with strangers, during an argument, or during public speaking.

The patient experiences changes in writing and reading. Children with accelerated speech rearrange syllables and letters while writing, and replace words with similar sounds and spellings. The movements of patients with tachylalia are fast and abrupt. During sleep, the patient may rush around the bed. Many patients experience tics, hyperactivity syndrome, memory and attention deficits.

A child with tachylalia is excitable and quick-tempered. When excited, the patient experiences redness of the skin on the face, sweating, and coldness of the extremities. The patient is often uncontrollable and undisciplined. Such a child has a reduced ability to learn at school.

An increase in the rate of speech is accompanied by changes in the motor sphere, autonomics, and mental processes. The patient may also experience a lack of willpower and a disturbance in the emotional sphere.

The concept of bradyllalia, clinical manifestations

Bradylalia is a pathology of speech function in which the patient speaks at a slow pace (less than 9-14 sound units per second). There are long pauses between words and sentences, words are greatly stretched out during their reproduction. The disease can occur on its own or be a symptom of an underlying disease: nervous system pathology, head injury, brain tumor. When slow speech is a symptom of another disease, the patient experiences inhibition of motor function, asthenia, lethargy, and weakness. On its own, bradyllia occurs in slow and phlegmatic children and patients living in northern latitudes.

Speech signs of bradyllalia include slow speech, leisurely reading and writing. The child reads monotonously with large intervals between words and sentences, words are stretched out. A patient with bradyllalia sometimes produces sounds with a nasal tone. It is very difficult for others to perceive the patient’s conversation, as attention decreases, fatigue and tension arise due to too slow pronunciation.

Non-speech signs of a reduced speech rate are characterized by a decrease in motor function (fine motor skills, general movements, facial expressions). The patient's movements are slow, poorly coordinated, incomplete, awkward. The patient has practically no facial expressions. Patients have impaired speech perception, decreased attention, memory, and impaired thinking.

Patients have poor spatial orientation and find it difficult to complete any instructions or tasks the first time. Children with slow speech have difficulty switching from one subject to another.

Concept of stuttering, clinical symptoms

Stuttering in speech therapy is a speech pathology in which the rhythm, tempo, and fluency of speech are changed due to convulsive contractile activity of the muscular apparatus that carries out articulation. Pathology manifests itself in childhood and puberty. Most often, the disease begins to manifest itself at 2-5 years of age.

Stuttering is caused by muscle spasms. They can be tonic or clonic. Tonic spasms make it difficult to move from one sound to another. Clonic seizures provoke the repetition of words, syllables and sound units.

The causes of stuttering are:

  • Immaturity of the nervous system.
  • Injuries in utero, during the birth of a baby.
  • Mental trauma.
  • Bilingualism in the family.
  • Increased development of speech function, which does not correspond to the patient’s age.
  • The presence of a person who stutters in the child’s environment.

Stuttering has several periods of formation. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by a very rare disturbance in the fluency of conversation. In this case, stuttering occurs only with strong excitement, anxiety, and excitement. At an early stage, the child does not realize the presence of a defect in speech function.

At the second stage of the disease formation, the process becomes chronic. The patient is aware of the presence of stuttering, but is not afraid to talk. At the third stage of pathology development, the smoothness of conversation is noticeably disrupted. It is difficult for the patient to reproduce sounds, but there is a desire to talk, and the patient does not develop fear when talking.

The fourth stage of stuttering is considered the most difficult. The patient tries to talk less, as he feels very uncomfortable during speech. Fear of speech is present, which affects the child’s psychology. Patients' communication suffers. Such patients have difficulty studying and working.

Diagnosis and treatment

Patients with severe speech impairments require treatment from appropriate specialists. The exact method of therapy that will be used will depend on the reasons that provoked the existing defect.

For example, children who suffer from delayed speech development will need consultation with a child psychologist. The problem of patients with structural defects of the speech apparatus will be solved by surgical intervention. Minor speech deficiencies can be corrected by working with a speech therapist.

The most serious are speech disorders caused by neurological causes. In this case, treatment may be longer, more complex and more expensive.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of speech dysfunction (tachylalia, bradylalia, stuttering) includes identifying the cause of the disease. The child is referred to a neurologist. The neurologist conducts an examination, collects anamnestic data (speech function of relatives, pathologies of pregnancy and childbirth), prescribes an examination (electroencephalogram, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound examination of blood vessels and other techniques). If there are mental traumas that contribute to the occurrence of stuttering, the patient is referred to a psychologist. After the examination is completed, a speech therapist works with the child by specialized specialists.

The speech therapist also collects anamnestic data on the speech characteristics of relatives, looks at the examination results, and conducts a speech therapy study. The specialist determines the state of the child’s motor activity (general, speech), evaluates speech function (quality of pronunciation of sounds), rate of speech: fast, slow, stuttering. It is also important for a speech therapist to know the state of the articulatory apparatus and facial muscles. If the child can write and read, the specialist assesses the state of writing and reading (speed, correctness of words, presence of pauses in sentences, presence of stuttering, hesitation during reading, speed and correctness of writing words and sentences). At the end of the examination, the speech therapist draws up a speech therapy report.

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