How to cheer up a guy by correspondence on VK, phone, SMS

There are times when we are not with a loved one at the time of his failure or severe upset. In such situations, the question arises of how you can cheer up a pen pal so that he feels our support. It's difficult to do this from a distance, but there are still some effective ways.

How to please the guy you like over a distance via correspondence

Cheering a guy by correspondence is a task that is most relevant for girls who have been at a distance with their lover for a long time. Psychologists often compare men to children. This is due to the fact that both some and others quickly get tired of the monotony in relationships or communication in general.

To stir up a guy’s interest, it is recommended to build your correspondence with him taking into account the recommendations of experts:

  • Girls are advised to tell their man about all the little things that happen in life. In the morning you can tell about your plans for the day, at lunchtime you can share your mood, and in the evening you can talk about how your day went. This recommendation will help partners stay informed about each other’s affairs, as well as maintain the pace of life of a loved one. You can talk while on the road or during a break during the working day. This will help create a feeling for the guy that he is needed, that he is loved and remembered every minute. In such conversations, you can describe both significant events and little things that make up the day, for example, beautiful places in the city or how the girl was received by the new team at work.

  • A girl should call and write messages to her boyfriend every day. Large breaks in communication contribute to the separation of partners from each other. In this matter, it is important to observe moderation. Too frequent text messages can start to irritate a guy, since during the day he is most likely also busy with work or some important matters.
  • Avoid excessive control. In conversations, it is important to talk about yourself, periodically asking general questions to your interlocutor. Excessive control can lead to the fact that a man begins to hide facts from his life from a girl, which will lead to a weakening of the emotional connection and the partners moving away from each other.
  • Send your photos periodically. Men love with their eyes, which means that even from a distance it is important to stir up his interest in your person.
  • Give unexpected gifts. It doesn't have to be something expensive. A man will be pleased to receive attention in any case.
  • It is necessary to organize unexpected meetings at least once a week. This could be an unexpected visit to a guy’s house, picking him up from work, or a spontaneous offer to go to a restaurant for dinner.

Phrases from the category of black humor

If your betrothed has everything in order with imagination and humor, then you can use not the most banal phrases to lift the mood:

  • “A nail is a strange thing. From frequent changes of holes, it bends, and, remaining in the same one, it will immediately rust”;
  • “Do you want your day to go smoothly? Eat a raw toad in the morning. Trust me, this will be the worst thing that will happen to you today”;
  • “Even mice, when they are in pain, still continue to eat thorny plants”;
  • “Are you thinking or did the genius just awaken in you?”;
  • “Nothing is known about the real truth, but there are rumors that there is definitely none in the legs.”

There are still a lot of original phrases, but you should use them only if you are sure that your man is truly gifted with a sense of humor.

Cool SMS so you don't feel sad

To cheer up a guy, you can write him a cool SMS. It is best to compose the text for the message yourself. If a girl doesn’t currently have any ideas for composing an email message to her man, you can use ready-made options from the Internet.

Such templates can be adapted to a specific situation, as well as the characteristic personality traits of a young person. If there are several SMS options you like, you can save them in a text document on your computer so that after some time you can again please your man with a cheerful message.

For the convenience of sending messages, there are special services where you can do this using a computer and the Internet. It is important to read the terms and conditions carefully before sending a message. Otherwise, the recipient will have to spend 200-300 rubles on one SMS.

Some of the most popular SMS templates used by girls as the basis for their future message are:

SMS optiona brief description of
Hello. I am SMS, tasked with sending you a billion of the sweetest and most tender kisses! This message can be used if a girl and a guy are in a love relationship. If the young man who needs to be cheered up is a friend of the girl, the word “kisses” can be replaced with “hugs.”
Honey, get out of my thoughts. You're interfering with work. It is appropriate to send such a message in the middle of the working day, as a reminder to the young man that he is loved and is looking forward to meeting him.
Do you believe that you can lose your head when you fall in love at first sight? Or do I need to catch your eye again? With such an SMS, a girl can not only cheer up a young man, but also hint at sympathy on her part. When sending this message, it is important to think through all possible options for the guy’s responses. This will help prevent an awkward situation if the recipient of the message does not reciprocate the girl's feelings.
How is the first guy in the village doing?This SMS can be addressed to a young man, regardless of whether the relationship between him and the girl is friendly or romantic.

Cheer on VK

You can cheer up a guy by correspondence not only using SMS, but also during communication on VKontakte. The advantage of using this method is the opportunity to leave your message not only in a private message, but also to make a confession publicly (by writing text on the wall of the young man’s account).

You can cheer up a man on VKontakte in several ways:

  • Describe a real (or fictitious) funny story that happened to the girl herself or someone she knew the other day.
  • Send a gift with a funny message attached to it. Despite the fact that in the vast majority of cases VKontakte gifts are paid, they cost no more than 50 rubles.
  • Send a funny picture with a phrase that the young man will understand. If there is no suitable option in the public domain, you can make such a picture yourself on free sites.

    You can cheer up a pen pal by sending him a funny postcard.

  • Send a funny video or video that matches the interests of a particular young person. Videos can be selected from those previously downloaded on VKontakte or downloaded yourself from other resources.
  • Send a personal video message. The girl records the video herself. If the girl is too shy and uptight to record such an appeal, you can record a voice appeal, voicing a confession or telling a joke in this way.

It is recommended to choose the message structure in accordance with the algorithm:

  1. Understand whether the message should have a loving connotation, be a confession, or simply act as friendly support.
  2. Determine the purpose of the message (to support, cheer, confess feelings, etc.).
  3. Choose an appropriate time (for example, a young man’s lunch break).
  4. Find a template that can be used as the basis for a future message (if the girl plans to send text in a VKontakte message).

Options for text messages on a social network can be:

VK message optiona brief description of
For your sake, I will do everything, even with you I will watch 22 men running in shorts after one ball across the field. What time is football today, you say? If the topic of football is not of interest to a particular young person, the message can be rewritten, also veiling another sport or game on a console.
Hello! How are you feeling: nerves, heart, pulse, stomach, back? How are you, my dear man? Such a message can be sent to VK either to a friend, a boyfriend or husband. It will not only lift your spirits, but also provoke a detailed response, emphasizing the importance of a man in the eyes of his other half or girlfriend.

What to send on WhatsApp?

You can cheer up a guy by correspondence not only on social networks and SMS correspondence, but also by communicating using instant messengers. One of the most popular communication applications among modern smartphone users is What's App.

With its help, you can not only send text messages, but also cheer up your interlocutor with the help of pictures and videos of a personal nature. The advantage of communication in this format is the option to automatically save media content in the user’s gallery.

Despite the fact that all messages in the messenger are protected by encryption (according to the creators of the application), a situation has already arisen once when people’s correspondence was posted on the public Internet. Based on this, sending intimate photos to a young man is highly discouraged.

You need to compose text for WhatsApp messages taking into account the fundamental principles:

  • It is not recommended to write a message to a man and do household chores at the same time. This contributes to the dispersion of attention, due to which a girl may miss a significant detail from a conversation with her opponent.
  • You should not give messages in instant messengers hidden meanings. A young man can read a message in a hurry and not only fail to understand its meaning and offend the girl with his indifference, but even become angry with the sender.
  • There is no need to wait for a response from a guy after sending him a message. The young man may be busy at work or planning to call the girl later and invite her to dinner.

The most popular phrases that can be used as text or voice messages sent via instant messenger are:

Message optiona brief description of
Come home as early as possible, dear. There you will find delicious treats, hugs, and one of the cutest... (girl's name) - a nanny. This message will not only cheer up a man by making him smile, but will also give him warm feelings towards the girl. Thanks to positive emotions, a man will most likely want to do something nice for his other half, for example, after work he will stop by to buy flowers for his girlfriend.
It seems to me that our relationship has matured to move to the next stage and become more serious. Maybe we can get a little... kitten? You can split this message into several parts and send the last part when the chat shows a sign that the other person is typing a message. In this way, the man will experience a whole range of emotions, thanks to which he will shift the focus from a negative mood to a more positive one.

Ideas for telephone dialogue

Cheering a guy over text is more difficult than in a telephone conversation.

In the second case, with closer contact, the girl will be able to feel the mood of her interlocutor, and promptly adjust the initially set tone of the dialogue (for example, if a man, being in a depressed state, begins to get angry because the girl jokes and laughs instead of empathizing and providing moral support). support).

When conducting a dialogue on the phone, a girl should pay special attention to the reaction of the young man. If his bad mood persists even after several attempts to cheer him up, you should not continue communication at this moment.

When a man is silent, answers in monosyllables, or gets angry and begins to be rude, it is best to end the conversation as quickly as possible, and then give him time to experience the emotions on his own. Guys, unlike girls, are less willing to share their experiences, preferring to keep them inside and deal with them alone.

Ideas for starting a telephone conversation with a young person might include:

Dialogue optiona brief description of
Darling, are you sad? I'm calling to cheer you up. Keep in mind, if you can’t do it this way, come, I’ll pick up everything that’s lying! This sexually suggestive message is recommended for use with your boyfriend or husband. Thoughts about a pleasant continuation of the evening will brighten up the young man’s condition and strengthen his desire to be home as soon as possible.
Darling, I have a favor to ask. Please pick me up after work/school/shop! It seems I forgot my flying broom at home today. Such a conversation will make a man smile and take his mind off sad thoughts for a while. The ability to laugh at oneself is very valuable for a girl. Knowing how touchy women can be, the young man most likely will not miss the opportunity to encourage his beloved for the self-irony demonstrated in the conversation.

How to cheer up your husband

A beloved wife should know how to lift her husband’s mood, distract him from sad thoughts and dull thoughts, and get him out of a state of depression.


How to behave correctly with a man in different situations

If he's at work

Is your spouse at work, but you feel that he is upset, unhappy or angry? Try to lift his terrible mood with messages. Here are examples of correspondence:

  1. Remember that I am always near, even if far away.
  2. I thank God that the best man was sent to me! He is especially beautiful when he smiles...
  3. With this SMS, thousands of kisses are flying towards you.
  4. When you are sad, I am sad too! You want your girl to smile, right?

If he is tired after work

If your spouse comes home tired and gloomy after work, then you can make his evening calm and positive:

  1. Create a friendly atmosphere and let them sit quietly for at least an hour. If there are children in the house, then ask them to be quiet and not pester dad for a while, or go for a walk with them.
  2. Meet your husband with a smile on his face and in a good mood.
  3. Prepare a hot dinner and set the table.
  4. Start flirting, have sex - even a tired spouse will not refuse such a pastime.
  5. Plan a weekend with your man's favorite activity and tell him about it. Fishing with friends, tickets to a football match, a mini-trip to a neighboring town - choose what your spouse has long wanted.

Take care of your husband and his moral state, then peace, harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Universal options

If you see that your spouse is dissatisfied and angry, then it is very important to maintain your own calm, otherwise a scandal cannot be avoided. Don’t be offended by his rude words or silence, but try to somehow smooth out the situation with an interesting story, trying to involve your man in a dialogue.

You can turn on a comedy that your husband will appreciate, snuggle up to your lover and watch this good film in silence. Take a fragrant bubble bath and let your loved one relax and unwind.

Sudden mood swings in men are less common than in women, but they are not excluded. Only by feeling the support, tenderness and attention from the other half, representatives of the stronger sex can forget about their sorrows and failures.

Creative ideas

The fastest way to cheer a guy up is by putting creative ideas into practice. This can be done either by correspondence or in personal or telephone communication.

Ready-made options can be found on the Internet and adapted to the interests of a particular person and the characteristics of a particular relationship:

Creative ideasa brief description of
"The bunny missed you"This option involves a girl recording a video message addressed to her boyfriend.
To implement it you need:
  1. Think over the idea of ​​the message.
  2. Wear a bunny costume. If you don’t have a costume at hand, you can cut out only the ears (elongated ovals) from cardboard or colored paper, and then paint the animal’s face (whiskers, nose, etc.) with paints.
  3. Write the text of the message on paper or computer. The message should not be drawn out so that the man does not get bored of watching it.
  4. Record a video message, voicing the written text with different intonation, gestures and facial expressions.
  5. Send a video to a young man.

As an alternative to this option, you can use special masks that are automatically applied to the girl’s face when using the application.

Poem/song/fairy talesAn unexpected surprise for a man will be a poem or song written by a girl herself. In the absence of relevant skills, you can order a work in special campaigns, in which specialists implement full-fledged projects according to the conditions specified by the customer. The cost of such services varies from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles. If you don’t have the financial means and the inability to create poems, you can compose a short fairy tale, the main characters of which will be a girl and a guy who are in a relationship and have the same names as the participants in a particular couple.

It is recommended to choose a creative idea strictly in accordance with the interests and preferences of the guy whom the girl wants to cheer up.

For example, if a young man is a romantic, a video message with intimate overtones may not only not lift the mood, but also aggravate the situation by causing the man to focus on the idea of ​​an excessive difference in interests and thinking with his other half.


  • 08.06.2020


    I don't think it's a good idea to forcefully cheer up a guy.) If he is not in the mood and is silent, does not write, just mind your own business, and not invent something to write to him. Having fun, as well as caring, is a man’s business. If he wants to, he’ll write, but if he doesn’t write, then there’s no problem, just like the guy). But messages like 6 and 8 cannot be written at all! Categorically!)

  • 10.06.2020


    Any guy likes praise. But not flattery, but deserved praise. The main thing is that there would be a reason for it :)

  • 14.06.2020


    A girl who can make her boyfriend laugh will always be very loved, proven!

Unusual options

Unusual options for what words you can use to please a guy by correspondence are:

Unusual text message optionsa brief description of
“- Hello, I was thinking that only 3 things can cheer me up. Can you guess which ones?
- ... (the young man’s answer).

“An SMS from the bank about the receipt of money in the account, sunny weather and a call or message from you.”

This type of dialogue will be appropriate both when communicating between a guy and a girl who are in a love relationship, and between those who are friends. This is an unobtrusive, easy format for people to communicate that can lift the mood and strengthen the emotional connection between opponents.
“You are so courageous, brutal and powerful. And I am small, weak and in need of a reliable shoulder nearby. Always be with me, please. With you, I have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about.” These words will make the young man smile and will also increase his self-confidence. Feeling attractive, a man will gain the strength necessary to cope with life's difficulties and problems that arise along the way.

Through correspondence, it can be difficult for girls to express their emotions, support or cheer up a guy.
This is due to the fact that, without seeing the facial expression of your opponent, it is not always possible to accurately interpret his mood and reaction to specific words. Despite the existing risk of aggravating the young man’s condition by untimely changing the direction of the conversation, in the vast majority of cases, words of support, regardless of their form, significantly improve a man’s mood and strengthen the emotional connection with his chosen one.

My experience

I think nothing builds character more than fighting your own fears and psychological problems. Children's grievances against parents and classmates, dependence on other people's opinions, non-acceptance of oneself and low self-esteem, fear of criticism and failure, victim thinking, aggression, isolation, embitterment, problems with understanding and expressing one's emotions (ironically, the shutdown of this area occurred just under the motto “Be strong, be patient”) is a small part of what I had to fight with.

I can no longer remember what happened at the very beginning, and where the character building and development of fortitude began. But I remember for sure that it was not easy, slow, sometimes painful, and within the framework of the framework that we have already considered. And why was that? It continues. I think this path is endless. Every person has a dark side, and there is a lot of stress and negativity in the world, so you can’t stop - you need to maintain a given level and gradually raise it.

Is it difficult to be a person with a strong spirit? Only at the beginning of the journey, when you break and rebuild the foundations of your personality.

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