How to cheer yourself up and thereby lift your spirits

How to cheer yourself up?

In order to cheer up, it is not necessary to seek the company of other people.
How to cheer yourself up at home? If a person is sad and doesn’t want to do anything, then he needs to be idle. This is sometimes a very useful activity. You can pour yourself a cup of tea, crawl under the blanket and turn on a comedy series or movie. The problems of fictional characters will help you forget about your failures. If you don’t want to sit at home, you can call your friends and go to a cafe, cinema, theater or nightclub. The choice of location will depend on the person’s personal preferences. If he is sociable, then it is better to go to a crowded place, but if not, then the choice should fall on the theater or cinema.

Today there is a lot of entertainment that is aimed at interesting and non-trivial leisure time. This could be a quest, or an intellectual Olympiad, or you can go and play virtual reality games. Sometimes look through the posters of events taking place in your city, you can find a lot of interesting things there.

Is sadness a feeling or an emotion?

Sadness is the weakest of the negative emotions. It happens to everyone and it is necessary to recognize that sadness is a natural process of restoring our emotional state. This is how the psyche protects itself from overstrain. Everything is simple here, if today you have a lot of fun, usually the next day you are a little sad and miss the past coins.

Many people confuse sadness and depression, yet these are different states, although in fact the difference between them is only in the intensity of the impact on the person and emotional state. Apathy, by the way, is also not suitable for sadness.

Note that usually when you are sad, you want to cry, and tears are cleansing. Everything we cried is cleared from our psyche. Therefore, I do not recommend to never hold back your tears, but to have a good cry.

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How to cheer up a guy?

If your friend or lover is bored, you simply must help him unwind.
It is advisable to get your friend out of the house. How to cheer a guy up? If you are a good friend, you know what a person's hobbies are. Maybe he likes to kick the ball around on the grass or throw it into the basket. Or maybe the guy enjoys long walks. Choose the option that is closer to your friend and move forward towards adventure. You can use the same tips that we gave in the paragraph: how to cheer yourself up. And you can come up with new ideas. If a person loves sports, but doesn’t do it himself, you can give him a ticket to football, volleyball, etc. And if you need to act here and now, and you don’t have time to buy, then you can find out where some kind of event is taking place today street event. This advice is perfect for residents of the capital and large cities. If you try, even on a weekday you can find some kind of flash mob or street dancing.

Ready-made examples for live communication

If you're with a girl who's in a bad mood, try one of these tactics.

Help me speak out

Don't give unsolicited advice, but show empathy. Help the girl speak out, and she will feel better. Important: if you immediately ask how you are doing or what happened, this may be perceived as a stock phrase. Surely, you will hear the answer “everything is fine.” Show that you noticed the girl’s condition.


-You are sad today.

- There is such a thing.

“Something very unpleasant happened that ruined your mood.”

— I had a fight with my sister.

- Understand. I also always feel terrible because of conflicts in the family. You're angry at her.

- And on yourself. Both are to blame. They quarreled over nonsense.

- Do you think we should make peace soon?

“Yes, but I’m still mad and I might say nasty things to her again.”

“I think she feels the same way.” But you love each other.

- I'll call her in the evening.

- Great idea.

Psychologist's comment:

Indeed, reprimanding is effective and is one of the many methods of psychotherapy. Sometimes a person feels much better just because someone listened to him. Internal tension is relieved. And when a person relaxes, he often makes the right decisions. The famous American psychotherapist Milton Erickson said: a person himself knows the solution to his problem, even if he is not aware of it.

"Give me a man"

Show the girl that she is not alone, that you are ready to solve her problem. In most cases, this is nonsense (in the opinion of men) like a broken nail or a broken up favorite celebrity couple, and rather psychological help is required.

Phrases that will help you:

“You have me, and now we’ll figure out what to do with it.”

"I will help you no matter what happens"

Psychologist's comment:

There are male and female types of response to a difficult situation. As a rule, if a man has a problem, it is better not to touch him. He prefers to think and make decisions alone. A woman is another matter. In a difficult situation, she needs a man’s shoulder, or even a “vest,” to cry on.

Distract with a funny story

You can distract from the problem in different ways. For example, tell a funny or motivational story.

Example: “You say, you’re afraid to perform tomorrow. Do you remember how I was speechless at the state meeting? I actually stood in front of the commission for about five minutes like an idol and couldn’t say a word. And Semyonova was like this: “Young man, you probably had such a delicious breakfast that you ate it along with your tongue.” Do you know what I did? I imagined that she was dancing the lambada with the dean. I could barely contain my laughter. And the situation didn’t seem so scary to me. He performed normally. They also advise imagining the audience naked. But I’m afraid I would definitely laugh then.”

If a girl is worried about a bad haircut, remember a funny incident about a hairdresser from your life. In general, you get the idea. If you don’t have stories on a “given” topic, any funny one that the girl hasn’t heard yet will do.

Psychologist's comment:

Switching attention is an effective way to distract from the problem. But it is very difficult for the person himself to switch, since he is fixated on his experience. The person nearby can help.

Give a sincere compliment

There is another effective way to cheer up a girl in real life. Give a sincere compliment while looking into the eyes. But the routine “you’re beautiful” is too simple. Compliments should be individual. Examples:

“You have an amazing sense of style. I'm surprised every time how cool you look. Have you thought about becoming a stylist?

You have very beautiful eyes. Such a rare blue color, with long eyelashes. When we first met, I didn’t even notice what you were wearing or what hairstyle you had. I couldn't tear myself away from your eyes.

I recently remembered how you took a kitten out of a tree. Do you remember? He was so small, defenseless, afraid. I know few people as kind and brave as you.

Psychologist's comment:

Many are aware of the famous phrase that a woman loves with her ears. Of course, a compliment should not sound routine and insincere. It is important to really admire a woman, and then the right words will come to your mind. Compliments regarding appearance are perceived positively, although they can lead to some embarrassment. But it's not scary. Almost every woman has dissatisfaction with some part of her body that she wants to change at any cost. Either the nose is too long, or the wrinkle gets in the way. For a man it doesn't matter. The beauty and attractiveness of a woman is perceived by him as a whole, without going into detail.

Praise for good human qualities is always received positively. Everyone has enough complexes. You can tell yourself “I’m smart” as much as you like, but when you hear it from someone else, the effect is completely different!

You can distract from the problem in different ways. For example, tell a funny or motivational story. Photo:

How to cheer up a girl?

To cheer up your friend or loved one, you can take her to a party.
Girls love social events, and the theme of the event is not always important to them. Alternatively, it could be the opening of an exhibition, the presentation of a new clothing collection, or an event dedicated to the presentation of jewelry. To understand how to entertain a friend, you need to try to stand in her place and ask the question: “How to cheer yourself up?” All people are individual, but we all love it when people show attention and care to us. Therefore, a trip to a restaurant or a skating rink can cheer up a girl. Or you can take your friend to an amusement park.

Of course, a small souvenir can cheer up a girl. For example, a bouquet, earrings or an interesting mug.

What to do if you are sad and want to cry for no reason?

Many girls ask psychologists this question. And our answer is, cry, the more the better. It is necessary to make sure that tears completely cleanse your “soul”. Don’t even try to look for the cause of your sadness; it could be absolutely any situation from the past, present and even future.

Sadness is like a small fly in the ointment in a big barrel of honey; without it you cannot feel full-fledged emotions of happiness. Imagine what would happen if you were always happy? Most likely, the state of happiness itself will be devalued, since negativity is not experienced. And here it’s just like training our psyche, that after sadness, a sip of happiness is a strong reward and therefore the psyche pushes people towards spiritual development.

How to cheer up a child?

Children laugh much more often than adults.
Therefore, answering the question of how to cheer up a child is quite easy. The easiest way is to take your child to the circus. Funny clowns, flexible gymnasts and cute animals will quickly cheer you up and put a smile on your face. For entertainment, you can take your child to a manual zoo. This excursion evokes a strong response in the hearts of children. Of course, all young discoverers love to “look with their hands,” and in a mini-zoo you can pick up, pet and feed all the animals.

One of the easiest ways to entertain a child is to play some game with him. It could be hide and seek, chase or cat and mouse. The child will throw out his energy, and the adult will have a fun time.

You can make your child happy by drawing together. After all, often a young creator is forced to create his masterpieces alone. Imagine how happy your child will be if you say that today you will make a castle, an airplane, a zoo or fairy-tale characters together. You can create not only with the help of paints, but also use plasticine and assemble applications.

If you're nearby

There are many methods for raising the mood of your chosen one, but everything is deeply individual. Therefore, familiarize yourself with all the options so that you can then choose the most suitable and most effective in a given situation.

So, if you are close, then try the following methods:

  1. Pamper your loved one with a delicious dish. Despite the constant “sitting” of girls on various diets, no representative of the fair sex will refuse delicious chocolate, exotic dishes, or ice cream. In addition, you can prepare a “yummy” treat with your own hands to show your attitude towards your beloved.
  2. Give a compliment. What will instantly dry a woman's tears? With beautiful or original words you can make any girl happy, even if she is in the worst mood. You can give a compliment in different ways - one-on-one, via SMS, VKontakte, or even by ordering a song on the radio. The most important condition is that pleasant words must be spoken with all your heart.
  3. Give yourself an adrenaline rush. Extreme sports or recreation are an unusual, but very effective method for raising your spirits. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the girl’s psychotype and her temperament, but still you can choose an extreme sport for every taste and budget.
  4. Call her friends for help. If your beloved has not communicated with her friends for a long time, she is bogged down in routine affairs, do not leave her to sour on the sofa. Call the girl’s friends, invite them to your home without telling your missus about it. To enhance the surprise, take them shopping or to an entertainment center.
  5. Get a massage. The ideal “cure” for a bad mood is massage, affection and kisses. Invite your beloved to have an evening of relaxation and bliss, give her a light massage (regular or erotic). It is quite possible that you will move from stroking to closer communication.
  6. Have a romantic evening. Not a single girl (even if she is sad) will refuse gatherings at her favorite restaurant or a trip to the cinema for the last showing. You can book a table in secret from your missus, and if you are not sure of her consent, send an SMS with an offer to meet in a certain place where a surprise awaits your beloved.
  7. Have sex. Scientists have proven that making love promotes the active release of endorphins into the blood - hormones of joy and good mood. As they say, just what the doctor ordered! If the girl doesn't mind, give her true pleasure by fulfilling every whim and every desire. By the way, this is the most accessible method to improve the mood of your beloved (and not only her).
  8. Give a gift. Even if it is an ordinary trinket, the main thing is your care and tenderness. Give your beloved a bouquet of roses or daisies, some decoration or something that she has long dreamed of.

How to learn to relate to everything more easily?

Almost all problems in life are created by a person himself. Therefore, in order for there to be as little trouble as possible, you need to reconsider your attitude towards this world. Just because you're sad doesn't mean you should immediately come up with a way to entertain yourself. First you need to think about the cause of this condition. After all, it is impossible to escape from problems. If you're wondering how to cheer someone up, maybe they shouldn't try to cheer them up. It would be more prudent to find out what upset your friend.

In general, you need to worry less about little things. It is worth understanding that everything that happens in life leads to the better. Even if this is not the case at the moment, believe that happiness is already close. There is no point in worrying about a situation in which there is still an opportunity to change something. You just need to take action and not worry anymore. And in a situation in which nothing can be changed, there is simply no point in worrying.

Make up stories

Creative activities are a great way to kill time, and they also stimulate the activity of the central nervous system, develop intelligence and memory. This is a game of imagination, you don’t just come up with everything that comes to mind, but you do it within the limits of the possible, like a screenwriter. This practice is used by theater actors to train their imagination, and they do it everywhere, especially in crowded places, when they can calmly observe those around them. You see an interesting type on public transport, try to notice the details of his mood, come up with a biography for him. What is he doing, where is he coming from, what happened to him an hour ago, what will happen in an hour, etc. Try it, it’s very entertaining.

Go shopping

Shopaholics do not just become dependent on their attachment to shopping centers; often they are not even interested in the things they buy. It's all about the selection process, the environment, communication with the sellers, the excitement you feel when looking at the windows. All this is available to you in any major market. It’s nice to be there, there are a lot of people there who are happy to see you, there is always something interesting there. If some kind of thematic fair or exhibition is held on this day, then consider it great luck, because you will have access to unique, rather than ordinary, goods.

Dream on

The most positive activity, which has only one drawback - you will be distracted by what is happening around you. Therefore, in order to dream anywhere and at any time, it is good to have some kind of anchor - a point of contact with the dream, by thinking about which you can simply “jump” into the state and develop it in any direction. This is what people who practice the visualization method do to fulfill desires.

Get yourself some special object to “dream”; it could be a picture, a photograph, a video on your phone, or a short poem. Anything to take you to the land of good fantasies quickly and efficiently.

Rearrange the furniture in your home

This is the easiest way to create a feeling of newness in a familiar place.
Even if you simply turn the bed 180 degrees (so that you sleep with your feet in the opposite direction), you will lie down and get up from it with a completely new feeling. And if you rearrange all the furniture, your own apartment will become a subject for study and a source of new experience. In addition, this is an occasion to show your hidden design talents to the maximum, to experiment with the usual. If you haven’t done renovations for a long time, fresh ideas will certainly arise in the process and incentives will appear. Sign up for a trial lesson


We have already talked about the impact of creative activities, everything that has been said is also relevant for drawing. But what exactly to draw depends on why you are sad. If tension caused by a specific reason is to blame, the process of overcoming this reason should be drawn. This practice is offered to their patients by art therapists, specialists in the field of eliminating psychological problems through creativity. You draw what you want to do, the process of sublimation starts, i.e. replacing a real action with a creative analogue, and it becomes easier for you. If you simply have nothing to do, then draw anything. If you don’t know how to draw, open a photo editor and edit pictures.

From the category black humor

These jokes are suitable only for true connoisseurs of black humor, those who are able to smile at words that would be worth crying over:

  1. Don’t be sad, otherwise you look like that acrobat who died on the trampoline, but continued to delight the audience for a long time;
  2. I understand that you want to kill everyone now, go to a psychologist, start with him;
  3. Things aren't so bad for you yet. My neighbor’s husband went to the store to buy potatoes, but he was hit by a car and now she doesn’t know what to cook: rice or buckwheat;
  4. Did you see the news today about the boy who hanged himself? I didn’t see it, but he tried so hard;
  5. Don't worry, you'll get well soon. In this case, the doctor prescribed mud baths for me in order to develop a habit of the earth.

Of course, dark humor is not applicable in every situation, but sometimes laughing at hopeless situations helps to perk up your spirit.


Some people think that reading books is boring. People, are you serious? It’s boring to scroll through the endless VKontakte feed, reading other people’s statuses with the same content, cut, by the way, from book phrases. And books are a whole world in which you can live when reality lacks diversity. The disadvantage of school literature lessons is that because of them, children perceive reading as work, but in fact it is great fun.

If you don’t know what to read when you’re sad and lonely, be guided by the films you like. Many of them were based on books, and the genres in literature and cinema are similar.

And it is not at all necessary to read Dostoevsky. If you like horror, science fiction or action, Lem, Strugatsky, Cruz, Glukhovsky are suitable for you. For fans of fantasy, Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit is an absolute must read. Those who like heavier reading will appreciate Pelevin. For those who like it lighter and more pop, there are as many as 8 parts of Harry Potter.

Back to the childhood

64. Play your favorite childhood game. To do this, you will most likely have to involve other people. Although, for example, you can play classics alone.

65. Build a fort out of pillows and blankets.

66. Play a prank on a random caller on the phone.

67. Blow bubbles.

68. Buy a helium balloon, inhale the gas and talk in a stupid voice.

69. Play shadow theater.

70. Play on the swings at the playground.

71. Go on rides at an amusement park.

72. Set off firecrackers or fireworks. A simplified version is sparklers.

73. Draw with crayons on the asphalt.

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