A wise mother, wife and just a woman - on the path to self-understanding and inner harmony

What is female wisdom

Women's wisdom implies the ability to treat people loyally, calmly perceive any life situations, and think sensibly.

A wise person is not born. Wisdom is acquired through life experience. And, first of all, a woman must be wise. Very often, comfort and coziness and peace in the house depend on it.

Wisdom is a property of the human mind, characterized by the degree of mastery of knowledge and subconscious experience and expressed in the ability to apply them appropriately in society, taking into account a specific situation.

Source Wikipedia

She always takes care of him.

Many men are openly disingenuous when they talk about their wives as second mothers who control their every step and look after them too closely.
They say that I’m too little to straighten my tie every morning, force me to put on a clean shirt and ask if he forgot to take the car keys.

After all, in fact, caring for your loved ones is in the blood of any normal woman. And taking into account the fact that most men are adult children who are characterized by a certain sloppiness, forgetfulness and other shortcomings, a wise woman nearby is a real salvation.

Truly normal men do not leave such wives of their own free will. After all, for them they are a reliable rear, without which all their success in life can easily come to naught.

Young family

Photo source: freepik.com

Women's wisdom in relationships with men

Love inspires, gives a sea of ​​joy and incredible emotions. But sometimes quarrels occur in the family, causing mental pain. It would seem that love is an intimate feeling, and a person does not need anyone’s advice on how to love correctly. He just loves everything the way he knows how, the way he feels.

Relationships, of course, depend on the internal state of each partner, the feeling of comfort or, conversely, discomfort.

What is the wisdom of a woman?

Wisdom is acquired through life experience, with all the mistakes, ups and downs. A wise woman will not rudely express the unpleasant truth about a person, but will do it in such a way as not to offend him.

She understands that anyone can stumble, so in difficult times she can listen to a person and give him practical advice. And he won’t judge him.

A woman has a heightened intuition, which helps her not to make the same mistakes in life.

She knows how to analyze her actions and the actions of other people, while drawing certain conclusions and calculating everything in advance in order to prevent similar mistakes in the future.

A wise woman understands people well. She easily recognizes a gigolo and will not let herself be fooled. If the spouse cheated, he will forever erase him from his life. She will go to the registry office only if she is sure that she has met the very, only man with whom she is ready to live her whole life.

Family relationships

A wise woman sincerely loves and respects her husband. He always looks well-groomed and neat. She will never speak badly about him, but will only highlight his good qualities. Respects her husband's parents and his interests.

She knows what she wants from life and lives in harmony with herself. A wise woman never starts quarrels and scandals, especially without reason. If she is not happy with something, she will choose the right moment and talk about it with her husband in order to solve the problem peacefully.

She knows how to build relationships, show her love without nitpicking about various little things.


So, the signs of a wise woman in everyday life and in life are as follows:

  1. She listens to herself and to those around her. This means that the lady, first of all, knows herself quite well, since she is constantly engaged in self-knowledge. Consequently, such a woman almost never commits stupid, rash acts that could compromise her in the eyes of other people. She knows her desires and can give in to her husband or another loved one if it is not important to her and does not violate her harmony, values ​​or norms. A wise woman understands that no one is obliged to correspond to her ideas about what is proper or right, that each person is individual, because he knows about his own individuality too. But the beautiful female representative is also sure that life with others is an integral part of her existence, therefore she listens to those who are nearby in order to build harmonious relationships with them.
  2. Accepts the shortcomings of others. A wise woman understands perfectly well that every person has shortcomings, and she has them too. But the lady skillfully turns her shortcomings into advantages (she learns this art constantly). And such a lady does not struggle with the shortcomings of those around her, because she understands the pointlessness of these attempts. If she is married, then she accepts her husband for who he is and tries to establish peace in the family, constantly remembering all his merits for which she fell in love with him. And, indeed, we often focus on the shortcomings of loved ones and can no longer remember anything good, and then we are surprised that the relationship does not work out. By accepting the shortcomings of others, a woman first protects herself from troubles, because non-acceptance of shortcomings provokes conflicts, and a wise lady does not need them, because they violate her harmonious state.
  3. Able to resolve conflicts. If a conflict does occur, a wise woman will make sure that either its consequences are minimal, or it is resolved, leading to a compromise between the two warring parties. Anything that violates her inner harmony is unacceptable for such a lady, so she tries to avoid conflicts in her environment. The woman is cheerful, cheerful, calm. Calmness constantly distinguishes her. Of course, there are objective circumstances in the life of any person when it is impossible to be completely calm (death of loved ones, worry for children, etc.), but in everyday situations, wisdom is distinguished by the ability to be restrained, even, to perceive the situation as it is, and adapt it to suit yourself and your life. Fighting at windmills is not about a wise woman, since she understands the meaninglessness of this action. But “making windmills” her companions is her style.
  4. Knows how to present himself correctly. How often the problems of most women lie in the fact that they do not know how to be different, in accordance with the circumstances in life. This does not mean duplicity or its manifestations. This is the ability to “save face” in any situation, not to disturb the harmony that accompanies it. So, sometimes a woman decides to be who she is, always. And he finds himself in an unforeseen situation where he needs to be a little more cunning and act differently. That is, female cunning and natural ingenuity are necessary for a wise woman. They are the ones who make her a queen over circumstances. You have to be invisible - she will be there. You need to show high erudition - that means it will show. If it is necessary to do something extraordinary, he will do it.
  5. Maintains comfort and harmonious atmosphere in the house. It is pleasant for everyone who visits there to be in the home of a wise woman. Even if she doesn’t treat someone very well, the person in her house will never feel or notice it. The main thing is because to show hostility to someone means to violate the harmony that she spreads, and this is a taboo for a wise woman. In the house of such a representative of the fair sex it is always cozy, calm for her husband and children. The husband always wants to come to his own home and communicate with his wise wife. And people who visit her apartment note a special atmosphere of warmth, coziness and comfort. She provides this to her family, regardless of financial well-being. A home you want to return to again and again is a sign of a wise woman.

How to build a harmonious relationship with a man

When you first met your loved one, life played with bright colors and it seemed that there was no one else in the world except you. But time goes by. You have children, you need to get to work, and besides that, you still have a lot of household chores to do. You feel tired and burdened with your responsibilities. The relationship no longer has the spark it had at the beginning. And in such conditions it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain a spiritual connection with your partner.

A spiritual connection is a spiritual closeness with a loved one, sharing his interests, beliefs and life goals. People who have a spiritual connection can share anything with each other.

Such people have common features:

  • Mutual love;
  • Mutual respect;
  • The ability to listen to each other and talk on different topics;
  • Honesty;
  • Independence.

How to create harmonious relationships

Relationships are not always the same. Now you are absorbed in each other, you can talk for a long time on different topics, but after some time you will feel a certain detachment. It is very important to understand that fluctuations in relationships are normal.

How to create harmonious relationships:

  • It is necessary to strengthen eye contact. Looking your partner in the eye shows that you are interested in what he has to say. This is a sign of respect;
  • Find time to be alone with your partner. Just sit on the couch in the arms of your loved one, watch an interesting program or movie together;
  • Very often, a partner sees in us what we do not notice in ourselves and helps us to reveal a lot about ourselves;
  • Physical touch is important for a harmonious relationship. They are soothing and sometimes can say more than words;
  • Make time for conversations. Share what's on your heart and what's bothering you;
  • Learn to laugh at each other kindly together. Laughter opens your heart and strengthens your spiritual connection;
  • Express your thoughts and feelings openly. When you feel offended, angry, talk about your condition, because your partner does not know how to read your thoughts;
  • Don't hold grudges. The more grievances accumulate, the more you move away from each other;
  • Love yourself. After all, if you don’t love yourself, it’s unlikely that anyone else will love you.

But it is important to understand that even between soul mates, relationships lose their novelty. There are no relationships that will remain tender forever.

Ways to build and maintain wise relationships between a man and a woman.4

How to build a relationship with a man? Pay enough attention to each other. If one of the partners lacks attention, then manipulation and quarrels will soon begin out of the blue in order to get it. Arrange a romantic evening for the two of you, have a heart-to-heart talk.

Support energy exchange. It is very important that a woman is in a resourceful state, because she needs to give a lot of energy to her man. Energy exchange occurs when giving gifts, for example. The man gives, the girl thanks. The exchange took place.

Set personal boundaries with your mother. A man has to work here. If she has a very strong influence on him, and can impose something on him, decide for him, then the relationship will collapse. You can't call him a real man.

You can’t crush a man under you. Never and under no circumstances. A girl should remain a girl. No male responsibilities, no excessive interference in his life. Give the power to him and take care of yourself. You can go for a manicure or a massage, cook a delicious dinner or get a promotion. Learn to fill yourself with feminine energy.

Unselfish support. For a man to achieve any heights in his career, he must receive energy, care and support from his partner. If both are in a resourceful state, then the man will reach great heights.

Continue self-development. People tend to show interest in something new - reading new books, courses, trainings. But if your significant other limits your desire to develop, then you should be wary. In a relationship where each partner receives a sufficient amount of attention, this does not happen. Most often this happens to victims and tyrants.

A girl is a reflection of her man. Partners often mirror each other's behavior. If there is negativity towards another, you should think about your behavior first.

Secrets of women's wisdom

Every woman dreams that her relationship with her loved one will be harmonious and happy. Reciprocity gives incredible emotions, a feeling of being in demand, and self-confidence.

Very often, the success of such relationships lies in the wise actions of a woman.

Harmony in relationships can be achieved by following some simple rules:

  • Don't be intrusive. Many people believe that a man should constantly provide attention, show every minute interest and care. But such requirements will soon become burdensome for a man. And such relationships will no longer be joyful and will not bring positive emotions;
  • Don't make a man feel guilty. It's a devastating feeling. If he feels guilty, then he tries to avoid contact with a woman, moves away from her and seeks communication with other people;
  • Compromise should not be the solution to all problems. Wise women resort to compromise only in exceptional cases. They defend their point of view on issues that are truly important and significant for both;
  • Talk about what doesn’t suit you or worries you, share your secrets, learn to listen to others;
  • Don't be afraid to show your feelings. A wise woman does not make a man wonder what is happening to her. She shares her thoughts and feelings;
  • Believe in your man, trust his decisions, be able to see the potential in him. The faith and support of the woman he loves, the ability to focus on moments that are significant to him, inspires a man;
  • Harmonious relationships can only be created if a woman lives in harmony with herself.

What does a woman do with a strong-willed man?3

Absolutely every representative of the fair sex wants a strong, reliable, strong-willed man as a partner. Subconsciously, she feels that only with him can she live calmly, as if behind a stone wall. But in fact, the opposite effect appears. Being with such a man, the woman begins to “break” his will. He will try to subjugate him to the last. Just a paradox.

A woman strives to be with a strong man, but when she finds herself with him, she tries to crush him under her, instead of giving him the reins of power and simply enjoying life. Very few women are able to avoid this. It is for this reason that there are now a huge number of courses on charm, on how to meet the man of your dreams and not ruin everything, on how to build a harmonious and wise relationship between a man and a woman.

Quotes for a wise woman

  • Wisdom is an art, a special feminine power, a gift from above.

  • A wise woman looks for flaws in herself, a stupid woman looks for flaws in those around her;
  • A wise woman, even after quarreling with her husband, will cook him something to eat. A wise man, even if he is right, will come and kiss his wife. Wisdom comes with age;
  • A stupid woman holds a man by the throat, a smart woman by the hand, a wise woman does not hold at all;
  • A wise woman is not one who is able to prove, but one who, knowing, knows how to remain silent;
  • A smart woman knows when to remain silent. And the wise woman not only knows, but is also silent at this time;
  • Advice for the wife: instead of a thousand words, give a hug;
  • A wise woman always keeps her house clean, as if she is expecting guests, and has a pure heart, as if she is preparing to appear before God;
  • A woman, when she ceases to be young and lovely, becomes wise and chic;
  • There are no ideal relationships. There is a woman's wisdom not to notice men's stupidity. There is a man's power to forgive women's weaknesses;
  • A wise woman is never jealous of her man, because she knows: a smart man will not leave her, and you shouldn’t keep a fool;
  • I want to be not only wise, but also happy.

Wisdom - if you remain silent in time,

You cannot respond to rudeness with rudeness.

If it hurts, you will still forgive

And insult, and other people's stupidity...

What not to do

There is no need to feel sorry for yourself, download your license, or tell your girlfriends about your husband’s vices. Not knowing how to change the situation, girls often use the feminine arsenal of influence. These are hysterics, grumbling, slamming doors, insults and demands for proof of love. We must forget about all this forever - men perceive this as pressure, which they cannot stand. The reaction will be to escape into oneself.

Standing on opposite sides of the barricade, you perceive your partner as an opponent. If something offensive was done or said by your husband, do not take it personally.

Calmly analyze the complaints or comments, but do not panic, considering yourself a worthless wife and mother.

Years pass, having made mistakes, we become smart. Don't look back, wanting to correct what was done. Everything that we can fix is ​​right before our eyes. This is also wisdom.

Olga F.

How to develop feminine wisdom

Wisdom, as mentioned above, comes with age.

To become wise, a woman will have to go through a difficult path to develop the following qualities:

  • Learn to control your emotions;
  • Love yourself;
  • Do not adjust a man to yourself;
  • Live in harmony with yourself;
  • Be able to extinguish a flaring conflict;
  • Be patient. When a problem arises, be able to talk in order to find a compromise, and not start scandals;
  • Respect your partner's opinion;
  • Be able to forgive.

She knows how to be relaxed.

A good housewife, modest in life, faithful and reliable - these are the kinds of women men most often look for to create a social unit.

At the same time, representatives of the stronger sex want their spouse to be able to match him when appearing together at certain events. And men also want their partners to match in bed too.

So, only a woman who knows how to transform from a housewife into a socialite, and from a modest wife into a passionate lover, can hope that her man will not go to the left, but will find in his wife everything that his nature requires.

How to become wise

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