7 steps to help you fall in love with your partner again

Love is a complex concept, feeling, idea, state, which can be called differently. Relationships are even more complicated. Relationships are always a process. Any process has its own dynamics, its peaks, its highest points, which are invariably followed by a decline. It is impossible to live at the highest point of a relationship, at the height of feelings and love. No matter how much we strive for this, we simply do not have enough energy. She, like feelings, fades away. And there, at the bottom, at the lowest point, with a cool head, everyone has to make an important decision - to stay in this relationship or not.

In this article:

Three dangerous situations that put relationships into question7 tips on how to fall in love with your partner again

Be realistic

Speaking of falling in love, many people want to return the emotions that overwhelmed them at the beginning of the relationship, to again experience that trepidation and excitement. But it’s worth remembering that your life was completely different back then. You didn’t yet know about each other’s annoying habits and what it was like to share everyday life with this person. We saw each other less often, and therefore we were more bored. We didn't know each other that well, which made everything seem less predictable.

Perhaps during the time that you have been together, global life circumstances have changed: children appeared, work became more stressful. You cannot simply close your eyes to all these factors, forget everything that you now know about each other and return “those” feelings.

Many relationship experts say that falling in love is just a stage of two people getting closer, it will pass, and this is absolutely normal. However, it may be replaced by a deeper and more stable feeling - and it is worth striving for.

How to get your husband's love back

After the candy-bouquet period, family life no longer seems such a fairy tale as most girls imagine it to be.

Psychologists believe that both partners are to blame for the cooling of feelings during family life.

But there are recommendations that will help return a man’s love to a woman; you just need to take the initiative.

After divorce

Divorce is a delicate and always unpleasant matter. Most girls experience this event more acutely than men.

However, after a period of emotional instability, common sense comes. It is he who tells the woman that her husband can be returned. First, it is important to accept and understand the reason for the current situation, and then take steps.

There are a number of practical recommendations:

  • The first, and not the easiest, step will be to restore communication. Most couples do not break up on a positive note, and such a step can be difficult for both. But if a woman shows cunning and ingenuity, then her plans will be crowned with success. For example, you can give your husband a forgotten item and use this as a reason to continue communication. Female hidden manipulations, if used correctly, will also not be superfluous,
  • If communication started over the phone, you should not run headlong towards the goal; haste can ruin previously made efforts. To achieve what you want, it is important to wait for the right moment and see the presence of a response impulse from a man,
  • Next, you can offer to meet. Just don’t insist on a romantic evening right away. First, try meeting on neutral territory. A woman should be well-groomed and rested, this look will again awaken a man’s interest,
  • It is important to try to get a man’s attention by any adequate means. Heartfelt conversations and interest in his life. Advice or simply the ability to listen will be an excellent reason to renew old feelings.

At all stages, it is important to observe the man’s behavior. Excessive pressure will only push him away and make the situation worse. You need to act taking into account his reaction. Sometimes you have to take a step back, but the results are worth it.

If a woman feels his desire for a truce, but he does not speak about it openly, do not fall into despair. You can use feminine cunning and hint at a romantic evening.

If a couple decides to get back together after working hard to repair their relationship, it is important not to make the same mistakes. We need to discuss all the intricacies of living together, and not live in uncertainty.

A woman needs to remember that a man will begin to change when he sees her changes. Therefore, the lady must often be the first to take the initiative. Changing your style of clothing and behavior is already a big job, and a man will appreciate the work.

Watch the video. How to make your husband fall in love with you again?

After betrayal

Cheating is not the most pleasant event in the life of a married couple. Usually it occurs when the situation has reached its peak, its limit.

Then the woman needs to choose a slightly different model of behavior:

  • Show wisdom. If cheating happened for the first time, you need to realize it and get it out of your head. The mistake of many ladies is constant memories of an unpleasant moment. Such thoughts will not lead to rapprochement,
  • Emotional instability in such a situation is understandable. But there’s no point in making a scandal out of nowhere; it’s better to just remain silent, even if it’s through force. Soon it will be much easier to react this way,
  • You need to become a wife, a lover, and a friend for your husband. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to show a little feminine ingenuity and not throw tantrums over trifles. A man should feel variety and peace, and not a constant tense atmosphere. Then he simply won’t have a reason to go left.

You need to improve yourself, and not look at your mistress.

Of course, you can notice the details, but by asking stupid questions and aggravating the situation, you definitely cannot increase stability.

How to bring back passion

It happens that a man directly says that he is tired of family life. In this case, it is important to try to have a constructive dialogue and not act on emotions. You need to analyze the words spoken by your husband and treat criticism as calmly and soberly as possible.

First of all, you need to work on the mistakes that stress your husband. And then you can make a personal, feminine plan to return feelings. For example, start giving him small but pleasant surprises.

You can try the tactic of warming up a man’s interest with messages of intimate and personal content. It is only important to be sure that he does not have important negotiations or meetings at the moment. Flirting will inevitably take your husband's thoughts back to the time when the relationship was just beginning.

You need to arrange a family romantic dinner after receiving a response impulse. It is important to remove any interference, even children and animals. The first ones can be given to grandparents for a couple of days, they will only be happy. It is important to spend time together, to retire, to renew your feelings and interest in each other.

Some advise starting to restore relationships from the intimate side of life. It is because of the dullness and routine in this area that men most often lose interest in their chosen one. The more variety, the more interest on the part of men.

There is no need to be overly intrusive. Men don't like that.

If he has refused your plans, it is important to accept this as calmly as possible. And when the emotions subside, calmly inquire about the reason for the refusal. Often it follows due to circumstances that have nothing to do with the woman, then the plans can be implemented at another, more convenient time.


On women's themed sites you can find some practical advice on solving this problem.

How to make a guy fall in love with you - 10 ways that work flawlessly.

By the way, it is included in the TOP of those discussed:

  • The transformation of a woman sometimes plays a decisive role, giving the necessary impetus for change. You need to take care of yourself and periodically change your image so as not to bore yourself or your husband,
  • The secret is in diversity. A woman should be able to transform into different women. For them it is not so difficult, it is even interesting. Experience for a woman and variety for a man will strengthen family relationships,
  • Sometimes the cause of problems lies on the surface. A woman’s constant employment and her eternally dissatisfied attitude rarely serve as a pleasant addition to family life. Therefore, it is sometimes worth returning to the image that your husband liked several years ago.


Sometimes conspiracies really help improve relationships between spouses. But they will only work if you believe in them.

The most popular option is the following: “As people look in the mirror, so would my husband (name) look at me! Just as soap is quickly washed off, so would my husband (name) quickly fall in love with me. As light as the shirt on the body is, so would my husband (name) be light.”

The plot will only work if a waxing moon is visible in the sky. The words are pronounced over the spouse’s shirt, having first lightly scorched the collar; only he should burn.

After the ritual, it is important to hide the item away from prying eyes. There is no need to tell your spouse about the ritual.

It is advisable to use your spouse’s old item for the ritual. The fact is that old things contain more human energy. The more it is, the more effective the ritual will be. This is why old shirts are the best solution.

Watch the video. How to always remain interesting to your husband?

Prioritize your relationships

In long-term relationships, people lose the excitement and novelty, but gain comfort and confidence in return. It is important to focus not on losses, but on gains; this will help you take a fresh look at your priorities in relationships.

Your connection with your partner is affected by everyday activities and major life events: career, caring for children or aging parents. All this can shift the focus of attention and distance you from each other. To prevent this, conscious efforts are needed.

Strengthening your intimacy should be one of your life priorities. Intentionally create moments where you can be alone. Regularly set aside time for communication - this could be a simple exchange of news at the table or a full-fledged date.

Talk about your needs so as not to accumulate resentment and irritation.

Spending time together

If a girl wants to fall in love with a young man, she needs to spend time in his company more often. It is unlikely that you will be able to evoke feelings for a stranger, so you should try to get to know the candidate better. It’s great if you manage to discover common interests and start a joint hobby. Such a pastime will certainly lead to rapprochement, and more topics of conversation will appear that are of interest to everyone. Joint attendance at social events, watching films, performances, and so on is also useful.

Be careful about your life

From time to time it is useful to step back and look at your partner and your relationship as a whole. You may find that you haven't done something that you both enjoy in a long time. Previous habits and ways of enjoying each other replaced everyday problems, and then you simply forgot about them. Bring back the good things that were in your relationship, even if it's just the habit of chatting in bed before going to bed.

Pay attention to your partner and your relationship

If we want to grow a flower from a tiny seed, we know very well that it needs to be protected, watered and protected from insects and birds. It’s exactly the same with relationships. You are used to your husband, like he is a comfortable sofa or an old cat. But he needs your attention. Sincere and warm.


Use the three-minute rule and you will gradually find that you want to spend much more time with your husband than before. Without being distracted by children or everyday life, work issues or girlfriends. And the relationship will very quickly become much better and warmer.

Understand how you really feel

Find out what exactly you would like to change in your relationship: is it the physical aspect, the emotional aspect, or both?

Often, behind dissatisfaction with some specific everyday moment in a relationship, some more serious grievance is hidden. Minor disappointments, refusals, misunderstandings add up to the feeling that you no longer love your partner as much as before. Being in love is a feeling of complete togetherness, so try to work through your differences to become closer.

Read on topic: How to understand that you have stopped loving your partner if everything is fine in the relationship

Go back to the start

Write another list. Remember all the qualities that initially attracted you to your partner. They definitely exist, they are exactly the same person. Perhaps he no longer has the opportunity (or desire) to be the same as ten (twenty or whatever) years ago. But if he wants (or is able), he can again please you with the same actions or words.

Remember who you fell in love with

Psychotherapist and relationship expert Katherine Woodward Thomas recommends creating a gratitude list that includes all of your partner's strengths.
In moments of crisis, when he seems unattractive, negative, annoying, or behaves incorrectly, remind yourself that this does not make him a bad person overall, and that he still has qualities worthy of love and respect. If you feel that your partner has changed, try to understand why. Perhaps he himself is not happy about this and has not loved himself for a long time. Then you should not push the person away, but find out what is happening to him and remind him that he is not alone.

How to make a husband love his wife more, advice No. 3, No. 4

Everything has always been great in your relationship, but there came a period when the passion began to fade? Don't be alarmed, absolutely all couples go through this. Seek help from psychologists, or learn 2 hot tips from famous sexologist Kimberly Resnick Andersen. A psychotherapist works with couples who have forgotten what the word sex is and how pleasant it can be in practice. The expert believes that good intimate relationships and their consistency are the key to a successful and long-lasting marriage.

  • Haven't had intimate contact for a long time and don't know where to start? Start with kisses and hugs. When people kiss, all the pleasure centers in the brain are activated. This is influenced by the fact of the erogenous zone. Many couples do not even suspect that the lips and oral cavity are an active erogenous zone. Kisses create excitement and help maintain tactile contact. Touching and hugging for men is a separate form of art. Many researchers in the field of sexology believe that male sensitivity is much stronger than female sensitivity. Don’t be afraid to touch your neck once again, run your finger along your chest and stomach, or press tightly to the man’s back.
  • Use your imagination. Think about it: could you eat the same food for years? – we think not. Same with sex. Making love according to the same principle each time, interest is lost. Try to add variety, add games and become a little more mysterious. Men like to solve, rather than predict, actions. Create a menu of 5 sexy ideas. If your partner is embarrassed to do this, try to start first. Believe me, a man will quickly get hooked on the taste and make his own changes to your desires and thoughts.

Sadness and melancholy

The worst enemy of all women is boredom. A bored woman drives a man crazy so that he can entertain her. And endless interrogations begin: “Why don’t you call? Where are you? What are you doing?".

Out of boredom, whining begins - “you don’t value me, you’re bored with me, I’m not like that...”

How to get your energy back? Five steps for reliable recharging!

A man is interested in someone who is interested in herself! Favorite activity, girlfriends, work - these are also “competitors”. Where you get pleasure, a man looks incredulously! “Is she having more fun there than with me?”

Having your own interests, you are calm about the interests of a man. Don't touch his personal territory. Yes, the same computer! Well, he relaxes there, relieves stress, comes to his senses. And let him do this at home, where he is given the right to be himself, than run away to his friends and recover with a bottle of beer.


In literary language, an adverb means a repetition of the same process, action, phenomenon. And in colloquial speech you can replace it with the phrase “start all over again.”


Synonyms will help you improve your text, make it more beautiful and neat. It is especially important to replace the word “again” when describing sequential actions. Suitable for this:

  • again, again;
  • again;
  • then, next;
  • before, first, in addition;
  • once again, once again.

Choose an appropriate word that suits your writing style and context.

"Where does she live, eternal love?"

Love does not come to us from outside. It is born within. And only then does the one we fall in love with appear. This effect is described in many works of classical literature. In Dostoevsky’s “White Nights,” the hero is inspired: “I walked and sang... like any happy person.” In this state, he sees a girl and begins to imagine: what is she like? This is exactly how, passionately and purely, feelings flare up in youth, because we expect, anticipate how to love another person. Not a conscious expectation, but a feeling of love with the whole being, a premonition of an amazing life.

The external world, as a person sees it, depends on his internal state.

Today this is proven by quantum theory and our own observations. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor M. B. Mensky explains that “...physics leads us to the long-standing philosophical concept of microcosm: the whole world is inside a person. Deep philosophers have long guessed, and physics comes to this in a rather complicated way, but it comes to the same thing.”

Of the entire huge flow of information, we perceive only that which corresponds to our ideas about the world. It is not a matter of positive thinking or attitude. This is deeper - the process of perception. A total, deep process associated with our psyche.

The moment we are happy, we perceive all people as good and the world as beautiful. The worse our condition, the more terrible the world appears. Remember how terrible every person, everything around Anna Karenina seemed before her death. The perception of reality changes following a change in state. The world is as it is in our souls.

The most resourceful and fulfilling state for a person is happiness. Consciously, we may really want to see the world as beautiful and kind, but the lenses, glass, and fragments in our soul refract the light so that everything around us becomes ugly. There is not enough strength and patience to be kind. Because it seems that you are alone against a mass of evil and unscrupulous people, there is disorder and dirt everywhere. And you can’t argue with this: the world is the way we imagine it, regardless of the outside world.

Andersen told us a story in his fairy tale “The Snow Queen”. At first Kai and Gerda loved each other. Love is like the most original feeling of a person, from which the whole spectrum of feelings and emotions emerged. The evil troll “made a mirror in which everything good and beautiful shrank further, and everything bad and ugly stuck out and became even nastier.” Through such a glass of our mental states we look at the world.

The fragments of the magic mirror are the sensations of being offended, not given enough, treated unfairly, deceived. “And a person with such a splinter in his eye began to see everything inside out or notice only the bad in every thing.”

When Kai was hit in the eye and heart by fragments of a magic mirror, he shouted: “How ugly you are now! <…> Phew! This rose is being eaten away by a worm! And that one is completely crooked! <…> What ugly roses! No better than the boxes they stick out in!”

At the end of the tale, the pieces fall out of Kai's heart and eyes, and he sees the world as beautiful again. The great sage Andersen gives the answer to how to love a person again: we need to remove what prevents us from looking, and our eyes will shine with happiness.

When all efforts are in vain

When a guy leaves you and finds a new girl, you won’t be able to interfere with his happiness. If you still have feelings for your ex, but you see that the situation is hopeless, try to just let him go. Time will put everything in its place, and fate will give you a worthy man.

If there are no mutual feelings, then any actions will be useless. Men rarely leave and return. Attempts by girls to return love only aggravate the situation and provoke scandals and misunderstandings.

Psychologists do not recommend knocking on a closed door, especially if there is no chance of opening it. Increased attention to a guy can only aggravate the situation and make him turn away from the girl.


If you sincerely want to love someone who is seeking attention, you can try to convince yourself that this has already happened. To do this, it is useful to behave as lovers do, to be together more often, to strive for spiritual intimacy, and to go on dates.

It is also useful to tell the world about your feelings, even if they currently exist only in the imagination of the storyteller. Let no one doubt that they see a loving couple in front of them. The more people know about the alleged affair, the better. Trying to convince others (friends, acquaintances, relatives) of your love, you can suddenly realize that it really has arisen.

Reasons for the disappearance of love. 15 main factors

And so, dear readers, we found out with you what the signs are that you have stopped loving your husband. Now let's figure out why love leaves in marriage.

One of the reasons is constant scandals in the house

  1. One of the reasons may be the presence of constant quarrels and scandals in the house.
  2. When people get married because the girl is pregnant, and not because of mutual consent.
  3. This marriage was too early, when both were absolutely not ripe for adult family life, and now an epiphany has come.
  4. Often girls marry “just a good man”, fearing never to meet the love of their life again. At first, the marriage is still supported by these thoughts, and then it begins to collapse like a castle in the air.
  5. The change in the husband's appearance is not for the better. He gained weight, went bald, and stopped taking care of himself.
  6. My husband's addiction to alcoholic beverages. When my husband often comes home from work drunk, he gets together with friends. And these are no longer one-time cases, but permanent ones.
  7. The husband became interested in roulette and is losing the entire family budget.
  8. Solving family issues with fists on the part of the husband. Perhaps more often he lets his hands go under the influence of alcoholic intoxication.
  9. Poor relationships with your husband’s mother, father, sister or brother and other relatives.
  10. When my husband doesn't come home to spend the night.
  11. Absolutely opposing interests.
  12. When intimate life has practically disappeared
  13. When the wife fell in love with another man.
  14. When the husband cheated on his wife, and she cannot cope with the pain and resentment caused by her husband’s betrayal. Read more about this situation in our article: What to do if your husband cheats and lies, but doesn’t want to leave, says he loves you.
  15. When the wife wants to have children, but the husband does not.

Such different love

It seems to us that we have many different feelings: inspiration, joy and happiness. In fact, there is only one feeling - love. Knowledge of the online training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan gives us a precise understanding that for people with different psyches, love is felt differently. Understanding the question: how to love people—psychology brings us to a completely new level of knowledge.

A person with the skin vector perceives love through affection and tenderness, kisses, hugs, and touches. People with the anal vector consider gratitude, care, respect and attention to their deeds and words, maintaining cleanliness and comfort as a shade of love.

When you suffer in separation from your loved one, this is normal.

But you feel really bad when you lack strong feelings. You feel anger, jealousy, ingratitude, resentment. Lonely, gloomy, dissatisfied, you want with all your heart to be loved for who you are. You are looking for ways to make a person love you. You want certain gestures and actions from your partner in order to feel: I am loved. Pleasure does not last long: confirmation of love must be received constantly. At the same time, there is melancholy, regret, silent reproach in the eyes: I love you, but you...

Such manipulations are an attempt by all means to attract attention, to evoke pity and compassion for oneself. But hysterics, complaints and reproaches have the opposite effect.

These conditions can be corrected. The more developed feelings, the greater the ability to love. Classical literature of the late 19th and early 20th centuries helps to organize sensitivity and allow great feelings to mature. Read as much as possible, get inspired and cry, empathizing with the characters. There is no need to be ashamed of emotionality in the modern world. It is important that emotions are directed outward and not towards oneself.

I would especially like to highlight Miguel Cervantes’s novel “Don Quixote” - the greatest work about imagination, love and life in a world of beautiful ladies and noble knights.

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