How to become the God of Sarcasm and quickly respond to any joke. TOP 7 tips from Tony Stark

You can get acquainted with a person’s worldview only through a long heart-to-heart conversation, accompanied by sincere motives and a positive emotional background. However, we often fail to see the true face of our interlocutor, losing a potentially reliable friend or partner. The main reasons are a person’s lack of eloquence and skills to consistently express one’s own thoughts, maintain conversations on unfamiliar topics, and defuse the situation with a joke. You need to be able to present your personal talents correctly, having learned in advance how to communicate with people.

The rarest sign of wit is sarcasm - the art of constructing a dialogue in a stressful situation or a caustic but reasoned remark towards an opponent. Only a few have such a gift, so it is highly valued in society, becoming a personal characteristic of a strong-willed, educated and strong-willed person. This skill can be developed by regularly practicing communicating with friends. If you are interested in acquiring or improving your talent, then ask yourself vital questions, the answers to which will help you achieve the desired result: What is sarcasm? And how to learn it?

Choose relevant topics for jokes

Humor is a mass thing. You need to be understood by the majority of people in the room, not just yourself, for the joke to work. And even more so sarcasm.

Its main feature is relevance. Have you noticed how Stark throws in references from modern culture?

This is no coincidence. When, in a joke or even in a normal conversation, you use analogies from films, books or events that are well known to everyone around you, it is easier to understand you.

And at the same time, check out your perfect sense of humor.

How to upgrade this skill?

Read books, watch movies, keep track of events in the world. Even if you don’t like Game of Thrones, in order to be “in the know,” you need to at least roughly understand what it’s about.

There is another option - to remain a “misunderstood genius” who can even speak the language of witticisms, but no one will understand him anyway. But then what's the point?

Even Stark doesn't hesitate to use simple concepts when making jokes.

Good or bad?

If they openly laugh at a person, that’s bad! If everyone in the company is having fun with a joke, that’s good! How to find this line in order to thin out the situation in communication? The main thing is not to go too far, so as not to be branded as an ignorant and rude person.

To understand how the word “sarcasm” can be replaced, you need to refer to its synonyms according to the Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by A. P. Evgenieva:

irony (subtle, hidden mockery), mockery (sarcastic, evil phrase), ridicule (offensive joke), malice (subtle, evil sarcasticity), gloating (malicious joy at the misfortune or failure of another person).

Eduardo Zamacois Zabala "Return to the Monastery", 1868 Location: Carmen Thyssen Museum, Malaga, Spain

Good sarcasm is well-timed sarcasm

Go ahead. Sarcasm is situational humor. Practice noticing the right moments and reacting to them. Caustic, succinct and clear.

Sarcasm is a mockery of a situation, phrase or event. The whole world and its specific representatives, so to speak.

To make jokes on time, you need to practice a lot. Alas, no other methods were invented. Reaction speed, like running speed, can only be trained.

Still not confident in your abilities?

Then watch some cool movie a couple more times (for example, the first Iron Man) and try to respond to the same Tony. Preferably funny.

Be careful: dangerous topics

And Tony Stark doesn’t go overboard. There is irony, there is sarcasm, and there are insults and humiliation. So he never stoops to them. Walking on the edge - yes. Does he cross it?


This, of course, is the skill of a pumped-up master of sarcasm. If you are just beginning to learn this science, young Padawan, then it is better to refrain from controversial jokes.

Dangerous topics include:

- appearance

- relatives and friends of the person

- experienced uncomfortable or even tragic events

You can also make fun of them and even make sarcastic remarks, but only if you literally “feel” the moment.

How to respond to sarcasm, what to say in response to a barb?

Even the kindest person on the planet runs the risk of becoming aggressive if he is constantly being hit.

People who are exposed to sarcasm, contempt, and other passive-aggressive attitudes eventually become mentally fatigued, lose the ability to regulate emotions and impulses, and are ultimately forced to fight back.

There are three main strategies:

  1. Don't give away your power

Allowing those sarcastic comments that hide so much evil to affect you is synonymous with giving your power to those who radiate it. The key is to reconsider the disturbing thoughts these comments are causing, take deep breaths to remain calm, and distance yourself from the situation if possible.

  1. Stay true to your values.

Mentally strong people “know their values ​​and make it a priority to live by them, even when faced with sarcastic people. Even in the emotional turmoil of a painful passive-aggressive comment, you must remain committed to nonviolence. Because you know that ego struggles only serve to rob you of your inner peace, and because lowering yourself to their level will ruin your day.

  1. Distinguish when you should speak and when you should remain silent.

Of course, being strong means speaking up for yourself when necessary. But remaining silent when you know the discussion will be unproductive also requires great fortitude. Not everyone knows how to remain silent when someone sarcastically attacks them in front of others. Strong people don't feel like they have to have the last word, and they aren't interested in arguing for the sake of it. You are above all this.

Remember who is around when you joke!

Who exactly the conversation is with plays a big role here. Please note that Tony jokes around those closest to him (Pepper, Happy, Rowdy... and even Jarvis and Friday!) jokes are subtler, more accurate, although he allows himself almost everything.

With the Avengers, his sarcasm is less subtle, but more effective. Stark “hits” for sure - so that it definitely gets through.

But he makes almost no effort with journalists and other outsiders. He just makes little phrases. You and I see that this is funny, but his listeners do not. Tony just doesn't want to waste his strength and skills. And he is not too afraid of losing authority in their eyes or ruining his image.

Learning to be rude beautifully, new phrases

So, this article contains answers to offensive phrases or learning to be rude beautifully, new phrases:

My dear, being rude to me is a very bad omen!

Do you hear? - Get lost in horror!...

If you don't call me today, I will. And not for you...

You are like a candy wrapper - beautiful and rustling and no longer needed...

Shut your mouth and fall out...

Dear, to go crazy you need to have one!

VKontakte is a site for normal people, but for frostbitten retards like you, it’s high time to create a new site - VTanke.

You’re like that... Well, how can I say... But you won’t understand that either...

This time will be the last...

Being responsible for your spoken words is apparently not about you.

Do you want to live to a ripe old age? Well then, be very polite to people!

I am too busy to pay my great attention to you!

And you really are an idiot, but no - this is worse...

In short, shut up and listen! The king is speaking to you...

Have you lost your list and forgotten who they are afraid of?

Today we are beautifully rude to the guys, and tomorrow we cry into our pillows. Don't forget about it, my baby!

I never laugh at those whom nature has already laughed at...

Didn't you ever scare the old woman when you were a child?

Precipitate into a black precipitate, spoiled reagent!

Just think about it and figure it out with your bone marrow.

Are you leaving? Well, why so slowly?! (For example, if the ex is rude)

If someone has grabbed your true happiness with his teeth, then these teeth are clearly superfluous for him...

I look at you and understand, because people are right - man descended from a monkey...

Darling, remember - it is better to be an object of imitation and envy than a person of compassion...

Dissolve into the fog and cover yourself with a cloud...

Maybe we can go straight to you? Otherwise, it’s somehow inconvenient to punch you in the face...

Sorry, but I’m a very busy person to praise your many disadvantages...

Don't worry... the time will come when you will say something funny.

Nature looked at your legs and came up with a wheel...

We learn to be rude beautifully and self-critically - I don’t like rude people. Well, why do I need competitors?

There is my opinion and there is another - wrong...

You know the phrase - Never say never! Well, remember one more thing - I will never, never give you my hand...

For girls, I prepared these words - “You are lucky that you are not a boy”

Please don’t touch my virtues with your pathetic shortcomings...

Please note - this is a baseboard. And always remember, this is exactly your personal level.

Be confident: both in yourself and in your humor

And finally, Tony Stark is confident in himself. The simplest and most complex thing you need for great sarcasm. Frankly speaking, not only for sarcasm, but now that’s what I’m talking about.

Do you want your jokes to have the desired effect?

Then you must be as confident as possible in what and how you say. Just look at how Tony responds to Cap.

Of course, to achieve this level of Zen, you need to be at least a billionaire. But a lower level will also work. You must clearly understand who you are and where you are striving, and be confident in your goals and words.

Or convincingly appear to be so. Subsequent films showed that Tony is not so self-confident and this never stopped him from creating an image that simply radiated strength and confidence. What's stopping you?

Which other famous characters do you remember for their mastery of sarcasm? Write in the comments

Features of the construction and use of sarcastic expressions

When deciding on terminology, it is important to remember that sarcasm is an effective verbal “weapon” that relates to methods of psychological influence on a counterpart. The main goal of witty expressions is to hurt the personal feelings of the opponent, upset the emotional balance and invade the hidden world of children's complexes. People who know how to skillfully appeal in conversation with arguments and exude caustic phrases, try to stir up a person’s fears in a dialogue with an unpleasant person, breaking into the depths of consciousness. In everyday life, such a talent becomes indispensable in the following situations:

A conflict that flares up in a love relationship can be redirected in a positive direction by saying a witty expression at the right time. A partner who is in the mood for a quarrel will appreciate your attitude and the hidden subtext of a sarcastic phrase. With the help of an appropriate joke that leaves no chance for your opponent to debate, you can avoid answering an unpleasant question. Talented people endowed with eloquence have prepared answers in their everyday vocabulary that help stump their counterparts. The main thing is to exude confidence in the process of pronouncing the phrase, so as not to provoke the emergence of doubts in the mind of the interlocutor about the correctness of your behavior. Sarcasm becomes a powerful argument in controversial situations, putting the opponent in an uncomfortable and awkward position. If you feel that your counterpart is getting ahead in a lively dialogue due to arguments, then you can bring down his ardor with a “sharp” phrase. It is important to set the right goal - not to ridicule the childish complexes of the interlocutor, but to subtly remind him of personal fears. In everyday life, appropriate sarcastic expressions earn respect from others, who have the opportunity to appreciate your intellectual abilities and gift of eloquence. However, do not flirt with attempts to “offend” a large number of people - you risk setting up an entire army of “humiliated” and “offended” counterparts who may descend to revenge.

If you regularly try to fend off your opponent’s attacks, which are invariably present in a conversation with an unpleasant person, then you will learn to correctly express your own thoughts. Having mastered the skills of sarcasm, it is important to first project the phrase on a subconscious level, thinking about the consequences. After analyzing the expected reaction of your counterpart, you need to draw appropriate conclusions - in some situations it is preferable to remain silent without escalating the situation. A rational approach makes it possible to prevent the emergence of conflict situations, which often end in uncontrolled aggression of the opponent.

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