TOP 20 tips from a psychologist on how to get closer to a man

What shall we talk about

Photo by Andres Ayrton: Pexels
All-knowing statistics, sometimes peeping through the “keyhole” of hearts, decisively declare that beauties frantically whisper to the chimes: I want to become for my beloved the center of the Universe, the most important person on Earth, and if this is impossible, at least be closer to him.

Having rummaged through the magic chests standing in the pantry of our editorial office, we pulled out from them the costume of a diligent girl - the granddaughter of Father Frost the Snow Maiden. We decided to take on this pleasant burden - to teach you a lesson on the topic: how to become closer to a man.

Replay your first date

Surely your love story was built on bright moments that you often remember. So why not repeat them? This could be going to the restaurant where you had your first date, or dancing to the song where you first kissed, or walking through the streets where you first confessed your love to each other. Feel these memories, relive them and remember what strong emotions you experienced then.

Be each other's model and photographer

How to firmly bewitch your chosen one

Before you begin New Year's witchcraft, we urge you to take our advice with a little seriousness. If any of the recommendations seem unacceptable, move on to the next point.

So, you can discuss all this with your mother, sister or girlfriends at a bachelorette party, keep in mind that this information is not for men’s ears, so you definitely don’t need to tell your boyfriend, husband, lover, boyfriend: why he began to be drawn to you like a magnet .

Don’t grab onto all the tactics at once, master the teachings little by little, remain a little mysterious, moderately mysterious, don’t get tired of surprising and changing, and everything else, you’ll now read in a long register, yes, we almost forgot.

While studying our “treatise”, it is not forbidden to occasionally reinforce your strength with a tangerine, a pie, a chocolate bar, a cup of coffee and even a couple of spoons of Olivier, New Year’s fortune telling.

And further. Winter celebrations, alas, tend to end at some point. Don’t think about thinking that our techniques don’t work on other days of the year. Life is long, you still have a long way to go, so put these tips in your backpack or handbag with you.

Let's get started, are you ready?

How to get closer to the guy you like?

A lover is interested in the life of another - has deep conversations

Of course, it is important to discuss current affairs, how the day went, and what new happened. But what really brings us together are important questions, the answers to which are sometimes so difficult to give. For example, what does your partner dream about? How does he see your relationship in a few years? Is there anything he would like to change between you? Remember that you can discuss any topic with your loved one, even such global and controversial topics as: what is the meaning of life, in your opinion, or how do you imagine happiness. Conduct an experiment - try discussing some important topics for your couple once or twice a week - you can offer them in turn. In just a month you will see how much closer you have become and how much better you have gotten to know each other.

Everyone loves pleasant and unexpected surprises.

TOP 20 simple tips that will help bring you closer to your partner

Starting the story, we decided to tell you the following again: the main thing is that you NEVER turn communication with your companion into a routine, then everything else will work perfectly. And here are the recipes:

  • start and end the day with an address to a man: from “good morning” and “good night” - your tongue will not dry out, and he will know that for him you are the “end and beginning” of everything;
  • take on a small part of his worries, which he is forced to do himself every day, but among the things that do not violate his personal space, walk the dog in the evening, take out the dirty linen, put his office shoes in order, any such little thing will do, and he will be grateful ;
  • make love with him as if it were happening for the first time: be surprised, admire, “fall into the abyss” of sensations, soar in heaven, praise for experience and efforts, to give you pleasure;
  • go for a walk with your loved one as soon as the slightest opportunity arises, add romantic notes to the promenades, choose interesting routes where there is something to discuss along the way;
  • try not to quarrel or argue with a man over trifles, and if the cause of the dispute often comes to the fore, “work on your mistakes”, sort the situation out, but only on the basis of complete objectivity of views;
  • call, write, appear on the horizon of your betrothed every time you think warmly about him, but do not overdo it with intrusiveness, take into account his busyness and possible work restrictions for communication;
  • hurry to share the news with him, especially if it indirectly concerns your relationship or one of your friends and relatives who is dear to him;
  • do not be afraid to tell your dear friend about your small victories and failures, mistakes and achievements, be aware of his daily “advances” in different areas;
  • depending on the work schedule of both and the level of busyness with business, carve out one day only for him, for communication and meetings, for dates and get-togethers in your favorite cafe, for a trip to the cinema or the theater, for a trip to a picnic or to the dacha;
  • go as a couple to some master class, where you need to do something with your own hands and joint efforts, then enjoy the fruit of creativity together and take it as a souvenir;
  • provoke the appearance in his body of such a necessary hormone as oxytocin, and to do this, enter into tactile contact with him more often: hug him, ruffle his hair, run a finger over his lips, kiss, stroke him, blow on the top of his head, don’t even ignore the tickling;
  • invite him into the kitchen as an assistant cook, that is, you, cook some exotic dish together and eat it together;
  • don’t be lazy to praise him for any achievements, don’t get tired of reminding him that he is “the most, the most, the most...”;
  • observe carefully: what kind of music, books, games he likes, gradually bribe him with gadgets for these hobbies: disks, flash drives, equipment, it doesn’t matter what, it’s important for what;
  • give him “A’s” more often for behavior than “A” grades for mistakes; the fairy sorceress and part-time psychologist Laney Zuckerman has developed a mathematical formula according to which for every 5 approvals there should be no more than 1 censure;
  • be sure to ask the man what his day was filled with, what important things happened at work, in the team, among friends, on the way home, in the store, let him know that you are interested in any details;
  • another lady psychologist and at the same time our Snow Maiden’s assistant Nina Rubin gives rather unusual advice for those who want to settle forever in a man’s heart: write real paper letters to your loved one, and even send them by mail or throw a written surprise in your pocket or trunk car, on a shelf with tools in the garage, he will be surprised when he receives such news;
  • master the “love language” of your partner for his hobbies, and they can be oh so different, some men will be delighted if you watch football with them for hours, others will be proud if you become a spectator at his lecture, others will simply be happy, if you let them out temporarily into a bar with friends without supervision or nagging;
  • sign up with your loved one for spa treatments for two, so he will always associate a series of sensual pleasures and nirvana of relaxation with you;
  • put an unusual gift under the New Year's tree - a list of the merits of your companion, praise him for a long time and wish him happiness next year, and at the end admit that all this is not the most important thing for you - you love him in spite of everything, such as he is, and the rest is life itself will “sort out” for you.

So we ourselves didn’t notice that the wise Snow Maiden’s instructions had ended, so we ourselves got carried away by the content. The generous granddaughter of the winter wizard did not stint, and you and I can only follow her behests.

We will be glad and happy if everything works out for you, because on the most magical night of the year, even the wildest dreams come true.


If friendship has turned into love, talking can help. But prevention has always been more effective and less painful. So, so as not to have to tear your friend away from your heart, you can keep him at a certain distance. First you need to know whether he is a friend or a potential sexual partner, lover or even husband. When you have identified a man only as a friend, you can begin to remember the basic rules of behavior that will keep your male friend only as a friend. Of course, this reminder is not a panacea, but it often helps:

  • Try to dress as little revealingly as possible in front of him.
  • If your friend doesn't know your husband/boyfriend, introduce them. When meeting together, it will be useful to constantly hold your husband's hand. Communicate more often with his girlfriend or wife.
  • Chatting with a friend is not a one-on-one date, so take a nice acquaintance or friend with you to a meeting with a friend. This way he will switch off from you and your friendship will continue.
  • Let your friend know that he is dear to you, but besides him you have a husband, family, work, girlfriends, hobbies, etc.
  • When meeting and saying goodbye, try to avoid kissing. It's better to make it a rule to hug.
  • Often friendly meetings take place with alcoholic drinks; this is best avoided. At least in private. Let it be a company with your chosen ones.
  • Present. Try not to bring gifts at the feet of a friend. Modest gifts from both your side and his side would be appropriate.
  • Do not discuss topics of sex, at least using your own examples. There is no need to allow your friend to be imaginative when you talk about this topic. It's better to abstract yourself.
  • Do not discuss girls and women with your friend the way you do with your friends. After all, he is still a man.

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How to impress the guy you like?

In order for the guy you like to not only see you, but notice and remember you, you need to impress him. Don’t be afraid to engage in dialogue and, if necessary, challenge your point of view. It won’t look arrogant and defiant if you make smart arguments and are well versed in the topic of the conversation.

Simply put, you need to behave with the guy you like on an “equal basis”, then the opinion about you will immediately develop in a positive way. Hysterics, tears, stupid conversations or silence - all this alarms and pushes the guy away, even if he doesn’t show it.

Get involved in your education

There is an opinion that guys like stupid girls. This is wrong. Stupid people are easy to use, but impossible to be friends with. To avoid being a one-night stand, you need to educate yourself. Catch up on gaps in your knowledge. An educated person should have a little idea of ​​everything: history, literature, art. But don't limit your education to just the events of the past. Try not to stray too far from the present and keep abreast of modern trends. With extensive knowledge, it will be easy for you to win the favor of any person. How to make friends with a guy? Once you meet an interesting young man, do not try to impress him with your extensive knowledge. Make a joke, laugh and support the topic that the young man asks.

Don't be intrusive

How can a guy make friends with a girl? Establishing contact with a pretty person is easy. Find mutual acquaintances and communicate in common company. But don't pester the object of your adoration too much. Nobody likes intrusiveness. Courtship should be easy, more like simple flirting. Only after achieving the favor of a pretty person can you move on to more decisive actions and ask her out on a date. But even in this case, try not to impose. Don't call every hour with a stupid question, for example, what's new with you? Give the person more personal space. If the sympathy is mutual, the person will try to find a way to contact you.

How to maintain confidence when communicating with a guy?

Of course, sometimes it is difficult to remain yourself. It seems that guys want those who look at us from TV screens: glamorous, fashionable, bright. But often, repeating the style they see, girls forget that a pompous appearance and copying are just a cover, and guys love honesty and simplicity in communication. And even if he likes to watch such behavior, next to him he wants to see a gentle, fragile, stylish, understanding girl - and not a Barbie clone from the picture.


All scientific research on the degree of intimacy between partners boiled down to the fact that honest and open conversations about your desires, values ​​and goals are the best way to strengthen a connection that was initially based on sex. Support and faith in each other works wonders. When your partner tells you about his dream, believe in him, do not include a skeptic! It’s better to think together what first steps you can take to achieve your goal. The role of a critic in a relationship is fraught with the fact that you will never become a safe territory for your partner. Over time, there is a chance that he will share his dreams with someone else.

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