My achievements, successes and uniqueness | Inna Morozova

On this page I would like to get to know you better, my dear reader!

Here is my personal story, where I did not hide my mistakes and defeats and shared how I got to “myself today”...

And below is what I am proud of, what I can do well, what I am similar to you in and in what I am unique.

I also ask you to share in the comments what you want about yourself - I will be glad to meet you and will be very grateful to you for your trust!

My 17 achievements and successes in life:

  1. I graduated from school with a gold medal, which required my perseverance in achieving my goals and hard work
  2. gave up a stable and well-paid job to try to create my own business
  3. I changed my profession, mastering a completely new direction, when I realized what I wanted to do, and that I didn’t like what I was doing now
  4. I bought a car and got behind the wheel without any driving experience - on the day of purchase I drove the car 300 km to Kyiv, and the next day I drove to the city center. I quickly learned to drive, and after six months I was already driving a car with a manual transmission well.
  5. married the person I love, creating our “dream wedding” together
  6. gave birth to three children at home, which gave them health and gave me confidence and strength
  7. breastfed all three for more than one and a half to two years, while working
  8. For 3 years I ate only live food (raw food diet)
  9. my husband and I designed and carried out renovations in a 120-meter apartment in 6 months
  10. I took a risk and went on a 2-year journey with my family, which changed a lot in my life priorities
  11. I started a project on the Internet without understanding anything about it, and for several years now it has been my source of inspiration and funding
  12. mastered several Internet professions in the process of building her business
  13. wrote several e-books, created a website with more than 300 articles and a channel with more than 300 videos, 5 author trainings and more than 30 seminars
  14. I have formed my own outlook on life, formulated it into an author’s approach and distribute and sell it through the project
  15. I teach my child at home, organizing education and leisure in the best way for him
  16. I have been maintaining and deepening a loving relationship with my husband for more than 11 years
  17. I do the Goltis Healing Impulse and do a facial massage
  18. happy and satisfied with her life, despite the occasional temporary difficulties
  19. I have a dream and believe in its fulfillment

Responsibilities or achievements?

A distinction must be made between achievements and responsibilities. Often the end result is good performance of job functions. Can solving problems with placing outdoor advertising or concluding a contract be called an achievement? This is only high-quality performance of a task within the scope of job responsibilities.

Another thing can be said about the fact of cutting company costs or completing work ahead of schedule. If this happened at some stage with direct participation, then it can be characterized as an achievement.

Therefore, the prompt execution of orders should not be considered an achievement; this is a normal working moment. And a 30% reduction in the company's expenses on stationery without loss of quality will already be some kind of achievement.


This document provides assistance in searching for vacancies and applying for a job. It briefly indicates biographical information, education and describes work activity.

A resume is a truthful advertisement of oneself; it can be read in 1-2 minutes. Since there may be more candidates for one vacancy than for a budget place at the institute, the HR specialist has to look through tons of similar information. In this case, the human factor comes into play, and bright information will catch the eye of even an experienced recruiter.

Rules for writing achievements

The principle of filling out a resume paragraph about personal success can be subject to several rules:

  1. Provide specific indicators.

If your achievements helped increase profits, reduce costs, speed up work, then they should be supported by numbers. Express them in units or percentages. This will make it clearer that your work has brought benefits, expressed by specific indicators.

Numbers catch the recruiter's eye, so such a resume has a better chance of attracting his attention. Try to use digital metrics whenever possible.

  1. Always compare your achievements to the vacant position you are applying for.

You don't need to list all your successes in life. Select the most significant ones and compare them with the position for which the resume was compiled. An employer may be interested only in those achievements that will help make the company's work better if you work for it in this position.

  1. Describe your achievements in your last place of work.

In order to correctly highlight the most significant successes, consider your last 2-3 places of work and indicate the results achieved there.

  1. Lots of responsibilities? Follow the 50% to 50% rule.

It lies in the proportional relationship between the number of responsibilities and the results of success. If you include a list of more than 8 responsibilities in your resume, you will have to prepare the same amount for results. Since the latter is quite difficult to do, you will need to reduce the first indicator. This rule will prevent your resume from being inflated onto many sheets.

  1. Use words that indicate exactly the success achieved.

Talk about your achievements as if they were a completed task, for example, “carried out”, “implemented”, “concluded”.

What to write to a sales employee?

Consider how to phrase your sentences to highlight the sales representative's key skills . It depends on whether they want to talk to you. Write that personal achievements lie in the ability to negotiate, plan sales, draw up commercial proposals, and post online.

The professional skills of a store director are not much different. Emphasize that:

  • know the functions and responsibilities of sellers;
  • trained new sales employees;
  • simplified document flow;
  • wrote new instructions;
  • created a bonus system.


How to set a goal correctly

A person faces difficulties in achieving his goals based on inaccurate formulation. What goals in a person’s life can be cited as an example?

  • Have an apartment, a house, a dacha.
  • Lose weight.
  • Relax by the sea.
  • Start a family.
  • Provide parents with a good old age.

All of the above goals, to a greater extent, one way or another, are a person’s dream. He wants this, perhaps with all his heart. But the question arises: when are his goals realized and what does he do for this?

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to set yourself a clear and precise task. It should fit into one phrase. A clear example of the correct setting of goals in a person’s life are the following formulations:

  • Have an apartment (house, dacha) at the age of 30.
  • Lose 10 kg by September.
  • Go to the sea in the first month of summer.
  • Create a happy and strong family.
  • Take your parents into your home and provide them with a good old age.

From the above goals we can conclude that almost all of them have a certain time period. Based on this, a person can plan his time to implement his plans; develop a daily action plan. And then he will see the full picture of what needs to be done and undertaken in order for the goal in life to be achieved.

# What personal achievements to include in your resume

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Troitskaya

HR manager

The employer is looking for employees who get things done, who are able to improve processes, save time and increase the company's profits. Therefore, he is interested in the results of previous work.

First, you need to identify successes that are useful to your boss and your desired position. The effect will produce a result that will be important for the company, measurable and consistent with the objectives of the vacancy.

When applying for a leadership position, the achievements should reflect the manager: making strategic decisions, experience in leadership, planning, filling the position of manager, and the like. If you are aiming for a line specialist, match the level: improved, implemented, increased...

Do not confuse personal skills and professional victories: mastering a new technology is a skill, but implementing it or creating it, thereby increasing work efficiency, is already an achievement.

# Achievements in life

This is an outcome that benefits the employee and can benefit his business partners. The point of such success is to inform the employer about your skills, which will help you cope with responsibilities and assignments better than other applicants.

For example: receiving thanks and rewards for effective work, rapid career advancement.

# Career Achievements

This is the result of the work of a specialist who has brought benefits to an enterprise or company. These achievements show how successfully the employee has realized himself in his position and what unique experience he now has.

For example: improving business processes, increasing sales or reducing company costs, attracting partners or creating a team.

Developing self-discipline

A complex goal differs from a simple one in the number of steps required and whether you have the necessary abilities. If there are no abilities, the goal is supplemented with steps to develop them.

How is the goal of becoming a programmer different from the goal of becoming a barista? To become a programmer, you need to read 5 books and practice for six months. To become a barista, you need to take a course and brew coffee for a week. The difference is in the strength of self-discipline and patience in pursuing the intended goal.

To begin with, I recommend choosing 1-2 goals from the example, modifying them to suit yourself and achieving them. Without a habit, it’s hard to move on 3-5 goals every day at once - it’s better to take 3 steps over six months than 5 steps over a week and give up.


Reassessment of values, or taking into account achievements in your life

From time to time it is useful to ask yourself the question: what have I achieved? The question is not an idle one, as it helps to understand what has already been done and what remains to be done. If there are not as many achievements as you would like, this may be a reason to start changing something in your life.

Important achievements in life can be divided into two broad categories: public and personal.

Social achievements are what is valued in society and indicate a person’s success (gold medal at school, diploma from a prestigious university, status position, material well-being).

Personal achievements are those actions for which we respect ourselves.

A very, very controversial question is what is more important – public recognition or personal satisfaction from one’s life. Both are important.

Achievements that are visible to everyone

Do you remember the Soviet film comedy that became a classic, and the phrase from this film that has gone down among the people: “an athlete, a Komsomol member and simply a beauty”? There are achievements by which we are assessed in society. These criteria for success include education, career, and social status of a person. It just so happens that we live in society and play by the rules that society dictates to us.

Education is one of the most important achievements in life. But there is one “but” here: the education received can be considered an achievement, provided that the person studied on his own (and did not buy sessions and exams) and as a result acquired a profession that will generate income for him in the future. If you need a diploma “just to have it,” then this is a dubious achievement.

Another important achievement in life is a person’s success professionally. If a person does what he loves, which brings him not only income, but also a feeling of satisfaction, this is, of course, a criterion of success.

Social status is a rather ephemeral concept and one can argue for a long time on the topic that in our society everyone is equal, but in real life everything is not like that. If a person is respected in the professional community and has a good reputation in his social circle, this is also a definite achievement in life.

A dangerous, dead-end path is to consider your material well-being as your important achievement in life. There will always be someone who is richer than you, which means that your own material wealth will no longer please you so much. And at the same time, it’s probably not entirely the right step to ignore material success.

Personal achievement counter

With personal achievements, everything is easier and more difficult at the same time. Here everyone determines for themselves what is important to them. It turns out to be a personal scale of values, and what is important to you will not necessarily be a priority for others.

To create a harmonious family - some people rightly consider this to be an important achievement in life. And for some, an important achievement in life is learning how to cook Spanish cuisine, visiting Kilimanjaro, or losing 20 kilograms.

We are all different, and some consider the purchase of an expensive car to be an important achievement, while others consider their spiritual self-development.

For a successful person, a mandatory personal achievement must be the desire to learn and learn new things. And we are talking not only about professional activities, you can also learn “personal” things: learn to forgive and, as a result, become more generous, learn to restrain emotions - and due to this ability to get out of the most difficult life situations with honor.

Listing personal accomplishments (like keeping a photo album of your triumphant moments in life) is a great confidence booster. And when there is a feeling of inspiration and self-confidence, it is much easier to reach new heights.

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What wording will not attract a recruiter?

We looked at examples of achievements in professional activities that can be indicated in a resume. Below are phrases that you should not write.

  • Increased the efficiency of the department.
  • At previous places of work, I performed my work efficiently and on time.
  • After a year of work, I was one of the contenders for the position of head of the department.
  • During 3 years of service I have not received a single reprimand.
  • Resolved personal conflicts with the boss.


We have prepared additional examples of resume achievements for you that you can use as a template.

Office administrator

From 2022 to 2022, I saved more than 520 thousand rubles on office supplies, receiving personal discounts after negotiations with the supplier.

Sales Manager

During its tenure, the customer retention rate was 45% higher than the company average. Implemented a customer service process that reduced the number of return requests by 32% and direct labor costs by RUB 2.5 million. Trained 3 junior employees to the level of sales managers.

General practitioner

Received 95% positive feedback in post-visit patient surveys.

Project manager

Implemented a CRM with remote reporting capabilities, reducing project costs by 30% per quarter. Personally interviewed and hired eight office assistants, leading the team to a 22% annual increase in new contracts.


Created a mobile note-taking app that has been downloaded over 8,000 times.

Primary school teacher

She received the Teacher of the Year award in 2010 based on student performance.


My article “Problems of intercultural communication in third world countries” was published in the scientific journal “Knowledge”.

To see all the achievements in different professions, go to resume examples.

What to do if you have no experience or achievements

For many companies, work experience is a determining factor when hiring a new employee, but what should yesterday’s students do?

The answer is simple: describe what you have achieved during your studies. Educational institutions provide not only education, but also opportunities to express oneself.

  • Tell us about your progress. Good grades at school and university will make it clear that you have the necessary knowledge, are trainable and motivated. The employer will also appreciate your success in sports - this demonstrates your dedication and discipline.
  • If you participated in conferences, wrote scientific papers, or had your articles published in scientific journals, please indicate this in your resume. Hard work, responsibility, experience working with large volumes of information and public speaking skills will win several points in an interview.
  • Seasonal practice is a small experience, but still an experience. This point will become especially valuable if you were able to independently agree on an internship in a specific company.

What if you graduated from university a long time ago, but still haven’t gained any work experience?

Remember any books, seminars, courses that you have attended. Even if you were not given any certificate or diploma, it is definitely better than an empty resume.

Once again we warn you against lying. Sometimes recruiters are interested in what exactly you learned from a particular book or lecture.

Don’t forget about knowledge of computer programs, foreign languages, volunteering or social movements.

These achievements are essentially “soft” skills, which are highly valued in the modern labor market.

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