A sedentary lifestyle turns out to be not so harmful

  • Problems of a sedentary lifestyle
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Diseased blood vessels and heart
  • Osteochondrosis from sedentary work
  • Prostate diseases in men
  • Haemorrhoids

Churchill, as you know, preferred to sit where he was allowed to stand and lie where he was allowed to sit. And yet, not everyone can boast of such health as his. For the vast majority of the population, a sedentary lifestyle is fraught with the development of many diseases.

The reason is that with such a sedentary lifestyle, metabolic disorders occur, the level of bad cholesterol in the blood increases, and the functioning of the heart muscle worsens. And this, of course, leads to the emergence of various kinds of diseases.

According to researchers from Australia, a person who sits for 11 hours a day is 40% more likely to die within the next three years than someone who sits no more than 4 hours a day. Why, just 8 hours spent in an office chair increases the risk of premature death by 15%.

“Occupational” diseases of office workers

“Every day of a modern person, unfortunately, goes according to a given pattern: first at his desk, then in the car, then at home on his favorite sofa,” says Khamurzova.
“The development of many diseases is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, but the most serious problem is “occupational” diseases of the spine: scoliosis (curvatures), osteochondrosis, and so on.” How to do it right

The head of the exercise therapy department at the Center for Restorative Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Marina Makarova, tells: - how to sit correctly in the office, - how to do exercises in the office, - how to remain a healthy car enthusiast, - what the right shoes should be.

Even if you purchased a special ergonomic chair and adjusted it correctly in height, keep in mind that the resulting load on the spine
in a sitting position is 40 percent higher
than in a standing position. The minor inconveniences of sitting may not seem very important, but they affect the spine constantly, while you are not even aware of it.

Metabolic syndrome

This problem has become one of the main signs of the modern “office plankton”. Scientists like to give the example that previously, in order to feed themselves, a person was forced to run after a mammoth several kilometers a day. Now you don’t need to run anywhere - you can order groceries online. Why, human movements today have been reduced as much as possible. Even in order to turn up the volume on the TV, you don’t need to get up from the couch. As a result, many people do not notice how they are gaining excess weight, which leads to the development of metabolic syndrome, which over time can “develop” into type 2 diabetes.

Solution to the problem.

To avoid such a scenario, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the calories eaten and the body's energy expenditure. Nutritionists note that 1200 kcal per day is enough for a person with a sedentary job. Can't limit yourself to them? Then the gym is the place for you.

Why does the spine suffer?

Working in a sitting position is characterized by narrow specialization and monotony of movements. This is also a certain kind of overload. If you sit at work almost all the time, and even spend 2-3 hours at home in a chair, then you can talk about a sedentary lifestyle. “It seems like a rest for the spine, and that’s all,” notes Khamurzova, “but in reality we are dealing with chronic overload.” Spinal overload
is a consequence of the constant, subtle, but extremely monotonous static effect of gravity.

Diseased blood vessels and heart

Sedentary work leads to cardiovascular diseases, from which more than half of Russians die today. With a lack of movement, the blood is poorly saturated with oxygen, which is required for the functioning of the heart muscle. And constantly being indoors does not contribute to a sufficient supply of oxygen either.

Solution to the problem.

Whenever possible, try to arrange walks in the fresh air. To give yourself an incentive to leave your home even in bad weather, get a dog - then you will be provided with at least two walks every day. If you don't want pets, that's your right. Then, for example, you can get into the healthy habit of running in the morning. Or sign up for a swimming pool. Other aerobic exercise, such as cycling or skiing, is also beneficial.

Mechanics of “sitting” injuries

The matter is further complicated by the fact that when sitting (usually at a table) you do not care about maintaining correct posture, since after a certain period of time the untrained back muscles begin to get tired. They can no longer provide correct posture
, and the spine bends slightly. In this physiologically incorrect position, the anterior sections of the intervertebral discs are compressed, while the posterior sections are stretched. In this position, the intervertebral disc loses its elasticity and wears out faster. If, when a person is sitting, the body is pushed forward or the head is strongly lowered, then a lever is created between the body and the vertebral body, which greatly increases the pressure on this vertebra. Therefore, an incorrect sitting posture can affect the spine as negatively as lifting excessive weights.


  1. Danilov A.B., Kurganova Yu.M. Office syndrome [Electronic resource] // Regular issues of “RMZh” No. 30, 2011
  2. Vashchenko I.S., Nurzhanova A.B. Pain caused by muscular-tonic syndrome as a manifestation of office syndrome among employees of enterprises in Saratov [Electronic resource] // Bulletin of medical Internet conferences, 2016.
  3. Shkurpit M.N., Popovyan N.O. The influence of a sedentary lifestyle on the body and preventive methods [Electronic resource] // Journal “Training and Education: Methods and Practice”, 2016.

The main “sedentary” sores

The main diseases of the spine that develop as a result of prolonged sitting are osteochondrosis and scoliosis (various curvatures of the spine). If the possibility of developing spinal curvature
is greater at an early age, then osteochondrosis is dangerous for people of all ages.
It is also worth noting that the consequences of osteochondrosis are more dangerous than the consequences of various types of spinal curvature. “Many people probably know first-hand what osteochondrosis
,” says Khamurzova. “It is believed that this is a disease of older people, but this is not entirely true.” The disease has been getting younger lately, and the reasons for this are: scoliosis, sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, metabolic disorders. The risk group primarily includes people leading a sedentary lifestyle.


In recent years, it has become not only a disease of truck drivers, but also an occupational disease of managers. Its cause is the same stagnation of blood in the pelvic area.

Unfortunately, it is not very easy to treat. Often, hemorrhoids become chronic, which is manifested by periodic pain, bleeding, and itching. In some cases, it will not be possible to do without surgery. The main thing is to consult a proctologist in time.

What to do?

Not every person has the opportunity to exchange sedentary work for something else just for the sake of health. However, to reduce the risk of developing spinal diseases, it is enough to follow a few rules. 1. Control your own posture
Make sure you're sitting correctly until you get used to it. If you can’t control your posture on your own, ask your colleagues or, if you work from home, your household for help. 2. Teach children
to sit at the table correctly from childhood.
This will save them from possible problems in the future. 3. Change the position of the spine
, and replace the static load with a dynamic one.
To do this, get up from your chair, armchair or sofa every hour for at least 10 minutes. At work, you can take a walk, do a few office exercises, climb the stairs, or discuss business with colleagues. At home, do your homework - there will always be a corner with unwiped dust or a need to hang out the washed laundry. And you can do more complex exercises at home without the embarrassment of prying eyes. 4. Do exercises to strengthen your back muscles and strengthen your abdominal muscles. They won’t take much time, but they will help you maintain correct posture— if you have an untrained back

What kind of lifestyle is considered sedentary?

Inactivity or physical inactivity is a disruption of the body's activity due to insufficient physical activity or its absence.

The problem of a sedentary lifestyle arose as a result of scientific and technological progress, urbanization, and the spread of means of communication, which simplified our life and replaced active types of recreation (walks, outdoor games).

Determining whether you lead a “active” or sedentary lifestyle is very simple. If you do not move actively during the day for at least half an hour, this is considered inactive. Active movements mean walking, running, and physical exercise.

Cleaning and performing normal household chores do not count as activity. During their execution, the necessary load on the body muscles is not created. When working around the house, we occupy incorrect postures that leave many muscle groups unused.

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The most important

A sedentary lifestyle is just as dangerous to the body as regularly lifting heavy weights.
As a rule, constant sitting causes the development of osteochondrosis, a serious disease that brings chronic back pain and impaired blood supply to the brain. The only way to avoid these serious consequences is to move as often as possible. Tags:

  • Workout
  • Physical inactivity
  • Back
  • Office
  • Khamurzova

1 comment • To leave a comment you must be an authorized user

  • tanchurana I completely agree, I removed my daughter’s computer chair. She put in a regular one, with a high, flat back. At first she was indignant at how softly you could turn in all directions. But here you sit stupidly straight. It’s okay, I’m used to it. I myself pay a lot of attention to how the computer is positioned , table height, every 40 minutes I get up and do a stretching exercise: stand in the pose of a sumo fighter, exhale, inhale through the nose, exhale completely through the mouth, hold the exhalation for 10 seconds and at the same time straighten up, stretch, tensing all the muscles of the body. Then inhale and relax .I repeat three times.


Against the background of physical inactivity, constipation can become painfully chronic. The problem begins quite unnoticed: the intestines become “lazy” from time to time, trips to the toilet become irregular, and stool retention occurs for 2-3 days. Added to this is bloating, a feeling of heaviness, discomfort and even pain. Toxins accumulate in the intestines, which damage the cells of the mucous membrane, and ultimately literally all systems of our body begin to suffer. In addition, constipation and dysbacteriosis go hand in hand, one provokes the other, as a result, both well-being and skin condition worsen, allergic reactions appear, and immunity decreases.

What to do? Don't forget about physical activity - it has a positive effect on intestinal motility. Even if these are walks, even at a leisurely pace, the benefits for the body will still be significant. Review your diet: include more fermented milk products in your menu, eat more vegetables and fruits - they contain a lot of fiber, which is simply necessary for healthy intestinal function. Fiber activates intestinal motility, removes waste and toxins, normalizes stool and promotes regular cleansing of the body, besides, it itself is food for beneficial bacteria in the intestines and thereby improves intestinal microflora.

Of course, in winter it is more difficult to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits; we are accustomed to refined foods, boiled, baked, fried, so our intestines often begin to get lazy. Fiber in its purest form will help solve the problem of constipation! Look for it in special biocomplexes, for example, in the English laxative “Fitomucil Norm”. This is a completely natural and safe constipation remedy that does not contain senna, artificial additives, preservatives or sugar. "Fitomucil Norm" consists of soluble and insoluble fiber of a special type of plantain psyllium and domestic plum pulp. Both components ensure healthy digestion, restore regular bowel movements, and promote a gentle and comfortable bowel movement without the urge to pee or painful cramps (as with other more aggressive laxatives).

Psyllium is a leader in the content of the most beneficial soluble fiber, which soothes irritated intestines, normalizes stool, and promotes its comfortable evacuation to the outside. Thanks to the action of the drug, comfort and lightness in the stomach returns, the intestines begin to work like clockwork!

The drug is not addictive or allergic, it can be used by pregnant and lactating women, it is especially useful for older people.

The contents of the Fitomucil sachet can be dissolved in juice, yogurt or water and drunk before meals, or you can take it as part of soups, salads or desserts. Don't forget that soluble fiber absorbs a lot of water, so be sure to drink more fluids while taking Phytomucil.

Physical inactivity is truly a real scourge of our time. But you can fight it and it’s not that difficult. For example, right now, after reading the article, you can get up and go for a walk. We guarantee that your body will sincerely thank you!


Instagram @fitomucil.ru

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