How to stop being shy about people and never be shy again

Ask yourself these questions. Find out for yourself:
  • Why are you shy?
  • What is the reason that you cannot let go and fully express yourself now?

The answer is obvious:

  1. You care about what others think of you.
  2. Other people's opinions force you to adapt to society.
  3. The opinions of others limit and constrain you; because of it, you do not know how to become relaxed in communication and be yourself.

Answer these questions to overcome shyness

Understand that if you care about other people's opinions, you will be the one who always reacts to others and depends on others.

Reality will be dictated to you, and you will adapt to people.

Ask yourself:

  • Do you need this kind of life?
  • Do you want to forever be the one who is afraid of other people's opinions and limits himself in everything?
  • What will this give you if you continue to be shy?
  • Will this help you in any way?
  • What do I need to do to be free from everything limiting?

If, for example, you are a guy and don’t know how to stop being shy about girls, then take a pencil and paper and answer these questions to yourself in writing. Do the analysis.

Ways to solve the problem

If you want to enjoy your intimate life, learn to feel yourself and your partner, then you should act immediately. Advice will help you, thanks to which you will relax in bed and stop being shy, you will notice how you begin to enjoy a full act of love.

We create an environment that helps you not be shy in bed

You should prepare for a love event. In order not to be shy with your loved one in bed, you need to create comfort for yourself, which consists of three components:

  1. Convenience. Prepare a romantic place: fresh linen, a wide bed, a clean room, towels, and protective equipment at hand. You can use various romantic things - candles, aromatherapy.
  2. Privacy. To create the appropriate atmosphere, nothing should disturb you: neither parents nor children sleeping outside the door. To be calm and give yourself 100% to the caresses, you need to be sure that you are alone.
  3. Mood. To have relaxed sex, you should feel your partner and be in a good mood. If you are haunted by bad thoughts or events of the past day, then you cannot start sex in this mood.

READ What should a girl do if she doesn’t feel anything during sex: reasons and ways to solve the problem

Admit that he likes you

Psychologists say that a man will communicate with a woman only when she is sexually attracted to him. When he finds himself in your bed, understand that he is not just attracted to you, but sexually attracted to you.

A man perceives a woman as a whole, along with all her shortcomings and body features. If he started a relationship with you, then he definitely examined the size of your breasts and waist size, he is satisfied with everything. When there is a naked girl in front of a man who is inclined to be intimate with him, he does not pay attention to the little things.

Looseness in bed and appearance

If you want to know how to not be shy with a man in bed, then you should take action. A woman needs to accept herself and love every piece of her body. It is necessary to understand every day that you are unique and unique.

Before the upcoming act of love, you need to prepare for it. This applies to appearance: tidy up your body, get a manicure, pedicure, put on beautiful underwear, take time to do your hair and makeup. When a woman knows that everything is perfect for her, she can get rid of tension.


To make a girl feel confident, be sure to pay due attention to her underwear. Choose a suitable set that will highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses. You will be able to increase your sexuality. This outfit will help a woman to relax and a man to experience maximum desire for her. It has been proven that a woman in beautiful lingerie is much more of a turn-on than just being naked.

If a man wants to liberate his girlfriend and make her not feel shy, he should give her several sets of underwear and negligees. When she puts them on, he will admire her beauty.


Even if your boyfriend claims that he loves you without makeup, believe me, makeup won't hurt. But avoid flashy evening makeup with bright scarlet lips. It will be unpleasant for your partner if your lipstick remains on his face. But when it's a nice scent that makes your lips moist and delicious, he'll happily lick them. Makeup can help a girl when she is shy in bed, emphasize a woman’s passionate gaze, and make her face more sophisticated and attractive. To look charming, pay attention to beautiful makeup.


Smells attract people on a subconscious level even before they are in the same bed. If you learn to control aromas, you can liberate yourself. It is recommended to use a small amount of perfume with a light, unobtrusive scent. Under no circumstances should you douse yourself with perfume, because if it remains on your body, then the taste of your skin will be unpleasant. When a woman knows that she smells good, it will help her become more relaxed during sex and give a man the opportunity to smell her body.

READ Why a girl doesn’t cum during sex and how to get an orgasm

Trust and sex

If you understand that you cannot feel free in bed with a regular partner, then first you need to become more relaxed in communication and actions. You need to sincerely trust the person you are planning sex with. You can directly talk about your feelings, desires, talk with your partner about sex, his interests and your desires. There is nothing shameful in this, it is normal for adults.

Sex is an integral part of life, which you can discuss, like any other things, such conversations will bring you closer.

Liberation through sports

When a girl has flaws, it seems to her that she is not fit and slim enough, then she needs to take care of herself and fight her complexes with the help of sports training. It is important for a woman to be flexible and graceful, so it will be useful for her to take up aerobics, fitness, swimming or oriental dancing. She will improve her emotional state, become relaxed with her partner in bed and will not be shy.

You limit yourself and attach importance to other people's opinions

Ask yourself:

“Who is the one who is stopping you from becoming a more liberated person?”

The answer is “ You yourself !”

Don't play the role of the little man

  1. You're the one who gave too much weight to someone else's opinion.
  2. It was you who decided to become shy.
  3. Everyone plays roles without realizing that they are roles.
  4. It was you who chose to play the role of a pathetic person.
  5. You yourself want to believe in the importance of someone else’s opinion - this is their power.

Play a confident person

As stated above, physical tension is mutually dependent on nervous tension. The same can be said about your inner experiences regarding actual behavior in society.

Not only do your feelings influence your actions, but your actions can influence your feelings.

In other words, no matter how shy you feel, start acting like a calm and confident person. To do this, observe confident people, study and try on their plasticity, gestures, facial expressions, manner of speaking, etc. Rehearse if necessary, practice every detail of the image and soon you will see how easy it will become for you to stop being afraid of everything and be more confident in yourself. This is the Stanislavsky method used by theater actors to immerse themselves in a role. You can master it in more detail by enrolling in an acting club.

These are only your actions and zero actions from life.

What you need to do and realize:

  1. Challenge yourself!
  2. Understand that this is only your life and no one will kick you. Nobody needs your tightness.
  3. Don't expect success from life or permission to liberate yourself.
  4. These are your actions and zero action from life and no response from society.
  5. It’s you who take and take away and don’t wait for something to come to you.

There will always be people who hate you

There will always be those people who hate you and who are angry with you.

There will always be those who don't like you.

There is no point in trying to please them and consider their opinions.

It's not even worth wasting your time on such people.

I would rather do what I do and have fun than sit and discuss behind the back of a person going towards his goal.

What to do if you have physical disabilities

When physical disabilities prevent you from overcoming embarrassment in bed, start fighting them. This doesn't mean you should hate yourself for being overweight or having pimples. Just realize your power over your body:


How to surprise your husband in the bedroom after years of marriage: advice from sexologists

  1. If you consider yourself not slim enough and have problems in bed with your partner because of this, get into shape. Join the gym, start running in the park or at the stadium, visit the pool and sauna.
  2. Take care of your skin. Use creams and oils, do not neglect depilation, get a manicure and pedicure. Also, don't forget about makeup. If you are not sure that you know how to do it beautifully, contact a stylist or watch online tutorials.
  3. Change your wardrobe to a more feminine one. Buy high-heeled shoes that will highlight your slender legs, wear elegant dresses and skirts.

Only you can correct your shortcomings and even turn them into advantages. Thanks to this approach, self-respect and natural sexuality will come.

Advanced analysis: is what is bothering you real?

Ask yourself questions:

  • What is stopping you from getting rid of shyness and tightness right now?
  • What's holding you back?


  1. It's your insecurity.
  2. Exaggerated fears.
  3. Fear of public opinion.
  4. Thoughts.
  5. Parenting.
  6. Social programming.

It's up to you to choose whether to believe in limitations or not.

You choose: either to believe in what society and your parents instilled in you, or not .

Be beyond the social matrix.

Breaking stereotypes and habits

An adult is squeezed into the strong psychological grip of public morality, norms of behavior, all kinds of stereotypes: what life should be like, how one should dress, what one should talk about, etc., etc. It’s funny that the easiest way to fail is to try strictly follow any of these stereotypes, and the first thing successful people advise is to get rid of them.

Start doing things that are unusual for you, change your image, experiment with clothes and hair color. Start a conversation in a way you would never start, do something you would never dare to do, regularly say affirmations and you will soon find that your fears have disappeared without a trace - you can stop being ashamed of yourself.

You create your own world

The whole world is your movie, your world, your reality. Society and its opinions are outside your reality.

You choose your environment, not the other way around.

Give up thoughts about the future and expectations that someone will help you or tell you how to open up in communication with people and solve your problems.

Who will help you is you ! You are the generator of your own actions .

All you can lose is your own lack of freedom

What happens if you:

  • will you act in a way that is not accepted by society?
  • Will you seem like a fool in the eyes of others?
  • if they point a finger at you?
  • what if they refuse you?

Answer : “ NOTHING will happen !”

And even more: you will lose your old limiting beliefs!

You want it ⇒ you do it ⇒ you get it.

How people become prisoners of constriction

Before you disassemble the skeleton of the ill-fated roots that make people slaves of shyness, understand the main thing: the world doesn’t care how you cope with this or that task, how you look, how you overcome problems, why you are sad or happy.

Overcome shyness in 60 seconds

Even the most self-confident individuals occasionally worry that their hair was done poorly, a nasty pimple has appeared on their nose, the lecture for the audience was somehow crumpled, they don’t have the courage to learn to ski, their friends will laugh that the tent is pitched crookedly and askew. They think that everyone around them does nothing but look at their sins and shortcomings. What then can we say about those who live in the epicenter of fears and imaginary condemnation from society constantly?

Do you remember the best-selling Hollywood TV series “The X-Files”? His popular heroes - the public's favorites - always used the slogan: the truth is out there. So you and I have already come to the point of discussing the true origins of your tightness, or rather, its most likely causes, which could be:

  • a natural tendency towards loneliness, an inability to communicate with other people, which involuntarily developed during a secluded lifestyle;
  • the consequences of acute psychological trauma associated with severe stress, a fiasco with some actions that ended in a humiliating “debriefing” in front of witnesses;
  • eternal critical comments from family, older relatives, friends, boss at work, office colleagues, colleagues in a section, circle, group of like-minded people;
  • the legacy of ancestors in the form of a genetic predisposition to isolation and shyness - the closest sisters of tightness;
  • low self-esteem, although not supported by real facts that you are incompetent, a loser, and even “terrible” in appearance, annoyingly strengthened in your thoughts.

This time, for some reason, we are firmly convinced that you do not and cannot have any other reasons. Tightness is the same as Fata Morgana. The same constellation of mirages in your head, like optical illusions found in nature. Many people seem to have seen them, but in fact they are not there, everything is illusory, at the tip of the edge of fantasy, existing only in the imagination.

You're being bothered by something that doesn't exist, or by yourself

All the limitations that your mind creates - they don’t exist !

Abuse, negativity, disapproval, evil and other rubbish. Everything that prevents you from translating your ideas into reality, focusing on action and becoming relaxed in communication - all this does not exist .

Get out of the herd mentality.

It turns out that what prevents you from stopping being shy and modest is either yourself or something that does not exist.

Don't believe in something that doesn't exist. Believe in yourself.

There are no restrictions.

How to become more relaxed in bed?

To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Rule #1 is to love your own body. To do this as quickly as possible, you should look at it in the mirror as often as possible. Even if your legs don’t grow from your ears, and there are no model parameters, you need to love and accept yourself in your existing image. After all, men often look not at a lady’s appearance, but at her attitude towards herself.
  • Rule #2 – self-care. It is important to buy beautiful sexy lingerie that hides imperfections and highlights positive aspects. A pleasant smell will be a good addition to the image. Therefore, you should regularly use aromatic lotions, special balms, and perfumes.
  • Rule #3 – no excessive effort. You don't have to go out of your way to become relaxed in bed. After all, if there is a loved one nearby, the girl will be able to relax automatically, she will feel free and desired.
  • Rule #4 – open conversations. It is important not to be afraid and regularly ask your loved one what he would like. You need to tell him about your own preferences. If there is a spiritual connection between people, such sincere dialogue will make it stronger.

Important awareness: how not to depend on other people's opinions

This is the key! This is the most important insight where people fail.

Don't be fueled by good reactions! Absolutely! DO NOT let the praise get to you! Don’t let anything external dictate and paint your personality, even if it’s good words of praise about you. You should not receive anything from the outside to confirm your confidence! Simply put: you don’t need people to validate your worth!

This is where dependence on other people's bad reactions to you comes from.

dependence on other people's opinions comes from

Reaction to praise, someone else's approval = Reaction to someone else's curse, condemnation, disapproval

Remember the following realizations and beliefs:

  1. Whether you received a good reaction from other people to you or a bad one – it has nothing to do with you!
  2. You are always self-sufficient, fulfilled and good without external stimulation.
  3. Approve yourself and don't need other people's approval.

Remember and learn! And no one can touch you anymore!


Nervous tension is closely related to physical tension. When nervous tension occurs, your body also tenses, and when physical tension is relieved, nervous tension also goes away. Here is an effective relaxation exercise.

  • Take a series of deep breaths.
  • Try to visualize the relaxation of each muscle of the body sequentially, from the legs to the top of the head.
  • Feel like a light cloud swaying in the wind.
  • Smile at yourself and you will feel confident and calm.

To stop being shy about the guy you like, just relax and just be yourself.

Express yourself fully, don't be afraid to be yourself

When there is an understanding that what hinders you and limits you does not exist, then all that remains is to simply overcome all these little things .

  • Express yourself fully and do not hold back any words or emotions.
  • If you want to laugh, laugh.
  • If you want to dance, dance. If you want to leave, leave.
  • Don't filter the words, let them flow.
  • Don't be afraid to be louder with your words, express yourself fully, and be a visible person.

All this will give you a good feeling and help you overcome shyness.

The more you do this, the more your self-expression and your own presentation in communication becomes stronger.

All you will lose if you become free is your own lack of freedom .

There are no mistakes: no matter what happens, everything leads you to success

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because there are none.

You can't make a mistake. Change your perception!

It is illusory to think that a mistake is when they point fingers at you or discuss you. It's not a mistake.

The real mistake is when you are afraid to be yourself and don’t allow yourself to say what you want because you attach importance to other people’s opinions. This is a lie .

To be honest

When the famous showman Larry King came on the first radio broadcast in his life, he was so worried that he could not speak. During the first three minutes of the broadcast, radio amateurs listened to silence, after which Larry blurted out:

“Hello, I'm Larry King. This is my first broadcast on the radio, I rehearsed the text all night and all morning, now my throat hurts terribly, and I’m worried so much that for three minutes I couldn’t bring myself to speak.”

After he honestly told the listeners about his situation, he felt better, and until the end of the broadcast he no longer felt embarrassed.

Do what you're scared of

Always do what you're scared of ! The first four attempts will be awkward, but by the fifth you will get used to it. By the tenth you will forget.

Otherwise, if you keep everything to yourself and remain shy, you close yourself off from communication. You will be reserved and not open to people.

When do people usually start to change?

  • You will realize how to get rid of shyness and shyness exactly when you understand that there is no point in postponing and the time has come to change.
  • When this is the very thing for you that needs to be done first.
  • You will get rid of everything that bothers you when it becomes the most important thing in life for you, and you will no longer be able to remain idle and procrastinate.
  • You will understand that you need to stop being shy and blushing over nonsense right now and not a moment later.

Work on your appearance

To no longer feel constant embarrassment about your appearance, try simply changing it for the better. This directly applies to all women. What can be done about this?

Think about your appearance

Visit a cosmetologist, undergo several useful, anti-aging procedures, make nourishing face masks. All this together will raise your tone, give you even more self-confidence and will definitely affect your appearance. Go shopping and buy yourself several sets of women's intimate lingerie, so that you can show off the heat to your boyfriend or husband. If you think carefully, there will be a lot of options. Therefore, you have something to work on!

Video "Crazy Guy"

In the following video, fearless guy Remy takes to the playing field and sports fields during live broadcasts and skillfully impersonates a team player.

A football team in the French top league wins the cup and Remy manages to sneak onto the field in the form of a club player and lightheartedly celebrate the triumph with the official players. They even take him for one of their own, and no one suspects anything. Remy is not embarrassed or stopped by anything, because he knows everything about how to stop being shy and not worry about other people's opinions.

Very interesting and funny video.

Manipulation of human consciousness: how people are zombified, about social programming and the psychology of managing people.

How to become more self-confident as a girl, informed tips on how to gain self-confidence - we tell you at the link.

Seven ways to competently respond to insults and rudeness, with examples.

The main reasons for shyness

In modern society there is a stereotype that liberated young ladies always go to nightclubs, meet all the men in a row and generally behave like ladies of easy virtue. But that's not true. You can be a modest and moderately shy girl and at the same time pleasantly surprise others with self-love.

Glossy magazines and intrusive commercials urge you to give up your complexes, love yourself and become more confident! Compliance with all these principles guarantees success in any field - from matters of the heart to the professional sphere. But in fact, following all these recommendations is quite difficult.

The thing is that girls who behave this way have a psychological barrier. This obstacle is extremely noticeable, as it acts as a kind of block of consciousness. It does not allow you to take any adequate actions in terms of meeting guys/men or making friends.

The degree of modesty also plays an important role. Some girls begin to experience difficulties during dates when there are no topics to talk about. And some representatives of the fair sex even find it difficult to say “hello” to their old friend or smile at the guy they like.

There are many reasons for shyness. Here are the main factors that hinder normal social life:

  • lack of confidence in your own appearance: acne, thinning hair, bad teeth, excess weight - all this can hinder self-confidence;
  • negative experience of taking initiative in communication (many girls stop communicating when one day they receive a refusal or an opposite reaction from men);
  • experienced childhood trauma (toxic parents often instill in their children, especially girls, unhealthy communication habits, as a result they become “downtrodden” and are afraid to talk to strangers);
  • belonging to a certain psychological type of personality (people are different, conditionally we can all be divided into certain psychological types - active and passive, positive and negative, it also happens that passive behavior is the norm for a girl, and she just wants peace and quiet).

These are not all the reasons that create obstacles to normal social life, but they are basic.

My old memories of other people's opinions

I, too, was once humble because I gave a lot of importance to other people's opinions. I thought it was supposedly important.

There were negative people who talked about me behind my back and said nasty things. And I reacted to this. At that time, I simply did not take care of myself.

Whatever happens, everything is for the better.

When I gave up on everyone, began to engage in self-development, made several thousand acquaintances and read a lot of literature - I was simply out of reach .

I took steps several years ahead in terms of awareness , ahead of everyone who once judged me or gossiped about me.

Those who once tried to hurt me verbally, said nasty things behind my back, are left there in their own shit.

Looking at them now and remembering them is like looking into a toilet where nothing has been flushed yet.

I’m sincerely surprised now that I used to worry about other people’s opinions.

But it made me very strong and I don't regret anything.

These old friends still suffer from their cockroaches and mental problems.

And I solved all these problems several years ago.

I am in a stable good condition, I am happy and moving forward!

What makes us repressed in sex?

There are many reasons why girls cannot relax during intimacy. Most people are prevented from doing this by worries about their own appearance. Some consider wide hips a disadvantage, while others may feel embarrassed because of a birthmark. This problem did not spare beauties either. They can be very self-critical, but they don’t know how not to be shy.


How to satisfy your beloved man in bed: advice from sexologists

There are girls who are afraid of seeming inexperienced and inept, especially in a situation where the first and only man in their life is their husband. They have nothing to compare their intimate life with. If they don't enjoy the process enough, they think they are the problem. Such girls do not dare to make sex more varied.

Often the problem arises because the woman is too ardent and the man does not strive to make love often. It also happens that the partner wants to moan or scream during the process, but she is embarrassed to do this. Since the girl cannot satisfy her desires, she does not experience pleasure from intimacy.


During childhood and adolescence, some girls experience traumatic situations. This could be either sexual violence or an attempted rape, or an unsuccessful “first time”. These traumas remain in the mind for a long time and then interfere with liberation in sex. The subconscious triggers a defensive reaction designed to protect against unpleasant situations that may be repeated in the future.


Usually parents do not attach importance to sex education for their daughter. In some families, mothers instill in their growing daughters that it is a shame to experience sexual desire. This can greatly affect a fragile psyche.


How to understand that a guy wants you: the first signs

From her youth, a girl begins to be disgusted by physical intimacy with a man, and later does not experience any pleasure during sex, perceiving this process as a duty or an unpleasant procedure for procreation.

Social dogma

Sometimes the reasons for insecurity during sex are the attitudes that society gives a girl. There is an opinion that a woman should not enjoy intimacy. This is a man's prerogative. On the other hand, she is obliged to satisfy all the needs of her partner, to be no worse than others.

There is another stereotype - girls who do not meet the model parameters are not sexy, which means they cannot give and receive pleasure during intimacy. With such prejudices about sex that society has created, it is difficult to maintain self-confidence. But to solve the problem, we need to say a firm “no” to social dogmas in this area.


A girl’s complexes also develop throughout her life. Some parents do not treat their daughter with respect, do not give her enough affection and warmth, and are overly demanding or rude. Complexes are also formed due to misunderstandings with peers.

In an adult woman, they can appear due to a rude attitude towards her, when she is afraid of a man and often hears insults from his lips. If a woman is confident in her partner’s love, she will not have complexes in the intimate sphere.

Everyday problems

Even during sex, we often don’t relax and think about troubles in everyday life - unpaid loans, dirty dishes in the sink, a child’s failures at school, and even wallpaper that needs to be re-pasted. And if you can’t “turn off your head,” then there will be little pleasure.

To be more sensual and natural, differentiate the areas of your life. Leave work problems at the office. When you spend time with your loved one, turn off your cell phone. Almost any troubles can wait. You must relax so that they do not consume you completely.


What men like during intimacy: lessons in seduction

How I left my comfort zone and played with reality

My crazy actions

I did a lot of crazy and crazy things when I gave up on other people's opinions. Just very. I can't remember everything at once.

  • I remember how I went into the supermarket wearing only shorts and sneakers.
  • I experimented a lot in dating girls. It happened that I bit unfamiliar girls on the ass and only then began to get to know each other.
  • I approached the girls sitting on the bench, turned on the song on my phone and shook to the music in front of them. And then he sat down and started chatting.
  • Sometimes I approached the girls in the club like a stripper, danced, looked with passionate eyes, and put their hands on me. They liked it. They were simply delighted!

I love adrenaline. I love coming up with something new.

I'm just playing with the social matrix.

I'm just breaking social programming. It doesn't matter what people around me think, it matters what I think.

All people think about what I think about them!

What is a person’s ego: obvious signs of a large EGO and a person’s sense of self-importance, we will learn how to get rid of arrogance and become more conscious.

How to stop being afraid of a fight and not be afraid of a mess - tips from psychology and esotericism, useful exercises, read the link.

How to dance in a club for a guy, 3 videos of guys who dance wherever they want - you can see here.

Important Reminder

If you do some crazy things in society, always know when to stop.

Always know how to stop on time !

Don’t cross the line of people’s patience, know how to calibrate!

Don't act too unnecessarily inappropriate, otherwise you might end up in trouble. There is no need to scare people.

How to become more relaxed when communicating with men?

There are ladies who communicate with members of the opposite sex easily and freely. They know how to interest and delight with their rich inner world. But not everyone has such abilities. On the contrary, most women do not have them.

The most important secret to easy communication with men is no modesty. Of course, some part of it should be present, but only the smallest. There is no need to behave excessively timidly; men are not attracted to, but, on the contrary, repelled by such women. The reason is simple: after communicating with such a young lady, any normal man will think that she is not interested in him and will stop trying to communicate, finding a more interested interlocutor.

Some girls withdraw into themselves due to complexes. If a young lady grew up in a family where there were only women, and made friends exclusively with girls, there is a high probability that as an adult she will not be able to fully contact men. In this case, there is a way out: you just need to stop looking at the guy as a potential partner, communicating with him as a friend. In this case, looseness will be beneficial and, perhaps, simple friendship will develop into sincere love.

Another reason for constrained behavior may be that the girl is in an unfamiliar environment. Therefore, you need to go on a date to places where you can relax and not worry that something will go wrong.

Some representatives of the fair sex are convinced that the best way to combat excessive modesty is to drink alcohol. If you drink alcohol at every meeting, the young man may get the impression that the lady has bad habits. No self-respecting man would consider such a woman for a long-term serious relationship.

Another common reason for excessive constraint is the lack of any information about the guy’s character. A lady, not knowing who she is dealing with, can become tense, confused and behave as if she had completely “swallowed her tongue.” To avoid such awkward situations, it is worth finding out as much information as possible about the potential gentleman, which will allow you to build a full-fledged dialogue.

Tip #4: Feelings_4

For those who are concerned about the visual aspect of sex, sexologists recommend focusing on the sense of touch: closing your eyes or turning off the light - this will help you forget about appearance for a second and enjoy the moment.

It is important to try to feel with every cell of your nerve endings the sliding of your partner’s fingers across the skin. Pleasant tingling sensations, wet kisses, hot breath - you should try to listen to your body in order to get maximum pleasure from sex, forgetting about any embarrassment.

Tip #7: Brainstorm_7

You can try to make a list of all your worries and worries - what causes embarrassment and uncertainty? Having listed all the factors, you need to think about how they can be eliminated.

To avoid feeling helpless, you should also make a list of all your positive qualities that inspire confidence. They should serve as a kind of reminder.

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