How to be arrogant and self-confident: advice from a psychologist

  • October 21, 2019
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Anna Mallaalieva

It is believed that arrogance is a negative character trait. We are raised to be modest and sympathetic people. They say that we must give in, even if it goes against our own interests. However, judging by social issues, many believe that arrogance helps in solving many issues. There is a position that people can achieve success in work and personal life precisely because of this negative trait. Therefore, many have thought about how to be arrogant and self-confident. Do you think these personality traits are compatible? Let's look at this issue.

What do we call arrogance?

Before discussing how to achieve this trait in your character, you need to understand what arrogance is, in principle. Perhaps, during the process of description, you will understand that you do not need this.

Psychological research makes us understand that arrogant people do not feel shame, are constantly rude and do not support the values ​​of the society in which they find themselves. Now we will answer the question of whether confidence and arrogance can coexist together. Again, research confirms that it does not. Psychologists note that arrogance hides a person’s helplessness. It is through rudeness and other rude behavior that he tries to hide his fear.

Knowing that arrogance is a mask, you need to think about whether this trait really helps achieve the desired results? Or is it better to become responsible, purposeful and diplomatic? Of course, each person decides for himself what tactics to choose. Perhaps you can combine a little arrogance and positive traits. And if you are still interested in how to become an arrogant person, then continue reading the publication.

Internal potential

Not everyone can become daring. Imagine a slow and focused phlegmatic person. He is leisurely, thoughtful, immersed in the process. Before doing anything, he will think ten times about the need for action. Before answering, he will change the phrase in his head twenty times, taste it, analyze it for correctness, adequacy and correctness, and then say it out loud. What will a withdrawn melancholic do? Before committing any action, he suffers from uncertainty, worries, and rushes about. The response to a rude word will be withdrawal, tears, and all sorts of attempts to hide the true internal state.

For a person with a strong, bright, extroverted temperament, insolence is a natural phenomenon. For some it is temporary, for others it is permanent. If you suffer from indecisiveness, react sharply to the rudeness and directness of others, and worry about the feelings of other people, then you will not be able to become impudent. You may appear to be, but you may not be. The degree to which you get used to the role will determine how convincing it is, but remember that this is a heavy burden.


Before developing this quality in yourself, you need to separate arrogance from rudeness. The first character trait can really be useful when you are trying to defend your interests. But if you get impudent and run faster to the checkout in the store, pushing everyone, then you need to understand: this will never help you in your life. This situation only shows a lack of manners.

But it is foolish to deny that arrogance sometimes becomes a defensive reaction. It can be a response to any stimulus. If you need to become just such a person, then below are tips on how to become bolder and bolder.

This quality (in the form of a defensive reaction) can really help solve some problem or conflict. An example of such a situation could be, for example, a vacant director's position in a company. Here you need to include confidence, arrogance, and cunning. After all, what are leaders looking at? To work: how active it is and how a person expresses himself. At the same time, you cannot be called a bad person, because you are not rude to people and do not insult them. But such behavior is also impudence.

Society's attitude towards daring women

Since ancient times, girls have been brought up from an early age to be modest, flexible, diligent and obedient. These character traits were considered traditional feminine virtues.

Girls who did not hesitate to express their own opinions, defend their interests, and demonstrate the merits of their appearance were treated with prejudice.

But times are changing, and today there are fewer and fewer gender differences in the upbringing of boys and girls. They try to develop the ability to stand up for themselves and leadership qualities in children of both sexes.

Therefore, society is increasingly lenient towards girls who push aside traditional ideas about the female role and fearlessly argue with men who are building a career and striving for success.

Is it possible for girls to be impudent?

Girls, admit it, how often have you thought about how to become arrogant and self-confident? You thought that this could help win a guy away from a competitor or become a team leader. Well, according to research, it is worth noting that guys really pay attention to arrogant girls. But other studies have already shown that men like to get married and, in principle, start serious relationships with calm ladies, with whom they are always comfortable.

Therefore, if you want to become arrogant and confident, then go for it. But assess all situations sensibly and use these character traits only in the right cases.

Posture, ability to hold oneself

A confident woman walks calmly, with a straight back, without waving her arms like a soldier on the parade ground. Her whole figure expresses dignity and readiness to stand up for herself.

Slouching is always perceived as humiliation, a desire to hide from others, or as an oppression of worries and problems. Straight shoulders, beautiful posture, and a proudly raised head reveal a confident and daring woman.

Shyness is emphasized by clasped hands, a downcast gaze, as well as the habit of scratching the nose, ears or fiddling with hair. Try to look your interlocutor in the eyes and keep your palms in front of you.

A confident girl always reflects inner harmony and calm. The best expression of these qualities is a friendly smile. Daring girls do not walk around with a frown and an expression of universal sorrow on their faces.

Setting goals

So, how to become cunning and arrogant, self-confident? First, set yourself goals. Why do you need these character traits? If we are talking about career growth, then think about: where can you apply these “skills”? Where exactly should you be arrogant, where should you cheat, when is it better to remain silent?

Considering that arrogance is not a very pleasant character trait, its spontaneous manifestation can have a bad effect on you. At a minimum, the relationship with your boss will deteriorate and the level of trust will decrease.

How to train willpower

Now we will give the most basic recommendations that will help you train your willpower. On the one hand, all this may seem easy, but you will encounter the real complexity of these recommendations in practice.


We have already found out why people become arrogant. Why do they need self-confidence? We think this is already clear. By the way, achieving this trait is quite difficult, especially on your own. Unfortunately, uncertainty, lack of self-love—these factors take a long time to form. And if you have doubted your skills all your life, then in a click you will not believe in yourself.

We advise you to consult a psychologist. It will help you find the causes of uncertainty and subsequently develop the desired quality. If you don’t want or can’t go to see a specialist, then take advantage of trainings or webinars. They can also help, but this method is still less effective.

Confidence will help boost the sport. The support of loved ones will also be useful.

So, how to be bold and confident? What to do? You need to constantly train your endurance, perseverance and determination. Monitor your behavior and correct it.

Bitch - who is she?

This word is very firmly entrenched in modern speech.
It is used by journalists, writers, screenwriters. Society has become accustomed to it; now few people think about its meaning. Dahl's dictionary gives a merciless definition that does not evoke any positive emotions: a bitch is carrion or the corpse of an animal. Currently, no one focuses on the original interpretation of this word, and being a bitch is now fashionable. In some situations it is even useful. What distinguishes her from an ordinary girl? Self-confidence, strength of character, achieving your goals by any means. It is believed that she can also be distinguished by her short skirt, deep neckline, high heels and bright makeup. That is, a woman in vamp style. But in ordinary life, it is not so easy to see a bitch from under the mask of a fragile, vulnerable woman who knows how to sincerely sympathize and worry about a man.

To summarize, a bitch is a woman with a sharp mind and the ability to get from those around her what she needs.

How to learn to look people in the eyes? Rules for making eye contact


It is important to be arrogant, but to be able to avoid conflict situations. Let's say you decide to achieve a managerial position at work. You behave arrogantly and cunningly. Other colleagues will probably pester you with negative phrases. If you are witty and can answer correctly, your relationship with other employees will not deteriorate. It is important not to offend others, but at the same time continue to move towards your goals.

To develop your wit, start reading, traveling, making more friends, find yourself a hobby.

Don't worry about the little things

If you're interested in getting tough and are committed to it, you can't let disappointing news or negative comments ruin your day. If every little challenge makes you feel like you failed, you won't have the strength to make good choices about bigger issues. How can a man become tougher? First of all, a real man should not be suspicious and give in easily, as well as worry about little things.


Believe it or not, when psychologists are always asked about how to be arrogant and self-confident, they suggest changing your wardrobe and clothing style. If you are dressed poorly, you don’t like the outfit yourself, then those around you will perceive you poorly. At the same time, if you start to become impudent and rude in this manner, then other people will most likely begin to feel sorry for you, because you radiate self-doubt.

Clothing must be clean and neat. You should choose what makes you feel better. If you dress like a “cool” girl, you will feel like one. You won't have to spend 15 minutes thinking about how to answer a question or what to do if you are rude. You will become confident and know how to behave in any situation. Yes, it's a mask. A mask that you will try on yourself. As a result, now you will feel comfortable in any form. Because you will know that it is not your clothes that make you bolder and more confident, but that you are just such a person. Try to do this, maybe you will be able to love yourself.


For those who lack bitchiness, we can recommend watching films that can be considered training for real women. Their heroines will show and teach how to behave correctly in any life situations, and in particular, with men.

"The Devil Wears Prada"

A young university graduate, Andrea, manages to get the position of personal assistant to the editor-in-chief of a famous fashion magazine. Miranda is not an ordinary boss. This is the devil himself, who wears a skirt and walks in heels. She does not consider it necessary to explain anything to anyone, repeat things a second time, or forgive mistakes.

In what situations will it help : You have finally received a promotion, but there is no joy - your subordinates seem like lions that need to be entered into a cage. Look at Miranda - take her example. Even if you haven’t received a promotion yet, but you think you deserve it, do the same. Pay attention to the episode where it is shown how you can destroy your competitor.


The acquaintance of the wealthy Cuban businessman Luis Antonio Vargas with the American girl Julia ends unexpectedly. With her heartfelt letters, she manages to arouse in a man a burning desire to take her as his wife. They are getting married. The wife is incredibly beautiful, charming and sweet. Only in fact, this is not the real Julia, but a swindler who decided to rip off Louis. But he no longer cares who she is. Vargas is so attached that he is ready to do anything to get her back and not his stolen millions.

In what situations will it help: When the situation requires you to be a cute cat before doing something nasty. The cat may then be stroked on the back or scratched behind the ear for this.

"The basic Instinct"

The plot of the film is known to many; there is no point in retelling it. It is only worth noting that for more than 25 years the heroine Catherine Tramell, played by actress Sharon Stone, remains the standard of a bitch in the history of cinema.

In what situations will it help: You don’t have to pay attention to the plot at all. Just look at the heroine and learn how to awaken male instincts. Repeat after Katherine: movements, words, intonation. Remember her game. Just to avoid an awkward situation, you should not repeat the scene with crossing your legs over your legs.


When they meet, passion flares up between the two girls. One of them is Violet, the pretty mistress of a local mafioso. The other is Corky, a newly released prisoner who has been hired to do renovations in the apartment next door. They plan a theft and escape from Violet's lover. Only the man began to suspect something and came to the decision to deal with the girl. Moreover, in a way that is accepted in mafia circles.

In what situations will it help: When a woman considers herself too weak to engage in open battle with a man. You can invite a friend to watch. She will need it too. Just be careful, it's hot in places!

"Bride Wars"

Emma and Liv's friendship began in childhood. They shared everything equally. But the active and punchy Liv easily managed to push Emma around, with her soft and pliable character. Grown up girls one day become brides. As fate would have it, the wedding dates they chose and the location of the celebration coincided. They do not want to give in to each other; they both consider themselves to be right. And they go on the warpath...

In what situations will it help: When you have a sworn friend whom you’ve been itching to take revenge on for a long time. Watch the movie, find out how this can be done. Just don’t forget that this is a movie. Life may turn out differently. If, thanks to your machinations, your friend gets better, you shouldn’t expect a happy ending.

Achieve your goals

Everyone sets goals, but achieving them is a completely different matter. Achieving most goals requires hours of monotonous hard work. If you want to be tough, be prepared to put in the time and effort required to achieve your goals. Break your goals down into manageable steps and set a timetable for completing them. This way you will know exactly what you need to do to get to the finish line. Be relentlessly persistent. If you give up before you reach your goal, you are letting yourself down. Don't let yourself lose interest or get tired of working hard.

Enrich your spiritual life

An active spiritual life will help you understand what you need when your problems seem to threaten to consume you. Find ways to become more spiritually aware and connected to the rest of the world. Doing yoga, meditating, participating in worship, and spending time in nature are all good ways to enrich yourself spiritually.

Draw conclusions

Try not to give up and not take troubles too seriously. Brush aside the failure, draw the necessary conclusions for yourself so as not to repeat the mistakes again and tell yourself: “Woman, this sounds proud, we look beautiful, we smell amazingly nice, we cook incredibly tasty.” Dress in Art Deco style, set an amazing table that will not leave anyone indifferent and invite your colleagues to visit. At home you can afford to look incredibly elegant.

For this style, the hairstyle should be stunning and the makeup should be more active. Read the article about this style of clothing and catch the admiring glances of your gentlemen. Success will be guaranteed. If your birthday is not soon, come up with a holiday in honor of the day of daring beauties, for example. When meeting guests, smile more.

Look problems in the eye

Don't try to avoid difficulties by running away or pretending they don't exist. The ability to “face” reality will help you make practical decisions that will ultimately lead to positive change. If you bury your head in the sand, problems will only accumulate. Resist the temptation to ignore problems by indulging in escapist behavior. Drinking alcohol, sitting in front of TV in the evenings, sleepless nights on the Internet, gambling and other similar forms of destructive behavior will distort the view of reality.

Think carefully about your actions

In every situation you face, you have a choice. It is up to you to decide how you will react and what actions you should take. Sometimes the right choice is obvious, and sometimes right and wrong cannot be distinguished from each other. Taking the time to think things through will help you make the right choice. Let's say you receive bad news: you weren't accepted for the job you applied for. What possible ways out of the situation can you name? What is the right way out?

Don't be self-righteous after making mistakes

Mistakes are an inevitable part of life. Tough people use their mistakes as tools to learn how to succeed next time. If you tend to let mistakes get the better of you, or worse, blame someone else for your own mistakes, then you have the wrong attitude towards failure. Try to approach your mistakes differently. Learn to acknowledge them (first of all to yourself). It is a misconception that in order to be tough you must act as if you are always right. In fact, the opposite is true: tough people are willing to admit their mistakes so that they can then correct them.

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