Tenacity and perseverance in achieving goals are necessary qualities of a successful person.

What does it take to become successful and constantly achieve your goals? Why do some people make their dreams come true, while others with the same starting conditions fail and give up at the first failure? The point is in personal qualities that determine whether a person will be a leader and a full-fledged master of his destiny or a follower, disillusioned with life and giving up at every trifling problem.

Studying the biographies of famous personalities who have achieved great results in life allows us to highlight important qualities for achieving goals - perseverance and perseverance. These traits of the human psyche help to overcome difficulties on the chosen path. After all, in any business, be it a global dream of a lifetime or another trip to the store for the right product, you cannot do without obstacles and unforeseen circumstances. How a person reacts to them and what he does in the future determines his perseverance and perseverance in achieving his goals.

Why don't wishes come true?

Before we begin to deal with this issue, I will describe the story of one friend who has been wanting to lose weight all her life, at least for the last 20 years that I have known her. And the weight only gains even more with age. Since she is not psychologically ready to part with this weight, it does not go away.

But there is one more important fact. She was given a method of losing weight using a “drinking” diet, when you can lose 10-12 kg in a month just by changing your diet. And she also had to record how much water she drank daily. So the situation turned out to be such that she simply did not write down how much water she drank and, accordingly, did not drink it. There was no perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal. But the goal was not so difficult. What's the matter here?

Basic Concepts

This is a set of properties that facilitate the performance of specific tasks. This includes characteristics such as determination, strategy, perseverance, and discipline. They are relatively stable and independent of the situation. With the help of such a set, an individual can consciously regulate his behavior and take power over himself. They are often seen as a personal characteristic of freedom from circumstances, fear or laziness, which so often prevent one from achieving what he wants. I have already briefly outlined the positive aspects. But there are also negative qualities that indicate weakness: shyness and timidity, lack of initiative.

Comfort zone is a barrier to achieving goals

To achieve a goal, you always need to do something differently, not the way you are used to doing it. They say that “if you do everything as always, you will get the same result as always, or you may not get it at all.”

Therefore, it is worth developing willpower and getting out of your comfort zone. Start doing something with effort, often resorting to forcing yourself to do something.

I remember a story from some women’s training, when it was necessary to complete a task:

  • take the most expensive car and sign up for a test drive
  • ask for money on the street or you yourself had to give out 1 thousand rubles in hundred ruble increments
  • go to a boutique of expensive things, try on a fur coat there and ask for water or tea.

The situation was quite simple, go and ask, but there was no way to do it easily. A test drive is no longer necessary; you need to sign an insurance document if something happens on the road. It’s also somehow difficult to ask for money on the street, much less give it away, I know from hearsay that not everyone will take it.

But going to a boutique seemed like the easiest option. It was a boutique of the most expensive perfumes, where prices started at 10 thousand rubles for a very small bottle. The main thing was to force yourself to go there, review everything, talk to the sellers and then ask to drink water and take a photo.

And when everything was almost done, I even managed to easily take a photo and ask for water to drink, then when I came out I felt the excitement of victory, everything worked out. I can say for sure that persistence and perseverance helped, and then I didn’t want to give up at all.

Tenacity and perseverance are such important personal qualities that will help you achieve any goals and win in the most difficult and unpredictable conditions.

Therefore, it is worth developing these two qualities in yourself, otherwise any difficulties in achieving your goals will set you back, and maybe your goals will never be realized.

Causes of insecure behavior

Psychologists advise looking for the root causes of insecurity in childhood memories. The family does not necessarily have to have an authoritarian mother or father who intimidates, punishes or demands a lot from the child. Sometimes it’s enough just to scold him in front of his peers.

Common causes of self-doubt in children:

  • parents do not support or praise for successes, but they always scold for mistakes;
  • mom and dad say: “you won’t succeed,” “don’t even try,” “it’s pointless”;
  • ignore the child's needs and desires;
  • compared with other children;
  • a child experiences bullying at school.

Childhood insecurity and low self-esteem often carry over into adulthood, where the already formed personality behaves indecisively and weak-willed. New sources of loss of self-confidence may include:

  • obsessive anxiety that cannot be controlled;
  • lack of willpower and motivation;
  • non-compliance with the invented ideal;
  • increased emotional sensitivity;
  • flaws in appearance;
  • lack of work, doing something you don’t like, or low wages;
  • unrealized dreams and plans;
  • lack of talents and abilities;
  • fixation on past failures;
  • stress;
  • absence of a partner or recent separation from him;
  • fear in any variations;
  • self-dislike.

Let's look at one of the reasons using a specific example.

In my third year, I found the strength in myself and enrolled in a theater club. At the rehearsal, it seemed to me that everyone was mocking me, images of monsters and monstrosities loomed in my head.

When it was time to join groups, I hid in a corner and thought that none of the guys would offer to join them. My thoughts became darker and darker, I considered myself an ugly person who had no talents or abilities. And in less than a minute I concluded that I hated myself.

And when self-dislike had already eaten me up from the inside, two girls approached with an offer to join them. And then I burst into tears... I just couldn’t stand the internal pressure. After that, I no longer came to rehearsals, quit the activity that I really liked, for which I began to hate myself even more.

What is the difference between PERSISTENCE and PERSISTENCE?

Sometimes persistence is compared to arrogance and stubbornness. They say that “such a person will go over your head.” However, perseverance is a reasonable approach to achieving your goal and is environmentally friendly.

Although, it doesn’t always work out environmentally. Even if a person has shown persistence somewhere, his friends and relatives may label him as “arrogance, stubbornness,” rather than perseverance and luck.

Perseverance helps in achieving goals, even if there are obstacles. In the face of any difficulties, these people are more stress-resistant, they show determination. Moreover, this is not just stubbornness, but a reasonable and conscious approach to the situation.

They are flexible, resourceful, smart. And it is precisely perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal that allows these people to overcome many obstacles. They understand that there are difficulties, but you can look for a way out in a difficult situation, and find it, and they always take into account past negative experiences.

It happens that failure can come one after another, and this is where persistence comes into play. It's like a little child, when he learns to walk, he falls, gets up and may fall again, but in the end this is how he learns to walk.

A persistent person, calmly overcoming obstacles, goes towards his goals, “he insists on his own,” and everything works out for him. And he almost never gives up his goal, sometimes changing the plan for achieving it and the path to it many times.

It becomes clear that perseverance and perseverance are not the same thing.

Perseverance is the ability to withstand all sorts of unfavorable situations , the ability to withstand failures, and still achieve a positive result and achieve your goals.

A persistent person, even in the face of failures, learns from experience and looks for the best option to achieve goals. A seamstress, for example, hones her stitching skills only through perseverance, just like a writer who rewrites an article many times until it suits him.

Perseverance is always aimed at long-term goals . This is your movement towards your goals for a long time, sometimes for many years, sometimes for your whole life, while always maintaining determination and optimism even in hopeless situations, sometimes changing the path to the goal, but not the goal itself.

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When you do something methodically and with constant persistence every day, that is persistence. Persistence is the ability to always move towards a goal and never give up.

Viscous pedantry: how are epileptoids and epileptics similar and different?

Epilepsy is a neuropsychiatric disease, the main characteristic of which is repeated sudden seizures that prevent the brain from working properly. They are based on excess electrical activity of neurons. Because of it, a discharge occurs in the brain, which strikes and strikes like lightning in its tissues: once a year or weekly, at night or once every couple of hours. In this case, a seizure may look not only like convulsions, but also like sudden freezing - the so-called absence seizure - with short lapses in memory (petit mal epilepsy), lightning-fast muscle spasms in the arms (myoclonic epilepsy) or even sleepwalking and twitching of the muscles of the face and body during sleep (nocturnal frontal epilepsy).

According to the World Health Organization, today about 50 million people in the world suffer from this disease. In 70% of cases, epilepsy can be cured, most often with medication. However, three quarters of people, even in developed countries, do not receive treatment because they do not seek help. This is partly due to the fact that only the convulsive form of an epileptic seizure is widely known, and its other forms do not seem to people to be a cause for concern. However, left untreated, epilepsy destroys the brain and eventually leads to dementia.

Epilepsy affects how the psyche works. As a result, the personality changes: the person becomes more “sticky”, pathologically detailed, unable to switch, irritable, prone to outbursts of rage and lectures, emphatically pedantic, overly affectionate and extremely self-centered.

Tenacity and perseverance in achieving goals

Where are they useful?

  • in sports for achievements
  • when learning something new
  • to realize your professional and career goals “in the good sense” of the word
  • to move to another country
  • with a long-term illness and a great desire to get better
  • to gain new skills and give up bad habits
  • if you want to lose weight
  • with a strong desire to get out of the “comfort zone”

And both of these qualities can be cultivated in yourself with some effort. Sometimes it is still not possible to apply these two qualities “persistence and perseverance in achieving the goal”, how to see and realize this?

  1. A large number of started and unfinished tasks
  2. You often jump from one goal and task to another.
  3. Procrastination, the number one indicator, you put everything off “for tomorrow,” but tomorrow never comes. Just like “I’ll start doing exercises on Monday”
  4. Don't dare to start something new
  5. Often haunted by negativism and a “black streak” in life
  6. Frequently recurring bad moments
  7. Complete disbelief in your success

And in order to realize your goals, you must have the qualities of a winner.

Accept Possible Defeat

This has nothing to do with phobias, but rather with martial arts. The one who does nothing makes no mistakes. The one who doesn't play doesn't lose. The one who sits at home under the covers is not afraid. But these are all erroneous conclusions.

  1. In the first case, a person makes the main mistake - he does not live, but exists.
  2. In the second, the person initially loses to everyone.
  3. In the third, cowardice will find you even under the blanket. The first and sixth points seem to contradict each other, but they are in one bundle.

You set yourself up to be positive and said that tomorrow you will win the fight/competition/tournament. Then they imagined defeat. What after that? Nothing, actually. There will be another tournament, you will gain experience and will definitely tear everyone apart.

After defeat, your life will remain the same as it was: family, friends, work, hobbies, and much more. You will not lose anything, in the worst case, you will not receive a bonus.

Qualities of a Winner

  • Perseverance
  • Perseverance
  • Courage, it’s not for nothing that there is a proverb that “courage builds cities”

These are all the qualities that make a person strong, strong-willed and a WINNER. Perseverance can be shown if only you take the courage to go and not stop, you need to be very active in this matter.

I remember the case of my learning to drive a car; almost all members of my family expressed their negative “experiences,” thereby criticizing my personal qualities. It sounded something like this: “You don’t know how to walk, but how are you going to drive a car?” Since driving a car was a completely unknown thing for me, of course doubts overcame me every time I wanted to enroll in a driving course.

But there was only one person who supported me in this matter, saying: “Mom, don’t listen to anyone, you will succeed.” As a matter of fact, this prompted me to go to study for a driver’s license and have been driving a car for more than 15 years now. BUT...this experience of “unconstructive criticism” will be remembered forever.

The main thing is not to succumb morally to such criticism and comments, and this depends on your confidence and perseverance. They will help you achieve your goals, and over time, they will strengthen your character.

How to get rid of uncertainty at work?

It is very important to find something you love and develop your skills and abilities in it. Try to acquire a specialty you like

Expand your horizons, strive for excellence. You should not rely on influential relatives, friends or chance of fate.

We must always maintain freedom of mind and develop originality of thinking. Constant self-development and improvement of professional knowledge gives a person confidence in his own abilities. Possession of a huge amount of information helps the employee not to be afraid of anything. A conscientious employee is not afraid of condemnation from the employer or customer.

Many people feel nervous before meeting their boss. At such moments, it is necessary to gain a state of inner confidence. You can influence your emotions with the help of your body. To do this, you need to straighten your shoulders, raise your chin, while keeping your back straight. After this, you can safely go to the carpet.

You should not worry about negative reactions from your management. Think about whether you need an employer who can easily change his position towards a subordinate because of some trifle. Do not attach great importance to either your workplace or your salary, then all your worries will immediately disappear.

Many workers are intimidated by new tasks. They begin to feel that they will not cope with them in the necessary way, and that their colleagues will judge them because of this. It is necessary to master the ability to take responsibility. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-flagellation. It deprives you of strength. As soon as you start to notice that you are mentally berating yourself, stop immediately. We must stop any attempts to accuse ourselves.

It is necessary to stop overreacting to the criticism of others, their ridicule, anger and envy. These feelings are their problem and have nothing to do with you. You should develop a stable habit of treating any events with love and complete acceptance. Motivational literature and studying the biographies of successful people allow an insecure person to develop courage and overcome obstacles on the path to success.

Steps to Building Persistence and Perseverance

Let's identify the steps that will help you create the right habit of perseverance and perseverance in achieving any goals.

Setting a goal

The successful art therapy technique “Wheel of Balance” can help you with this. Choose eight areas in your life that are meaningful to you. Draw a circle on a piece of A4 paper, divide it into 8 parts. Write from the left side and clockwise all these eight areas into these “pieces”.

But now the most important thing is that at each segment you need to note from 0 to 100% the degree of your satisfaction with this area of ​​​​life.

For example, the first piece is “money”, the degree of satisfaction is 70%, the second piece is “personal life” and the degree of satisfaction is 50%, the third piece is “work” with a degree of satisfaction of 90%, etc. We put a point on the segment opposite each piece, then we connect these points into a wheel, as shown in the picture.

If the wheel is round, then everything is fine. But we can already see that it will not be round. How to set goals using this “Wheel of Balance” practice?

We choose the smallest piece based on the degree of satisfaction. For obvious reasons, it requires adjustment in the first place. And it is in this area that we set our first goal. And so on in all the pieces.

It is worth noting that there should not be many goals. You will never be able to implement them all at once. It’s better to have 3-5 goals for the year, but global ones. The goal should be something that “takes your breath away.” It should be somewhere beyond your capabilities, you should feel your breathing quicken and your heart skip a beat from this goal.

Goal Achievement Plan

It’s worth describing step by step what steps you intend to take and when. SMART - the goal setting system helps to break down the goal point by point as much as possible. It is better to do this in the form of a table, it is more convenient. And for more accurate detail on execution dates, I use planning. Convenient to control.

Often you come across such a step, when 5-10 new goals are included in the plan, a lot of time is wasted. For example, do exercises in the morning, jog in the evening, then hold the “bar” at home, and at the same time limiting the amount of food is introduced.

This will be an excessive burden for the body. Therefore, it is worth starting with small steps and one goal. This makes it easier for the body to survive the “discomfort”, and you will get results faster.

Encouraging your loved one

Almost no one takes this step into account. We reached a goal, went to realize another one, and your body is “not an automatic machine.” He also wants “goodies” for achieving his goals. Praise yourself, or maybe buy some material gift.

I recommend starting to save coins. This way you will count how many goals have been achieved and, at the same time, make savings. Useful and interesting!

Hard daily work and constant self-development are a direct path to the fulfillment of any desires.

Pie by ruler: how to recognize an epileptoid

One of the leading distinguishing features of a person with epileptoid accentuation is his love for order and orderliness. His house usually looks very tidy and quite clean. This is “his fortress”, into which few are allowed. Here many things and phenomena have their place, be it a teaspoon, the edge of a carpet, or the sequence of preparing breakfast.

The epileptoid willingly puts things in order (often unconsciously) in public places: he moves the napkin holder so that it stands level, wipes away drops of soup if he slightly stains the table at lunch, and may even complain that “the cake is uneven.” Clutter irritates such people, and their ultimatum and tendency to aggression adds fuel to the fire, so visiting a cluttered house can cause another attack of anger or despondency. At best, it will be experienced in silence, but it will not be possible to avoid it unless a person specifically works with his negative emotions.

A person of the epileptoid type may also seem quite tough: commands are easy for him, and his logic is sober, understandable and based on common sense. His tendency to control sometimes manifests itself in the sexual sphere. At the same time, due to the excitability of his psyche, the epileptoid remains very vulnerable: he has enough firmness, but not calmness.

Characteristics of a Brave Person

Courage is characterized as the ability to cope with one's fears and doubts. This is the ability to act contrary. After all, fear is an innate instinct inherent in everyone to varying degrees. Courage is what separates a shy person from a determined one. This is the ability to act where others give up.

"Cheek brings success"

This is an important quality of human nature. Everything in the world strives for peace

People shackled by fears prefer not to move, so as not to make things worse. Courage is what motivates you to take action. And actions are life itself. By becoming brave, a person completely changes his reality.

How to be bolder, because this is such a necessary quality? It's not that complicated. It is enough to introduce the desired attitude into your consciousness. This is similar to installing updates on a computer. With a little work on yourself, you will become a new, better version of yourself.

Know how to say “no”

Remember that you don't owe anything to anyone. Let's say if someone asks you to do something that is contrary to your wishes and morals, refuse. Learn to say a firm “no”, this will prove your individuality and courage. And the best answer to the question is: “Why?” - answer truthfully, without resorting to lies, but also without making excuses. You must teach others to respect your desires and feelings, and then you will achieve a lot. Often, such requests are exactly what brave people are afraid of. After all, sometimes it can be very difficult to refuse a loved one, even if his desire contradicts all accepted norms.

Changing your social circle

Every day a person interacts with dozens of other members of society. Even if someone thinks about how to become more decisive, his intentions will clash with the intentions of other people. You need to be prepared for this. Everyone’s behavior forms the habit of those around him to perceive him that way. Changing habitual behavior disrupts other people's expectations. Some will like the new status, others will not.

As you change yourself, you will have to change your social circle. This happens naturally when people diverge in goals and cease to understand each other.

When consciously adjusting your personality, it is useful to change your environment yourself. Communication with successful, active, positive and courageous people is the strongest motivating factor. In addition, people you want to be like are great examples. You should not resort to imitation, but in patterns of behavior and forms of thinking you can find useful ideas for implementation on your development path.

It is worth paying attention to the quality component of communication. Speaking your own opinion builds self-confidence

A clearly and loudly voiced opinion makes it clear to others that in front of them is a confident person who is able to defend his point of view.

What is courage for?

It will be easier for you to work on becoming fearless if you are clear about why it is needed. I have compiled a list of positive changes that will happen in your life as you develop courage.

  1. You will become the rightful master of your life and will make decisions without regard to the opinions of others.
  2. You will be able to increase your self-esteem and gain confidence.
  3. Life options that were previously prohibited will become available to you. For example, express a point of view that is different from the generally accepted one, or wear an extravagant hairstyle.
  4. Your goals will become more daring and ambitious. Excessive caution will disappear, and a tendency to take healthy risks will appear.
  5. People around you will respect you and stop treating you with disdain. The sympathy of the opposite sex will increase.
  6. You will become calmer, balanced and energetic. As you know, fear takes a lot of energy.
  7. You will be able to confidently defend your interests and stop being afraid of conflicts.

And these are not all the benefits that courage gives its owner. I suggest you become my co-authors for a moment and add a few more points in the comments. Let's help each other find motivation for change.

Characteristics of a brave person

A brave person has a number of undeniable advantages and distinctive features compared to other, less brave people. So, being brave is:

  • Create every opportunity for success, and not wait “by the sea for weather.”
  • Realize that you and only you shape your life scenario.
  • Don't be afraid to act and make mistakes.
  • Take on your path what is rightfully yours.
  • Don't be led by circumstances.
  • Bravely face difficulties and problems, and not try to drown them in alcohol or hide around the corner, trembling with fear and hoping that they will pass you by.
  • Do what you fear most, thereby strengthening your endurance and self-control.
  • Don't boast about your own courage. Courage should not be conspicuous and furiously “shout” about yourself.

The bravest act of a person is not to banish fear, but to overcome oneself. The person who has managed to conquer himself and subjugate his consciousness is truly worthy of thunderous applause and all the blessings of life.


And remember, son, if you are not a universal laughing stock, overgrown with legends and a bad reputation, then no one will send you. Do you think that virgins are so self-confident that they will laugh in the face of everyone who dares to meet them? If you don't babble something incoherent and talk like a child in a junior nursery, then no one will laugh. At most, he will answer coldly. To do this, you need, of course, to interest the girl. Again, click on those red words and a magical tab will open with detailed instructions on how to do this.

And in order not to be afraid, remember the words of the brilliant sage who said that our whole life is a game. But we live in a high-tech world, and we have games on computers and consoles. And these games have one great feature - the ability to replay a failed mission. Therefore, treat life the same way: if you fail, there is always a second chance. I refused, I couldn’t interest you - work on your mistakes, on your speech and try again. Not necessarily with the same girl, there are others. Being a virgin at 20 is not shameful. The main thing is don’t turn your life into Bloodborne, that is, don’t complicate it. Treat it more simply, like when playing Call of Duty. According to our observations, life is always on the side of those who don’t particularly care - when you meet, your tension will only repel you.

It is precisely this relaxed attitude that will make you more confident and courageous. By the way, there are red letters again, click on it - there is an excellent article there. If you treat life like a dream that can always be interrupted by waking up, then life becomes less scary. Besides, understand that no one will laugh at you if things don’t work out. This was done only in kindergartens. If you follow our instructions and show your best side, then there will be no problems.

Change your environment

It may be that your intention to change has caused enormous opposition from others. The fact is that every day we interact with different representatives of society. It is noteworthy that the attitude of others is shaped by the behavior of the individual himself. If he starts to change, then others may not accept it at all. As a result, people will “pull” the person back. If this has already happened, then you have no choice but to change your environment. It’s good if your new team includes successful, active, positive and courageous people, exactly the ones you would like to be like. Psychologists are convinced that this will be a very strong motivating factor for you. Of course, you shouldn’t imitate everything, but you can take some behavioral models as a model, on the basis of which you can continue your further development.

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