An essay on the topic “What is the inner world of a person?”

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  • 9th grade

I often think about what the “inner world of a person” is? A person’s inner world is his state of mind, which is reflected in his vision of the world, life goals, and his qualities. At the moment, a person’s external data is more dominant than internal qualities. This is not entirely correct.

As proof, I will give an example from life experience. There are many beautiful people who are not able to sincerely love, be friends, or show care towards someone, although his external data exceeds all expectations. Their inner world is empty, full of evil thoughts. Of course, people first pay attention to appearance, which is not entirely the right decision. A handsome person receives a sufficient amount of attention; such people are treated with special reverence and admired. From this they may develop increased self-esteem, star fever, the feeling that everyone owes them something, because they are so special - beautiful. For people with not very attractive appearance, the opposite is true. They are more responsive, they know how to support, take care, and help in a difficult situation.

As a second argument, I would like to cite as an example a situation from A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin,” in which Tatyana Larina fell in love with a young, lonely landowner, Eugene Onegin. The girl was of a refined nature, calm, educated. She loved to read and had almost no interest in men. Her appearance was not as attractive as that of her sister Olga. Tatyana, realizing her feelings for Evgeniy, decided to confess to him in a letter, which in those days was shameful for a girl. Unfortunately, the young landowner did not reciprocate Tatyana’s feelings, because she was not his type at all, unlike Olga, who was beautiful, sociable, and cheerful. He didn’t think at all that Tatyana’s inner world was much richer than her sister’s. Eugene realized this only many years later, when he could not find a life partner. I couldn’t get this peaceful girl out of my head, whose heart he had once broken with his refusal. I can assume that the landowner never again met in his life the same unique natures as Tatyana. Most likely, her inner world struck him to the core, because it was beautiful.

It follows from this that the inner world of a person is his features, which need to be paid attention to before his appearance.

Essay 2

A ray of sunshine pouring directly into the heart deifies the human soul. The inner nature of man is spirituality. It includes feelings, thoughts, emotions, sensations, mind, outlook on life, beliefs and worldviews of the individual. The rich spiritual inner world of an individual is filled with the gifts of the Cosmos and the Universe, events of the surrounding world, faith, goodness and comprehensive earthly love for all living things.

The inner human essence is very diverse! She has so many shades of character, positive and negative traits. A person striving for goodness and light is endowed with nobility, mercy, responsiveness, and friendliness. He is ready to help everyone and make people happy! Such people are highly valued in society.

Inner peace is a special state of mind. It is given to everyone from birth. Over the years, a person improves it by interacting with the environment. It is interesting to communicate with intellectually developed people. They know a lot. You can talk to them on any topic. They are always aware of all affairs and life events. Such individuals are smart, educated, and spiritually developed. They read a lot, travel, attend lectures and seminars, study science and... believe in miracles. Such people always spend their time usefully. They have an interesting, multifaceted life, full of romance, exploits and unusual adventures.

A person who does not believe in anything, is behind the times, fixated on his problems and thinks only about material things is empty and unattractive. His spiritual world is on the verge of disaster. A wonderful man with a beautiful soul! He may not be very good-looking in appearance, but his heart is pure, faithful and deep. A beautiful appearance often turns out to be a lure, and only by communicating with him can one understand his inner essence. People with a bright and catchy appearance often turn out to be stupid inside, and then external beauty is no longer interesting.

A person must constantly improve, live in peace and harmony with others, harmonize space with his divine thoughts. Such a personality is endowed with unique charm and uniqueness. She is extraordinary and brilliant. This is an exalted nature with genius abilities in literature, music, art, theater and cinema. Such a person is talented, successful and happy!

The spiritual world of man is a pearl shining with bright light. This personality always strives for self-development, self-realization and inner freedom. The transformation happens very quickly. A person awakens and is filled with energy, filling the body with strength. He may have abilities that he didn’t even know about. Spirituality works great miracles!

It’s wonderful that interesting, creative and spiritual people live on earth. They are beautiful inside and out! A guiding star shines for them, fulfilling all their desires! May their kindness flow forever, and may the world bloom with great love for all living beings on earth!!!

Knowledge is power, but not humanity

They say that a spiritually rich person is one who constantly strives for knowledge. And that's true. He fills his inner spiritual vessel with a variety of knowledge from the world of culture, religion, and art. Such a person can support any conversation and show off his intelligence even among intellectuals. But even here one can find a controversial point. A person can turn himself into an encyclopedia, know the answers to hundreds of questions, but never get closer to the sources of spiritual wealth. Of course, there is power in knowledge, but what is the point of it if a person mindlessly quotes what is written in books.

S. Sukhomlinsky once said: “A spiritually rich person is one who has access to the whole range of human feelings and relationships.”


Every person is an individual person and everyone has their own inner world. This is something that is not noticeable to people at first glance, something that happens in a person’s soul. All his experiences, desires and dreams. To get to know a person’s inner world, you need to communicate with him for a long time, and also consider and evaluate his actions in a given situation. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression that appearances can be deceiving.

Most scientists argue that the inner world of a person must necessarily be something bright and beautiful. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Today you can meet many cruel people whose inner world it is better not to know. They say about such people that they no longer have either a soul or compassion for the surrounding society. There is nothing good and bright in their thoughts, but only cruelty and anger, hatred and envy.

But you can also meet such a person that it is difficult to determine at first glance what kind of person he is by nature. Perhaps he is withdrawn and lonely, does not communicate with anyone and does not like noisy companies, does not like to be the center of attention. But such a person may have a rich, interesting and amazing inner world. He will be able to tell a lot, and also listen to the interlocutor, will be able to understand the other person’s problem and, in the right situation, give practical advice. They say about such people that they have a big and kind heart.

Sometimes there are situations when a person’s inner world is deceptive. Previously, according to scientists, it was believed that in order to find out what was happening in a person’s soul, it was enough to look into his eyes. Today such a statement is already becoming a myth. Because the world is becoming cruel and so are people. A person can have a pleasant conversation and smile sweetly in the eyes, but at the same time be a deceitful and insignificant creature. And there are also completely opposite personalities. For example, a person who is domineering, rude and cruel by nature, say some commander in the army, may have a completely different inner world. Perhaps his soul is kind and open, but his appearance is like that because of his position.

And to summarize, we can say without hesitation that each person has his own unique and mysterious inner world. He is known only to himself and those close to him. And any person will not open his inner world to strangers. Because it is something personal and intimate. This is what happens in the soul, in the thoughts and in the heart.

Is this all?

To be spiritually rich means to have a decent amount of knowledge, act humanely and be guided by moral standards. But is that all? Of course, such an answer will be counted and graded, but a truly spiritually rich person will be left with a feeling of dissatisfaction with his work caused by understatement.

Therefore, when starting to write the essay “What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person,” first of all, you should think about yourself. Am I satisfied with my actions? How do I feel when I look at people and nature? What do I like and why? It would seem that these are trivial questions, but the right answer is hidden behind them.

Option 4

Each person is distinguished from others not only by appearance, but also by soul. The difference in the inner world, life values ​​and goals makes each person special. The inner world of a person is his psychological state with the manifestation of emotions, feelings, reason, and outlook on life.

A person’s inner world is judged by his actions, manners and character. Often it is only years later that one can truly get to know a person. People can try on a variety of masks, but only those closest and most significant in life see their true face. And it's not difficult to explain. A person can control his state of mind and emotions, which suggests that the internal state of an individual is closely connected with the outside world and society. This influence is so colossal that it affects the psychological state of people.

Some philosophers claim that the mental world is determined already at the birth of a person. Over the course of life, it is studied and supplemented. There is also an opinion that a person’s soul is created and developed by himself. Each year carries more and more wisdom, which is proof of this statement.

Universal human values, life experiences and goals can shape your inner world. Here the person makes his own choice. In addition to physical development, the mental state also changes. Man moves along with modern life and the progress that accompanies all processes. The main thing is to choose the right road.

A happy life lies in understanding the inner world. Proper use and control of it allows a person’s personality to manifest. It is no secret that it is the state of mind that is decisive in some situations. In order to attract others with your inner world, you need to constantly work on yourself, learn the facets of life and enrich your soul.

A person with a rich inner world knows how to manage his feelings, emotions and experiences. He can control the depth of perception of the surrounding world. He is able to reason sensibly and draw logical conclusions. These are developed and intelligent people who can support any conversation.

Something changes in a person every day. Every person has the power to create his own inner world. Having established an ideal, you need to work on your mental and psychological body at all costs. This work is within the power of each of us.


For some, writing an essay “What does it mean to be a spiritually rich person” is easy, but for others, they encounter difficulties already at the first stage. This is mainly due to a misunderstanding of terminology. Subconsciously, the student knows that a spiritually rich person is one who does what is right and never harms anyone. He just can’t explain it.

To answer the question of what it means to be a spiritually rich person, you first need to understand what spirituality means. In journalism, spirituality refers to a set of traditions and values ​​that are concentrated in religious teachings and images of art.

Essay What is the inner world of a person?

The concept of “individuality” appeared due to the fact that each person has a unique set of personal characteristics. Life goals and values ​​make the character of one person completely different from the character of another. Character traits leave an imprint on the inner world of an individual.

A person’s inner world is manifested in his attitude to life, the emotions that he experiences in various life situations. However, it is not always possible to obtain reliable information about a person’s inner world by analyzing only his behavior. To understand the psychological basis of a person’s inner world, it is necessary to communicate with him. In this case, fleeting communication will not be enough: a person will open the doors of his soul only to someone he trusts. It takes years to earn trust.

A person’s inner world is formed under the influence of society and the environment in which the individual lives. According to psychologists, from the moment of birth a person has the prerequisites for the formation of character: temperament is considered the basis for the formation of the inner world. Knowing what types of temperament parents have, we can assume how the child will react to various situations in life, what mood will prevail in him. Parents are role models for children; the formation of the child’s inner world is directed by parents.

Throughout life, a person acquires moral principles and forms his own value system. He accumulates life experience. A person’s personal development entails a transformation of his inner world. Each person sets his own goals in life, but not many people think that their interests and inclinations are largely determined by the foundation that was laid by their parents in childhood. This is why teachers and psychologists talk about the importance of parents’ participation in the lives of children, because without this participation the little person will not develop the correct basis for his inner world.

Every person needs to learn to study and understand their inner world. This means that each person must study their strengths and weaknesses. Knowing his strengths and weaknesses, a person builds a personal development program. Continuous work on self-improvement will be the key to a rich inner world. Only in the process of constant work on oneself can a person become a good conversationalist, a reliable friend, a professional in one field or another, and a worthy citizen of society.

Thus, each individual himself forms his own “I”. It is worth remembering that beautiful appearance does not guarantee success in interpersonal interaction, because the richness of the inner world is valued above good external data. This means that a person should spend every day of his life on self-development.

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For a rainy day.

It’s like a common rule to leave everything good for a rainy day. Do you understand the difference between the first thinking described above and this one? That person may not have good things and he does not strive to acquire them, but a person with such a mindset may have such good worthy things, but where? That's right, they are hidden or put away “for a rainy day.” Again, a caveat is a clarification that this does not mean that you should not be thrifty and think about tomorrow. But for some this goes to the extreme and they prepare to use good things for some reason on a rainy day, which they are constantly waiting for, and not on a good present one. This habit has deep roots. For example, a person has experienced a war or famine, or a natural disaster, and he begins to save for the future, so as not to experience shortages anymore. Or a person was brought up according to such rules of strict frugality. But again, there is a mentality not of development, but of the opposite. A person can never afford to use the benefits that are available to him, but he always waits for the moment when they will be useful to him. That is, a person eats from a chipped plate, while he has a whole set of new ones in a box in the closet. Or a person does not wear a new suit, but wants to wear an old one, which for some reason does not wear out. There are many such examples. There are especially many such stereotypes among older people, who of course can be understood because of their past. But for some reason, the children of such elderly people do not encourage their parents to put on a new robe, buy themselves a new jacket or buy a new kettle. Unfortunately, such children, even as adults, can use such dedication of their parents to their advantage, and parents who cannot refuse their children constantly use everything old and drink tea from a beautiful mug only on special holidays. If you have such a habit, then think about whether it will help you become rich in soul? If you do not allow yourself to enjoy the good that is yours, will you allow yourself to develop and achieve success?

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Description and example

The internal content is difficult to describe with any coherent concept.

However, we can give an example of Pushkin's literary hero Eugene Onegin .

The author gives a detailed and vivid description of this hero, his human qualities and behavioral characteristics.

At the beginning we are introduced to his current depressing and frustrated state , as well as his difficult relationship with his family. It is obvious that this man has a wealth of experience in communicating with people, as the hero himself further tells.

This experience formed in him a certain attitude towards solitude and detachment from worries - Evgeniy no longer cares about anything as before. Character tendencies towards melancholy and loneliness are clearly manifested.

However, if desired, this person knows how to please. His behavior changes after meeting a young girl, but these changes do not occur in him immediately. First comes a chain of tragic events that force the hero to reconsider his ideals .

A repeated meeting with a woman who has also become different puts Eugene in the place of his new transformations into a more sensitive person, but the author did not allow the heroes to be together. The character of Tatiana can be analyzed in the same way.

Alexander Sergeevich gives a detailed description of the inner world of all the characters, thanks to which one can imagine the psychological portrait of these people.

In the same way, you can conduct self-analysis, highlighting character traits, stages of development and changes in personality that have occurred, and also establish relationships.

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