Social adaptation is the foundation of human life

Personality formation

The first people on planet Earth fought a lot for their lives.
They had to survive in conditions of cold, hunger, and constantly surrounded by enemies. But man is a savvy creature. Creative thinking helped people create tools, build homes, sew clothes and make shoes. Biological adaptation to environmental conditions smoothly flowed into social adaptation, helping people interact with each other. Articles on the topic

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Psychologists believe that the formation of a person in society should be called “socio-psychological adaptation”, because personal interests will always collide with public ones. An individual lives on the basis of rules established both by society as a whole and by his immediate environment.

Starting from early childhood, people communicate with each other in:

  • family;
  • kindergarten;
  • school;
  • company of friends;
  • institute;
  • At work.

In essence, personal development is a fusion of social norms and individual knowledge of the world. By passing through himself the whole gamut of knowledge and sensations, a person becomes an individual, discovers potential, and creates his own reality.

Stages of adaptation in conditions of partial divergence of value systems

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The previous stage of J. Szczepanski is relevant only if there is a cardinal discrepancy between the orientation of the individual and the orientations of the new surrounding reality. If there are certain coincidences, then the following stages of social adaptation will be relevant:

  1. Balancing – it is characterized by the least degree of involvement of the individual in the adaptation processes to the new social environment. More often than not, this stage is associated with recognizing a new situation. The newcomer gets acquainted with the new environment, takes a closer look at the team as a whole and each of its members in particular, establishes social contacts, and studies the specific features of the psychological atmosphere. This stage is completely built on the processes of establishing “equilibrium” between the individual and new conditions for him;
  2. Pseudo-adaptation. The most striking feature of this stage is the combination of external adaptation to the new environment with a negative attitude towards it. The individual seems to pretend that he is satisfied with the new rules, new conditions and value system, but his inner world completely rejects them. However, in order to avoid some attacks from the outside, as well as discrimination, he has to live in this image;
  3. Adaptation – this stage is based on recognition and further (primarily internal) acceptance of the basic value systems of the new situation. At this stage, mutual concessions are very important - both from the individual himself and from the host community or team. The individual finds the strength and desire to abandon some of his views and values, while still maintaining freedom of choice and decision;
  4. Assimilation - a feature of this stage is that there is a reorientation of the individual, an absolute transformation of his values, the previous system of norms and rules of behavior, his worldview. All this happens due to the influence of the environment to which the individual needed to adapt and adapt.

Note 2

It is worth noting that these stages are individual for everyone, since someone needs to go through all the stages of social adaptation, while for others it will be enough to move from the first stage to the last (from balancing to assimilation) without additional stages.

Stages of social development

Throughout his life, a person is in contact with society, taking into account existing rules.

Based on how adequately a person perceives the surrounding reality, experts assess the success of adaptation and distinguish three stages of social development:

  • familiarization;
  • orientation;
  • self-affirmation.

Positive adaptation and successful interaction with the environment allows strong individuals to subsequently influence society. And even change the existing system. A person transforms the external conditions of life, creating a favorable environment for his existence.

Criteria for successful social adaptation:

  • objective: educational success, career achievements, social status;
  • subjective: creativity, desire for personal growth, adequate self-esteem.

Biological factors are becoming less and less significant in social adaptation. Thanks to modern science, people with disabilities are successfully adapting. Devices for correcting biological functions of the body help them actively participate in public life.

What is maladjustment

A person cannot always adapt to the requirements and rules of the team.
The inability to cope with life circumstances is called maladjustment. What prevents a person from:

  • external factors: people, social norms, environment;
  • internal factors: character traits (aggressiveness, suspiciousness), high or low self-esteem, weak motivation.

It’s not difficult to spot a “black sheep” in a team. As a rule, a person keeps to the side, rarely comes into contact with the environment, and is an object of ridicule. Such an attitude on the part of others can cause serious mental disorders that will require the help of a psychologist.

Adolescence creates all the prerequisites for the emergence of socio-psychological maladjustment. Children are immersed in the virtual world of gadgets, preferring it to communicating with peers.

Antisocial behavior quickly takes hold in the fragile brain of a schoolchild, and problems with communication become acutely felt in adulthood.

Only communication will help defeat social maladjustment. Psychologists advise not to close yourself off from the world around you, but to “go out into people”, overcoming fear. For example, you can sign up for an interesting training or course.

Successful social adaptation

A person develops throughout his life, getting from one situation to another, so he has to constantly learn. The ability to adapt can safely be called the cornerstone of all life activities. Successful adaptation brings a sense of control over one's life and a sense of stability into a person's life.

How to emerge victorious in any situation:

  • constantly develop: morally, intellectually, physically;
  • satisfy basic needs;
  • solve emerging problems in a timely manner;
  • learn to resolve conflicts.

A holistic person has every chance not only to get along with the world around him, but also to make his own contribution to the development of civilization. But sometimes, even strong personalities can get bogged down in petty problems and squabbles. If this happens, you should remember that there are always close people and specialists nearby who are ready to help.

Text of the book “Technologies of Social Work”

Depending on the goals of the group, the position of the social worker may be different. If the group is focused on achieving any generally significant goals (for example, opening a sports ground in a neighborhood), then the social worker plays the role of organizer and coordinator of the group’s external relations. If the goal of the group is to expand the sphere of self-awareness and individual experience through communication (for example, training in communication skills), then in this case the social worker is a mediator of intra-group interaction.

The method of group work does not have a “frozen” form; new original forms are currently appearing, such as the method of family therapy in the USA.

Thus, social rehabilitation is a single rehabilitation complex in which social, psychological, pedagogical, and professional components are inextricably linked with each other.
The purpose of such a complex is the formation, restoration, correction or compensation of the sociovital resource of a person in a difficult life situation, ensuring his active social functioning and decent existence. Topics for seminars
1. The essence and content of social rehabilitation.

2. Social rehabilitation as a technology of social work.

3. Social rehabilitation of citizens who find themselves in difficult life situations.

4. The technology of social rehabilitation is implemented mainly at three levels.
Topics for writing reports and abstracts
1. Current problems of social rehabilitation technology.

2. Main types of social rehabilitation and their characteristics.

3. Principles of social rehabilitation and their characteristics.

4. Individual rehabilitation program as a set of special rehabilitation measures

5. Medical rehabilitation.

6. Social and environmental rehabilitation.

7. Vocational and labor rehabilitation.

8. The need to create a barrier-free environment.

9. Sociocultural context of gerontological issues.

10. Three levels of implementation of social rehabilitation technologies.
1. Zhukov V.I., Tavadov G.T.

Large ethnological dictionary. – M.: Publishing house RGSU; Omega-L, 2010.

2. Zhukov V.I.

Russia in the global world: philosophy and sociology of transformations: In 3 volumes. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional – M.: Publishing house RGSU, 2007.

3. Fundamentals of social work / Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. – M.: Infra-M, 2009.

4. Technologies of social work in various spheres of life: Textbook, manual / Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. – M.: Dashkov and K°, 2004.

5. Technologies of social work: Textbook. /Under general ed. E.I. Single. – M.: INFRA-M, 2002.

6. Technology of social work: Textbook, manual (materials for seminars and practical classes) / Ed. P.Ya. Tsitkilova. – Novocherkassk, Rostov n/D.: Pegasus, 2008.

Topic 2.9 Technology of social adaptation


The topic is devoted to the study of the technology of social adaptation. The most important task of the adaptation process is the problem of human survival through the adaptation of the individual’s potentials with the processes of the natural and social environment. There are four types of human adaptation: biological, physiological, psychological, social. Among them is social adaptation as the process of adaptation of an individual or a social group to the living environment. The result of social adaptation is an indicator of the socialization of the individual, a certain type of relationship between a person and the environment, during which the requirements and expectations of both parties are gradually agreed upon.


to introduce students to the essence and content of social adaptation technology, to show the main options for human communication with the outside world, and the use of social adaptation technologies in social work.

The concept of “adaptation” in the scientific literature is multidimensional and multifunctional. That is why it is used in many scientific fields of knowledge - biology, philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, ethics, etc.

In general terms, the concept of “adaptation” (from the Latin adapto) means adaptation. The most important task of the adaptation process is the problem of human survival through the adaptation of the individual’s potentials with the processes of the natural and social environment. There are four types of human adaptation:

social, biological, physiological, psychological. These types are closely interrelated, but sometimes they can be relatively independent or become temporary. Of all types of adaptation, we are interested in the first.

Social adaptation

– bringing individual and group behavior into conformity with the prevailing system of norms and values ​​in a given society is carried out in the process of socialization, as well as with the help of mechanisms of social control, including measures of public and state coercion. In social work, the popularity of adaptation technology is due to the presence of problems of maladaptation in various social strata (layers) of society. Disadaptation is the destruction of adaptive mechanisms. Social maladaptation is the destruction of life plans, unpreparedness to function in a social situation.

There are two options for human communication with the outside world: adaptation to external conditions and adaptation, changing the environment. That is, initially a person adapts himself, and then makes attempts to change the environment to achieve greater comfort. Social adaptation can be simultaneously considered as a process, a result and as a social technology.

Social adaptation as a process

is the adaptation of an individual or a social group to the living environment. The result of social adaptation is a certain type of relationship between a person and the environment, during which the requirements and expectations of both parties are gradually harmonized. As a result, the individual gains the opportunity to survive, and the macroenvironment is transformed and enters a new stage of dynamics.

Social adaptation as a social technology

is a technological process through which certain goals of social work are achieved in various social spheres and areas of human activity. We can distinguish professional, role, organizational, psychological, everyday, leisure, political and economic levels of social adaptation, as well as adaptation to forms of social consciousness (ideology, philosophy, science, religion, art, morality, norms) and adaptation to the natural environment. The latter is the subject of social ecology, which examines various historical and sociocultural forms of human interaction with ecosystems, and also predicts the consequences of an irrational type of attitude of society towards nature.

It is advisable to consider the process of social adaptation at four levels.

1. Macro level

– physical and social space as a whole – considers the adaptation of the individual, social strata, society as a whole to the features of the natural ecosystem, to the elements of the artificial environment, the technosphere, to the features of the socio-economic, political, socio-cultural spheres of society.

2. Meso level –

social group, collective, a person’s environment, family - a person’s adaptation occurs or, on the contrary, there is a discrepancy between a person’s interests and the norms of a social group, a production team, a neighboring community, a study group, etc.

3. Micro level

– family, immediate environment – ​​adaptation or mutual adaptation of family members to each other and to the characteristics of the family microclimate is carried out.

4. Mini level –

this is the individual himself, his intrapersonal adaptation - the desire to achieve harmony, balance of the internal position, his own self-concept and its assessment from the position of other people.

The process of social adaptation begins with the establishment by an individual or a social group of the fact that the behavioral patterns learned in previous activities do not contribute to the achievement of success and it is necessary to rebuild their behavior in accordance with the requirements of the new social environment. There are four degrees of individual adaptation in a new social environment:

1) the initial stage - when the individual knows how he should behave in a new environment, but in his consciousness does not recognize the values ​​of the new environment and can reject them, adhering to the previous system of values;

2) stage of tolerance - the individual and the new environment show mutual tolerance to each other’s value systems and patterns of behavior;

3) accommodation – recognition and acceptance by the individual of the basic value systems of the new environment while simultaneously recognizing some of the individual’s values ​​by his new environment;

4) assimilation - complete coincidence of the value systems of the individual and the environment.


social adaptation is determined by objective indicators of achievements and subjective (group) satisfaction, personal (group), professional, socio-economic position occupied by a person (social group). Based on the results of social adaptation, the following types of personality (social group) are distinguished: highly adapted, moderately adapted, low-adapted, maladapted.


social adaptation is a system of methods, techniques, and means aimed at providing social support to people in the process of their socialization or adaptation to new social conditions due to changes in social status, life losses and failures, as well as helping unadapted individuals. The technology is used by many specialists: teachers, psychologists, social educators, politicians, etc.

Social adaptation occupies an important place in the content of social work and characterizes, on the one hand, the process of interaction between the object of social work and the social environment, and on the other hand, it is a reflection of a certain result of social work, which can serve as a criterion for its effectiveness. Therefore, understanding the essence of adaptive processes and their mechanism is a necessary condition for the professionalism of a social worker. Adaptive processes are enabled by appropriate technology. The technology of social adaptation is basic in the practical activities of social workers, who are called upon to alleviate difficult life situations for people and help those who are unable to cope with their problems on their own. This technology is one of the general technologies of social work, since it is applied to different categories of the population: elderly people and people with disabilities, unemployed citizens and migrants, orphans and people without a fixed place of residence, persons with deviant behavior, and young people. and etc.

In modern society, innovative processes occur in a continuous stream, which leads to accelerated renewal and change not only in living conditions, but also in changes in moral values ​​and life guidelines of people. In turn, this leads to the fact that the entire society, social groups, and each individual person are forced to constantly and continuously experience the process of social adaptation.

When participating in the process of social adaptation of a client, a social worker must remember that the process under consideration represents the unity of the following stages.

1. Adaptation shock

- a general disorder of the functions of a social subject or system due to some shock of a sociogenic nature caused by a sharp disruption of the usual interaction with the external environment. This is one of the most painful stages of social adaptation, when there is a period of paralyzing fear and inaction, lack of understanding of the essence of what is happening. It is at this stage of social adaptation that the subject first faces the need to master new elements of the social environment and learns their positive and negative sides. This stage represents a fairly serious danger for subjects whose social, psychological and physical potential is insufficient to overcome the difficulties that arise. In some cases, adaptation shock can become the basis for the destruction of the human personality or even its physical death.

2. Mobilization of adaptation resources.

Here, for subjects who managed to survive the stage of adaptation shock, a stage of deep understanding of the situation begins and concentration of efforts on a conscious search for a way out of it. This stage is associated with the active, conscious development at the behavioral level of new models of life activity. In this case, the subject, based on the results of the initial development of the new social environment, at the previous stage gets the opportunity to choose and put into practice the most suitable way of behavior and activity, activating his own abilities and capabilities.

This stage of social adaptation involves the activation of adaptive potential

- a set of properties and resources that a person or group has in a latent form, and is activated and updated in the process of social adaptation. The elements of adaptation potential can be such characteristics of the subject as the level of education and qualifications, demographic and social status, socio-psychological characteristics, etc. It is the presence of the subject’s adaptive potential and its characteristic features that determine the subject’s ability to master the situation and get used to it.

The response to the “environmental challenge”
is the final stage of the process of social adaptation. Its content represents the implementation of a specific model of behavior and activity that is chosen by the subject taking into account his own adaptive resources and capabilities, ideas about what is happening, as well as the main characteristics of the social environment in which the process of social adaptation takes place. It must be remembered that the choice made by the subject does not necessarily correspond to the requirements of the environment. A subject may make a mistake in his choice, choosing a model of behavior and activity that corresponds to his goals, aspirations and capabilities, but contradicts the objective laws and trends in the development of the situation in which the process of social adaptation takes place. This circumstance can subsequently lead a person to serious problems and difficulties. In such cases, professional assistance from a specialist, including a social worker, is important and necessary.

The sequential change of the main stages of social adaptation involves the use of various mechanisms at each of them, which are distinguished by their originality and adaptive capabilities that appear in a person or group.

The strategy and tactics of using social adaptation technology in the practical activities of a social worker are based on the new nature of the relationship between the client and the professional. Their essence lies in the transition to subject-subject relations in the form of participation. According to this, the professional resources of the social worker as a leader gradually become resources for the client’s self-adaptation, self-organization and self-help. The higher the professionalism of the manager, the more actively the client is involved in the adaptation process, the faster the client’s process of getting out of a difficult life situation. In modern Russia, the process of social adaptation is largely determined by the transformations taking place in society, which radically change the characteristics of the social environment in which the life activities of subjects take place. The entire system of society is undergoing a transformation. Features of the transformation process in Russia are its high activity, different speeds and depth of changes in certain areas of society. Thus, first of all, the values ​​and norms that underlay the most important social institutions underwent change. There was a replacement of system-forming values: “Soviet” with “market-democratic” ones: collectivism with individualism; public - to private; relative passivity - to conscious activity.

Social adaptation in the context of social transformations represents two simultaneous processes: adaptation to the elements of the new

social structure and adaptation to
the transitional
system. On the one hand, social adaptation can be imitative. On the other hand, the adoption of new values ​​can lead to pseudo-adaptation, which leads to negative trends that destroy the personal qualities of the subject.

Only a small proportion of the population has the opportunity to carry out transformational activities. Transformational activity is manifested through targeted reform and mass innovative entrepreneurial activity.

The task of adaptation is associated with the mobilization of all available resources. However, for successful adaptation it is necessary not only the availability of adaptation resources, but also their “liquidity” and demand in a given specific situation. State and municipal services, including social ones, are called upon to help adjust and orient social actions. Thus, social adaptation of social transformations in modern Russia is one of the most important factors in the processes of stabilization and optimization of social relations.

When organizing work on social support for a person, group or organization faced with the need for social adaptation to new conditions, it is necessary to take into account that this process requires the subject to overcome quite serious barriers


• socio-psychological (beliefs, principles, habits, stereotypes of behavior and activity inherent in the subject);

• social (representing negative characteristics of the social environment in which the adaptation process takes place);

• sociocultural (value-normative characteristics of the subject).

The socio-psychological barrier is especially evident in relation to the socio-psychological adaptation of Russians to new socio-economic conditions. At the same time, one of the important conditions for the adaptation of Russians is adequate changes in consciousness - the choice of new strategies of economic behavior, the willingness to bear personal responsibility for their livelihoods. The transition to new patterns of economic behavior that are adequate to market relations is greatly hampered by the inertia of the population’s socio-psychological attitudes towards the previous system of social guarantees, which are not sufficiently related to the objective results of workers’ work activities. As before, the majority of the working-age population is focused on receiving outside help, which does not stimulate activity in economic activity and hinders full social adaptation. Existing barriers to social adaptation sometimes require significant efforts to overcome, which are sometimes beyond the power of one person. Therefore, the activities of social workers and other specialists in working with people should help in implementing the processes of social adaptation of various groups of the population and each individual person. In this case, various mechanisms are used, the complexity of which depends on the following reasons: firstly,

the process of social adaptation is of a specific historical nature, which influences the choice of mechanisms of action in a given context of time;
in the process of social adaptation, two structurally complex systems interact - the individual and the social environment.

The mechanism of social adaptation of the individual acts as a single process of activity, communication, self-awareness in a person’s social activity, when a transformation of his inner world occurs, the realization of hidden opportunities that help to fully engage in the processes of social adaptation.

In the activities of social workers, various mechanisms and means of assistance in the social adaptation of people are used: socio-economic, socio-legal, socio-psychological, organizational and managerial, socio-pedagogical, socio-medical, socio-cultural, informational, etc. To ensure effective results it is necessary a set of the most acceptable mechanisms of influence, taking into account a specific personal and group situation in a given historical aspect. Thus, in modern Russian society, in order to solve the problems of social adaptation of the elderly and disabled, it is important to improve the quality of medical, consumer and psychological services, organize their leisure time and feasible employment, create employment opportunities, and create an environment of positive communication. In order to achieve social adaptation of former prisoners, many factors are necessary: ​​ensuring the possibility of employment and everyday life (housing, registration), industrial adaptation in the work team, family and household adaptation, restoration of positive social ties, interruption of ties with the criminal world, eradication or neutralization of deviant forms behavior and antisocial personality traits.

Problems of social adaptation and professional reorientation face many unemployed people, migrants and other segments of the population who have lost their usual social status.

The social adaptation of children deprived of parental care and inmates of orphanages is important. Social adaptation programs for such children are aimed at developing a sense of duty, readiness for independent planning and control of their behavior, etc.

Medication and psychological correction can play a significant role in solving the problems of social adaptation of persons who have experienced extreme military or social upheavals, situations of violence, or who work in extreme and socially negative conditions (law enforcement officers, rescue services, etc.).

Thus, specific various social problems at all levels require social services to provide the necessary assistance to those in need of social adaptation.

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