Yin and Yang: meaning, translation, hidden meaning, history of appearance

Yin and Yang are 2 samples born of the “Great Limit”. The sign tells us about the principle of harmony in the world. The concept came to us from Taoist philosophy and symbolizes two opposites, closely related and complementary.

Without the dark side there is no light side and vice versa. In this article we will tell you how to correctly interpret the Yin-Yang icon and the concept it represents and what it means.

What are Yin and Yang

This is not just a term, its meaning is fraught with a whole philosophy. Yin Yang - translated as the opposite and graphically expressed as a combination of white and black colors: feminine and masculine, the light and dark side of life.

They represent it as a stage of simple cyclic unfolding of universal existence, which took place according to these ideas in a strictly defined order, with the greatest separation of two opposing properties.

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There is another interpretation - triple Yin-Yang (in the picture these are 3 combinations), which also connects den. Dan is something gray, neutral.


In 2007, the long-awaited seventh season of the music show “Star Factory” began. The producers this time were Valery and Konstantin Meladze. The prize of the season was a contract with Konstantin Meladze - an excellent start for young performers.

Group "Yin-Yang" in the show "Star Factory"

The first song of the newly-minted group was the composition “Little by little”, which fans of the project first heard at the reporting concert of the season. However, at that time no one knew that the decision to create a new team had already been made.

This news came as a pleasant surprise for music lovers. According to the voting results, the singer Anastasia Prikhodko became the first, while the third place was shared by “Yin-Yang” and the group “BiS” (which included Dmitry Bikbaev and Vlad Sokolovsky). Thus, a new page opened in the biographies of Artem Ivanov, Tatyana Bogacheva, Sergei Ashikhmin and Yulia Parshuta.

There were some incidents: in the group’s debut video, the name “Yin-Yang” was misspelled - “Yin-Yang”. Because of this, confusion began, and the “Star Factory” CDs were released for some time with the wrong name of the group. According to the participants, by choosing such a name for the project, they wanted to emphasize that, despite internal differences, different characters and musical tastes, they can work well together and create harmonious musical compositions.

Immediately after the “Star Factory”, the group “Yin-Yang”, which won the filming of a video and recording of an album under the direction of Konstantin Meladze, went on their first tour with the rest of the project participants. Initially, it was planned that the “manufacturers” would perform only in Russian cities, but later the scope of the tour expanded, and the aspiring musicians were able to perform in other countries: Israel, the United States, Spain.

The song “Save Me,” which at that time became the band’s calling card, helped win more and more fans. And immediately after the tour, the band recorded another composition - “Karma”, for which a memorable video was also shot. At the same time, the group members participated in television programs and various group concerts. It is not surprising that soon the whole country was singing rhythmic love songs.

The next hit of the Yin-Yang group was the song “Kamikaze”. This composition was so loved by the fans of the band that it still remains popular. According to rumors, “Kamikaze” was originally intended for the VIA Gra repertoire, but at the last moment the producer decided to give the song to Bogacheva, Ivanov, Ashikhmin and Parshuta.

Another hit of the group, the composition “Don’t Care,” also occupied the first lines of various charts and charts for a long time. This song, according to some reports, even surpassed the success of “Kamikaze”, and the video was discussed for a long time in all music programs.

At the end of the same year, “Yin-Yang” once again proved that they deserve to be called pop stars: the new song “Don’t Let Go of My Hand” became a New Year’s gift for fans. According to the plot of the video filmed for this composition, the participants begin singing three minutes before the New Year begins and end the performance with the festive chimes ringing.

Also in 2010, “Yin-Yang” once again took part in the “Star Factory”. This time the competition was held between former participants from different seasons of the project. The team had to compete with no less brilliant performers - Victoria Daineko, the groups “Korni” and “Factory”, Natalya Podolskaya, Mark Tishman and other former “manufacturers”.

The producers of the new show were Viktor Drobysh, Konstantin Meladze, Igor Matvienko and Igor Krutoy. The Yin-Yang team, unfortunately, did not manage to win this musical competition, however, according to the group members, the competition turned out to be unforgettable.

Trio "Yin-Yang"

In 2011, the group broke up with Yulia Parshuta. The girl decided to start a solo career and already in the spring of the same year she presented her first composition to the audience. For some time, “Yin-Yang” performed as a trio, and then the team lost another member - Sergei Ashikhmin. In 2016, the young man also opted for a solo project.

Yin-Yang sign

The meaning of the symbol gained popularity in the design with black and white fish; there were other black and white diagrams with similar designs in the form of hemispheres and squares inside a circle. The diagram with black and white fish symbolizes the Great Ultimate, a Taoist philosophical term.

The meaning of Yin and Yang depicts a universe that consists of 2 opposites, Yin and Yang, which form a whole only in a single combination.

Two dots in the symbol mean that each of the two energies, at the highest level of its realization, already contains the grain of its opposite and is ready to transform into it. Yin-Yang is written in different ways.

Notes[ | ]

  1. https://ec-dejavu.ru/t-2/Taoism.htm (inaccessible link)
  2. Daniel Reid.
    A Complete Guide to Chi-Gung: The Principles and Practice of the Ancient Chinese Path to Health, Vigor, and Longevity. - Shambhala Publications (English) (Russian, 2000. - P. 11. - ISBN 978-0-8348-2374-7.
  3. Shiro Matsuoki
    The Beginning of Yin and Yang Archived copy dated February 4, 2010 on the Wayback Machine (inaccessible link since 05/11/2013 [3195 days]) // Applied macrobiotics.
  4. Henry B. Lin.
    Chinese Health Care Secrets: A Natural Lifestyle Approach. - Llewellyn Worldwide (English) (Russian, 2000. - P. 14. - ISBN 978-1-56718-434-1.
  5. Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.
    . Access date: April 25, 2022.
  6. Stephen Little, et al. Taoism and the Arts of China. (Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago, in association with University of California Press, 2000), p. 131.
  7. The Chinese Cosmos: Basic Concepts* (English). Asia for Educators, Columbia University
    . Date accessed: March 27, 2022.
  8. Kuchera S.
    Tai Chi
    . Access date: April 26, 2022.
  9. Miller, J.
    c. 54. Archived copy (unspecified)
    (inaccessible link). Access date: February 19, 2014. Archived December 23, 2014.

Hidden meaning

Being the fundamental model of all things, the concept of Yin-Yang reveals 2 provisions that explain the nature of Tao (one of the most important Chinese philosophies). Tao is a path that has neither beginning nor end.

A person who has comprehended this path becomes immortal. According to philosophy, everything tends to change, and opposites attract each other.

The purpose of human existence is thus the balance and harmony of opposites. There can be no “final solution” because nothing is final and final.

The nature of Yin-Yang was changing all the time. In the beginning it was a mountain with 2 sides, and only under Confucius it acquired the meaning that we know today, as masculine and feminine.

Feminine - “Yin” is dark, mysterious, unexpected, it rather means peace. Masculine - “Yang” – light, bright, personifies movement.

Yin feminine

As the yin yang philosophy teaches, the ultimate task for a person who wants to comprehend and understand the mysteries of the world around him and himself is to learn to control and correctly use the yin yang energies in order to come to true harmony with himself and the Universe.

Yin is the feminine principle, it is the lunar, dark side, it is intuition, gentleness, wisdom. Every person needs yin in a certain concentration in order to develop creative abilities, show emotions, sense and sense the slightest changes within themselves and around them.

Yin is our inner self, which we often do not listen to or take care of, which leads to disharmony. Passive feminine energy symbolizes chaos, the one that existed before the appearance of all material things.

Yin, in search of harmony, strives for the opposite of yang. Therefore, a woman is advised to enhance her femininity, softness, and natural essence. Then the man will be attracted to her like a magnet. Experts who deeply study this issue are skeptical about such a statement, which contradicts the law of Tao.

Yin is always peace as opposed to yang activity. Therefore, a true woman carries peace within herself. When female peace collides with male activity, merging, these two energies align and come to balance. This explains the harmony in some couples that seem ideal to us, but the relationship between them is incomprehensible.

No one can teach a woman to be feminine, everything is already inside her, you need to be able to feel the yin in yourself. As soon as a woman begins to awaken the feminine principles in herself, it means that she will begin to act, and this is a matter of yang energy. As a result, there is no harmony again.

How did the concept of Yin and Yang come about?

Since this is a key concept of Taoism, it is generally accepted that it arose along with Taoism around the turn of the 5th-6th centuries BC. The basic principles were formulated by the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu in his treatise.

According to this concept, a person should live in harmony not only with himself, but also with the world.

At the heart of Tao lies the contradictory essence of existence. Tao gives rise to the substance Qi, which creates two opposing energies: Yin and Yang. From these energies, 5 elements arise: fire, metal, water, earth and wood. They are the primary elements in the formation of all things on earth, while maintaining their duality.


The first composition of the group included four members - two girls and two boys. These young people, who began the path to fame and popularity, had different views on music and approaches to performance. However, the guys managed to become a real team and learn to work alongside each other.

The first composition of the group "Yin-Yang"

Artem Ivanov was born on January 15, 1986 in Cherkassy (in Ukraine). Artem’s education is in mathematics—the musician was planning a serious career. In addition, before the project, the young man managed to learn several languages ​​and was seriously involved in sports, playing for the university football team. However, the dream of the stage lived in him since childhood, therefore, having learned about the casting for participation in the popular television project “Star Factory,” Artem went to Moscow.

Artem Ivanov

Tatyana Bogacheva, another member of the Yin-Yang team, comes from Sevastopol. Tatyana was born on February 17, 1985. Unlike Artem, the girl seriously planned a career as a singer since childhood. Behind Tatyana’s back is a children’s opera studio, numerous vocal competitions and the Kiev Academy of Culture and Art (Bogacheva’s specialty is “pop vocals”). Tatyana began her path to fame with modeling, but immediately after the Star Factory casting she abandoned the podium in favor of the stage. And, as it turned out later, she was right.

Tatiana Bogacheva

Sergei Ashikhmin, like Tatyana Bogacheva, dreamed of performing on stage since childhood. However, unlike his bandmate, he planned to become a professional dancer. Sergey was born on May 18, 1987 in Arkhangelsk. The young man devoted several years to ballroom dancing, and then became interested in the newfangled breakdancing.

Sergey Ashikhmin

At the age of 16, Sergei set off to conquer the capital. In Moscow, Ashikhmin first began to study vocals, and at the same time worked as a model. Having learned about the casting for the Star Factory project, the young man decided that this was the chance that was given only once in a lifetime, and decided not to miss it.

Yulia Parshuta came to the “Star Factory” from the city of Adler. This project is not the first serious competition in the girl’s life. Since childhood (Yulia was born on April 23, 1988), Parshuta has participated in various competitions and competitions.

So, already at the age of 11, the girl took third place in a children's drawing competition in France, and also constantly took prizes in competitions in ballroom dancing, violin playing and even basketball. After university, the girl worked as a model for some time, and then decided that she deserved more, and went to Moscow for the “Star Factory” casting.

Features of Yin and Yang

In Taoism, the essence of the concept is explained in detail, but some manage to see some kind of sexism in this. Only positive qualities are attributed to men, and negative qualities to women, but this is not so.

In the teaching itself, Yin is associated with water, a soft and pliable substance, and Yang, on the contrary, symbolizes one of the hard materials - wood.

Yin is weakness and Yang is strength. It can also be interpreted that Yin is calm, and Yang is aggression.

Over time, many different interpretations have appeared that explain Yin and Yang. The most commonly used are mountains and valleys. What unites them all is their opposite. Having positive and negative sides, the symbol of Yin and Yang forms harmony.

Artem Ivanov

Source: @arteminyan1

But Artem, on the contrary, considered music only his hobby. Despite the fact that he graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, the young man decided to study at the Polytechnic University. Ivanov received a mathematical education, but at some point creativity attracted him more.

The guy became one of the contestants at the “Star Factory”, where he lasted until the end and dropped out only at the last reporting concert, but immediately appeared as the new lead singer of the “Yin-Yang” group. After the decline in the popularity of the group, Artem took up a solo career; he also writes songs for artists, many of which become hits. Among them are “Guy”, “SuperStar”, “Instadrama”, “My Boy” performed by Svetlana Loboda.

Several years ago, the singer represented Ukraine at the New Wave competition, and today he is also the host of the RU TV channel. After breaking up with Tatyana Bogacheva, Ivanov married for the second time to a model named Elya. The couple recently had a child.

Principles of Yin and Yang

The basic principles underlying the philosophy help to further reveal the meaning of the concept.

Confrontation, but not struggle

Ying-Yang do not fight, they oppose each other, their fight is like tugging at a blanket.

In general, Yin and Yang are equivalent entities.

The confrontation between these forces is reminiscent of the struggle of lovers, in which no one can take a dominant position. Some time ago the designation was a little different: a fight between a tiger and a dragon. However, they decided to abandon this interpretation, choosing a more peaceful symbol.

Mutual dependence

What comes first, yang or yin? Most often, Yin and Yang characterize masculine and feminine. Such different men and women cannot exist separately from each other. It is this opposition that makes them attractive to each other.


Yin and yang balance each other, causing any natural system to strive for balance and try to restore balance.

Thanks to this, stability and harmony reign in our world.

Mutual transformation

This is not always an unconditional balance; sometimes the advantage goes to one person, but then the second one takes the leading role. As in a pendulum and on scales, one thing can outweigh, but not for long. In this way they transform each other.

The essence of the Yin-Yang symbol

Chinese sages highlight two aspects that are embedded in the Yin-Yang symbol.

  • First: nothing is permanent, changes are constantly happening in the world.
  • Second : contrast not only demonstrates the difference, but also helps to better understand the opposite sides in comparison and complement each other.

After all, how can you understand what darkness is if you don’t know what light is. The opposite is the same. This means that creating and maintaining such a balance in all spheres of life is the main goal of the entire existence of humanity.

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