Energy flows: their connection with man, the power of creation, the power of destruction and the ability to control the energy of forces

Are you feeling well? Is it easy for you to accomplish the things you set your mind to? And in general: can you sincerely call yourself happy? The answers to these questions will allow you to understand whether you know how to manage your energy.

If you control your energy, you control your life.

And the main key to this is attention. Managing your attention allows you to live the way you want. Health, abundance, love - you will have everything at the highest level if you learn to use your energy consciously. And for this it is important to understand how to manage your attention.

  • How to learn to manage your energy - 3 techniques
      "Observer" technique
  • “2 screens” technique
  • Attention Watching Technique
  • Conclusion
  • Energy system

    Esotericists imagine the human energy system as a chain consisting of centers (or chakras) and channels. All this cannot be seen, but with a certain setting you can feel it. Energy flows circulating throughout the human body provide information exchange between the internal and external world.

    In various esoteric practices of the world, human energy is called differently: prana, shi, qi. However, this does not change the essence of this phenomenon. For example, in Indian yoga, bioenergy channels are called Nadis. there are more than half a million of them in the human body. But the main channels are Sushumna, Pingala and Ida.

    The first one is the largest. On the physical plane, it corresponds to the spinal column, which runs inside the spine and provides the activity of the entire body.

    The power of creation and destruction

    The Ida Channel represents the feminine Yin energy. This is the power of creation. On the physical plane, it extends along the body on the left side of the nostril. The energy of this channel is pale in color and is symbolically associated with the Moon. It lowers body temperature.

    Another channel, Pingala, is a reflection of the masculine Yang energy, the power of destruction. On a physical level, it runs along the right side of the nostril. This is a hot stream of energy that raises body temperature.

    All energy channels are intertwined with each other and end in the human perineum.

    Master the art of energy conservation

    To spend less energy at work, make two plans for the day. The minimum plan is those things that definitely need to be done today. It's good if there are few of them. Build a maximum plan with great ambitions. This is the volume of tasks for which you would give yourself a medal.

    If you run out of strength on the minimum level, it’s okay, you’re still doing great. And if you managed to do something from the maximum plan, this is a reason to be proud of yourself. And increased self-esteem always increases energy levels.

    Simple “energy saving” techniques, a balance between work and rest, and a creative approach to life can work wonders. Listen to yourself, “refuel” on time, carefully move in a positive direction, and the energy will flow into you, sometimes sparkling, sometimes gently lulling.

    What affects energy levels?

    Human energy is a heterogeneous and unstable phenomenon. It can change under the influence of external factors and negative emotions. The density of energy flows is not constant, but always tends to a favorable state. This is how people who love life often survive in difficult conditions, where people with a different vector of energy die.

    The process of contemplation (awareness of the beauty and greatness of the world, touching art) significantly increases a person’s energy level. Expanding your horizons and acquiring new skills also increases your potential in life.

    It is very important that a person’s energy and material flows are in balance; this guarantees harmonious development. In general, balance is the basis of proper life.

    Six human bodies

    It is known that the concept of “energy body” includes six shells. This:

    • Essential (exactly repeats the physical body of a person, extends several centimeters beyond its contours. Physical health depends on this shell).
    • Astral (has the same characteristics as the ethereal. Only the area of ​​​​its meaning lies in desires, emotions, passions).
    • Mental (also repeats the physical body of a person, goes 10-20 cm beyond it, is the embodiment of thoughts and will).
    • Casual (or karmic) (the esoteric direction is of the opinion of reincarnation, that is, the reincarnation of a person in other lives. So, in the karmic shell, information about actions is accumulated. It controls the thoughts and desires of a person).
    • The shell of individuality (has an oval shape, extends beyond the physical body by half a meter).
    • Atmic (body of the Absolute) (it is also called the “golden egg”, in which all previous shells are placed. It connects a person with the Higher Powers).

    All shells are connected with each other and with the physical body energetically. Thus, human health and fate are also closely interconnected.

    Energy centers

    Eastern practices describe that there are seven energy centers, or chakras, in the human body. They are located along the body from the perineum to the crown of the head.

    • The first chakra is Muladhara. It is located in the groin area. It stores energy that lasts a lifetime and is designed not only for a person, but also for those around him. Most often, energy exchange occurs unconsciously, involuntarily.
    • The second chakra is Svadhisthana. It is the center of pleasure, sexual attraction and desire. It is located at the level of the internal reproductive organs, two fingers below the navel. The positive energy of this chakra characterizes reproductive function and the desire to procreate. In a negative sense, this is a manifestation of lust and concern.
    • The third chakra is Manipura. This center is located at the level of the solar plexus and is responsible for the life will and energy of a person. The correct functioning of this chakra is manifested in responsibility for oneself and for others, determination, and independence. When a block appears in this center, a person experiences self-doubt and fears.
    • The fourth chakra is Anahata. It is located in the area of ​​the heart and controls human feelings and love. The latter can be connected not only with another person, but also with the Cosmos, with God. The incorrect functioning of this center manifests itself in feelings of guilt, shame about the past, and depression.
    • The fifth chakra is Vishuddha, the throat center. Accordingly, it controls a person’s sociability, speech, creative activity and self-realization. Blocks in this chakra manifest themselves in mediocrity, conservative views of a person, and lack of psychological flexibility.
    • The sixth chakra is Ajna. It is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. For its ability to evoke visual images, it is called the “third eye.” This center is responsible for human mental abilities, memory and willpower. Fanaticism, clinging to other people's ideas, dogmas, mental limitations, lack of desire for self-knowledge - all this indicates improper functioning of the chakra.
    • The seventh chakra is Sahasrara. It is located on the top of the human head. This center accumulates spirituality, contemplation and unity with the Supreme Spirit. As a rule, atheists have a block in this chakra.

    All centers are interconnected. The correct functioning of the human chakras and energy flows circulating freely provide a complete life system. And the higher the volume and density of these flows, the stronger the energy.

    Now the interesting thing: we have been controlled by robots for a very long time

    Let's look at the following logical chain:

    Man creates robots, computer programs, etc. in order to free up some of your time. So? Let's say. This means we are confident that robots and machines allow us to do what we want.

    Now let's look at reality. For example, a company selling bottled water.

    Each employee of the company has a computer program, which includes his functionality: calling, delivering, negotiating, and so on. The program issues a task (for example, call a client), and the person completes it.

    And now the question arises: - Who controls whom?

    It turns out that a person is the executor of the will of a robot computer. So? It seems…

    Nowadays, it is already very difficult to imagine a business model that would not include a robot or software, in one form or another. We are accustomed to using robots or programs in our activities, but in fact we are now completely dependent on them.

    Go ahead…

    Look where a person’s personal energy goes when he is deprived of the help of a robot (the lights are turned off, the computer breaks down, the Internet disappears, the work license expires, etc.) And you will see that an incredible amount of energy is spent on emotions!

    - B... why did the Internet disappear again???

    Sometimes people are much more worried about an Internet outage than about a quarrel with a loved one. We have gotten along with robots in their world, and now we obey the laws of the electronic world. We even communicate with each other using elementary robots, but we still really think that we control them.

    But as a result, the opposite happens. And there is probably nothing terrible in this, if we know how to treat such dependence correctly.

    Two streams

    To say that a person absorbs energy with his entire being will not be entirely true. There are two streams - Earth and Space, which ensure the vital functions of the body. The first comes through the legs. It moves along Sushumna to the highest chakra. The second stream of cosmic energy, on the contrary, flows from the top of the head to the fingers and toes. Both types are absorbed through the chakras. Thus, earthly energy is absorbed by the three lower energy centers, and cosmic energy by the three upper ones. These energy flows meet and balance.

    On the physical plane, disruption of this process manifests itself in the occurrence of diseases. For example, a lack of earthly energy leads to cardiovascular diseases, and changes in the flow of cosmic energy lead to diseases of the joints and spine.

    Weak energy

    Since all human shells are interconnected, it is not difficult to determine what kind of energy a person possesses. There are symptoms for this. For example, a person with low energy is usually lethargic, gets tired often and quickly, is prone to depression and apathy, has a pessimistic outlook on life and poor health. Also, such people are emotionally unstable, irritable, subject to various phobias, lack self-confidence, and do not want to work and develop.

    In addition, esotericists also highlight signals that help to recognize weak energy:

    • A person often dreams of rocky gorges, gloomy houses, rains, floods, spills, narrow roads, passages, corridors...
    • Insomnia is also one of the signs of low energy.
    • I dream of discussions, quarrels, even fights.
    • With severe depletion of energy, scratching and tearing of one's body in sleep is observed. May breathe heavily and moan.

    Refuel on time!

    Any system, and “rest-work” is also a system, exists only as long as a balance is maintained between the efforts expended and the joys received. Rest should not be just a “pause” in work, and work should not burn all the internal “gasoline”.

    To rest means to restore yourself, and no one knows better than you what fills and supports you. Universal recipes do not work here. Some people regain strength by cleaning the house, while others are more exhausted from this activity than during a week of rushing at work.

    If you feel a loss of strength, burnout, listen carefully to yourself: what can right now give you “refueling” and the strength to move on? Balance is often kept on the little things: a favorite cup on the desktop, warm slippers, a minute of good communication with colleagues or family. A song heard on the radio at the right time, monetary motivation, or a successfully purchased scarf can support you.

    Strong energy

    With strong energy, a person’s dreams are of a completely different quality. He often dreams that he sings, dances or plays musical instruments. As for nature, the most common images are rocks, mountains, thickets, and even rocks hanging overhead. There is also often a feeling that a belt or elastic band is pulling a person in half and, as it were, dividing him into parts. This is precisely a manifestation of the combination of earthly and cosmic power.

    Strong energy radiation flows can also be determined by human behavior. He is often cheerful, in a good mood, and is optimistic about the future, despite difficulties. He easily copes with stressful situations and strives for development and personal growth.

    Regularly balance your life

    Tension and relaxation

    Yes, assets and liabilities must converge not only in accounting, but also in life! To be energetic and happy in life, you need to maintain balance. You can't work all the time, but resting all the time is also harmful. You can’t pump your muscles all day in the gym, but even without any physical activity, your body weakens.

    If we remain “under tension” for too long, natural defenses are activated, and the body throws us into the opposite phase, for example, illness begins. Long-term overwork and emotional overload sometimes result in panic attacks, disruptions in the nervous system and other troubles.

    To understand what level of load is optimal for you, you do not need special devices or standards. You yourself perfectly feel when you have overloaded or underloaded yourself. Although, of course, in modern life the issue of overvoltage is much more acute. However, a healthy body quickly registers overload and resists with all its might the exhaustion of its safety margin. Laziness, lethargy, irritability, and cravings for sweets come into play.

    In this state, it is best to change the environment, take a walk, and get emotional support. But let's be honest, you rarely have that luxury. More often than not, you have to grit your teeth and, after a short pause, dive back into work.

    Then listen carefully to yourself and try to understand: what could support you right now? What will help create a small flow of energy to feed on it? It happens that all the fatigue at the end of the working day disappears when a nice colleague comes into the department. Or, for example, a smile appears on your face after a cup of tea with marshmallows.

    Obligations and pleasures

    To have a good supply of energy, you will also have to maintain a balance between pleasure and benefit. The lucky few get joy from fulfilling obligations. There is usually a gap between pleasant and useful things. And the larger it is, the deeper the suffering. We either force ourselves to do unpleasant things and experience stress and decreased energy, or we stop torturing ourselves and indulge in all sorts of bad things.

    How can these “opposites” be reconciled? Psychologists recommend understanding one important thing. Pleasures give us energy right now, and we feel great about it, while useful things provide us with energy in the future. Not right now, but later, when we receive a salary, or a diploma, or a beautiful, slender body.

    Debt is delayed gratification, or at least a stable defense against future suffering. And when you realize this, fulfilling your responsibilities, including work, becomes easier. This is important, because work exists in the lives of almost all of us. It takes up most of the time, requires concentration and immersion.

    If a person is not “driven” by work, he does not receive rewards from the brain, then work is very difficult for him. There is a feeling that time is being wasted. Even the salary does not cover the “moral costs”. There is no energy left for professional growth. You need to change your attitude towards your work so that it brings energy: find interesting moments in it, imbued with its importance and meaning. You can change your work environment a little or change your job to a more inspiring one.

    Diana Moiseeva, psychologist, procedural therapist

    How to recover?

    The volume of energy flows in the human body decreases with age or the occurrence of chronic diseases. Accordingly, there is less vigor, and the mood worsens. There are special exercises to restore normal energy levels.

    Based on the idea that the mental and physical components of a person are interconnected, simple figurative content can be used to gain energy. To do this, just take a comfortable position (sit or lie down), close your eyes and perform breathing exercises according to the “inhale-hold-exhale” triangle principle. And so on for several cycles. It is best that the breathing rhythms are equal in duration. For example, we inhale for 6 seconds, hold our breath for 6 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds. If this practice does not cause difficulties, then the duration can be increased. The main thing is that breathing does not cause tension, that it flows freely and without interruptions.

    To balance energy flows in yoga, another exercise is used. It consists of pressing your chin to your chest as you inhale, holding your breath as long as possible, and then exhaling calmly. It is important to remember that breathing practices must be done on an empty stomach to avoid discomfort such as nausea or a sudden loss of strength.

    If there are deviations in the lower chakras, then you can simply walk barefoot on the ground. This will awaken the receptors on the feet and activate the flow of earthly energy.

    Practices of applied psychoenergetics

    It is quite difficult to talk in detail about specific healing methods that are used in psychoenergetics. It is impossible to embrace the immensity. And, nevertheless, we will try to choose the ones that are most accessible for independent development and use:

    • working with blocks of psychic energy (tactile methods of “pumping” energy and “infusing” force flows into channels and centers during psychoenergetic massage);
    • working with the energies of the surrounding world (meditation in places of Power and other methods of connecting the person being healed with landscape energy systems);
    • working with your own thinking, which is capable of completely independently reaching the source of your mental power and directing all its power to achieve your goal.

    Energy management

    Control of energy flows also occurs with the help of the power of thought, through meditation, that is, deep concentration, immersion in oneself and observation of one’s sensations. It is very important that the person feels relaxed and free from extraneous thoughts and worries. It is noted that in the first stages in this state, one feels like something is moving up and down along the spine. It's pulsating energy. Frequent practices sharpen these sensations, and a slightly perceptible “trickle” turns into a “full-flowing river.”

    When this exercise is mastered, you can proceed to the next one. You need to imagine that you have an arrow in your head that is constantly moving forward. You can control it and twist it in different directions. The arrow is attached to the base of the skull and is directed forward according to your desire. At this time, as you inhale, energy rises to the upper chakras and literally splashes out of you. Then turn the arrow back and feel how the Ajna chakra turns on the vacuum cleaner mode and begins to intensively draw in cosmic energy.

    These light mental exercises need to be done several times a day (maximum 10 times) in order to learn how to accumulate and manage energy flows, energy in general.

    Safety precautions

    Let's start from the very beginning. Most people work with energy to improve their lives. It's clear. However, it is very simple to worsen it, and quite easily with the help of these same techniques for working with energy, using them ineptly and thoughtlessly.

    To begin with, I advise you to read my previous material - energy and precautions. For those who are interested in tin, real experience and how chakras are torn and carried away - here are the relevant articles about svadhisthana and manipura

    And don’t say later that I didn’t warn you =)

    For those who are interested in tin, real experience and how chakras are torn and carried away - here are the corresponding articles about svadhisthana and manipura. And don’t say later that I didn’t warn you =)

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