Orange color in psychology: meaning, what it symbolizes, characteristics

Psychology is a very cognitive science; translated from Greek it means the science of the soul. Experts in the study of souls have proven that colors also have their own psychology and each color has its own meaning. Currently, color therapy is used widely and everywhere. From a medical point of view, the psychology of orange is of greatest interest, since this tone has proven itself well in the treatment of depressive conditions, characterized by persistent despondency and loss of interest in everything that is happening. Psychotherapists recommend that if you have seasonal depression, fill your work or home space with orange-colored objects, use such shades in interior decor, in arranging bouquets and composing various compositions.

What does it mean

Most people associate gamma with warmth, joy, and happiness. It seems to charge you with vitality and energy, lift your spirits and set you on a positive wave. The tangerine tone brings a sense of celebration into the everyday routine. And that's why so many people love him.

The palette is the personification of:

  • creative aspirations;
  • optimism;
  • love for self-realization and self-expression;
  • determination and inner freedom.

In psychology, the color orange means that a person is active, strives for change and is always moving forward.

Often the shade is used in art therapy. It can be used to treat depression and improve self-esteem. It promotes the right attitude to work, increases productivity and the desire for logical thinking, and also increases concentration.

Experts attribute it to mixed. The orange variety is a combination of red and yellow. And its impact depends on the predominance of one of these components.

If the option has more yellowness, then the tone is calmer and induces harmony and tranquility. This palette stimulates communication and rarely causes hostility.

A shift towards redness adds aggression. Gamma symbolizes strength and perseverance, the desire to go towards your goal and not go astray. But for those who have an unstable central nervous system, such a complex causes irritation and anxiety.

There is a lot to be said about those who prefer this shade:

  1. Most fans can be classified as creatives and artistic personalities.
  2. Those who like copper or reddish are sanguine.
  3. Cheerful individuals who are sociable and open also love it.

And meditation or spiritual practices under the influence of such a color are desirable for closed people or social phobes.

Shades and their features

The tone of the orange color depends on the proportions in which the red and yellow colors from which it consists were mixed. Here are some shades of orange:

  1. Apricot. This tone is considered the closest to the classic orange shade. It carries positive energy and is often used in color therapy to improve vitality.
  2. Light peach. This is a related shade of soft pink, the lightest tone from the palette. Refined, fragile, pastel peach has a relaxing and calming effect. It is chosen by dreamy and romantic people. It is also often used for decoration and interior design.
  3. Giraffe in love. This tone with the original name is the result of mixing red and light brown shades. Its use in the interior helps create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house.
  4. Mustard. Unlike previous options, this tone has pronounced yellow notes. Mustard is considered a fashionable, eccentric shade in clothing design. It symbolizes individuality and self-expression, helps to think objectively and tune in to intellectual work.
  5. Copper-brick is a deep and cold tone of the palette. He attracts the glances and attention of others. Copper is considered a trendy solution for hair coloring. It suits any girl and will look impressive and harmonious, regardless of the structure and thickness of the hair.
  6. Signal orange. The history of using this tone in workwear began in the 20th century. Brightness, the ability to accentuate attention, and high visibility have made it a universal color for decorating the clothing sets of professional workers in road transport, construction, fire and rescue, and other fields and services. For example, during World War II, 90% of life jackets were made in this shade.
  7. Amber. In psychology, this type of orange signifies the strength of the male spirit, and is a symbol of humility for women.
  8. Salamander color. Widespread in nature. Represents the element of fire in Eastern cultures. The color of animals indicates danger.
  9. International orange. This tone and its pale orange nuances are used in heraldry and vexillology.
  10. Pastel orange is a gentle and warm color. It is similar to a light peach color, but unlike it, it does not have pink nuances. It is often used to decorate the interior of government institutions, as it increases the productivity of workers.

The orange color palette is diverse. Its components range from delicate and light to dark and rich shades. The value of orange color directly depends on its richness, depth, and intensity.


Orange belongs to the warm spectrum. This is an intermediate color created on the basis of red and yellow. It combines the advantages of both components, and the predominance of one of them determines not only its saturation, but also its combination with other tones, as well as the impact on a person’s psychological and even physical health.

But basically the palette is associated with change, activity and energy. It is often used as a warning. It’s not without reason that workers’ uniforms or special beacons in cars and bicycles contain details of this shade.

In any case, most of the population perceives it as heat, fire or communication.

Basic shades of Orange

Basic shades of orange can be divided into categories: light, pastel tones with red undertones: light peach, orange-peach, coral-orange... light tones of orange with yellow undertones: mango, last breath gray, yellow-orange... bright tones: orange, bright orange, fiery... medium orange, rich shades with a red undertone: carrot, pumpkin, red-orange... pale shades in this range: caramel, golden copper, ocher... cloudy, complex with a red undertone: copper, brick, red ... cloudy, complex with a yellow undertone: sea buckthorn, sienna, dark orange...

Shades of orange in the Pantone system

Symbolism of orange

As I already said, in general terms it is a symbol of vitality, vigor, positivity and health. In astrology, it occupies a position like the Sun sign. When we see it, the first thing that comes to mind is a huge amount of fruit, the surface of the sea and the beach. And this makes the mood better.

Everything that exists on Earth requires the sun's rays. Therefore, in the chakra system it belongs to the 2nd energy center. It is he who is responsible for creativity and sexuality - two components that are important for individuals.

It is also a sign of human desires. Because of this, many marketers use tone for advertising purposes. But we will talk about this a little later.

But in tantra, the color orange symbolizes that the individual is moving along the path to the ascension of the purest art.

Impact on the psyche

Yellow color in psychology - what it means for a woman, man, child

Orange color affects a person’s creativity, promotes the flow of oxygen to the brain, and can improve mood, therefore it is applicable to people prone to depression. Pushes people to make spontaneous decisions and encourages them to have fun. This color affects potency and sexuality in general, increases appetite, stimulates recovery, and is useful in the treatment of apathy.

Orange is a source of positive emotions and a kind of stimulant of the nervous system. It can influence interest and desire to act and try. However, not all people react to its waves in the same way, so they introduce color into their environment gradually.


The palette includes warm shades, which characterizes the positive psychotherapeutic effect. It is known as a symbol of positive thinking and helps get rid of apathy and melancholy.

Psychologist Daria Milai

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But you should be careful. Excess can lead to tension and irritation. Especially the neon variety has a tiring effect, so its use in any area should be limited.

What does the color orange mean in psychology for a woman?

For female representatives, this color becomes a kind of energy boost. If a lady wears clothes in such a palette, she will undoubtedly attract the attention of men and arouse the envy of her girlfriends.

A person experiencing happiness and satisfaction will definitely resort to orange and surround himself with it everywhere. After all, it contributes to a feeling of comfort and makes a huge contribution to the formation of a positive attitude.

What feelings does it evoke?

The brightness of the sunny shades is very convincing. It's no surprise that orange evokes enthusiasm and excitement. It seems to encourage action, movement, because this color itself is very energetic.

Advice. Considering the specificity of the tone, it is not recommended to use it in the arrangement of premises intended for rest or relaxation. It is much more suitable for places intended for active activities, for example, for a home gym.

Symbolism in Eastern culture

In different directions, the meaning of color was special. For example, in Buddhism, the color orange is a symbol of humility. It is believed that thanks to this tone it is much easier to give up all temptations, pacify vices and passionate aspirations. This is why monks wear rich orange robes.

Magicians and healers have long been convinced that gamma can strengthen the body and spirit, as well as heal. In addition, it was believed that under its influence the individual reveals his own potential.

Interesting Facts

There are 5 such facts:

  1. There is an official holiday in the world dedicated to the color orange - September 5th.
  2. The color creates a feeling of warmth. According to experts, if you look at the shades of this spectrum for several minutes, the ambient temperature will seem several degrees higher.
  3. Orange is considered the national color of Holland. Every year on April 29, the country celebrates Royal Night. People wear orange-colored clothes for the holiday.
  4. Shades of orange evoke pleasant emotions in people. Marketers have learned to use this feature effectively.
  5. Tibetan monks consider color sacred. They sew their clothes from orange fabric. For them it is a symbol of enlightenment and spiritual growth, humility and renunciation.

And such performers as Edita Piekha, the groups “Bravo” and “Chaif” sang about orange.

Impact at the physiological level

Orange is a stimulating variety. It perfectly speeds up metabolism, helps you stay alert and energetic, and also increases the number of heart muscle contractions. At the same time, it is not a provocateur of aggression and panic (unless red predominates in it).

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With a weakened immune system and various chronic ailments, the shade mobilizes the body and tries to fight the virus and infections. However, during an acute period of the disease, it is undesirable to meditate on it. It is best to resort to it during recovery.

For those who want to lose extra pounds, orange is contraindicated in the kitchen. It stimulates appetite. But in sportswear it is welcome, as it increases activity.

The palette has been scientifically proven to increase libido. Although this effect is not as pronounced as that of red, still, if you add such elements in the bedroom, you can refresh your sex life with your partner.

What does the color orange mean in human psychology?

Lovers of orange tones are positive-thinking people who are always open not only to others, but also to change. Gamma is actively used in psychotherapy and helps to cope with depression, as it has the character of happiness and joy.

And meditation or various art trainings help get rid of excessive shyness and fear of communication. The shade helps increase self-confidence, gives motivation and a success-oriented attitude, and also reveals creative potential.

During times of apathy or overwork, this is a great way to recharge your batteries and overcome a harmful condition. Therefore, orange is used in therapy for those who have experienced serious shocks, for example, the loss of a loved one.

Features of people who prefer this color

These are quite mature and fully formed individuals who clearly understand their own aspirations and desires.

They always see only positive things around them and are tuned in to a positive wave. They have enough strength to work hard and effectively. Especially prominent among such individuals are “creatives.” They “shoot” with unique and unusual ideas and readily take on new projects, achieving success in them.

Women who prefer orange, whether in outfits or in the interior, are distinguished by their passionate nature and well-developed intuition. They are prone to change and experimentation not only in their appearance, but also in their home environment.

Representatives of both sexes are characterized by leadership qualities and willpower. They are quite sociable, love to sit with friends and are always the center of attention, creating a good mood for those around them.

But there are also negative aspects. So, lovers of this shade are characterized by selfishness and a little snobbery. And energy often gives way to laziness. The reason is that when they expend too much energy, they need time to recover. But the process happens much faster than others.

Character of people who love orange blossom

According to psychologists, people who prefer the orange tone are mature, formed individuals who understand their desires.

They are always positive and ready to work hard and productively. They are bursting with creative ideas and happily take on new projects.

Women who love orange shades in clothing or interior design are distinguished by passion and well-developed intuition. They often experiment with their appearance and regularly update their home decor.

Women and men who gravitate towards orange tones are distinguished by willpower and a desire for leadership. They love to communicate with other people and have get-togethers with friends. In any company they are the ringleaders, creating the mood and setting the tone.

But every coin has a downside - orange lovers are prone to egocentrism and slight snobbery. Their periods of bursts of energy may be followed by bouts of laziness. This is due to the fact that, having spent a large amount of energy, they, like all of us, need to be recharged. It takes connoisseurs of this rich color less time than other people.

If a person has a negative attitude towards orange tones and avoids them even in accessories and trinkets for the home, this indicates that he is phlegmatic. These are people who love order in everything. They don't like spontaneity and fuss. They are annoyed when external circumstances disrupt their clearly drawn up plans.

What does dislike of tone mean?

If an individual avoids this palette in everything, then this indicates his phlegmatic nature. Such natures love order and are used to being in control of everything. Spontaneity and vanity are not their thing. Especially when external manifestations destroy plans made long ago, this greatly irritates them.

But there is another opinion that those who ignore orange suffer from an inferiority complex. A person is afraid to attract attention and stand out. And in his inner world a melancholic mood and pessimism prevail. Therefore, bright and saturated colors often irritate him and even cause disgust.

general information

The color orange is associated with citrus fruits. It is obtained by mixing red and yellow. Even in ancient times, artists used it to create their paintings, since it was more accessible than other shades. It is also found in natural conditions. Remember ocher - a pigment consisting of iron oxide and clay particles.

Centuries ago, the color orange signified femininity and fertility. In Rome and Ancient Greece he was considered the embodiment of heavenly and earthly love. Therefore, the bride’s outfit was decorated with orange blossom, the white flowers of which eventually turned into fruits of a rich orange hue.

The popularity of orange was brought by Claude Monet’s painting “Sunrise”. She harmoniously combined orange and purple colors, expressing the contradictory feelings and emotions.

For some African peoples, shades of this spectrum indicate financial well-being and power. In Europe, on the contrary, it is a sign that a person no longer has the same status. But there are exceptions - the Orange dynasty, whose coat of arms is orange.

The color was also used on the symbols of the Orange family. Here he symbolized Protestantism.

Many years ago, exclusively natural ingredients were used to create an orange tint. Pigments were isolated from vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, oranges or peaches. Similar substances are found in calendula, lilies and chrysanthemums.

Interestingly, in natural conditions, orange (especially together with black) signals danger.

Who is it recommended for use?

If there are not enough positive emotions, and the tone is too low, then the shade will bring warmth and lift the mood, as well as intensify activity and make work more productive.

Can't get out of depression? Then put on an orange outfit, buy oranges, interior elements in these colors, or an indoor flower. And your condition will definitely improve. But you can get more advice, as well as individual recommendations, in my personal consultation. I'm ready to help change your lifestyle and add more bright colors to it.

In clothes

This is an excellent summer palette that can be used not only by girls, but also by guys. It is especially suitable for a holiday trip and will look great in the rich rays of the sun.

Of course, in a wardrobe the tone can not be found as often as, for example, red. In most cases, these are jewelry and accessories, bags, beads.

Nevertheless, in the right combination and proportions, orange will fit even into a business style. For example, a palette of warm brownish combined with gray or classic black is the most advantageous option for corporate meetings and interviews. But with white color it will create a light, airy image.

A complex with greenery indicates brave and creative people and creates a summer mood. Clothing with blue and orange looks quite fashionable. But here it is important not to overdo it. One option is a bluish trouser suit paired with an orange blouse.

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If you want calm and warmth in your appearance, then you should take a closer look at ocher, brown shades or beige. These are outfits that are more for everyday wear, but they can also be worn for a holiday.

The gamma is almost the only one where all colors belong to the warm spectrum. Therefore, such a wardrobe is typical for people with spring or autumn colors. These are the owners of peach skin: light or darker. Often these girls have green or blue eyes and brown or red hair. But brunettes should also take a closer look at similar options.

In the interior

Orange tone is often used for kitchen design. It increases appetite, stimulates you to cook and try new dishes, and also improves digestion. Therefore, you can install cabinets or purchase a tablecloth of this shade. This will create a special positive atmosphere, especially in combination with light green.

For a country or oriental eclectic style in the living room, you can focus on pillows or bedspreads.

Light colors are suitable for a bedroom. Curtains or bed linen will help you take a good break from everyday hustle and bustle and relax. And brighter decisions promote passion and add energy.

In makeup

Orange is often used for lips in make-up. Lipsticks come in carrot, beige or with a reddish tint. But besides this, blush is also produced in this palette. These are both rich and soft peach solutions.

For several seasons in a row, bright shadows or liners have been in fashion. Makeup artists recommend applying a single-color coating to the entire upper eyelid. And bold and creative people stand out through bright red curls.

But no matter what option you resort to, the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, firstly, the color should match your appearance, and secondly, there should not be too much of it.

Interior use

In a residential building or apartment, the color orange should always be present - as a generator of energy and positivity. You just need to take into account a few features:

furniture and decor in this color immediately catch the eye - it’s good if these are just accents, and not an array of bright colors that constantly affects the psyche; in rooms with south-facing windows, the role of an energy generator is played by the sun - orange color will be superfluous here; bright colors visually reduce small rooms - it is better to use light shades of orange in them

The festive color of orange will be appropriate in the kitchen and dining room - it awakens the appetite and improves digestion. For a small kitchen you should choose pastel colors, while a large room will be made cozy by an orange-brown color scheme.

In the living room there is enough a bright accent in the form of a vase with flowers or a painting on the wall, a roll call of orange tones of furniture and curtains. Orange is appropriate in country and minimalist styles, but does not look at all in a classic living room.

In the bedroom and office, an orange addition can be a blanket, small pillows, trinkets on the wall or shelf. The main condition: if objects begin to irritate, they can be removed away from the eyes.

Application in advertising

He has a special place in this area. Marketers often resort to it to attract the attention of potential customers. After all, the shade evokes childhood memories or associations with relaxation, sun and warmth for many.

Orange tones are used to advertise health or sports products. They symbolize tone, vitality and excellent mood.

Kohler can also be found in the interior of catering establishments, as it increases appetite and also stimulates sociability, which is why people do not want to leave the cafe.

Negative effects of the color orange

Everything is good in moderation - and orange is no exception. Experts consider it to have the best effect on humans. It gives the energy of creation, inner relaxation, and disposes to generosity and nobility. With an excess of orange energy, negative human characteristics come to the fore:

selfishness vanity arrogance promiscuity striving for superiority laziness envy spoiling

Excessive passion for orange tones can shake even a stable psyche - overexcitation sets in, irritability increases, aggression, and then apathy. Orange powerfully attracts attention to itself, so it should be used carefully and in small dosages.

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