The meaning and principles of the Yin-Yang symbol and what it means

  • September 20, 2018
  • Life style
  • Ahi Svetlana

The modern world lives at an accelerated pace. In order to manage everything, people simplify and reduce information flows; as a result, many concepts lose their true meaning and are presented distorted. Thus, the energies of Yang and Yin began to be perceived by man as separate forces. Although since ancient times, male and female energies were inseparable and were part of the whole. There is not a single living creature on earth that possesses only the essence of Yin or Yang. Everything is harmoniously balanced by nature. A person’s task is to learn to balance energies.

Symbol of masculine and feminine principles

Yin energy and Yang energy are two opposites enclosed in a circle. Forces represent parts of a whole. Each of them contains a piece of opposite energy. The symbol reminds a person that Yin and Yang do not exist separately - they are inseparable. Together they form our inner strength, which allows us to live, develop and move forward. They help achieve harmony with the outside world.

What does the Yin-Yang sign mean?

The following can be said about this sign:

  • the area of ​​the circle consists of two equal parts - white and black, which symbolizes the equivalence of Yin and its opposites in everything that endlessly exists on our Earth;
  • the wavy separator in the circle is a confirmation that Yin penetrates its opposite and vice versa, and both energies influence each other;
  • the symmetry of the placement of the eyes serves as additional confirmation of the relationship and interaction of the Yin force and its opposite.

Read our article “Taoism - the main ideas and teachings of the Tao.”

Symbolism has more than one meaning. Basic:

  • Egg of the Cosmos, Androgyne (a creature from mythology capable of being both a man and a woman at the same time);
  • perfect balance and harmony of both principles;
  • incompleteness, part of the whole, the suffering of separateness, the search for integrity during separation.

Yin at its extreme point corresponds to the Water element, the opposite point to Fire. There are two more intermediate elements that symbolize the elements of Wood and Metal. A circle of transformation of Yin and its antipode is formed with the center in the form of the element of Earth. The so-called Great Limit is a system of 5 elements and symbolizes the Universe.

According to the traditions of the Chinese worldview, there are three gifts, wealth. These are Earth, Heaven and Man. The two elements of the Universe, generated by the acts of Chaos, contain a beginning that finds its completion in People. It is they who are assigned the role of the center of the Universe, on which all existence is closed and supported. Therefore, each of us, according to Chinese traditions, must be an individual aware of responsibility and equality with cosmic forces. A person consciously influences the course of events. And every change is not so insidiously unpredictable. Order and harmony comes. And they are consistent with Human nature. And both principles (Yin and its opposite) are included in the circle of general circulation and change.


This is feminine energy. In astrology, she is associated with the Moon. That is why the feminine principle is identified with the night, passivity, introversion (the emphasis is on the internal). Yin energy is variability, fluidity, flexibility. It endows a woman with such qualities as tenderness, compassion, gentleness, and the ability to forgive. The feminine principle is based on intuition and emotions.

Yin is also compared to Water because it has no specific form. Energy fills space, taking its form. By itself, it is motionless: it exists in space, waiting for something to make it move.

Yin energy is more inherent to the Earth. She humbly accepts everything and nurtures the seed that fell into her from the outside. Many women try to fill themselves with Yin energy. Their behavior is too gentle, flexible, humble; They show flexibility and obedience in everything. If you wear this image for a long time, it will not lead to anything good. Nature strives for balance. As soon as the Yin energy overwhelms a person, Yang will replace it. And if a woman resists this in every possible way, then for her it will all end in nervous breakdowns, inexplicable outbursts of aggression, constant nagging towards close people, and a craving for cruel men.

Excess of female power

Yin energy in the human body is responsible for its lower part. It is calming, grounding and represents deep strength. If a woman has an excess of this energy, unpleasant phenomena occur to her.

  1. The energy balance is disrupted, and the woman quickly gains weight or loses a lot of weight.
  2. Sluggish diseases occur that become chronic.
  3. Emotions get out of control, resulting in frequent hysterics, sadness, melancholy, apathy, lethargy, and the desire to isolate yourself from everyone.
  4. Life goals disappear. A woman forgets about her desires and begins, by inertia, to carry out orders from other people, helping them achieve their goals. That is, she begins to fulfill the wishes of those interlocutors who have strong Yang energy.
  5. Since Yin is the energy of the Earth, its excess will pull a person down. He will desire nothing but peace.
  6. The woman becomes extremely demanding, she does not feel satiated. Yin is a receiving energy, like an abyss. Therefore, its bearer feels that everything is always not enough for her.
  7. Dissatisfaction appears in everything.
  8. A woman ceases to be responsible for her life. She mindlessly follows her partners and follows their instructions.

A Yin man can also have an excess of energy. In this case, he may become passive, soft; the getter instinct gradually fades away and is replaced by the desire to get everything without effort.


This is the energy of the Sun. The masculine principle is identified with day, activity, fire, dynamics, and determination. Yang energy is extroverted, that is, it focuses on the external. This is the power of the mind. But she cannot exist in isolation - she needs the Earth with its Yin energy, which can nurture what is sown.

Male energy does not provide much potential, but it contains a vector of movement that Yin needs. It motivates, makes you move forward, awakens you, lifts you to your feet. Women have more Yin energy, while men have more Yang energy. But they should not be overwhelmed by any of the forces. The energy ratio must be maintained as follows: 70/30. For a woman, it is 70% Yin, the remaining 30% is Yang. For a man it's the other way around. Then inner harmony is achieved.

Time of dominance of each energy

Just as in a symbol the circle is divided into equal parts, so in life the time is divided when one or another principle dominates. Depending on the time of day, phases of the moon, seasons, yang and yin replace each other. Let's take a closer look:

  • It is light during the day, so yang energy reigns, reaching its maximum at lunchtime. When night falls, yin wakes up, being most active at midnight.
  • The phases of the moon also affect the distribution of energies. The full moon is the time of the masculine, and the new moon is the time of the feminine. Accordingly, during the full month, people become more energetic and plan things better at this time, and during the new moon, creative endeavors and reflections are good.
  • Spring and summer are sunny seasons, so they are ruled by yang, but winter and autumn are ruled by yin. But there is one peculiarity: children born in spring or summer carry more Yin energy, and those born in the cold season carry Yang energy. There is an opinion: during which period most of the pregnancy occurred, such energy will prevail in the child.

Excess of male power

Yang energy in women can be in excess. In this case, she begins to command everyone and conflict with those who disagree with her. Physical disturbances may include dry skin and a masculine body shape. For a man, the predominance of Yang energy is also undesirable. This leads to the following consequences:

  1. He begins to become overly interested in his body. Working out in the gym may be the only way to reduce Yang energy.
  2. Such a man wants to dominate everyone and under any circumstances. And if he is in the role of a subordinate, problems with his superiors are inevitable.
  3. Excessive aggression and rudeness are manifested. An excess of male energy turns determination into obstinacy, and confidence into self-confidence.


The masculine and feminine must be in harmony. The energy of Yin and Yang in the human body will take on an ideal balance if you learn to balance these forces.

The problem of a modern woman is often an overabundance of Yang energy. A woman takes on a lot of responsibilities and, in pursuit of goals and ideals, loses her most sacred thing - her Yin power. To harmonize energies, you need to train yourself to act differently.

  1. Reduce the number of men's tasks. If this is not possible, then before you start painting a house, repairing a car or commanding a team, you can tell yourself “I’m starting a business and becoming more feminine, sexy, interesting.”
  2. Under any circumstances, do not forget that you are a woman. Such thoughts will restore harmony.

And the following tips are suitable for everyone without exception:

  1. You need to learn to feel your pace of movement and not exceed it, so as not to lose balance with nature. To do this, you need to ask yourself: “Am I keeping up with life?”, “Am I comfortable moving in such a situation?
  2. Be aware of your feelings. If we start talking harshly to people, judging them, trying to dominate, it means our Yang energy has begun to go beyond the bounds. This will also affect your well-being: tension is felt in the neck, head, and shoulders. We begin to move sharper and faster. In general, the body can tell you a lot about imbalances in the body. You just need to learn to listen to him.
  3. If there is an excess of Yang, you should fill yourself with Yin. To do this, you need to rest more often in a horizontal position, master relaxation techniques and learn to accept care from other people.
  4. When there is a lot of Yin, you need to fill yourself with Yang. An overabundance is evidenced by a constant feeling of lethargy, indifference, lack of desires and aspirations. To activate Yang, you should engage in more active sports exercises, set bold goals, communicate more with people who are persistently moving towards what they want, and saturate your life with changes.

How to establish a balance of energies in the house?

If your home has already been built and you cannot change the surrounding

its terrain, that is, there are still ways to achieve the harmonious coexistence of the two principles. If overwhelming yin energy predominates, it is necessary to make the front door smaller or move it altogether. It would be a good idea to repaint it red, or increase the illumination in front of the entrance to the house. There is a logical reason for such actions - most of the energy enters the home through the door.

If there is an excess of yang energy, the opposite measures must be taken. Make the door dark blue, dim the light on the porch, add shade to the area by planting bushes and trees. A pond will also reduce active energy.


Many people prefer to acquire amulets that protect, protect and help maintain vitality. The feminine and masculine energies of Yin and Yang will become more balanced if you have a talisman with this symbol. There are many options for such decoration. Everyone can choose according to their taste. The main thing is that such an amulet works correctly. To do this, you need to charge it with your element.

Experts recommend thoroughly rinsing the purchased amulet and “dipping” it into your element. Anyone who is protected by Water - Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios - must immerse the talisman in water 7 times. Fire representatives (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) should carry the amulet through the flame of a candle (also 7 times). Signs of the air element (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) must fumigate the talisman with incense. And earthly representatives - Capricorns, Taurus, Virgos - should sprinkle the amulet with earth, leaving it for a few minutes.

A properly charged talisman will balance opposite sides of character and restore lost balance.


  • 1 Linguistic aspects 1.1 Symbols
  • 1.2 Pronunciations and etymologies
  • 1.3 Values
  • 1.4 Toponymy
  • 1.5 Borrowings
  • 2 History
      2.1 Chinese gender roles
  • 3 Nature
  • 4 Symbolism and importance
      4.1 I Ching
  • 4.2 Taijitu
  • 4.3 Taijiquan
  • 5 See also
  • 6 Recommendations
      6.1 Footnotes
  • 6.2 Works Cited
  • 7 external link
  • Why is balance necessary?

    The energy of Yin and Yang in the body must be in balance in order to attract the “right” people into life. When the Yin force becomes very strong - more than 90% - we begin to attract people with completely opposite energy into our lives. Thus, a woman with an excess of Yin will “magnetize” a man whose Yang will be more than 90%. And vice versa.

    Yin-Yang balance is needed so that in life there is:

    1. Prosperity.
    2. Health.
    3. Positive people surrounded.
    4. Spirituality.
    5. Harmonious sex life.
    6. Feeling your worth.
    7. Inner peace, comfort.

    Every person must have both male and female energies. It is important to learn how to use and balance them correctly.

    The history of the appearance of the Yin-Yang symbol

    The symbol originated in Ancient China. He was the basis of natural philosophy. This symbol laid the foundation for the Chinese worldview. Used by Taoists for fortune telling and rituals.

    This theory was formulated by Zou Yang in the 4th century BC. A hundred years later, commentaries on his “Book of Changes” were published. It laid out in detail the basis of this teaching.

    There are versions that “Yin” was a symbol of the shadow slope of the mountain, and “Yang” - the sunny one.

    Maybe that’s why it was believed that the greatest influence of Yin occurs during the winter solstice, and that of Yang - during the summer solstice.

    In Ancient China, all musical sounds were divided between the principles of Yin-Yang.

    Confucianism focuses on Yang, while Taoism focuses on Yin.

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