Leadership and leaders in organizations: what theory and practice say


The success of any organization depends on many factors. One of them is good management. Leadership in an organization determines the vector of the company’s development and encourages employees to work to achieve results. But the idea of ​​the functions of a leader in a particular company is not fully defined. Even the person claiming this title often has little understanding of what is required of him.

Characteristics of a leader

A leader is a person who has a set of certain qualities that allow him to influence team members to achieve the goals of the organization.

The main qualities of a leader are:

  • responsibility - the ability to complete undertaken obligations, to be responsible for their implementation;
  • communication skills - the ability to find a common language with the company’s management and its employees;
  • flexibility - the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions in the organization;
  • broad outlook and desire to constantly gain new knowledge;
  • friendliness - the ability to build relationships with all team members, to be friendly;
  • diligence - the desire to work under any circumstances;
  • determination and perseverance - the ability to set goals and achieve them; Patience is the ability to wait for results.

Leaders in organizations become leaders in different ways:

  • due to the presence of leadership abilities that a person initially has; through the active development of individual leadership qualities;
  • due to a fortunate combination of circumstances that allowed him to prove himself and move forward.

In most cases, employees themselves choose from their circle a person suitable for the role of leader.

Subsequently, this person may be appointed to a leadership position.

Who is a leader and what is leadership

Leader from English leader - leads.

Imagine a bus (life) rushing along the road (time), but there is no driver. And if no one is driving, the bus is still rushing, but it’s not clear where. So the leader is the person who got behind the wheel. He took responsibility, he chooses the path and the final route.

You need to understand that if you don’t get behind the wheel of a bus, it will still rush forward, because life’s time is ticking. And you are still responsible for where you arrive. Only you will not arrive where you want.

Even if you are a passenger, you are still responsible for where you arrive, since at any moment you can transfer to another bus going on a different route with which you are on the same route. Either buy your own car and go along your own personal route, or buy your own bus and take fellow travelers (like-minded people).

Characteristics of leadership

Leadership is a complex process of influencing people to achieve organizational goals. There are several important signs of leadership:

  • it is designed to influence employees to encourage them to be active;
  • designed to make other employees want to work;
  • focused on achieving a common goal that unites all team members;
  • forms followers who can become independent leaders in the future;
  • strives for self-organization within the team, streamlining all processes; sensitively captures the needs of those involved in the zone of influence.

Types of Leadership

Leadership can be emotional, business and informational.


It arises on the basis of sympathy in the group between the participants and the leader. An emotional leader creates a favorable psychological climate, inspires trust, relieves tension, and instills confidence. This is the heart of the group. You can always contact him. As a rule, an emotional leader appears in informal groups.


This type of leadership is found in formal teams. A business leader is distinguished by high competence, the ability to solve problems, and organize activities. These are the hands of the collective. A business leader builds relationships and communicates closely with management.


The information leader is the brain of the team. He is well versed in information flows and is highly erudite. People turn to the information leader for help and advice. He helps you search for information or answers questions himself.

The ideal option is a combination of all three types in one leader, but this rarely happens. More often there is a combination of a business leader and an emotional or informational one.

The direction of leadership can be:

  • Constructive. Helps achieve organizational goals.
  • Destructive. The leader's aspirations are detrimental to the organization.
  • Neutral. Does not affect performance.

Leadership typology

There are different models of leadership in organizations. The division is carried out according to several criteria.

Depending on the influence mechanisms used, the following are distinguished:

  • formal leadership - leaders become leaders by appointment, this concept is identical with official leadership, real power is in his hands, which he exercises within the framework of his powers, the impact on the team is carried out through disciplinary measures;
  • informal leadership - influence on people is exerted not through administrative resources, but due to the personal characteristics of the leader.

By style of behavior there are:

  • authoritarian - all management in the organization is concentrated in the hands of one person, who expects unquestioning obedience and execution of his orders; the initiative of other team members is not encouraged;
  • democratic - involves the distribution of duties and responsibilities between all members of the team, communication ties within the team are developed, key decisions are made jointly;
  • liberal - the leader delegates most of the powers to his followers, often withdrawing from solving assigned tasks, entrusting them to members of the team.

Depending on the personality characteristics of the leader:

  • charismatic - the leader has abilities that he uses to organize the work of the team;
  • situational, in which the leader can easily adapt to constant changes in the organization, can engage in reform, and is not afraid of innovative ideas;
  • attributive, which involves building detailed cause-and-effect relationships, their analysis, an analytical mindset, and a tendency to painstaking and monotonous work.

Depending on the focus, leadership is divided into:

  • aimed at people, in which the well-being of employees and their job satisfaction are put above all else, a lot of attention is paid to the psychological climate in the team;
  • aimed at the interests of the organization, when all forces and means are aimed at achieving the set goals.

Formal and informal leadership

Leadership can manifest itself in two areas of life:

  • in work, that is, the sphere of business and office management
  • in a relationship

Leadership is also presented in two types of its manifestation:

  • formal
  • informal

The first type and its leaders are characterized by the fact that they are officially recognized according to a certain procedure and assigned a special position according to the type of leader, etc.

The second type exists in cases where the leader stands out from the rest of the group due to his skills and personal abilities to guide people. An informal leader is a person who is satisfied and accepted by all members of the group because of his leadership qualities.

Note 2

The second type of leaders can be called unofficial, since they are not an official official leader, but are considered leaders due to their ability to influence others, and also stand out for their personal qualities and behavior.

We can conclude that formal leaders are those who are appointed to certain leadership activities, informal leaders are elected by the team unconsciously.

The basis of the first type is personal authority in the organization, and the second - official position.

All of the above types are important. It is impossible to single out one of them, which will be more important than the other. They usually operate in parallel. Sometimes there are cases when one individual performs both formal and informal functions at once.

The role of leadership in an organization

The role of leadership is difficult to overestimate; without it, an organization is doomed to stagnation at best, and to cease to exist at worst. Leadership coordinates all processes occurring within and directs them in the most favorable direction for everyone. It often has a more effective impact on employees than a clearly organized vertical of power in the company.

The leader fully participates in the functioning of the organization, setting goals, formulating tasks, and finding ways to solve them.

Sometimes, from the leadership side, the true needs of the organization are seen from a different perspective, which allows them to be satisfied faster.

Unites managers and subordinates, encouraging them to concentrate efforts to solve common problems. It is possible that it will be difficult for both sides; leadership influence should smooth out all the rough edges, find compromises, help avoid conflicts or find the right ways out of conflict situations.

Actively participates in personnel selection. The success and advancement of the organization depends on this, so an informal assessment of a potential employee benefits all parties in the work process.

Leadership is intrinsically linked to corporate culture. It forms and develops it, creates and maintains corporate values ​​in the team.

Leadership roles are not always clearly regulated; they can be expressed in spontaneously organized measures of support, positive influence, inspiration for new achievements, and de-escalation of the work environment. The mood of employees is one of the main forces that allows them to cope with difficulties and achieve their goals.

How to become a leader - an example from life

Remember the widely publicized case with Dmitry Medvedev, when some teacher complained to him about his low salary. Dmitry Anatolyevich replied: “A teacher is not a profession, a teacher is a calling. And if you need money, go into business!” This is a significant difference between a leader and an ordinary person.

The leader builds his own life, and does not wait for handouts from the state. It doesn’t even occur to him that someone will earn him money; he is truly convinced that he himself will build his life as he wants.

And this teacher is a complete nonentity if he suffers from lack of money. What example does he set for children by begging? Not to be independent? Not taking responsibility for your life into your own hands? Below I will give an example of how a professional teacher can easily make money.

A leader is a person who does not depend on anyone, does not ask for anything, decides everything himself and does not depend on the assessment of others. But there is an important point: a leader must rely on other people.

How to get people to support him? A leader must be useful both for himself and for others in order to eliminate the so-called “crab effect.”

Help on what the “crab effect” is:

If you put one crab in a bucket of water, it will come out without difficulty. If you put several crabs, then as soon as one starts to crawl out, the rest will cling to it and throw it back, that is, everyone will die .

What would I have done if I were in the place of the teacher who complained to Dmitry Anatolyevich? After all, at the mere mention that I wanted to go into business, my colleagues would attack me. They would say:

  • Why do you need this? After all, there is no stability there, the salary here is small, but stable;
  • Business is dangerous;
  • What if it doesn’t work out, what to live on?

That is, they would exhibit the same “crab effect”.

I would start by maximizing my teaching skills, that is, techniques and teaching methods that would give results close to 100%. After the methods were identified and worked out, I would start tutoring in parallel with my main job. For example, preparing schoolchildren for the Unified State Exam.

Since my methods and techniques had already been honed, the percentage of admission to top Moscow universities for my students would be close to 100%, and word of mouth would instantly spread this news among the parents of future graduates.

Now think about how much parents of graduates would be willing to pay if they were sure that their child, after my training, would be admitted to any Moscow university with a 100% guarantee? I think my income would increase significantly, especially since I can teach schoolchildren from other regions without leaving home, via Skype.

In this way, I would combine my calling with business, and eliminate the “crab effect,” since I would receive support from the school’s parent committee, because they are extremely interested in the success of their children in life, and I can help them with this, and guaranteed.

The technique of how to combine your calling with income growth is in this article: “The practical benefits of understanding the meaning of life and your purpose.”

Thus, leadership is the ability to achieve your goal, and at the same time help others, and not complain about life .

Leadership, power, management

Leadership, power and management are close, but not identical concepts. Power is associated with leadership and is always directed from top to bottom. Leadership can come from below and span all layers of the organization. It can merge with power, possess its features, partially use its methods, but it tries never to use external force.

Management is a management system that implements the tasks set by the management of the organization.

Managers act according to established plans and schedules. Manager's tasks: fulfill instructions, achieve certain indicators. They act out of necessity, not out of their own desires. Management uses effective leverage over employees and exercises control over all processes.

Leadership theory

The most popular theory is that leaders are born, not made, that is, the theory of character, or “great man.” This refers to the innate inclinations and abilities of a person that help a person become a leader.

The second theory is situational. According to it, innate characteristics alone are not enough; certain conditions of the external world and the relationship between these conditions and a given individual are also needed. That is, the role is played by the extent to which the situation allows the leader to express himself.

Leadership management in an organization

Managing an organization's leadership includes several important elements:

  1. Actions aimed at identifying leaders in the organization. It is necessary to find those who already have a sufficient set of knowledge and skills or are potentially ready to develop them in themselves.
  2. Establishing interaction with employees in order to find out their needs, wishes, and provide motivation.
  3. Creating conditions for deepening and developing leadership skills.
  4. Provide opportunities to receive additional education and deepen knowledge.

Leader Features

The most important feature of leaders is charisma. Read more about this in the article “Charisma: what is it in a person and how to develop it.” Other characteristics of a leader include:

  • high level of aspirations;
  • a high self-evaluation;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-awareness;
  • adequate assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of one’s personality;
  • the desire for success (importance and responsibility), recognition, power (managing people, directing them in a certain direction).

Of course, without certain competencies and abilities, a set of such qualities can give a completely different result. Therefore, other qualities of a leader include:

  • above average intelligence, ability to solve complex and abstract problems;
  • independence, resourcefulness, business activity, readiness for action, initiative;
  • the ability to see the situation broadly, to consider beyond the particular;
  • knowledge and experience in a specific field;
  • good health, developed imagination, attention, memory, thinking;
  • emotional balance and stress resistance;
  • the ability to self-regulate (the ability to relieve stress);
  • communication skills;
  • ability for psychoanalysis;
  • eloquence;
  • visuality (external attractiveness).

Thus, all the qualities of a leader can be divided into general, specific, personal-business and psychological-pedagogical.

Leadership in an organization


Leadership in an organization is based on the interaction of all structures and elements. This process is more complex, requiring a high level of interdependence of all participants. Unlike management itself, leadership presupposes the presence in the organization of followers, not subordinates. Synonyms for the words leader and leadership are the words manager, management. Leadership is one of the components of effective management of an organization, which is the coordination of relations among members of a social group and the implementation of processes of social influence in the team [1, p. 12].

An analysis of the nature of leadership shows that it stems from certain needs of people and their associations, which leaders are designed to satisfy. The nature of leadership is revealed in more detail by his various theories. Trait theory explains the phenomenon of leadership by outstanding human qualities, such as intelligence, will, determination, organizational skills, competence, etc. According to the concepts of charismatic leadership, followers are inspired by the leader and strive to imitate him in everything.

The importance of leadership for the management of an organization raises the question of influence on this phenomenon. Leadership needs to be managed (as much as possible), i.e. identify leaders, develop constructive ones and eliminate destructive leaders. The leader plays an important role in creating and managing organizational culture. Depending on the type of organizational culture, a leader performs different functions.

Leadership effectiveness is directly related to the ability of leaders to manage organizational and interpersonal communication, influencing its nature. The role of the leader in personnel management is determined by his efforts to select worthy applicants for membership in the work group; he must direct group energy to achieve organizational goals. Leadership also finds expression in influencing group members, encouraging them to demonstrate their strong personal qualities and restraining the manifestation of weak character traits. The effectiveness of a leader’s work is manifested in his ability to manage social conflicts [4, p. 7].

The relevance of this topic is also due to the fact that in the modern world there are a huge number of different companies that need not only a clear management hierarchy, but also good leaders who can subsequently bring these organizations to a new level and make some changes.

Object of study

. Leadership in an organization and its influence on people.

Subject of study.

Organization as a system of interconnected elements.


The test is the study and analysis of leadership in an organization.


The test work is as follows:

. Describe the concept of leadership.

. Explore the typology of leadership in an organization.

. Consider leadership management in an organization.

Methodological basis

consists of the works of domestic and foreign authors studying leadership in organizations, namely: N.P. Belyatsky, G.V. Bendasa, O.S. Vikhansky, A.I. Naumov, P.F. Drucker and others.

Research methods:

study of documents, analysis, synthesis.

The test consists of an introduction, 3 sections, a conclusion, and a bibliography.

1. Basic definitions of leadership

Leadership is a type of management interaction (in one case between the leader and followers), based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation and aimed at motivating people to achieve common goals. From this and other definitions of leadership it follows that leadership is a function of the leader, followers and situational changes [6, p. 42].

The study of the concept of leadership began from the time of F. Taylor. Many studies have been conducted, but there is still no complete agreement on what leadership is and how it should be studied. In this regard, the study of this issue is relevant. Organizing the management of a company requires not just a good specialist, but a real leader. In the course of studying the problem of leadership, scientists have proposed many different definitions of this concept. According to J. Terry, leadership is the influence on groups of people, encouraging them to achieve a common goal [3, p. 367]. P.F. Drucker defined leadership as interpersonal interaction, manifested in a certain situation through the communication process and aimed at achieving a specific goal or goals [5, p. 89]. G. Kunz and S.O. Donnell believe that leadership is associated with influencing people in pursuit of a common goal [3, p. 368].

In management practice, leadership is the ability to effectively use all available sources of power to turn the vision created for others into reality. Leaders use power as a means to achieve the goals of a group or organization. If leaders achieve a goal, then power as a means is used by them to accelerate this achievement. According to R.L. Krichevsky leadership is, first of all, the ability to motivate people and influence their behavior to achieve personal goals and organizational goals [7, p. 174].

All scholars agree that no single factor provides greater benefits and benefit to an organization than effective leadership. Leaders are needed to determine goals and objectives, to organize, coordinate, ensure interpersonal contacts with subordinates and select optimal, effective ways to solve certain problems. Obviously, organizations with leaders can achieve all this much faster than organizations without leaders.

The word leader comes from the English lead (to lead). This means that a leader is one who leads the way. A leader is a member of an organization who has a high personal status, has a strong influence on the opinions and behavior of the people around him, members of any association or organization, and performs a set of functions. Leadership is defined as a process of social influence in which the leader seeks the voluntary participation of subordinates in activities to achieve organizational goals or as a process of influencing group activity, which is aimed at achieving goals [1, p. 26].

The phenomenon of leadership is rooted in the very nature of man and society. Phenomena in many ways similar to leadership are found among animals that lead a collective, herd lifestyle. Here, the strongest, most intelligent, persistent and determined individual always stands out - the leader, leading the herd (flock) in accordance with its unwritten laws, which are dictated by relationships with the environment and are biologically programmed [1, p. 27].

Leadership is based on the specific needs of complex systems. These include, first of all, the need for self-organization, streamlining the behavior of individual elements of the system in order to ensure its vital and functional ability. This ordering is achieved thanks to the vertical (management - subordination) and horizontal (correlative one-level connections, for example, division of labor and cooperation) distribution of functions and roles, and, above all, the allocation of the management function and the structures that carry it out, which for their effectiveness usually require a hierarchical, pyramidal organizations. The top of such a management pyramid is the leader.

The clarity of identifying leading positions depends on the type of community that makes up the system and its relationship with the environment. In systems characterized by low group integration and a high degree of autonomy and freedom of various elements and levels of the organization, the functions of the leader are weakly expressed. As the needs of the system, the people themselves, intensify in complexly organized collective actions and the awareness of these needs in the form of collective goals, the specification of the leader’s functions and his structural, institutional isolation increase [7, p. 41].

An analysis of the nature of leadership shows that it stems from certain needs of people and their associations, which leaders are designed to satisfy. Being a manager and being a leader in an organization are not the same thing. A manager, in influencing the work of subordinates and building relationships with them, first of all uses and relies on the official basis of power and the sources that feed it. Leadership as a specific type of management relationship is based more on the process of psychological influence. This process is much more complex, requiring a high level of interdependence among its participants. Unlike management itself, leadership presupposes the presence in the organization of followers, not subordinates. Actually, the “boss-subordinate” relationship, characteristic of the traditional view of management, is replaced by the “leader-follower” relationship.

Thus, in modern conditions, effective leadership is not an iron or firm hand, but a high sensitivity to the needs of followers, which is manifested in the development of employees, in including them in group work, in helping them achieve personal goals. In management practice, leadership is the ability to effectively use all available sources of power to turn the vision created for others into reality. Leaders use power as a means to achieve the goals of a group or organization. If leaders achieve a goal, then power as a means is used by them to accelerate this achievement.

. Typology of leadership in an organization

leadership management power

The complexity of the study of leadership and its undeniable importance have led to the emergence of various typologies of leadership in organizations. The simplest and most widespread classification of leadership in an organization is the identification of three types (sometimes called leader roles) [9, p. 16]:

. Business leadership. It is typical for groups that arise on the basis of production goals. It is based on such qualities as high competence, the ability to solve organizational problems better than others, business authority, experience, etc. Business leadership has the greatest influence on management effectiveness.

. Emotional leadership. It arises in socio-psychological groups on the basis of human sympathies and the attractiveness of interpersonal communication. An emotional leader inspires trust in people, radiates warmth, inspires confidence, relieves psychological tension, and creates an atmosphere of psychological comfort.

. Situational leadership. Strictly speaking, by its nature it can be both business and emotional. However, its distinctive feature is instability, time limitation, connection only with a certain situation. A situational leader can lead a group only in a certain situation, for example, during general confusion during a fire.

There are other classifications of leadership depending on the types of leaders. Is not it. Umansky identifies six types (roles) of a leader [9, p. 21]:

.leader-organizer (performs the function of group integration);

.leader-initiator (dominates when solving new problems, puts forward ideas);

.leader-generator of emotional mood (dominates in shaping the mood of the group);

.leader-erudite (distinguished by the breadth of knowledge);

.leader-standard (is the center of emotional attraction, corresponds to the role of a “star”, serves as a model, ideal);

leader-master, craftsman (specialist in some type of activity).

They are divided according to content [4, p. 18]:

-inspiring leaders who develop and propose a behavior program;

-executive leaders, organizers of the implementation of an already defined program;

- leaders who are both inspirers and organizers.

They are distinguished by style [4, p. 19]:

Authoritarian. This is a leader who demands monopoly power. He alone determines and formulates goals and ways to achieve them. Communications between group members are kept to a minimum and pass through the leader or under his control.

Democratic. This style, according to most researchers, turns out to be more preferable. Such leaders are usually tactful, respectful, and objective in their interactions with group members. The socio-spatial position of the leader is within the group.

Passive - such a leader is characterized by a lack of praise and blame. He tries to avoid responsibility by shifting it to his subordinates. The attitude of such a leader is to remain as unnoticed as possible on the sidelines. Many researchers do not distinguish this style as special, limiting themselves to contrasting authoritarian and democratic styles, since a passive leader can hardly be called a leader.

According to the nature of the activity they distinguish [2, p. 48]:

-universal type, i.e. Consistently demonstrates leadership qualities;

-situational, showing leadership qualities only in a certain situation.

In addition to those mentioned, a classification of leaders is often used depending on their perception by the group. According to this criterion, the following types of leaders are distinguished [11, p. 415]:

) "one of us". This type of leader does not stand out particularly among the group members. He is perceived as “first among equals” in a certain field, the most fortunate or by chance to find himself in a leadership position. In general, according to the group, he lives, rejoices, suffers, makes the right decisions, makes mistakes, etc., like all other members of the team;

) "the best of us." A leader belonging to this type stands out from the group in many (business, moral, communication and other) parameters and is generally perceived as a role model;

) "good man". A leader of this type is perceived and valued as a real embodiment of the best moral qualities: decency, goodwill, attentiveness to others, willingness to help, etc.;

) "servant". Such a leader always strives to act as a spokesman for the interests of his followers and the group as a whole, focuses on their opinions and acts on their behalf.

In practice, the types of perceptions of the leader by individual group members often do not coincide or overlap each other. Thus, one employee may evaluate a leader as “one of us,” while others perceive him as both “the best of us,” and a “servant,” etc. Leadership varies in the power of influence on members of the group (organization). People obey one leader unquestioningly, while they follow the advice or instructions of another only as long as they do not conflict with their own interests and attitudes [11, p. 419].

Thus, leadership issues are key to achieving organizational effectiveness. On the one hand, leadership is seen as the presence of a certain set of qualities attributed to those who successfully influence or influence others; on the other hand, leadership is a process of predominantly non-forceful influence towards the achievement of a group or organization’s goals. Leadership is a specific type of management interaction, based on the most effective combination of various sources of power and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals. Approaches to the study of leadership typology differ in the combination of three main variables that attract the attention of researchers: leadership qualities, leadership behavior and the situation in which the leader acts.

3. Management of leadership in the organization

The primary importance of leadership for the effectiveness of management, its positive and negative impact on personnel management give the task of influencing this phenomenon of particular practical importance. The problem of leadership management in an organization includes five aspects [11, p. 512]:

. Identification of leaders: identification of persons with innate and (or) mature leadership qualities and their attraction to occupy leadership positions and positions. This direction of activity can proceed both from the thesis “leaders are born” and from the recognition of the possibility of purposeful formation of leaders. In the first case, we are talking about discovering leadership abilities and using them for organizational purposes, in the second - about attracting (or luring) already trained and proven leaders to the enterprise.

There are several ways to identify leadership abilities. This includes testing and other psychological methods, especially widely used for young applicants for leadership positions, as well as the study of biography and work experience, the selection of people who have already proven themselves, etc.

. Leadership development is the purposeful formation and deepening of relevant qualities and skills. We are talking about the opportunity to, to a greater or lesser extent, form and develop leadership abilities through education and self-study, motivation, training and practical experience.

A number of procedures are used to develop leadership [6, p. 124]:

development of personal motivation, a stable desire to be a leader, self-confidence, willingness to make decisions and take responsibility, consistency and perseverance in realizing common goals, awareness of one’s own strength, faith in achieving the goal, enthusiasm, etc.

development of individual intellectual and moral leadership qualities. These qualities include, first of all, professional competence; decency (honesty, adherence to generally accepted moral standards), without which, as a rule, it is difficult, if not impossible, to gain authority; developed intelligence, which manifests itself in analyticalness, quick understanding of the essence of the problem, mental flexibility, foresight, the ability to plan and set goals, etc.;

ensuring the social competence of the leader and his goodwill in relations with group members. This presupposes a culture of communication, the ability to clearly and clearly express thoughts, listen correctly to employees, make comments, give advice, attentiveness, respect for the dignity of other people, the ability to understand them, be imbued with their concerns and problems, provide them with support, etc.;

acquiring the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation, know and take into account the characteristics, interests, requests and expectations of all group members.

. Close linkage and integration of individual goals and interests of group members with organizational goals, realization of needs, representation and protection of the interests of both individual group members and the team as a whole. This eliminates the basis for the emergence of destructive groups and leaders whose activities harm the organization, and also increases the authority of the leader in the eyes of employees and the importance of business leadership in relation to emotional leadership [11, p. 512].

. The combination of formal and informal leadership in the activities of a leader. Subordinates always want to see in a leader not only a boss or an emotionless technocrat, but also a person with the best moral qualities, who cares not only about the effectiveness of the organization and about himself personally, but also about the employees. Lively communication with people, respect for individuals, attention to each person, taking into account individual characteristics and inclinations, personal example in relationships with people and business, motivating employees, “infecting” others with passion, enthusiasm, etc. — all this allows the manager to combine the roles of formal and informal leader and increases the effectiveness of leadership [11, p. 513].

. Organizational integration of leaders, ensuring a constructive direction of their activities and eliminating destructive leadership. Due to various reasons (individual abilities, employment with production tasks, a large number of subordinates, etc.), even in primary organizations, not every manager is able to simultaneously perform all the functions of informal leadership. Very often this is simply physically impossible. Integration of leaders involves ensuring the loyalty of existing managers, selecting the most capable employees motivated to achieve the organization’s goals, encouraging their professional and career growth, establishing good relationships and cooperation with spontaneously formed groups and their leaders, formalizing, if possible and appropriate, leadership [11 , With. 513].

Thus, management is structuring an organization, providing it with qualified personnel, monitoring activities; leadership goes beyond these functions by inspiring people to achieve their goals. Great leaders focus the team's attention on achieving the ideal future of the organization, helping employees overcome all the obstacles that lie in their path. The professional longevity of a leader and the duration of each stage of his leadership depend on many socio-psychological factors, but you can consciously protect yourself from such a sad development of the situation: constantly improve yourself, developing your own competence, self-control and self-criticism, or encourage a creative atmosphere and team spirit in the organization.


Thus, this paper examines the concept of leadership in modern science. We have found that leadership issues are key to achieving organizational effectiveness. On the one hand, leadership is seen as the presence of a certain set of qualities attributed to those who successfully influence or influence others; on the other hand, leadership is a process of predominantly non-forceful influence in the direction of achieving a group or organization’s goals.

Effective leadership is necessary for any organization; for this, the leader must have a set of certain skills and abilities. The leader must direct the efforts of the group and the individual to accomplish common tasks and find ways out of different situations. Leadership as a type of management relationship is different from management itself and is built more on a “leader-follower” relationship than a “boss-subordinate” relationship. Not every manager uses leadership in their behavior. A productive manager is not necessarily an effective leader, and vice versa. Success in management does not compensate for poor leadership [8, p. 54].

Leadership is a critical component of effective leadership. It is found wherever there is a stable association of people. The richness of the sides and aspects of leadership determines the diversity of its typology. The typology of leadership can be different depending on the basis on which the concept is differentiated [10, p. 80].

For the development of the individual as a person, the group seems indispensable. Becoming a leader and developing a group is a continuous and inseparable process. The “leader” itself is the status of a person in a group. The status of a specific person can be changed. In the course of interpersonal relationships, from the moment the group is formed, the status of each person is determined and at the same time the person’s influence on this group is determined. New approaches focus on the leader's ability to create a new vision for solving a problem and, using his charisma, to convey its meaning to followers in a way that inspires and enthuses them to take action to achieve the goals. Therefore, in order to successfully carry out his functions, any manager needs to be able to lead his subordinates, showing himself as a leader in the organization.


1.Belyatsky, N.P. Management. Fundamentals of Leadership [Text]: textbook / N.P. Belyatsky. - Minsk, 2002. - 250 p.

2. Bendas, G.V. Psychology of leadership [Text]: textbook / G.V. Bendas. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 448 p.

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Types of Leadership

Among the types we can distinguish a leader, a leader in the narrow sense and a situational leader:

  • The leader acts by suggestion. He is active, strong, physically developed, healthy, strives for success, self-confident, has the ability to adapt, is smart, has developed creativity and intuition, is tactful, sociable and easy to communicate.
  • A leader has less authority than a leader. He also convinces and inspires, but he also motivates using the “do as I do” method.
  • A situational leader emerges in a specific situation due to his strong abilities needed at the moment.

In relation to the attitude of the team to the leader, it is customary to distinguish the following types:

  • "One of us". He does not stand out among the group in any way, but is perceived by her as first among equals.
  • "The best of us." In almost all qualities he stands out from the group and acts as a model.
  • "Good man". Valued and distinguished by the team for his moral qualities.
  • "Servant." Considered as an intermediary, a representative of interests.

The same leader can be perceived differently by team members, that is, he belongs to several types at once. In general, there are leaders in any group, both official and unofficial, both destructive and constructive. For example, the example known to everyone since school was the prefects (formal leader) and hooligans (informal leader) of the class.

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