Oratory: methods of development and application options

Author of the material:

Svetlana Smyshlyak

philologist, writer, lyric poet

A politician who speaks daily in front of thousands of people calls himself an orator. A vegetable seller at the market talks to only a hundred people a day, declaring himself to be a simple hard worker. Which of these people displays oratory skills? At first glance, everything is obvious. However, there is a nuance: the month is coming to an end - it’s time to display statistics. The politician found himself at the bottom of the electoral lists. The market trader increased his monthly income by 15%. Who seems more eloquent now? What is the real power of public speaking and how to become a successful speaker from scratch?

History of formation

Oratory did not appear overnight. It took years to develop because it required participation and discipline. History marks its beginnings in ancient Rome, Babylon, and India. Development happened gradually. There was a need to convey updated information to the population.

This could only be done from a certain elevation, from where the person could be clearly seen. Previously, people did not think about special preparation and training. The science of rhetoric appeared relatively later.

Construction method

Is it possible to learn public oratory and the art of rhetoric on your own, or is it a talent: the inclinations and initial oratorical abilities of those who want to master the art of oratory must be present. But hard training is just as important. You should constantly expand your horizons and increase your intelligence. Below is an approximate method of constructing a speech for those who want to master the art of oratory.

  1. The speech should have a clear structure and be understandable to the audience.
  2. The information conveyed must be useful to the listener and be accurate.
  3. The brevity and content of the speech will save time and concentrate the attention of listeners on the most important things.
  4. Facts and figures should not make the speech dry and devoid of emotion, otherwise the audience will not be interested in the process. Intonation plays a big role here.
  5. In the compositional structure of a speech, the greatest attention should be paid to the beginning and conclusion; they are remembered most by the listener.
  6. Style and content depend on the specifics of the audience and its level of education.

The role of gestures is important in public speaking, but one should not allow them to be too many. This will indicate the speaker's nervousness and lack of control over the situation.


Oratory can be divided into several types. They all have something in common, but differ from each other in the behavior of the lecturer, his focus on results and the characteristics of interaction:

  1. Socio-political speech. Involves a long speech by the speaker. His voice must be loud to cover a large amount of area. Policy issues related to social interaction are covered.
  2. Judicial speech. The speeches of the prosecutor, judge, and lawyer contain the necessary information. Words must be pronounced clearly, with tangible pressure. Judicial speech involves the use of a business style. There is no place for display of emotions and excessive gestures.
  3. Social and household. It is pronounced at an ordinary level and does not differ in scale. It happens when a person considers it necessary to prove something to his interlocutor.
  1. Church speech. Characterized by monotony and great concentration. From the outside, it seems that the person is overly concentrated on pronouncing every word. Examples: confession, sermon.

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Connection with the psyche

The speaker's internal mood directly affects the production of his voice and intonation. A vague thought, the essence and correctness of which he himself is not sure, will not sound confident and will not be able to convince listeners. In this case, the technique is broken:

  • breathing becomes intermittent;
  • intonation sounds expressionless and false;
  • articulation is jerky.

Only vividness of thought, passion and awareness, confidence in one’s point of view will put the speech apparatus in order. According to the theory of the psychology of public speaking, the main task of a lecturer is to have something to say and be able to express it. Speaking reflects a person's intellectual development, literacy and social skills. Sometimes a well-read and erudite person begins to get confused in his thoughts in front of the audience and cannot clearly present his idea. This is due to the fear of public speaking. It is possible to learn the art of competent oratory and improve your abilities if you have the necessary intelligence base; this is what rhetoric does. Additionally, classes are held with a psychologist to overcome self-doubt.

Typically, good speakers are extroverts, improvisers, and have the ability to connect with an audience. The ability to speak plays a huge role in such professional fields as politics, teaching, public activity, and journalism.

Features of speech

Speech culture is an entire art. The ability to speak beautifully is not given to everyone. No matter how much you want to brag about your achievements, you will have to first learn the basics. The concept itself implies that you must have the ability to prove your point of view and know some of the secrets of acting.

We need to talk about what interests us. Then it will be possible to convey significant information to others and dwell on some points in detail. Genuine interest and passion can be seen in the eyes. The words come out of your mouth on their own, without any additional tricks.

Structure of the speech

Speaking in public is not an easy task. Some people study this for years and cannot feel relaxed during the performance. It is required not only to make detailed preparations, but also to practice gestures and learn some techniques. Without this knowledge it is impossible to achieve a satisfactory result. That is why, even at the stage of collecting information, you need to carefully study all the stages.


An introductory part is required. It helps to establish contact and find common ground with people. It's best to start a speech with a joke. This will defuse the situation and set the audience on a positive wave. Then you can smoothly move on to the essence of the issue without thinking that someone did not understand the humor. The speaker’s task is to make an impression from the first minutes and hold the attention of the audience.

A true master does not doubt, does not look around for support, does not reach into his pocket for words. He is endearing, arouses interest, admiration, and surprise. The first words, by definition, should be pronounced quickly so that the introduction does not drag on and cause yawning. When the first stage is completed, you can move on to the next.

Main part

The main idea is presented here. If necessary, you can repeat individual theses several times. Speaking etiquette suggests that it is better to have a lively dialogue with the audience rather than trying to monotonously give information. No matter how exciting the prepared speech may be, it must be voiced correctly.

Dry words by themselves do not give anything, since they are not able to arouse interest or arouse enthusiasm. You should try to present important thoughts in portions in order to constantly warm up the attention of the audience. Stories from life are suitable, as they perfectly illustrate examples of behavior and show how one can act in a given situation.

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Oratory speech should not be interrupted suddenly. A business conversation assumes that it is necessary to draw a conclusion from everything that is said. This will help avoid misunderstandings, situations of dissatisfaction and rejection. People must learn to benefit and see the prospects for further contact with a specific person.

The debriefing stage summarizes what has been said and gives people time to ask questions.

Features of speaker behavior

Each lecturer behaves in a unique way. This fact must be taken into account in advance so as not to be surprised by anything. Don't blindly copy someone. It is better to develop your own style and enlist personal support. You need to try to discover your own uniqueness, to believe in the existing prospects. It is necessary to decide in advance on the basic set of phrases and non-verbal means of expression.

It is better to immediately stop using some gestures. On the contrary, it is reasonable to introduce some features of communication in order to emphasize a specific idea. Kindness and honesty won't hurt. A sincere story attracts more attention than memorized phrases. If necessary, you can rehearse certain moments at home in front of the mirror. This will give you confidence.

Effective techniques

Few people think about the fact that during the process it is necessary to pay attention to certain details. The first phrase should be succinct, loud and noticeable. Ideally, it inspires the audience, carries positivity, and reveals the presence of inner strength. Reciprocal interest awakens from the fact that a person says something unusual and evokes pleasant emotions.

A pause as an effective technique is used to collect thoughts and emphasize something. Interaction with the audience should be lively, vibrant, giving inspiration and joy. If a person is too serious, then soon interest will fall in him. Interest in yourself must be constantly stirred up so that people do not get bored. If listeners leave the room or look at their phones, this is a bad sign. It's better not to let the audience get bored.

Fundamentals of oratory.

Radislav Gandapas is a popular leadership and public speaking specialist in the CIS countries, a business coach, and the author of the book “The Kama Sutra for the Speaker.” In it, he claims that the public pays 60% of its attention to how the speaker behaves and presents himself, 30% to how he speaks and only 10% to what he talks about. This proves that public speaking is a complex technique. It includes many factors. To perform successfully, you will need to master several basics at once.

Voice and speech.

A successful speaker's voice sounds smooth and at medium volume. However, differences in timbre are no less important, as they make speech more interesting and relieve monotony. It is important to learn to play with your intonation to match the semantic turns in your speech. Clear, understandable pronunciation of words is another significant element. How to improve your diction:

  • recite poems, excerpts from plays or prose;
  • study tongue twisters (especially “Liguria”);
  • apply the Demosthenes method (trained speech on the seashore with a pebble in his mouth. The stones enhanced the clarity of pronunciation, and the sound of the waves imitated the sounds of the crowd);
  • work with a speech therapist;
  • use articulatory gymnastics;
  • train your breathing.

A speaker's tone is one of the main levers of crowd control. The psyche is directly related to the speech apparatus. If a speaker is not confident, his voice will show it. The speaker will stammer, stutter, mumble, and chew on his words. However, this relationship has a two-way effect. If the rhetorician tries to control his tone, he will not have time to notice how confidence will return to him.


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“You meet people by their clothes...” - this saying is especially relevant in the skill of public monologues. However, a business suit is far from a universal option. The choice of clothing depends on four features:

  • the reason and topic of the speech;
  • social status, mood of listeners;
  • situation, environment in which the speaker speaks;
  • way of presenting information (comic, serious, dramatic).

A T-shirt and shorts at business negotiations looks as ridiculous as a formal suit on a promoter handing out invitations to a children's party.

However, in any case, it is better to choose a neat, clean, ironed outfit. The same goes for hygiene. Clean teeth, a washed face without signs of sleep, fights or hangovers, hair styling, light makeup, a well-groomed mustache and beard have a much better effect on people than untidiness.

Language of the body.

Facial expressions, gestures, posture - they express the charisma necessary for effective speech. The degree of their expressiveness is selected individually for each performance. At a children's party, gestures and changes in facial expressions are most mobile and active. When defending scientific work, the emotional influx will have to be curbed. As for poses, it is highly desirable that they express confidence and perseverance. Some tips:

  • watch your posture, keep your back straight;
  • control physical tension so that it is moderate and does not squeeze;
  • straighten your shoulders;
  • keep your head slightly elevated;
  • choose a good angle in advance, keeping in mind lighting, acoustics, and the “working side” of the face;
  • keep your hands visible, without hiding them in your pockets or, even worse, behind your back;
  • learn to stop trembling in a static position.

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Only 10% of attention is paid to the semantic load of the speech. However, listeners pay for seminars to hear useful information, and not a ton of water mixed with emotions. For this reason, the essence also plays a role. This is what the public wants:

  • a clearly formulated thesis;
  • relevance of the problem, its causes;
  • possible results of inaction;
  • options for solving the problem;
  • arguments in favor of a particular move;
  • reasons for refusing other methods of action;
  • results of application of the submitted idea and method.

The performance is thought out taking into account all these points. If at least one of the listed provisions is not given a meaningful answer, failure is possible. Either the speech will be of no use to the audience, or the speaker will put himself in the awkward position of not knowing how to answer questions from the audience after the speech.

Influence on emotions.

Just a list of facts is dry. Arguments make you think, occupying your thoughts for several minutes, hours, days. And only information intertwined with experiences is remembered for weeks, months, years. It is easier to remember information if there are some feelings associated with it.

One of the best ways of such influence is intrigue. How you can create it:

  • unexpectedly tell a provocative fact;
  • voice data that seems impossible (for example, “I am immortal,” explaining this after a pause by saying that he left a mark on the earth and will now forever remain in the memory of descendants);
  • ask a riddle, but promise to reveal the answer at the end;
  • say that the audience will be able to get what they want by the end of the event (if this is indeed at least partially possible);
  • announce the discovery of a secret;
  • state a statement, ask the audience if they agree with it, and then invite them to find out together;
  • intrigue with a surprise;
  • organize a competitive situation.

Interaction with the public.

People love to talk and hear about themselves. Even publicly admitting your own mistakes and shortcomings unconsciously causes pleasure. But how can a speaker use this if there are so many listeners and they are different?

The audience obeys the crowd effect, so it acts harmoniously and turns into a single mechanism. In addition, all the people who came to the planned seminar are united by an interest in the announced topic. This means that the public is united. Figuratively speaking, she unites into one personality. And she also loves to hear about herself. How to contact her:

  • ask questions, including rhetorical ones;
  • give the opportunity to ask;
  • show your closeness to a public problem, equality with listeners;
  • call someone on stage to simulate a situation;
  • share sincere emotions;
  • establish eye contact (mentally divide those present into small groups, hold your gaze on each team for several seconds);
  • give souvenirs (notepads, pens, branded attributes);
  • thank you for your presence and your time;
  • pause for jokes and diversions from the topic to give meeting participants a break.

Oratory in life

The ability to speak in front of an audience will come in handy. This gives strength, confidence and healthy optimism. It becomes possible to see further prospects for actions and feel the result in advance. Public speaking improves the quality of life. A person opens up to new impressions and always finds the right words to explain his own position to his interlocutor.

Regular performances build character and help you concentrate on the main thing, without being distracted by possible trifles. The ability to communicate coherently in life is worth a lot. Most people get confused if they have to talk about something they have no idea about. Only a person trained for success attracts positive changes in life.

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Development of speaking abilities

To feel confident, you need to constantly train this skill. You will have to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself in situations that would allow you to upgrade your skill to the required volume. There are several steps you need to take. It is advisable to do them sequentially. You can’t deliberately try to skip something in order to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  1. A clear goal. Developing public speaking abilities begins with conscious intention. Until there is an understanding of why this is necessary, targeted actions will not begin. Fantasies and fears will not help before making a decision. A specific goal will not give you a chance to put things off until later and endlessly make excuses.
  2. Understanding your own feelings. A person can only act clearly when he understands why he needs it and accepts responsibility for what is happening. This is necessary in order not to later regret the decision. Understanding your own feelings will give you a chance to independently master public speaking skills. It is only important to make efforts, and not just hope for a positive result.
  3. Constant practice. It is unlikely that you can achieve anything in life without regular training. To stop being afraid, you need to constantly train. This will give you the opportunity to gain self-confidence and decide on your next steps. It is important to remember that the ability to speak competently is not innate. Sometimes it takes years to gain self-confidence. The desire to change your life is of great importance.
  4. Speaking tongue twisters. A useful exercise that is advisable to use periodically. This must be done out loud, every day. If you study intermittently, then you have to start all over again. As a result, the articulatory apparatus develops, and the desire to master additional perspectives appears. If a person tries, then he succeeds quickly.

Thus, public speaking is a fascinating science. Once you master it, you can learn how to control an audience and convey the desired message. Developed communication skills help you feel at the top of your game. This means that a person becomes more self-confident and acquires the ability not to give up in the face of difficulties.

Basic properties

The speaker's monologue is designed to convince the audience and set it in the right mood. Oratorical abilities include the ability to choose the right style, linguistic and facial means of communication with the listener, and build the composition of your monologue. What specific features does the oratorical style have in comparison with other styles?

  • public character, appeal to a large audience of listeners;
  • the presence of a clear structure and formative parts, sequentially interconnected;
  • propaganda character;
  • the presence of a goal that needs to be conveyed to the public, convinced of its correctness and motivated to further action;
  • the internal energy of the word, authority, and the speaker’s passion for the topic being presented.

The speaker strives to convey to the public his psychological mood and set the desired message, and for this he himself must be confident in his words. Having managed to exert his will, he will be able to influence his listeners.

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