Absent-minded and inattentive child: advice to parents

Causes of inattention in children

First of all, there is no need to shout. You need to try to independently analyze the child’s actions, find out what exactly led him to such behavior. The reasons may be the following:

  1. Hyperactivity. It is not difficult to identify, just observe and it will become noticeable that the baby is restless and more active than his peers. Such children cannot remain motionless for a long time (sit at a desk during a lesson), and they are also more likely than others to be distracted by extraneous factors (a bird outside the window, a car passing by, etc.).
  2. Frequently ill children. As a rule, their illnesses develop into severe chronic forms over time. And constant sick leaves do not contribute in any way to study, which is very difficult to fully immerse yourself in due to the general weakened state of the body, which leads to even greater absent-mindedness during classes.
  3. Parental attention deficit. If adults are constantly at work, and the child lacks their attention, he will try to attract it in any way. Namely: he will start being a hooligan at school, fighting, getting bad grades and everything like that. Before you run to an appointment with a neurologist, you should carefully look at your relationship with your child from the outside.
  4. High loads. In addition to school, the parents decided to send their child to the pool, dancing, music school, English lessons and somewhere else... Don't they think that he doesn't have time to feel the taste of childhood?! The whole day is planned. And when can the unfortunate person rest or at least just play to relieve the nervous system? Worth thinking about!
  5. Inability to motivate. Perhaps adults have noticed that they only do with pleasure what they like. It's exactly the same with children. If the subject is not interesting to them or the teacher does not know how to interest them, tediously and monotonously telling the essence of the lesson, the child’s attention gradually fades away and disappears into thin air.

Restlessness and absent-mindedness can occur in anyone. True, some children are more prone to it than others. This, as a rule, is facilitated by many factors, such as stress, depression, poor diet and daily routine, insufficient attention from parents and other adults (teachers, relatives, coaches). Therefore, parents must create favorable conditions for the life and development of their children.


To diagnose the causes that influenced the occurrence of absent-mindedness, an MRI may be prescribed

If absent-mindedness is present, the following studies may be prescribed:

  • Initially, the patient is recommended to undergo an examination by a neurologist, during which the doctor assesses the state of functioning of fine motor skills and excludes the presence or absence of neurological symptoms;
  • conducting a neuropsychological test to assess the level of intellectual abilities, attention and performance;
  • genetic analysis;
  • blood biochemistry to determine the level of glucose, magnesium, iron, lead;
  • ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels using Dopplerography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • electroencephalography with EP.

Signs of deviations from the norm

Sometimes parents are so busy with themselves that they only learn about their child’s inability to concentrate on a lesson when their beloved child enters first grade. This is where all the problems begin. It is important to recognize in time that a child is absent-minded and inattentive at 7 years old. This is already quite a conscious age. We need to check if there are similar situations from his life here:

  • He does his lessons quickly and does not delve into the essence of the tasks;
  • This reveals many errors;
  • Or he constantly complains of fatigue, although he has not been particularly busy with anything;
  • But there may also be a downside - lessons are done extremely slowly and reluctantly;
  • Or you repeatedly manage to catch the child having his head in the clouds and not studying.

It so happens that absent-minded children constantly lose something, forget, and can even get lost. Therefore, you should not shout at them or scold them for every mistake. They themselves realize their guilt. And then the parents attack, repeating how much money they invested in the thing the child lost, aggravating the already stressful state of the baby.

Problems at school

Everyone would like to raise an excellent student, but the child is inattentive in class. Not every parent knows what to do in this case. Of course, help him develop attentiveness and memory. Check his homework more often, don’t leave everything to chance. It has been scientifically proven that insufficient participation or complete absence of mothers and fathers in the educational process of their children has a negative impact on children’s academic performance. If you don’t praise a child, he doesn’t see the point in developing further.

Accordingly, from the first days of entering school and during the holidays, it is necessary to strive to interest him in his studies. You can do this in a playful way, telling some interesting facts. The main thing is that children like it and draw them into the world of knowledge, and not be an unpleasant duty for which they can also be scolded.

Absent-mindedness at home

It’s probably not difficult to notice that a child promises to clean her room and forgets... Well, what can you do... It’s worth starting to teach your child to have order not only in the house, but also in his head. There is no need to immediately scold and punish. This will only cause a feeling of misunderstanding and aggression. I forgot - and what is it that doesn’t happen to anyone? A different approach is needed in this matter.

You should gradually and unobtrusively accustom your baby to order. Develop in him the habit of putting everything in its place, preparing things and a briefcase for school in the evening, so that in a hurry in the morning he does not forget something very necessary in class. The best way out in resolving this issue would be to draw up a daily routine with a detailed schedule of all his affairs down to the smallest detail - parents checking homework and preparing a backpack with notebooks and textbooks.

An example of a daily routine for a schoolchild is presented in the table below:

07:00 — 07:05The child wakes up
07:05 — 07:20Exercise, hygiene
07:20 — 07:35Breakfast
07:35 — 08:00Getting ready for school
08:00 — 08:30Road to school
08:30 — 13:05Lessons
13:05 — 13:30Way home
13:30 — 13:40Changing clothes, hygiene
13:40 — 14:00Dinner
14:00 — 16:00Free time, sections
16:00 — 18:00Doing homework
18:00 — 18:30Dinner
18:30 — 20:00Free time
20:00 — 21:00Preparation for sleep
21:00 — 07:00Night sleep

At first, you will need to go through the entire daily routine with the child together, gradually accustoming him to independently continuing the work started together. Then he himself will begin to think about his plan of action for tomorrow, completing all duties and tasks on time and without outside help. The main thing is to help him learn to perceive himself correctly in the world around him - be it at home or at school.

Types of memory disorders

Memory diseases occur from a blow to the head, old age, stroke and alcohol. Amnesia can be fleeting and smoothly flowing. A person may forget his name, but remember his professional skills. Only parts of the events that take place can disappear from memory, or your whole life, along with your biography and surname, can disappear.

Such cases are told in movies. Too frequent memory loss in able-bodied, healthy men suggests that special drugs have been developed to eliminate memory. A person who does not remember himself can become an obedient doll in the unkind hands of others.

Korsakov's syndrome

Disorientation in time, the inability to remember present events with a complete memory of the past, is called Korsakoff's syndrome. Patients begin to believe in fictitious events that they themselves invented, and concentration is impaired.

These symptoms are the result of endless drinking, malnutrition, and sometimes head bruises. Young people who give up alcohol can recover by taking medications that improve brain function.

For those who continue to drink after 65, the prognosis is not so positive. Fatalities that result from regular drinking bouts are not uncommon.

The choice is yours! Vodka or life!

Dementia (dementia, senile insanity)

It's no one's fault that we grow old. The natural process of withering of brain cells leads to the fact that over the years, all older people experience absent-mindedness and poor memory.

Many people experience dementia after age 65. But those who learn poetry do not become isolated in their problems, know how to communicate on social networks, walk in the park, do exercises, read about the news in the newspaper every day, and do not fall into senile insanity. Active longevity is possible if you fight adversity.

Pick's disease

Sometimes insidious diseases await a person in old age. Why they attack one subject and bypass the other is unknown. Very transient atrophy of the cortex of the frontal and temporal parts of the brain leads to the destruction of personality.

The inattention of relatives in these cases can lead to unpredictable events. Treatment does not give quick results

Sincere attention, kind words, medicine, walks, fresh air and care slow down the development of the negative process

Alzheimer's disease

Many elderly people aged over 70-80 years suffer from this disease. What to do with bad memory during these years? Train her! Learn to use a computer. Do crossword puzzles. Go visit, support forgetful friends.

Read prayers in foreign languages. Breathe fresh air. Do exercises without getting out of bed in the morning. Go to the ballet with your grandchildren.

Age-related diseases take away memories, but if you struggle, these processes slow down. Life becomes rich, interesting and long. Children should definitely support their elderly parents during these difficult years.

Cerebral atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Cerebral atherosclerosis is a lesion of the vascular system of the brain. If in Pick's disease pathological proteins are deposited in the cell bodies of the cerebral cortex, in atherosclerosis cholesterol plaques are deposited on the walls of the arteries of the head, gradually impeding blood circulation.

Consequences of poor oxygen supply to the brain:

  • memory deteriorates gradually;
  • concentration decreases;
  • characterized by absent-mindedness, sleep disturbance;
  • headaches, blurred vision;
  • other signs of deterioration in brain function.

How to treat atherosclerosis? Fight obesity, stick to a diet without fatty, fried, smoked and sweet “snacks”. Drugs that lower the percentage of cholesterol and blood sugar, vasodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamins will help. Walking, daily physical activity, and a balanced diet will improve the condition of blood vessels and the brain.

How to deal with absent-mindedness - My patience is at its limit

My patience is at its limit! Over the past three days at school, the following things have been forgotten: a jacket, a hairband, gloves, pens and pencils innumerable. And this is just recently! I don’t feel sorry for all this nonsense, but it’s annoying that losses happen every day, and it’s impossible to persuade her to focus on these everyday matters. Well, let’s say, gloves can be tied to a jacket with an elastic band, you can give up on stationery, but you can’t nail a jacket to your shoulders with nails... Recommend something smart, huh?

You can call your mobile phone in the first 5 minutes after the bell from the last lesson, or even better - an SMS, with a funny drawing and text like: “When leaving school, check if you took everything with you?” ))) Or you can set a reminder in your mobile phone. But SMS is cooler, in my opinion. 10.28.2005 19:36:42

))) Mine once came from the pool without socks. In winter. At minus 20. Wearing boots on bare feet. ))) Fine. I didn’t even get sick. I signed everything else. I hope that good people will find it and bring it to 5A (as previously in 1A, 2A, ...). ))) 10.28.2005 19:25:34

What to do with stress?

Stress is the cause of most common diseases, and it weakens attention catastrophically: we can generally stop reacting to the environment and think about anything.

Stress is always tension (this is exactly how this word is translated from English), and for most people it arises as a result of negative emotions of varying degrees of strength. Therefore, as soon as you notice that you have become tired, nervous and anxious about any reason, give yourself a rest: you can rest for 15 minutes during the working day - just go out into the air. No time? Leave your workplace for at least 5 minutes, and take such breaks regularly - stress will immediately begin to recede. Otherwise, headaches, problems with digestion and heart rate, shortness of breath, and then persistent depression and a sharp weakening of the immune system may begin: then problems with attention will recede into the background - you will have to undergo serious treatment.

Negative emotions are not just harmful, but deadly, and especially now, when life around you is in full swing: in a state of extreme irritation, dangerous and catastrophic events are very easily attracted. Emerging problems should not be “buried”, but solved constructively; It’s better to transform emotions into positive ones - success here comes with practice.


A medicinal solution to the problem is possible only after a thorough examination. Typically, memory deterioration requires treatment with medications after 40-50 years, when recommended exercises do not bring the expected results. The most commonly recommended technique for these purposes is:

  1. Bilobila, which is made from the extract of the Ginkgo Biloba plant. The medicine normalizes blood circulation, improves brain functioning, helps eliminate anxiety, improve sleep and mood.
  2. Glycine, which is the safest remedy that has a gentle effect on brain processes.
  3. Aminalon, which allows the absorption of glucose, which is nutrition for nerve cells.
  4. Eleutherococcus extract, which tones the body, restores mental activity, and reduces stress.


A special role for the treatment of memory disorders is played by the administration of Cortexin, produced from the brain of cattle. It is produced as a powder, which, when dissolved, is injected. This drug is widely used for brain injuries and strokes. Allows you to treat Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. It is also widely used to improve cognitive function of the brain.

Cortexin improves the balance between inhibition and excitation, protects brain cells from oxygen starvation, and prevents their aging. This natural remedy is prescribed in courses, which can be repeated three times a year if necessary.

By adhering to certain rules, you can get rid of absent-mindedness. If simple exercises do not improve your well-being, it is recommended to consult a doctor. He will prescribe medications that will help eliminate memory problems.

Bad job

Dissatisfaction - with yourself, with your job, with your home, with anything - can cause serious, chronic problems. And since work occupies one of the main positions in our lives, dissatisfaction with work sometimes plays a decisive role in our mental state.

Of course, from time to time we all get bored with what we do. But if you're constantly working hard and have absolutely no passion for what you're doing, it's not surprising that your attention is more willing to jump to something outside of your work.

What to do. There is only one way - change jobs.

When to see a doctor. Problems at work can indeed be a consequence of ADHD. If a person is unable to perform sequential operations, copes poorly with group tasks and changes jobs several times a year, there is reason to think about it and consult with a specialist. Psychologists also note that a symptom of ADHD can be a constant feeling of worthlessness and low professional self-esteem.

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