Basic branches of psychology: a complete system of fundamental knowledge

Modern scientific psychology is a fairly diverse system of disciplines, sections and branches. A simple enumeration no longer satisfies the needs of researchers. Therefore, it is appropriate to classify them according to certain criteria.

Yu.L. Trofimov

Based on the focus of psychologists’ activities on cognition, research or transformation of the psyche, he distinguishes three large groups of branches - theoretical, scientific-applied and practical psychology.

There are close connections between branches of psychological science. Theoretical psychology develops a system of psychological knowledge, which is the foundation of scientific, applied and practical psychology. For their part, scientific-applied and practical psychology generalizes the means of theoretical psychology, which contributes to the constant updating of the system of concepts, categories, and principles of scientific psychology.

Foundation of Science

The general psychology of the discipline as a whole is based on simple questions that stand in the way of this science, their study, theoretical principles, methods of cognition, patterns and subsequent development in real human life.

The most important issue is the psyche. In its study, they try to give answers to questions such as: what is it, the psyche? Functionality, schematic? What laws does it obey in ontogenesis and phylogenesis? Stages of development, criteria? The relationship between the brain and the psyche? How does the innate psyche differ from the acquired one? Sociality and biology? By what principles can we distinguish normal development from abnormal development?

Considering fundamental questions is not the only thing science studies.

In addition, she pays attention to procedural specifics, its properties and situations. The main subject of study is a person, that is, his personality, activities, communication with other people, knowledge - these questions are submitted to practical and theoretical study

In some cases, these issues are isolated as a separate mental phenomenon, human activity, and cognitive processes.

Typically, general questions are based around the more personal branch of psychology related to self-knowledge. For example, phylogeny examines mental problems in comparison with animal psychology, comparing the development of the human psyche and the animal.

Ontogenetic development directly depends on age, psychological development - the balance between the brain and the mental system (in psychophysiology, neuropsychology); deviations in formation - special psychology examines what constant criteria the connection between the individual and society takes place; the creation and subsequent re-creation of groups - social psychology, a function of work activity; personal development of a person; the rule of education and training and pedagogical features of actions (teacher discipline).

Where to start studying

We have already looked at what psychology studies. But where should a beginner start? In fact, you can read information randomly on topics of interest if you do not want to study science systematically. For example, you are interested in how to get out of conflict situations. That's why you read the relevant materials. Such study, of course, will not make you a professional.

If you want a more comprehensive approach to learning, then you need to start with the theoretical foundations. Just the same, we need to focus on studying the subject and object of psychology, tasks, branches and sections. And then layer on the theory other material, more applied and practical.

Advice: buy books on psychology. Everything in them is put together in the correct and necessary sequence. Given definitions and theory. For practical knowledge, you can turn to the Internet.

General outlook

Studying psychology for overall development is a good idea. The general horizons need to be constantly expanded. Firstly, this will allow you to improve the quality of your self-education and the depth of your personality. Secondly, you will be able to discuss a wider range of topics. Thirdly, this is a good way of self-knowledge.

Child psychology

Many young parents and expectant mothers are often interested in how to properly raise their child. It is in this situation that the section of child psychology comes to the rescue. The child's psyche is strikingly different from that of an adult.

Special books and manuals can answer many questions:

  1. How to talk to a child;
  2. How to build trusting relationships;
  3. How to overcome a crisis of a certain age (3, 7, 13 years);
  4. How to explain something to a child;
  5. How to help him;
  6. How to love and show love towards children, etc.

Psychology of creativity

Many creative works influence the human psyche, evoking in him feelings of beauty, compassion, empathy, disgust, etc. Therefore, in order for a picture or film to achieve its result, it is necessary to understand how and what elements can influence the human psyche.

If you pay attention to works of the horror genre, you will see special techniques that are used to create an atmosphere of fear and fear. It is also based on the functioning of our brain and subconscious mind. Therefore, studying psychological foundations can be a good basis for creativity.

Another example is designers. They have the concept of “color psychology”. The psyche reacts to certain shades in a specific way. Therefore, when creating logos, projects, websites, banners, designers should be guided by the basics of color psychology.

Psychology is common in design, business

Psychology of success

Motivation and self-confidence are the engines of our success in life. Therefore, now on the shelves of bookstores you can often find literature that is devoted to how to achieve success, profit, and how to build a business.

Studying psychological science allows you to choose the right method for achieving goals and results. You can find many techniques for visualizing your dreams, for working through insecurities, etc. This really allows you to achieve success, since everything comes from our head.


Using knowledge of psychology, you can work through your own conflicts and problems:

  1. Excessive self-esteem;
  2. Egocentrism;
  3. Excessive altruism;
  4. Uncertainty;
  5. Closedness;
  6. Work through negative character traits;
  7. Understand which relationships are pulling you back and get out of them;
  8. Correctly defend your personal boundaries;
  9. Protect your interests and desires;
  10. Self-esteem and respect from others.

Branches of psychology

Each branch of psychology has its own personal ideas, which include an individual sequence of subjects that compare individual criteria and mental problems.

Developmental psychology includes children's psychology, divided by each age, adolescence, youth, and the sphere of a formed person, elderly and senile age - gerontopsychology.

A special branch of psychology has contracts: pathopsychology, which studies the law of disintegration of mental activity in any disease, oligophrenopsychology - studies the correlation of mental retardation, typhlopsychology - the study of blind people, and deaf psychology, the study of the deaf.

Social psychology includes the study of contact, the relationship between people, groups, and individual qualities of a person (person).

The labor structure has several divisions. In general, it provides a basic field of knowledge in relation to established types of human occupation, such as the branch of engineering that comprehends human, human-machine work activities, the field of aviation, management, and many other professions.

Simply space

Space psychology studies the psychological characteristics of an astronaut’s activity, as well as factors, ways and methods of organizing his work: weightlessness, sensory deprivation, preparation for flight, etc. Similar in tasks and functional features is aviation psychology, which is associated with extreme working conditions and is characterized by complexity performed actions. The group of related and united by common parameters also includes engineering, educational, social and medical psychology.

In order to prepare a person for space flight as much as possible, approximate conditions, situations, and problems that may arise outside the earth’s surface are first created.

Cosmic psychology helps prepare a person for possible tense circumstances and stress, which allows him to quickly navigate in non-standard conditions. The young branch of natural science at this stage cannot fully manifest itself as a science; its full development is expected in the future. But it faces serious and complex tasks today, since on the basis of useful data obtained over the years, using existing experience, it is necessary to learn how to make a reasonable forecast of the characteristics and capabilities of human mental activity within the framework of space flight. Drawing up a cosmonaut's professional profile requires a huge amount of research and experimentation.

Other areas used in the branches of psychology

From a theoretical point of view, it is permissible to single out any industry, but practice shows that this is not always possible. As a cheat sheet, you can remember a short series of subtypes.

  1. Space. In this form, they study the readiness for work of the future cosmonaut, how prepared the person is for the future flight. In addition, they establish a number of tips that will help you quickly adapt to work. After the flights, the astronaut undergoes a course of psychological rehabilitation and other important procedures.
  2. Aviation section – work with pilots, dispatchers, and other aviation employees.
  3. Industrial and organizational branch of psychology. In some cases, other branches of science are added to the industrial type, for example, the field of management, in other words, private activity.
  4. The branch of psychology aimed at medicine and pathopsychology. The main action is to build a connection between workers in medicine and psychology, but most often specialists study patients, not their doctors.
  5. Pedagogy. Criteria and features of teaching children and teaching adults. Consequences of advanced and continuous education. For example, the school section.
  6. The study of jurisprudence, the legal branch of science. A very serious industry, since it involves the study of rather difficult issues outside the rule of law. The fight against corruption and permissiveness is underway (this also applies to law enforcement agencies).
  7. Tourism. The science that studies human leisure.
  8. Sports section of science. Not so long ago, this branch was widely popular, especially after the Olympics in the USSR. Now it is losing its position, but it does not cease to be an industry.
  9. Scientific research aimed at advertising and mass and impact.
  10. A type of policy study that has recently gained popularity. Especially during the election period.
  11. The military industry has a wide sector of activity. This can be the work of a specialist with the military in peacetime or at points of military action. Its goal is the moral preparation of a soldier for different occasions.

First aid

It is very important to be able to become a psychologist for someone in need at the right time, because a specialist is not always nearby. The problems of modern psychology affect everyone, but sometimes not everyone wants to accept their condition or believe in the emotional disturbances of a loved one, or see their changes in their thinking mechanism. You should not close your eyes, if there are prerequisites for deviations from the norm, you need to take measures:

  • in case of apathy, try to awaken interest in every little thing;
  • Having noticed hallucinations and a delusional state, take him to a quiet place, do not argue, remove dangerous objects;
  • when a person is in a stupor, the points on the forehead located above the eyes should be massaged;
  • in an aggressive state, it is necessary to let emotions spill out regarding an object that is safe for a person;
  • if overexcited, take him away from people and talk calmly;
  • crying subsides well while talking about experiences;
  • fear goes away if a person has a massage of tense parts of the body and at the same time conducts a dialogue;
  • a person in hysterics must be brought to his senses by an unexpected action: break something, hit him on the cheek or shout, and then put the victim to rest.

Such techniques in teaching psychology will help everyone be prepared in shock situations to more calmly cope with stress and maintain their nerves.

Continuous communication

The entire chain of psychological branches has an inextricable connection with each other. It is this close connection that helps to study methods, experiments, and schemes in more depth. For example, the pedagogical type is based on the study of problems with the upbringing or education of children. Meanwhile, general psychology helps it with its knowledge about the entire principle of development of the human psyche, about the procedural and differential part of science - patterns and options, thanks to which it is possible to identify individual criteria of the psyche and create a method of individual approach.

In turn, the age-related type of science helps with knowledge about the principle of development of the mental personality at different stages of age, a way to control the formation, without which it is impossible to build more than one method of teaching or educating the individual. Next, the social type has the necessary knowledge for communication and their characteristics, and as you know, any learning is a process of education through communication and the formation of groups. And with the help of a special scientific branch, students are selected for special educational centers for the subsequent process of training and education. And the science of labor is the main component of pedagogy.

Famous psychologists and their theories

Today, science is actively developing. Therefore, there are many theories now. Let's look at the most popular of them.

PsychologistThe essence of the theory
Sigmund FreudDeveloped a theory of the conscious and unconscious. In his opinion, behind every mental pathology there is an interconnection of conscious and unconscious elements of the human psyche.
Abraham MaslowDeveloped the famous theory of human needs
Lev Semenovich VygotskyHe developed theories of the influence of the team on a person’s personality, the processes of socialization and social development, features of the psychological development of the individual
Jean PiagetCreated a theory of cognitive development of personality. Now his works form the basis of many methods of cognitive psychology
Eric EricsonDeveloped a clear and relevant theory of the stages of psychosocial personality development

Table of theories of famous psychologists and philosophers

Practical psychology

A special place in the classification of branches of psychology is given to practical psychology - a system of services aimed at providing psychological assistance to the population.
The main goal of this direction is to create psychological and social conditions suitable for a person in all spheres of life. Its structure includes the following areas and services:

  • family and social protection;
  • health systems;
  • education systems;
  • management, political activity;
  • practical legal psychology and sociology;
  • socio-psychological service of the army;
  • practical psychology of work and career guidance;
  • practical psychology and sociology of economics and business;
  • psychology and pedagogy of sports.

Since the tasks of the main branches of psychology often overlap, and the methods of providing assistance often coincide, there are quite close connections between them, which determine a more complete study of the subject of research in certain conditions.

Basic psychological concepts.

The first systematic course in psychology was created by the German psychiatrist Emil Kalperin in 1883. Since then, many schools and concepts have emerged within psychological science that try to explain certain mental phenomena.

Psychoanalysis or Freudianism.

The most popular concept known outside of psychological science. Named after its founder, Sigmund Freud, who was the first to divide three levels of mental life: consciousness (Ego or I), preconscious (super-I), unconscious (It or libido). Gradually, psychoanalysis was enriched with new ideas, theories, and psychoanalytic concepts.

Take the Freud test


The idea of ​​finding the meaning of life is based on the idea of ​​the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. In this regard, the category of the meaning of life is contrasted with the eternal search for pleasure, which was promoted by Freud.

Gestalt psychology.

It arose thanks to the efforts of German psychologists Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Koffka as an attempt to build a psychological theory by analogy with physics. The term “Gestalt” itself denotes holistic formations of consciousness, and the main explanatory principle of Gestalt psychology is the principle of integrity.

Humanistic psychology.

The direction was formed within the framework of the humanistic approach. Its most prominent representatives are A. Maslow and K. Rogers. According to humanistic theory, the main goal of human existence is self-actualization, self-realization, and continuous self-development. Spiritual (Christian) psychology can be considered a branch of the humanistic concept.


The word “cognitive” is translated from Latin as “to know.” The main representatives of the movement are George Kelly and Aron Beck, who said: “human feelings and actions are determined by thinking.” Proponents of the concept defend the opinion that a person is not a machine that blindly reacts to changes in the external world, but a thinking person, capable of analyzing information, his actions and behavior, making comparisons, and solving problems.


The founder of behaviorism (translated as “behavior”) is the American psychologist John Watson, who developed the idea of ​​​​the relationship between behavior, stimulus and transmitting reaction. The motto of behaviorism is “psychology is the science of behavior,” and consciousness is not studied here because it does not have behavioral indicators.

Transpersonal (transpersonal).

Translated, it means “the soul on the other side of the mask.” Explores human spirituality, transpersonal experiences in all forms and manifestations, as well as parapsychological phenomena, karmic dynamics, unresolved psychotraumas of birth. Transpersonal techniques focus on unusual states of consciousness - intuition, meditative trance, hypnosis, mediumship. The founder of the direction and inventor of the main technique for “immersion into oneself” (holotropic breathing) is S. Grof.

Take the intuition test


The name of the direction is translated as “interaction” - “social interaction”. The purpose of the direction is to study the laws of interaction: harmonious, positive, disharmonious, conflict. The founder of the interactive concept is George Mead, and its popularizer is Eric Berne.

Branches of modern psychology

A library-bibliographic classification can also give a certain idea of ​​the main areas of modern psychology, knowledge of which can be useful for psychologists when working with literature on any problem in library catalogs.

Depending on the research method or psychological practice, such branches of psychology are distinguished as scientific and practical psychology, experimental psychology, mathematical psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy, and counseling psychology.

It is natural to assume that the listed branches of psychology, areas of psychological research and psychological practice should be reflected to one degree or another in the curricula of psychological education.

Which of the above branches of psychological science and practice should be included among the academic disciplines within a specific educational program? This depends on the following factors:

1. The authority of the relevant branch of knowledge in the scientific world. The more authority a science, field of scientific research or practice enjoys, the more

it is more likely to be included in the curriculum of the educational program.

2. The goals of the educational program and understanding of the significance of each discipline for psychological education. The more the importance of a given science or branch of knowledge for the implementation of the goals of a given educational program is realized, the more likely it is that it will be included in the number of academic disciplines.

3. Teachers who can teach courses in relevant disciplines. An academic discipline is introduced into the curriculum only if there are teaching staff with the appropriate qualifications; The professional specialization of a teacher working at the university and the area of ​​his scientific interests contribute to the inclusion of the corresponding academic discipline in the curriculum.

4. Real resources of teaching time within the framework of this educational program. Given the limited time allocated to any educational program, the principle “the more the better” is inappropriate, since it leads to overload. Therefore, despite the importance of individual academic subjects, they are not included in the curriculum.

5. Methodological equipment of the relevant discipline. It is advisable to include a scientific discipline or branch of knowledge in the curriculum if there are certain teaching aids, although there are a number of cases when the inclusion of a discipline in the curriculum has become an incentive for the development of appropriate teaching aids.

Traditionally, the curriculum of higher educational institutions includes those disciplines that have certain teaching traditions and demonstrate a high level of scientific knowledge. This set of disciplines is quite typical, so the content of basic psychological courses in many countries is quite similar. Specific psychological disciplines studied by students in various educational programs in Russia, Europe and America will be discussed in the following sections of the book.

Also read:

Phenomena and definition of attention Conflicts in the implementation of the “organizational imperative” and in the process of developing and making management decisions Information theory of emotions (P.V. Simonov) Consciousness and the unconscious (C.G. Jung) Magical (magical) thinking

What books will help a beginner

What books should I start with to get to know myself and the science of psychology? Initially, let’s say that this can be either non-educational literature or textbooks or monographs on the topic under consideration.

  1. L. Burbo “5 injuries that prevent you from being yourself.” This book will tell you in an easy and understandable way about the five main personal traumas. He will also tell you what methods and methods can be used to work them out;
  2. D. Kehoe “The subconscious can do anything.” Reveals such elements as consciousness and subconsciousness, as well as how they work and interact with each other;
  3. K. Jung “Memories, Reflections, Dreams.” The book is quite popular in Jung's writings. It reveals deep psychology. In general, all of Jung's works are required reading, as they reveal the basis and basis of psychology;
  4. D. Goleman “Emotional Intelligence.” Reveals the characteristics of our emotions and the emotional functioning of the brain.

If you want to go deeper into more theoretical knowledge, any general psychology textbook will do. It can be purchased, downloaded or borrowed from the library. The choice is yours.

Work of specialists

In all industries, the psychologist faces a difficult task

Firstly, it is important for him to take into account the position of a person in a particular field of work. Secondly, it is necessary not to disturb your subjective psyche

Thus, the specialist spends most of his time studying, and in some cases, taking the working industry as a stakeholder to optimize a group of people (team). Over time, the specialist becomes a participant in the process and an employee of a team, since it is he who puts pressure on the work of a group of people. Therefore, psychologists are in demand in various industrial sectors and organizations.

Large companies hire several psychologists for permanent work. There are cases when additional professional persons are invited to join the main group, for example, during the reorganization of a company. Such a group sets tasks for itself and then carries them out. In such industries, his main task is tactics and efficiency.

But you can often find distrust in leadership positions towards psychological help. Therefore, an applied psychologist faces a serious task and a forced measure to take responsibility for an accurate strategy of issues, establishing a plan and options for subsequent actions, while simultaneously working on the culture of management positions, customers and ordinary workers.

Practical psychology happens a little differently. Special practice is based on working with a ward who completely trusts the specialist. Then the psychologist himself sets certain tasks and a study strategy, followed by intervention in the ward’s problem.

Should you consult a psychologist if you have problems?

Of course it's worth it. What is more important here is the ability to contact a specialist in case of problems. You can contact a psychologist if you have problems of varying importance. Consultation is necessary for mental illnesses (for example, depression, bipolar mental disorder), as well as serious and profound injuries.

For example, victims of domestic violence need specialist advice. Since it is impossible to work through this moment on your own. For many factors. For example, due to the presence of Stockholm syndrome, when the victim idealizes the rapist and begins to justify him. Therefore, a professional view and approach from the outside is needed.

Main branches of psychology and sections

Modern psychology includes several dozen independent branches.
Moreover, new ones appear quite often. This is due to the enormous demand for psychological science in all spheres of human activity. The basis can be called the fundamental branches of modern psychology, which are united by common theoretical principles, concepts and methods. The problems that applied psychology solves are relevant for all scientific fields. The knowledge gained through research is used in specific areas - sports, space and many others. Special branches study individual issues that are of great importance for all science. Practical psychology is aimed at solving the psychological problems of specific clients; its specialists carry out preventive and corrective work.

Scheme of branches of psychology:

Theoretical psychology includes: general psychology, genetic, comparative, differential, history of psychology, mental modeling, psychophysiology, experimental.

Deviation from accepted standards

Not all areas of modern psychology are considered recognized or fully studied. Many still do not want to be recognized as scientists, or remain an unexplored area for those who want to unravel the mystery of telepathy and clairvoyance.

Parapsychology - what kind of science is it and what tasks does it set for itself? Not universally recognized science deals with the study of paranormal phenomena, phenomena, and unexplained facts. Types of forms of paranormal sensitivity are expressed in the form of telepathy (mental communication between people), clairvoyance (receiving data through inexplicable flows of information from the outside through the senses), precognition (a type of clairvoyance based on predicting the future). They also study dowsing (search using a curved metal wire), psychokinesis (influencing surrounding objects with the help of thoughts), paramedicine (the study of inexplicable methods of treatment).

Does all of the above areas of parapsychology have something in common? What could it be? That they are mysterious, mysterious and too far from generally accepted reality.

In Europe, back in 1882, the organization “Society for the Study of Psychical Phenomena” was created in London, and by the 30s of the 20th century there were more than 240 laboratories in 30 countries. The debunking of parapsychologists' hypotheses further instilled confidence in followers who were looking for evidence of their theories.

Over time, thanks to the contributions of engineers and physicists, it was established that the human brain is associated with scientific physical processes, and accordingly, some of the phenomena studied began to be determined by traditional research methods. Inexplicability and incorrectness in terms of methodology cause distrust from the outside, but parapsychological phenomena exist and require a scientific psychological and physical explanation, which is what parapsychologists do in scientific institutions.

Levels of practical branches of psychology

Practical problems of science exist at different stages.

  1. Research tasks. A detailed consideration of episodes of personality development for the further formation of the methodological foundations of work in the practice of a psychologist. Application of various knowledge, methods, and means for professional work in conditions of different nature.
  2. Applied ones are identified according to the need for psychological supply of the best work of the organization (company, institution) of labor of the working force as a whole and separately, implying the preparation of programs for subsequent training. The basis of the educational material includes the creation of textbooks, manuals, recommendations from specialists, methods, training/retraining programs, the work of psychology services in practice, and design of documentation.
  3. Practical tasks are based on specific problems based on the professional practice of a psychologist, work in multidisciplinary organizations, centers - as a means of providing specific assistance to individuals in the institution.

A number of main subjects:

Abnormal. Based on the study of abnormal human behavior and psychopathology. The main task is to study the range of mental disorders, for example, obsession, depression, and much more. Clinical psychologists, as well as psychotherapists, often have to deal with these types of deviations. Behavior. Behaviorism (behavioral psychology) is a theoretical training based on the idea that all types of behavior are formed by the technique of conditioning, that is, the acquisition of new qualities due to a stimulus.

Biopsychological branch. Studying the influence of the brain on human behavior. In other words, this branch is called physiological. Cognitive section

This type studies the purely internal human state, motivation, overcoming problems and resolving issues, human attention, thinking, and decision-making ability. This section has been constantly under development since its opening. Comparison area

Observation of changes in the actions of an animal, based on which one can study a person more seriously.

Cross culture. The influence of culture on a person. IACCP (International Association of Cross Culture) began in the last century, in 1972, and to this day the field is growing and continuing its work. Section of the study of human development. This section is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of human formation at the stage of the entire life period. The main thing is to understand the reasons why human behavior can change over time. This point, in principle, studies all types of industries related to the formation of a person’s personality. Pedagogy and psychology. The area determined in the process of education and training. This industry has already been discussed a little higher. Experimental. The use of scientific methods in the study of the brain or human behavior. Most methods also use other types of sections for a more extensive study of the issue.

Judicial. Briefly, this section studies everything that is combined in the legislation. Psychologists are entrusted with many cases related to the law and its violation, for example, establishing the abuse of minor children. Health. The influence of scientific branches, biology, systems of action, social circumstances of character - on the state of human health. In another way – “medical”. Personal industry. A study of thought processes (thinking) and emotions that make humans different from animals. Sociality. This section examines a person’s actions in the social sphere, interaction, leadership qualities, non-verbal communication, and how the environment can influence a person.

Current directions

Modern psychology as a science works in a fairly diverse and wide range of studied aspects of human activity. There is no consensus about psychology and the system of psychological knowledge. There are scientists, researchers, founders of certain standards and methods of work - each school of psychology is distinguished by its individual approach, presenting to the world its own vision of solving problems and problems.

For example, logotherapy as a psychotherapeutic strategy was developed by one of the most famous psychologists, V. Frankl, in the 40s of the 20th century. He was sure that personal development cannot occur without the search and realization of the meaning of life. And helping the client is based on finding it through Socratic dialogue, revealing existing experiences, discussing personal experience. This psychological technique is effective for neuroses, phobias, fears, depression, and overcoming psychological trauma.

Humanistic psychology is a set of philosophical views on human activity and development, on the basis of which researchers have built the therapeutic process. The basis for teaching psychology in this direction was the thoughts of E. Fromm, K. Rogers, A. Maslow and others. Their opinion was that a person from birth has a desire for self-realization, for achieving which the balance of the innermost level of consciousness and its degree in space is important society. External reality, depending on society, is conditional, since true reality lies in the experiences of the person himself.

This therapy helps resolve internal conflicts, find yourself, make difficult decisions, get out of depression, overcome loneliness, and learn to enjoy life.

Existential psychology studies the problems of being and time, dilemmas of freedom and choice, love and loneliness, the essence of God. The most famous psychologists and philosophers L. Binswanger, M. Boss, R. May set the goal of this therapy to solve the problem of restoring the authenticity of a particular personality, achieving correspondence between its being and inner nature.

Gestalt psychology is based on holistic structures, the essence of which is that a person sees the picture of the surrounding world much simpler than it actually is, highlighting only what is necessary for him, leaving everything else out of interest. Failure to satisfy the needs in the psychology of modern man leads to a deficit lifestyle. Therapy helps a person realize his need, which will lead to more organized and effective actions in the future and help get rid of depression. The Gestalt therapy technique is based on focusing attention, taking responsibility, and working with polarities.

Memory work, cognitive processes, motivation and behavior are the tasks of modern cognitive psychology. Developed by A. Beck, the therapy is based on highlighting to cognition the place of the main determinant of the emergence of emotions, which determines the meaning of holistic behavior. The occurrence of various types of mental disorders is explained by the incorrect construction of the description of one’s personality. Answers to questions like: “How do I see myself? What future awaits me? may or may not correspond to modern reality. Inadequate answers lead a person to erroneous actions.

The therapy includes three stages, where first the patient discovers errors in his own judgments, then relates them to the objective situation, and finally builds an optimal awareness of himself and his own actions. Thus, a person trains his consciousness in terms of the psychology of extreme situations, in accordance with adequate solutions to the problem that has arisen in a calm environment.

Transpersonal psychology takes into account the prenatal period of life. Its founder S. Groff believed that this approach allows us to take a broader look at both negative and positive conflicts in a person’s life. Consciousness in this approach is studied in multidimensional existence, in a higher state in terms of the parapsychological phenomenon of meta-value and meta-need. The therapy uses meditation, active imagination, holotropic breathing, mystical and religious experience. This approach is used in personal growth training, treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism, psychosis and neuroses.

Neurolinguistic programming originated in the USA; R. Bandler and D. Grinder are considered its founders. The task of modern psychology using this technique is the following: based on studying the behavior patterns of successful individuals, help the client quickly and effectively change the course of his thoughts, adjust his behavior, and reconsider beliefs that interfere with the achievement of his goals. NLP Techniques:

  • six-step reframing;
  • generator of new behavior;
  • model swing;
  • Museum of New Beliefs;
  • anchoring resource states, etc.

The weakness of such therapy is the lack of understanding of the complete “picture of the world”, the construction of adequate patterns of behavior that could work effectively in the changing conditions of reality.

Coaching is a fairly new training concept that emerged at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The principles of modern psychology of this method combine philosophy, management, sports and psychological concepts in achieving success in almost all areas of activity. This informal interview-based training is used in marketing, finance and other business areas, as well as in sports, health, art, etc.

The essence of the training is to unlock a person’s inner potential through the psychological interaction between the coach and the client-player. As a result, the client gains the ability to quickly navigate changing conditions.

Branches of applied psychology

Applied psychology studies psychological problems characteristic of certain areas of life or professional activity of people. The branches of applied psychology include:

pedagogical psychology;

medical psychology;

psychology of art;

psychology of religion;

family psychology, etc.

Educational psychologyMedical psychologyLegal psychology

Economic psychology studies issues related to economic relations between people. Experts in economic psychology study problems of the market, supply and demand, and the psychology of advertising

An important place in economic psychology is occupied by trade psychology, which studies the psychological problems of interaction between seller and buyer, customer service

Psychology of workPolitical psychologyPsychology of sportsPsychology of art

Psychology of religion is a direction of research into psychological problems of religious consciousness, ideas and feelings of believers, as well as religious traditions, rituals, and cults.

Family psychology

Relevance of the problem

Modern applied psychology considers emotional stress to be the most harmful, because it can lead the mind to a dangerous form of disorder. Every year a person faces a lot of difficulties, and psychological preparation for him becomes simply an irreplaceable factor. For this purpose, preventive measures have been developed to help a person navigate difficult tasks, such as accidents, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters. Help in such difficult tests is provided by the concept of psychology of extreme situations.

Typical shock situations are considered to be:

  • spatial disorientation;
  • monotony - an unchanging state for a long time;
  • temporary disorientation;
  • loneliness;
  • constant risk to life;
  • restriction of information;
  • lack of autonomy.

Theoretical psychology

Theoretical psychology includes: general psychology, history of psychology, experimental, genetic, social, comparative, differential psychology, psychophysiology, personality psychology, mental modeling.

General psychology

systematizes experimental data obtained in various fields of psychological science, develops fundamental theoretical problems of psychology, formulates basic principles, categories, concepts, patterns, and constitutes the foundation for the development of all branches and sections of scientific psychology.

History of psychology

examines the formation of psychological categories and concepts throughout the existence of scientific psychology, the history of psychological research at different times in different schools, and the prospects for the development of psychology as a science.

Experimental psychology

develops new methods of psychological research to study mental reality.

Genetic psychology

studies the patterns of development of the psyche of animals and humans in phylogenesis (during the biological evolution of all living things and the historical development of the psyche) and in ontogenesis (during the life of an individual person).

Social Psychology

explores mental phenomena in the process of interaction between people in large and small social groups, namely: the influence of mass media on various segments of the population, features of the formation and spread of rumors, tastes, public sentiment, fashion, issues of psychological compatibility, interpersonal relationships, group atmosphere, the role of the leader in the group, the perception of a person by a person, the position of an individual in a group, relationships between family members and the like.

Comparative psychologists

I am a branch of psychology that studies the phylogenetic forms of mental life.
In the field of comparative psychology, the psyche of animals and humans is compared, the specifics and reasons for the similarities and differences in their behavior are established. A branch of comparative psychology is animal psychology
, which studies the psyche of animals belonging to various systematic groups (species, breeds, families), the most important forms and mechanisms of behavior.
Cetaceans (dolphins) are now added to the classical objects of comparative psychology (spiders, ants, bees, birds, dogs, horses, monkeys). The innate mechanisms of animal behavior are the object of special study in a relatively new field of biology and psychology - ethology

Differential psychology

explores individual psychological characteristics of the psyche, taking into account the age level of development and mechanisms of functioning of the psyche, the role of the inclinations and abilities of the individual, and the like.


studies the physiological mechanisms of the activity of the brain and higher nervous system related to the functioning of the psyche.

Psychology of Personality

studies the mental properties of a person as a holistic entity, as a certain system of mental properties, which has an appropriate structure, internal relationships, which is characterized by individuality and which is interconnected with the surrounding natural and social environment.

Mental simulation

as a section of theoretical psychology uses scientific information about the psyche to form mathematical and cybernetic models of mental functions (perception, thinking, memory, recognition, communication, etc.) and the entire psyche as a whole for the purpose of developing and improving technical systems, testing existing psychological theories using computer modeling (computer experiment).


In this section, we will try to answer the most common questions that arise among people who have begun to take an active interest in the peculiarities of the human psyche.

How are philosophy and psychology related?

As already mentioned, psychology and philosophy are interrelated sciences. Since many ideas and patterns are blackened by philosophy. Moreover, learned philosophers have made just as significant contributions to the development of psychology as learned psychologists.

These two sciences have the same methods and similar subjects. Psychology is an opportunity to answer the fundamental philosophical questions “What is the soul?”, “What is the meaning of life”, “How to live correctly”, “What is love” and others like that.

What can you become after receiving professional education as a psychologist?

This area of ​​knowledge is very universal. It can be used everywhere, including for personal purposes.

When you receive education as a psychologist, or as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist, you can work in your specialty. In addition to the monetary component, you also have the goal of helping people who need it.

With a psychological education, you can become a consultant, coach, or teacher. Personal consultants in companies are now in great demand, so it is not necessary to engage in psychological practice.

But even in a situation where you do not want to connect your life with psychology in any way, getting an education has significant benefits. You can recognize an abuser in the early stages, see the tyrant behind the mask of virtue. Moreover, you can more correctly choose the necessary way out of conflict and communication. This knowledge will allow you to build a healthy and ecological relationship with a loving person.

Can psychologists have psychological and mental problems?

A psychologist and a person who studies psychology is a person like everyone else. Therefore, it is normal if at some point he has psychological problems (trauma, stress, depression). The only difference is that the psychologist can notice the symptoms of some diseases and disorders in himself. But his illnesses also need to be treated.

Is knowledge of psychology always enough for self-medication?

Of course not. If we are talking about easy problems - worries, obsessive thoughts, then Nana's psychology will be enough. However, there are also mental illnesses, as well as serious injuries. Their diagnosis and treatment is only possible from the outside. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist, even if you yourself have a professional education in this industry.

There are many questions regarding the study of psychology

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