Velesichi, or Brownie Day February 10: why in Rus' they were afraid to leave the brownie without a treat

Admit it, would you like to suffer from omnipotence? There is a Napoleon in each of us. To some, a short man in a cocked hat whispers that it would be cool to make “a thousand bucks a day”; to someone, a military leader sits down, claiming that you shouldn’t sell yourself for less than for a director’s chair at Gazprom. And to others Bonaparte stubbornly hammers in: “Only the whole Universe, only hardcore.” The last set includes both the subjugation of space and superiority over time. We don’t know what kind of Corsican has taken up residence in you, but even if it’s not the most raking one, you know... Allow yourself to dream.

Although, dreams are dreams, but the biblical Elijah at one time stopped the sun for three days. Not by my own strength, of course, but there was no Minecraft then. And then he managed to put the luminary in place, preventing it from going beyond the horizon. Imagine what you, the rulers of the gaming world, can do. Let your omnipotence not go beyond the limits of virtual reality, but you have to start somewhere. So start by controlling the main “light bulb” of the solar system. Let's tell you a secret: you don't have to adapt to the daily cycle imposed on you by the creators of Minecraft. Now we will tell you how to stop a wonderful moment.

Who is Brownie

People believe that Domovoy is the personal protector of every home, an assistant to its owners in all matters and endeavors. The holiday in his honor is, of course, a pagan tradition. However, this is also a great opportunity to “revive” the home atmosphere of comfort and coziness. After all, everyone imagines their brownie differently, asking him for silence and peace in the house, without evil words, swearing and scandals. This spirit is most often asked for mutual respect and love.

A “personal protector” is considered almost another full-fledged family member, friend and assistant.

Turn on gradation

Day is good. But the black and white world is not very good. If you like any “shade” of the day, there is a second method prepared for you. The same command “/time set”, at the end of which any number from zero to 24000 is placed separated by a space, will allow you to diversify the daily cycle. Here are some examples:

  • “/time set 6000” - and you are guaranteed a permanent day.
  • 18000. This team ending will appeal to sleepwalkers, as it will cover Minecraft at night.
  • 12000. Dedicated to twilight lovers.

In general, experiment. You can set any value and see what happens in Minecraft.

Velesici, Kudesy, Day of Treating the Brownie

Velesichi, Kudesy or, more simply, the Day of Treating the Brownie has been celebrated for many centuries in a row. Also on this day, February 10, the memory of the theologian, philosopher and poet Ephraim the Syrian is honored. During his lifetime, the saint defended family values, spirituality and morality of the family. It was Ephraim, who lived in the fourth century, who argued that an invisible energetic entity lives in every house, the behavior of which directly depends on the behavior of the household members. This is the Brownie, who can play the role of both a kind helper and an angry miscreant. It all depends on how you behave, whether you offend or anger this spirit. Try to please him - and your home will become a calm and happy haven. The invisible home protector will not ask you for anything in return.

Life7 tips on how to relax over the weekend alone

Text: Ksenia Tatarnikova, author of the Smart Cookie blog

WONDERZINE is launching a new section on how to properly relax over the weekend in different life circumstances. Simply put, we give advice for all cases - what to do so that by Monday morning you don’t feel overwhelmed and ashamed of a pointlessly wasted weekend.

What to do on the weekend if you are alone? Not lonely, but alone and with a great desire to restore the strength spent during the week. There are a lot of plans, but every time the everyday stagnation spills over into the weekend and repeats Groundhog Day. One day it's worth trying to act according to plan. For example, like this:

Change your appearance and social circle for a short time

When you live according to the same algorithm for years, the picture of the world becomes blurred, and the joy from every day you live goes away. Wait with the accusations of banality: psychologists have found that even clothes can completely change our mood and behavior. For example, if you ask a person to put on a white coat, he will automatically perform the assigned work more carefully. A timid girl dressed in tomboy style straightens her shoulders and feels more confident.

Dramatic reforms can be made not only in clothing, but also in behavior and social circles. If among your friends and acquaintances there is a person whom you openly or secretly admire and would like to learn something from him (for example, making connections and easily communicating with people, running a household or business) - become his partner for a day. Observe, learn and help.

Digital detox

A typical weekend scenario: as soon as we open our eyes, we go online and spend the entire day on it. Researchers talk about real addiction - every new photo, text, status update stimulates the release of the pleasure hormone dopamine, and it encourages you to log into the social network again and again. As a result, the brain feels crowded and chaotic, memory suffers, the ability to create and plan, communicate live with loved ones, friends, make new acquaintances - we become autistic, withdraw into ourselves. Mood swings, fears, phobias, depression are also the price to pay for the habit of being “stupid on Facebook.”

Digital detox (temporarily eliminating all electronic devices from life) is a proven way to protect the brain from information intoxication. The rules are the same as with food detox. Start early by reducing your time online by 15 minutes every day of the week. Don't take your phone with you when you go to lunch, and don't put it next to your bed - buy a regular alarm clock. It is better to schedule a digital detox on a day free from work, when you belong to yourself and can relax. Pick the sites or apps you spend the most time on and ask yourself: what is it about them that draws you to them? Try to find a replacement for them in real life. If you're inspired by artistic photos on Instagram, go to an art gallery. If you spend hours on fitness blogs, go jogging or skiing.

In the evening, when you turn on your phone again and are flooded with filtered photos from your friends' fun weekends on Facebook, remind yourself that social networks reflect only the most beautiful moments in the lives of others. Most of them are not so shiny and remain behind the scenes.


Most of us view exercise as a bitter medicine: hard physical labor in exchange for health and a slim figure. Few people realize that the body is initially programmed to enjoy movement (hence the expression “muscle joy”). After 40–50 minutes of intense exercise, the brain begins to produce cannabinoids, substances similar to those found in marijuana. They relieve anxiety, pain and create the so-called runner's high. Athletes describe it as a feeling of complete relaxation, pure delight, harmony with oneself and nature, “as if you were rocking on the waves of happiness.” Women between the ages of 18 and 63 can experience orgasm during exercise. Here is a ranking of fitness types in order of increasing pleasure: race walking, running, cycling, yoga, strength fitness, abdominal exercises.

This coming weekend, try doing your workout as if it were a reward in itself. Concentrate on the pleasant sensations while doing the exercises. Finally, another inspiring argument from Jane Fonda in favor of sports: “Perhaps the fastest way to clear your mind is to get your body in order. Get your thoughts out of your head and take care of your body.”

Creative date

If the words “going to an exhibition” or “excursion to the theater” make your cheekbones ache, try creative dates. The author of the term, American director and screenwriter Julia Cameron, wrote a bestseller on this topic, “The Artist’s Way” (by the way, a great idea for weekend reading). Choose one of your favorite activities (a visit to an art supply store, a spa, an Italian lesson, an outing, a regular walk in the park) and go on a date with him. It is important not to take anyone with you for company and not to force yourself out of control. Instead, a creative date should include spontaneity and time for yourself and what you truly love. You don’t need to look up to anyone or look back; the more you behave like a child, the more ideas and insights come to your mind.

Do some spring cleaning

Cold, darkness, dirt and chaos in the house, lack of sleep provoke bouts of gluttony - proven by scientific research. Moreover, on weekends, as a rule, overeating reaches its peak. Start your weight loss program not with a diet, but with spring cleaning. Give away or throw away unnecessary items. Buy beautiful bedding and try to sleep at least 7 hours a night. If you are cold, wear more soft clothes.

Listen to the music

Ten minutes of good music can play the role of the most effective meditation and, in addition, acts on the brain as cardio training: it strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of memory and imagination. Develop a sense of music - there is melody in all the sounds around us, we are just used to thinking of them as noise.

Cosmetic procedures

A day off is the ideal time for spa treatments. If the budget is very small, you can limit yourself to a massage. In a good salon, along with a massage, they offer free access to the hammam and swimming pool. You can carry out a full cycle of cleansing and nourishing the skin, relax muscles, relieve stress, reduce cellulite and swelling. To enhance the effect, on the day of visiting the salon, eat minimally (give preference to light dairy products, vegetables and fruits) and drink more water. After the massage, spend the rest of the day in relaxation and tranquility - no urgent meetings or parties.

Illustrations: Masha Shishova

How to appease a brownie, what to treat him with and what to say at the same time

In Rus' they tried to appease Domovoy. After all, a hungry and angry spirit could take revenge on the owners of the house: take and hide household items from them, scare pets, and make strange sounds.

In order to appease the Brownie, you don’t need to do anything special or complicated. Just prepare a delicious treat for him, and on the evening of February 9, put this very treat on the stove. At the same time, remember: all brownies love sweets very much. Therefore, most often this evening they prepare porridge for the Brownie, but most of all he will be happy with a cake or pie, sweets, lollipops and sugar. Add a drink to the food, such as milk or red wine. Also place a small doll, coins and playing cards on the table. In general, do everything to ensure that Brownie is fed and happy.

When leaving such a tasty and enjoyable gift for your home’s patron spirit, say:

“Grandfather-neighbor, eat porridge and take care of our hut!” or “Master-father, accept our porridge and eat pies, take care of our house!”

If you don't have an oven, simply place the sweets on a plate and leave them in the kitchen overnight. Best served on a clean white tablecloth. Don't put the treats away until the morning.

"Plus or Minus"

There are several ways to control the time of day in Minecraft. But they all imply that you either have operator rights on the server (if you prefer multiplayer), or did not forget to enable cheat mode (if you are lonely). So, the first way to make an eternal day.

On the command line you need to write: /time set day . From now on, if you haven't missed anything, you will enjoy the absence of the night. We don’t know how long you will last, because darkness has its advantages. But this is clearly not a problem, you are a time lord, remember? And as soon as you get bored with the light above your head in Minecraft, all you have to do is write almost the same thing. Only instead of “day” you need to put “night”. It will turn out like this: /time set night .

Meditation is the best way to speed up time and improve your emotional state

It is thanks to meditation that our brain rests well and our emotional background is restored. By regularly practicing meditation techniques, we stop being so nervous or impatient. We recommend meditating every day in the evenings, and after a couple of weeks you will notice that you are not at all worried about how to make time go faster.

Photo source: yandex pictures


Main article: Achievement system

IconAchievementDescriptionTaskAvailabilityXbox PointsTrophy type (PS)
Passing the TimeSpend 100 days in the game.Spend 100 days in Minecraft
, that's 33 hours of real time.
YesYesYesWii U, Switch20GBronze

Time ratio

Relationship between game time and real time:

  • 1 game hour = 50 real [1] seconds, ≈ 0.833 (5⁄6) real minutes. (10 m + 7 m + 1.5 m + 1.5 m) / 24 h ≈ 0.833 m
  • 1 game day = 20 real minutes. 10 m + 7 m+ 1.5 m + 1.5 m = 20 m
  • 1 game week = 2 hours 20 minutes in reality. 20 m * 7 d / 60 m ≈ 140 m / 60 m = 140⁄60 h = 7⁄3 h = 2 1⁄3 h = 2 h 20 m
  • 1 game month = 10 real hours. 20 m * 30 d / 60 m = 10 h
  • 1 game year ≈ 5 real days, ≈ 121 real hours. 20 m * 365 d / 60 m ≈ 121 h

Relationship between real time and game time:

  • 1 real hour of play = 3 game days. 60 m/ 20 m = 3 d
  • 1 real game day = 72 game days. 24 h* 60 m / 20 m = 72 d
  • 1 real game week ≈ 1.4 game years, = 72 game weeks, = 504 game days. 7 d* 24 h * 60 m / 20 m = 504 d
  • 1 real month of the game ≈ 6 game years, = 72 game months, = 2,160 game days. 30 d * 24 h * 60 m / 20 m = 2160 d
  • 1 real game year = 72 game years, = 876 game months, = 26,280 game days. 365 d * 24 h * 60 m / 20 m = 26280 d

Effective use of time in a productive working day

How to make your day productive at work? First, analyze it. Every action. Try retelling it out loud. This way you will quickly understand what needs to be changed.

Everyday activities become habits, so changing behavior will not be easy mentally. Be prepared for psychological discomfort in the first days. Only the first 4 days will be difficult.

Remember: everything you do for 21 days becomes a habit. It will take you three weeks to get used to the new schedule.

Set Clear Goals

Write down on paper everything you would like to achieve. Point by point, make a plan for each desire. Turn your dreams into reality. It is not difficult. People are stopped only by laziness and inertia. Don't be like everyone else. Show by example that you can achieve anything in life. And this is true.

A productive day is a day that will bring you closer to your dreams.

Find what will bring maximum results

If you want to lose weight, it’s not enough to do two squats every day and give up the third piece of candy. Make a full-fledged plan, switch to a healthy diet, and burn extra calories with exercise every day.

If you dream of getting a license and buying a car, it’s not enough to look at offers for car sales every day. Sign up for a driving school. Save for education and plan to buy a car.

If you want something, you can take the longest route, taking two steps a day. Instead, imagine that your dream can come true in the shortest possible time. There is no need to wait, live here and now.

“It’s better to run for two rubles than to lie for a ruble.” Make the most of every day.

Get rid of unimportant tasks by any means

Read less news online. Spend less time on social networks. Don't put anything off until tomorrow. Try to ensure that what can be put off until tomorrow is done yesterday.

Make time for your loved one

Another way to spend your day productively. Each of us has responsibilities. Parents live for their children. We are all someone's children. Someone works for the future, someone works to provide for their family, to help their parents. We all have a responsibility to our loved ones. But you must not forget about your desires in your responsibilities. This will be a one-sided approach, short-sighted. You are a person, an individual. And your life belongs only to you. Spending it on responsibilities alone is like deciding that drinking is more important than eating and drinking water for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Remember:

  • A person has a need to grow, to fulfill dreams and desires. This is necessary for mental health.
  • You will not be a full-fledged person and will not be able to help anyone if you drive yourself into depression by building a life of continuous responsibilities.
  • You must not only fulfill your responsibilities by helping your loved ones. You must please them, inspire them. Your well-being is a necessity. Not only for you, but also for your family and friends.
  • Even if you are alone and there is no one who can be happy for you, you can always become happy and successful in spite of your enemies. Isn't this a reason?
  • Selfishness is a useful trait in a certain concentration. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of living not only for others, but also for yourself.

This is your birthright.

Divide your work hours into blocks or periods

It seems that the day consists of small tasks around the house and a huge spot called “work”. Divide your workday into stages.

  1. You show up, rock out, fulfill most of the obligations.
  2. During your lunch break you have time to have lunch and do something for yourself.
  3. From finishing lunch to leaving the office you will have a third of your working day. Make it as productive as possible. Place some of your tasks there for tomorrow and prepare for the next working day. Your manager will certainly appreciate this.

Enter a state of flow

Get rid of stress and problems that don't exist. If you suffer from anxiety, consult a therapist or psychologist. Your life should be calm and measured. Nothing can disrupt your plans. Think through each day without stress. Avoid stress. Feel like a branch floating down a river. Let the current carry you, just float along, doing what is necessary to achieve your goals.

Plans sometimes fall through - no need to blame yourself

Get rid of perfectionism. If you don't get everything done tomorrow, you don't have to quit. Just break big goals into small components.

Focus on weekly goals

Set your priorities. What is more important: watching the series or finding your soulmate? If the latter, then go for a walk instead of watching TV.

Set your priorities. What is more important: watching the series or reading a useful book? Lose extra pounds or meet your girlfriend?

Every Sunday, set goals for yourself that you need to achieve by the next Sunday. And this must happen even if the world ends. Unconditionally, uncompromisingly. This is the only way to achieve something in life.

Summarize, evaluate your results

Did you have a good time last week? Was it productive? Let your actions be hidden from others, but you must try to earn self-approval and self-respect.

You can set aside a specific day for routine tasks

Let one of your weekends be devoted to things that you put off in order to do the most important thing, the thing that brings you closer to your goal.

A categorical “no” to everything that does not give the desired result

If you do the same things every day and expect that one day they will start to produce a different result, you are probably short-sighted. Psychologists define this behavior as a deviation from the norm in development. If your actions are not helping you, change tactics. Change until you find a working version.

Feel free to throw out everything from your life that brings neither benefit nor pleasure.

Rest as an important factor in a productive day

He who does not know how to rest is not an expert at work. After active work, always take time to rest. This doesn't mean you should waste your time. Rest is a change of activity. Just alternate active activities with calmer ones, movement with rest. This way you can get a lot done in one day. You have no idea how much more you can accomplish.

Don't check your email until you're done with your morning routine.

Many people rush to social networks before they can open their eyes. Check messages after a full wake-up, jogging or gymnastics, breakfast, shower. When you are ready to start your day. And not a minute sooner. You must be able to control your desires and alternate what is pleasant with what is useful.

Evening ritual - an effective end to the day

Take stock every evening. How did you do on a scale of five? Evaluate your actions. And try to become an excellent student.

Don't forget that in the evening you need to prepare for the next day. Do some of the things you usually do in the morning: prepare clothes, put things in order. And, by the way, it’s good to do cleaning in the evening so you can wake up in a clean apartment.

Tip #2. Try to be outside more

Still from the film “Autumn in New York” Alexander Kalinkin: Surprising, but true.
One of the rules for quality sleep is physical activity and staying in places illuminated by the sun. Exposure to sunlight triggers the release of daytime hormones, which set our biological clock. Even when it's cloudy outside, it's worth going for a short walk. But being in a room where there is not enough light and air will disrupt the quality of sleep and rest. Irina Faer: Yes, the air in the city cannot be called fresh, but, believe me, compared to the air in an apartment, it is much healthier. Walking in nature helps to relax our vision, which is blurred by the blue screens of gadgets. Try to be outside in the air longer, because indoors you are now required to wear masks, and they severely limit the amount of oxygen entering the brain, which only makes fatigue worse.

Reward yourself

One way to increase your motivation at work is to reward yourself. Whether it's meeting friends after work, shopping for something nice, or planning a vacation, positive reinforcement will make time spent at work less painful. Because sometimes we just need something to strive for. By setting a reward for yourself, you will ensure high performance throughout the day.

Analyze what you've done

Often the day drags on because we spend too much time on tasks that are yet to be completed. Instead of constantly worrying about unfinished tasks, remember how much you managed to accomplish in a day. This will help you feel more confident and focus on completing the remaining tasks. You won't feel so depressed if you think about what you were able to do.

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How to start the day productively

The average person's morning hours are devoid of cheerfulness and positivity: the irritating sound of the alarm clock, getting ready in a hurry, the long and tiring journey to work. In the fight against drowsiness and apathy, people are finding more and more effective methods for starting the working day. Morning time can bring not only negativity, everyone has the power to make their day more productive and their mornings kinder. Simple rules will help you understand how to start the day productively, recharge in a good mood and gain motivation to move forward every day.

Tip #1. Don't sleep much

Alexander Kalinkin, head of the sleep medicine center, leading researcher at the Moscow State University Research and Education Center. M.V. Lomonosov

Still from the film “Bridget Jones's Diary” Alexander Kalinkin: Many people make a big mistake - they sleep for a very long time on weekends. It would seem that sleep should help a person relax and feel better, but this is not so. Prolonging sleep leads to the fact that its quality deteriorates, because sleep requires a certain period of time (primarily we are now talking about night time). Waking up late also leads to social jetlag - when it is very difficult to fall asleep on the night from Sunday to Monday. It turns out that a person seems to have slept well over the weekend, but ends up going to bed late on Sunday and getting up tired on Monday morning. To prevent this from happening, it is very important to build a routine.

Irina Faer, coach, system constellation specialist, energy practitioner

Irina Faer: But at the same time, you need to get enough sleep. If you save time by sleeping, the body’s production of the hormone melatonin is disrupted, and this threatens premature aging, decreased performance, mental activity and, most importantly, immunity, which is especially dangerous in the era of Covid.

How to switch to rest

An important part of rest that precedes rest is switching. It's not so easy to push away thoughts about work if they take up all the space in your head.

In order to have a quality rest, you first need to switch your attention and completely distract yourself from work. After this, you can relax and unwind to the fullest. And this rest will be conscious and fulfilling.

7 ways to really relax on the weekend


Indev version of Java Edition
February 12, 2010A day and night cycle has been added to the game.
Java Edition Beta
1.81.8-pre1In this version, the player could control time using the F6 and F7 buttons.
Official release of Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9-pre4Notch said on his Twitter that the sun in Minecraft rose in the north, which was a mistake.[4] Therefore, now the sun and moon rise as they should, in the east.[5]
Added moon phases.[2][3]
1.3.112w21aThe stars that appear in the sky at night have become smaller and brighter to make them more realistic.
1.513w01aThe daylight sensor emits a redstone signal during the day, and the inverted one emits a redstone signal at night.
1.6.113w24aAdded doDayLightCycle game rule, which can disable or enable the day/night cycle.
Alpha version of Pocket Edition
0.2.0A day and night cycle has been added to the game. Only works in survival mode.
0.4.0The day has become longer.
0.5.0When the Nether reactor is activated, night is established on the map. If you break the reactor before it cools down, the cycle of day and night will stop, and night will remain forever.
0.7.3Added sunrise, sunset, sun, moon and stars.
0.10.0A day/night cycle has been added to Creative Mode.
The time of day is now more accurately synchronized in online play.
0.11.0build 1Added the ability to disable or enable the day/night cycle in creative mode.
Official release of Pocket Edition
1.1The sun and moon now rise in the east and set in the west.

An active morning is the key to an active day

The answer to the question of how to start the day would definitely not be complete without this point. Outdoor games with your pet, jogging in the fresh air or going to exercise will help activate the functioning of the brain and the whole body. During physical activity, you can make plans for the day, think about goals and objectives, plan activities for the day, and analyze yesterday's results.

Lyubov Yakubovskaya, expert in the field of social projects: “A glass of water, fresh air and mobility is a simple recipe for an energetic start to the day. A walk with my dog ​​gives me fresh air and mobility. I recommend everyone to get a dog. I can’t think of a better incentive for regular walks. Another plus is that dogs are examples of optimism - every morning they are in a great mood! You can’t help but be filled with joy from it.”

Valentina Makarova, training and development expert: “Run in the morning, walk the dog, do yoga or just read - the main thing is to do it immediately after getting out of bed. This way the body will receive a signal that the day has begun and will be in a productive mood.”

Make friends with your colleagues

You may also find it difficult to get through your workday because you feel uneasy in a group environment. Try to make friends with people with whom you have to be in the same room for many hours every day. Chatting and making friends during breaks will make the day fly by much faster, and you won't have to fight boredom alone.

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