How to learn something new every day: features and recommendations

  • September 14, 2018
  • Life style
  • Elena Ilyina

Is it possible to live thousands instead of one life? Not in theory, hoping for a miracle of reincarnation, but here and now, today and many years from now, filling your memory with a stellar scattering of memories and multifaceted knowledge. This is possible if you learn new things every day. Then one destiny, consisting of many identical everyday life, will turn into a kaleidoscope of bright emotions and many-sided stories.

Invigorating slap

Waking up in the morning, most people do not think that about one hundred thousand people who were still alive yesterday will not see the sun today. It sounds creepy and incredible, but the statistics are inexorable. This is exactly the figure that appears in reports on the number of deaths on the planet every day. This fact alone should be enough to reconsider your attitude towards life once and for all. The morning ceases to be bad just because it has come.

However, a caravan of gray, one-humped everyday life is a sad sight. And the benefit of his journey is doubtful. Only by learning new things every day is it possible to live a truly interesting and worthwhile life.

The essence of the 30 Days Challenge idea

This technique was first used by the American director, producer, and comedian Morgan Spurlock in his show. The essence of the idea is to change or acquire new habits based on what a person has always wanted, but never tried to do. He challenges himself: over the next 30 days, engage in the implementation of your plans or in what can make life better and more fulfilling. This period will be enough to accustom yourself to act accordingly constantly, understand all the benefits and turn the activity into a habit. Or, conversely, understand that you don’t need it and refuse. Simply put, the essence is the most banal and is described by the well-known expression: “In any business, the main thing is to start!”

The challenge can concern any area: sports, personal or professional growth, small everyday habits and even lifestyle. Therefore, this technique can be effectively applied to work with trainings on 4brain. Try following the program, pay attention to practice and compare your results after 30 days with the original ones. You will likely improve your skills.

The effectiveness of such programs is confirmed by examples of many famous people. For example, the method is used by personal development expert Steve Pavlina, author of the Zen Habits blog Leo Babauta, Hollywood fitness instructor Jillian Michaels, and head of Google's anti-web spam department Matt Cutts. The latter, by the way, very colorfully described the discovery of the technique for himself and its advantages in a TED speech:

A book is the best gift

And in every sense of the word. It's hard to think of a more accessible way to feel like a new person every day. Only divine providence can explain this greatest gift to humanity. Reading gives you the opportunity to travel through centuries and distances. Try on personalities of all ages and classes. Gain the experience of many lives without leaving home.

The transition of literature into the electronic dimension has further expanded the reader's capabilities. On the Internet you can find sources of knowledge that previous generations did not even dare to dream about. This is the most obvious method, which is undeservedly ignored by many.

However, do not forget about printed publications. Modern district libraries have long ceased to evoke melancholy with dusty, empty shelves. In them you can find the latest novelties in printing. Presentations are often held with the participation of famous authors.

Manage your attention

The more responsibilities, the more difficult it is to find an extra hour for training. Remember, every free minute counts. If your smartphone is not useful in your studies, put it away. The same goes for social media and email. The more often you scatter your attention, the longer you will have to focus on work each time. At best, you will lose a few minutes, and at worst, you will not achieve results. To avoid this, choose a time to study when you are most productive and set a schedule for checking email and instant messengers. For example, 10 minutes in the morning or after lunch.

Polyglot friend and comrade to the needlewoman

Modern technologies have made it possible to share acquired experience with all knowledge seekers. Anyone who considers himself the owner of valuable information can bring it to the masses. Those interested can only find a community to their liking and subscribe to the newsletter. This simple method will allow you to learn something new on a given topic every day. Whether it's a foreign language, Latin dancing or crocheting. Excellent students, housewives and models are ready to talk about everyday secrets and tricks of life.

List of 100 best websites to learn something new and spend time on something useful

In short, we certainly failed in the previous section because there is a lot you can do with these pages. But we will not go into details, but will move on to show you a list of the best websites to learn something useful while wasting time online.

Learn to program

“UPDATE ✅ Do you have a lot of free time and want to know new websites to learn something every day? ⭐ LOG IN HERE ⭐ and find out which ones ✅ EASY and FAST ✅ »

We'll start with one of the most in-demand skills in the world, programming. If you want to explore it, you should definitely visit the following pages that we are going to recommend to you. :

  • A website specifically created to teach you everything you need to know about the world of programming and computers. From here you can learn languages ​​like HTML5, CSS, PHP and many more. . The most basic courses are usually free, while more complex and advanced courses are paid.
  • This is definitely one of the most famous websites in the programming world. From here you can learn programming from its developers. , although much more interesting are those created by its user community.
  • Probably the most famous page for learning to code on the Internet. This website offers you some fun English lessons that will help you improve your programming knowledge. . Like the vast majority, it has a fairly extensive free plan, much less a paid one.
  • This page will teach you how to program in Python with one of the most famous and effective methods in the world. It doesn't cost money, but when you complete your course, you can be sure that you will be an expert in the subject .
  • A website to learn how to program in major website programming languages. Once completed, you will be able to create a page in HTML perfectly. and learn how to create your own PWA or web apps .
  • We Let's continue with a great website that will provide you with many benefits. It contains some of the most comprehensive programming courses and tutorials available. , one of the most comprehensive in terms of training.
  • This is a great site to start programming from scratch, with a large number of courses for kids and adults . He is very popular and has received many awards around the world for his advanced teaching methods.
  • Search.MIT.Edu: This platform is created by the excellent University of Massachusetts . It's a whole machine with over 2,000 free courses in technology-related disciplines , programming being one of the most comprehensive and important.
  • If you want to learn the basics of web page programming, you should start with this site, which has all the courses you need. Here you will first get acquainted with the concepts of website development and then continue to learn more advanced things. .
  • Included ends with a game designed specifically for teaching kids and teens how to code, but it's so good that an adult with little knowledge of the subject could probably learn something .

Microcourse to learn everything

This is the longest section in the entire list, since we have presented you with a selection of the best websites, you can take short courses to learn almost everything:

  • A platform that you can access through its website or through its Android and iOS apps. So there is no excuse for you to take thousands of courses in subjects like marketing, technology, business, etc. .
  • This portal tries to make your lessons as close to the real thing as possible. It is quite extensive and offers hundreds of courses on marketing, entrepreneurship, business, programming, and so on.
  • This is not a course site per se, but a huge community of knowledge-loving users who create and share their own tutorials so that more people can access these skills .
  • This is an American website that has won many awards for the level of education they provide there. They have hundreds of thousands of courses in hundreds of areas of expertise, some of them officially certified. and is valid for creating your own program.
  • This is actually a paid service that sends you lists of quick courses lasting a maximum of 10 days in various areas of expertise, this may indicate that information is being sent to you from a specific domain .
  • This is a very interesting app because it not only teaches you lessons, but also evaluates you individually, showing you on a graph what your strengths and weaknesses are .
  • – This is another American platform that offers you thousands of courses in various fields of knowledge. Many of them are free, although there are others that are paid and can give you official certification. .
  • This is a community based on P2P technology as the same users teach each other, improving the learning of all participants using the platform. . It is very easy to use and you will find content about almost everything.
  • A website that allows you to learn a little more about everything with great virtual lessons. It has a large community of users who complete the thousands of free and paid courses it offers every month.
  • If you want to learn more about almost anything, this portal has guides and complete courses teaching you endless subjects like nutrition, fitness, sports training and more that you'll love .
  • This is not a platform for getting online courses, but for finding them and finding them at the best price. This website works like Trivago, Despegar or Kayak, allowing you to search by keywords. find the best course of all.
  • A site in English where the whole family can find knowledge, because among hundreds of guides there are many for adults and children of all ages. , so you can watch them grow while teaching them useful things for the near future. Long term.
  • A website where you can learn a little more about everything with over 1,500 courses that you can take by spending a few minutes a day for a week. Many of them are free, but this is usually a paid website. .
  • It's relatively new, so you may never have heard of it, but it's one of the most comprehensive you can find for learning just about everything, from marketing and programming to crafts, business and entrepreneurship.
  • A website that functions as a huge community of users who share their knowledge. Here you will find all kinds of guides and tutorials created by professionals with extensive experience. .
  • This is a website dedicated to master data management. If you want to learn how to manage databases in Excel or SQL, this is the page you should go to to find the best content on the topic .
  • 900 Video Lessons has this site. Among them you will find a huge amount of freshly minted lessons and knowledge, so you can learn a little more about everything you spend on it .
  • This is one of the most popular Spanish language platforms where you can learn more about almost anything. It is approved by EU international organizations, being one of those that offer you the greatest opportunities as its courses are 100% verified. , although this quality is only available in paid classes.
  • Another world famous website where you can learn everything. This is by far the best platform for micro-lessons in Spanish. , because everything it offers is taught by teachers from educational centers such as the Autonomous University of Barcelona or the Polytechnic Institute of Valencia, as well as many others in Europe . All their courses are certified, but to get yours you will need to pay a monthly subscription of around 20 euros.
  • We're done with another website where you can find tutorials on almost anything you're trying to learn. It has a large number of them, many of which are free, although, like all others, the best are paid. .

Learn languages

Perhaps one of the things that most people want to learn is languages. Imagine being able to travel around the world and wherever you can speak to the locals in their native language. Without a doubt, this is the best way to truly own the world:

  • Spend 10 minutes of your life a day and, in a few months, learn the language you've always wanted to speak. That's right, in these daily minutes you will gain knowledge that will not only help you grow personally. , but also as a professional.
  • This is a site very similar to the previous one, but much more complete, since it has a rating system that indicates your strengths and weaknesses , so that you appreciate the first and strengthen the second.
  • An English site where you can learn many languages, so with a little effort you can start defending yourself wherever you are.
  • one of the world's most famous websites for learning languages, especially the most commercial ones such as Mandarin, English, French, Italian, Portuguese or German . You will do all this while playing different multi-level games every day to learn something new about it every day.
  • This is a great tool that allows you to learn languages ​​of all kinds just by listening to them and repeating what the assistant tells you. . This is very convenient because it encourages you to learn while you practice.
  • This is an app for Android and iOS that offers you a simple task to learn a word in the language of your choice daily. That's all, with this you can expand your vocabulary and learn pronunciation like an Indian. .
  • We continue to work with this site, consisting of a huge community of Spanish speakers that you are sure to love. It has a free version that will teach you commonly used words and phrases, and the paid version even gives you the opportunity to speak with native speakers. There you can learn more than 10 languages.
  • This is a site that offers you a very fun learning method with native speaking teachers so that they help you better understand the language you want to learn .
  • Great tool for learning over 48 languages ​​with hundreds of courses taught through audiobooks, virtual classes, guides, and more . With this tool, you will learn while getting a complete classroom experience.
  • This is one of the most famous platforms for learning English with American teachers in Latin America . It does pay, and it's true that it doesn't come cheap at all, but the level of education they apply is worth every penny as it is one of the most recognizable platforms in the world.

Learn Marketing

If you are into digital marketing and want to learn how to implement it in your business model, these websites will help you gain the necessary knowledge to do so. Not all of them come from courses per se, but from blogs. produced by experts with detailed trading guides:

  • This is one of the popular portals in the world of blogging and content marketing. Here you will find articles and guides written by the most influential people in digital marketing and by subscribing to their newsletter you will receive the best ebooks and mega guides to learn how to create your own strategies .
  • - A blog written by some of America's most influential internet marketers. If you want to know the latest trends in SEO, content marketing, programming and more . They even have their own tools so you can put everything you learn into practice. If you join their community, you will receive all sorts of very useful guides via email.
  • one of the main Spanish marketing portals for you what you need to have a good strategy in your own business.
  • (Google Activate): This is by far the best marketing learning portal available. This is Google's official learning platform where you will learn everything you need to know about digital marketing. This may be the only place where you can truly become a professional, if you have the dedication and follow the path that will take you to marketing, Google developer or programmer, the decision is yours .
  • Wikipedia of digital marketing. On this platform you will find theoretical articles on almost all subjects related to the profession. Ideal for introducing industry terms and concepts .
  • This is a very advanced digital academy with a reputation in Spain. You can pay for courses there to become a community manager, marketing strategist, SEO and other things. . You will also find content that is in high demand on his blog.
  • This is the official Facebook learning platform where you can learn how to master the platform from top to bottom to learn how to earn income with your profiles. Upon completion of the training, you receive a certificate and you can start working in companies that require the services of a specialist.
  • This is one of the largest online advertising companies in the world and gives you the opportunity to practice for free. If you really want to dedicate yourself to marketing at a professional level, a certificate on this platform is what you need. .

Streaming services

There is no more enchanting way than music to give yourself new experiences every day. There is an incredible number of genres and trends from classical to ultra modern. Thanks to the efforts of computer geniuses, all efforts to obtain pleasure are reduced to a minimum. All you have to do is register on the music service and take a survey, choosing the songs you like. The system will regularly offer new and popular works. This will undoubtedly expand the horizons, revealing new names and unexpected styles.


“Universarium” is an inter-university platform where you will learn how to study correctly. It contains many courses in different specialties.

Despite the fact that on the main page you can see an offer to enroll in an online course in information technology, there are enough offers for other specialties at different universities.

The prices for the courses are very reasonable. Most areas of study include 9 lectures.

These were the sites I found and tried (or at least signed up for). Subscribe and develop comprehensively with me. Tell us what services you use for self-development?

Educational portals

Gone are the days when lack of knowledge could be blamed on lack of education. Prestigious universities from different countries conduct free online seminars. Teachers create pages on networks where they post recordings of lectures for everyone who wants to learn new things every day. Libraries of courses on various topics have been collected. Upon completion, you can even receive a certificate. The pace of learning is individual. No one is above your soul. You can learn what interests you at a convenient time. The level of freedom is off the charts.


An inspiring application that allows you to expand your horizons and increase your level of erudition without unnecessary effort. Curiosity features compelling stories, challenging puzzles, and entertaining statistics, plus easy search, quizzes, and a weekly content digest.

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Social media

Such a powerful phenomenon is used by many beyond the scope of its capabilities. The potential far exceeds uploading photos and listening to music. Active individuals create interest groups where anyone can join. The breadth of topics is amazing. By subscribing to the page of a famous person or popular channel, you can find out the latest news in real time. It is enough to find a pen pal from a foreign country, and in the coming months you will not be tormented by the question of how to learn something new every day.


This is a site that will help you easily familiarize yourself with the vocabulary and grammar of the language of interest. The site's operation is based on technologies that make all types of memory work.

The advantage of the site is the opportunity to study more than 10 languages, not like in school, when a person knows how to say “hoe” or “flood”, but does not know how to find out the direction.

The study starts from the basics: how to start a dialogue with a stranger, find out the way. Speech recognition function is also provided. The system determines the correct pronunciation. The cost of the course is only $6.95.

Distant work

A method for which you also get paid. The development of modern technologies is pushing employers to try to reduce personnel costs. All sorts of vacancies are opening up for remote services to the population. As a rule, applicants are provided with training in specially designed programs. If you approach this process as a source of new knowledge, you can significantly expand your knowledge. A monetary reward is often awarded for successfully completing the theoretical stage. It's a small thing, but nice.


Cooking is a real art, if it does not come down to cooking pasties for the week ahead. Experimenting with ingredients, coupled with studying the history of the dish, can be a delight for the mind and tongue. You can use the same Internet or your own ideas as a source of inspiration. There are many ready-made collections. On thematic forums you can find absolutely incredible delights from familiar products. And, of course, make friends with similar interests.

Original recipes, flags and capitals of the countries in which the dish was invented, culinary habits of the peoples of the world... Expanse for those seeking knowledge and a truly new life every day.

What new things can I learn on the Internet in a short time?

We are not going to deceive you, online self-taught requires a lot of willpower and requires exceptional dedication. So telling you that you can be a professional with these websites is a cosmic hoax. .

These websites are more designed to provide you with simple yet practical knowledge that can make your life easier in many ways. In them you can learn things like the ones we call below .

Crafts and DIY

One of the most popular hobbies of this age is crafts and crafts, which is a very big world and you can enjoy it a lot. On these sites you will find tutorials on making homemade decorative items. , recycle glass containers to make glasses, learn how to make small and long-term alterations, etc.


Did you know that you can learn a new language every year by spending just 10 minutes a day speaking, listening and memorizing the words? Well, this is a reality and even children learn languages ​​this way .

Of course, there are languages ​​that are more difficult than others, such as our Spanish, but without a doubt, with these websites you will be able to learn English, French, Italian and many other languages ​​if you give the necessary time .


For many people, programming is not an easy task, but when you are a true foodie, everything changes. If this is your case, you can learn to program from scratch using web languages ​​such as HTML5, CSS or JavaScripts from many websites that we recommend to you. .

Of course, you will learn some basic things that a programmer should know, so if you like the world of websites, you will be able to invest more in learning more advanced and professional things .

Train your brain

Cognitive skills are very important in the daily life of every person in the world. From these websites you can learn how to use them to improve your memory, attention and reaction time. Taking just over five minutes a day will give you a great routine for your control room that you'll be very grateful for. .


Marketing is one of the easiest jobs you can learn online. In fact, the best marketers have taken at least 10 online courses in their industry, which shows you that even professionals can learn useful things about this topic from hundreds of websites like the ones we are going to present here. .

Utilities for gadgets

In the modern world you can find everything you need. Truly the era of materialization of desires. This is especially emphasized by the abundance of applications for all kinds of devices:

  • Daily Art – daily acquaintance with masterpieces of modern and classical art, biographies of artists and descriptions of museum collections.
  • Exoplanets is an interactive catalog of all currently known stars and planets, authored by a professional astronomer.
  • Duolingo is a free app for learning foreign languages.
  • is an online dictionary with a detailed description of the meaning, pronunciation and similar subtleties, it is possible to subscribe to the word of the day, constant new knowledge is guaranteed.

Urban Dictionary

An application of the famous online dictionary of English slang, where you can always find out the meaning of unclear words and expressions. Urban Dictionary shows you the word of the day every day, allowing you to learn informal English in an unobtrusive way.

Urban Dictionary

Urban Dictionary

Price: Free


Price: Free

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Studying is the engine of progress

From the point of view of esoteric teachings, a person lives only as long as he learns new things. As soon as there is a feeling that you have learned everything, the energy channel is blocked and the process of self-destruction begins. Only he maintains clarity of thought who continues to study every day. Those who like to come up with excuses are looking forward to the New Year. An inquisitive mind will always find an opportunity to taste intellectual food. It is such people who support the movement and eternity of life.

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