How does a man hide his feelings? Nonverbal signs of falling in love

Representatives of the fair sex always want to know whether a particular man is interested in them or not. Alas, the myth that a potential gentleman immediately reveals all his cards and openly demonstrates his feelings is greatly exaggerated - many hide their sympathy until the last moment. Here, nonverbal manifestations in behavior will help to dot all the “e”s, which allow you to reveal even well-disguised interest on the part of a person. The so-called language of gestures and glances is so diverse that thanks to this method you can reveal your secret admirer in the shortest possible time.

Hiding his love or simply emerging feelings, a person has to constantly keep himself within limits. But, despite the constant fear of being discovered, men sooner or later begin to smoothly launch an “attack”: either carefully demonstrate their interest first, or respond positively to a woman’s coquetry. During this period, he experiences something like euphoria, which involuntarily becomes visible to prying eyes. Therefore, there are many clearly expressed signs of sympathy on the part of a man, which are quite easily recognized.


A lover always looks at his object of adoration in a special way, with a certain admiration, no matter how many strangers are nearby - most often the gaze is directed specifically at a specific person. If you respond in kind (“shoot your eyes” in response), the secret prince usually looks away. You can clearly see that at this moment his eyes seem to “shine” ; you can see those very sparks that are often written about in women’s magazines.

Innate female intuition will not lose sight of such signs of attention and is unlikely to confuse them with something else. Such a sign of passion is sometimes not just directed in your direction, but according to a similar principle, it switches its attention to the same place where you are looking with interest.

In psychology, this phenomenon is often called “eating with the eyes,” since such a detailed examination of your entire figure and movements is done in order to preserve the image of your beloved lady in your memory.

Moving lower

Although a man's head can best tell us about secret sympathy or love, the rest of the body also has several curious manifestations of nascent feelings.

1) Shoulders and chest

A technique that is popular not only among people but also among many animals, especially birds. Remember how peacocks, roosters or parrots inflate their chests in order to appear larger and more dangerous in the eyes of their enemies and, above all, females.

Do you think men have come far from such tricks? A protruding chest, a straight back and unusually broad shoulders are signs of a real male!

The main thing is that your boyfriend does not overdo it and does not cause a fit of uncontrollable laughter instead of delight. A man's gestures when he is in love very often go beyond what is acceptable.

2) Belly

Well, with this part of the body in men, everything is either good or bad - it’s all about the dice.

Owners of a beer belly will try to pull in their dignity in order to look better in the eyes of the ladies, lucky ones with abs will try to flash their six-pack in front of you on the beach or in the gym.

And finally, men without any special achievements in the abdominal area will simply try to focus less attention on it, feeling guilty for not paying due attention to the abs at one time.

3) Hands

First of all, the man's gesticulation is obviously activated. He will want to tell everything as interesting and exciting as possible, which will require all the techniques of his body.

Also, his hands will try to touch you, hug or stroke you as unobtrusively as possible. If your communication is not so close, a man may limit himself to simply approaching you and entering your comfort zone.

For almost all men, hands have a special meaning, because they contain their strength. Having sculpted biceps, your interlocutor will strain them from time to time and take poses in which his achievements in the gym will be clearly visible to you.

4) Legs

This part of the body can tell you a lot about your man's character. Firmly and confidently, like a monolith, the interlocutor standing on his feet speaks of seriousness and determination with his whole appearance.

A man dancing and stepping from foot to foot shows with his movements either uncertainty and frivolity of intentions, or a cheerful and playful mood. But it’s unlikely that he sees a hint of seriousness in your communication.

Also take a look at how wide the man spread his legs. This, like the protruding chest, speaks of his self-confidence.

Watch men on the subway or on the bus. Sometimes their self-confidence is so great that they occupy two or even three places at the same time.

It's funny, but in 2022, the Madrid authorities officially banned men from spreading their legs wide on public transport, so as not to cause discomfort to other passengers.

Gait and posture

Significant changes also occur with gait. It becomes lighter, more flying, with elements of dancing. Often, a representative of the stronger sex even begins to whistle or hum tunes. His physique visually seems to be revealed: thus, he tries to show the girl his natural power and strength.

Among the most popular ways for a lady to look confident are broad shoulders, hands on hips and spread legs, indicating good physical characteristics. And during the conversation, the man still tries to turn his whole body towards his beloved. It seems that this seems like a typical gesture of respect when you are talking to someone, but on a subconscious level, such movements are just an attempt to show off effectively.

Showing love at different ages

Adult men, when they fall in love, behave completely differently from young guys. They know how to express their feelings in everyday, everyday settings. To do this, they do not need to wait for special intimacy. A mature gentleman protects, helps and surprises.

Young people mostly focus on romance. They are more emotional, they try to show their best side, how strong, dexterous they are, etc. Adult men are more restrained; the experience of relationships makes them be careful. They don't want to start a serious relationship without checking their feelings.


The man seems to be invading your personal space. The well-known “arm's length distance”, to which we usually allow only close relatives and well-known people, is the main goal for your admirer. This is how he tries to demonstrate his desire to get closer and start a more intimate relationship.

An attempt to create tactile contact is manifested in seemingly random touches, light hugs, a hand on the waist and similar manifestations of tenderness.

Facial expressions

Facial expressions closely border on visual contact, so pay close attention to the man’s face when you are in his field of vision. The eyebrows are the first to “give up”! In a calm state, they are unshakable, however, having caught a pretty woman, they begin to fly uncontrollably up and down, displaying their inner experiences. If a man deliberately raises one eyebrow, this gesture demonstrates deep interest in the girl!

Falling in love is clearly indicated by a man’s olfactory organ. Our nose is quite sensitive, so when we are nervous, excited, or emotionally uplifted, we breathe more often, more intensely, and deeper. At the same time, the nostrils flare, as if instead of oxygen, a person in love inhales hot air! At the same time, the lips also treacherously dry out, which is why men in love often have to lick them with their tongues. This gesture speaks of a secret desire to kiss a pretty person. We are accustomed to the fact that only women do this in attempts to seduce a man, but this is a common physiological need in the presence of the object of adoration.

And, of course, a smile! She begins to play on the lips from the first second the beloved woman enters the man’s horizons and does not go away until he sees her. Moreover, it appears involuntarily. A man may notice this and change his facial expression, but over time it treacherously resurfaces. A smile, as a rule, is sincere, wide, and kind.

Please note: if a man starts smiling from the first word you say (even if it’s not addressed to him), this is a gesture of sincere sympathy! So intuitively he wants to seem more attractive to you!

Change of worldview

This point is sometimes difficult to notice right away, however, it also takes place in the life of a passionate man if he has always been considered an emotional person. A guy in love radically changes his habits, becomes more cheerful, easy-going, takes initiative more often and generally tries to become No. 1 in your general environment from now on. Such a cheerful mood indicates that in such a state the admirer is capable of the most daring act.

During a period of such admiration, men often commit adventurous and unexpected actions that were previously completely atypical for them. When a young man tries to show his high intelligence or excellent sense of humor in the presence of his chosen one, he probably likes you a lot.

This signal must be assessed as a whole, since it is difficult for a company to immediately understand who such a show performed by a man is intended for. It is possible that such enthusiasm may be directed towards a completely different lady.

At the same time, he distinguishes you from all other people quite openly: he praises you for the work you have done, often sets you as an example, and admires your skills and knowledge. Similar interest extends to other areas. The admirer tries to actively participate in conversations that interest you, and “accidentally” appears in places where the object of affection is often located, even if his usual location there is completely inappropriate.

The first signs of falling in love in men

If you think this cute guy has a crush on you, let's find out for sure. The following features in his behavior will help you recognize a person in love:

  1. In a man’s character, his main trait becomes more noticeable: the shy ones become even more lost, the active ones turn into overly emotional ones.
  2. The guy listens carefully to everything the girl says. He doesn’t just nod his head and pretend to be polite, but is actually interested in the story of his interlocutor.
  3. A man likes to spend time with you when you go on a long shopping spree, to a boring establishment, or just stand in line.
  4. The guy is interested in your opinion about the choice of clothes, gadgets and any other things, although you don’t understand this at all.
  5. A man in love treats you with respect, he does not want to offend you and apologizes if something is wrong.
  6. Interest develops into increased attention to the girl. The man calls, writes, and offers to meet more often.
  7. A gentleman in love always takes care of the lady of his heart, tries to behave with dignity, and create a positive image for himself. He will never disappear into the unknown without warning, he will always be in touch.
  8. The guy will not mind the girl coming to him; most likely, he will put aside all his affairs for her sake. A fan will never refuse help.

A man in love can exhibit various verbal and non-verbal signs. Behavior depends on the upbringing and personal qualities of the individual, but if several points are observed, this is a reason to suspect him of feelings for you.

Unconscious movements

When a man wants to send a certain signal, then in your presence he seems to involuntarily “undress” (not in the literal sense): he takes off his jacket or vest, loosens his tie, unfastens his watch strap or the outer buttons. All these nonverbal gestures indicate that he wants to attract attention.

In addition to this manner of revealing himself in terms of clothing, a secret admirer may deliberately preen himself in front of you, then his actions will be of a slightly different nature: the person will tug at his shirt, brush off non-existent specks of dust from his outfit, or smooth his hair.

How a woman should behave

The girl’s behavior tactics depend on her personal experiences; you need to act meaningfully so as not to spoil your impression of yourself.

If you don't want a relationship with this person, make it clear right away. You can hint or even tell one of your mutual friends. When a guy keeps trying to win you over, talk to him about it openly.

If you have known a person for a long time and noticed his concern, ask him directly: “What is going on?” Perhaps the gentleman will pluck up courage and confess his feelings to you.

When the sympathy is mutual, the girl needs to respond in kind. Let your man know through nonverbal gestures or words that he can begin to act decisively. You need to provoke him to take the first step. When a guy uses ridicule or rudeness, then you shouldn’t behave that way. Try to change his behavior with compliments and encouragement. Most likely, he will become softer and calmer.

READ A man does not say that he loves: how to find out if there are feelings

If, after analyzing the behavior and non-verbal clearly visible signs of a guy's love, you still doubt that you correctly recognized his feelings, ask him delicately. A direct question may scare him away.

What is the difference between a loving look

In a conversation with a person in love, brilliance, sparkle, and interest in the gaze are noticeable. The relationships between people are determined by the expression of the eyes in a conversation. A person in love “makes eyes” when communicating.

A man in love, in the absence of physical intimacy, “touches” a woman with his eyes. An inquisitive look, examination of the face and hands bring pleasure.

A long look, frequent glances towards the chosen one. Admiring movement, gait.

A soft, kind look, accompanied by a smile. The girl likes it.

The stronger sex hides their feelings - a classic of the genre. An intelligent, attentive woman is able to discern the emergence of feelings at the very beginning. The further course of events depends on it. If he reciprocates, the young man will show activity. He will avoid, will ignore - he will understand that there will be no relationship. Playing with a person’s feelings, enjoying attention without continuing the relationship is ugly. The last word belongs to the woman.

Someone else's soul is darkness. But as for the question of how to understand that a man is in love but hides his feelings, it is not so difficult. Men are like children, and if he is really in love, sooner or later he will give himself away!

Why he hides his feelings - he believes that he is not good enough, some of them are not free, etc., you can figure it out later, but at the first suspicion of feeling, it is worth watching him. What should you pay attention to?


When the object of tender feelings comes into view, the man, struck by Cupid's arrow, automatically and unconsciously turns in her direction. At the same time, his gaze is dreamy, with a dreaminess, but he does not give an account of this. The lips also stretch, as if by chance, into a tender and blissful smile. But if the lady of the heart finds herself dangerously close, then the man in love periodically hides his eyes. However, he understands that turning away and looking down is simply impolite. And you can give yourself away completely and irrevocably! But this “reasonable” thought comes with a fatal delay!

How does a secret admirer look at his secret beloved if, say, they are talking? This is where the most interesting, piquant, and for some people even funny begins. In most cases, a man who is secretly in love with a woman looks embarrassed, shy, trying to give his look recklessness and even impudence, but in vain, which is not at all surprising - love can deprive you of the ability to control your emotions. His gaze when he sees the object of sincere feelings is sickly sweet and oily at the same time. This is cooking!

And solely depending on his own biological abilities, a representative of the stronger sex in the presence of a sweetheart blushes for no apparent reason. Although, over time, this reason ceases to be so incomprehensible, especially if there is a certain circle of acquaintances in which both he and she revolve and, accordingly, intersect in one way or another.

Conversation and behavior

The man also talks to his lover awkwardly, sometimes making bad jokes, because, as luck would have it, nothing really witty comes to mind, just flat jokes and vulgarities. You should not judge him harshly; love can deprive a person of control over emotions, but also the ability to reason sensibly. What can we say about jokes then?!

This kind of behavior is not so rare: a man behaves deliberately rudely towards the woman he loves. Behind rudeness and sometimes even a prejudiced attitude (and there are a lot of such situations in life!) he hides his feelings. For example, a woman is married, loves her husband or boyfriend, from whom she not only leaves, but doesn’t even think of sneaking out, and he knows all this. He is angry at her, at himself, at his beloved’s chosen one, and at the situation as a whole, but he has no choice but to hide his feelings, and at the same time take out his evil on the poor woman. Often everything is clear to those around him, they react differently: someone sympathizes with the hapless Romeo, someone laughs, and... he gets even angrier. If a man and woman work together, he picks on her unreasonably. Not necessarily for the purpose of her (quite possible, by the way) dismissal. There is simply no way to express your feelings in any other way. Or he simply does not consider it possible or necessary. Exactly the same thing happens if a man himself is married and cannot do anything about his feeling.

If a woman is free, he will behave in exactly the same way, except that the reasons are different - I’m not sure that she will reciprocate, she simply cannot decide to confess or is ashamed of her feelings, and this happens. The result is the same - deliberate rudeness and deliberate tyranny.

But a more pleasant and, it must be said, useful option is also possible - he simply flirts with the object of love, but does not admit his feelings, perhaps fearing the disapproval of friends or, again, not sure of the likelihood of reciprocal feelings. Words are words in Africa, and although there is an opinion that sometimes a glance can say much more, the power of words should not be underestimated either. He, of course, won’t say: “I love you!”, since he’s hiding it, but when his gaze actually semaphorizes tender feelings, some phrases will say absolutely everything!

Traitor phrases

“Are you probably dating someone?” or “My husband probably won’t let me go?”

Ask directly, “Are you dating anyone?” extremely imprudent on the part of a person who hides his feelings. Any inexperienced schoolgirl will understand why he asked this. Another thing is that the word “probably” seems like a non-binding conversation about nothing. And the phrase about the husband is an anthem of conspiracy. He assumes that she has a husband, which means he has no plans for her. In reality, this is reconnaissance in force.

Of course, theoretically, absolutely any man can ask this, and without implying anything like that. But! A look, a conversation and... He already gave a reason to think so and that’s it!

“How do you feel about family life?”

Any normal woman wants a family, stability, and in general, no one has canceled the nesting instinct! Therefore, this question is akin to the question: “Would you like to be loved?” Every person needs love! And no man would ask such a question to a woman who is indifferent to him. Between the lines you should read: “Would you like us to have a family?”

The women's magazine draws your attention to the fact that if a man asks a woman at least one of the three questions, there is no doubt - he loves her! Whether she needs this love is another question.


Gestures, conscious or not, can also tell that a man is in love.

  • During a conversation, a man in love completely unconsciously touches the hand of his beloved woman with his fingertips, and at the end of the conversation he can weakly shake hands. Of course, not the way he shakes it with a man, and the woman does not participate in such a “handshake.”
  • If a man and a woman find themselves sitting next to each other, in the vast majority of cases the man puts his hand on the back of the chair on which his beloved is sitting.
  • Those who are more relaxed will dare to push back the lady’s curl. This gesture is more eloquent than words and looks combined, no matter how casual it may appear.
  • At a chance meeting, he will definitely wave his hand playfully, all with the same sickly stupid look.

A lot of nervous gestures are also possible: mechanically wringing his hands, rubbing his fingers, “running” them across the table, fiddling with everything that comes to hand: a napkin, a pen, the lapel of his jacket, running his hand through his hair.

Information through word of mouth

"Random" encounters

One such meeting can still be believed, although, if all the above-described signs are present and it looks doubtful, then the second, by definition, cannot be accidental. But the third is unlikely to happen. However, what it really is, one can only guess. The woman might just have noticed him twice. And who knows how it really was? Despite all the loss of control over his actions, a man cannot lose his head so much as to deprive himself of the pleasure of contemplating his beloved. Therefore, caution is observed under the auspices of Love itself.

A woman should understand that if the “primary signs” followed in the form of a gentle, “as expected” look, then both secondary and tertiary ones will appear. What signs will characterize this or that stage depends on the man himself - for some, behavioral signs will appear after their looks, for others - in the form of traitorous phrases, and he will show his behavior later. But one way or another the whole “gentleman’s set” will take place. When it comes to love, a person is not so unpredictable and when in love, everyone behaves to the same standard.

How to react is a purely ladies' matter. But forewarned is forearmed, that is, informed.

Sources used:


Reason. Painful experience

If a man’s past relationship ended in a fantastic fiasco, he will be careful in showing emotions in the future.

Women's betrayal, betrayal and deception give rise to 2 thoughts in a man's head:

“I loved, but they hurt me, what a fool I was.” “In order not to get a knife in the back, you cannot show feelings.”

His new lady will need a lot of patience and love for the man to open up to her. Over time, these categorical arguments disappear, and the man plunges into new relationships with all passion.


Why do men hide Why do men hide that men usually a real man should Why do men hide a man in love is characterized by their feelings would be feelings not their feelings to a new feeling. demonstrating feelings. a beloved woman and often women are offended by a woman. most women like hide their feelings displaying their emotions hide their feelings men hide their feelings men hide their men hide their men hide their men hide their men hide their men hide their

say you already want to become many one fear of many

Doesn't help around the house

Men are often notorious for not being the most useful people in the house for one reason or another. When it comes to routine housework, it should always be shared equally between both partners. After all, there's a good chance that if you live together, you're both adults. One adult should not clean up after another unless someone is sick, injured, pregnant or something else is going on. Cleaning may not be the most fun thing, but it has to be done, and it's not just a woman's job.

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How to understand that a married man has fallen in love by external signs

Marital status does not limit his desires and aspirations. There are men who can give love to several women at once. Signs of a married man's love are colored by secrecy and isolation.

  • Tries to catch the eye, often looks, searches in the crowd.
  • The body is turned towards the woman.
  • Smiles during the dialogue/when he saw.
  • Writes messages.
  • Becomes thoughtful/cheerful.
  • At every opportunity he tries to “accidentally” touch.
  • “Peacock” behavior – straightens his shoulders, maintains his posture, looks good.
  • Strives to catch the smell of perfume.
  • He tells how bad everything is with his wife.

Mostly married people do not plan to divorce. Falling in love with a married person is more often like flirting with no chance of a serious outcome. There are exceptions.

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