The subjects have disappeared from the sentences, guess what these words are and write them down, this is a fairy-tale character


Achieving success in life is not easy - if you ask an accomplished person what helped him climb to the top rungs of the career ladder, you will most likely hear something like “dedication, patience, dedication to your favorite work and hard work” in response, and some will also mention, that at the beginning of the journey, everyone needs to face difficulties and make mistakes. Failures go hand in hand with successes, so don’t be upset or disappointed in your goal if things don’t go exactly as planned. Without exception, all great entrepreneurs, inventors and writers have overcome various obstacles more than once in their lives, after all, as Winston Churchill said: “Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”

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Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe
Despite the fact that Monroe died more than half a century ago, she still remains a real icon for millions of people around the world - songs, books, poems are dedicated to her, not to mention numerous films telling about her life path, which should notice, was not the easiest.

As a child, née Norma Jeane Mortenson had to wander around boarding schools, orphanages and foster families for a long time, because her own mother could not take care of her daughter. At the age of 16, Norma got married, mainly so that she would not be sent to another orphanage in Los Angeles, and four years later she was offered to act as an extra in one of the films of the 20th Century Fox studio, at which time the pseudonym Marilyn Monroe appeared. The first film experience was not very successful and in 1948 Marilyn entered into a contract with Columbia Pictures, but the contract was soon terminated - according to Columbia employees, the girl did not have the talent or even the appearance to become an actress (this is Monroe! ).

Fortunately, all these troubles did not turn Marilyn away from her Hollywood dream - persistently continuing to act in episodes, the girl finally received her first major role, after which her career took off sharply.

The subjects disappeared from the sentences. Guess what the words are and write down this fairy-tale character?

Russian language | 1 - 4 classes

The subjects disappeared from the sentences: guess what the words are and write down this is a fairy-tale character.

Who can perform miracles.

If you stick pieces of paper onto a sheet, it can turn out beautiful ___________________________________.

The word __________________________ means painting with water paints.

_________________ helps you succeed in any business.

__________________ has already begun at the circus.

If you stick pieces of paper onto a sheet, you can get a wonderful APPLICATION.

The word Aquarelle means painting with water colors.

A MINDSET for success helps in any endeavor.

The PERFORMANCE has already begun at the circus.

Fairytale character - WIZARD.

Tips for achieving your goal

  • you should not have free time, otherwise you will never achieve the desired result;
  • never plan anything under severe emotional stress;
  • do not set a goal when you are angry, such a person is foolish because he wants to cross the ocean in a strong storm;
  • If you want to reach heights, you need to be able to restrain your desires and limit yourself; if you want a lot, you won’t be able to realize your dream.
  • set several goals for the year and determine their priority;
  • divide your goals in life into areas. For example: financial, health, relationships.

And remember that any goal and dream must be specified - deadlines, final result, necessary resources, start of action, duration of each stage.

Useful video about achieving success.

Have the related sentences disappeared?

Related sentences disappeared from the sentences.

Guess what these words are and write them down.

__________ is a fairy-tale character who can perform miracles.

If you stick pieces of colored paper onto a piece of paper, you can get a wonderful _________.

The word ____________ means painting with water paints.

_______ helps in success in any business.

The circus has already started _______.

At the station, a new _________ entered the carriage.

_____________ is a train or bus that travels at high speed and stops only at major points.

Henry Ford

Henry Ford
Henry Ford is without a doubt one of the most outstanding people of his time - having developed the basic principles of assembly line production, Ford revolutionized not only the production of cars, but also a wide variety of industries. It was he who created the first mass-produced car in history, the Ford T, which not only the rich, but also people with average incomes could afford to buy.

On the path to success, Henry encountered two failures, which, fortunately, were not fatal to his career. The first company founded by Ford was called the Detroit Automobile Company - its sponsor was entrepreneur William H. Murphy, and Ford himself was directly involved in the development and production of cars. A year and a half after opening, the investor closed the enterprise - due to the inexpressive appearance of its products, sales were scanty. Henry Ford persuaded Murphy to give him more money and created another company called Henry Ford Company, however, this idea also failed - production turned out to be unprofitable, so Ford’s first two automobile “pancakes” came out lumpy.

Alexander Malcomson

After leaving the company and ending his cooperation with Murphy, Ford established a business relationship with coal merchant Alexander Malcomson, a Scotsman by birth, who financed the next endeavor of the ambitious Henry. By improving the design of cars, Ford made the new company profitable, and gradually the Ford Motor Company became one of the world leaders in car production and remains so to this day.

If you stick pieces of paper on a sheet, will it turn out beautiful?

If you stick pieces of paper onto a sheet, it can turn out beautiful.

You have opened the question page. The subjects have disappeared from the sentences. Guess what the words are and write down this fairy-tale character?. It belongs to the Russian language category. The difficulty level of the question is for students in grades 1–4. The convenient and simple interface of the site will help you find the most comprehensive answers on the topic of interest. To get the most detailed answer, you can view other similar questions in the Russian language category, using a search engine, or read the answers of other users. To expand your search, create a new question using keywords. Enter it into the line by clicking the button at the top.

Our school's athletes are fast and agile. Or: the athletes of our school are fast and agile. The class was uncomfortable and empty. Or: the class was uncomfortable and empty. Be happy and healthy. Or: be happy and healthy. Be careful and pay attention..

1 Our school’s athletes are fast and AGILITY. 2 The class was uncomfortable and EMPTY. 3 Be HAPPY and healthy! 4 Be CAREFUL and CAREFUL.

1) Grew - verb N. F grows 2) nesov. B, 1 spr., g. R, units Ch, past. BP 3) predicate.

Cross - [p'e r' e s'e ch'].

It is known that the one who comes first gets all the mushrooms, delicious milk straight from the cow, a hot pie from the table. There is some kind of “gain” in getting up early. This is some kind of magical event. The most memorable days are when you get up early...

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Oblomovism - isolation from life, ribbons, daydreaming, lying down.

Lack of will, a state of inactivity and laziness.

The heron, because K.C goes earlier than the puppy and the person).

Definition of success

Success is usually understood as the achievement of a certain goal by a person. Quite often, in order to say: “I have achieved success!”, it is not enough to meet external criteria such as material well-being, prestigious work, or career growth. Success is largely determined by internal harmony, when a feeling of satisfaction concerns everything that surrounds a person.

Not every person can become successful. A common reason is a lack of purpose and understanding of what success is. Psychologists define success as internal freedom, when a person has the opportunity to do what he really likes, while experiencing a sense of self-worth and completeness.

It is noted that success is not always measured financially; spiritual and physical improvement plays an exceptional role in a person’s life.

What prevents you from achieving success in life? The main reason is the lack of faith in a positive outcome when:

  • incorrectly set goal;
  • reluctance to change the usual course of events;
  • laziness;
  • lack of motivation;
  • fear of failure;
  • searching for those responsible for one's own mistakes.

The subject has disappeared from the sentences. Guess what the words are and write them down.

______________ is a fairy-tale character who can perform miracles. If you stick pieces of colored paper onto a sheet, you can get a wonderful ________. The word ________________ means painting with water paints. _____________ helps you succeed in any business. The circus has already started___________. At the station, a new ________ _____________ entered the carriage - this is a train or bus that travels at high speed and stops only at large points.

A wizard is a fairy-tale character who can perform miracles. Gluing pieces of colored paper onto a piece of paper can create a wonderful piece of work. The word watercolor means painting with water paints. An application for success helps in any business. The performance has already begun at the circus. At the station, a new passenger entered the carriage. An express train is a train or bus that travels at high speed and stops only at major points.

Never listen to anyone

Lack of self-confidence often hinders success in life. An insecure person listens to other people's opinions. If his personal goals do not coincide with the criteria of the environment, he ceases to strive to achieve them.

When others do not approve of actions, expressing an opinion about the meaninglessness of actions and the impossibility of realizing one’s dreams, a person agrees with the arguments of those around him and continues to live his usual life and complain about fate.

Focusing on the opinions of others destroys a person as an individual. To get rid of addiction, you need to:

  1. Learn to take responsibility for your actions;
  2. Become confident, prove with action that you are able to cope with any situation;
  3. Be indifferent to the opinions of others, do not argue or prove your point of view;
  4. Don't be influenced by other people;
  5. Contact successful professionals who can give an objective independent assessment;
  6. Don't associate with people whose opinions interfere with your success.

Become the architect of your own life, only you know what is truly important to you. Don't listen to negative advice from others. People deny the success of others for two reasons: out of envy, or if they themselves have not achieved anything. Be firm and don't adapt to others. Be persistent and complete your tasks. Self-confidence will teach you not to be influenced by strangers and to take criticism and negative comments calmly.

Self improvement

Achieving success in life is important through self-development and personal growth.

These terms define the formation of certain qualities, skills and personality traits in individual interests. Self-improvement can be defined as painstaking work on oneself in all directions:

  • physical – for a successful person it is important to look good;
  • professional – acquiring new skills to achieve a new professional level;
  • spiritual - people who do not pay attention to moral self-education are aggressive; to achieve peace and harmony, unity of spirit and mind is required.

Constant development will absolutely lead to success in life. There are many ways to improve yourself:

  • read books;
  • acquire new skills;
  • study the cultures of different countries;
  • engage in self-education;
  • watch educational materials;
  • make a list of important tasks and a schedule for their implementation;
  • be collected and organized.

Success is defined differently for each person. Having defined a goal, it is important to start developing in this direction. The more a person knows and can do in the area of ​​interest to him, the more success he will be able to achieve in the future.

When you decide to open your own business, study the intricacies and nuances of the chosen direction; if you want to lose weight, read the recommendations of nutritionists and new weight loss options.

In any field, something new always appears, because the world does not stand still, but is constantly evolving.

They made a decision

This is perhaps one of the most important components of goal setting: making an informed, deliberate decision. It's a special moment when you say, “This is it! I can't stand it anymore." You decide that the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of changing. Those who have successfully achieved their goals have had such awakening moments.

Steve Jobs made the decision that he was going to make his mark on the universe after learning that he was adopted. Muhammad Ali decided that he would become a great boxer after his bicycle was stolen. They made a decision! Reading, watching motivational videos, or even reading articles like this mean nothing without a deliberate decision to change.


The magic of words and sounds (verbal magic) was possessed by different peoples. Hinduism uses mantras, Japanese masters used spells - jumon, the ancient Scandinavians composed magical poems - vis and nida. In the Slavic tradition, ancient prayers, whispers and verbal spells were and are used in three forms:

  • Quick word. It is said when an unexpected event occurs and consists of one or two words. For example, the well-known “bless you” after sneezing or “good luck” when breaking a plate.
  • CONSPIRACY. A full-fledged and labor-intensive spell, for ease of memorization, it is often clothed in poetic form. The spell is read on any medium: water, salt, food, giving it new properties. It takes a lot of life force from the caster.
  • Whisper. A type of conspiracy that should be spoken in a whisper. Like a quick word, it is often said during an event, for example, when planting a garden, and can be used to talk about food. The peculiarity of whispers is that they can be pronounced in front of strangers without being noticed by others. In addition, they take less strength from the caster than loud conspiracies.

Conspiracies and whispers should be read without errors; mixed up words can completely change the effect of the spell. Therefore, it is advisable to learn all texts by heart. They are used depending on the desired effect by day of the week:

  • Monday - conspiracies against the husband;
  • Tuesday - love whispers to a lover;
  • Wednesday - whispers aimed at women, medicinal, for pregnancy;
  • Thursday - hexes for men's health, protection from damage and love spells;
  • Friday - removing negativity from women, turning away from a mistress;
  • Saturday - amulets for the house, household, livestock;
  • Sunday is a day for prayer; it is not advisable to cast magic.

Depending on how loud the spell is, different rules for casting it apply. The plot is read, causing vibration in one’s chest. In this case, you need to imagine a warm glowing ball in the center of your chest. Next, you need to feel how, together with the words through your hands, the energy from this ball penetrates into the object being charmed.

The whisper reads differently. Without straining your vocal cords, you need to relax and feel unity with the object being whispered to. If a whisper is read in response to an event, you need to feel the whole world and imagine how the words penetrate it and dissolve in the Universe.

They are always ready to act

It's been a month since you said you were going to start training. To motivate yourself, you even bought a treadmill. Everything is set, you are excited, but suddenly a friend calls and you urgently need to be somewhere else. You say, “Okay, I’ll find time tomorrow.” It's been six months since you said, "I'll start tomorrow." Sounds familiar? Taking action can be the most difficult aspect of goal setting.

Fear of failure, procrastination and embarrassment, among many other feelings, prevent us from taking action. People who constantly do things know the value of action, they are not afraid to get their hands dirty. Act! Think about a goal you've been putting off, write down your next step. Don't continue until you write it down. Don't think, write it down!

Holiday whispers

On church holidays different whispers are read:

  • On the Annunciation - from infertility: “Mother Most Holy Theotokos. Grant me your mercy. Send me a son, a falcon, and a daughter, a swallow.”
  • On Palm Sunday - to the water from damage: “I wash away everything that they said about me. What the heart and soul are tormented with is washed away with living water on Maundy Thursday.”
  • On Clean Thursday, water is used to cure various diseases: “Clean water - help. Take troubles and illnesses away from me. Remove the evil eye and damage from me, give me health and strength.”
  • Before Easter, as they begin to knead the dough for Easter cake, they read the amulet against any troubles: “A dove flew in and brought holy water. The bird pecked the grains and drove away all diseases. She flapped her wings, driving away evil and evil spirits. I will bow to the dove and ask her for some water. I will wash my face with that water, holy water.”
  • On the New Year to get rid of failures: “The old year will go away - it will take all the troubles with it. He will give good luck to the New Year, and the New Year will give them to me.”
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