How to become the ideal girl for yourself and those around you?

Here is an interesting guide to life that will help girls cope with many serious problems, become calmer and more self-confident.

Here you will find the most exciting issues of adolescence, fashion, makeup and manicure, popular sports, secrets of communicating with boys, culinary recipes, tips on what to do in extreme situations, how to overcome self-doubt, how to throw the best party in the world, tests , horoscopes... It’s impossible to list everything!

In a word, this book is a faithful friend of girls!

Who are you? Let's get acquainted!

Everyone seems to have gone crazy and talk about adolescence. You are allowed more than before, but for some reason they also demand more. Now you are a teenager. You change not only externally, but also internally; your feelings and perception of the world change. Teenagers are people your age from eleven to seventeen years old. But changes in your body begin earlier. It is at this time that everything that happens to you causes many different feelings, and you still do not know how to restrain them, which means you are more vulnerable.

Girls enter adolescence earlier than their male classmates and usually become adults earlier. Because of this, you will also have to worry, but in general, your age is very interesting and many magical discoveries and transformations await you. Rejoice in them.

Teenagers are a unique phenomenon. Transitional age occurs only in humans! The young of all other animals immediately become adults, bypassing this stage. Wouldn't you like to enter adulthood in the same way?

Do you need to be perfect?

Many women come up with their own norms and canons, which they scrupulously follow.

They must be ideal housewives, successful businesswomen, and good mothers!

Everything in life should be 200%! But they do this not for their own sake, but to gain recognition from society, to please men, and to arouse the envy of less fortunate women!

Who should be next to the queen? Of course, the king! Only such men do not exist in nature... They died out like mammoths!

Even if the companion meets all your criteria, where is the guarantee that you will look perfect against his background?

The trouble with ideal women is that they make excessive demands on other people. They are strict with themselves, and equally critical of the shortcomings of others!

The ladies have chosen the right mask for themselves and are not parting with it! Well, they can’t afford to relax and trust someone!

And life turns out to be somewhat less than rosy and imperfect! And as in the famous song: “a strong woman cries at night.”

Only she looks for the root cause of her troubles not in others, but in herself.

Dear girls! Of course, you need to fight your shortcomings! But you live to be happy!

You are not a carrot to please everyone! Model body parameters, “war paint”, ostentatious confidence – this is not what makes you attractive!

The advice of psychologists is simple: start living in harmony with yourself! And change not to please someone, but because you want it!

Go to the gym not because a work colleague said that you have gained weight, but because a toned body is beautiful, and regular exercise is the key to your health!

Read books that you like, and not those that are fashionable to discuss at glamorous parties!

Don’t believe that the ideal weight for a woman is 50 kilograms, and if you have more than that, you’ve missed your chance at happiness!

What influences the development of personality?

  • Strict parents who instilled pedantry and scrupulousness. If you study - get straight A's, if you participate in competitions - it's only for the sake of winning. Nobody asks the child what he wants. He must meet the expectations of his parents, otherwise he will fully feel their disappointment.
  • Inner perfectionism . Do you sort things by shade? Are you polishing your shoes until they shine? Do you pull off your child’s jacket if you notice a tiny spot on it? Congratulations, you have the makings of a perfectionist! An ideal is, of course, good, but you also need to know when to stop!
  • Constant responsibility . First for the younger brother or sister, then for the children. Strict bosses, a picky husband, constant stress at work and at home - these are the tests that temper a woman, and bit by bit forge an iron lady out of her. She may seem ideal - a good housewife, a mother who has a harmonious relationship with her children, an advanced worker! Only these qualities are the result of hellish work on oneself! And they don’t always bring happiness!
  • Assessing Society . People love to label and evaluate people according to made-up criteria. Of course, it's better to be in the highest caste! Ladies diligently hide their skeletons deeper in the closet, play assigned roles and try to stand out from their friends and acquaintances.

What's happening?

The transitional age of girls lasts from approximately eight to eighteen years. At 9–10 years old, your bones begin to grow; the hips become wider, the nipples swell, increasing in size. At 10–11 years old, the breasts increase in size, and hair begins to grow in the armpits and pubic area. At 11–12 years old, your external and internal genitalia grow. At the age of 12–13 years, the nipples become covered with a darkish pigment, the breasts increase in size even more, and menstruation begins. At the age of 13–14, and sometimes earlier, acne appears and the voice changes. By the age of 17–18, your growth slows down because the skeleton has already formed.

Always be up to date with events

It is difficult to imagine a modern girl who would not use a smartphone and spend time on the Internet.
To always stay up to date and maintain a conversation at the right time, she studies world news, reads blogs, googles scientific discoveries, follows the world of fashion and art, watches films and does not disdain viral videos. Her awareness in all spheres of life makes her head and shoulders above those who still lament that the telephone is a world evil. The modern woman is not afraid of technology and knows how to tame gadgets. By the way, there is a big difference: extracting relevant information on the Internet or reposting culinary recipes on a wall on social networks.

The main culprits of the turmoil

Changes in your body occur due to hormones - biologically active substances. They are produced by different human organs. It is thanks to these substances that parts of our body grow proportionally, and we change and develop with age. Hormones have a very big impact on people's lives. For example, due to an excess of growth hormone, some people become giants, and due to its deficiency, some people become dwarfs.

The body of adolescents begins to produce sex hormones. As a result, girls begin to menstruate.

Look attractive

What distinguishes modern girls is that they now choose how they want to look. Do you want to enlarge your lips? Forward! Shave your temples? Yes please! Have a toned body? Easily! First of all, she should like herself, and not fit into the framework that society dictates to her. However, there is no need to exaggerate and choose greasy hair between a stylish hairstyle and an unwashed head.

A girl should remain a girl - neat, tidy. Manicure, pedicure, pleasant smell, healthy skin and well-groomed hair - this is the minimum that is enough to leave a pleasant impression of yourself. And of course, we can’t forget about clothes. Original style is highly valued, but if you don’t have it, you can always look for something from bloggers and celebrities - they simply have to look modern.

I am a girl

You have started menstruation - this is a signal that your body is ready to conceive a child, that is, you are now a girl. Typically, the first menstruation occurs at 12–13 years of age. Although it can begin at 10-11 years old and at 14-15. It depends on your lifestyle and diet, diseases and, most importantly, heredity. The appearance of menstruation too early (before 9 years) or too late indicates a health problem.

Don't panic if your periods are irregular. It will take one and a half to two years before your menstrual cycle is finally established.

How to become an ideal girl and why is it necessary?

You know, men’s opinions about female beauty, behavior, knowledge and skills are not news for girls.

There have already been so many of these surveys on the pages of magazines and online publications that it is impossible to count them.

Guys want everything at once: to be beautiful, and smart, and thrifty, and caring, and to achieve success in her profession, and to be proud of her in front of her friends - in short, a three-page list.

Naturally, the guys themselves (not all, but many) are not too worried about matching such an ideal girl, so they become fat, acquire bad habits, become dumb, do not develop, earn little, etc.

Do you know why this happens?

Yes, because they do not believe in the existence of ideal girls, considering “all women are the same,” which means they need to find something more or less worthy among them.

Should we accept their position and stop striving for perfection?

It all depends on what requirements you put forward for your chosen one.

How to become attractive: 10 basic commandments

For example, if you are ready to settle for Vasya, a plumber with a vocational school education, who will drink half of his already small salary and regularly beat you up when he’s drunk, then you don’t need to work on yourself at all.

If you set a high bar for yourself and want a smart, handsome, rich groom for the role, then keep in mind that you will have to withstand serious competition among other girls, which means you need to try to become ideal in order to be beyond the competition.

Worth remembering

If you play sports seriously and constantly experience intense physical activity, your period may start later than other girls in your class. And for those who are fuller, their periods come earlier.

The menstrual cycle is the time from the first day of the last menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation. On average it is 28 days, but sometimes it can be as little as 21 days or as long as 35 days. When you are nervous, overworked, sick, or move to a place with a different climate (for example, going to the sea), your menstrual cycle often gets disrupted.

During menstruation, you should not be overcooled. It's better not to exercise. Yes, you yourself will feel that physical activity on such days is unnecessary. Use sanitary pads and carry a spare one with you, but your doctor must give you the green light for tampons. It would be nice (if your cycle has already been established) to have a calendar where you will mark the beginning and end of menstruation every month.

What should an ideal girl be like and who should you ask?

When articles appear on the site about what kind of girl guys want to see next to them, I immediately start receiving angry messages from young ladies: “They love different people!”, “I’m fat and disgusting, but my husband adores me!”, “I won’t change.” for the sake of the guy, it’s humiliating”, etc.

I won’t argue that every product has its own buyer, I know several happy (seemingly) couples where the wife doesn’t look too good and is inferior to her husband in all respects, I don’t force anyone to change.

You can live by your principles, rules, believe in whatever you want, but you definitely won’t deny the fact that beautiful, well-groomed, feminine, well, almost perfect girls have a much larger choice of guys and arrange their personal lives much easier than stupid, evil ugly girl.

If you want to know exactly what an ideal girl should be like, then you should ask:

  • myself;
  • guys I know;
  • girlfriends

This way you will have a complete image.

As for me, a girl should be:

  1. Beautiful and well-groomed.
  2. Healthy.
  3. Feminine.
  4. Smart and wise.
  5. Caring, kind, loyal, loving, cheerful - in general, have a whole set of positive qualities.

It's like a transformer

At 10–11 years of age, a growth spurt occurs. First, the hands and feet begin to grow rapidly, and then other parts of the body. Because of this, you may at some moments seem puny, long-legged and awkward. At 16–17 years old, most girls reach their maximum height.

Usually at your age you gain a lot of weight. In about two years he should be back to normal. Don't be nervous about this fullness. Besides, all people are different. They have different bone structures and a predisposition to one or another type of appearance.

The ideal woman through the eyes of a man

No matter how much men claim that “All women are the same,” everyone has their own ideal in their heads!

No, it's not Angelina Jolie or Pamela Anderson! Appearance is only one of the components of the image.

What kind of animal is this “ideal woman”? And do men have their own ideal? Let's figure it out.

Ideal woman body . Surely the perfectionists have started brainstorming: not a single fold of fat, pumped up, sculpted, with model parameters...

If every woman was judged only by these qualities, humanity would already be extinct! Beauty standards are changing!

In the era of Rubens, men liked curvaceous figures, now thin, model-like looks are in fashion!

Only the ideal figure of a woman is not measured in centimeters! According to statistics, 70% of men love feminine curves and shapes. No protruding bones or dozens of extra pounds!

Therefore, there is no need to diet until you faint! Sports and proper nutrition are the best friends of an ideal woman. And body weight is a secondary quality.

Bad habits . A woman with a glass of wine looks charming and sexy, but with a mug of beer or a pack of cigarettes, not so much...

It’s unlikely that anyone would dare call a girl with a jaundiced complexion and a smoky voice beautiful. Take note.

A woman's ideal wardrobe . Men have no special preferences. They are equally pleased to admire the butt, beautifully covered with jeans, and the intriguing neckline of the dress.

They are driven by primitive instincts, but it is important not to overdo it.

A woman should remain a mystery, so leave shorts that look more like underwear and tank tops that don’t hide anything to teenagers.

Appearance . Deep down, all men like well-groomed and sexy women.

This does not mean that you need to go home on parade, but a washed robe can be replaced with a stylish home suit, and a comfortable flannelette nightie can be replaced with beautiful pajamas.

Makeup should not resemble the coloring of the Cherokee Indian. Nude tones suit everyone and perfectly highlight natural beauty!

Healthy skin, confident gait, straight posture, graceful movements... No man can resist such an “arsenal”.

Behavior . Psychological comfort is important to a man. A woman is assigned the role of not only the keeper of the hearth, but also a person who will support in difficult times.

If a woman does not throw hysterics, does not argue in vain, and solves all problematic issues with feminine cunning and wisdom, she is the ideal man.

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