How to become a girl if you are a guy? Gender dysphoria

WHAT WORRIES YOU? PAIN during intercourse HOW TO GET YOUR VIRGINITY BACK YOU DO NOT like the labia CYSTITIS after sex DARK perineum SIZE of the vagina INTIMATE life after childbirth LACK OF ORGASM WHAT IS YOUR INTEREST? Plastic surgery of the labia Restoration of virginity Surgical defloration Vaginal reduction Clitoral plastic surgery Intimate muscle training How to achieve orgasm HOW TO DO IT? Get intimate plastic surgery... Get contour plastic surgery... Intimate cosmetology... Take tests for a fee... See a gynecologist

Do you want to sew up your hymen? The operation of surgical suturing of the hymen is called hymenoplasty (English - hymenoplasty, Hymen Repair, artificial hymen plastic surgery). It can be performed by any girl who has lost her virginity. There is no health hazard in this. High-quality and reliable hymenoplasty in Moscow has been performed in our clinic for more than 15 years. Only good reviews and positive results!

In our time, for the first time, such a manipulation on the human hymen was performed in the 60s of the 20th century by the Italian gynecologist Bernull on his own daughter. Since then, the technique of its implementation has been improved; many plastic surgeons and gynecologists have mastered it. This procedure is in steady demand in many countries around the world, although it is not possible to maintain complete anonymity everywhere, despite the very delicate nature of this issue.

How to become a girl if you are a guy?

Transforming a man into a woman is actually much easier than the other way around. To do this, the penis is removed and a vagina is created in the groin area from the tissues of the penis, nearby areas of the skin and part of the intestine. The scrotal tissue is transformed into the labia, and implants are inserted into the breast area. If the operation is successful, even gynecologists will not be able to distinguish a transsexual from a real girl. After surgery, the course of hormonal treatment is continued, the patient takes estrogens to make the body as feminine as possible.

Girl in IT, law or banking3

An analytical mind is great. It helps you make money, even if you don’t have rich dads, moms, or the desire to have a lover for money, but simply have the opportunity to learn and have a little patience at the start of your career.

In fact, there are a lot of female engineers, bank workers, programmers or lawyers. Why are they considered unfeminine? And again, people love to judge by appearance. It is unlikely that somewhere in court, or at a computer security conference, leather leggings and a bustier with a neckline or a tight dress with a cutout are appropriate. And stripper heels are not appropriate in a serious office.

Such girls behave like professionals, and the expression “a girl is like a man” is not appropriate here. Even if someone doesn’t like that a female manager made a remark or criticized the project.

Gender dysphoria

Among most people, biological sex, that is, what is given at birth, along with gender identification and role in society correspond to each other. But nevertheless, people suffering from gender dysphoria experience a discrepancy between their own identity and their biological sex. It is in such situations that a guy wants to become a girl or vice versa.

It is worth noting that gender incongruity in itself is not considered a disorder. However, in cases where the discrepancy between perceived identity and biological sex causes significant discomfort or leads to an inability to function normally, a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is very likely. Discomfort is usually a combination of anxiety, depression, and at the same time irritability.

People who suffer from severe gender dysphoria (often called transsexuals) may experience severe and long-lasting symptoms. Along with the question of how to become a girl if you are a guy, there is a strong desire to change your body through surgical, medical or other means in order to bring it into the necessary compliance with your existing identity. But the term gender dysphoria itself can increase patients' discomfort. We must convince them that it does not contain evaluative characteristics.

Some scientists claim that such a diagnosis is not a mental disorder, but primarily a disease related to problems in sexual development. On the other hand, some such people view their extreme form of sexual nonconformity as one of the normal options for identity and self-expression.

Purpose of behavior

A teenager’s deviant behavior from the norm is a way to go against the system

Children want to prove their superiority and be appreciated by their peers. Some deliberately hide their talents, others swear, although they were raised in a good family. All this is to show that public opinion means nothing to them. Beautiful girls with good figures are starting to get tattoos and piercings to show their disagreement with opinions about the concepts of beauty accepted in society.

Symptoms of gender dysphoria among children

The childhood form of this disease often begins to appear between the ages of two and three years. The following signs are usually observed among babies:

  • They prefer to try on clothes exclusively of the opposite sex.
  • They insist to parents that they are of the opposite sex.
  • They constantly express a desire to wake up as a person of the opposite sex.
  • They prefer to take part in games and activities that are atypical for them.
  • They have negative feelings towards their own genitals.

Often such girls urinate standing up like boys, and boys, on the contrary, do it sitting down like women, and so on. For example, girls tell their parents that when they grow up, they will grow a penis and they will be boys. And guys can fantasize about how they turn into a girl, talk about how to become a girl if you are a guy, and be glad that they don’t have to play rough games. The boy may also express a desire to get rid of his penis and testes.

Among guys, the stress of physical changes during puberty often leads to a desire to undergo feminizing somatic treatment during adolescence. As a rule, among most children, such a problem as gender dysphoria is not detected until the age of six to nine. When a guy dresses like a girl, the disorder becomes chronic.

Need some advice? Write your story Let's start with the main thing. My mom thinks I don't look like a girl. I'm 14 (turning 15 tomorrow), and I understand that this age is very unpleasant. Hormones, sudden mood swings, and the like really spoil relationships with parents. Mom thinks that I will never find myself a husband because of my character, that no boy would want to date a girl like him. Most often, our disputes come down to clothing, so to speak. My wardrobe doesn't suit her. There is almost nothing bright. Only two colored T-shirts, a sweater, a fluffy skirt and a strict pale pink dress. I love these things, but I rarely wear them because they are more formal than everyday. Dark T-shirts, sweaters and trousers. Mom hates the first and second ones the most. She constantly tells me that it's time to start dressing like a girl, and it puts a lot of pressure on me. She thinks I'm just messing with her by wearing a sweatshirt all the time. But that's not true! And I even tell her about it! It's just that the things she doesn't like are very convenient. I feel comfortable in them, my body breathes. And everything would be fine, we seem to quarrel and make up. But today she decided to give me a birthday present. My mom took me to a nail salon to get my nails and eyebrows done. I would like to add that I am not pretty. And I say this not because I just want to be pitied, but because it’s true. A crust of acne simply covered almost my entire face and shoulders. And this image is complemented by a braces system on the teeth. They plucked my eyebrows, filled them in and started doing my nails. The eyebrows were dark and really attracted attention to my face, which already attracted everyone. I was terribly upset and asked to wash them off. After a couple of minutes of arguing, they did what I wanted. Not bright, but not like it was. Perfect. Mom was already unhappy. Time for a manicure. Mom offers me pink, acid yellow, and some other simply terrible colors. I refused and chose turquoise. And then she got carried away. You're a girl. You must be feminine. You will never have a boyfriend. Don't even complain later. After all this crush, my nerves burst and I burst into tears. Right in the salon. It was very embarrassing, but I couldn’t stop. I said: “Let’s change it to transparent.” To which my mother replied: “Do what you want, I don’t care at all.” They just wasted their money." At home on the phone, she mentioned more than once that it would be better if she went and bought herself a new T-shirt, and that she would no longer try for me. Then she said again that she had wasted 500 rubles. I took out 500 rubles from my savings and gave it to her. She yelled at me, saying I don’t need any money from you. Now she doesn't talk to me, only to my brother. They went to lunch and they didn’t even invite me. I have already read several sites with advice on how to be feminine, how to behave correctly. I raked all the clothes that I used to wear into one pile and put them far away in the closet so that I simply wouldn’t see them. I don't know what else to do. I wash off my nails, she will definitely yell at me for just throwing money away. I'm in complete despair. I want to cry all day. How can I become a girl? And how to make peace with your mother? Should I just throw out my old clothes so I can't wear them? Rate:

Asya, age: 15 / 08/25/2017
Hello my young friend, My name is Lisa and I want to help you. First of all, it seems to me that at fifteen years old you are already a very wise girl. And this is a very important factor. After all, he is a smart little man, always handsome, handsome in his soul, in his thoughts, in his words. I’ll tell you, as a professional psychologist, you are now at the age at which you can and should look for yourself, try and try on different masks and looks. This is absolutely normal. As for your mother, she probably just figured out in her head what you should be like and really wants you to become that girl from her dreams. But you need to talk to your mother and convey to her the idea that you need a little more time for self-determination, you will definitely become a very beautiful girl because you are smart, I repeat. Just first find the image you like and little by little adjust it for the better. But your pimples are of course unpleasant, but nothing more, I myself was covered with this scourge until I was 25 years old... but I think that in your case it will all go away much earlier, since now this disease is quickly eliminated in beauty salons, with the help of mesotherapy. injections. Just ask your mom, let her help you take care of your health, because acne is an inflammatory process. Your self-esteem will thereby increase and you will see your smiling face in the mirror. I'm sure everything will work out for you and you will find yourself. Good luck to you dear, all the best.

Lisa, age: 35 / 09/01/2017

Asya, you are a girl after all! Mom has her own ideas about beauty and femininity. This is mom, you can’t change her, you need to respect her opinion. But you also have your own opinion. If you don’t want to put on makeup or wear feminine clothes, don’t. You're only 15, everything comes with age. Someday you yourself will want to change your wardrobe. Regarding sites about femininity. Among them there are many that promote false ideas about femininity. Bright makeup, a short skirt, a tight blouse - this image is presented as feminine. Yes, she attracts men, but men look at such a person as a girl of easy virtue and treat her accordingly. I recommend reading the materials on this site and the site, very useful information for teenagers, they warn against many mistakes in life. And further. When I was 15-18 years old, I considered myself very ugly. I was even embarrassed to look in the mirror at university. All these pimples and uneven skin seemed to create a terrible appearance. And now I look at my photos from that time, quite a pretty girl). I am not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex, although I do not paint my eyebrows and nails and generally rarely wear makeup. So, dear girl, many of our problems exist only in our heads. Don’t focus on femininity and appearance, everything will come with time, learn, develop, it will be useful in life!

Svetlana, age: 29 / 09/02/2017

Asya, hello! I see 2 problems that bother you - quarrels with your mother because of your appearance and low self-esteem because of your face. I think that both the 1st and 2nd problems can be solved if you quickly realize your true “purpose” in this world - to become the best mother for your future children and the best wife for your future husband. The first problem will be solved when you understand what a real woman and mother should look like. She shouldn't look like a teenager. She must be responsible for her children, gentle, intelligent, chaste, modest, caring. These words will immediately bring to your mind the image of the right girl. The second problem will be solved at the biological level, when you stop giving vent to hysterics, nervous breakdowns, and behave like a serious and adult girl. The body will simply understand that in your mind you are no longer a little girl dependent on hormones, but a serious person who does not give free rein to your “cockroaches” in your head, a person who knows how to take responsibility and preserve the purity of your soul and body for your future husband.

Maxim, age: 25 / 09/10/2017

Hello! Parents always want to do what is best for their children, but they are also people who make mistakes too. So your mother has her own ideas about beauty, which she tries to fit you into (with the best intentions, of course, but still...). Perhaps she herself would like to try on a bright image, but, in her opinion, her age no longer allows it, so she is trying to realize her dreams on you. Don't be offended by her for this. Try to explain to your mom that all the guys you know have different tastes, and that not everyone likes the bright acidic color. There is also such a thing as a phototype - and each of us has “our own” colors. Tell your mom that hot pink doesn't suit everyone. And too bright eyebrows can also look funny. And the color of the manicure should also be appropriate. Black suits someone very well and, moreover, people in black do not always look gloomy. Some people suit pastel colors, others – bright chemical ones. You need to look for your own. There are no purely “feminine” colors - any color can be played out in an interesting way. And another important point - the clothes should be “yours”, i.e., comfortable and acceptable for you. When a person likes what he is wearing, he looks better and behaves more confidently. At the same time, dressing up in expensive brand clothes can make you look stupid and completely unfeminine. And, most importantly, remember - you still continue to grow and develop. And your “unfemininity” is a temporary phenomenon. And soon you won’t even notice how you will become a beautiful swan :) Moreover, this will happen on its own and naturally. There is no need to “become a girl” on purpose - the concept of how a lady should behave is too vague and subjective. And we don’t live in the 19th century. You need to listen to yourself and simply, without fanaticism, take into account moral standards regarding clothing. No matter what style you dress up in, there will always be someone who will criticize and say “ugh”, and someone who will like it. Good luck:)

Ksenia, age: 21 / 09/15/2017

Dear Asya! Your mom is a manipulator. There is such a forum, please read the topics there in the Family Psychologist section, in which Irina Aleksandrovna helps. Topics: rojo “Fear of being alone after a divorce,” Rostislav “Dislike for yourself,” Fatigny “Overcoming codependency, betrayal and alcohol,” alexlove “Unrequited love.” Use the search to find these topics faster. Or here is a link to the search results You don’t need to become a girl , because you are ALREADY a girl. YOU NEED TO LEARN TO SET YOUR BOUNDARIES IN COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR MOTHER. How to do it? Mom: thinks I don’t look like a girl. — You: “Mom, I’m ALREADY a girl. I will not discuss this topic anymore.” (mom won’t stop, continue - leave. There is no way to leave - headphones in your ears / turn away / cover your ears with your hands / go to the bathroom - turn on the water). To make it clear, by doing this you are not being rude to your mother, by doing this you are protecting yourself from aggression and uninvited intrusion. You first forgive firmly and politely, and then politely defend yourself (cover YOUR ears, turn away YOUR eyes, walk away YOURSELF) - You are not harming anyone. Mom: believes that I will never find myself a husband because of my character, that no boy would want to date a girl like him. — You: “Mom, I will definitely get married, and very happily. I don't want to discuss my character with you. Everything will be fine. Would you like some tea?/let’s talk about something else.” If mom doesn’t stop, repeat “Mom, everything will be fine” several times. If mom is not at all calm, leave. Mom: My wardrobe doesn’t suit her. — You: “Mom, I haven’t found my style yet. Give me some time. Do not rush me. For now I’m comfortable like this.” (repeat “everything will be fine” if necessary) Mom: She constantly tells me that it’s time to start dressing like a girl, and it puts a lot of pressure on me. — You: “Mom, when you say that, I feel like you’re putting pressure on me. It is important for me to find my own style. Don’t be afraid, I can handle it,” “Mom, I love you, but let’s discuss this issue later. When I start looking for my own style, I will definitely turn to you for advice. But not now." Mom: She thinks I’m just making fun of her by constantly wearing a sweatshirt - “Mom, I’m not making fun of her. Now I like these clothes. It is important for me to find my own style. Let it mature. Everything will be fine". I would like to add that I am not pretty. And I say this not because I just want to be pitied, but because it’s true. A crust of acne simply covered almost my entire face and shoulders. And this image is complemented by a braces system on the teeth. - This is temporary. This will pass. I was terribly upset and asked to wash them off. After a couple of minutes of arguing, they did what I wanted. Not bright, but not like it was. - Clever girl. Mom offers me pink, acid yellow, and some other simply terrible colors. I refused and chose turquoise. - Clever girl. Mom: You're a girl. You must be feminine. Etc. - You: “Mom, when you say that, you make me unhappy. You wanted to give me a gift, but now you’re scolding me.” Mom: You will never have a boyfriend. Don't even complain later. — You: “Mom, I see that you are very afraid that I won’t have a boyfriend. Why? Do you have such examples? “(let him tell) “Mom, everything will be fine with me. But when you tell me that, you ruin OUR relationship." “Mom, I don’t like it when you say things like that to me. Don't tell me that again. Everything will be fine ". It is very important: you need to understand why she is afraid? What a case it was. It would be nice to know. And then say that it happens in different ways. That they choose not by clothes, but by heart. We need to consider whether it was a matter of clothing. You can also ask your mother, was it only the clothes that caused the problems? If you need a book on femininity, there is Helen Andelin’s “The Charm of Femininity.” Mom: To which my mother replied: “Do what you want, I don’t care at all.” They just wasted their money." You: “Yes, mommy, thank you) I’m glad for your gift and I’ll do it as I want! "Mom: At home on the phone, she mentioned more than once that it would be better for her to go and buy herself a new T-shirt, and that she would no longer try for me. Then she said again that she had wasted 500 rubles. - you shouldn’t listen to this: “Mom, you’re swearing, I won’t listen to that.” I took out 500 rubles from my savings and gave it to her. - you don’t need to do that. I must say: “Mom, thank you for the gift!” You think you wasted your money, but I think it turned out very well. Thank you, this is my first time at the salon, I tried something.” She yelled at me, saying that I don’t need any money from you. Now she doesn't talk to me, only to my brother. They went to lunch and they didn’t even invite me. - manipulation again, mom is trying to induce a feeling of guilt. Calmly go about your business, you are not to blame for anything. Go for a walk or call someone, or do something nice for yourself. If it's difficult, cry. But you are not to blame for anything. They expect you to apologize, submit, etc. And you see yourself CALMLY. We went into the kitchen (if necessary) - bon appetit, and made your own. If you don’t respond to aggression, go out. I have already read several sites with advice on how to be feminine, how to behave correctly. I raked all the clothes that I used to wear into one pile and put them far away in the closet so that I simply wouldn’t see them. I don't know what else to do. - there is no need to do this. Give back the clothes. You need not to fall into codependency with your mother’s fears, but to learn respect (= listen to YOURSELF). Then you will truly have a good marriage in due time. If you bend under your mother, as you did now, by putting away your things, she will understand that her manipulations are working and will continue in the same spirit. This is extremely destructive for you. I wash off my nails, she will definitely yell at me for just throwing money away. - If YOU want to wash them off, wash them off. But if YOU like it, don't. You don’t have to allow yourself to scream: “Mom, I won’t listen to you when you scream. I will gladly dry you when you say calmly” (and be ready to come out). Believe me, if you behave correctly, your mother will quickly learn to respect you and will know how to treat you and how not to. She will understand everything quickly. If you can fight off manipulation and protect your boundaries for several months, your mother will inevitably change her attitude. She will see that you are not falling for her manipulations and will stop. - read Shostrom’s book “Manipulative Man” .. Also be sure to read the books “Emotional Blackmail” by Susan Forward, “Barriers” by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. You need a close person, besides your mother, who can support you and give wise advice in a benevolent manner. Orthodox priest? Friend's mom? Better pray to God about this - He will send you help! When it becomes possible to set boundaries (read Alexander Kolmanovsky’s article “Adopting Parents”), combine these approaches. Make a list of good deeds for parents - pour tea, ask how you are feeling, look at photos together, buy your favorite chocolate bar, etc. Do it little by little. Pray that mom will have peace and joy in her heart. You are faced with such a task - it means you can handle it!! Try and don't give up.

Buba, age: 32 / 09/21/2017

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The most drastic solution to the question of how to become a girl if you are a guy is surgery. The procedure associated with gender reassignment can take more than a year in total. First of all, a person who decides to undergo such manipulation must undergo an examination by a psychiatrist. He, in turn, must confirm that the patient is transgender, but is mentally healthy.

Then a course of hormonal treatment is started, which lasts about a year. During this time, transsexuals live as representatives of the other sex in order to make sure that their decision is correct. During this period, men's breasts grow, and their facial features become more feminine. In women, the menstrual cycle stops, hair growth increases and the voice becomes rougher. Only after going through the previous stages can a person be assigned a date for surgery, which in some situations takes place over several time periods.

Thus, many transsexuals who want to change their gender from male to female often turn to doctors for surgery. Male to female gender reassignment surgery involves removing the penis and creating an artificial vagina. Part of the head of the former male organ is preserved as the clitoris, which can retain sensitivity along with the ability to orgasm.

Simply investing in appearance is not a priority2

For example, a girl works as a designer in a construction company. In the evening she attends photography courses and does yoga. There is very little time left for sleep. In the morning, she puts on the first jeans and sweater or T-shirt she comes across. He wears flat shoes, wears his hair in a ponytail, and does not wear makeup.

She has a sister. She studies at the university and lives on money from her parents and part-time jobs in nightclubs. It’s difficult to call her activities academic, since in the evenings she hangs out or works as a dancer, and during the day she sleeps and goes to fitness, a beauty salon, and various body treatments.

My sister is saving up for a new camera, so she doesn’t go to salons, and her yoga studio is the simplest one, in the Sports Palace. She does not take money from her parents, because she considers herself an adult and independent. But the student is admired on Instagram and on the street, but her sister is not noticed. Some guy wrote on VKontakte that she looks like a guy.

Is there really something wrong with the working girl? Not at all, she is a calm girl who looks at the world realistically and wants to find her place in it. She understands that you can’t earn a mortgage with work alone, and paying for rented housing all your life is not rational. And she realizes that sooner or later she will go on maternity leave, during which she will have to either beg or work as a freelancer. That's why he learns to take photographs. Not all working girls are like men, maybe they are just responsible and mature.

Does the first heroine ignore women's "responsibilities"? No. She doesn't consider herself a guy either. Just an ordinary grown girl. Why does everyone consider the second woman feminine? It purposefully “pumps” the outer shell, since its goal is not to work. She wants to marry a wealthy man immediately after university and travel, but with his money. It's not good, but it's not bad either. This is her conscious choice. And people often judge by appearance, especially if they only know someone through social networks.

Postoperative stage

After appropriate intervention, the person will receive new documents. In Iran, for example, people are given a new birth certificate. In addition, the person will have to take hormonal drugs for the rest of his life, because modern medicine has not yet reached the point of growing organs that can independently change secondary sexual characteristics. This is fraught with problems with the kidneys and liver.

Also, a person who has changed gender will have to deal with negative reactions from people around him. In this regard, he will most likely have to be observed by a psychologist for some time in order to more thoroughly adapt to his new life in a renewed body.

Go to beauty salons and spas

A woman’s body simply needs massage, first of all, for her health. It needs soft tactile contact, because... Thus, it improves the circulation of not only blood circulation, but also energy. This is why after a massage a person feels so good. Don't forget about manicure, facial and hair care. All this is not just a woman’s whim or whim. This is the basis of her psychological health and self-esteem. Self-care always gives a woman pleasure, and this is important. Don't forget to enjoy your bath without rushing. Give yourself at least half an hour to soak in the bath with soft foam and drops of aroma oils.

About hormone therapy

The main goal of hormone therapy is to ensure maximum safety during gender transition. Its process is divided into three stages:

  • Diagnosis by a medical commission.
  • Operation.
  • Performing hormone therapy.

There are some risks directly associated with taking hormones for guys. Doctors develop a special strategy, and the subsequent treatment regimen is adjusted in accordance with indicators of general health. In the case of male transsexualism, female sex hormones are selected along with estrogens and antiandrogenic drugs. There are currently a large number of these medications and there will definitely not be any problems in getting the necessary funds. Estrogens are produced in the form of gels, patches and tablets. Hormonal levels, as a rule, are regularly monitored by doctors with hormone tests using OAM and OAC.

Develop grace and elegance

Purely female activities will help with this: stretching, strip plastic, yoga, oriental dancing, etc. It is very important to engage in sports or dancing that will bring you joy. It is advisable to exclude a male environment during classes. Because it is in the women's circle that your energies grow and develop.

By doing all of the above, you will already be on the conscious path of female transformation. Of course, this is not all you need to do to become more feminine. However, starting is already half the success! Add to this some pleasant women’s practices, of which there are a huge number now, and you are guaranteed a visible result.

How to choose a bra for a guy?

A new woman without real breasts can choose any cup size, from the smallest to the largest options. AA is the smallest size and DD is the maximum. You need to choose the model that best suits your body. Therefore, before choosing a bra, you should pay attention to your build: if a person is thin and at the same time short, it is better to buy smaller cups in order to look more natural.

Chat with your friends

It is extremely important to communicate with other girls to reveal your feminine energies. That is why a woman should not be prohibited from communicating with her friends and sisters. You've probably noticed yourself how sometimes we really want female communication, and how good we feel after it? This is because at first we experienced a lack of feminine energy, and then we made up for it.

The guy acts and dresses like a girl

Psychologists have repeatedly proven that a person’s character is influenced by the feminine and masculine principles in upbringing. Thus, girls raised by their father alone can grow up to be strong personalities; sentimentality and romance may be alien to them. Boys raised by their mother alone, on the contrary, become romantic and gentle in nature, and therefore behave like the opposite sex.

It often happens that guys are immediately born with a feminine character. Since childhood, they prefer the company of girls rather than boys, and are not interested in men’s hobbies. They love themselves too much to care for anyone else. In this case, the guy behaves like a girl. He may devote a lot of time to his appearance, and therefore such people are called narcissists.

As a result, such behavior often leads to transvestite tendencies and the development of gender dysphoria. To prevent such problems from arising in the future, parents should correct any non-standard gender expression of their children.

Cultivate love within yourself

A woman is energetically strong when love lives in her. I'm not talking about love for a man now. First of all, develop love for yourself and the world around you. Stop criticizing everyone, feeling angry, offended, envying, throw away your grievances. Without an inner feeling of love, you will be empty, and accordingly, you will not be able to give anything to your loved one, family, or children. On the contrary, you will begin to “vampire” their energy through quarrels, scandals, and claims. This will especially affect your man. He may lose financial success or become ill. A woman by nature gives love. This is where her strength lies. Try to start practicing a warm attitude towards everything that surrounds you, and then you will see how you become softer and calmer.

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