How to become the ideal girlfriend and wife for your man

“All men are the same!” How often do girls say this phrase in relation to the stronger sex? But they forget that men also have a language and can also say to them: “All women are the same!” And such words touch the heartstrings. After all, not a single girl or woman wants to be equated with everyone else. In her soul, every woman believes that she is unique and inimitable. And how much of everything such a girl will give to the man who emphasizes, notices and appreciates it... wow!

Every man has his own ideal woman. Everything is a certain “Skeleton” according to which men try to choose the very ideal woman.

For some men, it is important that their ideal woman is economical (like a mother), sociable (so that friends will appreciate), while others are looking for an enterprising and business woman (so that she can provide for herself), passionate and flexible (so that she satisfies the basic instincts of a man).

So how is the article about that very ideal girl and wife? More on this later.

"The Hero of My Novel"

Every man, even far from the images glorified by glossy magazines and far-fetched by women’s dreams, wants to be for someone a kind of domestic version of “Superman” who will save his little and defenseless chosen one from everyone and everything. Therefore, an ideal woman will always stimulate her man to perform great deeds.
Let these not be large-scale and high-profile affairs, like the famous comic book hero, but having done something for her sake and seeing sincere gratitude and admiration, each time he himself will become confident in his capabilities and grow in his own eyes. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying that behind every successful man there is a woman who loves him. And a woman who motivates a man to grow is certainly ideal for him. After all, every representative of the stronger sex values ​​and idolizes his source of strength - a woman.

Miss Perfect: how to become the ideal woman for your man?

How to become an ideal girl?

Psychologists around the world persistently insist that relationships in a couple depend 80% on the woman, but for some reason you turn such conversations on deaf ears and blame your man for all troubles? He stopped giving flowers, doesn’t spoil him with gifts, calls less and less, stares at other women...

Of course, it’s convenient to blame everything on innate polygamy, insensitivity, inattention and other male vices, but in the end, you won’t be left alone for long.

So stop scolding your man and urgently change your behavior plan. How to become ideal for Him?

How to be perfect? Tip #1 . Remember the rule once and for all: women love with their ears, and men love with their eyes! Never, no matter how tired you are, meet your loved one with disheveled or dirty hair, in a stretched T-shirt or soiled robe, in stale or old underwear. And here excuses like: “I also work, I also have to walk around in parades at home...” are irrelevant here. If you don’t know how to be perfect, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be another lady who will know it...

How to be perfect? Tip #2 . Always think and talk about your man with respect. Well, how will he happily rush home to a woman who, at every opportunity, points out his shortcomings and humiliates his dignity? Don't give him another reason to doubt your love.

How to be perfect? Tip #3 . Stop arguing with him on every convenient occasion and without. In family and relationships, a man is always right, and your task is to maintain this illusion in him.

For the most part, men are smarter than women, but we are wiser and more cunning - so take advantage of it! This is the main answer to the question of how to become an ideal woman!

No matter how stubborn your loved one is, if he sees that you agree with his decision, but it upsets you, most likely he will ask what you would like and give in. Yes, at the same time, he will be proud of his generosity and, perhaps, it will irritate you a little, but you will get what you wanted, and without scandals and swearing.

How to be ideal: building relationships

How to be perfect? Tip number 4 . Always be friendly, kind and smiling. A man has enough stress and problems at work, but at home he should rest, and your task is to create confidence in him that the best rest he can have is only next to you. Greet him with a joyful smile, be sure to prepare dinner yourself (scientists have proven that food prepared by a woman’s hands carries a special energy that binds a man to you no worse than the promises of a passionate night), and try to cook not only what is healthy, but what , what does he like.

How to be perfect? Tip #5 . Come up with several rituals that will be known only to your couple. For example, every Friday give him an erotic massage, and on Sundays for lunch together try to cook a new dish using a complex recipe. It’s not so important what exactly you come up with, what’s important is that such pleasant little things will diversify your relationship and make your man become more and more attached to you.

How to be perfect? Tip #6 . Create and maintain a warm and cozy atmosphere in your home. Men are more sensitive to odors than women, and they cannot stand the smells of old age and dampness. Ventilate the house, change bed linen regularly, do not store old things in the house - everything should breathe freshness and cleanliness. Cinnamon and vanilla are smells that create sexual desire in a man, so add them to baked goods as often as possible.

How to be perfect? Tip number 7 . Remember that among men, hearing comes last out of all the senses. He can't listen to you carefully for more than twenty seconds. This does not mean that he is not interested in you and your problems, this is simply the nature of the male brain. When asked how your day was, answer: “Great, honey. And you?". And be ready to listen to him.

It may seem to you that all these rules are too primitive and deprive you of individuality, but this is not so. Treat this as a game - you are a woman, a muse, a born actress, and you simply change masks without changing yourself. How flawlessly you play a particular role is where your individuality will shine through. It is important to learn to give a man what he needs, and then he will throw the whole world at your feet.


"Everyone wants to love..."

Remember the famous song by Valery Leontyev? It is no secret that every man, like, in general, any person, wants not only to love, but, above all, to be loved. After all, even the most powerful, powerful, successful and serious people in this world are, at heart, subtle and vulnerable individuals who dream of having someone at home waiting for them, loving them, believing in them and never betraying them. This has been their ideal since childhood, when this “someone” for men was their mother and grandmother. And now it is not at all difficult for his beloved woman to become this ideal. Of course, provided that she strives for this ideal.

Why do you need to be perfect?

It’s clear that becoming the ideal girl for a guy is not an easy task. But as the Russian proverb says: “If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sleigh.” It means that if you want to enjoy life, you must constantly work! This also applies to relationships! When a girl wants to have a handsome, smart, athletic, caring and loving young man, she needs to match him herself.

Such guys do not lie on the road and they want a worthy partner next to them, and not just a girl whose brain is filled with endless fantasies and illusions.

If a girl has never achieved anything in life, has not developed comprehensively, then she will definitely find a man like her.

If the girl’s main goal is to get married as quickly as possible, no matter who, then naturally, there is no need for great intelligence and there is no need to try very hard. She will get married, faced with the difficulties of family life, she will wonder why everything is happening this way. And soon the couple will come to the conclusion that they are completely different personalities and want different things from life.

Conclusion : the set high bar requires a lot of effort and patience!!! Remember, generals' wives married lieutenants.

Brush away a tear!

Men are not as sentimental by nature as women. This is why they have a hard time understanding whining about minor things, such as a broken nail, a lyrical song, or a touching scene from a movie. To become ideal for him and stand out from all other female representatives, you need to learn to tune in to the wave of positivity. This does not mean at all that you need to go against your sensitive and vulnerable nature, but it is quite possible to watch a heart-warming film and release your emotions with a friend.

Make compromises

Being yourself doesn't mean you don't have to give in to anyone. On the contrary, a girl who has retained her individuality should appreciate the guy’s individuality and in no case suppress him. The entire system of relationships is built on this.

Editor's choice: How to meet your man

Such balance can only be achieved by learning to give in to each other. The ability to find a compromise solution does not come immediately. It will take time before a guy and a girl learn to hear and understand their partner and to mutually give in.

Compromises are based on love, mutual respect and the desire to maintain relationships for the long term. Only couples who have learned to find compromise solutions can be truly happy, because each partner expresses his own opinion, which is heard and accepted by the other side.

For example, if at the beginning of a relationship a girl can make a claim to a guy if the birthday gift did not live up to expectations, then after a few years, having learned to understand her partner and appreciate his care, she will no longer become hysterical about this, but will be sincerely happy about this manifestation attention.

Clever beauty

Yes, men love with their eyes. But they have nothing against a woman being smart. A good conversationalist, with whom you are not bored and not ashamed in company, is a man’s pride and joy. He will definitely listen to the advice of an intelligent woman. But she will absolutely not tolerate it if she starts being clever. In this case, the man will strive to do everything contrary.

Becoming an ideal woman is not that difficult. You just need to be a real woman - cultivating her external and internal world, developing, learning new things and loving her man.

Tags: woman, psychology of relationships, rules of behavior, relationships in a couple, ideal, ideal woman

Let's talk about character and its compatibility with different types of men

Attractive appearance is not the only criterion for an ideal woman. Personal qualities - character, behavior, intelligence - are of great importance.

Attractive appearance is not the only criterion for an ideal woman

Opinions about temperament vary. Some types of men like easy-going, quiet girls, others - ambitious and emotional ones.

Important! Often, behind a beautiful face and slender body, a disgusting character is hidden. Such a girl is far from the male ideal.


The trait manifests itself in the form of kindness, the absence of rudeness, and cruelty. An important point is that the softer the beloved, the more courageous the companion feels: the woman gives her partner a chance to feel stronger. You want to protect and protect a soft, vulnerable beloved.

Such young ladies are non-conflict, support their husband, and give useful advice. A wife with a gentle character does not claim leadership in the family. Trust, caring, tenderness are what a husband needs.


Among the traits of an ideal life partner, men highlight modesty. They like quiet, well-mannered girls who will become good wives and mothers in the future.

With them, family life will be calm and harmonious. Vulgar, sexually unleashed persons evoke lust, not love.

Sense of humor

Young people appreciate a sense of humor in a companion.

Young people value a sense of humor in a companion

Her sincere, boisterous laugh makes her charming. If a girl laughs flirtatiously at a joke, the guy will pay attention to her. Lively laughter and cheerful temperament attract young people. A gloomy young lady will scare you away.

The main thing is not to overdo it. If a story or joke turns out to be unfunny, there is no need to squeeze out laughter. It's better to just smile. Laughter should not be very loud or intimidating.

How to become imperfect?

What should you do in the next 24 hours and stick to it constantly?

Tell her that you don't have to be perfect.

Just go to your boyfriend and tell him this. Loudly, confidently and more than one hundred times.

Tell it to everyone - me, your lover and your boss. Oh yes. Don't forget your beloved mangy cat.

Open the window, take a deep breath and shout, “Fuck you all!” I don’t have to be perfect for you!”

Close the window.

Breathe out calmly.

Everything is going as it should.

Tell us about your fantasy.

So that he crawls off the couch (his penis falls during sex, he blushes and runs off to cry in another room, rapes you, files for divorce, commits suicide, or is taken away by an ambulance).

If your imagination is limited to something ordinary (I spilled juice on his trousers, took out a napkin and started wiping it off), then come up with something more explosive.

“I imagine how you caress me with your tongue, and from behind you are fucked in your manly butt by a bearded man. Hey, where are you going, wait!”

Shock your macho man with your fantasy. Are you even capable of this? You can rehearse with a friend. (And don't forget about your mangy cat)

Throw away his gift. Which you don't like.

I understand that it is not customary for an ideal and boring girl to do this, but now you will do it.

Out the window, into the trash can!

Even an expensive and memorable gift - out the window!

But wait. If his gift can be broken... Ugh. I love these moments. A bunch of little fragments! Oh yeah!

Destroy these gifts not in front of him, demonstratively, dreaming somewhere in the depths of his soul that this act will win his heart for the rest of his life. Do it alone. For myself. Prove to yourself that you are not a perfect person.

Stop looking for perfect people

You are always looking for some ideals. Like a young 15-year-old lamb, you love a certain type of man, thereby driving yourself into a corner, into a framework and into loneliness.

You like some, and some you don't.

You live with rose-colored glasses and are still waiting for your prince, even if you have a husband, a granddaughter and a rocking chair - you still live and think exactly like that. You are waiting for the prince.

If I ask you, are you waiting for a prince? You will laugh and tell me - Gord, what kind of prince are you?

Knights, kings and counts pass by. And you wrinkle your nose because it’s the prince you need. Despite what you say and think now. I see you deeper than you can imagine.

You need an ideal created by your pink-cheeked snot. You're missing out on the cool, unusual, awesome, crazy, crazy, original, funny! Looking for the prince with his big eyes, controlled by a small brain.

For him to destroy your perfect straw house. You want to suffer for him and you are waiting for this suffering. You forgot that there is a whole world behind your nose. But for you, your nose is your whole world.

Do something out of the ordinary.

Namely this. Make a mistake, do something wrong on purpose or accidentally.

And when they scold you, wag their finger at you and say, “Don’t do that again”...

Answer this crap - “I will!” I'll still do it."

Believe me, no one will expect such an answer. Because perfect girls always say, “I won’t do this again.”

And you answer - “And that’s what I will do!” Cause a conflict between people blinking frequently and looking at you in shock with your answer.

Answer different people this way. Especially him.


  1. You should have only one ideal - your health and your body. That's all. Dot.
  2. Tell everyone that you don't have to be perfect. Pay attention - tell it to everyone. Say this to a new person every day. Even to those who are afraid to say this.
  3. Tell your boyfriend a wild fantasy.
  4. Throw away the crap gift. It's such a bad thing to do. You won't do that again, will you?
  5. Answer everyone - I will do so. And, in general, I will do as I want!
  6. Stop looking for perfect people. Or are you still 15 years old?

What not to do

We found out what you need to do to become the best wife. Now let's look at the main women's taboos in family life.

Don't criticize your husband again

Family is not a place for self-affirmation. If a man has failed or made a mistake, you should not attack him with reproaches. Otherwise, he will completely lose the desire to do something for you and share his experiences. And the phrase “I told you so!” in a split second she can turn her wife into enemy number one.

Be diplomatic and include empathy at least sometimes. Filter your words and emotions, think in advance about the reaction they will cause. Remember - criticism without a request causes nothing but rejection. Your eternal dissatisfaction will eventually lead your husband to think that you feel bad with him. And he will naturally go in search of someone who will appreciate him.

Don't compare him to anyone

Having gotten married, a man wants to finally take a break from eternal competition and feel like the best for his chosen one. Don't deprive him of this pleasure. Talk often about how lucky you are to have him. Let him know that your choice was conscious and you did not doubt it for a minute.

Don’t even mention your ex-men. The husband must be sure that they are all defeated by him and buried in the past. You should also not show excessive sympathy for famous actors, musicians and other media personalities. And even more so, cite them as an example. Otherwise, in response, you may also receive a comparison that is not in your favor.

Don't burden him with jealousy, resentment and whining

Learn to deal with your cockroaches yourself. Your husband is not a nanny to constantly take care of your psychological comfort. Keep all your doubts, fears, grievances out of nowhere and groundless jealousy to yourself. Every time you burden your husband with this, his love for you decreases, at least a little. And this is not an exaggeration.

Therefore, all your words and actions towards your spouse must pass through a strict filter. If you do not have enough strength to cope with accumulated experiences, it is better to share them with a psychologist.

Don't complain about him to your friends and relatives

Never wash dirty linen in public during a conflict. By complaining about what a scoundrel your husband is, you humiliate not only him, but also yourself. After all, this is the person closest to you, an integral part of your life. And since you married him, it was the best option available to you.

Therefore, at the next meeting of the women's council, when all your girlfriends scold their husbands, think carefully. The grievances against your husband will be forgotten, but your loved ones will continue to consider him a scoundrel. Not to mention the fact that your stories may one day become public knowledge. And then you will find yourself in a very sticky situation.

Tell only good things about your spouse, praise him often in front of your friends. People around you will begin to treat your family with even more respect.

I also recommend watching this short video.

A woman is a cheerful muse

A happy woman is one who creates bright positive emotions and fills her lover and everyone around with her mood! The main calling of a woman, laid down at the genetic level since the times of the primitive system, is to create home comfort and psychological comfort in the family. Then, when a man returned home after a hard hunt for mammoths, he needed to rest psychologically. Today, the “hunt for mammoths” has turned into a hunt for SUCCESS and financial feasibility. Therefore, after a hard day at work, a man needs harmony and psycho-emotional comfort, because he has returned “home” to his fortress.

Maintaining independence

The problem of some loving women is complete immersion in the life and problems of their husband. After marriage, such girls prefer to devote themselves entirely to their family, but this is just not possible.

A woman should always be a mystery, have her own goals and desires. The ideal spouse leaves time for herself. Otherwise, you can simply turn into the shadow of your spouse, who is of no interest to anyone at all. An independent wife will always be of interest to her husband, so you shouldn’t stop developing and forget about your hobbies.

Psychology of relationships

The beginning of a couple living together comes from ancient times, when the man was a warrior and breadwinner, and the woman took care of everyday life, cooking and looking after the children. Much has changed in our world, except psychology:

  1. The guy, as before, is a male and may accidentally look at another girl. This does not mean that betrayal on his part will follow. You just need to accept the instincts inherent in nature and not make a scandal because of looking to the side. A girl is given a lot so that she can constantly change - haircuts, hairstyles, outfits - and this is just a small list of what can attract a guy.
  2. Independence plays an important role in the life of a man. Guys are afraid of losing their “I” when entering into a relationship with a girl. This explains their delay with the offer of living together or marriage. There is no point in putting pressure on a guy; a man must be sure that he will not lose his freedom.
  3. A man has long been considered a breadwinner and this greatly affects self-esteem. It would be a rash act if a girl starts begging a guy for a gorgeous bouquet of flowers or perfume that he cannot afford. Accusations of insolvency often lead a man to depression.
  4. The stronger sex tries to avoid conflicts. At the same time, sometimes he deceives his soul mate, but does it for the good. Perhaps, returning from work and meeting a friend with whom he chatted for some time, it is easier for the guy to say that he was late at work. Knowing that the girl will be unhappy with this, he thus simply tries to avoid a possible quarrel.
  5. Guys solve their own problems on their own. Girls, not realizing why their chosen one refuses to let them know about their affairs, often provoke a conflict. You just need to understand that men cannot “drop” their warrior status.

Knowing the psychological characteristics of the male sex, girls will be able to skillfully build relationships and become an ideal couple for their partner.

Support your loved one! A happy family is a close-knit and friendly team

Always be on his side. Stop praising other men, even TV series characters! (Subconsciously, he perceives this as recognition of someone else who is better than himself, and weakens the connection between you). Share his views, but have your own opinion and a stable inner core. Everyone should have personal space. Be an independent person! Consider when you should give in and when you should defend your opinion - this is how the truth is born. At the same time, always maintain PEACE and harmony! Always count to 10 before speaking and keep the question in mind: “Do I want to be right or happy?”

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