How to become more sexy and desirable for a man

It has long been known that men love women not for their appearance or the ability to cook delicious cutlets. Men fall in love with the state they experience when they are next to a woman. After all, you can often observe a picture when a very successful and attractive man marries an unbeautiful woman who does not have ideal shape and appearance. The reason for this is the inner beauty of a woman and her competent play with a man. Men love to play with a woman, this allows them not to lose interest in their beloved for a long time. Another thing is, what should a woman do to be interesting to a man? How to awaken these inner emotions in yourself and how to become more sexy in the eyes of a man? Are there any special tricks and tricks? The answer is clear - yes, there is!

Always smile!2

To look sexier in a man's eyes, add a charming smile to your sly look. Smiling sincerely and sexually is a rather difficult science, but once you master it, you will get what you have been striving for for so long. Naturally, you shouldn’t walk around with a permanent smile on your face. Show interest and sexuality in a smile only with the object that you are going to conquer.

Be a complete person

Also, in order to become unique and unique for the man you love, you need to be an individual. This should be understood this way: that without the man you love or in union with him, you should feel comfortable, whole

The vast majority of women, being alone, dream of a soul mate, because in the absence of one they feel worthless, almost sick, deprived of an important functional part of the body. Adhering to this position, it is impossible to become happy in principle.

Therefore, take into account the saying of the wise Indian master Osho:

“First, hear yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company. Become so happy that you will no longer be bothered whether someone comes to you or not. You are already full. You don't wait in trepidation to see if someone will knock on your door. Are you at home already. If someone comes, great. No - that's also good. Only with such an attitude can you start a relationship.”

A woman who is nothing without a man is unlikely to become the only person who is the object of respect and tender feelings on his part. And vice versa, having felt like a full-fledged person, you will spread special vibes around you, thanks to which your chosen one, at a minimum, will not look at anyone else but you, and at most, will want to learn this art from you.


Many women believe that bright and provocative makeup will definitely emphasize their sexuality. This is a big mistake. In order to look sexy and be desirable to your man, light and everyday makeup is enough with the obligatory contrast on one of the areas - lips or eyes. Try adding winged lines to your eyelids to make your eyes stand out. Use blush to make your cheekbones more prominent. Visually increase the volume of your lips using a special gloss or lipstick.

Financial independence

Financial independence plays an important role, allowing you to model a lifestyle that is independent of circumstances and other people. Awareness of material wealth brings a sense of self-worth, the ability to manage your life, allocate funds for self-care, be the mistress of your appearance, and, in the end, of your destiny.

It’s great if additional income appears in the life of a woman who is active in all respects, a good housewife, an exemplary employee. Even if it is not there, there is that, albeit a small part of the funds that can be spent exclusively on personal needs or pleasures.

Whether it’s cosmetic procedures, beautiful lingerie, saving money to make a dream come true, or buying candy - this state of affairs benefits self-esteem and attractiveness to people around you in the end.

Legs from the hips and walked with a beautiful gait!5

Sexuality also manifests itself in gait. Try to walk easily and naturally, keep your posture straight, and do not lower your head. A lot depends on the shoes here. Girls believe that it is generally impossible to appear sexy in low-top shoes.

But if you haven't mastered the art of wearing high heels, this look will look ridiculous. You can wear regular sneakers or sneakers, in which you will float and attract a man with your ease.

Special energy

No matter how much scientists delve into the biological reasons for our erotic attractiveness, no matter how many experiments with the participation of men and beauties they conduct, the conclusion is always the same: it is her special energy that makes a woman a magnet for the opposite sex, and not her waist-to-hip ratio, not the shade of her lipstick, and certainly not larger breast size (so don’t rush to enlarge it).

What is this mythical erotic aura? Perhaps there is no clear answer to this question. After all, no one has yet managed to measure it using an encephalogram or any ultra-modern laboratory equipment. However, women who possess such energy are somehow different from everyone else. They can be both incredibly beautiful and “gray mice”, both open laughers and mysterious melancholics, both successful business women and housewives - there is absolutely no difference. At the same time, they are similar in one thing: they have a special psychology.

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What's in your voice?6

Not everyone has been blessed by nature with a sexy and languid voice, but you can work with it. In a dialogue with the object of admiration, try to speak calmly and measuredly, slightly lowering the intonation in your voice. This will add some mystery and mystery to the conversation.

Why do you think phone sex turns men on so much? After all, it’s not without reason that at the other end of the line you usually hear a languid, sexy voice that captivates you from the first seconds? Add a little sex into your conversation, not in the literal sense of the word, of course, and then your interlocutor or partner will want to listen to you non-stop.

Well, the most important thing! Men feel women from a distance and are able to easily grasp her emotional state. They sense whether a woman is interested in a partner or is simply skillfully making an impression. Play with a man, show him the weakness inherent in real women.

Fantasize and use small tricks to interest a man and be sexy for him.

How to become desirable

How to become desirable to men, because every woman wants to attract representatives of the stronger sex with her mere presence. It seems to many women that it is enough to achieve the desired figure shape through a strict diet, put on revealing clothes, dye their hair blonde and they are guaranteed the title of the desired woman, but, according to the representatives of the stronger sex themselves, such actions and transformations do not always evoke the desired emotions in them.

How to become desirable to men? Representatives of the stronger sex are more quickly and easily attracted to everything that is hidden from view in women, so first of all you need to become mysterious. Feminine men feel emotions and temperament in their voice, behavior, facial expressions and gaze. And in fact, large breasts, lace underwear, provocative behavior have nothing to do with real charm. Representatives of the stronger sex evaluate a woman only by her appearance when they want to get her for one night.

And to become desirable to a man for life, you need to know some secrets. So, to become desirable, you need to love yourself for who the woman is. Often, many women are not confident in their attractiveness and spend most of their time trying to achieve standard sizes or spend too much time in beauty salons.

And all men by nature are naive, like children, and they believe what they are told, therefore, they are attracted to women who radiate a feeling of their own attractiveness. In simple words, if a girl feels like a beauty, then those around her will consider her as such. If a woman realizes within herself that she is attractive, then men very quickly begin to feel this attitude. Therefore, hair color, kilograms, waist and chest size have nothing to do with it, unless they are the cause of a feminine complex, since it is precisely the feeling of inferiority and self-doubt that does not allow a woman to feel desired.

To become desirable to a man, you should not demonstrate maternal instincts in front of your chosen one. A man himself must show a masculine character and under no circumstances should he be turned into a little son.

To become feminine and desirable to a man, you should learn to communicate without words: with the help of eyes, hands, a smile, and silence is one of the forms of intimacy. Wonderful intimacy is possible where everything is aimed at fueling desire, so from time to time it is worth experimenting in an unusual place with your loved one.

Men desire those women who give them freedom and fun. This is important to remember. Therefore, the mood will help you become the most desirable woman, but you shouldn’t wait for this mood to come, you need to create it yourself; if it doesn’t work out, then you need to play it. You should also be able to awaken the fire of desire in a man. To do this, you need to lower your eyes, touch your lips with your finger, and let out a gentle sigh.

It is important to remember that no matter how hard a woman tries to become a friend and a good lover, it is impossible to do this at the same time. Representatives of the stronger sex clearly distinguish between intimacy and friendship. A friend is an open book, and a lover always wants to unravel, but this is never completely done and therefore she is always desired. Therefore, you must always keep your secrets to yourself.

There is no need to teach a man the art of love, you need to provide him with this opportunity.

A woman should not contradict herself and her principles; she should always remain herself and trust her intuition.

You can remain desired and loved by your man even after years. Many representatives of the fair sex dream about this. To do this, you just need to take the advice of men who know everything about the secrets of seduction.

Male photographers share their observations about models and believe that their inner world is not so interesting because they are fixated on their parameters. The passion for their beauty burns out in a few months, and in order to remain desirable, a woman must develop, just like a man, of course.

If both partners are aimed at their own internal development, then their relationship will also develop, and it will become more interesting and deeper. Such people will never be bored together. It is very important for a man that his woman opens up from a new side every time, because this cannot but hook him.

A man is happy when it turns out that he has a lot in common with his loved one, when watching a movie equally touches the soul. There is unity in this and at such moments a woman is most desirable.

Most men note that in addition to external beauty, there is internal beauty, against which Botox and silicone injections are powerless, but for some reason women forget about this and, in an attempt to improve their appearance, they rapidly, starting from the age of twenty, actively change their bodies and faces with the help of plastic surgery.

Of course, you need to take care of your body, but this is understandable when it comes to age-related changes, and you should also take no less care of your inner beauty. This is monotonous work on oneself, the work of the heart, soul, brain in order not to conquer, but to give the opportunity to be conquered by a man. This is very important in defeating a man, as well as in order for him to constantly strive for a woman. After all, a person returns to his favorite books, and in the relationship between a man and a woman there should be a desire to constantly be together and be needed.

Many representatives of the stronger sex like it when a woman loves herself and enjoy watching her sparkle in her eyes and mannerisms of speech.

Also, representatives of the stronger sex do not remain indifferent to the spiritual component and female intelligence, because it is no secret that many couples break up due to the fact that the lack of interests and common topics of conversation lead to the end of the relationship.

Many men like petite girls so that they can kiss, hug, and not reach somewhere tall. Representatives of the stronger sex have the feeling that it is short women who need protection, so short women can use this “weapon” to “conquer” a man.

A common mistake is that many women dissolve in their other halves and do not have their own hobbies, and thus become uninteresting to their husbands, who eventually “abandon” them, because being in a relationship with a servant or maid does not bring much happiness.

How to become desired and loved by your man forever?

Psychologists advise studying painting, music, fashion, and trying to be a meaningful and interesting conversationalist. Desired and loved will be the woman who is always carefree, light and flirtatious. Also for the stronger sex, temperament, sex appeal of the fairer sex and independence play an important role. Every woman must understand that she herself is able to create her own unique image, and, therefore, play a major role in arranging her destiny and become the most desirable and beloved for her man.

Author : Practical psychologist Vedmesh N.A.

Speaker of the Medical-Psychological


A smart woman always knows when to play dumb. It’s paradoxical, but this is where women’s wisdom lies. At the right moment, remain silent, support somewhere, and always treat a man’s problems with sympathy.

A wise woman will always rejoice at his victories and support him in all his endeavors. Even if she does not share his views, the man will never know about it. The game will be very realistic.

Knowing all the tricks and possessing natural wisdom and femininity, becoming the only one for a man is not difficult. A woman is created to inspire and guide a man. A man in love is ready to move mountains for the sake of such a woman and go through life to the end.

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