How to become a liberated girl: a few recommendations

  • November 4, 2019
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Nechitailo Oksana

Remember the famous movie “Basic Instinct”. Surely, you will remember the famous interrogation scene when Sharon Stone crosses her legs. The actress played a liberated girl who is not afraid of men and shamelessly uses her attractiveness. Many women around the world would like to become like the heroine of Basic Instinct. But how to become liberated?

Modesty is out of favor

They say a girl should be modest. Perhaps this rule was relevant in the last century, but now it is hopelessly outdated. A modest and quiet woman no longer seems such an attractive prey.

The trend (so to speak) is for liberated girls who know how to take the bull by the horns and are not afraid of men. They skillfully use their charm and are endowed with inner freedom. What others think? Don't care about him! You need to live the way you want.

How can you become liberated and get out of the shackles of modesty and tightness? Here are some recommendations.

What is liberation

Liberation has the meaning of mutual exchange of sensory experiences with the world and people in it. Through such manifestations, a connection is born with the surrounding society and natural space, a person lives a rich life. The opposite state is the enslavement of the sensory sphere, when it is impossible to show your true reactions, desires, needs and emotions in relation to people. The state of enslavement largely limits not only emotions, but also impoverishes human social interaction and the ability to adapt. Anyone who does not know emancipation gradually loses connection with others, isolating himself more and more from them, and over time begins to experience fear from other people’s ease and spontaneity.

Many people confuse liberation with depravity and permissiveness, but these concepts are not identical. Depravity at its apogee reaches disregard for the opinions of others and violation of moral norms, while emancipation is always built on the principles of harmony and interaction. This is precisely why such people attract the attention of others, since their inner freedom gives others a chance to also manifest themselves in a natural state.

Relaxed behavior, ease of communication in any situation and with any people are the main external signs of emancipation. For many, such attractiveness becomes the most pressing moment in life, requiring development.

Liberation has its manifestation in all areas of human behavior and interaction. It can be intimate and give a lot of pleasure, since there are no fears or complexes. It can also occur during full-scale performances, without the pressure of projections and a sense of over-importance. A liberated person will communicate equally freely with representatives of any age, confession, religion and status, because the basis of his behavior is always internal orientation and his own experiences, and not labels, positions and masks that determine our roles in society.

Comfortable clothing style

Liberated girls are not afraid to show themselves. No, they don't wear minis or wear high heels off-road. They choose comfortable clothes, which, however, demonstrate the advantages of their figure. Beautiful legs? Thin waist? There is no need to hide what nature has endowed. Clothing should emphasize the attractiveness of the figure, but at the same time not contradict the lifestyle. Even in a tracksuit you can remain attractive and desirable.

Erotic thoughts2

The first changes must be made in consciousness. It will be useful for a woman to learn to fantasize about intimate topics. It is not common for anyone to get into another person’s head and find out their hidden thoughts if the person himself does not tell about it. But erotic fantasies have the ability to awaken inner sexuality and sensuality.

Mentally, a woman can allow herself everything: to be Cleopatra, selflessly having sex with Mark Antony; seduce a neighbor or employee; indulge in lovemaking with your favorite actor. Bold thoughts awaken a woman to turn her fantasies into reality and gradually remove internal pressures.

Take yours

Liberated girls are never afraid to take what is due to them. They will definitely ask for a raise, return to the store and return defective goods, and reprimand the workers for poor quality repairs. In a word, they will not miss theirs and will not allow you to wipe your feet on them. Modesty often borders on a doormat that is not worth a penny. Of course, there is no need to be arrogant. But you shouldn’t let yourself be offended either.

The ugly duckling3

Representatives of the fairer sex often engage in self-criticism and excessive criticism. They are so strict about their own appearance that they absolutely cannot relax while in sexual intimacy with a partner. In the worst case, young ladies do not allow the development of love relationships before sexual intercourse because they do not correspond to the “ideal mistress.”

They experience panic fear at the thought that they will go to bed with a sweetheart when they are too plump, clumsy, inexperienced, thin. Some have a drooping belly, others have no breasts, and others have crooked legs. And women sigh, sitting through their best years at the window, while their peers, less attractive ladies without complexes, lure handsome gentlemen and run off on love dates.

To get rid of unnecessary self-criticism, girls need to write down the pros and cons of their appearance, work on what can be corrected, and calmly accept what cannot be corrected. Suitable clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure, beautiful makeup and well-groomed hair will complement the image of a woman, which is of great interest to men, regardless of the type of figure.

Several synonyms

So, we found out that a person who behaves at ease can be relaxed. A synonym for this adjective is quite easy to find. We will indicate several options.

  • Natural.
  • Free.
  • Relaxed.
  • Direct.
  • Uninhibited.
  • Not constrained.

With these words you can easily replace the adjective “uninhibited” in a sentence.

How to become relaxed and liberated? 11+ tips

The question of how to become uninhibited is asked by many girls, lost in the shadow of bright friends or in a team where they could be a star.
In fact, sometimes there is nothing good in excessive brightness and looseness: the star has more control, and minor mistakes are not forgiven. In addition, sometimes looseness is just an appearance, and such girls go too far and overact. In addition, they may not be entirely correctly understood and perceived by the team. And sometimes they are not perceived very correctly by men. It’s just that looseness and vulgarity are two different things. But no one canceled inner freedom. It is with its acquisition that a girl who wants to be truly uninhibited should begin.

Start with the body

This is the container of our spirit: an uninhibited and free person lives in an uninhibited body. You can work with the body in dance class. Over time, the body will become obedient and flexible, and this will give a lot of freedom and pleasure from life. You can also go to theater speech classes or just a theater studio. When you learn to express your own thoughts correctly and beautifully and move well, many communication problems will go away on their own. This will help you select the timbre and intonation to suit the nature of the situation.

Stop focusing on yourself when communicating

Instead of thinking about what people will think about you and how not to seem funny, it is better to remember everything that your interlocutors tell you. And let us know that you remember everything you were told about. So one day you will realize that you enjoy communicating with any person and that you are comfortable. Don’t forget Carnegie’s simple rules, which are not manipulation at all, but a completely necessary thing: smile (especially if you want to), call your interlocutors by name and ask questions.

Experiment with communication

Not only with different people, but also with companies with diametrically opposed interests: from businessmen to role players. This way, you will not only learn to feel comfortable communicating with any people, but you will also understand that any people and lifestyles have the right to exist in their own way. How can you become more relaxed in communication if you consider yourself inferior or uninteresting?

Try mirroring people

Don’t repeat like a monkey, but be a little in “tact” with the movements of your interlocutor and his speech. If you are on the same wavelength with a person, you yourself will feel comfortable and comfortable next to your interlocutor.

Have intimate conversations with yourself more often

To do this, we sit in front of the mirror and talk to ourselves (preferably praising our loved ones), but at the same time we monitor all our gestures and facial expressions.

The ability to listen does not mean the ability to remain silent

You can interrupt your interlocutors so that the conversation does not turn into a monologue. The ability to be interesting in communication is another guarantee of freedom. If you learn to carry on a conversation, you will become a less uptight person. So, expand your horizons and vocabulary (reading the classics and ... dictionaries will help you here, no matter how strange it sounds. Try it!), follow the news and trends not only in music and fashion, but also in a variety of industries: medicine, science, etc. develop a sense of humor and learn to see the funny in any situation. You can prepare several expressive phrases for communication, greetings and farewells.

Observe how other people behave

This is necessary not only to mirror, but also to understand that everyone has cockroaches in their heads, all people are imperfect and vulnerable, how many complexes and difficulties they have. You are not the only one who is so unhappy and stressed, which means you can feel more comfortable.

Don't be afraid to look ridiculous

Firstly, anyone can get into a stupid situation, especially someone who works with people and not with pieces of paper. And even if you find yourself in such a situation, react adequately: if this is possible for others, then they simply do not have the right to ridicule you.

Think about what you don't like about yourself

Not to others, but to you. You can outline a plan on how to work with this. This applies to appearance, behavioral problems, and much more. But if you don’t like many things about yourself, your self-esteem is more to blame than you. Include it in your priority list of work on yourself.

Understand that being yourself is best

If you put on the mask of a relaxed person, then over time it will become noticeable. And if you are real, it will definitely make you an interesting person. Note that sincere and genuine people are more charismatic. So look for yourself, and not a comfortable mask to please society.

How to become relaxed in bed

Many ladies are concerned about this question. First of all, you need to like your own body. Look at it in the mirror more often, because what we like most about ourselves is what we see most often. In addition, our perception of our own extra pounds or too thin and crooked legs is too subjective and men simply do not see this.

In order to like yourself, you need to be confident in your appearance, no matter what it is. So, we take care of our bodies, buy ourselves only the best and most beautiful lingerie that highlights your strengths, go to beauty salons and use the most fragrant lotions and balms with glitter, even if you don’t plan to make love today.

Secondly... Do not strive to be liberated in bed. This will come naturally when your loved one is nearby. With him you will feel free. Therefore, you should not experiment in bed matters and change lovers regularly - this will only lead to disappointment and even greater tension.

Do not disdain porn films, and the Kama Sutra too. It may seem disgusting to you, but no one forces you to repeat everything you saw. But this way you will understand that in bed all means are good and everything has a right to exist.

Don't be afraid to ask your loved one what he wants and talk about your own desires. You don’t tell them to the whole city over a loudspeaker, but to those closest to you.

Being free and uninhibited is a great pleasure. Give yourself the opportunity to experience it.

Causes of stiffness and shyness

Sociability and relaxedness are the ability to find a common language with different people, clearly expressing one’s own thoughts and adequately accepting constructive criticism from the interlocutor. From such personal characteristics the term “communication skills” is formed, reflecting the talent to conduct and maintain a conversation.

Communication skills are a conversation skill that directly depends on a person’s set of personal qualities. Sociability can be developed, so even in hopeless situations, try to improve

The absence of such qualities is accompanied by screaming loneliness, because due to excessive shyness, a person is deprived of the joy of communicating with other people. Without contact with the environment, there is a possibility of a split personality, because in the current situation the only way out is intimate conversations with oneself. The manifestation of stiffness and indecisiveness directly depends on the following factors:

  • instability of the nervous system, not adapted to stressful situations;
  • low self-esteem, due to which people project a negative outcome of events in advance, attracting negative thoughts;
  • innate modesty inherent in a person throughout conscious existence;
  • lack of confidence in one’s own abilities, formed in a person from birth due to the constant control of parents;
  • unfulfilled ambitions that disrupt mental balance;
  • negative experiences that resulted in ridicule and sarcasm from society;
  • mental instability resulting from childhood trauma.

If internal fears are not dealt with in time, the scale of what is happening will take the form of a mental disorder caused by a lack of understanding of the world around us. In the current situation, only a practicing psychotherapist can influence the course of events, restoring confidence and a sense of self-sufficiency.

Motivation: the benefits of sociable and relaxed people

Having discovered your lack of communication skills, it is important to correctly identify motivating factors. Project a future in which you peacefully communicate with a stranger on abstract topics. Imagine how life will change if you achieve the desired result. Cherished goals are unrealized dreams, so it is difficult to generalize and systematize such thoughts. However, common motivation options traditionally include the following aspects:

  • Gaining self-confidence, accompanied by respect from society. A person who knows how to structure a conversation constructively and control the course of his own thoughts is highly valued by generally accepted social standards.
  • Career growth directly related to a person’s ability to find contact and common themes of contact with an unfamiliar interlocutor. This phenomenon extends to intimate conversations with your immediate superior and to the development of skills in persuading a potential client. People who are distinguished by their eloquence occupy predominantly high-ranking and status positions, achieving success in life.
  • Attention from the opposite sex, due to your talents for maintaining a conversation and interestingly expressing your own thoughts. It is pleasant to spend time with an educated and relaxed interlocutor, because the words he speaks inspire confidence.
  • The ability to “painlessly” get out of a conflict situation while maintaining self-esteem. Wise people who know how to persuade and inspire confidence do not bring a quarrel to a peak. Changing the course of events by redirecting the thoughts of your interlocutor in the right direction is a talent that most people dream of.
  • The emergence of new acquaintances, which over time can rightfully be called useful. People tend to help each other out in unpleasant and emergency situations, selflessly solving the problems of a loved one. If your number is on speed dial in the phone book of an influential person in society, then finding a way out of the stalemate series of events will be much easier.

By correctly defining self-goals, you can stock up on a positive attitude, which is important in solving personal problems. Improving your genetic skills is a way to become a better person, so think of this challenge as a workout, not a cure for an illness. Don't forget that communication skills can be developed by practicing communicating with strangers and maintaining a conversation on topics that are unfamiliar to you.

When projecting the future, remember the materiality of thoughts - imagine a positive outcome of events, preventing the appearance of negative emotions in your mind. Looseness and sociability cannot coexist with a pessimistic mood

Feel the body4

For a woman's inner sexuality, bodily sensitivity is important. It is important to love and accept your body as it is. It is useful to look at your reflection in the mirror every day to find the merits of your appearance. It is worth noting any details: eye color, thickness of eyelashes, smoothness of skin.

It is useful to carry out exercises to develop tactile sensations and be able to enjoy any factor that gives relaxation and pleasure to the body: a warm bath, foam, a fluffy blanket, silk underwear. The ability to enjoy pleasant smells and tastes enhances inner sensuality, so girls are recommended to explore the pleasant smells and unique taste of the corresponding products (chocolate, cheeses, fruits, olives).

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