Mindset - what is it, a description of different types, how to identify and choose a suitable profession?

Updated: 10/01/2021
Someone has been drawing since childhood and wants to connect their life with design, someone likes to solve complex problems and is preparing to become a programmer, someone loves and knows how to make things with their hands, and someone is... confused... Did you know that our abilities in a particular field of activity depend on our type of thinking? From how we perceive information, process it and make decisions? An online test, based on the developments of the eminent psychologist J. Bruner, will tell you what type of thinking is characteristic of you. Its results do not serve as a prize for choosing a particular profession, but help to conduct introspection that may be useful for you.

Analytical mindset: what does it mean?

Analytical skills are also called mathematical and technical skills.
They indicate that the subject is able to think through and think logically, building a reasonable sequential chain. People who know how to collect factors, analyze them, and arrange them into a certain pattern are distinguished by an analytical way of thinking. This leads them to successful and adequate results. In fact, almost everyone is capable of thinking logically. But not everyone knows how to build the right chains, analyze and come to the desired results.


In order to find out what type of mind you have, you first need to understand what kind of mind there is in general. First of all, we will analyze the most sensational of them - analytical. What are its features? First of all, it should be mentioned that the analytical mindset is also called the mathematical one. And for good reason... Such people have very good relationships with the exact sciences. First of all, with mathematics.

Nevertheless, in areas and sciences where people have to deal with imaginary elements (for example, in geometry), analytical people can even be very bad... As for physiology, here we can say that representatives with such a mind have a well-developed left hemisphere brain, which is responsible for logical thinking. In their decisions, they are always guided only by logic, without resorting to emotions.

They can also correctly solve a complex situation, even if they know a fairly small number of facts about it. As for the so-called disadvantages of an analytical mind, it is the inability of those who possess it to be more romantic. They never follow their feelings, which sometimes even turns into a big problem.


They are contrasted with the humanities, although this is not entirely correct. Thanks to the flexibility of the mind, you can approach different issues in different ways. Mathematicians are the owners of an analytical mind, which allows you to very accurately put everything into order. They operate with numbers, mathematical calculations, rely on cold logic and do not allow feelings to take over. However, this does not mean a low level of emotional intelligence - rather, on the contrary, they know how to manage emotions so that it does not interfere with problem solving.

What type of thinking do you have?

From the basics of psychology it is known that the hemispheres of the brain are responsible for the mental function. People with a dominant right hemisphere are more emotional, they are distinguished by imaginative, abstract thinking. Such individuals have a humanitarian mindset. If the left hemisphere dominates, the person is more practical, has analytical thinking and a mathematical mindset.

There are 5 main categories of human thinking: - practical mindset; - artistic and imaginative; - humanitarian; - mathematical (analytical); - universal mindset (synthetic).

In order to understand your type of thinking, first of all you need to become more familiar with each of them.

Practical mindset. People who possess it give preference to objective thinking in everyday life. They are consistent in everything and have an inextricable connection between the subject-space-time. A person with such a mentality is inherently a realist, not inclined to fantasize and dream.

Artistic and imaginative mindset. With this type of thinking, all information is processed using images. Such people have a developed imagination and an excellent vocabulary. It’s easier for them to tell than to show with action. A person with an artistic-imaginative mindset is very easy to recognize, since he reacts sharply to criticism and is emotional in almost all manifestations. Analytical abilities in such a person are much less pronounced.

A humanitarian mindset that can be described as iconic thinking. A person of this type processes information using inference. Such a person does not build a logical chain based on “small details”, but ties it to a specific imaginary goal. In this he is helped by developed intuition and creativity, which is based on imagination and feelings. The emotional method of cognition is the first thing a humanist relies on.

Mathematical (analytical) mindset. In this situation the opposite is true. People with this mindset prefer laws, rules and formulas. Unlike humanists, these individuals are able to more adequately assess the situation and solve serious issues. Cold calculations help to succeed in the commercial field.

Universal (synthetic) thinking. People who have such a mentality can be called lucky, because they have all the abilities. Both their left and right hemispheres are well developed. They have a fairly clear picture of the world and are well versed in technical disciplines. They are emotional realists.

Based on the above, knowledge about types of thinking and mindset has a huge impact on your future successful future. Develop in the right direction! I wish you success!


Having calculated the results of the test for the structure of intelligence, you can independently interpret (interpret, decipher) them. The more points you ultimately score when answering questions in a particular section, the more strongly the characteristics that were tested in that section are expressed in your thinking. You can talk about good results if you have overcome the level of 3/4 of the number of correct answers in a certain section.

SECTION ONE tested your ability to reason, your sense of reality, common sense, independence and independence of your thinking.

SECTION TWO is responsible for identifying the level of development of your sense of language, ability to generalize and clearly, accurately express the meanings and meaning of words and concepts.

SECTION THREE tells you how pronounced your ability to combine is, how flexible and agile your thinking is. Here it becomes clear to what extent your mind can understand certain relationships, as well as how inclined you are to find an accurate definition of concepts, how important this is for your type of thinking.

SECTION FOUR indicates your ability for abstract thinking, your education, ability to define concepts and correctly express your own thoughts.

SECTION FIVE assessed your practical thinking, the extent to which you developed the ability to quickly, quickly navigate the proposed situation, information, as well as the ability to use ready-made algorithms when solving problems (both in professional activities and in life).

SECTION SIX assesses your mathematical abilities, ability to think logically, reveals the desire for orderliness in everything, for a certain rhythm and pace in life.

The absolute maximum score possible during testing is 132 points, and the closer your score is to this figure, the higher your level of intelligence. In general, you have the right to consider yourself an intellectually developed and educated person if the number of points you score exceeds at least 95 units. If you scored 125 or higher during the testing process, then you can not hesitate to tell your loved ones and colleagues that you have truly universal thinking and are practically a Genius!

Humanitarian mindset

What type of mind is there, besides the analytical one? Probably the most famous after the analytical is the humanities. But you shouldn’t decide that if a person has it, then he can’t do anything “technical,” physical, or mathematical. It's quite the opposite.

Some humanists can handle the exact sciences even better than techies. But such activities do not bring exactly the same pleasure as the second one. Humanists are more drawn to literature, art and creativity. It is very important for them to realize the spiritual side of their life. The main feature of the humanitarian mindset is that they can recognize the existence of something “second” or “other”.

A second opinion, a variant of the development of events, a different concept, a different interpretation and understanding - all this fits perfectly into the head of a humanist, unlike analysts who can spend their entire lives proving to you a point of view that, in their opinion, is the only correct one. Representatives of this part of humanity may fiercely hate this something “other”, but they will never deny that it has a right to exist and that it really exists.


What kind of mind is there besides the humanitarian and analytical? Practical! We always hear about him much less often than about the first two. Honestly, it's a pity that this happens. After all, a practical mindset also has its strengths. And these positive qualities could be useful to each of us.

A “practitioner” person looks at the things that surround him with a real look. Such people can find a use for everything that is around them, and also benefit from it. This reminds me of the very people who know how to run a profitable business! This is why the practical mindset has a lot of power in our time!


A creative way of thinking involves the use of algorithms to find a solution, the principle of creative thinking is based on this. At the same time, a person relies on internal sensations, uses non-standard approaches, which allows him to come up with new things, generate ideas, and be creative. Most often, creators show their talents in the arts - music, painting, handicrafts. But if you study the basics of creative search for solutions, then this mindset can be applied to any, even everyday tasks.

Defining a Mindset

What is your mentality? It happens that we have a simple desire or an urgent need to know ourselves better. How to determine what type of mind you have? This is quite difficult to do with the help of any tests and other things. The easiest way to determine what kind of mentality a child has, but for an adult the most likely way is observation.

To do this, you should monitor your reactions to events, and also take into account the observations of the people around you. You can ask some of them which category they think your mind belongs to. We can assume that the correct answer will be the one that was heard the most times.

Humanities children

Both mathematicians and humanities are determined in early childhood. During this period, the signs of a particular mindset are only revealed. It is important to identify them. For example, the initial humanitarian signs in children are as follows:

  1. Acute sense of smell and tactile sensations.
  2. A passion for drawing, sculpting, and creating paper crafts.
  3. Craving for discussions of literary works.
  4. Passion for games that have roles and plots.
  5. No fear of the dark.

Ideal professions

From the first days of life, any individual is endowed with unique forms of body, brain, limbs, and organs of touch. These qualities, given from birth, develop and form different mental and physical tendencies in people.

Aptitudes are divided into general and specialized. It is very important to choose a specialty that suits a person’s individual qualities.


Physical abilities are needed in those professions that require endurance, strength, and dexterity:

  • waiters;
  • police officers;
  • massage therapists;
  • military;
  • trainers;
  • security guards;
  • firefighters;
  • divers;
  • rescuers.

This is not to say that these specialties do not require thinking. A massage therapist needs to remember many different techniques and methods of massage for different parts of the body. A firefighter must know the structure of all mechanisms and buildings in which it is necessary to extinguish a fire. Police need to understand the logic of criminals in order to apprehend them faster.

A developed mind and intelligence, good erudition, and comprehensive education are needed in the following specialties:

  • teachers;
  • lawyers;
  • surgeons;
  • therapists and physicians of other medical specialties;
  • designers;
  • accountants;
  • programmers;
  • psychiatrists.

The degree of mental development is determined not only by genetic characteristics. Life experience, acquired knowledge, and erudition greatly influence the development of the mind. Mindset is a unique method of processing received information. It develops throughout life.

Having studied your own mindset, it is easy to assume success in your chosen profession.

For example, communication skills are important in specialties related to service, study, educational process, and solving organizational issues.

Specialties that require the ability to speak adequately and remain calm in any situation:

  • advocate;
  • salesman;
  • doctor;
  • trainer;
  • teacher;
  • dance teacher;
  • stage director;
  • head of a large enterprise or department.

In order to choose a future profession for yourself while studying, you must try to learn all lessons the same way. Then you will feel which subjects are easier and which are more difficult. Of course, there are students who are talented in all subjects, but the majority are more successful in mastering only a part.

Those who better understand history and social studies can be advised to become a lawyer. It will be easy for them to remember all the nuances of a criminal case.


If botany, biology, chemistry, anatomy are easy for you, you can make a good doctor.

Those who can easily solve algebraic equations and physics problems are better off becoming an engineer. A mathematical mind will be useful for solving technical issues. A good programmer, designer, adjuster and repairman of devices are very necessary in the age of the flourishing of digital technologies.

Perhaps you're not doing well at work because it just doesn't suit your mentality? Or are you now facing an important choice in your life - your future profession? In this case, we will figure out which job will suit you best.

Analysts are best suited for those areas that require precision. These include IT specialists, doctors, journalists (or, more precisely, critics and reviewers), as well as lawyers and scientists.

For humanitarian and artistic minds, professions that are associated with creativity are more suitable. These are teachers, educators, writers, artists, musicians and many others.

And for people with an applied nature of mind, an area is required in which they can realize themselves as entrepreneurs. The easiest thing is for those people who have a universal mind, they can choose anything.

Now you know what kind of mentality a person has.


  1. Edited by A.A. Ivina. Analytical and synthetic judgments (Russian) // Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary.. - M.: Gardariki, 2004.
  2. A.A.Ivin, A.L.Nikiforov. Analytical and synthetic judgments (Russian) // Dictionary of Logic. - M.: Tumanit, ed. VLADOS center, 1997.
  3. V. S. Shvyrev. ANALYTICAL JUDGMENTS (Russian) // New philosophical encyclopedia: In 4 volumes. - M.: Mysl. Edited by V. S. Stepin, 2001.

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Great article 2

How to Determine a Technical Mindset

Psychologists define the mathematical mindset of practicing psychologists in an unusual way. The tester suggests clasping both hands and leaving them in that position.

Researchers believe that the right hemisphere of the brain works in the area:

  • intuition;
  • visualization;
  • creativity.

The left hemisphere works in a different mode:

  • logic;
  • sequences;
  • analysts.

Each person has both hemispheres working. But still one thing always prevails somewhat. According to the theory, if the thumb of your right hand is in the lock of clasped hands on top, this means that your left hemisphere is working more. That is, your logic is stronger than intuition, your mentality is technical.

If the test person’s left thumb were on top of the woven lock, this would mean that the right hemisphere, which is responsible for imagery and creativity, is working more.

Another easy way to determine which hemisphere works better for you. To do this, you need to imagine that you are taking aim to shoot from an imaginary pistol. Notice which eye is squinted? If your right eye remains open, it is the dominant one, which means your left analytical hemisphere works better. If the left eye remains open, the right creative hemisphere is working.

But you shouldn’t think that all people are divided strictly according to the functioning of their hemispheres. Many have equally developed abilities in mathematics and literature. This is especially noticeable in Russia. Residents of other countries, who are too fixated on the narrow specialization of a person, are constantly surprised that Russians can do everything.

This diversified development of people is obviously related to the harsh climate in which they live. To simply survive in harsh conditions, a person needs to be able and know a lot.

Food for the brain

As you develop analytical thinking, it is important to pay attention to nutrition. There is food for the brain, which helps the functioning of the main organ of the body and stimulates its work. Moreover, mental work always requires a lot of energy expenditure, and it is important to replenish these costs correctly. The brain needs a lot of glucose. Other foods that improve brain function include:

different types of nuts; chocolate, but only bitter; dried fruits; berries (blueberries, cranberries); lemon; beets; spinach; fish from the salmon family; white cabbage.

In addition, for the normal functioning of the body, including the brain, minerals and vitamins are required. First of all, we need: boron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron. It is important to monitor your diet and maintain balance. This will help the brain work properly and perceive information. Replace sugar with complete carbohydrates, eat more protein, and as little fat as possible.

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