Sincere feelings - what is sincerity in a relationship?

Are there sincere feelings in the modern world and how to recognize them? A person acquires various experiences throughout his life. Not always positive and often painful experiences in relationships form “armor” and sincerity to show “like death.” But there are people who, having experienced a lot, have not lost the ability to sincerely express their feelings.

Their actions match their words

They don't advise people to do anything they wouldn't do themselves. Sincere people do not consider themselves better than others, so they are not characterized by hypocrisy.

Such behavior is typical for a person if she knows how to be objective. Therefore, the way she behaves is a reflection of who she really is. If a person has a thought in his head, he will convey it to others in the same way, without resorting to manipulation. If a person knows how to be objective, she can be called sincere. In fact, everything is simple: sincere people are as you see them. They do not hide their true self. It’s a shame that in the modern world this positive trait is becoming less and less common. And the problem is not only that it is not easy to see it in others, but that it becomes increasingly difficult for us ourselves to be sincere.

What does "sincerely" mean? Meaning of the word

If we take the definition of the word “sincerely”, it means “truthfully” and “frankly”. You can sincerely love, hate, respect, etc. Sincerity can manifest itself in words, deeds, and actions. To do something sincerely means to do it from the heart, with pure intentions, without secret thoughts. If a person does something sincerely, the meaning of this action characterizes his true attitude. After all, unfortunately, it often happens that people think one thing, say another, and do something else. In this case, it is difficult to figure out what a person really feels.

In order for people to treat you sincerely, you need to be honest yourself, and above all to yourself.

People often engage in self-deception and come up with excuses for their actions. But if others feel false in your words or deeds, you should not count on a sincere attitude towards yourself.

Why is sincerity needed?

Sincerity is a Divine spark. She is pure like morning dew. In fact, this spark is present in every person, it’s just difficult to see it behind the “trash” that accumulates in our souls.

In reality, a sincere person will always attract others. With his truthfulness and purity, he will always touch the strings that everyone has. Just as there are few people who can offend a child, there are just as few who can harm a pure and sincere person. When communicating with a person who remains honest under any circumstances, you can relax, knowing that this person will never “hold a stone in his bosom.” It is the feeling of anxiety and tension that is the scourge of modern society. The more sincere people there are, the easier it will be for us to live in this world.

Sincere person. The meaning of this expression

Who is a sincere person? How to define this concept? To put it in a nutshell, a sincere person is not someone who tries not to pretend or lie to others. This is the one who cannot act differently. On the contrary, it is much more difficult for him to play a role and be disingenuous. Most likely, he will not succeed. It is very easy to deceive such people, because they measure everyone by their standards and are accustomed to trusting this world. If someone ever deceives them, they will simply consider it an annoying misunderstanding and will not lose trust in everyone else.

A sincere person is like a child who has grown in mind, but has not grown in soul.

In fact, there are not so many such people. Unfortunately, what generally happens is that children, who are sincere by nature, grow up and lose this quality. They begin to distrust this world and play some roles in order to achieve their desired goals.

How to test a woman for the sincerity of her feelings?

Honesty and sincerity are the key to a trusting and successful relationship between a man and a woman. What is sincerity in a relationship, it can be more difficult for the stronger sex to understand whether the beloved is sincere with him or is pretending because of his own selfish goals. Some men, trying to figure this out, go to extremes and begin to watch their girlfriend’s every move. Sincere feelings on the part of the weaker sex are manifested as follows:

  • the warmth with which a woman communicates with her lover;
  • she gives her feelings without demanding anything in return;
  • is sensitive to a man’s flirting with other women;
  • sees more positive qualities in a man, and accepts shortcomings as they are;
  • devotes a lot of time to appearance in order to be attractive to him;
  • is interested with genuine interest in the life of a loved one;
  • shares both joy and sadness with his partner.

A man and his behavior

Not every woman understands how a man works. They think completely differently and often do not talk about their feelings. But if a man experiences real, sincere feelings, this will certainly be reflected in his behavior. There are four most common signs by which you can determine what the object of your sympathy is truly experiencing:

  • When a man really loves a woman, he strives to spend as much time with her as possible. In order to stay longer with his chosen one, he will find not only time, but also a reason.
  • Actively shows tenderness and care.
  • Does not ignore requests, even the most insignificant ones.
  • You can hear from his friends that in company, in the absence of the lady of his heart, he becomes more withdrawn.


If you are observant enough, you can recognize the hypocrite instantly, almost immediately. The main thing is to be able to look and not show that you are interested in the person. You can also scan yourself for this “disease” of our time. It is important to understand that hypocrisy almost does not depend on character. This is often the result of improper upbringing or lack thereof. National characteristics are not important here - you can and should always remain human.

Difference one: interest in gossip

We will NOT prevaricate and admit that each of us at least once in our lives. But he was interested in gossip. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. Gossip is information about a person conveyed to you by another person. Everyone has their own enemies or ill-wishers about whom they want to hear something bad, so they rejoice at negative news heard from someone else. These are modern costs, so they can be omitted.

A truly hypocritical person starts gossip himself and, most importantly, Contributes to their further spread. There is such a hypocrite in all of us, but in some people he is big and nasty, because he likes to say nasty things behind his back, and in others he is small, because he just likes to hear these bad words about someone. If you hear a person who only talks about other people's shortcomings, you are a hypocrite. It is better to avoid communicating with him or her, because they will then say something not very good about you in the third person.

Normal people say everything sincerely and simply express their opinion about another person - here no one is forbidden to express themselves in any way. You can say what you like and what you don’t, as long as you say it to the person’s face or don’t touch on any facts or distort them.

Difference two: search for benefits

Very often, many people sin by coming to the aid of others only when there is or will be their own benefit. Hypocrites never do anything selflessly. This is one of the most striking examples of how a person can show his true nature. Hypocrites are petty and distance themselves completely from any manifestation of altruism. A true hypocrite will never help you for nothing.

Real sincere people help others always or sometimes, but do not demand anything in return. As the famous saying goes: “Time is money,” but you shouldn’t take this as a truth absolutely always. Spend your time on people sometimes for no reason. Before you come to your senses, goodness will return to you.

Difference three: self-praise

Hypocrites flaunt their victories, placing themselves above others. This also applies to love victories, when people openly show their relationships on social networks. Sincere people will never show their personal lives to everyone, so as not to offend those who are not so lucky. Of course, if victory at a competition is earned with great effort, sometimes you want to write to everyone on the social network “got it, right?”, but this is unnecessary. Hypocrites will not miss the opportunity to show everyone their advantage.

Difference four: thirst for attention

Hypocrites and insincere people always try to be the center of attention. Sincere people are always modest and prefer to remain in the shadows. Of course, there may be exceptions here, but for the most part, such behavior helps to accurately identify a person who, at a minimum, should not be trusted.

Difference five: empty promises

Hypocrites love to feed people with promises. This is one of the main features of such individuals. They tell you something, but these words are devoid of truth. A truly sincere person always warns that he may not complete some task, so as not to disappoint the person later. That is why some people can and should be trusted, while trusting others is strictly contraindicated, because you will inevitably be disappointed.

The reason for all these actions is to impress other people. Sincere people also worry about how others may look at them, but they do not set themselves the goal of being liked by everyone. If there is such a goal, then it is achieved by honest actions, and not by empty chatter and throwing dust in the eyes.

Difference six: criticism

Hypocrites make fun of other people, criticize them in every possible way and try to appear smarter due to this, try to manipulate others. In fact, most likely, they themselves cannot show the best results in something. Of course, this is not always the case, but often criticism of a hypocritical person is devoid of all common sense. It looks more like something negative and incoherent.

Sincere people try to talk about the shortcomings of other people diplomatically and at the right moment, or remain silent altogether. Normal people are more likely to admire someone rather than belittle others' abilities.

Difference seven: respect for the strong

Try to follow those who seem to you to be hypocrites. These people respect and grovel before those who are stronger and more powerful than them. In this regard, they are similar to faithful servants, but their loyalty is very vague, because it disappears when another person, even stronger, appears on the horizon.

A normal person always respects everyone, or at least tries to do so. He doesn't show his respect to anyone if no one deserves it, but normal people have minimal respect for everyone.

Real hypocrites have only seven distinctive signs, and they are often so clearly expressed that you don’t need to look closely at the person for a long time. Sometimes everything is clear almost at first glance. However, you don’t need to immediately label someone if you suspect a person of such behavior. Perhaps he had reasons for this. Don't think in stereotypes and don't think that people can't change. Mistakes are common to all of us.

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06.03.2018 02:59

How to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings?

What girl or woman does not dream of mutual feelings with her partner? The degree of sincerity on the part of a man is not always clear, since the stronger sex shows any feelings in measured doses, because by nature a man is “supposed” to be restrained. The sincerity of a partner’s feelings can be recognized by the following criteria:

  • a man’s words do not disagree with his actions and actions;
  • he likes to take care of the woman he loves;
  • in difficult times, he sincerely empathizes and tries to reduce the discomfort of his partner;
  • spending time together is important to him;
  • gives gifts;
  • ready to do anything for the sake of his beloved;
  • jealousy within reasonable limits can also be an indicator of sincere feelings.

Mood and going out

Sincere feelings or not can be determined by observing a man’s reaction to the mood of his chosen one. If he is happy when his woman is doing well, then he really has deep affection for her. When he gets irritated, if his lady is not in the mood, then there can be no talk of a healthy and strong relationship. A guy in love will do everything to make his chosen one feel happy.

A man in love will always take a girl with him to all kinds of events and parties, meetings with friends. This is the simplest answer to the question: “How can you tell whether he has sincere feelings or not?” If a man likes to appear in a circle of friends and acquaintances, accompanied by his chosen one, this only says one thing: this girl is not just another temporary hobby.

In the dictionary Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznya

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In Vasmer Max's dictionary

sincere other Russian spark “close”, spark, old glory. spark πλησίον, spark “neighbor”, Bulgarian. Iskren, Serbohorv. spark, Slovenian. ískǝr “nearby”, iskrè – the same, ískrnji “close”. Wed. education senior glory sparkle (see sparkle). Probably from from- and stem, related to the word root. Others allow a connection -kr with edge (Mi. EW 137; Mladenov 224). Bernecker (1, 434) compares -kr with ltsh. krija “tree bark”, lit. krijà, skrìjos “sieve walls woven from bast” (see Trans. I, 275), which is unconvincing. Wed. dial krey, kri "beside"; see Lvov, RYANSH, 1958, I, p. 82. - T.

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