How to find a husband - a practical guide and reasons for failure

By a certain age, many women are forced to wonder how to find a husband, and why previous searches were in vain. It has long been noted that some women easily manage to find a man and get married, while others experience obvious difficulties, even if they look more impressive and generally consider themselves more worthy. What is the secret, and how can you still find a husband? To do this, let's look at the most popular questions.

Why can't you find a good husband?

There are several common reasons:


Women who are overly passionate about their careers rarely manage to enter into an early marriage, and if they do, it quickly falls apart. A career woman who devotes a huge amount of energy to work has no time for her personal life. The main energy reserves are devoted to work, and she goes on dates (if they happen) extinguished. Also, career women often cannot switch from work moments to “ordinary life,” precisely because of their obsession with their career.

Lack of desire to build a family life

Without a suitable candidate on the horizon, a woman may not think about marriage for a long time. This is common in women's groups. For example, among educators, teachers. The only chance to find a husband is to visit other places more often, but many women ignore this rule. It turns out to be a vicious circle: they go to work, where they cannot meet a life partner, and then return home to take care of household chores, and sometimes host friends for a visit. This happens year after year, and then it becomes difficult to “pull” yourself anywhere.

Excessive activity

They say that if you really want something, it will happen. In the case of finding a husband, the opposite effect often occurs. Men understand that marriage has become a fixed idea for you, and this repels them. Usually another rule helps more in this case: “let go of the situation.” Just live brightly and actively, and your life partner will appear by itself - tested by millions of women.


The roots of this reason are in the previous one. A woman wants to get married so much that this pressure literally scares away the opposite sex. The man does not feel exceptional in her eyes, but understands that he is only a means to achieve other people’s plans. A woman may think that she has sufficiently disguised her strong desire for marriage, but the details give her away: forcing events, obsession. Usually a man is alarmed by female activity.

Excessive demands on a potential spouse

One of the most common reasons. This scares off men and prevents the woman herself from choosing a worthy companion, because... in her understanding, they all “fall short.” There is nothing wrong with looking for a generous, handsome, rich, caring, funny and passionate husband. Some men do not strive for such achievements, lacking inspiration in the form of a worthy woman nearby, so it is better to look for a promising husband. You've probably heard stories about how some men are transformed in marriage, having not been particularly in demand before it.

Relationship with a married man

Some women do not marry for a trivial reason: being the mistress of a married man, they hope that the situation will soon change and they will change places with their official wife. This can indeed happen, but more often than not it does not. A man in love with a woman will find it impossible to live with someone else. By agreeing to a humiliating role for herself, a woman not only risks not waiting for her lover’s divorce, but also closes off the possibility of a new romance.


Overly sensual women are distinguished by irrepressible energy and devote a lot of effort to seducing a man. These efforts do not hide from his eyes, and often confuse him. The absence of emotions is also harmful - a person who needs to be constantly “slowed down” is also unattractive as a life partner. She may be an excellent housewife and have excellent moral qualities, but a man simply will not understand this.

Where to look for a guy for a serious relationship

How to take a married man away from the family - the psychology of seducing a lover

Every young girl can easily acquire a lover, but the question of how to find a normal man for a serious relationship confuses many. Nevertheless, as life practice shows, you can meet your one and only anywhere. However, if a girl decides to help fate, then you should not waste your time on nightclubs and bars. Regulars of such establishments are usually in search of a partner for one night only. The same can be said about online dating - in the virtual world it is difficult to figure out what a person really is and what his true intentions are.

Moreover, having met a girl in a hot spot or through a mobile app and even falling in love with her after dating for several years, the guy may still not perceive her as suitable for a serious relationship. The stereotype comes into play that decent women do not meet in such places. As a result, the only one worthy of the role of wife and mother of his children is sought somewhere on the side, while the real partner is used as a transit point.

Nightclubs are not the best place to start a serious relationship

Therefore, you need to try to ensure that meeting a man does not take place in a sexual pleasure format, but at work, study or during some decent leisure activity. A foreign language school, a bookstore, an art gallery, a hiking trip - these are examples of dating places that will be perceived positively by the stronger sex for building serious relationships.

Decide what you consider a good husband

Before you try to find a husband, it is important to decide what he should be like and why you want to get married. When you have a clear image in your head, your search will be easier, and you won’t waste yourself on what you don’t need.

Think about the fact that perhaps you don’t want a serious relationship at all, and just need some light flirting. To do this, just go to a nightclub for an easy acquaintance.

If you think that the most important indicator of a good husband is wealth, then go to those places where wealthy businessmen go: business conferences, golf clubs, summits, and so on.

Once you realize what your man should be like, you will begin to understand where you can meet such a person. Picture it in your imagination. What traits should he have, what should he do, what is taboo for him? It all has to start with an image in your head!

Is it too late to start at 30-40 years old?

The idea that a woman over 30 is not listed on the bride market, that give men nymphets, is another stereotype that interferes with building a personal life; for some reason it is especially tenacious in the post-Soviet space. In developed countries, women only reach the age of thirty and begin to think about starting a family for the first time.

Additional Information. An increase in the age at first marriage is observed in both men and women.

You can remain not deprived of male attention at any age: at least at 35, at least at 50. The main thing is to be confident in yourself, to love life and men. Many representatives of the stronger sex manage to go through a divorce by the age of 30-40, are in search of a new partner and are looking for a wife among adult, independent women, and not young girls who don’t really know life. Therefore, you should, on the contrary, value your age and wrinkles, and not consider them a disadvantage.

Give up the search for the prince

Looking for a prince among ordinary men? This idea is doomed to failure. If you want to find a husband who seems to have stepped out of the pages of women's novels or fairy tales, you are doing yourself a disservice. Look at real men, because you are not a princess either.

Think about your life, and think about whether your attitude is preventing you from finding tangible female happiness, or whether you have drowned in fairy-tale dreams.

It seems that your demands on men are so high that they are impossible to achieve. They are the main obstacle to women's happiness. It is the thought that creates the main barriers - it is more convenient for you to think that a man is not suitable for you than to appreciate his merits.

We recommend using positive thinking. Stop thinking that good men have been “dismantled.” Think that there are many worthy candidates around you - you just need to choose. Leave the princes in a fairy tale - take a closer look at the real men around you, give them a chance.

How to take a relationship to a “serious” level

As soon as the phrase about a “serious” relationship is heard, your soul immediately becomes heavy, heavy, as if an enormous stone is falling into the abyss. Understand that talking about “seriousness” will not make your relationship deeper or closer. It is much more important to try to understand your desires, the needs of your partner, find common ground, and determine your views on the future. If you cover each other’s mental and physical needs, and have a similar vision of your life in 5-10 years, then the chance that your relationship will smoothly transition into cohabitation or marriage increases significantly.

Always talk

We all want to be loved, understood, accepted, this is exactly what we need to learn, both in relation to our partner and in relation to ourselves. Dialogue is the best way to understand each other. Listen, ask the right questions, correctly convey your thoughts to the man so that he understands you.

We live in this world to be happy, so we should learn to separate our desires from the opinions of others, and not adapt to the standards of others. If you see actions on the part of a man, he talks about a future together, then you are in his plans. If he lives only for today and is not ready to take responsibility, then it is quite possible that he is not yet ripe for a long-term relationship.

when a woman enters into a relationship, she relaxes, and a man tenses up

It’s not for nothing that there is an expression that when a woman enters into a relationship, she relaxes, and a man tenses up. This is true, because with her ease and relaxation a woman gives a man the opportunity to show his masculine qualities. Our men are warrior-conquerors, and such achievements are impossible in a relaxed state.

Evaluate yourself realistically and make adequate demands

Before putting forward a number of demands on a potential husband, evaluate yourself realistically. For example, you hope to meet a rich man who loves to travel, is generous, very handsome and well-groomed. However, do you yourself meet all these requirements?

Some women reason like this: “I’m not in ideal shape right now, I don’t have time for hobbies, etc. But if there was a man with whom it’s like behind a wall, then I would take on myself, and I would do this, and I would be able to do this.” That is, an imperfect woman is looking for an ideal man so that she can become ideal with him. This rarely works—almost never.

The perfect groom will probably be looking for a bride to match. You also need to look for a man who matches your current self, but is ready to change, just like you. Don’t want to “take risks”, are you applying for another level? You must fully comply with it.

What exactly do you want in love?

In order to find (attract) a man, you need to know exactly what you are looking for and what exactly you want to attract.

What is the point in waiting, waiting and waiting for your betrothed, and in the end getting a “stranger” person and your own broken heart.

The first thing you must do is stop suffering and being sad alone. While you have time for yourself, start enjoying life. Take care of yourself, think about a hobby, read, embroider, dance, sign up for a fitness club. Do what makes you happy and energizes you.

Believe me, when you find yourself happily married and completely busy, you will longingly remember the enormous amount of time you had.

And, in addition to your own development and enjoyment of life, you can begin the technique for attracting a betrothed, which I will teach you.

Don't sit at home idly, but start searching

The mistake of most women: they wait for love to find them, without doing anything to achieve female happiness. To meet a person suitable for marriage, you need to take action - at least, leave the house.

If you only have enough time to moan about the unhappy fate of women and tell your girlfriends that there are no normal men left and you will remain lonely, then you will not see personal happiness for a long time.

Get down to business right now - you are the master of your destiny! Do what you want, but you don’t have to sit idly by, waiting for miracles. Come up with a clear plan of where you should go to improve your personal life. Come up with a plan and stick to it. Outings 2-3 times a month are not enough. Be more active.

Where to start searching

Most women believe that they need to go to places where interesting and single men often go (sporting events, restaurants during business lunches, communities of interest), and wait until someone there is interested in them. This is actually too complicated an approach.

This way you can really meet new people, but it is not a fact that among them there will be someone who will be a suitable partner. In fact, the search for a man should begin with exploring your desires, fears, and also tuning your subconscious to the relationship of your dreams.

A woman should first of all think not about where to find a man, but what end result she is striving for. She needs to create in her mind a picture of a relationship full of respect and mutual understanding. Try to feel what it’s like to be truly loved, when you don’t have to try to “earn” a good attitude towards yourself. Only such an attitude will help to recognize unsuitable candidates for life partners at the initial stage of dating. You also need to understand what needs to be changed in yourself for a worthy man to become interested in her.

Note! You can often find information online that in order to attract love into your life, you need to keep in mind the image of your future partner, imagine in detail his character, appearance, income level, and “visualize” spending time with him. However, it is much more important to concentrate not on the specific traits of a person, but on the nature of the relationship itself. Otherwise, you can find yourself in a situation where a man who is ideal in all respects appears in life, but the relationship with him is not very happy, and the couple eventually breaks up.

Warmth of relationships, mutual respect, and not a superman nearby - this is what should be the goal for a woman

The best ways to find a good husband

The most popular ways to help find a good husband:

Working on your external image

Do you think that your image is not attractive to men? So, change it! Perhaps your hair color doesn’t suit you, you need to lose weight or, conversely, gain weight. Remember when men paid attention to you most often? What did you look like? Try to get closer to this image. First, write down all the missing desired qualities on a piece of paper.

Take care of yourself to look fresh. Take a critical look at your wardrobe. If you work overtime and sleep 5 hours a day, then it will be noticeable - an exhausted appearance, circles under the eyes, red eyes. And there is no time left for quality care - it is unlikely that you will immediately charm a man. You must find a way to always look well-groomed and fresh if you want to meet love.

Working on the “inner content”

Looking great isn't worth anything if you don't have anything to talk about. Details of your friend’s personal life, the health of your relatives and your work responsibilities do not count. Read literature, world news, watch movies and programs about nature, play sports. Develop yourself if you want to impress men.

Where to meet a man: top 10 places

The fact is that successful men move only in certain circles. These are like rare fish that are found only in certain aquariums. Your task is to find an aquarium where there are very beautiful, rare and expensive fish.

So let's get started! Where are successful men found? Where do they often appear? And most importantly, where to meet a successful man?

Bars, cafes, restaurants

“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

— Folk wisdom

All successful people have daily habits and needs. For example, successful men, like other men, love to eat. This means that the first place where you can meet them is where they have lunch and dinner. For example, cafes and restaurants in business centers.

Imagine a business man. Every day he works in the office for 10-11 hours a day (I'm talking about business owners and top managers). We can say that the office is his second home. It is much easier for such men to go down and have lunch in a cafe or restaurant on the ground floor of a business center than to drive somewhere through traffic jams. This saves a lot of time and effort! Therefore, your task is to be at the right time and in the right place. Typically a business lunch runs from 12 to 15 noon. I suggest that you appear in large business centers as often as possible and have lunch there.

I know, now you will say that having lunch every day in a cafe is very expensive. But no! You just didn't check! Please find out how much a business lunch costs, and you will be pleasantly surprised. Business lunch is inexpensive! Therefore, no one bothers you to have lunch next to successful men every day.

But even if you are having financial difficulties now, it doesn’t matter! Limit yourself to a cup of coffee. Or go to a cafe not every day, but once a week. In any case, the likelihood of meeting a successful man in a cafe will be critically higher than at home, next to your refrigerator.

  • Pay attention to how you behave during lunch. Don’t sit with a gloomy face, don’t be stuck on your phone. On the contrary, look around and smile at the men you like. But! A smile should be natural! A forced smile with pain and despair in the eyes is unlikely to attract a successful bachelor.
  • Another important point! Please don't come to the restaurant with a friend. With a high probability, this whole story will end with the man either meeting your friend, or simply being afraid to approach you, because the two of you will be too keen on the conversation.

Of course, lunch in business centers is not a panacea. Please don't keep going to the same place over and over again. Be creative. Think about where else you can meet?

For example, you can meet him while having dinner in a nice restaurant. Yes, exactly in a good restaurant! You must understand that a successful man will not dine just anywhere. It's a matter of status! Please don’t look for it in a diner near the station, in a dumpling shop or a cheburek shop, where flies fly over the tables and radioactive cockroaches run along the walls... Instead, read reviews about expensive and prestigious restaurants in your city. Often this is where successful men meet with business partners for negotiations.

One more nuance! If you have already chosen a suitable restaurant, then please do not come there as if you were going hunting, with the goal of “shooting game.” If thoughts flash through your head: “Now the darling will get caught! I'll definitely catch him today! You won’t leave me!”, then with a high probability, bachelors will shy away from you like devils from incense. Believe me, successful men understand people very well and read this “mindset” from afar and in seconds. Enjoy the process. Just relax and have fun! You're having dinner in a luxury restaurant, what could be more beautiful?

By the way, I can also suggest having dinner at a restaurant in a good hotel. Successful people travel a lot, whether for work or pleasure. They stay in good hotels. And, as always, to save time, they have lunch and dinner right there.

So, to summarize the first point:

  • make a list of the best bars, cafes and restaurants in your city.
  • Plan your time a week in advance.
  • Reserve a table (in good establishments this must be done in advance),
  • and get incredible pleasure from the process.

Where to meet a man other than a dating site? Go to good restaurants and business centers.

2. International corporations, successful companies

You will be surprised, but you can meet a successful man right at his workplace! You might be surprised by my question, but how often do you have interviews at successful companies? If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed will go to the mountain!

Even if you are now quite happy with your current job, then no one is stopping you from going through a couple of interviews where HE can work! Therefore, I suggest you update your resume right today, and also remember what knowledge and skills you have. As soon as your resume is ready, feel free to send it to all large and prestigious companies. Also write to all the best recruitment agencies that you are ready to consider new offers.

Important point! Come to interviews early!

  • Firstly, you will show the employer that you are punctual.
  • And secondly, you will have more time to get to know the employees.

In good companies, if you arrive early, they will definitely invite you into the kitchen or meeting room and treat you to good coffee. Men in offices are usually very friendly, especially if they see a pretty girl. It is possible that they themselves will begin to get to know you.

In addition, if you go through several stages of the interview, you will be able to meet personally with senior managers or even the CEO of the company (it all depends on the position for which you are applying).

Now you will say that you do not have the necessary education, experience, knowledge, skills (underline as necessary) to work in such companies. I have a counter question for you: what is stopping you from gaining this knowledge? We'll talk about where and how to get them a little later. But now it’s important to understand that all these interviews are like a litmus test. They will help you find out what is currently missing to successfully get a job, and what you need to learn.

Even if you have absolutely no experience to apply for a good position in a successful company, do not despair. Still try to pass interviews and study at the same time. In any case, by going through such interviews, you kill two birds with one stone. At a minimum, you will meet successful men. At the very least you will get your dream job.

By the way, another win-win option is to get a job as a sales consultant in an expensive men's clothing store. Every day, as part of your job, you will communicate with rich and successful men. What could be better?

Excellent student syndrome: 5 steps to get rid of the “good girl”

3. Forums, conferences, courses, trainings, master classes

All successful men love to study! They are constantly improving and upgrading their skills. Therefore, you can easily meet them at business events, trainings and educational programs. Or, for example, these could be master classes or advanced training courses. Find out which of these events will take place in your city in the near future and sign up for several training programs at once.

But! I want to warn you right away that the topic of the event should be close and useful to you! Please do not sign up for advanced training courses for steelworkers (unless, of course, you are a steelworker)! Yes, of course, there will be a lot of brutal men at such events, and yes, you will be the center of attention. But! The information received in such courses will be, to put it mildly... useless for you. Isn't it better to upgrade your professional skills and get acquainted at the same time?

For example, if you work in sales, feel free to participate in conferences, forums, trainings, courses, master classes related to sales. Even if you don’t meet a successful man at this event, you will receive a lot of useful information for yourself. And by the way, you can safely tell about the courses you have completed in your resume (see point 2), and attach a certificate of completion. If you meet a successful man during training, then you will 100% have many common topics of conversation. You and him will be on the same wavelength!

There is one more skill that will definitely always and everywhere be in demand - knowledge of foreign languages! So why not sign up for training? Indeed, often in such courses you can meet men (managers, executives or even business owners) who want to learn how to communicate freely with foreign clients.

Language courses are also beneficial because they cannot be limited to just one lesson. This means that you are guaranteed to have 8-12 “meetings” with a successful man. Even if you cannot meet a wealthy man, knowledge of the language will be another plus on your resume (see point 2). And of course, knowing the language well, you can easily communicate with foreigners on international dating sites. But more on that later.

Face of beautiful woman on the background of business people

Prestigious clinics

Successful men are usually very attentive to their health. They are accustomed to solving issues in advance, and not “putting out fires.” Therefore, their schedule always includes visits to the best doctors and specialists in advance.

And since we are talking about the fact that you have decided to meet a successful man, I recommend that you acquire the same habits as his, especially in terms of health. A separate item in your schedule should be a scheduled visit to specialists.

For example, this could be a visit to a prestigious dental clinic. Again, “prestigious” is the key word. Make an appointment for an inspection or cleaning. In any case, this should be done at least once every six months. Come to your appointment early. Doctors usually stay a little late, so you will have the opportunity to “chance meet” the clinic’s VIP clients.

Gyms and fitness clubs

Successful men love to exercise and take care of their appearance. Therefore, make a list of the best sports clubs in your city. Think about where he could go to train? Experiment. Buy passes to different clubs. By the way, this can be not only a sports club, but also a gym in a good hotel.

Successful people have little free time, so they usually go in for sports either very early in the morning, or vice versa, late in the evening. Your task is to be with him at the same time, in the same place and attract attention.

For example, you can ask him for help or ask him some question. This can be any simple question, for example: “Excuse me, do you happen to know where...?” The second part of the question is formed depending on the situation. Next, you will need to listen to your interlocutor, smile, give a compliment and sincerely thank him for his help.

But please don't overdo it! Don't be too intrusive and don't pester all the men in a row! Don’t come up with questions like: “Does your mother need a daughter-in-law?” or “How are you, handsome? I have a fantastic life, I decided to share it with you, don’t thank me!” Don't do that! This does not work!

Starting a conversation first is not at all necessary. Sometimes a sincere smile is enough for a man to start getting to know you.

How to meet a successful man? Play sports, develop and be yourself!

Wherever it says "VIP"

The next item on our program is VIP zones. The list is endless, from VIP areas at concerts and trainings, to waiting rooms and transport. The main idea: wherever “VIP” is written, there should be you.

Now you will tell me again that all this is very expensive. And I will answer again that you didn’t even try to understand this issue! Currently, there are just a bunch of bonus programs.

  • For example, many airlines will happily exchange your accumulated miles for access to VIP lounges or upgrade your flight class to Business.
  • Many banks offer cards that give you free access to VIP lounges at international airports.
  • Insurance companies do the same when issuing certain types of insurance.

7. Exhibitions, museums, concerts and interest clubs

No matter how old the “boy” is, he will always like cars, airplanes, war games and sports. Therefore, you can easily meet a successful man at exhibitions of expensive and vintage cars, at air shows, in golf or yacht clubs, and at exhibitions of military equipment.

Many successful men are good at art. Consequently, you can get acquainted with them at various kinds of exhibitions, in the theater, in the gallery, in the philharmonic. But! I want to warn you right away! Please do not force yourself to attend such events. Be honest with yourself! Be who you are. Don't wear a mask! Don’t buy a ticket to the ballet if you still don’t understand why these women in leggings walk on tiptoe for two hours, and even to strange music.

Value your time! Even if you meet a successful man at an event that you are not excited about, you will still not agree with him on values. If you don't like art, you will be terribly bored listening to his endless stories about classical music and discussing Renaissance artists. And it will all end with you wasting both your time and his. Sooner or later you will break up anyway, because you will not have common interests.

Value your time! Be yourself! Think about what you really get cosmic pleasure from? For example, you hate classical music, but you love rock. Then it would be more logical to meet at a rock concert. Many successful men also love such events. I guarantee that you will have many common topics to discuss.

I’ll make a lyrical digression and tell you a story about my former leader. Of course, I won’t name his name, but I will say that he is a very successful man, the CEO of a large corporation, a very respected person and a great connoisseur of art. So, he met his girlfriend at the airport. Do you know why? Because she was holding a book about art in her hand. My boss liked the girl so much that he decided to come up and talk. What do you think he was talking to her about? Of course, about art! The book in her hands was the occasion and trigger for an acquaintance.

It turned out that a beautiful stranger was flying with my boss on the same flight to Paris! The conversation was so pleasant and interesting that my boss, without hesitation, upgraded the girl’s flight class to business (initially it was “economy”). He did everything to fly next to her and continue communication. This whole story ended with the girl moving to Paris for permanent residence and living with my boss for about 3 years.

10 clear signs that you have low self-esteem


A little earlier I said that successful men love to travel. But it also happens that they do not like to travel, but they still have to do it on duty. Meetings, conferences, travel, business trips are the normal routine for a successful man. Therefore, you can meet a wealthy man in a good hotel, at a prestigious resort, in a VIP lounge, on an airplane or even on a cruise ship.

I bet that now you will again object about money: “All this is very expensive! I can’t afford it.” And I will answer that all the blocks and obstacles are only in the head!

“To live your life wisely, you need to know a lot. Remember two important rules to start with. It’s better for you to starve than to eat anything, and it’s better to be alone than with anyone.”

— Omar Khayyam

Each person has their own travel budget. The only question is how to manage it. In any case, do you go somewhere and relax somewhere? You may not agree with me, but I will tell you my values. I believe it is more important to focus on quality rather than quantity.

For example, if you have limited finances, then it is better to pay and spend two unforgettable days in a luxury hotel abroad than to relax for three weeks in some creepy but cheap sanatorium located on the edge of the earth, in the Srednezazhopinsky district of the city of Dalnezamuhosransk. Just think about it, what is the likelihood that you will meet a successful man in such a sanatorium? That's right, no way! Your job is to be the center of attention. Literally and figuratively - in the center!

If, for example, I had to rent an apartment now, and I didn’t have a lot of money for it, then all the same, I would rather rent two square meters in the city center than 40 square meters on the outskirts.

Be the center of attention, appear more often in prestigious areas of the city. Be where rich life is in full swing. Feel free to go to luxury stores, no one will bite you there! Always be where the likelihood of meeting a high-status man is high.

Traveling to beautiful places is a great opportunity to meet a wealthy man

Friends, parties, clubs, parties

I'm sure you have a friend who married a successful man. No, it's not what you thought! I'm not suggesting you beat this man off! I suggest asking your friend to introduce you to someone from your husband’s circle.

Ask your friend to invite you to some event together. It could be a party, birthday, wedding. Overall, this should be a place where you can meet single and successful men. Never be afraid to ask. If a friend is adequate, she will definitely help.

Dating sites, mobile applications, social networks

And, of course, the most popular way, especially in connection with the current situation, is online dating. Believe me, there is something to talk about here.

Successful men value their time very much, so it is much easier for them to meet people online. For example, my millionaire husband met me this way - on an international dating site. I will tell you in detail how this happened in the next article. And I will also analyze in detail how to meet a successful man on the Internet. I will tell you about all the pitfalls, I will explain which men are worth communicating with and which ones are not. I will share life hacks with you.

Now you know the top places to meet a successful man! If this article was useful, be sure to share it with your friends and subscribe to my social networks here. I will be glad to receive any feedback and comments! I look forward to seeing you at my consultations. Your future is in your hands - act!

How and where to find a rich husband

Do you want a rich spouse? Visit places where they appear more often - this is the only obvious solution. Do not think that as soon as you appear in such a place, you will immediately find personal happiness - this is rare. Prepare for the fact that you will have to visit there often in order to form real acquaintances and relationships.

Develop your own plan: where you need to go several times a week to attract attention. Look for wealthy people's hobbies, vacation spots, and so on. To meet a rich man, you need to go to places where wealthy people hang out.

Let go of the past

Often, women are prevented from having strong relationships by memories of past love or an unsuccessful marriage. They compare new acquaintances with ex-acquaintances and think about potential unpleasant consequences. With this approach, there is no chance of meeting the ideal, much less marrying him.

Psychologist Alexander Kubersky recommends forgetting about negative experiences and comparisons. Don’t look for flaws in every man on the first date. This way you deprive him of the chance to open up and show his positive sides. Try to let go of past relationships. If necessary, enlist the support of friends or the help of a psychologist.

How to attract a rich man and how to keep him

Rich men, like poor men, like completely different girls and women. That is, if you are a potential husband’s type, he will pay attention to you. A lot depends on you too: choose a wardrobe, tidy up your hair, teeth, skin - you must be completely confident in yourself when communicating with a wealthy person. Your natural charisma will do the rest for you. The main thing is the meeting. It will be easier later.

Retention is more difficult than arousing interest. Rich men do not tolerate manifestations of commercialism, and if the goal is not a fleeting affair, but a long-term relationship and marriage, do not treat your chosen one as an ATM.

Rich men often have ladies hovering around them, so he always has a choice. Solution: be multifaceted. Look for new interests, hobbies, develop yourself - be interesting.

If your chosen one is rich, then try not to show that this fact forced you to choose some special strategy. Communicate with him as with an ordinary man, do not try to please him in everything.

What not to do when searching

How to attract a man to you unobtrusively - what might interest you

Often a woman feels “incomplete” until she starts a family. However, the thought of remaining unmarried should not be scary. otherwise, next to the candidate for life partner, an unhealthy feeling of dependence, painful jealousy, and enormous expectations will arise every now and then. Men read such signals no worse than women and rush to retreat. No one wants to play the role of an all-powerful parent, a kind of magician on whom the happiness of another person depends, except perhaps malicious manipulators.

Important! You need to get rid of the running line on your forehead: “I want to find a husband urgently.” No need to plan a wedding after 5 minutes of meeting each other. This only pushes potential partners away.

Under no circumstances should you reach out to a man like a life preserver.

You need to develop relationships at a healthy pace: flirt, make friends, and not tensely wonder whether a new acquaintance is worth your time. Every man you meet along the path of life ends up there for a reason. Only by communicating and comparing your feelings when communicating with different people can you figure out what really has value in a relationship.

Is it possible to find a husband on the Internet?

Various men register on the dating site - and worthy ones too. Many of them do not have time for their personal lives. They are passionate about work, rarely go to crowded places, and have no personal life. A dating site is a common thing for them. They don’t “throw themselves” at everyone, so your profile should show that you are “the one.” How to attract a decent man on the Internet?

Submission of the questionnaire

Think about what kind of woman a worthy and successful man is looking for. What image will catch his attention when he scrolls through the photos on the site. Do you match this image? Can a man, looking at your profile on the Internet, decide - this woman is worthy, she suits me?

Get closer to this ideal woman. Develop yourself, choose the appropriate wardrobe and hobbies.

Decide on a photo

Your choice: high-quality professional photographs, without an abundance of retouching. Your image: positive, feminine.

What pictures should I show? Giving an idea of ​​hobbies and life. Example: you are in the mountains, with a dog, by a lake, in a beautiful city, on a picnic, at a concert. Optimal number of photos: 4-5. Have a baby? Please indicate this in the special column. Photos of the child are not needed in the application form. Initially, a man is looking for a life partner.

Forget about candid beach photos. This will attract the attention of an unnecessary contingent, and may scare away a worthy candidate. A photo of you in a tight-fitting and not vulgar dress can demonstrate a good figure.

Personal information

Good external data is not enough to keep a man’s attention on your profile. Save him and yourself time by providing important information. A man should read the information about you and form a first impression. What to describe: important feminine qualities, hobbies, wishes for your future partner, priorities, values. Don't focus on your career or business achievements.

Requirement for a man

Main mistakes: the owner of the questionnaire skips this point or presents an endless list of requirements.

Write briefly, specifically, what qualities you want to see in a potential chosen one.


The time for exclusively male initiative has passed. The Internet makes it possible to independently find a person who meets the required parameters. Decent men physically don’t have time to look through all the profiles - yours may not get around to it.

Do you see that the man meets all the criteria? Don't be shy, write to him - you have nothing to lose. Mandatory condition: call him by name, ask about a topic related to his hobby. Forget about the banal: “How are you?” But don’t overdo it with the message: a long introductory word will be unnecessary.

Conducting correspondence

Be yourself. More precisely: demonstrate your best character traits. Write positively, forget about your ex. Compliment the man. You started communicating with him - it means you liked something, mark it. Feel free to highlight its positive aspects.

An important rule: don’t get stuck in constant correspondence. This is a mistake and a trap. The drawn image will crumble upon meeting. There is no need for lengthy correspondence. The illusion of a romance often develops into a waste of time. One or two days of correspondence is enough. Is the man silent about the meeting? A warning sign. Nominate it yourself. Are there excuses and requests for further correspondence? We recommend saving time and switching.


Meetings are held individually. Options: active date on horseback, conversation in a cafe, amusement park. It is recommended to choose calm options for the first date in order to be able to communicate without haste, without being distracted by extraneous phenomena. Tell us about your hobbies, ask about the man’s hobbies. Try to talk a little less than you listen. Taboos: unsolicited advice, bragging, long conversations about work.

How to find a decent man on a dating site. TOP 5 web resources

1. Dating service "Mamba" -

This is one of the most famous dating sites and ranks first in the ranking of similar Internet resources. It was founded in 2003, the audience is more than thirty million people from around the world. Over the fifteen years of its existence, the portal has helped many people find their soulmate and find family happiness.

Advantages of the Mamba dating service:

  • sufficiently large audience and coverage;
  • the permissibility of using numerous filters that significantly narrow the search area to select a suitable candidate. Provided that applicants fill out certain information about themselves, you can choose a young man based on his profession, financial situation, presence or absence of bad habits, type of appearance, etc.;
  • stories about acquaintances that began on the site and ended in marriage;
  • the ability to have a personal diary in your profile.

Disadvantages of the Mamba dating service:

— a lot of spam and suspicious individuals who behave inappropriately, for example, sending intimate photos or writing obscene messages;

— weak functionality if you do not purchase VIP accommodation. Profiles with VIP status are reflected above;

— absence of negative comments, due to their removal from the site by the administrator;

— unclear work of employees when supporting functionality.

2. Service “Dating” -

This site ranks second in the ranking. launched a dating service in 2007. The main purpose of the resource is to make contacts with new people. Registration on the site is free and suitable for those users who do not have an email address at Advantages of the [email protected] service:

  • a large number of participants from Russia, unlike other sites;
  • the presence of useful options that in a playful way help people, especially shy ones, to start communicating, for example: “Kiss and get to know each other!”, “Sweet couple”, “Picks”;
  • the convenience of filters when searching for an interlocutor, located on the main page, where you can also see the total number of people registered on the site;
  • the presence of an option to view recently registered users;
  • compilation by the resource of a list of “Top 100” boys and girls in your city;
  • the ability to search for travel companions for traveling to another city or country;
  • help in correspondence for beginners: the site offers interesting and original greetings that can help a beginner.

Disadvantages of the [email protected] service:

— the presence of a large number of users who are not interested in dating, but collect personal information from site clients for their specific purposes;

— the quality of filling out questionnaires leaves much to be desired;

- presence of spam.

3. Portal “Fotostrana” -

One of the ways to find a worthy man can be the social and entertainment network “Fotostrana”, which ranks third in the ranking of similar sites. It has a large audience - over 61 million profiles, and this figure is constantly growing. Participants are offered a large number of services: they can meet and communicate, have a virtual pet, participate in competitions, play in real time and even read the news. Registration on the site is free and takes a little time.

Advantages of the entertainment network “Fotostrana”:

  • wide audience;
  • the presence of various entertainment services with which you can have a good time;
  • organization of all kinds of events, tournaments, competitions, etc.

Disadvantages of the entertainment network "Fotostrana":

— an imperceptible transition of the user from real life to virtual life due to participation in multiple entertainment events provided by the services;

— the presence of inappropriate individuals who can be rude;

— availability of paid services.

4. LovePlanet website -

This is one of the most famous and popular dating sites, located in fourth place after the above sites. The name translates as “Planet of Love”. The service was created in 2005 and already has about twenty million users.

Advantages of the LovePlanet site:

  • a well-thought-out search system that includes more than 100 criteria and allows you to select a partner in accordance with personal preferences;
  • the ability to leave comments under photographs of other participants;
  • the presence of a private chat for communication;
  • the presence of a function for receiving “likes”;
  • the ability to keep a personal diary;
  • organizing and conducting competitions and various promotions;
  • rating of participants;
  • availability for use of chat, forum, photo album, mailbox;
  • applicant's right to send surprises or voice messages.

Disadvantages of the LovePlanet site:

— the presence of virtual (fake) identities;

— fee for deleting the profile;

— checking photographs over a long period;

— failures in the function of ignoring unwanted users.

5. Badoo Internet resource -

Fifth place in the TOP 5 web resources is occupied by the international social dating network Badoo. The platform has more than 330 million users. The site is popular among foreigners, so if you are thinking about how to find a decent man in another country, then this is the place for you.

Pros of the Badoo social network:

  • attracting people from all over the world;
  • free use of all services;
  • a huge number of registered users.

Cons of the Badoo social network:

— conversations with the robot, distracting from real communication;

— a minimum set of criteria for selecting suitable profiles, set in the search function.

How to find a husband if you are far from 18

There are no problems finding a husband either at 18 or at 40, if you look in the “right” places. More mature women should pay attention to their place of work. Is the team mixed? Surely, there is a person in it who suits you. Do you think that there are no normal men among the dozens around you? The problem is excessive demands. Take a closer look at the company's unmarried employees, clients and partners. Fateful meetings can happen on a business trip, at a seminar, or training. Women 30 years and older are more likely to find a husband at work.

Second place: social network. Dating sites, interest groups. Limiting yourself to the Internet is a mistake. You need to go to different places: pubs, cinemas, cafes, exhibitions, concerts, football matches, the gym.

Visit public places - increase your chances of meeting a potential husband. Study your everyday environment. A new “wonderful neighbor” could be your destiny. Consider the options, think about it, get involved in an active search.

A fateful meeting is possible at a gas station or in a parking lot. Options: supermarket, shopping center, auto show and so on. An important condition: take the initiative. If you see an interesting free man, start a dialogue. Ask for advice, help, give a compliment, smile. He will do the rest himself if he is interested. It’s dangerous to overdo it: obsession will work against you.

TOP list of places for a successful acquaintance

Your future spouse can be anywhere at the moment, just not at your home. But there are certain places where finding a husband is somewhat easier:

  1. Party with friends. Holidays are often celebrated with friends. And at this solemn moment, nothing prevents you from taking a closer look at the free guy from your environment. You can easily get detailed information about it by asking your friends. This eliminates various troubles, since you will know where the potential groom works and what his hobbies are.
  2. Studies. Are you gnawing on the granite of science? Combine business with pleasure: rush in parallel with your studies to find a husband. A joint educational institution immediately determines the presence of common topics for conversation. And it’s very easy to find a reason to get acquainted. Ask for help with your studies or offer your own. Common activities bring you closer together, which will work to your advantage.
  3. Job. Working in a mixed-sex team provokes acquaintance with a possible continuation. Take a look around, is there a handsome man hiding behind the next workplace, reminiscent of a potential husband? Spending time together allows you to take a closer look and choose without rushing. Use this opportunity wisely, but don't procrastinate too long. What if you're not the only one with your eye on a free guy?
  4. Gym. Exercising is doubly useful, as it allows you to monitor your figure and find like-minded males in the struggle for health and beauty. Put on a tight suit and do squats next to a cute, athletic guy. Ask him to back up and start a casual conversation.
  5. Exhibitions and museums. Cultural events will be an excellent opportunity to delve deeper into interesting topics. Without looking up from the exhibits, you can look for an enviable groom. Your joint interest in beauty is important for further leisure.
  6. Cafe. Dress up and go to a cozy restaurant for a cup of coffee. A smile on your face and a languid look will attract free male representatives who are out hunting for the heart of a beautiful lady.
  7. Internet. Just a few years ago, online dating was talked about ironically. Such methods of finding grooms were sometimes even condemned. Dating sites were associated with something indecent. Times are changing, and now almost every person has several acquaintances who learned about each other via the Internet, and are now happy in their relationship.

How to look for a husband if you have a child

Statistics say: a 30-year-old woman with a child is more attractive to a man than a single woman.

Life proves statistics regularly, but single mothers are still not confident in themselves. Some men feed into the stereotype, hoping to get a quickie from a woman who has lost confidence in herself. Other women are also belittled by such men. If you take seriously the statement of a separate contingent, you will undermine your self-esteem, lose good relationships by agreeing to unworthy ones.

How to find a husband for a single mother? First, find time for yourself - improve your appearance, develop your personal qualities. This is possible with a small child, but it is necessary. You are not only a mother, but also a woman - treat yourself to effective cosmetic procedures, a good book, a concert.

Be in public regularly. Visit cafes, cinemas, shopping centers, crowded places - this increases the chance of meeting a potential husband.

Important: do not consider your baby a burden! Be proud of your child! He is your wonderful continuation. There is no need to bashfully mention it or hide it behind your back. You shouldn’t impose it, but talk about it calmly and with love - a man should see that you are a good woman and mother.

Having a baby and a strong desire for a complete family is not a reason to grab just anyone. Be picky. You are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the fate of the child. Everyone has heard stories about terrible stepfathers who broke a child's psyche. No stamp in a passport or “a man nearby” is worth such sacrifices - your child should not be a victim of the wrong choice.

Take your search for a husband seriously. Forget about short-term relationships, hasty lunchtime dates - do not devalue the importance of the beginning of a relationship and yourself in the eyes of a potential partner.

Decent single men have a positive attitude towards women with children. She was able to succeed as a mother, she had a negative relationship experience, she knows perfectly well what she wants. She has an established life, she is “at home”, she does not waste time on endless meetings with her friends, she is serious about building new relationships. Respect your personal life and the man who is not to blame for your troubles. There is a time for everything - remember this.

What not to do if you want to find a man

Before I give you step-by-step instructions on how to attract your ideal man into your life, I want to focus on what not to do.

Believe me, you can’t just sit by the window and be sad with the words:

  • When will I be happy in love?
  • How to find a man perfect for me?

Firstly, when you think about your loneliness, you attract even more loneliness. When you are sad, you attract even more reasons to be sad. This is how the immutable Law of Attraction works.

By the way! It is very important not to suffer, because this way you can attract unhappy love or not attract anyone at all.

I'll tell you a secret: men are attracted only to positive vibrations and emotions. No one will ever be attracted to a sad and devastated woman.

In general, always remember the Law of Attraction

! To attract love and happiness, radiate love and happiness.

Related: What is the Law of Attraction?

Secondly, when you yourself don’t know what exactly you want from life, from men and from relationships, you are more likely to attract the most unsuitable man for you.

But you don’t want to end up with endless quarrels and a broken heart as a result of your work?

Therefore, create the image of your ideal future lover right now. What is needed for this? Write a list!

But first I want to invite you to one event that Elizaveta Volkova holds only “for her own people.”

Attention! You won't find these techniques on the Internet. Only in a closed master class will you learn how to restore relationships in just 35 days using Elizaveta Volkova’s original methodology.

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How to understand that in front of you is a loving man who is ready to offer his hand and heart

Most men prefer to express love through actions. An interested guy will always find time to call, meet, and spend time. He is interested in the daily life of his chosen one, he chooses meeting places taking into account her interests and passions, and not only reduces them to carnal pleasures. He will be interested in learning as much as possible about the potential bride.

A man in love tries to be as involved as possible - to meet her after work, help with grocery shopping, provide practical help with housework, and bring medicine. If a lady has a child, the gentleman will try to make friends with him. When he comes to visit, he will bring goodies, pleasant surprises, and can organize joint leisure activities - a picnic, a trip to picturesque and entertaining places.

Such a candidate will not suddenly disappear and appear after a month of absence; he will certainly warn in advance about changed plans for the evening, departure, or business trip. He respects her habits, views, opinions, does not strive to make a woman comfortable, to reshape her for himself.

A man who wants to have a family and has found his long-awaited soul mate will strive to quickly start living together and then formalize the relationship. He will not keep a woman in the dark, ignore her questions regarding her marital status, their relationship, he will definitely introduce her to his parents, relatives, friends, and will make joint plans and implement them.

Working with a psychotherapist

If you can't get out of depression after breaking up with your ex-spouse, try seeking help from a psychotherapist. A specialist will determine your needs, the reason why you can’t let go of your past marriage, and help you find the right path.

The main thing is to remember: until you have ended your old relationship (even if it exists only in your head), you are not ready for the birth of a new one. They simply either will not take place, or will end as sadly as those from which they recently emerged.

How to determine a worthy gentleman

How to find a good husband</p>

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