How to learn to speak beautifully and meaningfully: golden rules

Speech is a wonderful and beautiful way of exchanging and replenishing information. Listening to the speech of a speaker who easily varies his verbal turns, you involuntarily begin to envy, and then think about how to learn to speak beautifully.

The positive emotions present when talking with such a person push you to do incredible things for your own development. In order not to hide your desire for an indefinite period of time, say: “I also want to speak beautifully,” and immediately start studying.

Conciseness of thought, developed beautiful conversational skills require a lot of patience, setting aside a certain period of time, changing an established way of life, admitting acceptable mistakes.

Arrangement of future words

Make it a rule to start each lesson by saying the phrase: “I dream, I want to speak beautifully.” Thoughts, having a material basis, will definitely turn into reality, and the right actions to bring your dreams to life will take on a special spirit.

So, let's move on to the first point, which will bring us closer to understanding the main task:

  • Sentence construction is important for communication and comprehension. The narrator, when communicating information to others, must mentally arrange the events taking place in chronological order so as not to disrupt the theme.
  • People who do not have experience may have their thoughts confused, and the presentation will turn out to be incoherent and illogical. Therefore, keep a diary, where on the pages you describe the dialogues you heard, interesting details, daily reflections, and family relationships.
  • The paper, hiding the absurd expressions, will gradually present a beautiful surprise. Well-structured beautiful statements will form a meaningful content with eloquent quotes, reasonable turns of phrase, and logical phrases. The brain, clogged with unnecessary “garbage,” freed from a large amount of news, stories, experiences, will give free rein to a new stream of thoughts, bringing you closer to the answer to the question: “How to learn to speak correctly and beautifully.”

Speech development

Unfortunately, modern people are increasingly becoming tongue-tied, unable to express thoughts correctly, and confused about the meanings of words. There are many reasons for this.

Firstly, they read little now, as they spend more time in front of a computer monitor or TV screen.

Secondly, too few samples of literate speech are heard. It’s no secret that even from a TV screen you rarely hear examples of correct and beautiful speech. There is no need to talk about radio stations at all: DJs communicate with radio listeners in the same way as they are used to communicating with friends - peppering their speech with slang words and expressions.

Thirdly, they rarely watch theatrical productions. After all, the theater requires a special style of clothing, you need to behave culturally, the most important thing is to understand the content of individual mise-en-scenes, the complexity of the characters’ characters. All this requires extra effort from people, so it’s much easier to go to the movies, eat popcorn and laugh.

However, if you are firmly convinced that your speech is characterized by a poor vocabulary, an abundance of speech errors and incorrect sentence construction, and you intend to learn how to command the attention of the audience, then you simply urgently need to start working on your own speech.

Vocabulary expansion

When you see an unfamiliar word, be sure to determine its meaning. The explanatory dictionary provides their detailed explanatory characteristics and scope of application. With representatives of different professions, age-old categories and social strata, rare words have their own special position.

By accumulating new knowledge, status increases, serious respect arises, and interesting acquaintances are acquired. How to learn to speak beautifully is no longer an unresolved dilemma, because beautiful syllables and amazing phrases slip into your conversation, becoming an excellent foundation.

Reading books

Desire - I want to say it beautifully - does not arise just like that. Classic works contribute to the emergence of pure, beautiful speech patterns laid down by famous writers.

Singing every word, playing with various acceptable combinations, the authors tried to convey to the reader harmony, uniqueness, and literacy.

The great language remained an example for many generations, eager to learn and experience the pleasure of written stories, analyzes of the characteristics of heroes, and derived morality.

One cannot, of course, completely deny modern literature, which violates the stereotypes created over centuries and gives youth and an unknown stream of air.

Any book encourages thinking; a person can quietly learn to think and talk differently. But when comparing a classic and a modern novel, an expert on how to learn to speak beautifully and competently will look with great respect at the old, worn-out binding.

What other exercises can you do to improve diction and articulation:

1. Practice the pronunciation of final consonants - pronounce them clearly and actively: BO-BO-BO-BOPP!, BA-BA-BA-BAPP! In this way, alternate all paired consonants (t-d, b-p, g-k) so that an explosion is heard at the end.

2. Practice plosive consonants - sounds that appear when an air stream overcomes a barrier: t-d, b-p, g-k. Pronounce voiceless consonants without voice, but with an explosion: K! KKH! P! PY!, then add vowels: TU! KO! PO!, add voiced consonants: BO! RO! BOO!

3. Correctly pronounce vowels in front of a mirror: O must be pronounced with lips formed in a ring, exhaling air in a wide stream; U is pronounced with lips folded into a tube, exhaling air sharply through it. You can practice the pronunciation of different pairs of vowels: IO, AI, AO, OU, EA, EO, UI, UE, ETC.

4. Pronounce difficult combinations of sounds: MFE, RFA, LRO, FMO, LRYU, RLI, DRLI, LRDA. You can also try this: in complex sound combinations with P, change it to any other consonant of this type: LRDA-LMDA.

Public performance

There comes a crucial moment when your speech is intended for a large audience:

  • Here it is advisable to think through all the dialogues and lines. Write down the points of the plan. According to the plan, gradually develop the topic of conversation.
  • Record your speech on a voice recorder. As you listen to the speech several times, weak expressions will become noticeable. Prepare your speech in advance so that you have enough time to correct the gaps and then the motto of the day: “I want to speak beautifully” will become an indispensable companion.
  • It is impossible to learn to speak beautifully without an audience. Those close to you get used to the style of communication and do not notice errors in speech. Unfamiliar listeners will immediately react to an uninteresting story, showing this by behavior and noticeable noise. Before speaking, it is important to know the age characteristics of your upcoming interlocutors.
  • Seek advice from friends who have had to speak in public. Take into account their beautiful performances, speech, note key points, use the information received as a “magic wand”.
  • Choose answers to the expected questions to learn how to direct your presentation in the right direction. Study books on the topic, write down catchphrases and famous quotes. Base your report on familiar names. With such a basis, your presentation will take on a scientific and fundamental appearance.
  • The art of speaking requires mandatory training. Settle for a small and familiar audience at first. Having developed the skills to communicate with a group of people, gradually increase their number in order to learn how to change the flow of the conversation and thematic focus.

How to learn to speak beautifully: 10 effective techniques

Expand your vocabulary

Every person knows many more words than they use in conversation. Thanks to this, the speech of a person with a rich vocabulary sounds very beautiful and at the same time there are almost never any incomprehensible words in it. Most people make do with a rather meager set of words, which makes it difficult for them to express thoughts.

It is necessary to expand your working vocabulary, that is, the set of words that you continuously use in communication. If you are not sure you understand a term correctly, look up the definition in a dictionary and write it down. Remember it and try to use it in your speech in the future. But keep in mind that inappropriate use of words from an expanded vocabulary spoils the impression more than their complete absence.

To expand your vocabulary, it is useful to read, solve crosswords and anagrams. If you quickly remember a word in order to enter it into the cells of a crossword puzzle, then in a conversation the words will come to mind immediately, and not “twist on the tip of your tongue.”

Make sure your sentences are correct and consistent

One phrase like “when I went outside, bright sunlight hit my eyes” can greatly spoil the impression of yourself. Always make sure that the words and phrases in the sentence are consistent with each other. The same applies to simple sentences as part of complex ones.

It is advisable to completely abandon the use of too long complex and complex sentences in oral speech. Even if you pronounce such a tirade correctly, you will still give the impression of a person who is unable to formulate a thought succinctly.

Get your attention right

When speaking to an audience, it is necessary to correctly highlight the most important details, and it is better to mention unimportant ones in passing. If you pay attention to excessive detail, you can make your interlocutor bored. A talented speaker knows how to compress information, like a sculptor cutting away excess from a stone.

When it comes to public speaking, the best way to present information concisely is to make a plan in advance. It is important not only to study the material, but also to plan the sequence of presentation. It is during the process of drawing up a plan that the most significant information is usually identified, which needs to be emphasized in order to maximize the interest of the audience.

Get rid of vernacular and filler words

Not everyone has a philological education. But this is a poor excuse for using filler words that completely destroy the beauty of speech. Perhaps you have noticed how the impression of famous people is spoiled if they use a large number of such words when giving interviews.

The best way to get rid of parasitic words and vernacular is to listen to yourself from the outside. Just speak any speech, record it on a voice recorder, listen and note all errors. Rewrite the entry until you completely get rid of the filler words.

Also, don’t allow yourself to “eat” and “em.” A short pause in speech sounds much more pleasant than trying to fill it with inarticulate sounds. Feel free to show that some questions or considerations make you think for a second or two. But you will demonstrate yourself as a reasonable person who thinks first and speaks later.


Regular reading significantly improves oral and written language literacy, and also expands vocabulary. It is recommended to read classical literature and books devoted to the peculiarities of the Russian language.

Be sure to read “The Living and the Dead Word” by the Soviet translator and literary critic Nora Gal, “from” the children's writer and poet Korney Chukovsky. You can also learn a lot of interesting things about the origin and meaning of words from the book “From Adam’s Apple to the Apple of Discord” by Vadim Khrapp.

Try not just to read the books listed, but to retell small sections to make sure that you correctly understand and remember everything that the author wanted to convey. And be sure to write down important and interesting quotes in a notebook.

Practice choosing synonyms

Sometimes a speaker must make a choice between allowing himself a tautology or allowing a slight loss of meaning. Synonyms are a powerful tool that allows you to diversify your speech and avoid tautologies without distorting the meaning of what is said.

Learning synonyms is a great way to expand your vocabulary. You can find a special application for your smartphone and practice this for 5-10 minutes daily. After just 3-4 weeks, you will feel that choosing words on the go has become much easier.

Work on facial expressions and gestures

You don't have to wave your arms to be convincing. But the skillful use of facial expressions and gestures always attracts attention to the speaker. It is best to practice in front of a mirror. In just a few minutes you will identify features of your gestures or facial expressions that you have not noticed for many years. After this, you should work on getting rid of unwanted movements and learn to gesticulate unobtrusively, but expressively.

Presence of gestures and facial expressions

A live conversation always involves movement of the hands and body. A dry presentation of material without a pronounced emotional coloring is boring and implausible.

The speaker, living the content of the speech, forces the audience to join what is dear to him and close to him. These are not just clumsy swings. Every gesture he makes is beautiful and logical. Under the influence of sincerity, a rich, open dialogue between complete strangers is obtained.

It is useful to practice gestures and facial expressions in front of a mirror. Shortcomings and some excesses in movements are immediately visible. An open, beautiful look helps to cope with unnecessary and stupid gestures that do not fit into the overall picture.

Sometimes the accompanying gestures seem inappropriate and provocative. But a cold expression is prone to repulsion and misunderstanding. Find the harmony of words, body, voice.

What is spontaneous speech and why is it so important to develop it?

Spontaneous speech is one of the most difficult forms of communication, because it is created almost simultaneously with thinking.
Unlike written speech, in spontaneous speech we do not have the opportunity to think through a thought, find the right words, correct a sentence, correct mistakes, change something, remove or add something. Thoughts are almost instantly formed into speech structures; there is no time to carefully think through each phrase. For people with poorly developed spontaneous speech, situations in which they urgently need to get together and say something always become stressful.

If we try to explain what spontaneous speech is in simple words, then it is unprepared speech, formed in parallel with thoughts, in the current moment and in constantly changing communicative conditions. It is spontaneous speech that is considered to be a real indicator of the speaker’s level of language proficiency.

After all, written speech can be corrected and edited, theses or texts can be prepared in full for public speaking, but only those who really speak the language well can express their thoughts orally in the moment beautifully and coherently, logically and accessiblely.

It is spontaneous speech that dominates real speech communication of most people. And most often it requires development and improvement. Who among us does not begin to get very worried when an unexpected offer comes to speak in public (to make a toast, hold a meeting, give a speech, talk about something to a large number of strangers, etc.)?

Even those who have a good command of the language under normal conditions, due to stress, begin to lose their thoughts, make mistakes, pronounce a lot of unnecessary words, repeat the same thing or skip some parts in the logical chain of the story, stutter, “noise”, do pauses, etc. What can we say about people who are not very good at verbal communication skills.

“In everyday life, understatement, filler words, slips of the tongue, and illogical narration are considered FORGIVEN


Unlike public speech, when words have more meaning and influence the result, when there is a minimum of time, but you need to say the most. Although, in my opinion, in everyday life it is important to be able to speak correctly, coherently, beautifully, understandably and logically.

Often spontaneous speech becomes a literacy test. Speaking without preparation, under stress, in parallel with the thought process, a person demonstrates all the skills and abilities, knowledge and skills. On the other hand, spontaneous speech does not always reflect the real level of development of speech skills, since the full development of language proficiency is also influenced by emotions.

Competent speech presupposes the ability to construct sentences stylistically correctly, the presence of a large vocabulary and its appropriate use, correct stress in words, coherence and consistency, logic and accuracy in the expression of thoughts. We can and should work on this.

What is worth remembering: even the most ideal sentences and speeches can be spoiled by a quiet voice, ugly timbre, self-doubt, strange gestures, facial expressions, facial expressions, low/high speed, inappropriate pauses, etc. That is, it is not enough to be able to formulate sentences beautifully and correctly, you also need to be able to present yourself.

Factors that determine the beauty of spontaneous speech:

Purity and smoothness of the narration
- the absence of filler words, aspirations, interjections, pauses, unnecessary insertions, etc.

– pleasant timbre, flexibility of intonation, sound strength, precision of pronunciation, tempo, etc.

Richness of speech
- is formed from the variety of words used, phrases, speech structures, etc. Directly depends on the erudition and vocabulary of the speaker.

Logic and structure
- without these conditions, the narrative loses emphasis, clarity and clarity of message, turns into a pile of thoughts and facts, which are difficult and boring to perceive.

In my opinion, you need to work, first of all, on spontaneous speech. There will be an understanding that the skills are at their best, and confidence in one’s abilities will appear. And where there is self-confidence, there is also the ability to present oneself, capture the attention of the public, and cope with strong emotions. Everything here is interconnected, so I wouldn’t consider knowledge separately from emotions.

Persistence and desire

I want to speak beautifully - this is not just a beautiful slogan. Long-term exercises repeated day after day will help you learn public speaking and will lead to a positive result thanks to great desire, perseverance, and patience. Having a specific goal in mind, for which you deliberately give up a free hour, will be a guide in the complex art of public speaking.

Color your activities with games. For example, start describing any item without stopping. It doesn't matter what you say. The main thing, excluding pauses, is to learn to speak without thinking. Gradually, the “nonsense” will develop into a coherent, beautiful story. Detailing develops attention, speech, and thinking. The attitude towards the outside world is changing.

Nurturing Confidence

When there is no confidence, it is impossible to learn to speak beautifully. Fear tightens the muscles, the voice begins to tremble treacherously.

To get rid of the overwhelming feeling of anxiety, try to seek advice from a specialist or read literature on psychology. They will reveal the true reason and remove the clamps. The Internet is filled with manuals and training exercises that are simple and clear.

Low self-esteem provokes a reluctance to overcome feelings of fear. Such deliverance seems impossible to a person and the impregnable barrier increases. Love everything you do. You need to learn to work on yourself. Let go of the past, live here and now. Start life's story with a blank page.

Each voice is beautiful and unique. Don't be shy about it, no matter what it is. Be able to fascinate with the right presentation. The listener will accept any unusual timbre when the topic is accessible and interesting. Experiment. Say the simple sentence “I want to speak beautifully” in different ranges: high, low, medium. After varying, you will notice a special refinement and will be happy to note that your voice is the best.

Elimination of filler words

Parasitic words that accompany communication suggest a stop. Taking a short pause, the narrator collects his thoughts and continues the story he started without the listener noticing. Learning to speak beautifully and not lose the thread of a conversation is feasible. This skill takes time to learn.

I want to say it beautifully - a wonderful start into the beautiful world of culture and ethics. By watching your speech, you can learn to speak without unnecessary words, become well-mannered, smart, and literate.

During classes, save the recordings recorded on a voice recorder, write down beautiful verbal expressions and use them when you compose your next speech.

The ability to speak beautifully sets a person apart from the crowd and gives him advantages. He is capable of doing great things, leading the crowd. Let the desire - I want to speak beautifully - change your mind forever and give you strength in your speeches.

What is meant by the ability to speak beautifully?

A beautiful speech consists of well-constructed, intelligible, convincing and easy-to-hear phrases. This skill is best mastered by radio presenters, for whom the voice is the only channel for transmitting information to the listener. They work to improve their speech in three main areas:

  1. Diction training.
  2. Improving speech technique.
  3. Expanding vocabulary.

The ability to speak beautifully is also necessary for lecturers and TV presenters, since a beautifully speaking person is always more pleasant to listen to. At the same time, they have the opportunity to additionally influence the attention of listeners through gestures and facial expressions, but these tools become truly effective only with well-delivered speech.

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