Traits of Perceptive People: 10 Ways to Increase Perceptiveness

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! Insight is the ability to predict events based on one's own experience and accumulated knowledge. Its main components are mindfulness, intuition and awareness. A person is not born with a built-in insight function. It develops throughout life, so if it is sometimes difficult for you not only to predict, but even to anticipate the consequences of your actions, do not be upset, today I will tell you how to train this skill in yourself.

In the dictionary Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznya

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What is discernment?

Insight is a personality quality that depends on the ability to observe, keenly notice, compare, comprehend, and most importantly, foresee the future outcome of events. Associated with foresight, insight, competence and worldly wisdom. Insight is surrounded by an aura of unusualness and is often compared to extrasensory perception or mysticism. But the ability to understand one’s situation, diagnose the qualities of people, and see the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena or events is the result of observation, competence, intelligence and life experience.

Gaining insight is a great, even great achievement . After all, it helps to establish communication and build your business. Moreover, this is one of the mandatory qualities of a leader - one who knows how to foresee the hidden essence of things, events, news, actions, and other people. It’s not for nothing that psychological training on the topic of leadership qualities is so popular.

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The phrase “discerning eye” is more often used in relation to people with extensive life experience. They also add “a look like an x-ray” or “looked into the soul.” And indeed, wise people seem to read other people’s thoughts or understand more about their interlocutor than he understands about himself. But there is also childhood insight - the property of a pure soul and mind, which becomes clouded with growing up.

Where is psychological insight useful?

This ability to quickly assess a person’s inner world, impress him and manipulate his interlocutor is rather part of the profession of a psychologist, personnel officer, manager, teacher, doctor, journalist. But outside the profession, another phrase is more often used - worldly wisdom.

Worldly wisdom does not depend on “bare” intellect and is not always associated with education - you may not know the ABC book, but you can literally see right through those around you. There is scientific evidence for this statement. Canadian researchers from the University of Waterloo found that “worldly wisdom” is more often demonstrated by residents with below-average income. It turns out that they are more competent in interpersonal matters. So, from the point of view of worldly wisdom, an insightful person is a person without doctoral degrees, but with an open-minded attitude towards something and the ability to consider a problem from different points of view.

Worldly wisdom is a diploma of intelligence, which is given to a person with extensive life experience - not only his personal, but the experience of his ancestors. Indeed, in addition to personal observations, it includes proverbs, beliefs, aphorisms, stories and other knowledge about the laws of life. Unlike scholarship, life wisdom does not come from books, but is tested in practice. And it is always seasoned with a dose of humor. Because the ability to notice funny features and wrap them in sparkling anecdotes or aphorisms is another component of insight.


Alert and observant, she sees everything and remembers everything. Her powers of observation are so incredible that they surpass her intuition. This is Sherlock Holmes in a skirt. And Virgo also knows how to systematize, classify people, and immediately divide them into species and types. Surprisingly it works! Of course, we all consider ourselves unique, one and only. But Virgo immediately mentally puts us on a shelf and then can easily predict our habits, character, actions and future fate. Everything about her is typical.

The worst thing is that she is wrong only in one case out of a hundred. We are indeed mostly unoriginal and act like social machines.

The most pleasant feature in a “girl’s” insight is that she knows how to see suffering and pain behind anger and malice. Everyone turned away from some antisocial type or evil dog, and the Virgin sorted out his needs, satisfied them and healed the unfortunate man to the delight of everyone. Honestly, sometimes she looks like an angel.

Out of love for purity, order and harmony, Virgo immediately notices all the problems in the world around her. It is she who, looking at your brand new closet, will immediately notice that the bottom shelf is suspiciously askew and sagging. So she will predict: “This cabinet will not last long, and do not load the bottom shelf.” Then don’t say that she jinxed your closet.


The most insightful sign, and this is not a revelation. The degree to which she immerses herself in your true motives is incredible. You yourself may not be aware of what you are doing and why, but Scorpio sees you naked, as if under an x-ray. Moreover, she is completely uninterested in your explanations, your long stories about what really happened - she discards them like husks. Scorpio reads body language, the language of facial expressions, the secret of a glance instantly: first she sees all this and only then will she listen - and then not to the words, but to the intonations.

Mystery is her main interest in life. It is unlikely that she will be interested in ordinary people in ordinary settings. No, what immediately catches her eye is a couple whose behavior is subtly suspicious. They seem to be flirting in the corner, but why are their faces so tense, why are their eyes constantly darting around the surroundings? What were they really up to?

She even knows how to read the invisible thoughts flashing through your head, and this is amazing. You just thought, didn’t take on board a new thought, discarded it or put it in a box, and she already considered it and was ready to make accusations: “What were you thinking about then, at the fountain? I know you imagined another woman.”


He is a Saturnian and does not trust people. I am sure that most of us are driven by low, greedy motives that we are accustomed to covering up with beautiful words. Capricorn is very insightful, endowed with an excellent analytical mind and does not forget to use it.

It is insight that prevents Capricorn from being deceived in choosing a partner. A practical woman, she is looking for a spouse who, first of all, will provide her financially and help her get to the very top of society. He sees losers right away and through them, and doesn’t waste time on them.

You can talk her into her teeth as much as you like, tell her tales about your achievements, important acquaintances and exploits, she will not believe any of them. The song “The Real Colonel” was definitely not written by Capricorn. But she will recognize the REAL colonel from the very first second, even in shabby clothes.

Do you want to become discerning? Become one!

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to outline a basic plan of action that will lead to success.

  • Discernment is mindfulness. An astute person is one who is able to work in the search. He does not miss anything that ordinary people would not pay any attention to. For him this is the norm of behavior.
  • Systematization of knowledge is the basis for stability of thinking. Our brain can work like a clock only when all the mechanisms in it are working properly. This means that all information must be systematized and structured, only in this way will thoughts be built into logical chains, which will help bring any matter to its logical conclusion.
  • Communication with people is an opportunity to gain experience. By carefully studying what the interlocutor said, it is possible to understand the correctness or error of his actions, mentally recreating the basis of actions in a similar situation. During dialogue, it is also important to pay attention to the movements and gestures of the interlocutor. They are the ones who can largely reveal the falsity of the speaker’s words.

But the main thing is that an insightful person is a thinking person, and in order to become insightful, it is important not to make hasty decisions!

Get rid of stereotypes

Thinking based on stereotypes does not contribute to the growth of insight.
To see more than those around you, you should not make hasty conclusions. Sometimes the most obvious answer is not the right one. Take on faith only bare facts, do not speculate for other people. The standard train of thought leads to the expected results. It is important to change the habit of thinking in patterns to discover your abilities. Practice this. Do not judge others harshly, do not try to make a hasty conclusion regarding the current situation. If hypothetically it is possible to assume an alternative version of the development of circumstances, there is no need to discard it in favor of the most probable in your opinion.

How to develop insight?

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The ability to “see to the root” is fascinating. It is not for nothing that Sherlock Holmes has remained the favorite hero of millions for almost two centuries. But if you study his ability to “read” those around him, understand their motives, predict actions, he will learn something. And if you put all your superpowers into categories, you will be able to develop your qualities in the right direction. Even if the fight against global crime is not part of your life plans.

Five steps for those who want to learn how to scan people like Sherlock Holmes:

Be genuinely interested in people.

If you turn to Sherlock Holmes, you can see that he did not pull his amazing conclusions out of thin air, but made them based on constant observations. Because with all the diversity of characters and temperaments, people tend to make similar mistakes, use standard behavioral patterns, respond to criticism in the same way, or express gratitude in similar ways.

The same technique can be used to develop your own insight - to begin to be sincerely interested in others. In addition to those “useful” for people’s business or personal goals, random fellow travelers on the train, a taxi driver who takes people home, or air conditioning installers will help fill up a personal file of observations. When a critical mass of observations has accumulated, the ability to read people's emotions and the ability to predict other people's behavior will come - isn't this the pinnacle of insight?

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Develop observation skills.

Looking and noticing are two different things. Observation helps to see what is hidden from prying eyes, to notice differences in supposedly similar things or similarities in completely different ones.

Good observation is impossible without a good memory. Mnemonic exercises (mnemonics) help strengthen and develop memory, and observation increases interest in everything around us - gestures or facial expressions of people, nature, architecture, art.

Learn to trust your unconscious.

Intuition helps you quickly assess a situation or form a first impression of a person. Because the unconscious is ancient and wiser than the mind. The unconscious, intuition, sixth sense - all this is not a mystical gift, but a skill that can be developed.

Learning to trust your intuition means developing the same powers of observation, but directing it inward - listening to your body, your emotions, studying reactions to what is happening. But in order to begin to hear the inner voice, you need to clear away the clutter of unworking beliefs and prejudices, and learn to be present “here-and-now.”

Develop an analytical mind.

Intuition is great, but consistent analytical thinking cannot be ignored. Logic helps to process large blocks of information, divide, combine, shuffle, and in some cases draw conclusions based on a minimum number of facts.

Familiar crossword puzzles are excellent for developing logic and memory. But they help at the first stage. Puzzles, mathematical equations or logical problems, and strategic board games like Monopoly cope with the task. Chess is considered the best trainer for analytical thinking - but here it is important to find a worthy opponent for yourself.

Be ready to accept change.

Sometimes accumulated knowledge turns against us. This happens when a person absolutizes his experience or his abilities, and ultimately loses the skill of “mental flexibility.” Such self-confidence becomes blinders on the eyes and prevents you from opening up to new things.

But if you notice your closed-mindedness in time, you can start experimenting. For example, start doubting your conclusions, doing familiar things in unusual ways, practicing silence or playing the same Sherlock Holmes - after all, his methods are still not outdated.


  • Insight is the ability to discern the true nature of a situation.
  • Worldly wisdom does not depend on education, but it helps to get out of any situation and then talk about it with humor.
  • The components of insight: memory, observation, logic and intuition can be developed using various techniques.

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