Dreaming is not harmful, but important: 13 techniques to fantasize profitably

13 ways to dream for the benefit of your goals

We offer you 13 simple steps that will help you achieve your goal, see the world in all its diversity and understand that dreaming is not harmful, but very useful.

Look for clues in childhood

Children are not afraid to dream. For them, this is the same natural process as breathing. Therefore, we are always surprised at the ease and atypicality of their thoughts. It is also in childhood that you should look for clues about your purpose, abilities and true desires.

To understand your childish essence, covered with “layers” of adulthood, ask these questions:

  • How did I perceive the world more vividly as a child - physical sensations, visual images, smells?
  • What fascinated me, a child, for a long time?
  • What did I like to do, what did I like to play as a kid?
  • What fantasies have I never told anyone?
  • Does any of these childhood games and fantasies resonate with me, an adult?
  • Based on my childhood hobbies, what talents/abilities can I develop?

Here is another way that will tell you what to look for when searching for yourself. So, choose any color you like. Imagining yourself with this color, tell us about yourself. For example, “I am green. Bright, rich, alive, like a jungle.” Analyze where your thoughts have taken you.

How to dream correctly in order to achieve what you want?

Plan your emotions

It is the positive emotions we experience that make us happy, not the events, actions or results of our actions. Therefore, like things, emotions also need to be planned. After all, remember, we experience pleasure - no matter what happened - both from a job well done and from a heart-to-heart conversation with our best friend. At the same time, a bad mood in the morning is a guarantee that because of this, on the way to work, in the office everyone will only interfere and ruin the day.

Therefore, imagine your ideal day in detail and fill this process with the best emotions you think you could experience in a variety of situations. Let's repeat: plan for emotions. To consolidate the result, analyze what you presented.

  • What moments of an ideal day do you already have in your pocket?
  • What's missing from your ideal day?
  • What can you do to make the missing elements appear?
  • Why can't you get it right now?

3. Give yourself additional abilities

Each of us at some point wanted to have several lives. Imagine that you have them. Who would you be if you could choose the time, place and occupation? Maybe they would become a famous actor and star in box-office films? Or a researcher in one field or another?

Analyze what abilities you have awarded yourself in each of your lives and what you need to do to make them manifest in your reality. This will tell you where to focus your efforts.

How to know yourself and learn to dream: simple steps to a real dream

Dreams and age

It’s good to be a child: your whole life is ahead of you, there are a lot of opportunities and prospects in front of you, there are no restrictions. The mind is still alive, flexible and free from stereotypes and ossified patterns. This is why children's dreams are so bright, strong and alive.

Remember yourself as a child. Surely you could spend hours indulging in dreams and fantasies, creating parallel universes in your head. The world around was so huge, strange and incomprehensible, many questions did not yet have answers. Fantasies helped smooth out contradictions, explain the inexplicable and cognize the unknowable.

As the child grows up, he learns to understand the world and learn to interact with objective reality. He also learns the rules, laws and restrictions that apply in society. Dreams are replaced by studies - and this is completely normal. In the same way, humanity has come from a mythical view of the structure of the world to a scientific one.

Starting from adolescence, dreams become more meaningful and real. Most often they are aimed at fulfilling the biological and social program inherent in every person. Build a family, have children, achieve success, ensure a comfortable standard of living. Creative people often dream of self-realization. Without her, life seems empty to them.

When the main program is completed, dreams of a different level come first. A person begins to think about self-knowledge, finding his place in the world. And he no longer dreams of material things, but of mental well-being, vivid impressions, and unity with his family.

At any stage we can lose the desire and ability to dream. Most often this happens during personal crises. Along with dreams, lightness, inspiration and faith in the best disappear from life. Existence becomes meaningless and the future seems bleak.

Dream with consequences

Each of us wants to live happily, do what we love. Therefore, include everything that you like into your life. Thoughts, ideas and dreams become tangible only when you regularly do something to make them come true. Otherwise, at some point it will be gone forever.

Use the correct wording of desires

Many of our desires and goals are not realized only because they were formulated incorrectly. Let’s imagine that you have set yourself a goal or dream “to study English at a prestigious language school.” This is not the correct formulation, because “learning a language” and “being good at a language” are different concepts.

We need to change the goal to “I want to speak and write fluently in English.” Do you feel the difference? So the desired result is immediately clear, you begin to concentrate your thoughts and energy on it, so the desire becomes completely realizable.

The same goes for desires like “I want a car”, “I want an apartment”. In this case, it is advisable to specify the subject of dreams and indicate the desired method of implementation (for example, “buy with earned money,” “receive as a gift,” etc.).

Look for opportunities

Many of us want to be richer, but often we refuse to increase our income only because we are afraid and do not know that it is real. We don’t want unnecessary fuss, we don’t look for ways, we’re not confident in our talents - there are many excuses. But in reality everything is much simpler. Whether you will be financially successful depends largely on your inner sense of “I can do it.” So look for opportunities. You can get what you want not only for money, but also, for example, through the exchange of knowledge, services, and goods.

For example, do you want to travel cheaper? You can search for cheap air tickets, use travel companion search services, or you can help people transport their packages faster and receive a monetary reward for this. Constantly ask yourself two questions: “How can I get what I want without money? And how can I get the required amount of money for what I want?”

Visualization is your best friend

How to visualize a dream? Remember the example where we considered “goal” and “dream” as two targets.

The first was right in front of us, the second was unknown where. And here visualization of desires comes to the rescue.

Only she can make a dream tangible and show how achievable it is. Do you dream of meeting the ideal man? Visualize it using magazines or pictures on the Internet.

Choose his appearance, clothing style, and occupation. Now you dream of meeting not a handsome businessman, but a tall 30-year-old brunette with his own car and real estate.

The more details you visualize, the easier it will be for you to find the man of your dreams.

Do the same with your desired car, apartment, lifestyle. You must clearly understand what you want.

Imagine you're buying a house and you need to describe it to a real estate agent. Dimensions, number of rooms, location, number of floors - describe everything that is hidden behind the words “beautiful house”.

For visualization, we recommend using special programs or the game The Sims. Modern technologies recreate real life more and more realistically every year. Why try?

If you are far from technology, the classic method will suit you - create a collage.

Use illustrations and photos from magazines that depict how you see your ideal life, visualize love.

Handsome men, expensive cars, luxurious houses - having a collage with visualization of your dreams will give you an endless source of motivation and inspiration.

Invent interlocutors

Ask five different people the same question and they will give five different answers. Everyone has their own world, their own experience and principles. And often you can hear something truly interesting, something that never occurred to you. So try to look at the world through the eyes of a fictional character or historical figure and see their solution to your problem.

Close your eyes and imagine the world of this person, an alien, a cartoon character, a movie, an animal. The main thing is not to throw away ideas. Just collect them, no matter how ridiculous they may seem now.

Imagine the moment when everything came true

The coaching technique of visualizing dreams come true helps you become even more filled with positivity and give energy to your dreams. Stay alone with yourself, remove all distractions and imagine in detail the moment when your plans came true.

Try to feel your emotions and the emotions of those around you, feel the happiness of the achievement, draw in your head how it will all happen, what the weather will be like on that day, what you will wear. Detail every moment of this joyful future as much as possible. Now try to keep this pleasant feeling in your soul, let it spread throughout your whole body and give you warmth.

Ground yourself

You are right in thinking that you will achieve nothing. But you are right even when you are sure that you can handle everything. You can get what you want in different ways, and bring your goal closer with simple actions. Don’t immediately throw all your energy into fulfilling your desires. Just choose those that seem closer, simpler, more pleasant and free up a few minutes a day for them. Start at least small.

Do a little bit of what you want and don't stick to one way. If “buy” does not work, choose the “rent”, “borrow”, “exchange”, “get a partner” method.

The art of living in heels: how to dream so that dreams become reality?

Think about your ideal day

Write a daily routine Photo: pixabay.com
Let's imagine what it is like - your ideal day? Try to describe in as much detail as possible in your imagination everything that happens to you during an ideal day.


How do you wake up? When you wake up, do you lie down for a while, meditating in a relaxed state? What happens next? Maybe you're taking a shower on this hot summer morning?

Describe how you enjoy your favorite job or hobby. How do you communicate with your loved ones, laugh with them at something. What you think about during the day and what you share with friends.

Then divide your idea of ​​a perfect day into three parts:

What is really needed.

Something that is desirable, but you can do without it.

Something you can definitely do without.

So, the first part of your list is those things, activities and thoughts that you really need and are important to you.

  • Goal : help yourself find your purpose.

Subdue your fears

As soon as something important needs to be accomplished, as a rule, there is a desire to go for a walk, do a lot of small things, or read a book. In many cases, this is your fears creeping out. Remember, fear always appears if you are on the right path and have almost reached your goal. The first step up a high staircase is usually not scary - you don’t know what’s next, but the ground is close. Fear constricts your throat, constrains you only when you have already moved far enough and moving back is just as difficult as moving forward.

Get ready for the fact that one day you will want to quit everything halfway. The only advice is to accept this fact and think about what will help you cope with fear when it appears. And when “moment X” comes, you will be ready to deal with it.

Think about what you really want

Agree, in childhood it was very easy to dream, because we all wanted only what we really wanted (at least, it seemed to us then that we definitely couldn’t do without it). With age, desires are increasingly subordinated not to our personal needs, but to other factors.

For example, we may want a promotion at work not so much because we know where we will spend the higher salary, but for the sake of status. We can dream of studying to become a doctor, because this would please our medical parents. All such desires are far from our needs; we do not invest the necessary energy into them, because we subconsciously understand “this is not necessary.”

Analyze your dreams and goals, think about which of them are truly yours and which are imposed by society. Throw away the unnecessary and focus only on what is really valuable.

Listen to yourself

Only madmen rush into battle without preparation. A sane person always experiences fear of something new, unknown, and important. But tell me, who wins more often: the one who is not trained, does not know the rules and has no information? Or the one who is not surprised by the actions of the enemy, does not waste time learning the basics and constantly develops himself? Your fears are a warning that you need to learn a little, gain experience, and develop certain skills. Listen to your fears and use them to your advantage.

Remove the impossible

The first thing you have to do is cross out those dreams that you cannot achieve. Of course, there is nothing wrong with fantasies about eternal life, the ability to become invisible or returning to the past, but, alas, this is beyond the control of any person on our planet. By the way, the dream of losing 20 kilograms in a week is from the same opera. Also remove dreams that are theoretically possible to achieve, but you personally don’t really believe in it. For example, speak fluently all European languages.

Go to extremes

Do two things.

  • First, imagine the worst case scenario that could happen. And forget about him. The subconscious has already begun work on preparing your internal resources for the most terrible ending. You will endure no matter what happens. You will be ready and get out.
  • Second, imagine your ideal solution to the situation. What would you do if you were an ideal person? What are your actions if you are the best? Your subconscious is already ready to support you in realizing your plans. Just believe it.

Whose life are you living?

Each of us has at one time or another noticed this thing: we are too often told what to do and how to live - messages on social networks, advertising on TV, “tips” from family and friends. It seems that everyone except ourselves knows what we need from life.

“You have to work hard. You must get married before it's too late. You must give birth to children and become an exemplary housewife. Get rid of the nonsense from your head, you won’t become a writer, be simpler, like everyone else.”

Of course, our relatives wish us only the best. But that's not what this is about. What matters is how well these attitudes correspond to our inner voice.

Yes, to the very voice that comes from the heart and represents our sincere desires, our dreams and ideas about an ideal life.

This problem occurs in many families - children are raised well, but they forget to love them.

Take a piece of paper and write down what your loved ones wanted from you.


My mother wanted me to get a rich groom and become a doctor.

My dad wanted me to be first everywhere and always and to marry a top model. My brother wanted me to become a stadium worker so he could go to matches for free. My grandmother wanted me to attend church once a week and work in a homeless shelter .

How have all these desires affected your life? Were you able to choose your path or are you living the way your loved ones wanted? Or maybe you acted contrary to their expectations and now you feel guilty?

  • Goal : to understand your life and find the key to your “real self.”

Lower your standards in a timely manner

Dream and set big goals for yourself, but at the same time, don't expect maximum results if you've never done it before. Therefore, lower your standards yourself, reduce the level of perfectionism, so as not to give up. Thus, you will allow yourself to relax and still do something, see what is worth thinking about, what can be adjusted.

Children are not afraid to make a mistake - they learn by making mistakes and making many decisions that are wrong from the point of view of adults. Give yourself permission to do the same.

Don't give up wish fulfillment rituals

There are many rituals for wish fulfillment. Someone believes that if on New Year's Eve you write your wishes on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it, then everything you wished for will come true.

Others selflessly blow out candles on a birthday cake, others draw up visualization cards, recite affirmations, and write down wishes in their favorite notebook.

All these actions have one common goal - to make you sincerely believe that everything will work out and come true. Therefore, to give confidence, be sure to continue your rituals, fill your subconscious with positive attitudes, and program yourself for success.

Praise yourself

If you have made progress, even if just a little, be sure to praise yourself. Secure this feeling within yourself - a feeling of victory and self-confidence. People are often afraid to admit that they are great. Say the phrase “be a confident person” out loud. Who should assure you that you are worthy and can do anything? Only you can do this yourself.

So, you can dream usefully to improve your life and achieve your goals. Dream healthy and be successful, confident and happy!

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