How to learn to enjoy life every day and see the positive in things you hadn’t noticed before

Attention to small moments

When thinking about joys, most people come to mind the following pictures: a long vacation on the ocean, an unforgettable trip to European countries, winning the lottery.

It is important to learn to thank fate not only for large-scale events (they do not happen so often), but also for the priceless gifts that we receive every day, but do not attach any importance to them:

  • the warmth of a loved one's embrace;
  • parents' smile;
  • the beauty of the street after a little rain or the first snowfall;
  • children's laughter on the playground caused by a kitten chasing a leaf.

You shouldn’t assume that happiness comes with an ideal life in all respects, no. Real joy is happiness where you are at the moment.

Read: How to quickly cheer yourself up

How can you forget about everything? Give yourself a day off or a quick fix

The lack of fresh, bright emotions provokes lethargy, apathy, and causes irritability. It is useful to spend a day off in an unusual place, meet nice people, find a hobby.

The best thing you can do in this case is to change your focus and loosen the reins.

  1. Spit on your expectations, accept the real picture. Understand that often there is no leverage over the actions of other participants in the process other than their personal desire.
  2. Identify your own emotions (disappointment, anger, resentment), give vent to your feelings in a socially appropriate way. Rage is perfectly neutralized by strength training, boxing, and wrestling. The emptiness is “filled” with dancing, hobbies, setting new goals that lie in the plane of exclusively personal fulfillment (learning languages, advanced training).
  3. Get rid of anxiety. Life has no guarantee obligations to people, even the ideal plan can turn out to be a failure, and the most incredible, crazy one can be successful.
  4. Look for new opportunities in the existing reality. When you stop dwelling on failure, your brain will see that new opportunities have appeared.

The brain gets used to rumination, constantly thinking about one thought, turning it into mental chewing gum.

If you feel an influx of monotonous thoughts, you should immediately occupy your gray matter with a new task. If the brain has returned to “chewing”, you need to start doing physical activities (push-ups, pull-ups, dancing), the habit of thinking about the bad will quickly disappear.

Happiness shouldn't be the goal

You should stop trying to find happiness. Trying to keep up with him, trying to catch him is an absolutely pointless and useless exercise. The task is to allow him to come, not to disturb him.

Such a statement may cause confusion among people who are interested in various practices designed to teach positive thinking and build motivation.

Of course, some practices are useful, but the point is different.

The most important thing is to accept the experience that comes, not to resist uncontrollable things that happen, trying to extract useful experience from troubles, and not to become discouraged.

Happiness is not a goal, being happy is a choice we make every day. Because we ourselves determine how to look at what is happening.

Constant work on relationships

Overall satisfaction is determined by the quality of relationships between people. You should work on it continuously.

They can help:

  • shared pleasures;
  • psychological and sometimes financial support in difficult times;
  • building direct, honest and open dialogue.

It is very important to look for like-minded people, strive to get close to strong and purposeful individuals, and take example of behavior from them. It has long been a known fact that personality is largely determined by two factors: upbringing and environment.

Here and now

Often, the cause of mental anxiety is constant thoughts about future or, conversely, past events.

Thoughts like this keep popping into my head:

  • “We should have done things differently then...”
  • “How stupid I am, I could have answered differently...”
  • “Couldn’t it have been possible to respond more gently to those remarks?”

Self-flagellation should stop immediately. It is impossible to influence the past in any way, and it is important to decide on the future gradually. The key to happiness is to try to smile every day, to find positive moments even in the little things here and now.

Of course, it’s worth talking about the future, but only in the context of making plans.

Correct energy distribution

Energy is a limited resource. Its correct distribution will bring more peace and smiles, which will certainly make you happier.

Examples of things you shouldn't waste your time on:

  • empty talk “about nothing”;
  • maintaining unpromising relationships;
  • unloved job with an eternally dissatisfied boss;
  • watching an endless feed on social networks (TV).

Note: consuming entertainment content on the Internet is acceptable, just the time should be limited to certain limits (for example, 1 - 1.5 hours a day).

Be grateful for every little thing

Be grateful for everything good that other people do for you, for everything that is in your life. Many studies prove R. A. Emmons, M. E. McCullough. Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life / Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that gratitude has the most positive effect on a person’s life.

So be grateful for every little thing in your life, and remember that there are many people in the world who are not as lucky as you.

Making time for “healthy inactivity”

This advice is a continuation of the previous one. Work and hobbies play an important role. But in addition to this, it is also worth finding time for “healthy inactivity.”

It is important to set aside moments every day for idleness, during which you can free your brain from thoughts, thus relieving the nervous system.

There are many ways to “mess around.” Some meditate, others throw and catch a ball. Some people simply walk, paying attention to the structural features of the trees and the patterns of clouds in the sky.

Read: how to become kinder and what you need for this

Continuous learning new things

Over the years, a destructive thought may come to mind: “I have figured everything out, all the mechanisms are clear to me.” There is definitely no point in thinking this way. To think so is to mislead yourself.

You should constantly learn and try new things, like an eternal school - perceive all situations (positive and negative) as a valuable experience, each time drawing conclusions and continuing to move forward.

It is necessary to organize trips to new places and develop. Otherwise, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to gain a unique experience and explore the amazing world around you from other sides.

How to start enjoying life every day - practical recommendations

There are many tips on how to start enjoying life. There are hundreds, or even thousands, of options.

Learn to cheer yourself up

What do I need to do? The answers to this question can be very diverse. It all depends on what brings you joy personally. Maybe it’s a motivating film about the difficult fate of the main character or an exciting book that helps at least a little to take your mind off problems and difficulties. Another option is photographs that capture the happiest moments of your life.

Perform similar actions whenever it seems to you that every day has become similar to the previous one, and life has lost its brightness.

Think about good things more often

This advice on how to live happily and enjoy life echoes the previous one, but there is one difference. You can see good things not only in memories. Learn to notice it in everything that surrounds you, for example, in the bright sun or a rainbow after the rain, a beautiful sunset that you can watch from the window of your apartment, etc.

Also imagine that all your dreams have come true. Feel the euphoria, joy and satisfaction from it. Become a winner, at least for a moment. You will see how much easier it will be for you to move forward.

Learn to forgive

Remember the second reason for the lack of joy? This is a negative load from the past. Resentment applies precisely to him. A person who carries them within himself automatically loses the ability to rejoice. Therefore, learn to forgive your offenders here and now. Let it be through pain and resentment, anger and anger. Get rid of the desire for revenge. It’s better to limit or completely eliminate communication with such people, and then praise yourself for being able to do this.

Find something interesting to do

It has been proven that people enjoy any kind of creativity. Think about it, maybe now is the time when you can make your childhood dreams come true? Some dreamed of becoming a great artist, others of writing music or dancing. Start doing this today. Let it be at the amateur level, the main thing is that the activity brings you joy.

Stop TV, radio and news

According to experts, this is the main source of negativity in our lives. But it is so. In every news broadcast you hear about disasters, murders, attacks, world problems, etc. And this applies not only to news. All talk shock is based on negativity. Therefore, being infatuated with them will not end well. Why not replace them by watching good, kind films or, even better, talking with family and friends?

Change your environment

Feel free to refuse to communicate with those people who constantly complain, see only the bad in everything, and simply flood you with negativity. If it concerns relatives, this will, of course, be difficult. But at least try to limit the number of meetings and conversations with them. Let it be gradual, but you will see the effect immediately.

Stop judging

You won't be able to enjoy life if you constantly judge, criticize and compare someone with yourself. By trying to throw out negativity on them in this way, you are doing the opposite: you are throwing it out on yourself.

Always remember the wise advice: do not judge, lest you be judged. And further. When you criticize people for certain actions or character traits, you first of all criticize yourself, scolding them for what you don’t like about your character. Therefore, start treating others more easily. This will help you look at yourself with different eyes.

Fall in love

Interesting advice on how to learn to enjoy life and get rid of worries. And we are not necessarily talking about romantic relationships (although they also bring joy). Fall in love with what surrounds you. Hundreds of examples:

  • trips;
  • gaining new knowledge;
  • art;
  • nature;
  • helping people and animals;
  • experiments;
  • emotions;
  • music;
  • planning.

These are just some of the possible options on how to want to live and enjoy life. But the most important thing to do is to fall in love with yourself. Be proud of yourself and your decisions, remember your achievements and goals achieved. Don't stop working on yourself. Only when you can build a harmonious relationship with yourself will you be able to experience joy from life and everything that surrounds you.

Down with the desire to constantly dominate

Building warm, cozy and truly friendly relationships is possible provided that both do not try to dominate each other... Do not try to impress or seem like someone else, more “cool”.

You are guaranteed to start feeling much happier when you stop constantly proving something to others. Naturalness is a direct path to emotional and psychological freedom.


  • argue over hypothetical things again and again;
  • spend money on things you can’t afford (taking out a loan or saving for 2 years).

The paradox of the situation is that the more effort is spent on trying to be better than others, to appear more successful and richer, the greater the opposite effect is obtained in the end.


Rejoicing in life is good and pleasant. It’s very cool when everything goes as you planned and your plans come true. But this doesn’t happen to everyone. Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky with their childhood and environment. For some, everything was good, for others, everything was bad. But this happens, if everything was bad, then it makes sense to develop spiritually and abandon the negative in favor of the positive.

But if you feel that you are sabotaging yourself with self-pity or an unwillingness to live, such conditions are unlikely to be worked out with a smile on your face, then it’s easier to contact me and we’ll remove this negative scenario so that it no longer disturbs you, but rather gives you more strength and a positive attitude.

Here is an article on the topic of how to start enjoying life without anxiety and fuss; in principle, this is quite easy to do, and if you are already looking for information on this matter, then you have realized the problem, and this is half the way. But there is one more step to take to develop your positivity and joy for life. Thank you for reading the article to the end, all the best to you in your development and understanding of what is happening to us in life.

Limiting the use of social networks

Over the past 10 years, the smartphone has become an indispensable gadget. It allows you to order food at home, call a taxi for a certain time, or find information of interest on the Internet in a few clicks.

In addition, people are increasingly using social networks. They are a very effective means of communication, but if used incorrectly they can cause harm to health.

Seeing “photoshopped” photos of wealthy people every day creates a feeling of disappointment. There is no need to constantly consume such content, it can:

  • increase feelings of anxiety;
  • distract from truly important matters;
  • provoke negative moods.


Antidepressants, tranquilizers and auxiliary symptomatic drugs will help get rid of deep clinical depression.

Drug groupsEffect on depressionExamples of funds
TricyclicsThey regulate the amount of biogenic neurotransmitters: norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Eliminate disruption of the brain that provokes the onset of the disease. Azafen, Doxepin
MAOIMelipramine, Befol
Other antidepressantsTrazadone, Mianserin
TranquilizersRelieves strong emotional stress, relieves insomnia, fear, anxiety and panic attacks.Diazepam, Phenazepam, Hydroxyzine
NormotimicsRelieves sudden mood swings and prevents the development of suicidal tendenciesValpromide, Carbamazelide
Neuroleptic drugsRelieves tension and fear, improves concentration, increases performance and endurance.Quetiapine, Olanzoline, Clozapine
NootropicsStrengthen cortico-subcortical connections of the brain, increase brain activity, improve attention and memory.Picamilon, Nootropil, Glycine
Sleeping pillsEliminate insomnia of any form, increase the strength and quality of sleep, and speed up falling asleep.Donormil, Andante, Melaxen
SedativesRelieves tension, relaxes, relieves stress and increased anxiety. Improves sleep. Persen, Novo-passit, Corvalol, Valerian, Passionflower
B vitaminsStimulate the synthesis of neurotransmitters, improve the functioning of the central nervous system, increase mental abilities and performance.Milgamma, Neurobion, Neurorubin, Vitagamma

Only the attending physician should prescribe appropriate drug therapy. An incorrectly chosen antidepressant can aggravate the course of the disease.

Physical exercise

Regular exercise is the best method to combat negative moods. This happens because it is a general loss of strength that provokes poor emotional well-being.

In turn, loss of strength is often caused by a person’s poor physical shape. He gets tired faster and becomes more tired. With modern rhythms, it is extremely important to try to constantly keep your body in good shape.

Plus, regular sports activities (visits to the gym at least 2 times a week for 1.5-2 hours) contribute to psychological relief:

  • firstly, take a break from work;
  • secondly, achieve the release of serotonin - the hormone of happiness - in the most natural way.

What does joy in life depend on?

The emotion of joy can be seen very well on a physiological level. In humans, joy occurs against the background of a high level of a hormone such as serotonin. No serotonin - no joy. No joy - no serotonin. If we talk about the hormonal side of the issue, then the emotion of joy is also accompanied by a high level of oxytocin (trust in people and the world), dopamine (the desire to live and learn, the will to live), endorphins (with very amplitude joy, turning into the stage of “euphoria”).

How does the emotion of joy manifest itself physiologically in a person?

Facial expressions are lively, light, incredibly charming smile.

The gaze is even and direct, but there is no aggression.

Gesticulation is as open as possible. The person himself is as open as possible. Those around you also respond with extreme openness.

Movements become slow and smooth.

A huge amount of energy, you begin to charge everyone around. They say about such people that he is a “sunny person”.

A person is always sincere; falsehood in a state of this emotion is impossible.

A person views everything as a challenge and perceives it as a reason for joy.

Depression and any stress are incredibly easy to bear.


High degree of adaptation, survivability and flexibility.

Full sleep

Sleep takes up about a third of your life; it is naive to underestimate its importance. Chronic lack of sleep puts you at risk for health problems.

In other words, if you don't get enough sleep, what happens is:

  • weakening of the cardiovascular system;
  • provoking the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • the appearance of excess fat deposits;
  • decreased efficiency of the immune system.

And most importantly - constant apathy, loss of strength, lack of mood and desire to smile at life as it is...

On the contrary, a person who adheres to a healthy sleep schedule is more physically active, more often in a good mood, and is able to effectively cope with many tasks.

Read: How to radically change your life

More outdoor activities

Regular walks have a healing effect: they improve mood, saturate the blood with oxygen, and significantly reduce the risk of chronic heart and vascular diseases.

Also, daily walks help reduce the risk of excess weight (due to calorie consumption), strengthen joints and generally improve immunity. The influence of “seasonal blues” will decrease.

Note: it is not necessary to spend an hour a day walking... If you don’t have enough time, 30 minutes is enough.

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