14 signs that make it crystal clear to you that a man is flirting

When flirting, we start a game with people we like in an attempt to win their attention or just have fun.

Sometimes guys act so weird that it's hard to tell who's flirting with you and who's just being friendly. Especially if you are not very good at reading signals and hints.

Once you learn to spot the hidden signs of a man's flirting, you'll know whether he's just a good friend or whether he's crazy about you.

We've put together 14 key tips to tell if a guy is hitting on you.

He looks at your lips

One of the most honest signs. If during a conversation you realize that he is constantly looking at the movement of your lips, know that he is thinking about kissing you or about being closer to you.

Source: iStock

Signs of a man flirting

He looks at you carefully

The guy may look at you for a long time, as if he wants to say something. At times you will even feel awkward from such a look. Because his gaze will be directed only in your direction, and if you start saying something, then he will not see anyone at all except you.

Playful smile

If a man somehow smiles playfully at you, or laughs at jokes that are not funny, or behaves a little nervously and unnaturally, then this is a sign that he likes you. And in this way he tries to flirt with you.

Some secrets of male psychology

It has long been known that representatives of the stronger and weaker sex differ in nature. Therefore, women should not expect from men what they cannot give them. In order for relationships to develop harmoniously, girls must take into account some of the characteristics of men.

Young people do not know how to vigorously show delight and admiration; they prefer to hide their emotions. Even a small compliment can be regarded as the highest praise. A woman is unlikely to hear words in superlative form.

Almost all men love to interrupt. They do this not on purpose and do not want to offend or belittle their interlocutor. This manner of communication occurs on a subconscious level. A man's brain is designed in such a way that he looks for a solution. Therefore, while the girl is explaining the essence of the question, he can already think through the answer and skip information that, in his opinion, is unnecessary.

When talking with a man, you must first state the main idea, and only then move on to discussing the details.

Young people love to argue, but a woman should not perceive this as a quarrel or disagreement. There is no need to prove anything to a man if the issue is not fundamental. It is much wiser to agree with him and admit the correctness of his arguments.

When a tense situation arises, it is enough for a woman to touch a man and hug him to calm the quarrel. This behavior turns off logic and tunes him to emotions.


The same category includes energy vampires who feed on the energy released by a woman when she is angry, screams or cries. Male vampires behave in the same way as in the previous example. But, as soon as the “victim” loses his peace of mind, they calm down, do not swear, and only with rare interventions add fuel to the fire, preventing passions from dying out too early.

Constantly mimics what to do?

my boyfriend often mimics me, I don’t like it, and I told him more than once, I was offended, etc.)) how to correct the situation? I don’t want to endure this, because... It seems to me that this is disrespect on his part, even if most often as a joke.

wedge with wedge Author:) watch him)) and go ahead .. the best thing is to imitate his whining during sex .. How to wean him off from imitating))

No, it's better to run away. You have a different sense of humor. 1- Well, I advised you :-), are we driving a guy to impotence? As they say - wedge with wedge

2: yeah, run away! and hit the wall with your head!

1, no, that would be too much) 3, no, I’ve never mimicked it in public, on the contrary, he hugs and kisses)) maybe I just gave in, at first I laughed myself, but now it’s becoming unpleasant ((

9, yes, I have a sense of humor, but sometimes it goes too far)) imitates the way I talk, when I swear, facial expressions, etc.)) you need to know the limit and measure. and when it starts to repeat itself too often, believe me, it’s not funny anymore, but one gets the impression that it annoys him)

11, I can answer, at first I even did that)) but this does not change the situation. Even if he’s offended, he doesn’t show it) but he still continues to torture me! so it doesn't make it any easier)

Alenkin, if he does this, he doesn’t like you. Question - why are you together? If you follow the advice of anonymous 1, you will break up at the same moment, and he will NEVER imitate you. Yes, but does he imitate you in public?

What envious women! Almost immediately the verdict is to run away!

The advice is simple - it couldn’t be simpler. My MCH also loved such things. She paid attention, asked, then warned her for the last time. Did not believe. We were at the cinema, the film had already started, and he again repeated some kind of teasing. I got up, reminded him of what I warned him the last time, and left. He stayed in the cinema. But then I unlearned it – for a long time – I won’t say forever. The trait, by the way, is disgusting. Now I'm with someone else. I realized that teasing is not a cute prank, but a rather nasty character trait.

7, and the thing is that it’s really offensive)) it’s very repulsive, but he probably doesn’t understand it)) I mean it as a joke! I'll take it and leave, as a joke))

If it’s unpleasant, then you don’t have to endure it. If he doesn’t understand, it means sooner or later you’ll get tired of it. Maybe you just don't have a sense of humor, but that's not a crime. But the friend has no sense of tact. I myself can parody my friends, I parodied my ex-husbands, noticing the nuances of behavior and I also “bully” the new one. But no one was offended at me. I choose these for myself. with humor, otherwise I’m just bored with a person, it’s not interesting if he doesn’t have a sense of humor. But I know that not everyone likes it and not everyone can do it.

Well, apparently, he needs a girl to match him, so that she can also show him from the outside and more than once, so that he doesn’t get bored. Otherwise, of course, it’s easy to imitate those who cannot respond in kind and are also offended.

His name is not Maxim L.

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Source: Constantly imitates, what should I do? my boyfriend often mimics me, I don’t like it, and I told him more than once, I was offended, etc.)) how to correct the situation? I don’t want to endure this, because... It seems to me that this is disrespect on his part, even if most often as a joke... https://www.woman.ru/relations/men/thread/3825941/

Signs of a woman flirting

She's flirting with you

Girls often flirt with those they like. A girl's coquetry can manifest itself in peculiar antics: straightening her hair or bangs, she can touch her lips or straighten her blouse. It's like the girl is trying to make sure she's okay and looks good when you're around.

A woman reacts sharply to your appearance

If a girl overreacts as soon as you appear in her field of vision. She may turn her head in your direction all the time, throw a playful glance at you, or look at you very carefully and smile. Then these are obvious signs of her flirting.

The woman is emotional and funny

She likes your jokes and laughs at them, even if they aren't funny. She expresses her emotions and feelings very brightly and violently. A woman is not afraid to say something stupid and laugh at herself. Behaves too emotionally and openly. All these are also signs of flirting.

The girl is nervous

When she talks to you, she feels a little awkward. He begins to hesitate, stammer, speak out of place, blush and get lost in words. Overall, these are all signs that she really likes you and she just doesn't know how to behave.

The girl makes provocative conversations

She is trying to stir you up or shake you up emotionally. The girl will give compliments, somehow provoke you into conversation, talk about personal things, relationships, and make clear hints that she wants more than just communication from you.

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Mistakes you shouldn't make when teasing a man

© Pressmaster

Tease, but don't overdo it

Flirting should be fun for both of you. You need to make your intentions clear from the very beginning. If you are doing this just for your own amusement, then such a game may end in unpleasant consequences for both.

Know when to stop and do something else.

Don't make fun of shortcomings or touch on weak points

Each of us has physical or psychological disabilities that we would like to get rid of. Try to get to know each other better and never tease a man by mentioning his flaws or weaknesses. This will hurt his feelings and your relationship could end quickly.


Who are manipulators? These are people who know how to control others, playing on their feelings and weaknesses. Example situation (names are fictitious). Katya and Vadim planned to go to her parents’ dacha for the weekend to help improve the territory. More precisely, Katya planned, and Vadim wasn’t particularly eager, but he couldn’t refuse outright. What is he doing? He begins to provoke Ekaterina with words and actions - he “accidentally” stains her favorite T-shirt, crumples and throws an important report in the trash can, and leaves a dirty plate on the floor near the sofa. For what? He deliberately irritates the girl, arouses her into negative emotions and inflames her. The result is a domestic quarrel. Katya is to blame, and Vadim is “white and fluffy”, he didn’t do it on purpose. An offended man will never go to his father-in-law's dacha; he would rather watch football with beer, which Katya sends for as an apology. Sound familiar?

Another story. One day Olya started replanting indoor flowers. Her husband Oleg really didn’t want to help her; sheer laziness and an online backgammon tournament on his smartphone were to blame. But how can you refuse your beloved wife, by the way, because these flower pots are so big and heavy? We need to play on her irritability and love for fast, high-quality work. Then Oleg takes an ordinary tablespoon (the one for soup), a basin, sits on the floor next to the pot and begins to scoop out the soil from it with a spoon. Olya had enough time to contemplate such “hard” work for 5 minutes. Then she freaked out, picked up the pot, turned it over, shook it and poured all the soil into the basin. Then Oleg was offended: “you don’t like my help, then do everything yourself, do you think I’m stupid or lazy...”. And he went on to play backgammon and lie on the couch (the story, by the way, is real).

There are different manipulations. Some of them are aimed at doing something, others - at not doing something. In both cases, the manipulator achieves what he wants by putting pressure on the “victim’s” psyche, her feelings, weaknesses and habits - pity, love, anger, irritability, punctuality... Yes, and punctuality too. An acquaintance of mine was always late home for dinner, to college, to the train, always and everywhere, making excuses about the uselessness of public transport. His parents, punctual and obligatory people, were very annoyed by this. Therefore, they gave him a wristwatch and a car, which is what he actually wanted. So not only other halves can manipulate, but also children, friends, parents, and random passers-by. To resist them, you need to know your weaknesses, be able to recognize psychological pressure and control your reactions to it.

Warms up

And decent men sometimes need women’s emotions for harmless purposes. For what? Let's look at an example. Ivan is a hot and emotional person. Maria is calm and reserved. Such opposites, but happy together for many years. When Ivan becomes completely sad next to his “cold as a roach” wife, he begins to “warm her up”. He achieves an emotional explosion in various ways. Often these are serious quarrels, but they always end in violent sex. And then peace and harmony reign in the house again. In such cases, psychological attacks serve as a kind of pill, giving him a portion of adrenaline and her a release (it’s not easy to keep everything inside yourself all the time).

The most valuable thing is actions!

The behavior of a man who wants a woman is quite predictable. He will look for meetings with her, call after dates, give flowers and gifts. You should not agree without making sure that the young person has intentions. If he is, he will definitely prove it with his actions and actions. And when a man needs one-time sex, he is unlikely to court for a long time and seek the attention of his passion. Women should remember this so as not to experience a bitter feeling of disappointment later.

How to understand that a man likes you? Family psychologist, interpersonal relationship consultant, director of the dating agency “Me and You” Elena Kuznetsova tells the story.

Laughs only at your jokes7

This person will appreciate even the most unsuccessful and unfunny jokes as if he had never heard anything better before. Pay attention to this and you will be able to understand that he cares about you. This is especially noticeable in a large group, when only one of your friends is your loyal fan, while the rest are not in a hurry to laugh with him.

Take note and check potential suitors for your soul mate this way - don’t joke funny and watch the reaction. If he finds your joke amusing and funny, then it is likely that he is very interested in you.


Another category of men are weak-willed cowards who deliberately anger women with their actions and words, why? This is how they assert themselves. An example for clarity. Elvira, coming home from work, listens to a bunch of disguised complaints from her husband:

  1. “There’s nothing else to eat besides this stew.”
  2. “I just washed my feet, they are dirty again, just like the floors.”
  3. “And Marinka (his sister) got a new haircut today, she’s so beautiful, I can’t take my eyes off her, but I’ve somehow gotten used to your look.”
  4. “You looked like you were planting potatoes in the garden in this dress.”
  5. “Why are gaskets so expensive?”...

And such phrases rain down in an endless stream until Elvira explodes or simply says: “that’s enough.” This is what Ildar (husband) needs. The stream of little phrases turns into a stormy waterfall of insults, now unconcealed and aggressive. The sooner Elvira cries, the sooner Ildar will stop, after accusing his wife of making him angry. Ildar got what he wanted: Elvira was humiliated, trampled and left guilty, and he was a handsome man and a male.

Why are they doing that? Only weak women (especially those who depend on them, for example, those on maternity leave) cannot fight back. It’s scary to fight with others, but how can you raise your self-esteem? Take it out on those who are weaker. How to deal with these? If possible, run without looking back. If not, do not react to their provocations. Psychologists advise that during attacks, mentally distract yourself - repeat the multiplication table, dream about a trip to the sea, choose the color of the wallpaper, or plan to rearrange the furniture. Another effective technique is to mentally build a brick wall or put on a cap made of armored glass.

It's more difficult with exes

It’s more difficult with exes; they provoke emotions in three cases:

  1. They regret the breakup and check whether the fire of love still smolders in your soul in order to try to return the relationship.
  2. They make sure that you suffer in order to stroke your pride. For them, your emotions are just another victory and a step onto the pedestal, giving themselves the titles of “irresistible” and “almighty.”
  3. They are taking revenge because you easily recovered from the breakup. Your anger and irritation are like a balm for a wounded soul.

It is almost impossible to recognize the truth of their intentions. What to do? Don't react, let the situation go. Everything will be resolved by itself.

I made these conclusions based on my observations. Maybe you have something to add or refute. Write in the comments. The topic of relationships between men and women is interesting and inexhaustible. The more opinions and examples from life, the greater the chances of coming to the right conclusions. Goodbye.

Girl plays with her hair4

How can guys recognize the signs of flirting from the girl next to him? Very simple! Many ladies unconsciously begin to touch their hair, straighten it and twirl it on their finger, while playfully looking at you. Only the blind would be able to notice such open flirting! If you like this girl, then go ahead. You definitely shouldn't miss your chance.

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