Psychological contact - what it is, techniques and methods of establishing

Psychological contact is the main way to establish strong relationships between different people.

Without communication, it is impossible to form large corporations, conclude deals, sell goods, find partners, allies, and friends.

In order to correctly establish psychological contact and get the desired result, you need to learn how to use different methods of developing communication, understand how a dialogue should begin, what you can ask, and what it is better to keep silent about.

What is psychological contact

Psychological contact is the process of establishing trusting, friendly relationships. It is based on the search for common interests and goals. Psychological contact means a meeting of one person with another; it manifests itself only in interaction.

How many stages does the structure of psychological contact have? Three:

  1. Opponents evaluate each other based on appearance and behavior. At this stage, a first impression of a person is formed, people decide whether they want to enter into a dialogue.
  2. Mutual interest appears. Participants in the conversation move away from the general group and choose their own topic for conversation.
  3. A dyad is formed. The distance between the participants in communication is reduced, they make joint plans, and are drawn to each other.

Stage II. Finding Overlapping Interests

At this stage of communication, a search begins for “points of contact” that could become the initial elements for establishing contact with a partner (whereas at the first stage, your statements of agreement with him played a decisive role).

This stage is based on the search for coincidences: matching topics, opinions, assessments, experiences. Coincidences thus act as a platform for rapprochement. The basis of such a platform is most often some common interest that is shared by both participants in the conversation.

Particularly significant is the interest of the type

“hobby”, because it seems free and independent of personal characteristics, is understood and accepted by the parties as an exchange of information, for example, about hunting, philately, photography, etc. In fact, it not only attracts attention to the exchange of opinions, assessments and judgments, but at the same time distracts from some “business”, from what can be considered as a duty and is usually associated with the official side of communication. Coincidence in assessments is also important here.

People who share the same interest most often also have the same judgments about other subjects and their assessments. In conversations on an abstract topic that worries both interlocutors, differences in social position and status are temporarily removed. In the future, this is what helps reduce the distance.

Thus, the expediency of stage II is to build a primary basis for unification (primary community), and then, on the basis of common coinciding and attractive moments for each, “move” with a partner for some time in parallel.

The tasks at stage II of communication can be reduced to the following: constructing reasoning, agreeing with a partner on issues of common interest, arousing his feelings, becoming familiar with the peculiarities of his behavior. A subject of general interest serves as a standard, an organizer, and the core of a conversation.

Mechanisms of the second stage.

Interest in any subject or topic is important because it completely absorbs the consciousness of the interlocutor. A positive emotional tone to the topic will encourage your partner to continue the conversation and deepen it. At the same time, his consciousness is “chained” to the topic of interest, inhibits, eliminates from his field of vision everything that does not correspond to and does not contribute to its development.

6 pages, 2701 words

14. Stages of occurrence of mental and behavioral disorders

...permissions. The socio-psychological factors of mental disorders include the characteristics of communication and interpersonal interaction, status-role positions in communication and interaction, as well as social attitudes (attitudes) ... on the brain (direct or toxic), but at this stage socio-psychological factors begin to play a leading role factors: the nature of relationships with parents and peers First ...

A significant role in strengthening interaction is played by the fact that people communicating over any common interest usually think the same way, and this makes it easier to establish relationships. The key here is to focus on just one common interest. At the same time, you should not demonstrate the presence of any advantage or dominance over your partner (for example, in information).

This implies the need to take a passive position when receiving information from the interlocutor.

Tactical techniques of the second stage.

All tactics you use at stage II should be aimed at intensifying the conversation about a common interest in order to enhance emotions or prevent the partner’s attention from being distracted by other problems. The following methods can be distinguished:

  • "increase". At the very beginning of a conversation on a particular topic, you may be outwardly indifferent to the positions and opinions expressed - until the moment when you begin to be noticeably interested in any judgment of your partner. In the future, show an increase in interest in the communication process;
  • “detailing” consists of
    expressing increased interest in the details in the interlocutor’s presentation, as well as requests to interpret what was said;
  • "Problems". To use it, you need to have some sensational information of recent times and express some of your own judgments about it. All this should be original, but not contrary to the opinion expressed by the interlocutor. As a rule, the partner strives to explain ambiguities and questions that have arisen from the point of view of his positions;
  • “switching” is that the reasoning on a topic chosen as a general one increasingly includes individual elements of another problem to which you “switch” your interlocutor. This makes it possible to spread the emotions that arise on the main topic to any other topic you need.

Signs and indicators of stage II:

a) finding one topic that is equally acceptable to both parties (the main feature);

b) periodic return to one topic;

c) the emergence of a common fund of words and expressions;

d) in the zone of developed interest and when conducting a conversation on a topic of interest to both, individual phrases and expressions are shortened (in practice, it is enough to say only the beginning of some phrases, and the interlocutor can continue them);

e) the flow of messages on this topic takes on the character of sudden memories.

Stage II results.

Establishing mutual understanding always evokes a desire to continue communication and rapprochement, and creates a number of primary “strong points” in order to further expand the area of ​​possible interaction.

Continued and ongoing communication about the same interest promotes an initial interaction (collaborative type) that can continue. Prerequisites and opportunities are created for this style to extend to other topics of conversation.

11 pages, 5331 words

Question 1. Stages of professional communication and their components.

...barriers. Question 1. Stages of professional communication and their components. It is known that the most important aspect of an employee’s professional activity is working with people. Enough... the person's (interlocutor's) lawyer. Business communication is usually included as a private moment in any joint productive activity of people and serves as a means of improving the quality of this activity. ...


Psychological contact is used in all areas of life and activities. It is needed in order to:

  • increase sales;
  • find clients or buyers;
  • make friends or build love relationships;
  • get a job and move up the career ladder;
  • acquire useful connections;
  • join the team.

Establishing psychological contact is a method of preventing and resolving conflicts.

Method of establishing psychological contact

There are different methods and techniques for establishing psychological contact:

  1. A friendly conversation starter. You yourself become the initiator of contact, smile, address the interlocutor by name, give compliments or lighten the situation with an appropriate joke. It is necessary to verbally and non-verbally express your sympathy. It is important not to overdo it and keep it natural.
  2. You are a technician. It is better to start with what is interesting to the interlocutor. This will help him open up, get out of his comfort zone, and break down barriers.
  3. Engaging in dialogue. You need to choose a topic so that a person cannot remain silent. It could be something from public news or something that worries him personally. It is important not to lead the conversation to a quarrel or argument.
  4. Three "Yes". Ask neutral questions that the person will answer yes to. After this, you can ask questions that are important to you. There is a high probability that the interlocutor will agree again. This is an effective sales technique.
  5. Mirror reflection. Ask questions that nourish a person’s self-respect and pride. For example: “Is it true that this month you became the best employee of this company?”
  6. Change of names. Start communication by addressing them by first and patronymic, then move on to the first name, and then to the nickname. If the attitude towards the opponent is negative - an offensive nickname.

Important! It is recommended to use several techniques at once during interaction.

Why is it important to learn how to communicate with people?

Communication with people becomes the most important aspect of any professional activity. Modern business life is so dynamic that old communication patterns are not conducive to making quick, clear and correct decisions. Almost all specialists and managers need knowledge and skills that will allow them to find contact with any person.

The technology of establishing interpersonal contact has long been taught in Western countries. People are taught:

  • not just listen to your interlocutors, but hear the main thing;
  • speak in such a way that others hear and understand;
  • organize business meetings;
  • think through and program future conversation;
  • avoid conflict situations, etc.

Professional psychologists have long developed specific techniques that can eliminate psychological barriers that arise when meeting and communicating with new people.

They also contribute to bringing partners closer together, the emergence of trusting relationships, and an increase in the subjective value of each person participating in communication. Moreover, such methods are based on the study of personality, temperament, psychology, emotions - and therefore are suitable for any situation.

It is recommended to use the technique of establishing strong business contacts when forming relationships with business partners, colleagues, and subordinates. But you need to understand that it is based on the principles of democratic communication.

Stages of psychological contact

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish 5 stages (stages) in the development of psychological contact:

  1. Removing psychological barriers. You need to initiate communication and choose a neutral topic for conversation. At the same time, you need to conduct the dialogue in such a way that your opponent wants to support him and agrees with your statements.
  2. Common interests. Now you can move from neutral topics to the interests of your interlocutor. It is important that you understand the topic. At the same time, you can unobtrusively search for other topics and points of contact. This will help prolong the dialogue.
  3. Choosing communication tactics. According to the purpose of your contact, start sharing something personal, talk about your strengths, advantages, achievements. Soon the interlocutor will also begin to open up.
  4. Search for pitfalls. Listen carefully to your opponent, ask leading questions or give real-life examples to understand what could potentially prevent you from building a productive relationship.
  5. Stabilization of communication. Now you know common topics, off-limits, and neutral areas for interaction. You also know about your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, his characteristics. You can begin to influence the person in order to achieve the initial goal of contact.

Note! You cannot break the sequence of stages, jump from one to another, or exclude something. Everything must go in strict order.

Techniques for establishing psychological contact

There are general psychological techniques for establishing contact:

  1. Consider and respect the other person’s personal boundaries, opinions and beliefs. Don't be intrusive or harsh.
  2. Maintain a neutral-friendly tone when communicating with a stranger. Avoid rudeness, vulgarity, slang.
  3. Know how to admit your mistakes and apologize for them.
  4. Do not criticize your opponent, his interests, worldview and personality as a whole.
  5. Give words value and meaning.
  6. Don't interrupt.
  7. Turn on empathy, put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Think about how your words and actions affect his behavior.
  8. Address the person in a way that will be more familiar, pleasant and comfortable for him. Ask in advance how you can contact him.

Additional techniques for establishing psychological contact in business communication:

  1. Think about what form and style of presenting information best suits your communication purpose. According to them, tell us about yourself and the company.
  2. Take an interest in the needs and interests of your opponent. Find out what he expects from this cooperation, what he is ready to offer to achieve common goals.
  3. Describe the benefits of cooperation with you. Name real advantages, don’t put pressure, and unobtrusively focus on the client’s interests.
  4. Submit other proposals for consideration if the client is not satisfied with the first one.
  5. Discuss the details of the approved proposal again and make a deal.

Communication in itself is a form of activity that leads to the establishment of psychological contact.

Stage III. Defining communication principles

The main function now is to carry out the first exchange of information about individual principles of communication and the selection of valuable and leading qualities of a partner.

Everything that the interlocutor offers you as principles of communication (honesty, directness, etc.) must be accepted by you. This will create in him a readiness to reciprocally accept not only the principles you have expressed (and your own declared qualities), but also other statements that you will make in the future. Thus, the position of acceptability is gradually established.

Your relationship with your partner at stage III will be determined by a number of positive and negative factors.

Positive factors:

a) offering the most general principles acceptable to everyone (“I’m flexible”, “I’m always ready to discuss”, “I think everything will work out anyway”, “I’m straightforward”, “I think it’s better not to speak harshly: people may be offended”, etc.);

b) manifestation of qualities that coincide with what is expected from a person; the measure of their influence on another increases if the transmitter communicates something that is pleasant to the recipient;

c) a quick and positive reaction to what is proposed, as a rule, causes increased interest in the message.

Negative factors:

a) depiction of those qualities the fulfillment of which cannot be guaranteed;

b) demonstration of authoritarian qualities;

c) attempts to analyze the proposed qualities;

d) expressing doubts regarding the principles set forth by the partner (doubting their existence, degree of expression, sincerity, etc.).

Stage III mechanisms

- the idea of ​​each participant in the relationship that he has a certain set of qualities that he can demonstrate to his partner. You both exhibit those qualities that you consider necessary for communication and which you will follow. By submitting to a certain accepted course of conduct, you must deliberately extinguish impulses to undesirable actions that could harm your tactical plan. This is the regulation of behavior at this stage; It is very important for you to adhere to the following principles:

  • "readiness". Expressed as an attitude to accept and take into account any message from the interlocutor. Such readiness to accept everything offered is always positively assessed by the partner;
  • “response message about oneself” lies in the fact that communication itself, which has taken the form of dialogue, creates a peculiar rhythm of exchange of opinions. In this regard, any response message is regarded by the partner as acceptance of his words and contributes to the normal development of the conversation;
  • “gradual disclosure of your qualities” - is that all the traits that you notify your partner about are communicated by you in a certain sequence. Individual qualities should not only be understood by your interlocutor, but also, as it were, “assimilated” by him, that is, subsequently correlated with the system of his own qualities. That is why you should not “serve” them all at once. Otherwise, a wrong opinion may be formed about you - “a careless person”, “an assertive person”, “a restless person”, etc.;
  • “avoidance” (negative plan).
    2 pp., 995 words

    Essence, principles and stages of psychological research

    ... consciously and purposefully in the human mind, but not in a mirror image; · the principle of development - explains the origins of the emergence of the human psyche as a dynamic phenomenon, since its correct... Research in psychology, as in any other sciences, is carried out in several stages: preparatory (posing a problem, putting forward a hypothesis), main (data collection), final (treatment …

    It is necessary to be wary of premature formulations, even if there is enough material for generalization. This will also help to avoid putting information about your partner under any definition or category (for example, “a person on his own,” “a person who avoids talking about himself,” etc.).

    Considering that every person at a certain period wants to appear before another in a favorable light, it is necessary to provide him with this opportunity.

Essentially, your tactic here is to ensure a transition from neutral interests to ones that have personal meaning. You must ensure that you receive the amount of information that your partner wants to tell you (“desired qualities”).

It is also necessary to strive to ensure that the interlocutor has the confidence that everything he communicates is taken into account. For example, you can say: “I see that you are sociable”, “You are spontaneous”, “You understand the point of view of another person”, “You are quick to navigate”, “I saw in you something that seems especially valuable to me, and I am glad about it "

Stage III tactics:

  • “formulation of what has been accepted.” It is necessary to periodically formulate out loud what the interlocutor specifically wants to emphasize. This both satisfies the partner and reduces the number of attempts to repeat what he has already expressed once;
  • "summarizing". It is advisable to periodically summarize what was said earlier and highlight points of agreement in opinions;
  • “similar opinions” (“similarity”).
    You specifically speak out about what, in your opinion, serves as evidence of an identical understanding of certain points in behavior and relationships. For example, you could say, “Do you agree that you should be as open as possible?”;
  • "justified expectations" You express some judgments that you expected exactly this kind of behavior, solution to the issue and exactly this way of interaction (“I thought so about you myself,” “I thought that you would solve this issue exactly the same way as I did”).

At the third stage of communication, the qualities offered and demonstrated by your interlocutor indicate his preferences. They can also be considered as those that have to be maintained for a certain time. The partner will behave in accordance with the “declared” set of properties.

Signs and indicators of stage III:

a) the first mentions of the principles that guide a person in relationships with people and in communication;

b) emphasizing one’s own qualities and properties;

c) the appearance of repeated cliches of behavior (for example, frequent use of the same words: “frankly speaking,” “I’ll tell you straight,” “you need to think about this thoroughly,” etc.) means either an offer to accept his frankness, or a desire to be direct, or the desire to be careful; such maxims as “I always agree with what is right”, “I cannot disagree”, if they include the same constructions, indicate that the partner wants his readiness to agree to be taken into account;

d) notification of typical habits and preferences; in these cases, peculiar introductions take place: “I’m used to...”, “usually I...”, “I love...”, “I like...”, etc.

Results of stage III.

After mutual notifications, some general idea is created about the sets of qualities that are offered by partners for communication. At the same time, it is at this stage that some real qualities of your interlocutor do not appear (negative ones, which are an obstacle to communication, which, in the opinion of their bearer, should be “extinguished” or “not shown”).

9 pages, 4498 words

Stages of observational research

... to achieve multidimensional coverage, that is, recording several parameters at once - for example, verbal and non-verbal behavior Efficiency of obtaining information Relative cheapness of the method ... Types of surveys The questionnaire method is a psychological verbal-communicative method in which a specially designed a list of questions …

They are carefully hidden.

“Inhibition” of negative qualities and their concealment lead to the fact that they are “turned off” for this period and do not play a role in communication.

The achievement of stage III should be the first “sense of mutual understanding.” Your interlocutor believes that he sufficiently understands, if not your qualities, then at least your desires, and at the same time “feels” that he himself is understood.

You and your partner begin to acquire a mindset of accepting the personal characteristics of your interlocutor. This is what helps to enhance communication.

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What are the conditions for successfully establishing psychological contact?

The main condition for establishing successful psychological contact is to try to understand your opponent and sincerely relate to his problems. It's important to realize that you don't have to meet every other person's needs, but you can always understand them.

Other conditions for successful contact establishment:

  • expression of joy about communication, ease of acquaintance;
  • interest in life, in the affairs of the interlocutor (every person thinks, first of all, about himself);
  • presence of a lead (think right away about where to start the dialogue);
  • imperceptible copying of the opponent’s emotions, gestures, facial expressions (this destroys psychological barriers);
  • asking for help and providing assistance;
  • empathy.

It is important to remember the basic rules of communication. For example, that talkativeness is just as harmful as silence. Or that every person wants to be understood and expects to be treated with respect. And also that it is dangerous to interrupt and be biased, generalize, and draw unfounded conclusions that are based on speculation.

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