How to understand that a guy likes you by correspondence: features of his behavior

Online test - do you like me? If you like a guy, then, of course, you want to find out whether these feelings are mutual. But how do you know for sure?

Asking him directly is too scary and awkward, finding out through friends is not always possible, and tormented by guesses is also not an option. New questions appear in my head.

What does he feel for me? Will he offer to be together? Does he like me?

The test will tell you the correct answers and help you decide how to proceed.

Does the guy like me?

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For each answer, 0 to 4 points are awarded. After passing, the answer will be given in % how much you like you.

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  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark
  1. Task 1 of 8

    Your mutual friends are planning a party, a joint trip to the park, a picnic, a concert, or something like that. How is your friend behaving?



  2. Task 2 of 8

    You were talking with a guy when his friends came up to you and invited him to go play football. How will he behave?



  3. Task 3 of 8

    Is he trying to touch you?



  4. Task 4 of 8

    Has he ever asked you to meet outside of work/school hours?



  5. Task 5 of 8

    Do you communicate with him on social networks or instant messengers?



  6. Task 6 of 8

    Was he interested in your personal life (do you have a boyfriend, do you like anyone, etc.)?



  7. Task 7 of 8

    Did he congratulate you on holidays (happy birthday, March 8, etc.)?



  8. Task 8 of 8

    How often does he smile at you?



Men's opinions

“When I like a girl, I always find time to write to her, chat about anything. I wonder what she is doing now, what her plans are. If I really like her, I'll ask her out for coffee as soon as possible. If I started messaging a girl and realized that she is not right for me, I will try to end the conversation quickly and probably even block her.”


“When I feel that I am on the same wavelength with a girl and I feel good with her, I try to chat with her more often. I send her funny pictures or jokes to make her laugh and make her day more fun. I like it when a girl can support any topic and discuss everything with her: from the latest movie in the cinema to her favorite football team.”


“Girls like to attach great importance to some little things and look for hidden meaning in everything. If he wants to communicate, he will write, without any excuses such as business, work, bad mood. I don’t like long correspondence; it’s easier for me to call. When you like a girl, you need to meet her in person as soon as possible in order to dot the i’s. I don’t understand people who have been corresponding for months and have seen each other in person.”


“You can be bolder on social networks than you would be in real life. Therefore, I try to make a good impression on the girl I like: I come up with witty jokes, watch my words, take an interest in her life and hobbies. I always write first because I believe that the man should take the initiative.”


Testing for sympathy - a real test in life

If a guy likes you, then a few simple tests will help you understand this. These are rather small experiments that do not give a 100% result, but suggest the presence of sympathy.

Try using several of them, but not in a row, but after waiting a little time.

Test No. 1. Asking for help

It's very simple. Break a pencil and talk about your problem, show your helplessness when opening a water bottle or closing a zipper.

Pretend that you accidentally twisted your ankle - if the guy rushes to your aid, this may indicate interest.

Test No. 2. Direct gaze

Such a test is purely psychological in nature or a mirroring effect. Catch the gaze of the man you are interested in, and after a few seconds look at the chronometer or look at your phone, and then turn your eyes back to him.

If he duplicated your actions, he is definitely interested in you.

Test No. 3. “Provocation”

What lengths will you go to to find out if a man likes you? Imagine a situation about going to the theater or cinema with a friend who canceled at the last moment, leaving you without a companion.

If the chosen one willingly offers his company, it means he is not indifferent to you. Don't go overboard with the "tests", otherwise he will understand the test.

Test No. 4 “With a clock”

If you see that he is furtively watching you, look sharply at your watch, and then immediately into his eyes. You see that his eyes follow yours to the clock, and he is very surprised when his gaze returns to find yours.

A little bit of good things7

If a guy likes you, he won't bombard you with messages. He will write to you, wait for you to read and respond, and only then continue the correspondence.

Why does this work? Remember how you write to people whose approval is very important to you. You don't want to seem intrusive and try to fit all your thoughts into the message as concisely as possible.

“What if he thinks I’m obsessive?” - flashes through your head, and you erase the written message, choosing your words carefully.

When we write to a person we like, an internal censor immediately awakens in our heads, which harshly criticizes everything that you clumsily try to construct, nervously tapping on the keyboard.

PS This doesn't work for everyone. But it still works.

By correspondence: 7 reliable signs of his interest in you

You can find out everything about a guy if you ask him 100 questions and see his reaction. It’s much more difficult to figure everything out when it comes to virtual reality – correspondence on dating sites, social networks, via SMS. There are no gestures. The view is out of reach. And words, as we know, cannot be trusted. And yet, there are at least 7 reliable signs of his concern. A man is definitely interested in you if...

  1. you have been communicating for more than a week and can’t stop talking;
  2. you communicate every day, and he is the initiator;
  3. he is interested in you and asks you questions;
  4. answers your questions in detail and thoroughly;
  5. responds to your messages almost immediately;
  6. almost never ends a conversation first;
  7. unobtrusively, but insists on a real meeting.

#eleven. Worried and bored

Does he write to you every day, wishing you good morning and good night? This means that he thinks about you in the morning and before he goes to bed. And sometimes he unexpectedly texts you in the middle of the day, when you least expect a message from him. This only says one thing - he often thinks about you and misses you. And when you don’t appear online for a long time or don’t respond to messages, he sends you a million questions and worries about where you went. A man won't worry so much about any girl, only about the one in whom he is truly interested.

Look into his eyes

Of course, the eye color of the man you would like to like may turn out to be completely different. It does not have any global significance for us. But in order for you to understand whether he has interest in you or not, you need to watch his eyes.

When a man is attracted to a woman, he looks at her and admires her. Even if he is timid and looks away in embarrassment, he is inexorably drawn to look in your direction again.

Do you constantly see eye to eye? He clearly likes you. Are his pupils starting to dilate? You evoke certain desires in him, and this alone suggests that he is definitely not indifferent to you. You can read a lot by looking, don’t forget about it!

Looking for something to talk about9

You correspond for several hours, finding more and more new topics for conversation. You started discussing a joint project, and two hours later you found yourself discussing a Serbian arthouse.

Open your correspondence and re-read it with fresh eyes. Which one of you comes up with new topics for conversation? If this is him, then you can be congratulated. Either he is a good conversationalist, or he goes out of his way to seem like one to you.

How not to confuse falling in love with the desire to sleep?

Of course, men's sympathy is reinforced by sexual desire - there is no way without it. But it is important to distinguish whether he is inclining you to bed with his actions. Usually this is already felt, and most men even openly hint at intimacy.

And others understand that there is no chance for them, and they disappear on their own. But some are careful in their actions. What to do then? The answer is very simple: no one is forcing you to have sex, so sleeping with a man is not necessary (at least not right away). And don’t think that if you refuse intimacy, he, poor unfortunate man, will be offended and stop caring for you. It’s for the better – I’ll tell you.

If a man is truly in love, he will not even allow the thought to persuade you to do anything. He will be afraid of offending you. Then you will feel how he treats you and with what trepidation he does it. Therefore, do not create problems for yourself and do not invent love where there is none in order to avoid suffering.

The main signs by which you can find out if a man likes you

By his behavior in front of you and towards you

Guys try to take care of the girls they like. If he offers to help you even when you haven't asked for it, this clearly means that you are of interest to him and he wants to make a good impression on you. For example, you casually mentioned that you don’t know how to restore some function on your phone - in response, he will offer to see what the problem is. Or, he will let you wear his jacket, seeing that you are dressed lightly and are clearly freezing. In general, any signs of concern are a good sign.

The opposite option is also possible - he wants you to take part in his affairs. For example, he may ask you to choose something, showing that he trusts your opinion. He also consults with you on various issues - cooking a certain dish, what TV series or movie to watch, and the like.

By the way the guy communicates with you

He constantly tries to maintain a dialogue, regardless of whether you communicate in person or by correspondence. If there are awkward pauses, he tries to fill them with some stories or asks you questions. Similar behavior in social networks (in contact, classmates, etc.) - even if the last message in the conversation was from him, then, without waiting for your reaction, he will write to you again.

Another good sign that a guy likes you is the fact that he wants to treat you to something - coffee, apple, candy, and the like. If you notice that a young man is trying to joke to cheer you up, then this is also a telling “signal” - he is clearly hoping to impress you.

By his gestures, look, smile

When you appear in a company, his behavior changes a little - he may become more tense or, on the contrary, behave more cheekily. When communicating with you, he tries to be as close as possible - he leans towards you and for several seconds, or even longer, looks at you continuously, listens carefully to everything you say. It is possible that he is trying to touch you at any convenient moment - crossing the road, showing something on his phone, adjusting your scarf, etc. A smile can appear on his face completely involuntarily when he sees you - during a conversation, in the first seconds of a meeting, when he catches your gaze.

By the guy's appearance, changes in appearance

He is concerned about his appearance, and even if he does not directly ask if everything is okay with him, it is still noticeable that this is important to him - he tries to adjust some elements of clothing, touches his hair, and on occasion looks at his reflection in mirrors. surfaces.

He tries to sit straight, with his shoulders back, turning towards you - but his posture may look somewhat tense. By the way, dilated pupils when looking at you can also say a lot!

Communicates with you differently than with others

A good opportunity to figure out whether a guy makes you stand out from the crowd of acquaintances, to see how he communicates with other people. Does his behavior change when he talks to you?

Maybe he smiles more when you're around, becomes more talkative and never refuses to help. However, most people know him as a gloomy misanthrope

Everyone flirts differently, and to make things even more difficult to decipher, there are also "polite flirters" who are more reserved and flirt by moving back and creating space, says psychologist Madeleine Mason Roantree.

“In these cases, observing their general behavior can be revealing. If he only acts this way around you, it could be his way of flirting.

#14. Replies quickly

How long do you wait for a guy to respond to your message? When a man answers quickly, it means he wants to communicate with you and is ready to do this at any time. It’s especially significant when, at a meeting with friends, he still finds time to write to you. Not for every girl a man is ready to take a break from his company. And even when he’s stuck at work or is at an important meeting, he will find time to write a short message “Sorry, I’m a little busy right now, I’ll write later” for you. So don’t give yourself false hopes when there is no response to your message for several hours or even a day.

A gentleman awakens in him

When a guy likes you, it’s as if a knight awakens in him, who not only knows how to give compliments, but also tries to protect his girlfriend from all adversity. He will always give you a coat or hand when you get out of the car, open the door and try to protect you in society.

In other words, if you feel safe next to him, then he clearly cares about you. Naturally, there are representatives of the stronger sex who are simply well-mannered, so in this case you need to take a closer look at how the man behaves with the rest of the ladies.

Covering her with a jacket or your own jacket is one of the most common gestures that signals a guy’s sympathy for a woman. In addition to the fact that it shows care and a desire to warm the girl, it has other interpretations.

By covering you with his clothes, a man claims his rights to you, in other words, makes you his property. As harsh as this may sound, it is true. But there is nothing wrong with this definition, because what belongs to the guy, he tries to protect and protect.

How to whet his interest in you or sue him

The fact that a man likes you may cause you mixed reactions. With mutual sympathy, of course, you want to provoke your chosen one to take more active actions, but it also happens that there is no reciprocal interest, and, accordingly, there is a desire to get rid of a persistent admirer.

How to increase sympathy


Show interest in him. Ask about how his day was, what kind of music he is interested in. Also find out what genres of cinema he prefers, what he is interested in, what places he likes to visit.


When meeting the object of your sympathy, try to look impressive. Let your clothes not be provocative, but highlight your most advantageous sides. Don't forget about the details - manicure, hairstyle, suitable makeup. If your communication is currently taking place on the Internet, then try to add the most successful photos more often.


Compliment him more often. Praise his musical preferences, external characteristics (hairstyle, eye color, figure, etc.), ask him to recommend a movie, and then thank him for his choice.


Be friendly when communicating with him - smile, show interest in the topic he touched on, do not interrupt him or ignore him.


Show him that you are a fairly versatile person who is not used to being bored. Sign up for some courses, master classes, group fitness or dance classes. Visit different places more often, mentioning this in a conversation with a young man.


Let him know that you are not in any relationship. If you want the guy who likes you to take more active steps, flirt exclusively with him. Of course, this doesn't mean you should ignore other fans. Just show the guy that you are most interested in him.


Show him signs of attention, but do not be intrusive, keep it in moderation. From time to time you can be interested in his affairs on VK, but if he doesn’t particularly develop the topic, then press him. Let him know that you care about him, but you are not going to impose yourself.


If it seems to you that he pays little attention to you and could be more active, do not tell him about it and do not express complaints or grievances. He may not realize that you expect more decisive behavior from him, and you can hint at this not with reproaches, but with flirting.


Invite him somewhere - just to drink coffee in a cafe, to the cinema, to the skating rink or for a walk in the park. Say that you have a few free hours and you have an idea to call or write to him about this. It is advisable if the guy is not busy at this time.

Is the guy ready to spend money on you?

Finance for a man is his work, his time and an indicator of masculinity. If he spends money on a woman generously, without doubt or question, then he is hooked on her.

When a guy spends money on a girl he likes, he himself receives some kind of subconscious satisfaction from this, thus showing his care, generosity and ability to be a support.

But money is not the only thing a guy can spend on a girl. Time is considered the most valuable capital, and if he, without hesitation, rushes to the rescue when you ask him, even if at that particular time he is very busy, then you come first for him.

He will find a lot of excuses if a woman indifferent to him asks for a request, or he will do it extremely reluctantly.

But for a girl he likes, he will break loose and come to her, even if he lives in another city.

#7. Jealous and protective

Jealousy is one of the signs of sympathy. If he doesn't like the fact that you're texting someone else or he notices comments on your posts or photos from other guys, you know he's hooked. Men are also possessive and they don’t like it when someone else pays attention to their girlfriend. And he will consider you his only if he likes you. In addition, he will not allow offensive or unpleasant comments addressed to you and will try to protect you from this. But don’t allow it to go too far: total control and instructions on what to do and with whom to communicate. It is better to stay away from tyrants.

How to tell if a guy from school likes you

Pay attention to where he usually sits.

As a rule, young people sit with those they like. If he often sits next to you, even when there is no need for it, then he most likely likes you.

Try to arrive early to class or the cafeteria during recess and take your seat. If he sits next to you, that's a good sign! However, a young man may be too shy. He may feel embarrassed at the thought of sitting down with you. However, he may sit down near you.

See if he tries to talk to you for no apparent reason. If you've never talked to him before and he suddenly tries to start a conversation with you, this is a good sign that he likes you. If a young man asks you for a pencil from the opposite corner of the class, then most likely he is trying to start a conversation with you.

How to understand that a classmate likes you

Your classmate or a student from another class - someone who goes to the same school as you - will behave in exactly the same way as those young people we talked about above.

  • He's staring at you too. Brave - point blank. Modest - on the sly.
  • Tries to touch.
  • He can pull the pigtail or run it with a handle.
  • Trying to make an impression. At any cost. Capable of extremes.
  • Makes you cringe with a sense of humor. Alternatively, he is viciously trolling.
  • Demonstrates talents and abilities. Make no mistake, he is a hero.
  • Tries to be helpful. He can write more than one abstract.

#10. Expresses himself competently

A man always tries to appear in a good light in front of a pretty girl. And when correspondence, without live communication, literacy is a very important indicator. When a guy chooses his words carefully, capitalizes them, and puts punctuation where necessary, it means he wants to make a good impression. Competent speech also indicates that the guy is smart and educated. He will probably want to show his best side in order to please you.

Signs depending on age

Boys 10–11 years old

At this age, boys act independently, aloof, and indifferently. Due to lack of self-confidence, they cannot show the fullness of their feelings, so they behave disgustingly with the girl they like - they pull her pigtails, take away her briefcase, push her, trip her up.

You might even think that the teenager hates the girl.

But no. In this way, an 11-year-old boy makes it clear that he likes you very much. He is afraid of being rejected or being ridiculed by his comrades, so he at least somehow tries to touch you and attract your attention.

Boys 12–13 years old

At the ages of 12 and 13, boys are more open in their affection, but they are still embarrassed to openly talk about being in love, and therefore show it with their behavior.

Take a closer look at which of the guys you know stay close to you, spend time with you with pleasure, call to find out how you are doing, are interested in your hobbies, don’t argue with you, hold your hand during walks together. Here's how to understand that a boy who is 12-13 years old likes you. He does it all.

Boys 14–15 years old

At this age, teenagers begin to be ashamed of their feelings and react sharply to refusal, so they try not to pay attention to the girl, lower their gaze when passing by, and do not make eye contact during a conversation.

But if you disappear from his sight, for example, you get sick or go away for a week with your parents, then he will begin to worry, ask his girlfriends about you, and perhaps even call. Then the question of how to understand that this pretty 14-year-old boy really likes you will disappear by itself.

Young people 16–17 years old

At this age, young men are already ready for open expression of feelings. They look at the girl with loving eyes, often touch, smile, and show signs of attention. They can invite the object of their love to take a walk or sit in a cafe. They begin to give flowers, make pleasant surprises, and show interest in their friend’s hobbies.

Checking sympathy using correspondence

Let's consider ways to calculate interested men by correspondence in VK or via SMS. To do this, you need to correctly evaluate the information from them.

SMS messages

The content of the messages conveys the man's intentions. From his words you can understand what he is in the mood for, whether he is interested in the girl or is this just meaningless flirting.

If the SMS texts make you wonder why he is writing about this, then take a look at his words from a psychological point of view:

  1. Unobtrusive communication without serious topics means that a man establishes contact with a girl.
  2. Affectionate words, nicknames, diminutives, and variants of address, including your name, indicate sympathy.
  3. He quickly responds to your messages; if he was busy, he explains why he could not answer, but does not ignore you.
  4. Shows signs of attention, wishes you a good day and good night, and is interested in your affairs.
  5. Sends funny pictures, stories, cute jokes.
  6. The messages are filled with emoticons. A man will not choose suitable images that convey emotions if he is not interested in the girl.
  7. He says he dreamed about you.
  8. He claims that he misses you, he feels at ease with you, as if you have known each other all your life.

Astrologers' opinion: signs of sympathy according to zodiac signs

Astrology has its own opinion on this issue. To trust this opinion or not is a personal matter. Life experience shows that the stars will not advise anything bad.

How to understand that an Aries guy likes you

Aries does not stand on ceremony when expressing his sympathies - he expresses them assertively and aggressively. This hunter does not wait for opportunity or the right opportunity. It takes the bull by the horns at the very start, saving you from having to guess at the tea leaves.

How to understand that a Taurus guy likes you

But Taurus is a silent nature. Coffee grounds will come in handy here. Or turn on an option such as intuition and listen carefully to what it tells you. Try to show a little initiative. Taurus “get involved” in flirting when they see the green light. If, of course, they feel sympathy in this direction.

How to understand that a Gemini guy likes you

Multifaceted and fickle - this is our Gemini. His behavior changes like the weather. It is difficult to draw conclusions. However, if in your manners you notice punctuality, panache and unpredictability that comes out of all the cracks, Gemini is probably interested in you.

How to tell if a Cancer guy likes you

You won’t understand this right away either. It either sticks like a bath leaf or disappears from sight. Cancers are a specific people, but they are not difficult to figure out. First of all, an interested Cancer begins to study you - ask too many questions. Secondly, it includes the hyper-care option. Nice and convenient, whatever you say.

How to understand that a Leo guy likes you

The habits of a Leo who likes you are characterized by caring. Not expensive gifts that Leos, due to their extravagance, are ready to give to everyone they meet. Now, if he spends time on you and provides you with care, then yes, there is something to talk about.

How to understand that a Virgo guy likes you

Being a critic of everything and everyone, this guy also communicates with the object of his sympathy in a sarcastic tone. Don't be surprised if you hear a remark about being overweight or having a bad dress. And his innermost feelings will be revealed by his burning eyes, a keen desire to help you and calls at any time of the day.

How to tell if a Libra guy likes you

Libra is “scorched” by an increased interest in their own appearance and uncontrollable anxiety when communicating. Actually, that's all. This hesitant nature will not take any active steps in your direction. Try to take the initiative into your own hands and see what happens. Will reach out to meet you - there is room to move.

How to understand that a Scorpio guy likes you

This guy is a pro at controlling the senses. Until he wants to, he won’t reveal his innermost thoughts in any way. However, he is not without weaknesses. Scorpios always try to evoke a strong emotional reaction from the object of their affection. Even if it’s negative. Provocation is his signature style.

How to understand that a Sagittarius guy likes you

I see the goal, I see no obstacles - this is the motto of Sagittarius. Being a straightforward and sincere person, he will quickly let you know that the current target is you. You definitely won’t languish in the unknown for long.

How to understand that a Capricorn guy likes you

This one is a tough nut to crack. Restrained, taciturn. But if he looks into your eyes for a long time and expressively, listens very carefully and regularly appears where you are, there is reason to suspect him of being partial.

How to understand that an Aquarius guy likes you

He has a wide circle of buddies and friends with whom this sociable soul loves to hang out. And if something went wrong - for example, your friend doesn’t go to the club as usual, but calls you and chats until midnight - this definitely says a lot. Perhaps even about love. Be prepared in the near future for surprises that will change your way of life.

Question answer

How can I tell if a married man likes me by correspondence?

When communicating online, it is not easy to immediately understand who is on the other side of the screen. What to pay attention to so as not to waste your time on an unfree man:

  1. his profile photo is not his own;
  2. there is very little information in his profile and not all of it is true;
  3. he doesn't always answer right away;
  4. he asks you not to write to him at certain hours because he has work, an important meeting or something else;
  5. he writes to you mostly during the day and rarely in the evenings;
  6. he refuses your offer to meet today or tomorrow, citing some business.

Why does he write every day, but doesn’t like my photos or leave comments?

As they say, men's logic is different from women's. He can look through your photos, admire them, but not leave the treasured hearts because he doesn’t consider it important. Check, maybe he doesn’t like anyone at all.

Why doesn’t he offer to meet, although he is actively writing?

There are several reasons for this:

  • he is not free and perhaps he only needs online communication without virtualization;
  • he has not yet decided whether he really wants to see you;
  • he communicates with several girls and has not yet chosen one;
  • he is afraid that in reality he will disappoint you or you will not like each other;
  • he wants to make the first date perfect, but he has financial difficulties.

How to determine sympathy by gestures

  • He often straightens and straightens his clothes - trying to look better.
  • Puts one foot forward - he has some uncertainty.
  • Straightens his back - tries to look more confident.
  • Scratching the back of his head during a conversation - he is embarrassed.
  • During a conversation, he raises his eyebrows - a clear sign that he likes you.
  • He rubs his face - he’s worried because he wants to please.
  • He puts his hands on his belt - he wants to show that he is confident in himself.
  • Twists a button or zipper - he worries and wants to be nearby.
  • Strokes the hair on his head - he wants to look more attractive.

Revealing sympathy

Please note the following points:

  • Courtship and care are the main components of love. If a representative of the opposite sex gives you flowers, sweets, chocolate, or invites you to a cup of coffee or to the cinema, these are clear signs of his serious intentions.
  • Another obvious manifestation of feelings is an increased interest in business: interest in work, study, hobbies and empathy when failures or problems arise.
  • Also, individuals of the stronger sex try to touch their companion, give a hand in transport, brake with a slight movement when crossing the street, open the door to a car.

Adult, self-confident men, decisive and not shy, rarely waste time on romantic hints; they immediately invite the girl to meet.

How to tell if a shy guy likes you

Modest and kind, a gentleman to the tips of his nails. This type of guy is found in every environment. A shy admirer will not admit to you that he likes you. How can you understand that you are attracted to him?

The guy clearly likes the girl. You can figure out a discreet admirer by his gestures. This category of people is silent, so you can’t get recognition from them even with a rod, but the body betrays the owner in full. A guy is not indifferent to you if:

  1. when talking to you, he hides his eyes and smiles a little;
  2. shifts from foot to foot and nervously wrinkles his clothes;
  3. ruffles his hair, carefully choosing answers to your questions;
  4. listens carefully to you, without taking his eyes off your face (trying to remember his favorite features);
  5. intertwines his fingers so that his knuckles turn white from nervous tension;
  6. discreetly adjusts his clothes when you turn away or look away.

How different zodiac signs show their affection

You don’t approach a stranger with the question “which girl do you like?” But it is quite possible to find out his zodiac sign, and from this information understand his character and predispositions.


Charismatic and stubborn guys. You don’t have to conduct testing with them, read body language for a long time and come up with a reason to speak. Without any further ado, he will be the first to write and directly express his sympathy. He is impatient, so you need to decide quickly on his proposals.


He will carefully study you and find out from others. He will ponder the information received for a long time. At the stage of collecting information, he will make a mistake - his increased interest bears little resemblance to his usual indifference.


Gemini will not keep silent, he will talk loudly and beautifully about his emotional experiences, give a lot of gifts, and court according to all the rules. How strong his feelings are and how long they will last is an open question.


Will literally haunt you for days. He hides well - very shy. True, this trait will not prevent him from being in your personal space or at least watching your every move from a safe dark corner.

a lion

King of beasts and representative of the fire element. Powerful, generous and very passionate. Either he is cold as ice, then he suddenly “attacks” and demands all your attention, showering him with gifts. If at some point you felt like a real queen, then your boyfriend is a king.


Virgos are extremely specific people. They can show their sympathy through rudeness, sarcasm, and ironic statements. But if you figure them out, they quickly move on to more familiar traditional courtship.

70% of Virgos are not romantic people

Only every invitation or gift will be extremely practical, without “wasting money.” He can give a comfortable and roomy backpack, buy non-perishable products, or simply give money. There is not much romance in this, but such a gentleman will not refuse help.


Libras are indecisive and constantly rushing natures. In order to decipher their feelings, you should become an expert in body language and gestures. You will have to watch him very carefully and for quite a long time.


Scorpios will demonstrate complete indifference to the object of sympathy. But at the same time, slowly move towards rapprochement with manic persistence. His gestures will not tell much about his intentions, but his gaze - tenacious and bewitching - will hint at hidden feelings.


Sagittarius will not waste time, doubt or hide. They will immediately lay it all out, invite you for coffee, and display possessive behavior. Such openness and honesty are captivating, but in this way, Sagittarius can hit on several girls they like at once.


Usually Capricorns are reserved, silent people, but then they suddenly become emotional and very talkative. They will support any topic, even the most boring one. He will remember the name of your favorite chocolate, your favorite coffee shop and will spoil you often. From cold and unapproachable he will become sweet and caring.


Extroverts who love fun parties with a lot of participants. If, instead of another meeting, he sits at home and corresponds with you, it means he is very interested. May interfere with normal sleep due to constant calls very early in the morning.


Usually closed and silent, they will suddenly become romantic. They will take a creative approach to the courtship process. They take a long time to collect their thoughts and move to a new stage of the relationship.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Clothes that guys like on girls.

What to do if you don't like a boy

Another situation, which is much more complicated and sadder, is when a boy likes you, but he doesn’t like you. What to do so as not to offend the young man, not to aggravate his insecurity and not to make him suffer? Behavior tactics: Don’t discuss this with your friends so that the guy doesn’t feel embarrassed.

It is better that no one finds out about the young man’s sympathy. Talk to the guy in a good way, promise that you will continue communication, but only as friends. There is no need to describe in vivid colors why you refused.

The phrase “You’re not my type” or “I like someone else” will be quite enough. Do not avoid the young man, continue communication on a light wave. Find him a good girl that he might like so that he can quickly move on to someone else. But only if this girl likes him.

#12. Doesn't impose

For all his interest and passion for you, a man will never impose himself and will respect your freedom. He will not insist on continuing the correspondence when you say that you are tired or not feeling well and want to rest a little. When he really likes you, he will be respectful and will not push topics that you are uncomfortable with or don't want to discuss.

Here is an interesting article: reasons why a guy writes every day, but doesn’t call anywhere.

How to understand that a guy likes you if you don't communicate

If you don't know a guy and you don't know how to tell if he likes you, try talking to him first. Start with greetings, and every time you say hello or goodbye to him, give him a smile and a kind look.

This method will be a great opportunity to start communication. After that, try to get closer to him. You can go to lunch together, or go home. This method will allow you to be alone, and therefore learn better about each other.

Be brave and take the initiative, because the guys are a little shy and shy.

After you interest a guy and become friends with him, you can begin to carefully show him signs of attention, which can manifest themselves in the form of care and compliments. And then - watch how he looks at you and how he treats you. And take action!

What guarantees a positive answer to the “Does he like me” test for a guy?

In fact, each person in his own way expresses the feelings that arise in the soul, especially love. Previous experience in relationships with girls, character, age and financial status have a great influence. Your own behavior is also important, because not every young man is ready to pursue someone who constantly pushes him away or ridicules him. In the test “Does the guy who likes me like me?” The questions are designed to identify signs of mental and sexual attraction among a variety of representatives of the stronger sex.

You can count on confirmation of the inner feeling of affection that has arisen for you if a man:

  • often looks at you and tries to catch your eye;
  • tries to be around as often as possible (with or without reason);
  • makes efforts to save you from problems - we are talking about both heavy bags brought home and financial assistance;
  • provokes conflict - some representatives of the stronger sex like to “hurt” you in order to see your reaction and evoke strong feelings;
  • periodically makes pleasant surprises (gives gifts, writes notes, etc.);
  • ready to meet your friends and parents (if you are already dating) and eager to become a part of your life;
  • is afraid of offending you and calms you down if suddenly an unpleasant situation happens to you at work or somewhere else;
  • asks a lot of questions to learn as much as possible about your inner world.

If you are incredibly curious, “How can I tell if a guy likes me?”, the test, available on our portal without registration, will give you the opportunity to figure it all out. But what to do with the results obtained is up to you to decide!


Everything is developing very well!!♥️ Just a little more and there will be no limit to the sympathy!) There are a lot of signs that he likes you! Try to interest him better. I'm sure everything will work out for you)

In the meantime, I can only live with LUCK +3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.



The sympathy of a captive man

How can you tell if a married man likes you? Some tips will help you in observing him:

  • at first, the attitude of a married guy may be completely indifferent or vague, because he will try to suppress these feelings;
  • he will spend all his free time with you, trying to come up with reasons for being away from home;
  • he will not talk in your presence about his wife and children, if he has any;
  • he will hint or decisively tell you that he is ready for divorce for the sake of a new relationship.

Sympathy of an adult man

It is easy for an adult man to like you if you are young and beautiful, but it is much more difficult to understand the seriousness of his intentions:

  • older guys are usually decisive. Therefore, they will take the first step and ask you out on a date;
  • they will not disappear after the start of the relationship, they will definitely get in touch by phone or on the Internet;
  • adult men always remember the need to buy flowers for a meeting and the importance of unexpected gifts;
  • if an adult and serious guy does reckless things for your sake, he is definitely not indifferent to you;
  • also know that a career and work are important to any adult man. If he is willing to put you above this, most likely he is truly in love.

Why is Internet correspondence dangerous?

There is no better way to get to know a person than through personal communication. Virtual correspondence can hide unsafe things behind it. Signs of an unworthy man that should alert a woman:

  1. The guy lives abroad and sends a gift, the delivery of which the girl must pay for. As a rule, this is an expensive item, significantly exceeding the amount the woman paid. In reality, the gift turns out to be a dummy, and the money ends up in the hands of a fraudster.
  2. Another way to take over a lady’s money is for a guy to get into a difficult situation and ask for help. Before this, he showers the girl with compliments and attention so that she is already in love with him. The money is not returned, and the account is most often deleted.
  3. An offer to talk about erotic topics by phone or video call. These are sexual fantasies, to which, most likely, the connection between people will be limited.
  4. Excessive vulgarity. If a man constantly talks only about sex, allows vulgar jokes, then he doesn’t need anything from a woman except perversions.
  5. Please send intimate photos or forward your own. The guy will have no other intentions besides sexual interest.
  6. If a man maintains contact in fits and starts, constantly disappears and does not explain the reason for his absence, then most likely he is hiding another woman or wife.
  7. The guy has a very large list of female friends. Maybe, of course, he is a sociable person, but in this case you can’t count on a serious relationship. A great way to test him is to write from another account and see how he behaves, whether he says the same things to you that he says to other girls.
  8. The man does not insist on a personal meeting. If you communicate for a long time, and the gentleman does not show a desire to see you in person, then perhaps this communication is insignificant for him, and another person is hiding behind the photos posted on his page.


How to find your love: searching for a companion and ways to get closer

How to understand that a guy likes you not only as a friend

Note the following:

  1. How often does he accidentally touch you? Does his knee touch yours when you're sitting next to him watching a movie? Do his fingers linger on yours when you hand him something? This could be a sign that he wants to touch you more often.
  2. Do you catch him looking at you? If you are in a group and you notice him looking at you, this is a sign that he is admiring you. If you catch his eye and he smiles and looks away, that's a sign that he knows he's been caught!
  3. Is his body involved in the conversation with you? If during communication his whole body is facing you, he is open, and his arms are not crossed over his chest, this is a sign that he is ready to listen to you. You can add extra points if he often leans close to you to say something. However, keep in mind that this method is not applicable to everyone - some guys just like to sit in a certain position.

How he behaves with other girls.

Watching what he does around other girls can help you find out how he really feels about you. Here are some ways to better understand his true feelings:

  1. Does he treat other girls the same way he treats you? If you notice that you are the only one he wants to be around in a big group, and the only girl he teases and hugs, this is a sign that he wants to be with you.
  2. But if you notice that he teases and touches all the girls within a five kilometer radius, he is probably a womanizer. Does he flaunt his relationship in front of you? If he openly invites you to hang out with him and his new flame, then he probably really considers you just a friend.
  3. But if he does this to get your opinion, it could be a sign that he considers you to be his one and only. If he's reluctant to talk about his interactions with other females, it could be a sign that he already sees you as his girlfriend and feels like he's cheated on you.

#13. Flirting

Light flirting in correspondence is wonderful. Girls are always pleased to receive compliments. Pay attention to what compliments he sends you. If these are banal phrases, then perhaps you are not the only one with him, and he writes this to all the girls he knows. But if he really notices all your merits and sincerely admires you, that’s a different matter. Another sign that he is flirting with you is light jokes, emoticons and the use of exclamation marks.

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