Interview with a psychologist when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

What questions does a psychologist ask a candidate for the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

However, an interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs still has special tasks:

    They ask you about many things, they try to find out the true purpose of your service in the authorities; Explain to you the nature of the future service.

Documents In most cases, if a candidate for the position of a police officer in the authorities behaves normally and answers the questions asked well, then he receives a successful result and a positive answer from the inspector.

For an interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need to collect a package of documents: Fill out an application for admission to a position as a police officer, an application form and a biography. They pay too much attention to the biography, since there should be no criminal record or other punishments.

Relatives and friends are also rechecked.

But still, the interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own goals: Find out for what purpose you are joining the service.

Frequently asked questions from a psychologist when entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Avoid extremes, be closer to the “golden mean”, do not spit on yourself, but do not extol yourself either.

To the question

“Do you always pay for public transport?”

For a comprehensive personality study, CPD tests are carried out at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In V. Polyakov’s book “Career Technology” there are 15 questions that an employer must ask at an interview.

Of course, the interlocutor will want to hear from you that you want to grow, develop, and benefit the company and society. A typical test questions test consists of four stages.

At the first stage, the examiner formulates and discusses with the subject the questions that will be asked during polygraph testing.

There are two reasons for discussing questions with the subject in advance.

A story about psychological testing

In my 5th year (2006), they called me and offered to talk about future employment in the Foreign Intelligence Service. Their personnel officers sat right at our university, in a separate office.

2. Medical examination in Moscow (Central Military Medical Commission of the Central Military Medical Commission).

3. Psychological testing. — bring at least a box of chocolates (or preferably an envelope) to the conversation.

These people often work just like that. — and most importantly: it’s better to really remember all these tips and try to apply them in practice.

An application for employment as a police officer, a questionnaire form and a biography are filled out. They pay too much attention to the biography, since there should be no criminal record or other punishments.

Relatives and friends are also rechecked.

They greet you by their clothes... Psychological research begins from the moment a person comes to a psychologist’s office, with his appearance. The psychologist notes neatness, manners, speech, and norms of behavior.

After that, intellectual abilities are examined - oral and written speech, literacy, general awareness and erudition.

Passing a psychologist when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Green is the color of calm, red is the color of aggression. I put the green one first, and then arranged it according to the spectrum.

After a test of 500 questions, they asked me to come back in a couple of days and retake it. Rewrote. Found fit. intellectual tests (for example, Eysenck test) The most common oral psychological tests when applying for a job include the Luscher color test, cases (situational tasks) and a stress interview.

You should not refuse testing; if you do this, you most likely will not be hired.

When starting to fill out the test, be sure to read the rules for filling out the questionnaire, carefully read the questions, delving into their essence. quote: It is advisable to first choose “warm”, “calm” colors, then gradually towards cold ones. Please describe in color sequence, I understand that this will be approximately.

quote: I put the green one first, and then spread it out along the spectrum.

Interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

They pay too much attention to the biography, since there should be no criminal record or other punishments. Relatives and friends are also rechecked.

In addition to the above papers, the following will be useful for applying for a position:

  1. work book;
  2. TIN;
  3. two recommendations from police officers with positive reviews during their cooperation with the police (at least three years);
  4. papers on the military register for those liable for military service.

You will also need to provide documentation about your income and possessions, information about your spouses and children. You will be asked about many things. The questions are:

  • Did you cope with the previous tests easily?
  • Why did you decide to choose this profession?
  • Do you understand the responsibility of working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

There is no need to be afraid, speak with dignity that you are striving to fight crime, that you are ready to protect yourself, your partner, and people.

Psychological tests for employment with answers online for free

often as specialized for certain professions.

However, the results of tests on the speed of nervous processes (temperament), character accentuation, memory, attention and attentiveness may be of interest to some employers.

A verbal test when applying for a job is the basis of an interview with an applicant for a position and profession where the applicant’s verbal (speech) abilities are required. Some corporations use mathematical tests when hiring to determine an applicant's analytical abilities.

Numeracy Test For some positions, such as accountant, employers use numerical tests in the hiring process. Logical tests when applying for a job provide information to the employer about the applicant’s ability to find

By asking open questions, the psychiatrist does not delve into your answers so much as looks at your reaction and manner of conversation.

What matters to them is whether you are verbose, excited or aggressive, etc.

Of course, in this case, the proverb “Silence is golden” is more relevant than ever.

Of course, one should not remain completely silent. It is necessary to limit yourself to the answers “Yes”, “No”, “Perhaps” and only to the point, etc.

The main rule is that when visiting a psychiatrist, it is better to be calm and sociable than disheveled and verbose! Closed questions. Again, when answering, do not forget that you may be caught by asking the same question a second time.

To prevent this from happening, it is better not to lie or at least remember your answers. The fear of earning a reputation as a “psycho” and a lack of understanding of the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist is a serious barrier for many people that prevents them from receiving qualified help.

Meanwhile, if you do not pay attention to problems and do not try to solve them, they can only get worse.

What does a psychiatrist do? A psychiatrist deals with the treatment, diagnosis, examination and prevention of mental illnesses, which include: - psychoses; - epilepsy; - schizophrenia; - obsessive disorders; - depression; - manic disorders.

What a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist have in common is that they are doctors.

Based on the answers, the doctor may conduct additional examination.

For example, he will ask you to name geometric shapes, check your reaction speed using a computer program, or take several tests.

We recommend reading: Article 36 39 regulations on service in internal affairs bodies

It is interesting that in drivers’ comments on this topic there are two extremes.

In their practice, there were psychiatrists who quickly gave those who wanted the long-awaited seal, without asking any questions. And there were those who proposed solving original problems:

  1. subtract 17 units from the number 100 and reach 0;
  2. explain the difference between a cave and a tunnel;
  3. guess how a shoe and a pencil are similar.

Even the most tricky questions of a psychiatrist must be answered calmly, without excessive excitement. In addition, a psychologist can approach the matter creatively and ask: “Haven’t you visited us?

Something about the face/surname is familiar.”

CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests online - 2022 (with answers)

a person stands out, is different from others.2 The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, i.e., for example, father and son, teacher and student, etc. in a different way, similar people.3 Strike the iron while it’s hot; you have to do everything on time.4 In the morning and evening, it’s wiser to think and then make a decision.5 You can’t trust this person to let a goat into the garden.6 All that glitters is not gold, appearances are deceiving.7 Chickens are counted in the fall.

the work must be evaluated when it is done. does whatever he wants with him.9 Start a barrel organ and say the same thing.10 On a thief and his hat is on fire, a person behaves differently from the rest - he fusses, is not calm.11 On a shield or with a shield, he will either lose or win.12 The forest is cut down, chips fly. . mistakes will still be there and do happen in any business.13A crow in peacock feathers, a person is pretending.14It’s late to arrive at the hat showdown.15Toe the line, to do everything according to orders, according to the rules.16To beat the alarm, to worry, to worry.17I let things go uncontrollably.18It’s all in the bag, it all worked out.19A cat in a bag, a bad purchase. 20 To cast a shadow on a fence is to mislead someone, or to complicate something. 21 Measure seven times, cut once, think, and then make a decision. 22 Pounding water into a mortar is a useless activity. 23 A hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies A house is not good in appearance , decoration, but the hospitality, hospitality of the owners (look not by appearance, but by deeds). 24 It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Words should not always be trusted; It is preferable to see something with your own eyes than to listen to the testimony of other people.25 Sleep on the first day In Russian schools until about the beginning of the 20th century, students were flogged every week, regardless of who was right or wrong.

And if the “mentor” overdoes it, then such a flogging lasted for a long time, until the first day of the next month.26 They wait three years for the promised person. They say it jokingly when they do not believe that someone will soon fulfill their promises or when the fulfillment of what is promised is delayed for

What other questions do psychologists ask when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Legal assistance from a lawyer

For this reason, you should go to bed earlier in order to gain strength. It is necessary to choose business attire that is not too revealing for the interview. For a successful device, you need to look decisive.

Due to the fact that in the future you need to obey your senior comrades, you must show respect to the employee (psychologist, organ worker) who will talk to you. Questions You will be asked about many things.

The questions are:

  1. Do you understand the responsibility of working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
  2. Why did you decide to choose this profession?
  3. Did you cope with the previous tests easily?

There is no need to be afraid, speak with dignity that you are striving to fight crime, that you are ready to protect yourself, your partner, and people. You should behave confidently and persistently, show the seriousness of your intentions. Answers must be given clearly and clearly.

In addition to the above papers, the following will be useful for applying for a position:

  • two recommendations from police officers with positive reviews during their cooperation with the police (at least three years);
  • work book;
  • TIN;
  • papers on the military register for those liable for military service.

You will also need to provide documentation about your income and possessions, information about your spouses and children. How to prepare for an interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs The main thing when passing an interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs is to set yourself up psychologically and morally for success.

Interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

However, an interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs still has special tasks:

  1. They ask you about many things, they try to find out the true purpose of your service in the authorities;
  2. Explain to you the nature of the future service.

Documents In most cases, if a candidate for the position of a police officer in the authorities behaves normally and answers the questions asked well, then he receives a successful result and a positive answer from the inspector. For an interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs you need to collect a package of documents:

  1. Questionnaire;
  2. Biography;
  3. Diploma;
  4. Passport.

An application for employment as a police officer, a questionnaire form and a biography are filled out. They pay too much attention to the biography, since there should be no criminal record or other punishments. Relatives and friends are also rechecked.


Thus, psychologists observe law enforcement officers from their recruitment to their retirement. Olga Olegovna told reporters about the main stages of psychological research when selecting candidates for service, which is talked about a lot, but so little is known.

They greet you by their clothes... Psychological research begins from the moment a person comes to a psychologist’s office, with his appearance. The psychologist notes neatness, manners, speech, and norms of behavior.

After that, intellectual abilities are examined - oral and written speech, literacy, general awareness and erudition. Candidates demonstrate basic knowledge of mathematics, geography, history, and literature.

Motives for joining: high salary and social guarantees The motives for joining the service are also important.

What questions do psychologists ask when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?


Olga Golovkova considers it natural and certainly not immoral when the main motivational factor in choosing a profession is the idea of ​​social security.

“We should not forget that at all times the police were formed from the people.

While we demand a lot from existing employees, we somehow lose sight of the fact that underneath the uniform, ordinary human hearts beat - with all the passions, experiences, fears, hopes and dreams,” emphasizes the psychologist in uniform.

There are tests like this. Among others, there are so-called projective studies. The methodology of this study is very simple; almost everyone who went to kindergarten and studied at school did this simple, but very informative test. No artistic skills are required here, everything depends on the person’s imagination.

Drawing test

It is a very effective, but rather labor-intensive diagnostic method. A candidate for the position must complete a creative task related to drawing an object or group of objects (“Non-existent animal”, “House, tree, person”). The psychologist evaluates the pressure on the pencil, the location of objects, the geometry of the drawing, the emphasis on certain features of the drawing (eyes, structure, plants, animal fur, etc.).

Advantages: very effective projective psychophysiological examination. In the hands of an experienced psychologist it becomes a real “psychic microscope”. Using the drawing, a very wide range of psychological parameters is determined. The subject cannot give a socially desirable answer,

Disadvantages: labor-intensive process, impossibility of automation using a computer.

Questions from a psychologist when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

How does registration for service take place? Let's figure it out step by step. Each named step requires special preparation on the part of the applicant. The most common questions asked to police candidates at different stages can be divided into several groups. It will not be possible to prepare 100% for the questions.

They may be unexpected. The most difficult block is the psychologist’s questions. It is quite possible that people here will be interested in the following points: There is no single template for a conversation with a psychologist.

So be prepared for the unexpected. There will be many questions based on the results of the written test.

Many people are concerned about the question of what is asked on a polygraph?

These are mostly provocative topics regarding your relationship with the law.

How to pass psychological tests when applying for a job

The article will reveal basic information regarding psychological tests. How to go through them during hiring, what they are intended for - more on that later.

During recruitment, many employers use tests. They help to identify the professional qualities of an employee.

Based on their results, a general picture about a person can be formed.

There are several types of psychological tests - oral and written. At the initial stage, when applying for a position, the second option is used.

When there are several people, it is necessary to choose one – the most qualified one.

Tips for those undergoing psychological testing

2. If the instructions say that the test has no right or wrong answers, don’t trust it. 5. Sometimes there are tests in which one question or statement appears twice.

They answered differently - you get a plus on the “lie scale.” Try to memorize questions verbatim and answer similar ones in the same way. 9. You have the right to ask the psychologist the name of the test that is being conducted with you.

This may be useful to you. 10. If you are selected (for work or study), then most likely you need to be a smart, sociable, big guy rather than a stupid, withdrawn psycho. We will touch on this important topic in other sections.

. Here. I made it today, I don’t know why yet.

This concludes the introductory part, let's begin to understand the essence of the matter. Features of national psychological testing and personality assessment.

So - you have a test coming up, how do you need to prepare, besides reading this manual? 1.

How to pass a polygraph without problems when applying for a job

A lie detector is something that many employees are afraid of. How to successfully complete the procedure and not stumble when answering is of concern to everyone who is waiting for a test on the device.

rest. Adequate sleep and inner peace are the key to successful relaxation.

Relax your body as much as possible, do not fill your head with anxious thoughts; exclude alcohol and other stimulating drinks; do not take antidepressants and sleeping pills - they cause an apathetic state; do not set yourself up for a negative outcome of the interview; do not strain your body or make unnecessary movements during the test.

Polygraph testing for employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs: legality and features of the procedure

In order to identify possible negative character traits that are unacceptable for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, upon their entry into service, a special polygraph test is carried out.

More details about its implementation and possible consequences are provided later in the article. Passing a polygraph test (lie detector) is used not only when applying for a job in internal affairs bodies (OVD), but also in many other areas of activity.

A polygraph is a device that is used to conduct special psychophysiological studies of a person. They are aimed at identifying hidden information in his character that is incompatible with work in the police department.


What is a SMIL check?

SMIL tests - 566 statements, next to which you need to put yes or no. Each question must be answered as quickly as possible, and without thinking. There are no wrong answers in the test. There is no “I don’t know” answer

so you need to choose between the two proposed options. If you do not answer one of the questions, the test results will be unreliable.
The time to complete the SMIL is unlimited.

The conclusion is drawn up on the basis of the graph that is obtained by answering the statements. With normal answers, the line is no less than 30 and no more than 70 along the y-axis. Thus, there should be no less than 30 points on the T axis and no more than 70 points for each column.

There are 10 main cycles and additional ones. Some sites offer a test with the scale displayed in red or green. The subject can see where he scores points.

Ministry of Internal Affairs tests: types of tests and questions, features of passing

When applying for a job in the police, the applicant undergoes an interview with a departmental psychologist and his employer, and also completes several tests. The candidate is asked a lot of tricky questions, which often baffle him.

Test assignments for legal and fire training were compiled on the basis of Federal Law No. 3 of February 7, 2011. Below, several basic psychological tests for successful admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs are discussed in detail.

Interview with a psychologist and with your future boss

When hiring a police officer, they first undergo a medical examination and a physical examination by a psychologist. Next, candidates perform the following actions:

  1. Submit a form - fill it out according to the sample from the HR department;
  2. They undergo psychological tests;
  3. They show off their driving skills in a departmental car;
  4. Pass a lie detector test - a polygraph;
  5. They undergo an interview and meet with the head of a specific departmental unit.

Questions during an interview with a departmental psychologist

No one can be 100% prepared for tricky questions. They are often unexpected. For example, a departmental psychologist asks the following questions:

  1. The criminal calls you names and gets aggressive. What will you do in this case?
  2. How often and when have you been in situations where it was difficult to contain your emotions?
  3. How many times a month do you cry?

There are no separate normative templates for conducting a conversation with a departmental psychologist. Therefore, you need to be prepared for unexpected questions.

How to pass the test successfully

In order to successfully and without problems pass an interview with a departmental psychologist and tests for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need to have excellent health, have peace of mind and be in good physical shape. This cannot be taught - such human qualities must be a priori.

What are some sample questions asked?

On a psychological test, the psychologist asks various questions (for example, “Why did you want to become a police officer?”). Then the applicant is asked to draw several figurative drawings (“I”, “Holiday”).

Then, the Luscher color psychological test is carried out. In this case, several cards with colors are placed in front of the candidate and they are told: “Pick up a card of the color that you like best.”

The colors are deciphered as follows:

  • green - the need for self-affirmation;
  • purple - escape from everyday reality;
  • blue - some kind of attachment or desire for constancy;
  • brown - a person’s need for constant protection.

Next, the applicant is given a paper with a test on more than 500 tricky questions, to which there are only 2 answers - YES or NO. In this case, they ask, for example, about this: “Do you like to play with small children?”, “Do you enjoy being in a large company or a crowd of people.”

What answers should be given when taking SMIL tests?

Sample transcript of the SMIL test

When passing the SMIL test on a computer, the applicant answers 566 questions - clicks on the “YES” or “NO” button. This process takes 1-2.5 hours.

What is CPD?

The Center for Psychological Diagnostics is a psychological diagnostic center where applicants are tested. CPD tests are considered a comprehensive study of the psychological state of the candidate.

What tests are carried out at the CPD?

During employment in various bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the following tests are taken at the Center for Internal Affairs:

  • on a polygraph;
  • Luscher - checking the psychophysiological state of the candidate;
  • SMIL;
  • CAT (Short Orientation Test).

They also undergo mindfulness and drug tests and then speak with a departmental psychologist.

Answers to the CAT tests in the Center

Cat online is considered a math test that consists of 50 different questions. Candidates answer them within 15 minutes.

Passing a polygraph test

If negative hidden character traits of a person are identified, which a police officer should not have, a polygraph test is carried out during employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Below are the main nuances of this process.


Passing a polygraph test is considered a mandatory procedure for candidates for police and other law enforcement agencies. The use of such a device is regulated by Order of the FSB of Russia No. 277 of June 23, 2011.

Also, the conduct of a mandatory psychophysiological examination is stated in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 50 dated February 1, 2022.

Order of the FSB of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2011 No. 277 “On the organization of forensic examinations in the expert units of the federal security service”

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated February 1, 2022 No. 50 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation”

Why do they take a polygraph?

A polygraph reveals hidden personal characteristics of a person that are incompatible when working in the police. The following are considered to be the negative qualities of an applicant:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • taking narcotic and psychotropic substances;
  • presence of gambling addiction;
  • tendency to cruelty;
  • sadism, etc.

After polygraph testing, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs weed out applicants who do not meet the specific requirements of the department. Also, based on the results of such checks, new methods for selecting candidates for the police are drawn up.

Passage procedure

Before conducting a lie detector test at the Center, the following actions are performed:

  • conduct an introductory conversation with the applicant;
  • the candidate and the police officer sign a certificate of passing the test;
  • They prepare for the test by attaching several sensors to the applicant’s body.

Then they perform testing, then conduct a test conversation, receive and process the results.

Frequently asked questions

A complete list of questions that are asked to a candidate during the tests at the Center for Educational Inspection is not available on the Internet. However, some of them are asked most often:

  1. Do you like using weapons?
  2. Do you drink strong or light alcoholic drinks?
  3. Have you ever stolen?
  4. Have you taken drugs?
  5. Do you enjoy being humiliated?
  6. Have you ever hit or killed an animal?

How to quickly and successfully pass a polygraph test?

The following factors contribute to the successful and calm passage of a polygraph test:

  • good rest and good sleep before the test;
  • a calm environment before testing;
  • avoiding taking sleeping pills and other similar medications.

Polygraph test results

After a polygraph test, you get 1 of 2 results:

  • recommended for enlistment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • not recommended.

What to do if your job in the police fails

After failing a polygraph test, the applicant is not accepted for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, he is given one more chance to retake a similar test, but not earlier than after 6 months. after the first try.

If the lie detector test is failed a second time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs officer will finally reject the candidate under consideration.

Computer tests for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs

During employment with the police, in 2022 and in 2022, the applicant passed several types of computer tests of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Similar testing is also taking place in 2019. Test tasks characterize the level of intelligence, performance and a number of other human qualities.

When applying for employment in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, general tests are also taken (for example, “Can you pass the selection process and serve in the patrol police?” With such testing, the applicant’s predisposition to serve in the police is checked.

Legal training for police officers

In the legal training tests, police officers are asked the following questions with answers:

Are police fathers provided with parental leave?

  1. Yes;
  2. No;
  3. This is only possible in cases where the mother is unable to care for the child.

The police come to the aid of every citizen of the Russian Federation who needs its protection:

  1. No later than 1 hour from the moment of acceptance of the relevant application;
  2. Immediately;
  3. Within 24 hours.

Professional advice from departmental psychologists

When undergoing testing at the Center for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the following professional recommendations should be taken into account:

  • If the instructions state that there are no false or correct answers on a particular test, then this is actually not the case. This is a psychological trick;
  • Often tests will repeat similar questions. If they give different answers, then it is perceived as a lie. This should not be done;
  • After passing the test, you must receive the document in your hands. Then an independent expert will analyze the applicant’s own mistakes.

Before starting the test, it is better to ask a departmental psychologist about all possible problems and diagnostic nuances that may arise in the future.


Luscher color test

The breadth of its application is due to the speed of the study and fairly accurate interpretation of the results. The subject is asked to arrange the colored cards in a row, based on personal preferences. At the beginning of the row there is a card with the most pleasant color for the test subject. Next are the colors that you like less (in descending order). As a result, the series should end with the least pleasant color for the subject.

Advantages: speed, ease of interpretation, ability to automate the process.

Disadvantages: Possibility of giving socially desirable answers. The technique cannot serve as a battery (basic) one.

Frequently asked questions from a psychologist when entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Sometimes they ask such questions that they confuse you. Perhaps the most popular: “Tell me about yourself?” Instead of an effective answer, many applicants mutter hackneyed phrases in response. It becomes awkward - the interview is ruined. has compiled a list of the 9 most insidious interview questions, according to applicants.

And then I interrogated the recruiters why they asked them and what to answer. — We were invited to an interview at a well-known pharmaceutical chain in Moscow.

The most common job interview questions and answers to them

You must answer in such a way that the recruiter wants to approve your candidacy, seeing in front of him a person who is not only able to carry out the tasks assigned to him by the company, but also find compromises and get along with colleagues. And again the golden rule should work - don’t lie.

To answer this question, you really have to imagine where and who you will be. Of course, the interlocutor will want to hear from you that you want to grow, develop, and benefit the company and society.

CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests

For a comprehensive personality study, CPD tests are carried out in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The research is carried out by specialist psychologists, who, after conducting it, give an opinion on the suitability of the candidate’s psychological abilities to occupy the position for which the candidate is applying.

TsPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests are carried out with citizens wishing to join the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

TsPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests are the Standardized Multifactor Method of Personality Research (SMIL) and the Short-term Orientation Test (SOT), and if necessary, when conducting the TsP in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the candidate can be provided with additional tests.

Polygraph testing technique

A typical test questions test consists of four stages. At the first stage, the examiner formulates and discusses with the subject the questions that will be asked during polygraph testing.

There are two reasons for discussing questions with the subject in advance. First, the experimenter must ensure that the subject understands the questions so that there is no further discussion of the content of the questions during or after testing.

15 questions to ask during an interview

In V. Polyakov’s book “Career Technology” there are 15 questions that an employer must ask at an interview. So here are the questions: 1. Tell us about yourself.

It is necessary to take into account exactly how the candidate responds to it: - simply more formally states his biographical data or immediately starts with his “trump cards”, thereby emphasizing his desire to occupy a vacant position; - tells only the main thing: qualifications, experience, responsibility, interest, hard work and decency, or begins to cite facts that are not related to the career; - it is also important how the candidate speaks briefly, clearly, accurately, or whether he mumbles slowly and is poorly able to express his thoughts; - Whether confident or not, he holds back when answering the question. 2.


Operating procedure of the Center for Psychophysiological Diagnostics

One day is allocated for studying the psychophysiological qualities of candidates, the second day is for studying psychological properties. Employees of internal affairs bodies who are transferred by position, trainees, persons entering educational institutions (EI) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, candidates for service (3rd and 4th purpose groups) undergo a psychodiagnostic examination on the same day.

Candidates for service in the internal affairs department undergo psychodiagnostic examinations only after the doctors of the Internal Military Commission have issued a “healthy, fit” conclusion.

Candidates for service in the Department of Internal Affairs who are recognized by the IHC doctors as unfit for health reasons are not allowed to be examined at the Center for Internal Affairs.

Candidates entering full-time training at the Educational Institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are examined according to schedule. If the schedule is violated, by appointment. Registration is made in room 413 from 8-00 to 16.00.

The CPD conclusions are issued against signature to the employees of the personnel departments who sent for examination - office 413 from 8-00 to 15-30. The CPD conclusion is valid for six months.

Organization of work with employees One of the main activities of the Center for Psychophysiological Diagnostics is medical and psychological support for personnel of internal affairs bodies and units.

Fulfillment of this task is aimed at preserving the professional health and career longevity of employees.

Medical and psychological support is a set of measures: identification among employees of persons with neuropsychic instability, with a decrease in psychophysiological resources and performance, who are in a state of socio-psychological maladjustment; predicting the neuropsychic resistance of employees to the effects of extreme factors and the success of their adaptation to perform operational and service tasks in special conditions; determining the tactics and scope of medical and psychological rehabilitation measures for employees exposed to stress to restore the body’s defenses and compensatory capabilities, as well as monitoring their implementation.

Police job interview

Serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has now become prestigious. Just a few years ago there was a problem with the authority of the police. Young people were not eager to protect the population from criminals. The salaries were low and the risks were high. Today the situation has changed.

Payments have increased, there are more benefits. Respect among people is also order. Fresh footage was sent to the police. The question of how to pass an interview with the authorities has become relevant again. We answer it with pleasure.

If you want to know ALL the intricacies of an interview, the rules of behavior during an interview, what is possible and what is not, click on the banner and download the FULL guide to preparing for an interview! You won't find this on the Internet.

100 pages of practice, questions, answers, cover letters, resumes and secrets for the price of a cup of coffee. PRESS!

Before you decide to work in law enforcement agencies, you need to clearly understand that a standard interview is not at all the main stage in passing the tests. Yes, based on its results, you can also get a refusal. But other stages are much more important. First of all, a medical commission and a psychologist’s examination.

How does registration for service take place? Let's figure it out step by step.

  • Submitting an application form. Don't confuse it with a resume. A standard format is provided for applicant questionnaires. You can obtain a sample from the personnel department of your local department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Don't deviate one step from the template. This is not an employer who should be surprised by creativity.
  • Psychological test. It includes testing consisting of dozens of questions and a personal conversation. The task is to assess the adequacy of the candidate, his psychological stability and stability. It is no secret that police work involves not just stress, but also psychologically difficult moments: scenes of violence, murder. Physical overload causes chronic fatigue syndrome in police officers. All this taken together is difficult for a psychologically weak person to endure.
  • Medical checkup. Designed to give an objective assessment of the applicant’s health status. The police are not all about paperwork. Any employee can at one point, by order of the command, move to a more active area. So being completely physically healthy is a must. It is also advisable to be in good athletic shape.
  • Driving skills test. Also an important point. A practical test that is often required to be taken even if you have a driving license.
  • Polygraph test. This is the last step before meeting with your immediate superiors. Get ready to confirm in practice the purity of your intentions and the absence of “skeletons in the closet.” Provocative questions are inevitable. If you have something to hide, even minor violations of the law, this test may be the final one.
  • Interview at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This step completes the test chain. The candidate meets with the head of his department. The conversation takes place based on the results of the past stages, and any questions that may be of interest to the management in addition can be asked.

Each named step requires special preparation on the part of the applicant. The most common questions asked to police candidates at different stages can be divided into several groups.

Questions when joining the police

It will not be possible to prepare 100% for the questions. They may be unexpected. The most difficult block is the psychologist’s questions. It is quite possible that people here will be interested in the following points:

  • The detainee provokes you into aggression, what should you do?
  • A colleague was wounded in front of your eyes, you managed to detain the criminal, how will you behave?
  • How many times and when have you found yourself in situations where it is difficult to contain your emotions?
  • How often do you cry?
  • What are the strongest feelings you have ever experienced in your life?
  • How do you cope with stress?

There is no single template for a conversation with a psychologist. So be prepared for the unexpected. There will be many questions based on the results of the written test.

Many people are concerned about the question of what is asked on a polygraph? These are mostly provocative topics regarding your relationship with the law. Most often, the specialist conducting the test is interested in the following points:

  • Have you ever driven drunk? How often did this happen? How long ago was the last time?
  • Have you committed crimes or offenses for which you were not punished by law? Which?
  • Have you used drugs? Which? In what quantity?
  • How often do you drink alcoholic beverages? How much do you use them?

If in a conversation with a psychologist you can bend your heart and give the “correct” answer, then you have to be honest here. The lie detector goes off when you try to tell a lie.

The last interview is most often ideological in nature. You will be asked questions about how deeply you understand the responsibility of serving in the police, whether you are ready to be injured or sacrifice your life to save other people. The head of the department will definitely evaluate your qualities as a team player and whether you can get along with the already established team.

Only after this test will you receive an answer whether to serve in the authorities or look for work in a more peaceful institution.

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