How to pass a psychological test when applying for a job

Can a person's character influence their likelihood of employment? Is it possible to cheat and pass psychological tests correctly? And, most importantly, is it necessary to do this?

In 90% of cases, the answer to these three questions is “Yes.”

Do you want to take a psychological test?

Get ready

Although not a single company explains what “psychological portrait” it considers appropriate to those who “do not fit into it”

employers refuse to obtain a position. This work falls on the shoulders of candidates when preparing for employment tests.

And if everything is clear with the assessment of abilities, then psychological tests cause the most problems for candidates. According to Russian law, assessment results are not considered grounds for dismissing an employee or refusing to hire. But in practice, companies often rely on testing reports and reject candidates for formal reasons, for example, based on the wording “inadequacy for the position.”

What do psychological test results look like?

The rating scale consists of two opposing personality traits, for example, introvert-extrovert. Scores are given from 1 to 10.

Here t-scores, WALLS or percentile are used. That is, the assessment depends on the results of other candidates of the same age, gender and level of education.

At the same time, 1 point is as bad as 10. The average score (5.5) means that the assessed personality quality of the candidate is developed in the same way as that of the majority of other respondents in the control group. When all personality traits are rated 5-6 points, this is considered an ideal profile.

You need to strive to ensure that the character traits that are most important for the position or employer stand out a little from the overall assessment. At the same time, not a single quality should be in the range of 1-2 and 9-10, since each character trait has both positive and negative aspects.

General recommendations

There are several more important points in answering the question of how to pass an interview with a psychologist.

Come alone.

It is better to leave the support group (girlfriend, husband/wife) at a distance from the interview site. You may seem like a dependent person. This is especially true for those who come to work with their mother.

Outright lies are prohibited.

An experienced specialist will see through the lies, and the desired position will become unavailable. If a lie is not recognized during an interview, it will be revealed during the work process. This will result in dismissal and negative reference from this place of employment.

Listen carefully to the questions.

Try to answer exactly what you were asked about, without unnecessary reasoning. For example, if they ask about their personal life, a short answer is sufficient. There is no need to talk about conflicts and characteristics of your partner. Extra information creates a negative impression.

Avoid negative characteristics.

Even if you are unhappy with your former boss, you should restrain your emotions. Negativity toward your boss, co-workers, and family will only make you look bad.

Ask questions.

Interest in the job will show you as an interested candidate. And a non-standard question will make it memorable.

Respect personal space.

Allowing familiarity, hugging a psychologist, or sitting too close is unacceptable, even if the candidate was greeted by a friendly atmosphere. This will show an inability to respect boundaries and subordination.

Cope with anxiety.

If you don’t know how to behave during an interview with a psychologist, practice dialogues with friends. Think about what will help you feel less nervous. Anxious candidates are rated lower than calmer ones.

If you refuse, don't despair.

If this is your dream job, you can try again in six months.
It is believed that during this period, data on traits and qualities lose relevance. People change. And if you want to look for a more suitable job right now, you will find it on 2 thousand 5.0 Rate this article Published: 05.26.2021

Tips for taking a psychological test

First of all, the stability of the answers is important. If a candidate chooses a statement that characterizes him as an introvert in one question and an extrovert in another, this affects the sincerity scale

. Although testing is subject to error, it is important not to select a statement without a clear understanding of what quality it is responsible for.

Often the same question in a psychological test is repeated. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the answers are the same.

Often, candidates try to appear as “perfect people” - this is the wrong approach. In personality questionnaires there are statements that do not relate to future responsibilities, but test the tendency to lie and other destructive character traits. When asked if you have ever deceived another person, you should not answer “no”


Neither the employer nor the recruiter sees how a person answers this or that question. All they receive is a report with results in points, scales and recommendations.

Psychological testing requires thoughtful preparation, unlike other remote primary assessment techniques. If a person does not fully understand the principles by which questions are constructed and personality factors are assessed, it is better not to try to “adjust” the results. Because a completed “lie” scale clearly indicates that a person is unreliable. And they often turn a blind eye to a psychological profile that is slightly different from what the employer needs.


If you were asked to draw a non-existent animal, choose your preferred colors or geometric figure, then you are being examined through projective tests.
The simplest test to carry out and obtain results is considered to be the psychogeometric test. Candidates are shown five geometric shapes: a circle, a square, a rectangle, a zigzag and a triangle and are asked to choose one of them, in relation to which he can say: “This is the figure that symbolizes me!” Depending on the chosen figure, the subject will be identified as a workaholic, creative person or careerist. Applicants for positions where they have to interact a lot with other people, such as sales managers or delivery drivers, are often asked to take the Rosenzweig test. It uses 24 picture cards on which people are depicted in various conflict situations and a replica of one of the characters is immediately given, and the subject must come up with what the replica of the second participant could be. Using the test, you can identify how a person reacts to failure and how he manifests himself in conflicts.

You will be asked to choose your preferred color from cards of different colors during the Luscher color test. They take the test twice after a short period of time. According to the founder of the test, the choice of color can show the subject’s focus on a certain activity and the most stable personality traits.

Of all the projective techniques, drawing tests are used least often, since processing the results is a long, labor-intensive process that requires specialist training and experience. The main essence of the test: the candidate is asked to draw a non-existent animal or the composition “house, tree, person”, then HR analyzes the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the drawing.

How to pass: to pass the Luscher test, you just need to remember the correct sequence of choosing colors: red, yellow, green, purple, blue, brown, gray, black. And remember, if you repeat the ideal order twice, it will alert the tester, so when choosing again, you need to slightly change the sequence of colors.

In the Rosenzweig test, as in personality tests, you can use the principle of getting used to the image and constructing a phrase not according to the first impulse, but how an ideal candidate would answer.

With drawing tests, you need to remember a few rules for interpreting drawings. So, an animal with teeth or protruding sharp corners will be a sign of your conflicting or aggressive disposition. An energetic, confident person draws with clear, smooth lines or strokes with little pressure.

What is the difficulty of psychological tests?

Psychological questionnaires, no matter in what form they are used, have vague evaluation criteria. For example, when measuring the ability to analyze information, a person will receive the same results, within the margin of error, in any condition: stress, depression, high spirits.

The results of the questionnaires are influenced by temporary anxieties, mood and emotional background. Moreover, even those candidates who do not have psychological problems.

The second problem with personality questionnaires is that the candidate does not understand what the employer needs. For example, in numerical tests everything is clear: if a person answers most of the questions correctly, he is a good fit for the company.

But the psychological qualities of a person have no criteria; moreover, there are no clearly bad or uniquely good qualities.

There are features of personality development that, moreover, cannot be changed at the snap of a finger.

Analyzing the employer’s requirements and the vacancy is the first step in preparing for psychological tests

Another problem is that the person making the final hiring decision, for example, the head of a department or director, rarely looks at the results and reports. They rely on the opinion of the recruiter or HR, who either recommends the candidate or not, based on their own criteria. And it’s good if the recruiter uses scientific research in the assessment, and not his own “inventions.”

As a result, in order to get a job, applicants have to delve into the “inner workings” of testing and understand what exactly the recruiter needs. Although this approach is far from a fair and adequate selection system, it is something that has to be taken into account if a person wants to get a job.

Standardized Multifactor Personality Inventory (MMPI)

The Ammon Structural Test contains 220 questions - and those who think that this is a lot have not heard anything about the MMPI. Its 567 questions assess the personality of the respondent on 10 scales. From it you can learn, for example, about the tendency to sociopathy, depression, hypochondria, conformity to the role of a man or a woman, and much more. In addition to the ten main scales, there are also four rating scales, three of which can be used to determine the degree of thoroughness in filling out the test, the truthfulness of the answers and the level of difficulty in answering, and the fourth helps to smooth out distortions in the results.

Today, the MMPI can easily be called the most developed, studied and popular testing method - created in the 1930s by scientists at the University of Minnesota, it has been refined and adjusted many times. Which, on the one hand, allows you to learn a lot of valuable information about the person being tested (for example, about yourself), and on the other, forces anyone who wants to read seriously the huge instructions and explanations of the results.

What testing methods do recruiters use?

When hiring, three basic methods are used:
Three basic methods in psychological testing

MethodologyWhat tests are included?Usage
Projective“Visual”: Luscher, Rorscharch, Sievert, drawings of a non-existent animalRarely used during recruitment due to the need to have a professional psychologist on staff to interpret them.
PersonalDeveloped and implemented by international and Russian consulting companies, for example, SHL OPQ32, TalentQ Dimensions, SMIL (MMPI).Universal questionnaires that require practically no additional education to interpret them, except for a short training course. Used when applying for a job. They take place online, and the final report with recommendations is generated automatically, taking into account the needs of the employer.
Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests.Test CAT, Raven (Raven), Wexler, etc.They are not considered suitable tools for personnel assessment because their results speak of an abstract indicator at a specific point in time. Similar questionnaires were common in the early 2000s, but today they are used extremely rarely.

Personality questionnaires today are considered the most revealing and widespread tools for personnel assessment. They are used by both Russian and European companies.

For example:

  • Sberbank;
  • Gazprom;
  • Ernst&Young;
  • METRO;
  • And others.

Psychological tests are also used when recruiting into government agencies or when entering educational organizations:

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs or police;
  • Army;
  • Colleges and Universities;

Questionnaires assess from 5 to 32 personality factors, motivation, tendency to lie, steal and negative behavior. With their help, professional burnout, depression, and behavioral abnormalities are determined.

Like any other primary assessment tools, they can be easily circumvented by getting a positive assessment and showing the employer the qualities that he wants to see in employees.

But if you approach the assessment frivolously, without preliminary training, adjusting the answers to “conditionally positive behavior” on the fly, this will lead to the opposite result. Each trial includes additional scales for honesty and potentially desirable responses.


During an interview, were you asked to cross out numbers and letters in a row of random numbers and letters within a certain amount of time?
Know that you are passing the Bourdon proof test or the Schultz table. The main test subjects: accountants, cashiers, assistant secretaries, salespeople and specialists who need reaction speed, ability to concentrate and resistance to stress in their work. At the end of the test, the completed sheet is checked for errors. If there are a lot of them and, moreover, by the end of testing their number increases, it means that the candidate’s attention is exhausted, and he is not able to concentrate on one activity for a long time. They prefer to eliminate such accountants or cashiers right away: they are sure to make mistakes during the working day. How to pass: find the test using an Internet search engine and practice at home: one, two, three... ten times. Even if you are not hired, improving your memory and attention will never be a bad idea.

Where can I see a psychiatrist?

The procedure is available at the state dispensary at the place of registration. It is important that the institution has a license. For a preventive examination, you can get to a psychiatrist simply by making an appointment through the registry or visiting a private center.

According to indications, a referral is given by a neurologist, pediatrician, or family doctor. If you need to get a certificate and undergo a medical examination, you will have to start with a therapist.

Procedure steps:

  1. Get a bypass sheet from the registration office of the district clinic.
  2. Visit a therapist, take a referral to a psychiatrist, narcologist (not relevant for children’s examinations).
  3. Get a report from a narcologist.
  4. Come to the psychoneurological clinic for examination.

What does a psychiatrist check?

This doctor looks at the patient for the presence or absence of mental abnormalities and disorders, determines the cause and level of brain disorders. He conducts examinations, makes diagnoses and prescribes treatment, and oversees the rehabilitation of patients. There is a psychiatrist in any clinic; he is part of the medical commissions that determine a person’s disability.

He is also required to be present during forced inspection of those suspected of a crime.

During the examination, a psychiatrist may identify the following problems:

  • Autism is a disorder of the process of adaptation in society.
  • Depression - severe forms lead to suicide attempts.
  • Neurosis – occurs with prolonged psycho-emotional stress and can lead to malfunctions of internal organs.
  • Anxiety disorder – often due to chronic stress.
  • Schizophrenia is a thinking disorder that manifests itself in speech problems, hallucinations, and delusions.
  • Personality disorder is dangerous due to psychosis, severe depression, and aggression.


Young woman

If the first thing you noticed was the girl depicted, then you are the owner of a humanitarian mindset.

This means you can more easily do work that involves creativity and organization.

You are a vulnerable, impressionable person.

People with a humanitarian mindset are more susceptible to stress.


If the first thing you saw was an image of a waterfall, then you have an analytical (technical) mind.

You have an excellent memory. You also have an innate attentiveness to any detail.

Don't forget that natural talents also need to be trained.

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