Causes of poor handwriting in a child: neuropsychology

Graphologists and psychologists believe that by looking at a person’s handwriting, one can draw conclusions about his character and a number of personal characteristics. Analysis of the way words are written is even used during criminological examinations: the method is considered scientifically recognized. What can his handwriting say about a person? The answer is in the article!

What does a person's handwriting mean?

It is a reflection of the inner world. By the way an individual writes, one can judge his:

  • temperament,
  • self confidence,
  • current psychological state,
  • even about the peculiarities of the worldview.

For analysis you will need a short text: preferably two paragraphs. This will make it possible to compare whether the style of the letters changes and the pressure on the pen while writing.

For example, if the line “creeps” up, they say that the individual is optimistic and emotionally excited. Pessimists and people in a state of depression prefer to direct lines downwards.

Pretentious writing of letters is typical for persons with hysterical accentuation of character. If the words are written in an unusual way, the letters resemble Scandinavian runes, or their outlines seem strange, it is possible that you are dealing with either an individual with pronounced creative abilities, or with a person with a schizoid accentuation.

A man’s small handwriting speaks of stinginess and a desire to save on everything.

When analyzing, it is important to take into account the person’s specialty, which often leaves its mark on the writing style.

For example, illegible handwriting is often found among doctors who, due to their duty, are forced to quickly fill out a large number of papers. What bad writing indicates can only be said by finding out the profession of the person who wrote the text.


A decisive, self-confident person presses the pen firmly when writing. The letters are thick; one gets the feeling that they are smugly taking up entire lines. The one who wrote them may be purposeful, principled, and future-oriented.

Behind the weak pressure one senses a weak-willed, shy personality. She easily obeys other people and changes her mind under their influence. It seems that a person strives to do everything so that not a trace remains of his life.

Letter size

Large, sweeping letters are characteristic of people who have high self-esteem. They do not want to hide and are used to expressing their opinions openly, even if they know that someone will disagree.

On the contrary, small, neat handwriting indicates a lack of self-confidence. The owner of such a style of writing seems to want to hide, is ashamed of himself, rarely gets into arguments, prefers to obey rather than command.

Beady handwriting, which is difficult to read the first time, can be found in both overly reserved and overly frugal people.

Advice for adults

It is difficult for adults to relearn writing. If a person is used to writing quickly in an incomprehensible handwriting, then it will be difficult for him to switch to smooth calligraphy with every line drawn.

Note! Many people think that it is easier for girls to learn beautiful handwriting. This is due to perseverance, diligence and desire. Guys often give up halfway, although everything comes much easier to them.

Writing Tips for Adults:

  • Choosing a pen that will fit perfectly in your hand.
  • There should be a sheet of paper and a pen at the workplace, nothing more.
  • The correct position is a straight back, hands on the table.
  • The leaf should be 30 cm from the eyes.
  • When writing, you need to write letters several times to choose the most successful option.
  • Daily writing. You need to write every day. It is better to keep a special note with articles and essays written by hand.

Not many people are gifted with beautiful writing, but if you try, you can learn it. In order for it to be literate and without errors, it is important to read different books and poems.

A well-read person does not make mistakes on a subconscious level and writes words correctly.

Remember that beautiful calligraphic handwriting can create a good impression of others about you.

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Margins when writing text

It is important to know not only what the handwriting means, but also to analyze the layout of the text, especially the margins.

The right margin symbolizes connections with other people. If the field is level, a person knows how to control himself and is able to restrain his emotions. The uneven field on the right speaks of a vivid manifestation of feelings. Such a person may have an explosive temperament and does not always think about the opinions of others.

The left field symbolizes the personality itself. A perfectly straight edge of the text may indicate an individual who is pedantic and tries to keep everything under control.

Uneven edges indicate a lack of boundaries, a love of chaos, and a creative nature. If the left margin narrows towards the end of the sheet, we can conclude that the writer of the text likes to save money, perhaps he is stingy. An expanding field on the left can be observed in people who are wasteful, who do not know how to save money and manage capital.

– If we talk about the real application of graphology, do the police often involve graphologists?

– In our country this does not happen often, because in our country graphology is often classified as a pseudoscience. But I believe that this is science, and I have evidence that soon law enforcement agencies will again begin to resort to the help of professional graphologists. It doesn't take much time and is very useful.

Previously, graphologists were in service, they were indeed often consulted. And now it has faded away. But this is used in many countries of the world, including Israel. Inessa, with whom I studied, is an authorized forensic graphologist. Not every graphologist can be a forensic graphologist - this is a separate field. Perhaps this is due to the low demand - finding a real graphologist, not a charlatan, is very, very difficult.

But the trend is really towards people turning more and more to graphologists. For example, companies with a large number of employees resort to the help of graphologists to analyze a person. All this is actively used and even gives good results.

Line direction

The direction of the lines is an indicator of general ideological trends.

If an individual directs the lines upward, “rising” above the lines, he is extremely optimistic about life. For such individuals, the glass is always half full; they can find the positive even in a hopeless situation.

Downward lines are often found among pessimists. The stronger the angle of inclination, the gloomier his existence seems to a person. The downward direction of the lines is observed in people who are depressed or have suffered a serious illness, exhausted, or who have recently experienced a psychological shock.

Handwriting form

It is important to analyze what shape the letters have:

  1. angular handwriting is a sign of an individual who is not inclined to open his soul to the first person he meets. The more angles, the more aggressive tendencies a person has: sharp letters seem to be “protected” from external interference;
  2. sharp handwriting speaks of isolation and aggression. Such a person does not let anyone get too close to him and shows warm feelings towards two or three friends;
  3. Round handwriting is characteristic of people who are sociable, open, and who love to spend time in a large company. They usually have many friends and good acquaintances;
  4. handwriting with curls indicates pronounced creative thinking, coquetry and artistry. The more decorations on the letters, the more the individual wants to be the center of attention. An abundance of curls can be observed in people with hysterical character traits;
  5. You can understand what the sweeping handwriting says on your own. An individual does not like restrictions, has an individual opinion about everything, can enter into conflicts, defending his point of view;
  6. clumsy handwriting is found in people who do not strive to make an impression. From the outside they may look boring and withdrawn, however, they live a rich spiritual life and are interesting conversationalists.

It is important to consider the slant of the handwriting. We are talking only about a pronounced, noticeable change in the shape of the letters. It can say a lot about a person’s worldview.

Handwriting slanted to the left indicates that a person tends to live in the past and often indulges in memories. However, this conclusion cannot be unambiguous: this feature is often found in left-handers. Therefore, if the handwriting is tilted to the left, it is not always possible to make an unambiguous conclusion about what this means: character or the dominant hand when writing.

Letters tilted in the other direction, that is, to the right, are observed among those who are focused on the future and like to make plans for the future happy life. Finally, handwriting without slanting is found in people who stand firmly on their feet and live “here and now.”

Many people are interested in: if a person writes in different handwritings, what does it mean? Psychologists say that this feature is characteristic of immature, infantile people who do not have an established worldview. Letter styles often change in adolescents who are prone to internal conflicts and have not yet had time to study their own personality well enough.

Letter tips

If the ends of the letters go down strongly, we can draw a conclusion about sexuality, sensuality and passion. On the contrary, upward-pointing outlines are characteristic of people who prefer spiritual development to carnal pleasures.


Careless handwriting is evidence of carelessness in life. Most likely, the individual is not inclined to maintain complete order in his things and may break this promise. Such a feature may be professional and does not say anything about character. Very neat handwriting is found among pedants who love to keep the situation under control.

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Recommendations for children

To teach a child to write beautifully and accurately requires effort.

When admitting children to 1st grade, schools require that they already know how to write, know printed and capital letters, sounds, numbers, and the alphabet. Of course, the task is difficult, but doable.

Tips for writing to children:

  • Selecting a suitable pen. It is important that the instrument lies comfortably in the hand and does not cause discomfort.
  • Correct posture when writing. The back should be in a straight position, and the sheet on which the text will be written must be placed at an angle convenient for writing.
  • To practice writing for children, it is recommended to use copybooks. They contain the letters at the required angle; writing them will help your child develop the correct spelling.
  • Practice. It is important that the child writes every day, even just a few words or a sentence, but he must do this every day. It is recommended to prescribe until a satisfactory result is obtained.
  • There's no need to rush. It’s better to sit at work for an hour or more, but you can get a beautiful result. If a child is in a hurry, he will not learn calligraphy soon.
  • Selection of necessary fonts. For work, you can take font options on your computer; they will be suitable for the sample.

What does the signature say?

A signature can also provide some information:

  1. the graphic handwriting of each letter is a sign of pedantry, a desire to make a pleasant impression on others;
  2. small handwriting in signatures is found in people who do not like to attract attention to themselves and who are unsure of themselves;
  3. beautiful small handwriting indicates that the individual is neat, quite sociable, and rational;
  4. sweeping handwriting is a sign of self-confidence, an unwillingness to put oneself in a box, and a love of freedom;
  5. What does crooked handwriting mean? The owner of such a painting is unbalanced, perhaps he is inclined to worry about trifles and is anxious.

Handwriting can say a lot about a person's character. It’s worth practicing by analyzing how close friends write. Psychologists advise first assessing the overall impression of the text, trying to “feel” it as a whole, and only after that start looking at the outline of letters and lines. What is underlining? This is a product of creative activity! And from it you can learn a lot about his personal characteristics.

Calligraphy courses

Many people want to change their bad handwriting. The sign and reason for its appearance can be easily determined in calligraphy courses. It is there that, with the help of specialists, you can change your handwriting in the shortest possible time. There are individual, group and distance courses. Here, experts use the most effective methods of teaching calligraphic writing. All exercises are selected individually.

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