How to get off the wrong foot: 8 tips to wake up in a good mood

Set the alarm clock three times for five minutes, be sad that morning has come again, look in the mirror at the bruises under your eyes and think: “Today I’ll definitely go to bed early, I won’t watch the series until 4 in the morning.” But in the evening something doesn’t go according to plan and this happens every weekday.

Is this a familiar picture? We have prepared 12 ways to help brighten up an early rise and maintain a light mood throughout the day. You will not feel overwhelmed, and you will only get up with pleasure.

It turns out that sleep depends not only on the quality of the mattress and the sounds outside the window, but also on nutrition, communication with friends and the amount of oxygen in the room.

How to learn to get up early and whether you need to force yourself, read on.

Calm before bed

When there is no specific bedtime routine, we easily work late, spend hours on the phone and do not draw boundaries between responsibilities and personal life, sacrificing peace of mind. To help your body fall asleep, you need calming nighttime rituals. Some simple and straightforward ones include dinner/snack two hours before bedtime, dim lights, and avoiding gadgets an hour before bedtime. Meditation, a warm bath, soothing tea, and reading a book will also provide quality sleep. Such activities help bring the body and mind into a state of solitude and calm.

Correct use of an alarm clock

Let's tell you how to properly wake up with an alarm clock? People are used to getting up in the morning by it. Today, few people use old alarm clocks with a loud ringing sound. However, if a person still has it, they should discard it. It is best to use an alarm clock on a mobile phone or other multimedia device with a pleasant ringtone. It is extremely important that she plays quietly at first and then gradually increases the volume. This will promote a slow, gradual awakening.

Classical or relaxation music helps to calm the psyche, which means it is recommended to install it. However, if a person prefers some other type of music, you can use other melodies for the alarm clock, the main thing is that you like them, and the volume increases gradually, without waking the person up abruptly.

You should also not leave your alarm clock too far away. Many people deliberately put the alarm clock away from themselves so that they can get out of bed to turn it off, but in the morning you should never get up immediately after waking up. It is best to turn it off by simply extending your hand. And if you are likely to fall asleep again, you can use repeated alarms or increase self-discipline.

Eat mindfully

You know that sugary and processed foods, chocolate and caffeine, fatty, spicy foods and alcohol are a nightmare for our sleep cycle. But it is also important to pay attention to what we eat and drink in the morning. There are a number of products that have a positive effect not only on the physical, but also on the psychological and emotional state of a person. These include nuts, eggs, oatmeal, avocado, any spices (but especially spicy ones), natural dairy products, dark chocolate. They are high in Omega-3 acids, vitamin D, antioxidants or probiotics. By saturating your body with the right “good” food in the morning, you put another coin in the piggy bank of a successful day.

For women

Proper awakening is especially important for women, since their bodies are weaker and more sensitive than men’s. Women more often experience vegetative-vascular dystonia and other disorders associated with lack of sleep, overwork and improper awakening. To wake up rested, a woman needs to learn certain rules and follow them every day.

Start the day with yourself

The mood of the coming day depends on your morning rituals. Come up with your own plan of action and stick to it, whether it's yoga, meditation or a walk in the fresh air, taking care of house plants, reading a book or listening to music. So, awakening over time will even become a long-awaited moment. You will strive to wake up early and in a great mood, because you will be warmed by the thought that the first 10-20 minutes of the new day will be devoted to your favorite activity.

How to wake up early

Below you can find recommendations that will allow you to wake up early and feel good.

Tip 1. Going to bed earlier makes it easier to wake up

To prevent early rises from being painful, you need to get a good night's sleep, which means going to bed earlier. If you can’t fall asleep right away and lying in bed turns into wasted time, it’s better to try this trick: lie down for 15 minutes every day. earlier than on the previous day, get up earlier, reducing the night's rest by the same amount of time.

People often wonder what to do to get up early and feel good during the day. To get rid of problems associated with sleep patterns, it is enough to apply some recommendations

When using the method, the body does not need to suddenly change its usual routine, everything will happen smoothly: after a few days, you will be able to painlessly endure getting up from 9.00 to 6.30, feeling cheerful. To fall asleep faster, gaining 15 minutes, you need to create comfortable conditions in the bedroom: cool air, no light. It is much easier to fall asleep with an empty stomach; you should eat 3 hours before going to bed.

Tip 2. Waiting for a delicious breakfast

An empty stomach will require you to satisfy your appetite sooner. Having anticipated savoring your favorite dish, half cooked the night before, it will not be so difficult for a person to say goodbye to bed. During the transition to a new regime, you should definitely remember this.

Tip 3. Nutrition should be adjusted

Sometimes the reason for the inability to get up in the morning is physiological barriers. A heavy dinner late in the day will prevent you from falling asleep quickly and will lead to frequent waking up, which will affect the quality of your sleep. Before a night's rest, food may include: fruits, juices, kefir, boiled vegetables.

Tip 4. Positive attitude

To wake up easily in the morning, you need to be completely confident that everything will work out. A positive attitude will definitely help you achieve your plans. You can even write down your decision in a notebook and tell your friends and relatives about it. This technique will create an incentive for positive changes.

Tip 5. Plan upcoming activities

It’s easier to get up knowing that there are useful activities ahead that will bring not only practical benefits, but also joy. You need to think about this before going to bed, it is advisable to write it down so as not to change your decision when you need to get up earlier.

Morning yoga, cooking a new promising recipe for your household, reading a new book, rejuvenating the body in new ways, for which there was always not enough time, will stimulate the desire to get up quickly to do what you love.

Tip 6. A global goal will help

To make it easier to get up, you can come up with a global goal that has long been in your dreams, but remains unfulfilled due to lack of time. An example could be:

  • starting a blog,
  • understanding the basics of knitting,
  • performing full stretches for splits and much more.

It's best to do this in the morning.

Tip 7. Promise to sleep during the day

Sometimes, at the beginning of forming the habit of getting up early, the carrot method helps, which consists of the following: when you wake up, you should promise yourself a nap during the day if a quick rise occurs at the moment.

You should not sleep for more than an hour during the day, otherwise there is a risk of difficulty falling asleep in the evening

Tip 8. Use affirmations

First you need to picture getting up early in your head, imagining a large alarm clock with the right time. Then say the phrases: “I get up at 7.00 feeling good. Getting up at 7:00 gives you energy and strength.” Psychologists explain the benefits of affirmative phrases by the discrepancy between words and reality. The brain adapts to the spoken phrases, since they are spoken with a statement of what is happening at the present moment.

Tip 9. Conquer temptations

If it is clear that at a very late time you will not have the strength to tear yourself away from your favorite series, it would be right not to start watching it. It’s the same with your favorite book, communication on social networks - you can’t give in to temptation, otherwise dreams of getting up early will remain dreams.

Tip 10. The whip method

It is recommended to learn to get up early in the morning using the whip method. The method is effective only if the person has a strong-willed character. You can go to bed as you wish, but getting up at the right time is necessary, regardless of the discomfort caused by lack of sleep.

The most important thing is to hold out for several days, enduring the feeling of weakness and weakness that comes from lack of sleep. After 3 days, you will definitely fall asleep before midnight. When using this method, daytime naps should be postponed for the first time.

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What gadgets and objects will help a student wake up in the morning?

There are many gadgets and items that will help a student wake up well-rested in the morning.

  1. Smart pillow. Nowadays, anatomical pillows that adapt to the human body have become popular. They come in different sizes and are almost individual.
  • If a person sleeps on his side, then a high pillow will suit him
  • If on the back and side, then the average height
  • If a person sleeps on their stomach, then they need a low pillow

What kind of pillow is called smart? This pillow has a program that determines a person's sleep. It determines periods of REM and deep sleep. It also helps to track your heart rate while you sleep. May provide useful guidance for improving sleep quality.

Such a gadget is far from cheap. Prices start from 6 thousand in a specialized store. However, here experts will help you choose the right size and choose the best package.

  1. Fitness tracker. It has the same options as a smart pillow, but can also wake a person using vibration. This is a great way to wake up. A person does not wake up from a sharp loud sound, but slowly “falls out” of the dream into reality.
  2. Alarm clock. This gadget will help you wake up at dawn, even if it’s deep night outside. The alarm clock starts to turn on the lamp half an hour before the alarm clock. Light is gradually increased and melatonin is gradually suppressed. Thus, you can wake up calmly without unnecessary nerves.

Thus, if you purchase these gadgets, you can improve your sleep quality. They will definitely help the student wake up in the morning.

Solve the puzzle

Every time you reach for your smartphone to turn off an annoying alarm, you are delaying the inevitable. Install a special application on your phone that will make you wake up so that you are sure not to give in to the temptation to postpone the call. For example, the Alarmy program interrupts the sound only after it makes sure that the owner of the gadget is awake.

When the alarm clock rings, a person needs to complete a certain task. This could be a math problem or a photo mission where you need to take a photo of any object located away from the bed. Sometimes the application suggests shaking the phone many times or scanning a QR code so that the sleeper will definitely wake up and cheer up before starting the day.

Another program, Rise & Shine: Smiling Alarm Clock, is suitable for those who want to cheer themselves up in the morning. The alarm clock in this application will turn off if you smile at your gadget. When you try to postpone a call, the application will generate sweet compliments and ask the person to make their smile wider.

Make your bed when you wake up

Since childhood, we are taught to make the bed every morning in order to put the room in order. But a made bed is not only a good habit from the point of view of hygiene and aesthetics, but also an additional motivation not to bask in a warm bed for an extra ten minutes. Firstly, while you cover your pillows with a blanket, your body begins to slowly return to a state of wakefulness. Secondly, a made bed will be less attractive for sleeping, and after getting up the owner will not want to lie back in it.

Make your bed

Use apps to wake up at the right time

Difficulties in getting up in the morning may be related to the stage of sleep in which the awakening occurred. There are five (sometimes four) stages of sleep, which can be repeated several times a night.

  • The first stage is falling asleep, in which a person moves from wakefulness to sleep. The phase can last from 10 to 15 minutes.
  • The second stage is shallow sleep, or immersion. A state of drowsiness when a person remains sensitive to sounds. The duration of the phase is about 20 minutes.
  • The third stage is moderately deep, or slow wave sleep, which lasts about 40 minutes. Most often, during this phase, a person may have a nightmare.
  • The fourth stage is deep sleep. In this phase, the body recovers. Duration is also 40 minutes.
  • Stage 5, or REM sleep. The brain is active and the person dreams. Duration - from 10 to 15 minutes.

It is easiest for a person to wake up precisely at the stage of REM sleep, or shallow sleep. Therefore, to organize the ideal wake-up call, you can try smart watches, fitness bracelets or special applications (for example, Sleep Cycle), which, after certain settings, will calculate the optimal wake-up time for its owner. Some of these gadgets wake people up silently, gently vibrating on the hand. It is believed that in this way a person experiences less stress when climbing.

Sleep Cycle app

Is it possible not to go to university for the first year?

If it is difficult for a student to wake up in the morning, this does not give him the right not to come to the first class. It cannot be denied that in most cases the attendance of the first couple depends on the teacher. If the teacher does not mark attendance, then most will ignore the lectures. However, attendance checks at the dean’s office and rector’s office may begin at any time. In case of absence, the student will have to write an explanatory note so that he does not have any problems.

Also, 2nd-3rd year students ignore lectures, but go to seminars. We explained in the previous article how a lecture differs from a seminar.

Remember that sooner or later a kind teacher can turn into an angry and demanding teacher. Therefore, it is better to remain part of the diligent students who can receive a machine gun for attendance.

In the previous article, we examined in detail the question: is it possible not to go to classes. If you read it, you will understand that a student definitely needs to wake up in the morning.

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